Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 04, 1911, Image 5

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Improved and Unimproved Farms
City Property
We Specialize Fruit Lands
Xnftc County Ernmtncr
Ft) It SAI.K - Ifl Inch wood. lniiiro
J. I. Jnnkworth. city.
Prank dogger, of 1'luoh, wn on of
Saturday' arrival hcrr.
Hi Adntn In down from Silver Lake
on Circuit C-ourl hotilncim,
J. L Cliff lit InrtuiUfl in tlio .Silver
Lake delegation now in town.
Jimmie Cleland. of Plinth, wa
vinitor hero during the week.
(!. A. Strong, nt Vlli-y Fall, wm
among Friday'a vinitor to town.
I.. J. llcndcrnii, of Piilulcy, arrived
here Saturday for h few day alny.
A. H. Mulkcy. of Pino Creek, wm
among Saturday' victor to town.
C. A. Nc'Inoii, of lrcw Creek, wa
among tliiit week's v ini torn to town.
tiill Arthur, the Writ Side rancher,
nimr in Thurmliiy to trimniu t huiiiiicM.
I'. W. Icnt w over from l'liihli
tht' flrwt "(if the Week on M iuilir
I). !!. ( 'mini. I. tin? I'uihlry tdocktnnn,
Tuesday K'Kiftrrcl lit tin- Hotel J.nke
view. J. W. l'it.w ntrr. the- Went Side
rancher, wioi in on IhihIhc during t lie
Miintii l Swart, tin1 well known ) 'i
inim, Suiuliiy ruiiii' in for a loud of
Sum I'ickn, the well known utocknuin
mi'l runi'hci, WNx in from Crooked
Creek Init week.
A. M. Smith, of the Hunting ranch
Hi Drew Viiltey, wum in on liiihincK
during the week.
liodge HroH.. of Heno. nrc in town
with several fine Mtullion which they
are offering for !!.
J. II. I .mie, the Silver I .like attnr
ney. arrived yelcrd;iy on hiiHinenn lie
fore the Circuit Court.
Major Fine, the well known I'limh
renidcnt. regiatercd at the Hotel Lake
view on Saturday hint.
K. W. Cowan in over from Klnmnth,
and thin time nun h patent gate which
ia mud to he aucccMxful.
Mr. and Mr. Amick, of Pine Creek,
were vinitnrM thin week lit the home of
Mr. hihI Mm. Tom Cloud.
Mr. and Mm. A.el Wallace came in
from the Chiin.ller ranch during the
week for a few day vinit.
The Kei'ino nnd Cum. I Tiinrx CIuIih
will give iinother of their enjoyable
diiuceN to morrow evening.
MidH Edith Chimiller in ending
few day with her Hintcr, Mm. Churleit
MuIihii, nt the O.V.I,, thim.
Sum Coggburn and I.eHter Arthur
eiime in from the Went Side on Thura
ilny last for a few days visit.
F. E. AnderHon. county comniinsioii
er, iH down from I. like in attendance nt
the May term of County Court.
Pearl Inrgam, of the Service,
Friday came in from Salt Creek on
Iiuhiiichh before the local office.
Mr. and Mm. Hahner, who conduct
the ulngc wtation at Prews Cup, were
vinitors to town on Saturday laat.
Mm. (!. H. Whorton is expected in
a few .layn to arrive home, after hav
ing apciit the winter in California.
Mr. and Mm. Nathan Wilcox, of the
htage Htation at Winner Canyon, Were
vinitor8 hero during the jwt week.
The Hummer st-hedulo on the Western
la now in effort, and the mails arrive
in the morning instead of the evening.
It. H. Jackson, the Paisley morchunt
and county school suerintenednt.
Tueaday registered at the Hotel Lake
view. Wm. Stempflg ia negotiating for the
Metzker biiwmill in Camaa Prairie,
and will probably operate it thia
The Methodist Ladies Aid Society
will hold their Food Sale Saturday
next at 1 :30 p. m. at Ilailey Si Muruin
glTi's store.
