Lake County Examiner, Official Paper of ADVERTISINO RATt-5. I Regular tamltug . 11.00 an tnrh. aln:le j oo i.nm mwif, per month. All tiwllng 1. , changed free tw lee a month. l'it ol rompeM-1 U n rliamril for all extra changca. All ivial i portion extra. All utiorl tri m al. etra j Reader, local piliimna, 10r. rr line each In- apr'lon. "ant i1. .V. a lino each Inwriton ; Cant ol lhnk fl .00. Kostiilitin ol oondo-; len.t", i. so mi. I ni anla. i fff Transient Aitvorllninn nd Job Print- tlu. oMli iii ailvam-c. j All billi moat po inid the flr! ol each month. Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday, ."March 'J. 1I1 W. S. U'Ken, has a new idea for Introducing a eloRle tax in Oreuon. lis Is Boms tu prepare an ameodoieot tc tbe constitution which if adopted trill Rive Oret,ou tbe single tax grad ually. UU idea is to enact an amend-; . K. Curtia is luieily eouaed re nient to tbe constitution tbat will the ! modeli08 aDll enUniiDR tbe reaideoce flwt vear exempt one Hfth toe Talue , ot) hu home8lea(1 of all tbe taxable petsonal property I ZZTZZ? TTil'DOINOS IN THE NORTH END forth uutil at tbe eud of nve yearij tnere will be no tax on personal prop-j (Silver Iwike I-e.ttler) erty or ioiproTeaient. tbe entire tax ! Horo-Monday. Fer. 20, to Mr. and HI be levied against landi. j j, R K wrd , 8on AU vmlii j doing nicely. Tbe ioteretate commerce commie-i n.ntn ,i MFnh,. .hn Hm. . aioa bas decided against tbe ralhoad. 10 Dom eastern ana etlera Tbe proposed advance! In nlass freight rates la tbe official clasniOca tion territory, aggregating among all railways in tbe territory approxi mately 127.000.000 a year, wer dis approved by the commission, la tbe case involving inareases by tbe rail roads in tbe western trunk line terri tory tbe commission also declined to approve tbe proposed advances in tbe commodity rate. Carriers la botb .casts are required to cancel on or be fore Maich 10 tbeir advBUCed tariffs ad restore then foraier rates, nbicb are tbe rates now in effect. The F.xaoiiotr has inadvertently failed to give tbe Leader credit for tbe "Silver Lake Items" appearing in its colomns recently. It has been tbe practice to rnn the ltema under tbe beading of "Doings in tbe North End," with proper credit, and tbe I change in beada escaped tbe notice of j tbe managing editor ootil tbia week wben tbe Leader utters a most plain tive wail. All excbaigee of the Ex- aminer are more than welcome to use circle, was placed under arrest Tues any matter appearing in its columns day evening by I'eputy United States without credit of any kind, and it Marshal llamnier-ly on a charge of might be added tbat many of them , violating the White Slave act. In do. The Examiner is endeavoring company with Marie Reed she left for to assist in the upbuilding of tbe Portland the following morning in whole of Lakfl county, and bence is the marshal's custody where she will perfectly willing tbat any newspaper answer to the charge, her bonds liav eeeing anything in its columns . ing been ti xeJ at tl.'xJO. worthy of reproduction should pur-j It appears Belle furnished the Heed llsb tbe same, without credit cf any woman money to make the trip from kind, our i nly bope rf reward teing ; Seattle to Lukeview, which act Is di that it will assist in tbe early devel j redly eot.trary to the statutes in such opment ot this rich section of Ore ' cases made and provided. Mifs Keed gon. Tbe Alturas papers are now busily engaged in knocking tbeir section of country in order to veut tbeir spite no tbe X. C O. During tbe past de code, according to tbe aforesaid knockers, tbe gain in population of Mcduc county baa been only about one-tbird of tbe average of tbe State, and of course the N.