Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 04, 1911, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lako County, Oregon
..pillar atamllnt ada. 11.00 an Inch. lnl
Column anace, pi-r mmlh. All atandlnn .
ChawM fro twlr month. ( nat of "'VrJ
lion chawd tnrall ntra Chan.. All lal
positions tra. AH ahoM lrm ir
R.-adrra. local wltimni, It, per lln rch In
rr'ton. Want V. llnerach Innertloa
CiH ol thanks 1.. Resolutions o( comlo
lenee.fl.nOamt upasnls.
tar-Tninlcnt AilTcrtlalnt: and Jb ITInt
ttne. caab In advance.
All Will must be paid ! rst co month.
lakeview, Oregon, Tluirstlrty, May 4, Hll
Senator Chamberlain's committee
assignments are agriculture, military
affairs, territories, public lands, ex
penditures in Interior department.
Pacific railways, Fhillipines, Indian
affairs and irrigation.
Senator Bourne has fared exceeding
ly well in committee assignments. He
is chairman of the postoflice committee
and also secured a place on the appro
priation's committee. His other
assignments are, commerce, fisheries,
public buildings and grounds, printing,
railroads and woman suffrage.
It is reported thnt the Dutch have
taken possession of Palmas island, 60
miles southeast of Mindanao, lowered
the American colors and substituted
therefor the flag of Holland. It is
understood that Washington does not
intend to protest against the action of
the Dutch, the American government
regarding the island as valueless.
Postmaster-General Hitchcock is
confident that "penny postage" is a
probability of the near future as ' the
result of reduction in the $17,600,000
postal deficit which existed when he
took charge of the Postoffice Depart
ment. He has made a statement to
this effect in acknowledging letters
rceeived regarding the postal situa
tion. The Oregon delegation in Congress
has leen reouesteiito work for the crea
tion of another land office, either at
Prineville, Bend or Madras. The mem
bers desire that a general canvass be
issued to bring to them a reflection of
sentiment throughout the regions
affected, thus enabling them to act in
accordance with the popular will. Any
one familiar with the workings of the
U. S. land office knows perfectly well
that there is no need of a new office at
Bend, Prineville, or any other place,
aside from using it as a factor in gett
ing up a "boom."
In commenting upon the forthcoming
visit of the State Desert Land Board,
the Paisley Press says relative to the
project in that vicinity: "The irriga
tion company, too weak and poor to
fight, procrastinates and gets extension
after extension. Nobody cares to in
terfere. To force the company to re
linquish its rights and throw the land
open for settlement would do no good
for without water for irrigation it
would not be worth a dollar an acre.
The hands it would fall into would be
more helpless than those of the com
pany. "The only solution to the problem is
to comprehend all the lands of the
Chewaucan Cattle Company and all
the other land in the valley under one
grand irrigation scheme. Then 100,000
acres of the finest land in the world
would support a large and thriving
population and make a tract unequalled
in every way by any other tract in any
portion of the state of Oregon."
Want Their Children Thieves.
The Kakha Kbols. a tribe luat In
habits tli country of the Khyber pass.
In northern India, are thieves and con
sider thieving a most honorable occu
pation. A young woman of tlie Kakha
Khel will nut look at a young man
who would like to become her bu-ilj'jud
unless lie is proficient in tlie art. The
dearest wish of a mother is that her
little boy may become a cunning thief.
Every child is consecrated, as it were,
at iu birth to crime. A hole Is made
in the wall similar to that made by a
bnrglar. and the mother passes the la
fatit backward and forward through
the hole, sinking !u its ear: "I5e a
thief: lie a thief! He U thief:" They
are probably the only tribe In India
who glorify peculation and raise It to
the dignity of a regular calling. Chris
tian Herald.
Happier Days.
"My poor fellow, were you always a
"Nn. mum. Onet I wuz known as a
man about town."-Louisville Courier.
A Previous Question.
Sliv-I'upii asked what your Inten
tions w re hist evening, (Jeorge. He
Didn't Kay anything about his own,
lid he? I'.oKtoii Transcript.
If you gt angry with it man or wo
man make up your mind what you are
going t' say and then don't say IL
The splendid work of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tabletn la dally
coming to light. No such grand re
medy watt ever known before Thou
sand bless tbetn for curing constipa
tion, Hick headache, biliousness, jaun
dice and indigestion. Bold by all
good dealer).
vn rr, l;i advance,
, .?
fUree month.