Ln Voiiuo ifiirmentn iiever dlap
point. Many of tho intivrtcst effects
originated In l'arls. Lnkevlew Mur
cautlle Oo.
Dan F. Brennan, chief clerk of the
Forestry office, spent several days thia
week at I the Salt Creek station on
official dutiea.
.'C. D. Bnbcock, of the Stay ton Mail,
will succeed Frank T. Wrightman aa
corporation clerk In the Secretary of
State's ollice.
Hi Adams, of Silver Lake, is the
latest victim of the butt wagon, it be
ing reported that he has purchased an
E. M. F. '".Vi." '
Lawrence Frizzell, of the Foreat
Service, Tuemlay enme down from his
utation at Silver fake on buaineaa be
fore the local ollice.
Jack Angland. who recently sold hi
sheep, rame down from Pa I nicy last
week and ia apending a few days re
newing act-uaintanrea.
Poatmnster Ahlstrom has purchased
the news stand businesa from Wm. Wal
lace, and hereafter the big dailiea ran
he had at the iHistofflJe.
The rains of last week put the roads
to the bad aguin, and aa a consequence
regular auto service on tho Southern
route baa not been established.
The ('ticstion of the incorporation of
the town of Chewauean ia meeting with
some opisisition, and the matter will
come up for hearing tomorrow.
Mr. A. CI. Duhme passed through
Alturaa thia week with fifteen expert
lumbermen who will be employed in
the Fandango mills this summer,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Heryford, who
intended leaving last week on a visit
to Missouri, concluded to wait until
the m-'J.! improved before starting.
it the Hoard of Trade meeting lust
Saturday veiling, n number of boost
ers got together, but no definite plan
as to future work was agreed iiKn.
A hotel ami store will be established
st Lake'l by John Morgun, Alf
Aldrich ami Keiie West, of Bend, In
time for the fishing and hunting rea
son. Justin Cibbins, until recently em
ployed at the Fleming Brothers store at
Pine Creek, has accepted a position
with T. !'. Bernard and is residing
Next Sunday evening at the M. E.
Church Kev. Melville T. Wire will an
swer the question, "Are mirarlea poa
s Me?" A cordial welcome is extended
to all.
Elder S. II. Kilcy will preach at the
Cnion Scb Mil house next Sunday at 2
o'clock form Revelations XX-lt, "Ami
death and bell were cast into the lake
of fire."
John McCuIlcy. who has Ix-en quite
sick for sometime past at the Joe Ari
ner residence, is now much better and
lust week returned to hia ranch on the
West Side.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Currier cume
down from Paisley the first of the week
on a visit to friends, and as a side
issue Mrs. C. made a desert land filing
for SO acres.
Denniii Punovan. the well known
sheepman, came in from Twelve Mile
during the week and reKrta that all
hands are now busy preparing for the
lambing i-eason.
Helton (lunther has been confined to
hia home for several days past with a
very sore throat. His many friends
hoie that In1 will soon be up and
around auain.
S. J. Puttoh is up from Davis Creek
on a bu.-!i,o;j. v On bis return ho
will be nccoinpunic'I by Mrs. Putton.
who has been visiting Lakeview frit mis
for the past ten days.
Monday night a grand ball was given
at Wendt'a Opera House, New Pine'
('reek, and several of the local dancers
went down for tho occasion. All re
port an excellent time.
"Cap" Brown, of the Hotel Lake
view, was indisposed for several days
during the week with a very bad cold.
He is now much better, however, and
ia again up and around.
The roads were very bad for a few
days during the latter part of last
week, due to the rains. They are
again in good shape by this time,
which we are duly thankful.
Owing to tho rain, the baseball
game, scheduled 'for last Sunday whs
postponed one week. Weather and
ground conditions permitting the game
will take pluce next Sunday.
