Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 09, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 1 0
Shows Hand by Discriminating
Against Western Pacific
I; vide nt Hill Is Not Behind N.-C.-O as Increase in
Rate Prom Doyle to Alturas Will Throw All
Traffic for Northern Country to S. P.
Indications point to more or less troublous tunes be
tween the S. I'. and Western Pacific over freight rates to
this section, and the yamc indications would still further
point to the possible fact that instead ol the Hill interests
having control of the N.-C.-O., that it is the Ilarrinian
people that are behind the ini, a it were. Following the
aunouuccnieut that a very material reduction n freight
rates from Calilornia points to Lake view is t take
effect March L'lst, comes the ciually surpi isin newsthat
the rate from 1 o lc to Alturas is to be increased $2.00 prr
tun, which action would iut the
Western I'liclllc hi ii ilfiM I. l dim I
Adds 2,500 Head to His
Wood River Valley
vxutime, no fur u the bu.liii'i-a id
tli Id tecllott Ii ciiiremed.
It din-tinning the merits ul
Ilia rate question, H chut cut en
that the .Southern l'uillli) Ih limiting
H inluhlv IT i. r t Id lutiiillii IIih biml
liess of thin run ut r J , and to Hint end
(mil lint only tt leduclloti hi
rates tut ha also eutcrud into hii
alliance with tlm N. CO. to conj fruit-
jlllutl) With It. l'or tll pHHt NOV-
tiul yearn the Hill Inturivta have oc-
CHHioiiHlly rrferted to tha fa;t Hint
h( some future tltiia they might tiuihl
to l.uksvin lit re the line wt.ul l
connect with one front I'm South.
Ih In in t kt-u ly iiih ii y to mean that
they IihiI cnntrnl or were li.n-k ot the
N. C. O, hut IIiIm liireHt uiova on the
part of the Utter knftcks such our
mines Into H cocked hut, as it weie.
(.'ii the other hunil a very agreeable
feature of tho N.C. O. 's action is
the fact that the K. 1'. Is evidently
( 'mil iiiiu-il on eighth iii;h
Fort Klaniat't, Match 4 It la re
ported here toluy thnt Senator Ahoer
Weed, ot Siskiyou county, California,
hud ret fu tly purchased ',vu head of
cattle which he expect to bring into
the Wood rl.r valley enrly la the
spring and aiimmcr here.
Ml. Weed la one of the largest land
owuera of thli valley. He ha in the
neighborhood of 25,000 acres of as doe
nivu'Jow laud in thla valley aa la to ho
found In the country and ha been
prepariLg to make thil one of the
moht exteuaive stork ranches in the
wets. Tlm Adama dredger, which
worked ull of lent summer diking this
big itnrt around the lake front he
len the moutha of Wood river aud
.Seven Miie, Iibh heeu laid up Blnce
the big freeze coiiuenced because of
the Ice stopping operation, hut trjia
will HKiiin ho darted na anon as the
eat her will permit. Once this big
dike Ih romiiletrd Hiid thu overdo
if trie lkp if kept off the land much
of the low part of the tract will
he icclrtin.ed Ly the ditctt i;elii cut
lu t liru up tha dike and a larite
Hcnuue which linn teen practically J
ueeieeH rietflolore will he added to
the hiij etork ranch.
Mr. Weed now I aa a lare rnuiher
of cattle Imre which hHve ia-en fed
ti.rnuiih the winter, ami with the
above purchiina to he added nuring
the f-priuu he will huvo one of the
luriicet herdo lu this end of the
Lt ThurMday at Ciranta I'uia the
(iiivlLKcf the tiller epika nn the
Craitli l'uHtt A ICoKue ulver Kllroai
wuh witnessed by huudreds of pea
pie f.-dtn nil over Kuuue ICiver Val
ley. '1'he new line will bt built 30
in lien out to the JoHepblne Couuty
cavea through a country rich In ari
colturHl res:iurcee.
Work of Hot Air Artists
During: 1909 Now
Beinc Felt
Probably few people realize the in
jury this axctlon has euliered through
tba "Hot Air" artlnta and allee.l
boosters that ot in their work a
year or eu ho and then fled toe
country. It has been Lrouht to the
attention of the Examiner nearly
evfry day for the past year, and the
following letter in a. fair sample of
tna effect of such boosting during
"Sioux City. Iowa, Feb 'JO, 1911.
Lvlltor Kxsnilner: 1 received your
notice and wo'ilJ say 1 aubacribed to
the Lakeview liooeter but only re
ceived one copy. Jf you are game
send rr.e your paper aud 1 will send
ycu your money every time a year is
up oi say six month. I do not say
you will uo as the Booster did, but
you can't alwrys tell.