It not paid la adTanoe, II. tO the Trt
Nolle to Subacrlhrs
Onnorimri to Ihe Kiamlnr who remove
from oi" locality to another, or rhanir
tholr r-oatcllW address should Mntrnki to
drop this kAiy card no their (taper can be ad
dresoed to I he right posiofflca.
Good Prices Realized Both
Locally and at
; Ym. K. Barry, the well known sheep
man, last week made a deal whereby
he took over 4000 sheep belonging to
' J. P. Kclsay, the purchase price being
about $23,000. The ewes in the band
sold for $5.25 per head, while the mix
ed yearilngs went at $3.50, which are
considered to be very reasonable prices
at this time. The sheep are now at
Smoky Hollow near Mule Springs and
Mr. Barry has already taken posses
sion. Relative to the sheep market the
Oregoniun of iast Friday says : Sever-
I al loads of yearling wethers sold at
' $5.25, the top quotation, and a bunch
1 of shorn lambs' brought $5.40.
j Another big lot of 225 sheep sold at $5.
Feeder sheep found buyers at $1.75.
Who Was the Writer?
A few days since the Examiner re
ceived a newsy lot of items from Adel,
including a number of personal items.
However, no name accompanied the
communication, and consequently .t
did not appear. While the items pro
bably did not reflect on any one, yet
they might give offense if they were
not true. It is necessary for a news
paper to know the s.ourve of its infor
mation even though it is not made
A Second Effort
A new alignment of good roads
forces was made during ths past week
at a meeting in Portland when steps
were taken to organize a state-wide
good roads association with county
branches. The former Oregon Good
Roads Association was dissolved, after
all its affairs had been wound up. By
means of the new organization it is ex
pected to secure co-operation through
out Oregon to accomplish its objects.
Sentiment for good roads legislation
will be aroused.
.John I). Rockefeller would no
broke if be should coend bis entire e.
come trying; to prepare a better medi
cine than Chamberlain' Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
diarrhoea, d.vwentery or bowel com
plaint?. It is dimply impossible, and
co -i.vh every one that han used it.
Sold by all ijood dea!ern.
Paisley Press Gleanings
Several people have been trying to
entice the frisky trout from the river
during the past week, but have not had
much success as the river is too muddy
for the troutlets to see the bait.
W. K. McCormack, of Summer Lake,
who was transacting busiuess in town
on Tuesday, informs us that in a short
time he expects Geo. E le, of Wagon
tire, to begin sinking an artesian well
on his farm at the south end of Sum
mer Lake.
j Thos. Marsden went to the White
Hiil ranch on .Summer Lake last week
to install some electric fixtures in Dr.
A. A. Witham's residence. The doc
tor intends to use electricty to light
his residence ; the electricty will be
generated by his own private, electric
Trouble Ahead.
Young Husband (to wife) Didn't I
telegraph t you uot to bring your
mother with you?
Young Wife I know. That's what
she wants to see you about. She read
the telegram.
Lived In a Good Neighborhood.
Ijo you lind that It is costing you
more to live than It used to?"
"No. not more to live, but more to
keep 'rum belli-' ei-lip'-ed by my foolish
neighbors ' - Clm-ngn Kei oid-IJerald.
Old '.adv opeaklng of her late bus
bund i I mind the last time we was out
together, and he turns round and sez,
to kiiulii!ie. "Come rflong, old draggle
tail!" he hz. -l.oudou Tlt-Itlta.
Vever hesitate about giving Cham
berlain's Oough Remedy to children.
It contains no opium or other nar
cotics and can be given with Impli
cit confidence. As a quick cure or
coughs and colds to which the child
ren are susceptible, it in unsurpassed.
Sold by all good dealer.
A Woman's Cynical View of the Car
man MariMaga Market.
The men In tic-rum uy do not marry.
They art numled. They nro luoro or
less passive articles of an If, which
Maud in row In the mntrtiiuiulnl shop
window with their prbw labeled lu
lurgi letter l their buttonhole-, wall
L;g patiently for a purchaser. Thoy
tire K'rfwtljr willing, even ngr. h
t'.uis. They want to b bought, but
their position does not allow them to
grnsp the Initiative, and they im
thankful when at Inst some one comes
along nail declntv herself capable mid
willing to pay the price.
