Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 04, 1911, Image 6

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    A Snap
Prescriptions have been filled at
this store in the past five years
This record shows better than
anything else the confidence
placed in this store by
both doctor and
p a t i e n t
riKST-CLtsa Tumnoura
The 'nrirwt Livery hikI Feed
or Northern Cnlif.rnin. Ilur--
or Month. Spw-lnl Attetit'in
PltlCK, i.OO
Daily Service Except on Sundays
Ttain No. 2 leaves Alturas at - - - 5:05 A. M.
Arrives atReno, Nevada, at - - 6:05 P.M.
Train No. 1 leaves Reno, Nevad, at - S:4-5 A. M.
Arrives at Alturas at 9:50 P. M.
S. P. Co's Trains leave Reno as fo'lows:
No. 23 leaves Reno for San Francisco at - 7:30 p m.
No. 3 leaves Reno tor San Francisco at - 2:45 a. m.
No. 4- leaves Reno for the East at - - - 9:25 p. ni.
No. 2 leaves Reno for the East at - - - .9:50 p. m.
IS y EVA HA o.
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31
June 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28, 29, 30
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28
August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30
September 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
tiii: koi m timi" i:ati:s will iu: as follows:
AtcliKim, Ivas .s .V.00
liiiltim. .!, Mr. 1o:..-o
Most Mass 10."..0
Chi ago, ML 17.0
ColuradoSpi-ing, Col. ."JO.OO
Dallas. Texas .VJ.OO
Di-ii ver, Colo ."iO.OO
Kansas City, Mo. .".". (M)
Leaveiiv orth, Kas .".". OO
Memphis, T-iin d.1 OO
Minneapolis, Minn. ... S..0
Montreal, 1. IJ Hi...()
Ticket good returning up to
and Including October .'1st,
stopovers within fifteen days
may he used on going trip
Iteturniiig stop may he made
us long as one desires up to
October .'1st.
and fl'ktiikk ixfoitma
tion about jouitnuvs
District Freight and Passenger Agent, Reno, Nev.
Do You Wnnt ft SUIT
made to your measure.
by first-class tailors at prices
now being charged for the
usual ready-to-wear kind?
ffTT Hundreds of samples to
I select from. If you need
a suit, don't fail to call be
fore placing your order. :: :;
The Tailor -j
ooMPirorr enrvmrnm
Stable In nonthern Onifnu
Hoarded by tlx- Iny, 'if k
tilveu to Transient StK
New Orleans, La
New York, N. Y
Onialia, Neb...
Philadelphia, li. ...
Portland, Maine
I'tichlo, Colo
Quebec, 1. O
St. .Joseph, Mo
St. Louis, .Mo
St. I'aul, Minn
Toronto, Out
Washington, D. C...
;.". OO
... KCi.oO
... .VJ.OO
... IO.'S.oO
... 10S..-0
... ,0.00
... I 11. CO
... 55 AM
... 15.M
... C.8.50
... 00.70
I'iirures cow piled by the mil
roudu show thnt diirlnixl'.ilil not n
single uisserifer wus killed on the
I'liinn Pucitw, Southern Pitellic or
Soul hern Puclic lines In Mexico, u
total of U, SIX) miles.
Huring that period there wiih
curried on these lines un UKfrregnte
of 4U, I'.tl.OiHi jmssengers, or In other
w or il s , :i, IHHI, 000, WO passengers
were curried one mile.
This In the result of electric block
signals uml other sifety devices
and Is believed to have no purullel
in the ruilroud world. Shu I'run
clsvu Cull.
Write or Cull on any Agent, or
Continued from Itwt week)
Curl Lne. road work, District Ko. It
Woodcock & I.eonnrd, repair of road
tool l.VOO
Warner Valley Mercnotllp Company,
supplier for road District No. ft
T. E. Bernard, mippllea for count
rond 13.30
Armor ltri material for county
roada 4V.V)
A. N. Dennett, repair of bridge, Itoml
District No. 6 70.00
Hank of Ijikeview, rash adva'ced for
labor, material ;nd machinery for
County Komls 175:1 :w
C. 1. Dulek, mileage nnd attendance
Road SuHTviori moetlog (22.40
B. W l-'arrow, aatno 11. to
A. M. Hnrdisty. tamo 4. HO
Frank Kogger. mine 10.00 j
John Morri. nmi IH)
Walter Howard, same 7 Oil
George Dowua, name 3. Ml
a. II. Al.trldge. mime.. .VtH)