-C. O. is to blame. To a persou who closely pe ruses tbe Alturas papers it would seem mure likely tbat tbey Hie re sponsible in a great measure for the lack of population. Seldom indeed does an item appear tbat could be termed a boost. Wben a short time since it was proposed to iutall a water systeru, the reject hs knock ed and knocked bar i. ts lit t-ut cue of the i.riper., au i it ii thuf av all along tie line Wake up. hrotber.-, and buos-t. t;jt if you can't h iost, don't knock. 1711 about anna: of tbe good things you bave, and let us know wljat is dong in jour section. And joj will be surpriotd to Hud hi many really good thiuus you have overii o'ted. Valley Falls News Jack Flynij, acco'tipaoied by two others, was a visitor at tbe old TU ranch last week. Mr. Flynu came out to inspect some sheep be is Inter ested io and tbat aie wintering here. Albert Branch recently brought io a b.iup,b of bucks from tbe Brattain place on Lake A belt, lie reports the sheep doing well, consirlei ing the winter we have had. ciiant ille Hsrdiety, w ho has been trapping out on the desert this win ter, passwd through neie recently eu route to Lakeview with a large bunch of (Joe hides. Utley ii Simojous, the taxidermists, bave received another large consign ment of bides to be made up into rugs and robes. M Iss Persia Curtis has Mulshed the erection of a cozy little cabin on her homestead, where she will reside in tbe uear future. Ii. A. Utley is busily engaged at the present lima getting out fence posts preparatory to fencing bis homestead, where be bag consldeiable ground Lake County, Oregon 5l'B5CRII,TION RATIiS. ,)n roar, tit advance, u mnptlin, " rtiree month. " ti.on 1 :'.S -If not paid In advance, ti fO the yeat Notice to Subscriber Sntrriner to I ho Kxanitncr who romovo from ono Usaiuv fo another, or ohaiict their pomotTlce addfe ulieuld remember 10 drop Ihla otnoe curd n thoir papot vi ! ad drouod to tho right poMotTWv. i broken aud ready for tha sprlnn seeding. This U tbe lam week of tchuel Id Ibe Clorer Flat district for tbe pref ect term. I band of gto)eQ bowM thr0UKD bBtf) t summer, were sentenced lat week to aii yeara each In the peniten tiary at Salem. Tbe sc-honl bouse at tbe bed of Sammer Lake wbicb was built last year at a cost of (1500 was totally destroyed by tire last Friday even ing. Tbe fire which started in a de fective terra cotta joiut near the comb, was discovered about sundown, uotbing being saved except the reci tation benches. Tbe boilding wan insured for tVXV. WHITE SLAVE ACT REACHES LAKEVIEW Be, Marshall, Well Known Courtesan the Violator tVUe Marshall, of thu (It-mi moml is held as a witness, ami her bonds are the tame as IJelle's. Receive Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jack Batcbelder re turned on Thursday aftar a several months visit to Albany aud other points in the Willamette Valley, a well as at Oroville. Cbico end other California points. Tbeii many friends are exteudicg congratula tions, a" it will be recalled tbat Mr. batcbelder and bis wife, who was for merly Miss bena Snelliog. were rnar ried in Albauy several woeks after leaving Lakeview. KILLS A .M('I:)EI:i:K A merciless murderer H Appendicitis with many victim". Imt lr. King's New Li e kiil it ly prevention. Thi-.v y'Titly stimulate stomach, liver and Sowels. preventing that clogging thai invites apjienrlicji , curing I.'dh htipatioli, iche. MiMiess. Chills, 'Sir .it A. L Tliorn'on's. New Freight Rates The new freight rates effective March 21, are as fellows: hrom Kan j Francisco to A 1' uras First rlase, second, SI.3G"; third, ?1 25; I frin rth J-'l (m Vrx,v l.'..a. . Marysvllle-First Class, tl.45 ; secon 1 class, 1.2J; third cIbsb, JI.IGj fourth class, t.W. The above rntes show a reduction from the old rates of an average of 1G 2-3 per cent from Hacra- i k tii i . memo ana iuarysvuie. Boa an aver age of 17 per cent from San Fran i cisco, i Land Filings j The following applications for lauds In Lake Conuty were filed at the local I Government office for the week end ing Saturday. February 2otb: Oral C. Hale, Seo. 32, 20-IX; Sec. 5, 30-IS. Liinnetbo J. Hardy, Sees. 31. 