Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 02, 1911, Image 5

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W. Rooho FIck, Export In Gov't Homoatoada, la now looking gftor thla department. 160-320 Acre Homeateada; 160-320 Acre State Lands
Wo will buy a llmltod number of O. V. L. Lota. For Sale, Improved and unimproved Ranchea.
Do you want a homo In Lakovlow? Wo have It for you I
A anap-a boautlful Country Homo ovorlooklng tho Lake; largo Orchard, Alfalfa, etc. Let us tell you about It.
Xahc Count Ernmlncr
Hwstt cl'ler In now on hiiIk Ht J. I'.
l)iu-k tilth's.
lioii't micM (tin Fur half ill tin- Mit
ritntllc Cii.'h utore.
lel prlres oil (lour at !
fure ImyiiiK elrwhero. If
For Watch IIi'iilruiK. try A, Kuul
iniiiiii, llm New Jewelry Store.
Ous H lhUitfl l xrtl hoiua this
ituiiiir from liln California trip.
Ooml brnvj winter cnutN, nIic'i or
blanket lined, itt llm MrMiinllle C.
hee lln IIoj-m' hwt'ntcrM, r Kiilnr iKlc
value, to k 'it 3.V. Merriwitile Co.
Mm. Itosa MrDsnUU on Cum) y
oama In from her ranub for tulii.
A. I'. Konnr, tli Went Hide raocb
r, oo Monday paid Lsltsvia a Uit.
Mukh Flua arrived from Ksrrnrneuto
thla ample tn look aftfr biihlnens mat
tern. Tba nxular Wadutudity ttenitiu srr
minis will lie uiveu until lit rlnau c t
t'tinrli-a L. Unlit, of Allot hh. a
visitor in l.skrf lw l nr mil tlif iHt
F. II. t)2lfp ou httirdvy cmiiik uvi r
from Adi-I to trammel muitt i)ccfiitii j
bunli eH.
liny for toilr, etltur ljnn or bided.
A I v I' lii't'liiimij A liMioti or J. 1'
1ii Itwirtli.
Mr. H...1 Mm. Will Alford, it I'lo-li
on I'ofBiluy oiuia iLtntowii on a bul
oe It i .
Airs. 1 sriisni Harris will entrrlulu
tlia 1 ,h il i Ad) Society tiet Wfiiiii-H-liay
lr. T. V. Illl Suuday voIuk re
turned from a vlnit to til a muUier ht
Myrtle 1'ieek.
Natlmu Wlloos. acounipHiilen tiv Mm
wife., ou i'uenilny hiiih in from
Crooked t'ipi-k vullnv.
L)hu CtimiJIer on Saturday caum in
from IiIh much to spend a few days
In tuali with tile folk.
Mm. (i. M. Caimey was confined tu
ber Iioiiim for auveral days ttii ii
wltti a very severe cold.
Mr. and .Mm. Andrew Peter were
up from their much Monday attend
lutf tu business matter.
Lawrtm-.H '.. Tracy, the Drews Val
ley ruiit'her, uu Mooday rauie Into
town oo a busluens trip.
tiny INuhoy Ih iicIIiik iim niht oper
ator at the Iim hI ti'leihoue ollioi lnr
1 1 c the iIIiicnh of hlri wl(i.
Mrs. J. A. Jet mo re, who la teacher
of tho Cranu Creek school, ou butnr
day pahl Lukeview a visit.
A. S Downs, who Iihh a ranch sev
eral uulleH euutb of loan, ou Weduetc
duy paid Lakeview m visit, i
Joe A in hr o, the Went Side ranch
er, ou riHturday iiuulu one of hit rey
uUr week end vleits to town.
Charlea J en nl nun, the Valley 1'alla
real eHtatu uiau, ou Wed need ay came
Into town fir a lew uaya vlelt.
The I.enten KeiiHoo started ou
Maiuh IhI. Aah Wedueaday, aud con
tuiuea tor a eilud of nix weeks.