S. V. Rehart yesterday arrived from
Southern California, where he ajent
the winter. He is enthusiastic over
the Los Angeles section and invested
quite heavily in that vicinity.
At the municipal election held in
Klamath Falls Monday, Mayor Sander
son and Treasurer Siemans were re
elected and T. F. Nicholas succeeds A.
L. Leavitt as police judge.
In adjusting their teams and drivers
to the new schedule the stage com
pany Monday brought the mail in
from Newell's station by auto, arriving
here about 2 o'clockin the atfernoon.
Albert W. Brittain and Josephine
Derleth, of Plush, were married in this
city last Thursday, Elder II. Smith,
officiating. Both parties have numer
ous friends who extend congratulations.
A license to wed was Issued this
week by County Clerk Payne to Fred
I Bannister and Delia Bcvtl. The
wedding was to have been solemnized
yesterday at Paisley, where the con- j
trading parties are well and favorably:
Miaa H. L. Norton, a Med ford school
teacher who was hurt in the upsetting
of stage near Dairy, nearly a year
ago, has brought suit against the atage
company for a mere pittance of,
tio.rst. j
There are no new developments in
the railroad situation, aside from the
fact that the permanent survey is be-
ing extended north of Davis Creek, !
the surveyors now being in the vicinity
of Sugar Hill.
Charles Barry returned Saturday
from a several days fishing trip at the
O.V.L. dam and surrounding country.
Charlie had fine luck on the trip and
hia many friends ate nothing but fish
for several days atfer his return.
J. L. Wheeler, who has many friends
locally, arrived here last week after
attending the winter at his home in San
Deigo. Mr. Wheeler has business in
tercuts herealtouts, which will keep
him here-during the coming summer.
"Scenes at the Union Depot," will
be presented at the Ojtera House one
week from tomorrow night under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society.
KchiTnals are now being bad. end the '
ulTair promises to be out of the ordin- j
ry. i
H. Cottrell. who expert to run the J
moving picture show nt Paisley, was a
visitor here lat Meek. He is soon to
start a moving picture show at Paisley,
ami has already purchased the machine
from ifenry Wendt. of New Pine
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoebl, who re
cently made proof on their homesteads
in the Prewa Valley section, were in
town for a few days last week. They
exKct to leave shortly for Chicago,
where they will make their future
The attention of horsemen is partic
ularly called to the advertisement ap
Itearing elsewhere of Walker Bros., of
Bly, offering stallions and a jack for
sale. No fancy prices arc asked for
tho animals, atlhough they are of sup
erior breeding.
Geo. B. Whorton this week sold to
P. P. Malloy a half interest in the Inn
Saloon. Mr. Malloy is one of the most
widely known men of Lake county,
and the resort under the new manage
ment will consequently maintain its
present itopulnrity.
Ahlstrom & Gunther during the past
week have distributed among their
friends and customers a thermometer
and storm glass w hich is greatly ap
preciated. It advertises the famous
Vanco brand of gall-cure collar, which
the firm handles.
W. C. Buick, of Silver Lake, was in
town Saturday on his return from Sur
prise Valley, where ho purchased a
load of alfalfa seed. Mr. Buick by ex
perimenting luvs found that alfalfa will
do well in his section and will now
seed a large tract.
Judge Henry L. Benson and Court
Reixirter R. M. Richardson Tuesday
arrived from Klamath Falls to prepare
for the May term of Circuit Court.
They came by stage to Newell's sta
tion, where they were met by an auto
in which they came on to Lakeview.
Wallace Benson, son of the late sec
retary of state, Frank W. Benson, has
been tendered a clerkship in the secre
tary of state's office by Secretary
Olcott. Young Benson is at the Uni
versity of Oregon and if he accepts
will succeed C. A. Zeigler about
June 1.