The girl and her mother, with their
purse In tin nd. piisn the articles In re
view and choose out the ouo which
best suit their menu and fnucy.
"I shall marry nu ofllce-r." one glri
told me some time ngo with the easy
confidence of n person about to order
n new dress, and. lo and behold. 1h
fore the yt-'ir wa out she wit walking
proudly on the arm of n dragoon lieu,
tenant: I even knew of three- women
who swore to cacti other that they
would marry only geniuses,, and here
also they had their will. One married
n great pn Inter, one a poet und another
it famous diplomatist. Thnt they were
nil three iwollarly unhappy Js not a
witness against the system, but a
proof that geniuses may occasionally
he very uncomfortable partner, in
this case the purchaser were rich nnd
popular nnd could therefore make their
choice. Others of lessor means would
have had to content themselves with
nn otllcer. cavalry or infantry, accord
ing to the "dot." or n lawyer, or n doc
tor, or n merchant, and so on down
the scale. Mis Wyllo's "My German
Queer Ways In Which Ideas Are
Sometimes Put Into Words.
Curious ways of expressing Ideas lu
English lusty he expet iisl from foreign
ers, as. fur InstMiiee. w hen I he French
man, who m.ide a call In the country
and was .-.Unit l.i he Introduced to (he
family, nald "Ah. ze ladies! 'en I
vould l.e'oiv. if you please. vs!i to
purify lull 'iinds and to sweep mine
A Sinii-'t publican was complaining
of his set-van! maid. lie said that
she e.iuid lieer he found when A'aut
ed. "'le'll gang out o the bouse,"
lie said, 'twenty times for otiee she'll
come In."
A countryman went lo a menagerie
to exa.iint I he v i!d beasts. Several
treiiC'Oicn expressed the opinion that
the oralis nuian.' was ;i lower order of
the bun::. u species. Hodge did not
like this idea hi: I. striding up to the
gentleman. cNnresscd his contempt for
it In these Bui' d: "I'ooh: I.V's no
more of the human spe. ie-i than I be,"
.Mamma. Is that a -poilnj cl.i.d?"
asked a little ! iy it sc.iig a iie;ri
baby for tlie tils; tune.
A s'o;i exhibits a card wanting ev
erybody ;!:mItim i ' i j i -r.i i : i 1 1 poi'snin
"who liifiiiu.e our :i;le in deceive the
public." The siji.f.iiaii doc not tllte
say what he means any more than
the proprietor of an eating house near
the dock, mi the il ior "f which may be
read I he following aii-iniiiieeuient con
veying fen rl ill intellig 'iicc to the gal
lant tars who freipienl this port:
"Sailors" vitais cooked here." Phila
delphia North American.
Definition of True Humor.
The sense of humor is the "saving
sense" principally because It saves us
from ourselves. The person who can
not laugh at himself now ami then Is
to be pitied. Moreover, the person
who cannot take good natundly the
occasional bantering of others Is In
the same class of disagreeables. A
well directed shaft of raillery will
often find the vulnerable point In our
armor of self complacency anil show ;
us where our self satisfaction Is nil
wrong. TrnV humor, however, must
spring as much from the heart as from
the head. Its essence must be truth
und friendliness, not contempt. There
never was a good Joke yet that told n
lie or besmirched a reputation. Humor
v. h.'i h carries with It a sting to wound
the sensitiveness or delicacy of one
who does not deserve to suffer Is not
true hunior.-San Francisco Chronicle.
Profeesionjl Instinct.
"Koinco and Juliet." with (he origi
nal company, had reached lis crucial
Juliet was staggering about the
stage, regarding her uflllcted lover.
"Oh. cruel iolson:" she wailed.
She raised her lover for r. moment
In her arms.
A wildly excited medical student in
the gallery sprang to his feet.
"Keep him up, Juliet keep hlui up!"
ho bellowed. "I'll run out und fetch
the stomach pump!"
A Run of Luck.
Violet I never hail such a streak of
luck. He fell In love in Furls, proposed
lu Itome and bought the ring In Na
ples. I'lerrot-DId your luck end there?