"K. O. Winkler." j
And the Liootter ia not alone to
blarue. Much misleading lit lature
was aeut broalcunt which Induced
many to iu vetlt;ntf, u;nl they fonod
conditio J so much rlilfereut to what
they expected that they l.ouid lately
returned home and proceeded to
knock the country.
Occasionally cna may be misled us
to soma improvement that la to take
place, but to say that the whole of
Goose Lake Valley or of Lake couuty
U a veritable paradise ia not exactly
in accurduuee with the facta. There
ate many thoueanda of acred that will
no ilouut make valuable farms when
traught under cultivation aud many
sections are adapted to fruit but
there Bre still other sections which
will prtliaLly not be cultivated for
huudreda of years. As a whole the
couuty promises to be very rloh w ith
lu a few years, but in order to be
cume such it Is Lecessary to greatly
increase the present population aud
Mi Id cau not be done ty a misrepre
sentation of facts.
Lukeview Camp of Choppers Will
Erect Fine Hall Immediately
Location of Building Will Have Tendency to Hold
Business on Water Street and Greatly Enhance
Property Value in Immediate Neighborhood
The most important deal in Lakeview business
property that has occurred for several years was con
sumated yesterday. Lakeview Camp Xo. 125, V. O. V.
purchased from John Flynn the lot immediately north of
tin Colorado House on Water street. The lot borders on
a 30-foot alley and has a frontage on Water street of 45
leet and is 108 feet deep. While the price was but $1,500,
yet it is not indicative of the value of the property, as Mr.
Flynn placed that price on the nropertv in consideration
of the fact that the Camp is to at once erect a modern
two-story buil ling thereon. While i
tba plant have not as yet been de
ci'led upon, yet it is generally under
stood that tha building will be about
30x 70. with a storeroom ou the
ground floor and lolge room over
bead. It will be fitted up for the
exclusive use of fraternal societies,
ud arranged with anti-ronma, ban
quet bull and the Hk3.
The lack of business bouses on
Water street has for some time past
caused more or .less curiosity aa to
where uew Drug would ttud room,
and the site chosen by the Woodmen
wuulj ssem to indicate that tba
business district is to remain un
changed. Prooerty along Main street
has been on a much bigber figure
than that paid by tbe Woodmen, as
is alao tbe caee with property on the
cross streets.
The Woodmen are certainly entitl
ed to odcd credit for tbe enterprise
shown in their undertaking, for it
will be a valaabla addition to tbe
business district of tbe town.
Interesting Batch of News Special Term of County
Items From Our Bustl
ing Noighbor
J. il. 1 i 'h r lv i !i irf titu'ling a new
lull'liit,' to In lined by I 'red IIIhm,
tha poptiliir t.lai'lieinlth au a uhop.
Nate Wilcox, rm.cher, Blieepninii
iiiul all aiotiud good ttdlow, puottcd
through to iv ii Kulurdity on hla nay to
tlio dftiert to look after hla khcep.
Sam lUuuiiitt'r ban soil to John
llauuou one lot 00 by 110 ft. tor ihKl.
A very fuir prion tor lota iuA'aitduy
but iiothicg aa compared with pricua
hU mouths from now.
Three applications huvo already
liHOII ItM'nlvrcl fur tlio position of
tiiitcht'i lu tho new dlnttlct north
east of hi' ic whett it spring ttroi is to
I n lit id.
The l inging of tho anvil ttud the
whistling of Vim lien Doodlo iriiclaliti
. 1'rtrd lihae, llio popular I lacktuiilth,
as being able to he lu thu shop again.
John 1 1 nn nun an 1 wife are down on
Summer Luke at the Knit t.inch where
John will ujoy a much needed vaca
tiou from tho ptKSHiiiu of t)ndiuina
and uociul cities incident to a city
Au i ll ci t ia to be tiuulo at thu meet
ittg of tha countv coiiit nuxt wock to
have all t f I ho torrltory through
which th j iihw loud from 1'ulnlt'y to
the iliirui-y County lino will puhh out
iu tho road tllxtrict over wliicli Wm.
1'itrrow la supuiviuor.
Thu infant child of Mrn. (lay lord
which was reported In lnt JJwohks
Imoiio hs btdiig.ou tho road to recovery,
died suddenly Friday uiorniug. The
fiineritl was held at the home- Friday
at II p, in., Kuv. Vuung olliclating.
The l'reas unites with the ontiie
(loiiiiiiiiiiity, lu extending to the be-
reuvod family its hourtfelt ay in pat hy.