Mr. ii n I Mm. Hay Chandler came
In from the Chiiiidler rauch on Fri
day fur a few daye Vltlt iu tuuu.
Kny .1 Kllore, a well kuowu teal
dent of HuuHuzii, died laet Friday,
lollowlutf a u attHik of piieiiiuoula.
Mr. and Mrs. Cieurne Chaudler oo
Friday came in from the Chandler
ranch for a few daya fUit iu town.
Ferdinand liiiHt-etl, who baa a home
atead at the head of (iooee Lake, ou
Friday name tu town for nupplien.
Will iiehait ou 'XueedaT came lu
from the much at Crookad Creek to
apeud a few dayi with bin folka here.
(Jeoitfe 11. Craven, 'A. Kaufuiaou and
W. P. Uykemau yeetetday weut rah
bit hunting1 aud all report excellent
luok. ' .
Chnilea Harvey, the fieluhter. ou
haturday came up from .V',v lJine
Creek for a few daya vltit with tile
Keporta are to tne eiieot that coy
otes allllcted with rabies bave beeu
killed lu several uectious of the
Jerry Uarry aud Cy lleudersou ou
. TueBday weut rabbit huntlug aud
tuauuued tu kill a few of tbe small
Yeuterday biu tbe tlrst day of tbe
Lenten seaauu, services were held ut
the Catholic church both morning
and eve u log.
MIhs Etliel Halley bas accepted a
ponltlnn as rlerk In the Kandy Klloh
en, and has already rrsumnd tn-r
duties there.
Chin lex T. I'owne rami over from
lily Una week, and In HpendioK a few In our initial, lie Is accompli
by IiIh f ji mily.
Norman Jacobsoi and I'erl Innram,
of the Forest (Service, on Haturtlry
weut out to Halt Creek on IiusIuch
for the local ollloe.
Khlph Mulkey, who Isemplnyed at
the Chandler ranch at ('rooked Creek,
ou Wsdoasday came luto town for
load of aiippllra.
A in est I ng of the I'm neyterlan
Ladles' Aid Society waa held this
afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. ti.
Campbell on Main street.
1'bll Harry, who la connected with
bis father lu the sherp li'isloess, on
Huatlay came over from Flush for a
fsw days visit with bis folka
Mrs. M. Magllton last i liday after
noon entertained the Teacup Club.
Ilalnty rrtrechiiirn t were seised aud
a iiionI tileasaut time bad by all.
The aeioplaue cap seems to have
won much lavor with tlie Indies here
abouts, es may be tvldeured I y the
large "Uti.ljer now being worn about
to II.
Sivt-ml families redding lu the
tli'lnlty i f Uu- SUhIi report ttmt dogs
belonging t'i f'lein aero polnourd I )
uukbOBii parties on Tuet-day of ttils
Kittle .1 1 1 1 1 m . iliinli'rr of Indian
Milton- vt Im tlli'd luet uet-k, on Siitot.
d.iy arrived here from the Ft. Hldveil
IikII.ui School to Mtteiid the (tilieral o(
In r mot her.
A eleigh loud of live drummers ou
day left for (ierlacli, Nevada. Hill
made ninny frit-iitN while here ami his
departure w III lie regrettetl liy all.
ftlley Nyswaner on Kundar left for
Ween, Cel., after spending several
weeks visiting bis folks here. lie
was accompanied by bis father, John
Nvawaner, who will remain wltb him
fur a few weeks before returclng
The funeral aer'lces over Mangle
Johns, tiio I ml Inn who diet!
here wts-k, were held at the Willis
FntlertakliiK rooms on Sunday after
noon, after which the hotly waa In
terred in the I, O. O. K. cemetery.
Tom Trodden, n former renitlerit
lien' who la now employed iim aules
inin for the (iniiMt CIk'T Con puny
of Friwo, waa a vlnltor In Lakeview
ilurtnK the paat week, ami while here
took the opportunity to renew old
u'ord bas readied bere to the elfect
that Miss Hazel McKee, a former
Lakeview girl, had recently uuder
uoue an oiieratlon fur appendicitis in
a Portland hospital. Tbe many local
friends of Miss Hazel wish ber a very
speedy recovery.