Violet Oh. no! While we wore at
Monte Curio he won enough from papa
for us to get married on. Loudon Il
lustrated Hits. I
Tha Silvar Lining,
In life troubles will come which look '
8 si if they would never puhh away. Tho
night and tho Htorm look an if they
would Inst forever, but the corning of
the calm and the morning cannot bl '
The reward of one duty in the power '
to fulfill another.
T Valley Falls Itoms
The party composed of Messra.
Thornton, Foster, Hnlley and Mnsnln.
gill, who passed through hera Inst
Wednesday on thoir way to the Klipol
ranch at the head of Summer Itke.
where they went lo Inspect th arte
sian flow struck there, returned last
Friday. They tell its the flow that Mr.
Klippel struck is nn exceptionally
strong one ami fine water.
G. A. Strong, of this plncc, recently
went to I.nkoview to make filing on a
homestead nnd desert claim.
George Neweome, the. blacksmith
here, has stnrtcd improvements on his
homestead In the lower valley and is
going to plant unite a few spuds.
The rUna we had for the "p"' two
days were just the thing for the crops,
nnd grain and garden truck is looking
The ZX freight outfit passed through
Intely iKiund for Lakeview. They hnul
ed a bunch of hides for shipment.
Andy IlHinmerslev, the Lakeview
merchant, went by in his auto the other
Robt. McDowell, of Wngontire, wns
a visitor on his way to Lnkeview. Mr.
McDowell reiHirts crop conditions in
his country ns being good.
Ch tiiiberbtln'M Stomach nnd Liver
Tablet will clear the mmr Mtomnch,
Hwis ten the breath nnd create a
healthy nppetltef They promote the
Mow of gastric Jillco, thereby intro
ducing good digestion. Sold by all
good dealers.
Department of the Interior. T. S.
Lard nftloe at Lukcvlew, Oregon,
Aprii;i7. m.
Notice is her bv given that, ns di
rected by the Cmtutiie oner of the
General ' Laud Oftlc under pmvl
xlnim of Act of t'.uigres approved
June 1'?, l'KV. (.'H stats . M7), we- will
offer at piildl-1 sale, to the highest
bid Icr. St 10 o'clock A. M-. o i the
IHIl lav of June. P.m. at til- office,
the (inbivvuur doi ibwil I n il h '
SC.,, Sect loll To II ship 'Is i. It luge
1" I'.. W. M.. iirtiiin to the mi.iicii.
tion of Fr.ukll'i . Hunting.
View, I) egon, No'e
.A ii per-oms claiming ai vere,v
hetiU.xe ili- ci il.eil bllel Jlie itiiicd
t o D le t heir eluliii". or object ions, on
or U ( ' t II.- t lute ilc-lgnitied I r mle.
'Arthur W.Jirtoti. Ilegl-ter.
Fred I1. Cronctnlller. Ke. elver.
( Not Coal I. nnd )
F. S Lul l tltti-e lit LilkevieW,
Oregon, April '.'a. 111! I.
Notice l hcrb niveti tint JohllC;
Mmris. i f Lakevle- . ()re..i ill, w ho, iu
Mhv -. HH'i'i, made lloiiicteinl F.otrv
Nn.':i!Hl S.1I.1I No Hi:::7. for NVN'WV,.
NW'j NFI4, Section LI, Tow uship A 'S,
Hange IS i: , W. M., ha tiled 1 otice
of Intention to make llnxl live year'
1'rnof before JtegiNter and Iiei'elver, 1
at Lnkeview, Oreeuu, cu the loth
dav of June, Lll.
Claimant names hs wltne -m:
J. L. Morris, Thotiia. Y0111 jt,
Charles , I ohnsnii and M. W.
of Lakeview, Oregon. ,
AHTIIl'lt W. UltTOX, lte;Ut'T.
For Sale First class milch cow,
apply K. H. Patch.