1. F. Look, hridc, 2S.40
II. C. Cnrina.-k. name 2.00 !
J. H. I?lalr, name ls.t)
IV W. Fnrroa-, roail woik In IMtrlct
No. 3 I7HM1
Kinily C. SwwiHir, Clerical AasiRtaocv
lu AxwHHor'tt OilW 50.00
Examiner Pub. d , printing and
publlHliing 17!) 10
R. B. Jnt'kHon. IVstaga and Travel-(
ing expenses 14 00 1
Court adjourned to meet April 13, j
1911, at 9 o'clock. A. M. I
In the County Court of the Stnte of J
Oregon for Lake County, Thursday, I
April 13th, 1911. " I
Court convened pursuant to adjourn-
ment, with same otlkers present, when
the following proceedings were had t
to wit : j
In the matter of the approval of the
bond of Walter Howard, an Supervis
or of Drews Valley Kuad District No. .
9, Lake County, Oregon, it is hereby
ordered that the said Inind be and is
hert-by approved, as filed.
In the matter of the Clerk's state
ment of the tax 'rate and the Jamount
of money collected for road pur- j
poses, ami also the amount expended 1
for road purposes in the several road
districts of Lake County, during the .
past eight years : It is hereby order- ;
ed that the same be spread Uxn the !
records of the County Court. I
Lukeview, Oregon, March 30, lull. J
Hon. IV Duly, Ct unty, Jtidije. j
Dear Sir: In reply to jour request j
for a etHterue'nt phuwlng the tax rate
and the amount of money collected
for road purpose for each year dur
ing the past eight' yearn, and also;
the atnountjof money expended for j
rond purpose In em h road din-1
trict during the paid period, I lcg
to advlne that after an Investi-
gallon of the record of Lake County , '
Oregon, in relation to the matter
above mentioned. I have determined
as follows, towlt :
l:t03, 1 1 mills t L'-"'! '"
r.04. l.lmills Li i4
P.HJ5, 1.5 mills -.-'4
lfMMi . mill 1,141
1U07, 1 mill 1.B34 87
IMIS, .5 mill 1.744 87 '
l!Mi!, 1 mill .'M0n 11 ;
Iliio, .h mill
v r -j - - - ! i '
r . . " 5 - " ' i
1' v
;- 3 3
2r I 1 2
x -
L ' 3 . I 'i. i T
tc. zr -I 5
i 1 t J t
i ? r, it 2 5 s ?; $ -
& & 8 O V -I TJt
CI, IC &'
8 &. v. ss y s t g
mm MM li.
15 82 8 3 SHIS US S
! f . f !' i1 ? !" !J j
The report of F. W. Payne, County
Clerk of Lake County, Oregon, allow
ing that from January 3d, 1911, to
March SO, 1911. both datea Inchmlv,
bounty had been paid on 4H4 Coyotes
ml 144 Ilohrata, waa examlncnl, found
to be correct, and th acal and front
feet dentroyed a by law provided.
The claim of ti. K. Arthur for attend
ance at Road Supervlaora Meeting of
$4.00, and P. M. Corey, for work
on County Road, of $10.00, were exam
ined, allowed and warranta are
hereby ordered drawn on the Gen
eral Road Fund, aa by law provided
in payment of the reswotlve amounta.
Claims were examined, allowed, and
warranta are hereby ordered drawn
on the General Fund, aa by law pro
vided, in payment of the renpeetive
amounta. aa follow, towit:
Win. F. I'alne, Maps for Amteaaor ...
ti5 00
. D. Hughe, bal. for care of John
Starr 20.W
Lakeview Mercantile Co., upplle
California & Oregon Light, Heat
1'ower Co., LUhta W 75
Flt Fcotad Poitman of Vaniea.