W. II. I lot. tikiMK. the Valley F Hi
Mtockiinin, ou Monday cuiiie into
town ou a liiinlucHM trip. Mi. Hnieti
klt reptirtN that Die cattle are tltdnu
very wi ll thin w inter, and that mi far
then- Iihm lit-t-n no mol'.' than the ordi
nary Wmtei 'h Iosm.
Mr. an t Mrs. Harry Heaufuri. of
Denver are nieiidlug u few days in
to n. Mr. liea jforl Is the owner i f
one if the Oiegon V. L. Co. teu acre
tract, locate 1 wmt of town, and ex
pects to build a home aud tke up his
resiileuce there shortly.
M. W. O'liricn, the Summer Lake
Suuday left for I'IubIi, where they ranch, reached Lakeview on Saturday
received during February. Masy
compliments bave beeu passed on the
blotters Issued br the lOxatnlnef, and
It Is not the office alone that Is proud
of them. Many business men seem
to tbink It a credit tn Lakeview Ibat
sbe possesses an office and workmen
that are able to execute sucb work
Cliiinlierbihi'a Stomach and Liver
Tablet Invariably hrln relief to
women eufferlii"; from chronic consti
pation, heada;he, liillouxrienH, dizzi
nesa, MiillowneMo of the ekln ant! ya
pepaia. Sohl by All (jikhI Dealera.
expected to t'ike in all tha availeble
orders (or the uomtiig nirii.g aud
summer buKiuess.
Word litis reached here to tho affect
that Mis May llutclielder vtas ipilte
IM with appeudlultis at the Los
AiiKtdrts Inline of ber sltder. Mrs.
CharUs Sherlock.
liisbop 1'addick will not reach
Lakeview until about t lie middle of
ttie mouth, having been detained
lonuer than expected in the northern
part of his Oljceae.
Jehu Metger has again taken up
the freighting (unduees, and ou Sat
urday last left tor Alturaa, expecting
to tirltiu back a lame cuiislgumeut of
guods ou his return.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Steveos, who
nave been visiting Mr. aud Mrs. ti.
Sherman F.utder during Mim pat sev
eral umuths, returned to Sau I'rau
oIhcii a tw days auo.
MIhm Alee Stinkard, of Cedarvllle,
ou Thursday puxeud through here en
route Tor Crooked Creek, where she
has accepted a position as eacher of
the school at H al pi tee.
CtiurlfH ('in in, of tin Forest Ser
vice oo Saturday had the in IhIoi 1 line
to lose one of ins Iioimh. finding the
aniinsi dead whrn lie innde his usual
iiiorniim vihit In the i-talle.
.James Harry, the pioneer sheepman,
on Friday left tor Jllue .lolut, where
his sheep lire located. He waa iiccoui
panted by lorn Pratt, who will axslbt
bliu in rarinu for the stock.
I.alph Soot lictone, of the Autoliur
age, on Tueatlay returned after a sev
eral mouth's vixit in Los Angeles and
other sout heru points. He repurts au
excellut lime while absent.
lieu Haly, the well kuunu sheep
man, ou Tuenday cauie iu from tbe
( atalow Valley section Ahere his
sheep are wioteiiug. He reports that
they are doing well det-pite the ren
eut bad weather.
Some "chiuooky" Heather has beeu
felt here during the past few days,
aud a alight tbaw has been the result.
Let us hope that it will continue as
we are auxious to see the good oi l
summer weuther once, mure
A very pleasant party was giveu on
Thursday evening lai-l by Miss Kessie
liurgesa, at ber borne ou WeBt street,
ho the niembeis of hei Metbodist
Junior League class Au enjoyable
time wan hail by all present.
Two strangers, both claiming tha
ii i' tne of Hen Lli.ehau, on Saturday
arrived here from New York City,
and expect to make Lukeview their
future borne. They are tlrst cousins,
aud both have relatives here.