Foil SALKOI! KXCMANtiF. A line
pMvlng grocery more tn nourish
ing town, 'M mll-H iroui Nan Fran- '
Cisco. Also carry a hue of Crock
cry mid Agate Ware, Stock Mature. I
wagotiM and horses Invoice near!
f I0.1MKI. lease to suit. Location, best '
111 low 11. brick building on main I
street. Will exchange for general:
tin-rcliHinlise or other store or good
cfock ranch in Northern nllloi nla
or Oregon. Ad lreu M. l.evy, l lo
Abo, Ka tit Clara Co., Cal. -t.NHt
FOi: SLK (lit TItAIlK Any of the
followliu.' trnclM, or will exchHiiite
lor tract adjoining Home of the
othern. The S1, of r-'.j of NW'i 01
NW'4 Ke- T. Ii9. It. 111. The S
of S1 of Hl'.' x of SE'-4, Sec HI, T, .'l
It. L'O, TheN'iof N !t of HV, r
HK4'. rtec. 17, T. iW K. 111. T heN'i
01 rj 01 . i 4 01 r-f.", rec. ,
:-. K. 11 l le- x '.; oi Nwcr ,,f s
See. 17, T. ". H. Jo. AdilrenH, 1'. O
Iiox 17. Oiiilen. Line. r.t 4
The Home of Good Values I
For Spring and Summer In the Latest Novelties. Foulards,
Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, Flaxons, Dlminities, Check
Maussellne, and a full Line of White Goods
of every description. Ask to see them
It is a pleasure to
Raima the drmjk
and compiles with
II pure food laws.
Mflfcers ol MAPUtlNI
(better than Maple).
(Ki'l Inter t'. 8. IaikI om-, punt iu
Cilia in Itr4 i. l i.-U .,i.iuAV
Mir.l ilk H;. K iK-n. V
i J (. ikc tin, ,r V
1M11MI nil X Ml fll I
III ! I .Tt H
)r, hi..! , I'
.e-. Ai- !,:;' I,
S01D BY Cfi! WillS IVIKVl'.HIKf
I Allan's pool-rue a tKiwilnr. Keimv aii
liil.mrtlii((. nvrvouk tret aii1 limmwdm nsl i
' and Instkiilijr st lb stlua out ol eurna sua
biolout. It's toe iii-sirtt 00 in tort aiM'umif
olthes. Allen I wl U tnakea lUkl Ol
aear ahiira tool ewy. It Is a rvrtaln rure (01
aatlni. calliiut. awollea. tired walni ImI
Try It tixlar. Hold b all tlrovfiatt enil fho
storra Hr nail l:r r la slsmna. Ism'i ar-
I e tc anr urwcta-. Trial im-lur KKXK Ail
I -If... AHn s 'llin.l.! I K.. V V Nn
flu V:a lv: ,V::p Bought
, i....,3U , "r . t
sriisoiiiiu: i-oiiTiii: i:xMii:it
One Pure Ureed Trench Perc heron Mallion,
weight 201S lls.; over 17 hands Iiili; years
old; has splendid hone and line hiveder.
One Mamn'oth Jack, weight irjulh- ; ,
1 ( hands hih; -! years oid; h is extra heavy
hone, head and ears.
One Standard Ureed Stallion, weight 11 si) lhs.;
7 years old; can't heat his pedigree.
Hither or all ol the a hove sire fully miarantecd
as to hrcedinr colts .and colt yearlings.
Tick. ms Small payment down and yearly notes
for the balance, or will trade for Mock.
XoT l-: Only on the market for a short lime.
Write or call on
show our goods, whether you buy or not
r frl ItUI in
Suro to Civo Satisfaction,
It i-len.i-i-s, aeo't n, I ' mi I p- lu ll thrt
tllxii-d 11 e. .'.t.iue I" ;i ; f, 1 rrlt
and driven nwnv n Cold In tii- IH- id ;iii. ' I v.
KeKleles tll.i Sell-e of '!'. Illid tMiH-ll.
Kny to tiNi'. CuiitiiliK fio Ii furl -ns 1I1
Applied Into tho liontrlU and id'" rl d.
Iiii SI", TM eenla at lriiv'i,'lnt ir l.j
liuiil. Liipild ('renin Kului lor u in
atoiuUers, 7"i ecu In.
ELY BH0THEHS. B6 Wirr.n St.. Ntw York.
Ohildron Ory
N rkht In the path of a (treat
wave of proiirenw.
H Voll own Hotue K001I Iteil Fa
.tMle lu tl. Valley ,Vt W ll rblo
I he cret ol t he wave.
II I. Vi U' lM 11?
e are ien Iy to help y ui.
I arm Land. I nkrvltw It imra
Vacant I ota
lloujtf tor knit
sMl'l-i; 111.0. K
Lakeview :: Oregon