Probably the letter carrier In Venice
are the most ingenious In the world
They know how to dode every water
way, turning up en their route with
u precise regularity that convince you
they have mapped cery scrap of the
dump city's my laud on (heir brains
If you to to your desitnsitlou by gon
dola tliey can beat you thereto by n
good bit of lime. What the) know
about c:iniil hit been applied by them
to tm l.iiioii on land, and liny know
every tiny street lit the clly
Of course there are ponoillcc (un
dolas, too. g-.iy yellow tiling Hint quite
ouleolor the yellow sunlight, and any
day you happen over the bridge of tti"
Klalto you will sit- them all fasti'ticd
to their red and gold poles Jut uiuSt
lie.Hh the olil palatial I'oadiico i-l
Tedeseld. wlilcli centuries ago by lie
ei f t!u- Veuellau seiuile two f.i
Plolls nrc' itects of etM ! i! iv. Illlnla
lao Tclcsco and ( ! . i 1 Sp,i
built for the use ot tin- m.iiiy ;! iti:: :i
tliereli.nils ilieii living III Vei. ice s iile
where nliniM Hie l."ii.n Tr.iiel'.nu-
Tha M)gtery of a Dul.
La vi.! : I ii In-, ila i ..a. I -,i i . i
his i,. ,i r l.i i.i lag a .!' I.i ,1 ..
11. . ciicr .1 a I leiu li ( imi in I t
W s i, j i f n,nt bin k In h (! -. .,n,
the in 11,1 1 1 h.l 1 1 1 1 1 ' . lelt Ins it . I : i
when lie let s Lietlil ig sliane la liU
thigh lie liiiUed it In I fiuu.l 111 it h
uas I.le. il.rg prwlusely A dm tor u.i.
cclleil. v !in ilicoi i l eil a biiael
Was liiil ,1 in tlie eililor' liilglt
s'Hi.e H.. i 1. 1. Ins deep nnd reipilieil
eM.aillaii. "Why tliis 1 1 t i.iUi u
in t Ice of i n the s l where the iluei
took place?" he asked. The iilitor
was as mill ti lu the dark a the dec
ti r. At the iiioineiit of the duel lie
had tired Into the air. aial his mlvcr
sary ;:lsa took II ilisiracted sort of
uim. There had evlleiilly been mi In
tent Ion of doing the slightest harm on
either side. The editor felt nolhlag
a he lelt the lit Id il ml had shaken
li.'iinM '.l;li his aiilagoiilst ns a sign of
le i.n iliath li. I!"W a bnllel came to
be h ilg'-.l In I. Is thigh was simply oin
of the mysteries of dueling. - l.otnlon
An Iriah Grand Prix.
There u..s i.n.e an Irish lir.iud l'll
Tin- h isi. i!,al lowered the rrei. il
col' Is the properly of an eecea
t i'i Irislniiac naiiieil l.'oiiolly and was
a big. Iaiy i i ii. not much to look at
in the way of horseflesh, so It wa n surprise to everybody but his
ouner when he cauie In Hist. Ilii
previous record at the laigllsh ! iby
the preceding year had U"l been bill
liaut enough for imyb"i!y to lay uuy
large bets on him. with the sole oxecp
tlon of Coiielly himself, whose faith In
his entry wa so great that he mort
gaged his land mid put every cent on
the horse. I'p to tho very end of the
rnc( everybody looked on Conolly a a
ruined man. but when tho rouil shot
first under the wire he not only carrhil
the P.rillsh colors to victory, but won
n great fortune for his master. This
happened la the Ipne of Napoleon III.,
nnd ( oiiollv uas so proud of his tri
umph "en he In-dsicd on walking
ii head of the emperor mid empress,
cheering and waving hi hat. New
York I 're is.
Wo, the Poopla.
The .hrasn "We, the people of the
T'liiled Stat'-s." in the preamble of the
cniisi : in c ii mad In Hie first draft of
the coin titutlon as follows: "We, Un
people of New Hampshire. Massachu
setts. IMiode Island. 'oliins l iclll. Ne w
York. New Jersey. I'euiisylvaula. Iel
ii ware. Maryland. Virginia. North Car
olina. S'.iiMi Carolina and (ieorghi. do
ordain, declare and establish." etc.
Though unanimously ailoptel by the
convention, the wording had to be
changed to "We. the people." simply
been use the constitution, wld'h had
not ii yet been ratified, wa to go Into
effect when ratified by nine atiiles.
nnd. not knowing which Hlutes were
to ratify, t ho naming of the state
wus. of course, out of I ho queHtlon.
New York American.
Tha Chinaaa Cong.
The bugle does not aouud tho call to
meal on tho Pacific Unera, bk la the
Atlantic- habit. IiiHtead a Chinaman
pats a goug gently, and It booming
echoes llnd the ear, no matter how re
motely loon ted. Tho gong is . tho
quintessence of vibration. It acta
wave of Hound Into motion that rever
berate from every barrier. It moans
or defies according to the utrengtb with
fhlcb it U struck. No wonder the
Chinese used It in battle to scare the
foel-New York World.