M. T. Howard, of Klamath Falls,
was a visitor lu town duriug tbe past
week. He was a homesteader lu the
famous 37-10 case.'.but this week be
relinquished bis homestead aud filed
a timber uud stone entry ou it.
Hill Kolbuugh, who waa formerly
employed ua a surveyor fur tho Ore
gon Valley Lund Company, on Moil-
a f i er h m' vera i mouths vini i to Keno
aud other point In that vicinity. Mr.
O'ltrleli eta tea that Inn wife was oli-lli-.l
to remain In Keno on account
of a Herlou attack of rheumatlxtn.
The auniial meeting of the Lake
vie Library Ass iciation will be held
Saturday evening Ths meeting is
for the purpusa of electiug utlleers
for the ensuing )ear aud the transac
tion of any other butiiieas that may
come up, and will be held at the
library room.
"Deo" Archer on Saturday came in
from tne O. V. L Dam, and expects
to remain here for eeveial weeks.
This will be lu the form of a vacation
'or "Hoc," as on previous occasions
he has been ton busy to remaiu more
than a few days whenever be happen
ed to visit town.
Pan Malloy, the local stockman, ou
Tuesday came In from Illy where his
'"ii are wintering. H reports that
hut ote sheep has lieni lost to date,
wli n la pertly accounted for by the
fact that bay is teliw fed them, but
which is nevertheless a eery good
recur 1 for thl$ seas in.
The drum m era ate coming iu'o
L'keview thick and fat these daye,
K'tiing oideis for Sprint goods. All
are optimistic us to the business out
look for the ooming year, and believe
that we have bright piospects lor
lauding a raili md before many
in ou Wis iiave paused by.
A meeting of the Catholic Ladies'
Altar Society was hel l this atfernoon
with Miss Lena McShane at her home
on Main street. Necessary business
was transacted, after whicn refresh
ments were served aud a social time
vbi enjoyed by all present.
Atimnjr the out-of-town people who
registered at the Hotel Lakeview dur
ing the past week were M. liliixN, .1.
A.Thornton. A. A. Mitchell, T. J.
Trodden, It. a. Honnel. J. C. Wilson.
K. K. McVeaifh, all of San Francisco,
(1. M. I lolllnu'MWortli. of Sacramento,
S. I. Foun, of Seattle, and A. II.
Willis, of linker. Oregon.
Miss Mary Klleu Kussell. daughter
of Mrs. Maiy tU6sell of this place,
was married to Jame-t a. Tate Febru
ary Hi. The ctreuiouy was performed
at the residence ot Oliver P Kisler at
lieikley. They aia now at (Jrldley,
Cel., where they will make tbeir
home. The bride is well knowu iu
Lnkeview ami ber many frleuds ex
tend hearty congratulations.
Tbe ladles of the Clvie Improve
ment Suolety bave ohauged tbe time
of holding tbe tlood Time Club
dances from Friday to Wednesday
evenings. Consequently tha uext
club dance will be held Weduefday
evening of next week Instead of to
morrow evening, as previously an-
uouuoed. Tbe Keeuio Club will bold
its dance on tbe U'Jd, on aocouut of
the W. (). vV. dance ou tbe 17th.
Tbe Examiner's monthly blotter
waa a few days late idis month ow
lug to the large amount of work
Chautauqua Meeting:
The Chautauqua Circle will meet
with MI'M Mabel Hire Monday evening
March C.
Program Holl Call, Current F.ventn.
Critical dlscusslona of IXckena
(Htmlles In Dickena), Mra. Harry
Housing the Poor (The Cbatitau
pian. Demtx riitlc ICiiKland VL), Mrs.
U'-n 'loud.
Thla Ichmoii cont'hltleH the "Stutlieg
in I'ickeriH. i ne cinas will lake up i
"Mental tirowth and Control," by
Nathan Oppentielm.
Davis Creek Items
Ir H. Pierce, optician, is stopping
at HoUl Davis Creek.
Mr and Mrs. C. Crowder are In
Alruras this week taking Miss Bertha
do tu so she could eatcb the train to
Keno where she will resume ber work
In lleald's liunness Cnlleee.