Word has been received here to the
effect that Jimmie Hayden, who for
some time was employed at McCurdy's
and later at the Hotel barber shop,
was now conducting a tonsorial parlor
of his own at Reno. Jimmie has many
friends here who wish him the best of
pucce88 in his new venture.
Joseph Schmidt and son, Frank came
in Sunday from the Vanderpool ranch,
which they recently purchased. The
Messrs. Schmidt are doing much in the
way of grubbing sage brush and . mak
ing other improvements about the
place preparatory to putting in the
season's crop.
R. B. Jackson yesterday informed an
Examiner representative that the new
hotel at Paisley would open between
the 10th and 15th of this month and
that they expected to have the electric
light plant in operation by June 1. The
furniture for the hotel Jhus arrived ana
air eady a few rooms are in use.
The residence of S. P. Dicks, 10
miles north of Lakeview, together
with all of its contents, was destroyed
by flre a week ago last Friday. The
fire Is supposed to have resulted from a
defective flue, inasumch aa when first
discovered the entire roof was ablaze.
The loss is about $2,000, w ith no insur
ance. Messrs. Bailey, Thornton. Massingill,
and Foster, who were reported last
week to 'have gone to Paisley on a
fishing trip, changed their minds and
made L. P. Klopitel's new artesian
well their destination. Of course the
fact that the fish were "not biting"
had nothing to do with the facta in the
Archie Williams, who bus a home
stead along the edge of the lake, has
built a 14-foot lioat, and Sunday last,"
put it in commission. The launching
was witnessed by J. G. Campbell and
son and was highly successful.
Archie's residence is now surrounded
by water and the boat is an absolute
A small blaze was discovered by
Ixiyd Hickerson in the Post & King
building Monday. The fire was be
neath the floor of the second story and
is presumed Jto have been caused by
defective wiring. But little damage
resulted, although it was a narrow es-
cajte from what might have been a very 1
destructive fire. - (
It hnsbeen announced that William'
H. Cobb, of Sun Francisco, Francis J.
Honey's partner, is to lie appointed
assistant attorney general of the inter
ior dopiirtmeut, .succeeding Judge'
Lawlor. Secretary Fisher, Senator '
Perkins and Congressman fKahn have
strongly urged that the position lie
given to Cobb. t
Work on the Odell ranger station two
miles from Crescent is progressing ra
pidly unde rthe direction of Superintend
cnt Irleand. The force, as soon as the
station and barns are finished, will be-;
gin on the sutiervisor's office and barns
at Crescent. A number of assistant
forest rangers have been appointed the
past few weeks, among them being J.
L. Ringo and Fred LaFoIlotte.
V. C. Berney and Miss Carrie P.
Bass were married 'at the Method iht
parsonage Sunday morning last, Rev.
Melville T. Wire officiating. The
young people last week entered lands
at Summer Lake, the former a desert
entry and the latter a homestead,
where they will make their home. They (
left for their former home at Seattle,
on their honeymoon trip, expecting to
be absent several weeks. ;
Among the out of town people who
registered at the Hotel Lakeview
during the past week were Peter
Doehr and B. R. Gardner, of Reno;
C. B. Marshall and T. J. Kennedy, of
Omaha; W. J. Heifer, of Oakland;
R. B. Oror.sidy, B. F. Thomas and J.
S. Lindig, of San Francisco; S. B.
Humill, of Chicago; H. Berney, of
Denver; S. Poindexter, of Alturas; C.
S. Crosby and Bessie Chiloquin, of
Klamath Falls.
Many Oregon teachers are to attend
the next meeting of the National Edu-;
cationul association to bo held at San
Francisco July Sth. Arrangements
are now being completed by State
Superintendent L. R. Alderman for a
special train to carry the Oregon tea
chers to the July meeting. Mr. Alder
man says it is an opportunity they can
not afford to loose, and'th t every tea
cher in the state should arrange to ac
company the excursion.