Reno Jorunal : After a alienee l"t -
'Inn from the dale of her -I'ture.
Snake, the young Slioahone aquaw who
. . ,, , . , ,, ' , ,.
m iirni uniier nrrrsv mi ine tMiiiiuy Jim,
yestenlay aHike freely of her paat and
of the action of the band of Indiana
of which the and three other amall
children are the aole aurvlvora. Her
...i... .., i.i.i. ,., a... ,i..
p 1 1. iiii-ii nnn i I'l'ni'lJ lliv iiin, fai,ii-
entio narrative given and the tale dilT-
j era in aevvral place frtim the original '
one given out ahortly after her capture
and the destruction of the band with
which aho wa travelling.
In the flmt place the young captive
atatcd that her name waa not Snake.
That hapened to be the name of a
aister who waa killed. Her none ia
Heeney. The 7-year-old Uy with her
ia named, Cleve, while the next young
est girl I ll-.ttle. The 1'iuby about a
year and a half old, haa not I wen nam
ed. The Indian gang wa comoied of
Mike, hi Hipuiw, three young anna, two
young ilaughter
and five
younger 1
children. There were ten children in
all. and of the entire family I ieency
and her younger brother and two
younger sister remain. The balance
were killed in the buttle with thrjismso
headed by ( aptalu Ionnelley of the
state Hilice.
Z The rtatement translated by the in
terpreter wa a follow:
"We had never stolen any cattle or
horse until last summer. The llrst
trouble started when one of my broth- j
cr waa shot by a gang of white cattle
rustlers. He wa shot in the leg and
died Vhortly afterward. In order to
bo revenged two of mv brothers killed
a white boy. Ilis boily was buried and
we stole the Ivtm'S ami left the place."
The white boy icfcired to wa-JFrank
Hopp. '
Continuing, llecney said : "Our party
moved westward until we came to a
big body of water, Sacriimeiito river,
... ,1 ... ,,
VV .1 ....III. I U. . til,, 1,11 ll I II I I, I Ml. .Ill fill,
other side. We stayed there during the
fruit sensor., nnd in the fall started
back to our home ground. We were
caught in the snow crossing the main
range of mountains and lost nearly all
of u hi rsi a."
The squnw then described 'the trip
over the mountains until the party nr
rived at I!ig Little Kock Canyon, A
enmi. vcio. mud., there id the tmrtv
rustled several cattle which were kill
ed. While the carcaasea were being
dressed one of the Ktiskmen. who wn
later killed, arrived on the scene, lie
whs driven away but returned later
with three comrade. The four were
murdered and the bodies stripped of
Ilceney did tint witness the killing
a she was at the camp. A day or two
before the party had discovered the
ramp of a Chinaman near by nnd stole
several articles from the owner. The
Chinaman was on hi way to the Indian
camp when he met one of the young
bucks. He explained that he was go
ing over to kill the bunch. That was
as far it the Chinaman traveled, for
he wa killed in his tracks. The body
was covered with earth.
After the 'stockmen had been mur
dered the party started on. The jour
ney wa made in easy stages, no
thought was 'entertained that posse
wa trailing them.
Then came the battle that resulted
in the death of the family. Ileenev
, , ,. . ,
said that the only relative she knew td
was a sister of her mother, who lives
at Tacomii, a small station on the mini)
line in the eastern part of the state.
Oregon Land Show
Plans for an Oregon land show, to
he held next March, are now being
developed by the rirtland Commercial
Club. Maniiger Chapman helieve the
Hcheme would prove the best possible j
means of interesting colonist who
reach Oregon lit that time.
Kxhibits would be gathered from all I . ( ,,,,
.. i . .. i .i? . . , i.'
me orcnaru uisiiicts oi tne state ami
the exhibit would be not particularly
fruits but of the land itself and how it
is cultivated giving the prospective
settler an object lesson in I lie care of
the land and the successful mi'thisls of
It is thought the show will lie parti
cipated in generally by the whole state
and will give each section an opportun
ity to display it advantage. Such an
exposition would not only bring Bott
lers but would also educate those al
ready here and influence town people to
settle in the' rural districts.
Portland Race Meet
Hig stakes will be ofTerod in the race
meet of tho I'ortland Fair & Livestock
Association to he held next September.