Mr. an i Mrs Win. Harvey stayed
over night In Davis Creek on tbeir
way to tbe lower country. Mr. Har
ey is going to ship several carloada
of horses.
D. & Ewiog of Chicago spent sev
eral days in Davis Creek tbe past
week looking over Davis Cmek Oreh
ard tracts. He was so well pleur-ed
tbst be purchased Ove tracts.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Zsa, of Dodie.
California, arrived last week and
i oved on tie tract recently pur
chased from Davis Creek Urubard Co.
They are well pleased and we are gib I
to bave tbeai with us.
Mr. Henry Ketzenbacb made a busi
ness trip to Alturas last week.
Laurence Smith, foreet ranger, was
in Davis Creek Sunday night. He
bas been down at Alccras dolog work
in the office. He reports that tbe
rangers on tbe Lava beds bave been
veiy successful catching wild bom
ard tbey together with local stock
men expect to get rid of them witbin
tbe next week. These borses are a
source of trouble to stockmen and
should te killed off.
Mrs. S. J. Dutton tins been sick
with a cold but is around attain.
The lieagle family gave two shows
at the ball on Friday and Saturday
evenings. Tbey rendered "Tbe Dea
con of New York" and Saturday
eveniug "Other Peoples Money," aud
after tbe show oo Saturday evening a
social daioe was given.
Word bas bean received from Miss
Ethel MoMahou. wbo spent some time
In Davia Creek, that sbe Is now liv
Ins at Eugene aud her many friends
will be glad to know tbat she is en
joying good health.
A bunch of tbe young people of
Da Is Cmek got a bob sled and four
horses and went skating Wednesday
nlgbt hot report skating not very
Mrs. Ceo. Crowder will entertain
tbe Needle Club on Thursday after
Art Rvans, of lily, Oregon, waa on
Davis Creek, Sunday nlgbt on bis
way to Alcnras tu get some cattle tbat
bas strayed therefrom their range on
Spragne river.
The many frienda of Walter L. I fiUBSCRIUE FOK THE EXAMINER
Dutton who Is going to act oo at Cor
vsllls, Oregon, will be glad to knw
tbst be has paiwtd bis examinations
in good shape and U now beginning
anotner term's work.
We just received a telephone mes
sage tbat tbe Indians wbo murdered
tbe stockmen near Camp Denlo in
Nevada, bad been captured after a
desperate battle in which eight Indi
ans and one of tbe posse were killed.
Dennis Brown took a load of trav
eling salesmen to Altnras Saturday.
J. J. Pastier, wbo bas taken over
tbe Jhon Briles raonb. has arrived
and will take possession March 1st.
Fisir-CLf Tumiourm
compi rssr omnmm
Mammoth Stables
The Larjreat Livery and Feed Stable in southern Oregon
or Northern California, Horse Hoarded by the Day, Week
or Month. Special Attention Given to Transient Stock
That Advertise
That Talk
Lakeview Decorative Co.
Sheep For
2,500 head of Delane Ewes, tops out of
3,000 head, bred to Cotswold bucks,
start lambing April 5, 19 H. Delivered
March 1, 1911. Price $5.50 per head
Write .
Diamond C. Wool Company
PR1NEVILLE : Box 216
jIOt -JQi snnnrTi uru fg
O r O
ROUT 2 dozen Hoys' Hcavv
Button Sweaters, trood
weight for Spring wear, sizes 20
to v5t, in navy a;id red, to close
out at 35o each.
'Ii have a few Iixtra Good
urs to iro at liliViffi oli.
These are exceptional good values
and are good for a lifetime. This
is a chance to save one-third the
regular price.
fOYS' Cotton Rib Underwear,
broken suits, assorted sizes,
to close at 25o garment.
LL our Flannel Gowns
Ladies' and Misses' sizes.
Dressing Sacques and Kinionas,
are going at 20 reduction.
1HESE BARGAINS will only
last a short time, so it is to
your interest to come at once.