Vint Miller, son of F. M. Miller.,
has again made good at Mt. Tamulpias
Military Academy, he having captured
a full scholarship this year. The
scholarship is awarded to but one out
of every UK) students, and hence in or
der to secure one the standing must
necessarily be very high. Next year
Vint will iittend the University of Cal
ifornia, and will probably take a
course in commercial law. 1
New Pine Creek Items
Concluded from first pnge. J
The G.G.G. Club presented the playj
"Six Kleptomaniacs" at New Pine
Creek last week to a fair sized crowd.
They advertised only one day ahead, j
Thia was too short notice to let every (
one know. Come again, girla, but ,
give us a little longer notice of your
Miss Isabella Knapp, of Washington, !
D. C, will arrive here in about two,
weeks to spend the summer with Dr. j
and Mrs. O. E. Patterson.
The May day Hall was postponed on
account of the serious illness of Miss
Grace Gillett at the home of Dr. Ams
den. Thia ball was to be a benefit ball ,
and will be given at some future date, j
Davit Creek Items
Morris Routhstone awl wife hav
been stopping at Davis Creek a few
days. They drove their E. M. F. 30
up from Los Angeles. Morris' father
and mother and two sisters accompani
ed them.
Grear Weir, brother of Robt. L.. has
arrived from Rocky Ford, Colorado,
and expects to spend the summer.
Chas. Ieonard, the local forest rang
er, is transacting business here.
Mrs. S. J. Dutton is visiting in Lake
view. Miss Inez Lee closed her school in
Davis Creek Friday.
Fred Hanson drove his car down from
Lakeview Sunday but continued his
journey to Alturaa with buggy and
C. W. Ritter is moving his family
here from Madeline.
II. C. Topscott, of Reno, Nev., is
looking over the Davis Creek country.
Dodge Bros., of Reno, stopped over
Monday with two fine Percheron
j horses. They were enroute to Lake-
The Davis Creek Orchards Co. have
I several men and teams at work pre
, paring ground for apple trees.
C. R. Seager, of Lakeview, has been
in Davis Creek for several days.
Louis Shaw, resident engineer on the
N.-C.-O. Ry.. came up from the lower
end of the valley a few days ago to
consult with G. S. Oliver, Chief En
gineer. ' Joe Leonard, son of Amen Leonard,
is taking a vacation from his duty in
the Alturas Post Office and is visiting
i here.
Automobiles have been seen often in
Davis Creek since the roads got good,
but recent storms made progress very
' slow.
Bert Harber and Gaud Scer camp
ed on Sugar Hill Sunday night with
the big Mitchell in a mud hole.
A touch of rheumatism, ora twinge
of neoralgia. hate ver the tro.ib'e U
Ctiuinlterbilu's Llnlnent drives nwiiy
the pHln at once and cures tbi eon -plaint
quickly. First arip'icHiion
given relief. Sold by all trod dealers.
O We Now Present
L creations of the
I 1 ,.Y
iimni'ia in mc viu wunu avyic itruicra.
Berlin, Paris and Vienna. Each garment
shows the refinement of taste and style.
We have the exclusive sale of these garments in
this territory and add our recommendation to
the guarantee of the manufacturers. We want
you to consider this announcement a personal
invitation to inspect our display.
Farm Lands
Orchard Lands
Timber Lands
Stock Ranches
When you pur
chase a corset you
want one that has
poiiant that the
same corset be
and if you can al
so have one that
and that corset can
he bought at a
you have all the
requisites of a
splendid corset.
have every one of these excel
lent features and many more.
Every improvement as exacted
by fashion is combined in these
dainty garments
MAIN STHEKT. Weft of Court, H.mee
An sdr li the Examiner will bring
re mi Try it mid l- convinced.
the Snrinc Showing O
, o r 4
nre f;isIiion1 frnm the
most famous clothing
1.1 I.J i
Lakeview Mercantile Co, q