Approximately $2.r,000 will be distri
buted in prizes, according to the plana
of the directors, who meet early in
May to pass officially upon tho pro
gram. It has been decided to ofTer
again the $10,000 purse for the 2 :12
(rot, which aroused fso much interest
among horsemen last year. In addition
there will be two new classifications,
the 2 :08 pace and the 2 :08 trot. Datea
of the meet are September 4-9.
Wlllum M.TaH
Jamn N.ahiii mull
I'hilamlor e, k mil
View fiv.lilrnl
riritrjr ill tl . .
Vnniii il 1 roaiiry
franklin MarValfh
Jariih n lMciltitn
Unriii (linnral. ....Owin W. Wlenlhio
e.Mi,nAai iiKiini,! rranl II. llurhisM'h
- . . I u -. H .
1 si,.riarT imrrior HirnM a. Hniimarr
I JJ 5:-rr.J
eaieiJuaiie . haria K.iwant
, Vi-acBtliin Warnr, V, a. Vrnalnn lommmloiin
w, , Klrliarila...,
...U.K. Ilnl I iiininlaaniuvr
.,. lil Waal
r. W. Ilmann
Thu. M. Kay
A. M.( rawlnrd
J', "'m'!.;:;;::
Aiiiirin-ir nnrai.V
I ?". '" liiairurtli.n
. I.. K. Al'li-rman
. W. . I'iiiilar
IHOtjr tint FimmI (Nint.
O.a. Hanalnra
Ooiiirisumvn . . ,
J. W, llallff
jiihaaihan Itnurna, Jr.
Oin. K rtiainlirritln
iM, ('. HaiTlpr
)A. w. UffPII
Chief Juatle R a Brao
t,Hiat! luao
I II J M. an
i it. it. innnrii
VI . A. Ati l'rlila
alJTH judicial iHarkm.
lli-nry t. Ilfnana
... p. V. KiiyaruiUII
iimai ariv
ulnl Hvnatiir .,
II. II Mi'irywaa
II I II. Iknap
. !'lltllllHHIII
u . i.AMO urru a.
a rt h n r W. (irmii
. Hxaiatvr
. H-s'i-ivnr
t rta f i roiiiMiiillnr .
LA k K ( lltlM Y
i Half
j iiTi(r',
1 r ..V.'.'.V
j u".'tur",'u "
.... r w. tarn
W Ii siil.l. r
V. (I AhlalrulO
.... A.J. KiMlar
. H. II, Jacaaiiii
. . H, A. Vuahcn
I. A. Hiharl
V, K All'ti'raoll
. . II. r.Malli-x
( UUI1I7 lo InaiMWUir.
tows or LAKtv:kw.
Hrr Halli-r Mayul
V. siifilliif 1
U J. W Unit I (-U Ilivlluina
I H. Auivii i
J.H. Iaii I
a. Snnii-r KmiMi-i
A Hii-ix'i Ir.'uur-r
I.AK fcVlh W lldA HI' OK I K A 1
I I ' . r 1
I II a m i' l 'mil in
il "
. rfrn-uliiiral '
II in 11. Hi.
I I M. Mll.rf
..VI. sin U!i:K
ii'u'an . I., r'. nun
.. ' j. ,, ,
W . K I'all.a
W. V II. rylnnl
H. V. IT. 11I,. I
. V. ll. linM
...iHfO ra f..f Nttnit.r,
nasi mmhiiii i hi in ii simiay
'IhmiI al 1" a. 111 . t'r-aching- i ery siti,.Kjr i
.... " '
111. ainl 7 ;.ai p 111. 1. 1 . m . .r I Ii t.'atfili m
inula ) . v.-to t il ,j . I'ra mt VI 1 1 ik 1 liu -
'at al 71' j'. in. cii lr lii.-.-iiliic al 7:.ii, 1.1
A'lnV Aid l.r Vt i In. -..lav at lw i. in.
i-rylni'l, mi IiaIIjt Hit llr.l n. all n i'lno
M . I . w I UK. l a.n.r
,kkI IH I I 1-1 I III 1(1 II nr t r t Ir
IT. ai' t v n .- al HAM aid ' I' W no
at aifl ai-1 sun. smtitay Iiih.i i ll A 14.
Jili.r s,.rl.I ai w I'M. Ilailt Vminf
eiiilr'a I lilmi m I' M nil i-a.'ll Sutnlay.