J 'U. -., : . ..-
Charles Morrl j iii, with u full crew
of carpeiilora aud helpers, bugitu work
ou the new hotel lu uuruest last Hat
uiday. The building is. to be erceted
as rapidly us possible. All furniture
aud carpets are "oiPj.thewuy "aud by
arly ei'ilng Paisley wlllbe "uble""to
bousi of one of the most modem up
to date hotels to ba found eat of tha
Court To Bo . Held
Early In April
UiMiivt to the tibueuce of both
County ComuilNciioueit', the March
tfrm ot County Couit was not held.
At thu clone of the December term
It win tactily ugreed Let eel the
coiuilHsioiiers and County Judgb
t hut unless aouietbitig uuforetteeu
xhouhl occur that tho March term
would be permitted to go by default
and that it rpeclul tcrni would bo call
ed about April 1. Thla actlou was
taktu hecuuuB of the faot that it was
desired to hold a good roais meet
ing the forepart of April, nt which
the members of C tin county court as
well us tlm supervisors of tho various
r ud dltttticts would be prexeut.
Ah ttt thu pliiiiit for aud lime of
hiindliiig thu road tneetiitti liavu not
lieeu tlxed. but it is dusiied to hold
the iiiectiug ; us early in April us
piinbitilu It la also expected t hut
every person interested iu the im
provement of the public blghwuy
who can will be present, so that
there a i 1 1 bu, uo misunderstanding
when tho work la ouco commenced.
There should bo betweou iWi.UlXI uud
fill). 000 expended ou our roads during
the coining seimon, and thu people
should udvio with the Couuty Court
in planning for tha oxueuditure of
such h large sum. Don't hold buck
and theu any, "1 told you so. "hut
get iu ttud help and purhaps you will
bu ugrucahly surpiixud nt thu results.
First Modern Residence to Be Built In Lakeview
Built Solely for Comfort Presenting Pleas
ing Appearance and Interior Is All
That Could Be Desired
Fair Daughter of D. L. Progressive Farmers Take
N.-C.-O. Helps W. P.
Keuo Jcurnni : Owing to the heavy
snow storms the lust few days the
Westum I'acltlo is ttgalu blocked aud
ttiev were forced to deviate one of
their pussuugur truius to the Houth-
eru 1'uoillo at Bacrameutc. The train
passed through Keuo about 1 p. m.
yudterday afternoon going east ou
the Southern l'uoltlj tiuok.
The blockade no doubt, Is very
bad, aa a shipment ot cattle fur Bau
Francisco was turued over to ttha, 'N.
C. O. ut Lovelock by the Western
l'uclllo uud will be brought to this
city nuil forwarded to destination
over tbe Southern tuoluo.
Every ona iu Lakeview is well
pleased over tho fact that Mr. uud
Mrs. W. P. lltrjfor l are tbe possess
ors of the first dwelling iu Lakeview
to be equipped with all tnoderu im
provements. Aud the fact that they
ill ! nut wait for old age to creep up
on them before preparing to enjoy
thu latter years of lives is still
moie cause for congratulation.
l.ocnted ut tho corner of Court aud
Maiu streets their residence alf jrds a
very pleasant outlook frontiug al
most directly upon the beautiful
Court House square. The buildlug
is hollow wul lad, being constructed
of brick, with a out atoms busemaut.
Wbila not a large house, as the turtn
Ih generully uuderiUood, yet tho di
mensions ure such 'that it preuiita of
good al.ud rooms throughout. lu
front thoru Is a large circular porch
which Ih reached by atonu titeps,
while lu the rear is a very plensitut
screened porch. 1'iiiui the front porch
cue parses ..through a massive oak
door with plate glass iuto a latge hall
which extends almost the entire
leuutti of the buildlug, and (rout
which au easy Ktairway leada to the
upper tloor. To the right ure the liv
ing uud diuiug rooms, with their
built lu bookcases, china closets,
massive archway, beamed ceilings,
aud the like. Au open tiled grate
with haudsotue mantel una mirror ia
located lu the dioiug room, while a
latgo circular window in the living
room makes the latter most inviting"
All ot the wood iu the building is of
selected graiu which is most beauti
fully brought out iu the HuUh.
From' the dining room one passes
through a small servlug pantry iuto
the kitcheu, cuuuected with a large
pautry aud steps ieadiug iuto the
basement. The kitcheu is equipped
with enameled drain board aud eluk,
boiler aud all modern couveulenoea,
and the pautry with bins and shelves.
On tte left of the .hail are located
two bedrooms and the bttb, all of
good sizd and with plenty of closet
room. The bath is especially attract
ive having all modern couveuieuces,
besides a closet for toilet articles and
a lage liuen drawer cabinet with seat.
Krom the rear porch another toilet
room is reached, while a flight of
steps leads to the oasemeut. The
basement ie lurge, light aud airy, and
lu it are located the laundry, heat inn
pluut, stoieroom ard fuel room. The
heuting plant is large aud will easily
keep every room in the bouse com
fortable during the coldest weather.