'tmy.l M..MIIW al 7:l'M IU.Iim.ii ,i.
oca. K. i ) i ...l im ll. I n. ioi. iiU all a. f.
KKV. II. sMMII, l a.n.r.
A I til l.ll II I lt( II K K V s.Si A y M Asx
. "i ll-'ie-lii lien a' lllii Yliwk a lu si,,nl
m-Ii.miI alter H. n.'.li, nun. Mrr a .lay Ma at
:m a. in Mil MAf I. n'MAI.l r.Y, s. J,
H,fJ' "Vi"": ' ''V " ,',,M""K '
- ---- .i..m,.-iiu.iu. I ir.riun, p.i,
r li ra at II A .M anil 1 .) i' M I.I a. It Sninlat
il i v.'ltr Sil(llv s..,,,i at In A M
'rv-r h. n lc. ai? j.,.i it rain-,.!.) .niou
I a Ii - I All art- rnt.lialiy Int itrO to
itn-llll ill; li'M il'r,
LODCil: DlKi.w.ORY
o. e
. I.AKIVIKW MH.I.i Nil. in,
it in.ii'l ami ..n nn I liurmlaT ..I
'ft im-lill.. I" MaT.l,r Hail, laki-tlrw
' liaa. 'JnauliiK--!!- V ,.; W ut. . nuttier. K.
IIMiKKK 111- IHiNHlt I k hsIIHhK 1.
No. 77, 1 1, i.t II , A III. M .. Mivi, .
llif'l I hiir.ilni ut ra- h iimltl-' ., r
Ha'1 : Mnrr I'... , i' i. II ; J ll. Ir Arm-r. I..
"I II I I . ra -m l. r I ni t
Unit, ii. in.. uri r
I ll. . 1- I A k 1 V II Itini.K, Nn
'. K.. lie-ft .-r s e ,i i 1m i-ti iiiii,; i
I'llin,. Ila. I , al 7 ; HI ii'i'Iim k. Irien lie i , . 1
I 1 1 April I, an I a' H iil' liu-li Irmii Ani 1 ,.
srl.ti'lnliiT He. i. II. Urmia, S. (,,;
; ''imiirj , h.H'rriary
. O. O.K.- I Al'l VIKW IM VMI'.MKVI Mi I
I I o. Ii, 1 ., ii.ti'i tin Itinl ami il.irJ limra
.lay i trull. i.l , ai Ii inniilli in .).) Krll'.u a
Hail. Inl. ti. w. c. i. Artliiir, t;. I'., a. II
. I liUllllvriiry, scribe
:i, 1. il. o f uuii'ia tin-ar.innl ami lourin
r rlilat nf ra !i liintnli Hi (l.l.l K.-llnun llil
Ida I.. Iinntn. N. ii ; lilani'liii halirv. V. i, -
. A,.. miming, n-a.ur. r ; i ..ra i.n. ii, Sr.1.
M.OMr.N , A1, , ,U1.,KK N
tli-w, On Kini,- Sinn mi Tiir..lay, .n ..r t..
inn hum. n aim in w.-ria lUrrralier, Hi
lamiini' Hit 1 1, at 7: mi nYlm a.
V ll II I1K llii'lul.rra are I'linltallV llivll.'il
I. II. I. IK HAIilllS, . M.
I'A I'M! U II. sri rnart
Mk'OI -..s,si()NAL CAklJS
Altorne v. at .1 -w
Notary I'uhllc
All I'rnctlce Kxcepf U. S,
Lflllll OlllCe lillHlllllNM,
Al torney at Law
and Noary Public
Ijkkevli'w, Origin
OKPlCK-lfelv llilllillhg.
J l. V ION ATI lit
Attorney at Law,
(-aaiiil .11 ul le l-a M-rlnlty
OK II K.-llKII' Hllllillllg
Land and Law Otilce
Abstractor ol Titles
KatHlillalieil IHM leH"t.,Or
Attorney at Law
OtUcelnO. V. I.. Cti.'a lluihling.
LaKKVIEW, ohkiiow
8urvej Injf nnd Kiirlneerliir
Clty Engineer
Suite No. 1 Lakeview
Watson Dlock Oregon
J. L. LYONS, D. D. 5.
Office In Wauon'a Block, Lake
view, Oregou
Bight Ytar't axMrleDM In Mtblgai.
Urwlnata of Inlveratly of Mlobtgaa.