I Its titi) peis are controlled from the
serving pautry between the diuiug
i room aud tbe kitcheu, thus avoiding
the incouveuteuces of descending to
i the liusemeut every time it is dejirud
( to change thu degree of .heat. The
i lauudry is equipped with stationary
tubs piovided with hot aud Cold
; water, aud is very commodious.
Ou the upper tloor are located four
uice bedrjoms aud toilet, together
with large closets. All of the rooms
are of good size aud are conveniently
reached through the hull.
The building ia wired throughout
for electtio lights and phones, wltb
switches at convenient places per
mittiug of turning oil" or on lights as
The floors are all double, with a
layer of felt between, while the
plumbiug aud work thnughout is
strictly modern aud up-to date.
Tbe buildlug was planned by I. A.
Uuderwood, aud to him Mr. Ileiy
ford aur1ei the ooutraot for its
construction. It was under bis direct
supervision that all of the work was
done. O U. Uravea having chargs of
Coutiuuud ou eighth pugo
Shirk Given Place
of Honor
The following item will prove of in
terest to the many friends of the
Shirks In Lake County.
Berkeley, Cal , Feb. IS. Attired in
a dashing riding costume, Miss Olive
Shirk, the pretty daughter of D. L.
Shirk, will lead the big procession to
night to be held for the purpose of
sigualiziug the Congressional vote
Advantage of State's
Good Work
If-.. Can It'pQt.ilartn In f
Pacific Exposition fight.
The Mayor and tbe Council will
appear iu machines at tbe bead of
the parade, tbe Ore department will
follow, together with the various fra
ternal orders. Vest Berkeley will be
represented by a big float, represent
iug tbe steamet Victory, which plies
between Berkeley aud San Francixcu.
It Is probable toat Sau Fraiciaco
will also be represented in various
capacities. The parade will com
mence at University and Shattuck
avenues at 7 :30.
Want to Boom Things
Klamath Falls now baa a (Juod
Cioveruuieut League that promises to
do wonders iu thu improvement ot
conditions iu our ueigbhoriug town.
It promises all suits of good things,
including municipal ownership of
electric light aud pper jplaut'as well
as watet system. The League is also
considering the coutmissiou govern
ment plau for Klmuath Falls. At a
meetlug Wednesday uibgt the league
appoiuted a committee to take up
the subject with cities that have the
ouutniission plan in operatim to ob
taiu data as to its success or failuie.
Reception for Bishop
l'.inliop Pud dock of the Fplsoopul
church writes that ho will lie in Luke
view, Wednesday, March 15. Ar
raiiKciuoiita ure belnt? made by his
church people and frK'iidu to give him
a public reception lu the Civic Im
provement Club hall, Thursday even
ing;, March 10, to vhlch the people of
the tow n are most cordially invited.
Refreshments will be served free of
Corvallia. Ore., March 2. Ad
actual saving of over J1.000 in horse
feed resulted from tba information
gained by a prominent business man
and farmer of Salem, Ore., in tbe
winter short comae at the Oregon
Agricultural College. Las' year he
came nimself to the ;course, and this
year, being unable L attend, be sent
bis ranch foreman. The knowledge
gained ia tbe course on feeding of
horses alone netted him a saving of
over ?1,0C0 iu bis feed bills, and bis
animals are in finer coniition than'
ever before tie nays.
Over 5,000 would have beeu saved
by S. W. Jamiesou, of Dell. Ore., he
estimates, if he had taken the short
course two years ago. Inexperience
aud lack of training, when be came
west two years ago to develoD his
holdings of 4,000 acres of fruit lands,
caused Mr. Jamiesjj to tuaka the
usual mistakes nf tbe begiuuer. Ud-
cu attending tbe course at tbe college
this winter he discovered bis mistakes,
aud made a careful computation
of hii censequeut losses, which
amounted to over $5,000.
Th6se are but two cf a large unru
lier of similar cases which have come
to the attention of Dean Arthur 13.
Cordley of the college. It Is a special
aim of the college uot ouly to equip
youug meu to go out attar graduation
and develop the new lauds to their
utmost capacity, but to help tbe
farmers, stockmen uud orchardmen
of tbe state who are blrealy cariug
for lands of their own or in charge ot
large estates, to get the greuteut poss
ible value out of tbe laud, aud to
help them to solve the problems that
arise, and to get rid of the pests
which injure crops.
Slack Land Business
There were but two applications
for laud tiled at tbe local Govern
ment office during tfle week eudiog
March 1th:
Edward F. Smith, See. G, 27-18.
Theodore Dueber, Seo. 6, 27-1G.
For Watch Repairing, try A, KauN
maun, the New Jewelry Store.