32, 29 i8 ; Sees. 5, (J, 30-18. WiJlluoi JO. Hale, Sees. 20, 35, 29 17. Lewis H. Irving, See. 25, 29 17. John IL Barter, Seo. 1, 30-17; Sec. G, 30 18. Presley T. Atkins, Sees. 31, 32, 29 18. . William U. Cyras, Seo. 12. 2717. James U. f oster, Seo. 31, 30-10 OREGON SYSTEM IS MYSTIFYING Democrats Alone Arc Its True(?) Adherents RUSK AND WEST CLASH Governor Says Majority Choice Not Proper ay to Nomi nate Candidate So far as Unal rvnulta ai concerned tbe recent Legislative asaembly, tbe first to wbicb all members were chos en under tbe "Oregon System, seems to bave been scarcely toe! of tbe worst uadertbe palmy days jof tbe old convention plan. Politics were played from start to finish, aud the Governor himself covered himself with a crowu of victory in the wou 1- rou game. Eveu tbe Portland Journal, which atruogly favor tie present method, seem to be in sore distress, for under tbe head of "Popgun Statesmanship," It relieves itself aftar tbe' following mnnDer : "Ibe Legislature was looked to for a good roads system, and tbe Legis lature by piovidiug such a system bad an uuparaileled opportunity to renler invaluable service to tbe state. But instead, 725 peanut bills were introduced, and tbe time was spent in tbeir consideration. Big leglala tlon was lost sight of iu popgun bills raising salaiies, creating new official aud new deputies, chauging game laws and other trivial matters. Over 200 of these were rusbed tnrougb iu tbe last 18 hours of tbe aenslou and tbe result is mad bills so maimed, marred, backed, batters 1 and buugled tbat it is scarcely known whether toey are road bills or a study iu "llow Id is Aun?" But, perhaps the most astonishing fact is that no attempt has thus far been made tJ lay the lespnusibllity upon either faction of the republi can party. Statemeut Oners and Assembly ites seem to share the bur den eipually. for neitoer side accuses the other. Io fact, the biggest low seems to be with tbe Democratic Governor, nominated aud elected under the "Oregon System." aud dyed-ln tbe-wool Statement X uieu. And it was all about Speaker Husk's bill providing tbat candidates must be either tbe Orst or second choice of a majority of their party. Io vetoing tbe bill, Governor West said: "When tbe men wbo now oppose 'he people's system cease their at tacks co it and recognize the fact tbat it is here to say, then will it be time for the legislature to seek to improve it," says tbe govetuor in bis message accompanying the Dill. Tbe governor says regarding the bill in tbe veto message : "It violates sections 1 and 10 of article II of the constitution of Ore gon in tbis : "It seek a to deprive the voter of bis constitutional right to vote for one person for nomination under tbe title to every offi :e where more than twice aa many candidates for nomi nation in one political office division as there are positions to t.e tilled therein, tin lens he also expresses a second choice amoug said candidates, lie may not have a second choice and tbe legislature canuot, under tbe constitution compel him to name a second choice under penalty of losiua bis cousl itul ioual right tu vote for t he nominal iuii of one persau. "But even if the bill wuh not open to tf.ia CuiiHt itutioual objection, I should consider myselt bound to vr'.o it under my pr miss to Die people, of 'Jiegoi in the recent campajun, thai if elected I wool i not permit auy tampering with the laws they had ap proved by tbeir votes. The "Oregon system" may need amendments, but so long us it Is attacked as a "-hole 1 atn compelled to stand soliuly on the preposition that its results are guod euough t"r the present. "When meu who now oppose tie people's sy tern cease their attacks on It aud recrigni.e the fact that it is here to stay, then will be time for the legislature to seek to improve it. ' In speaking of tbe governor's action A FILKCK NIGHT A LA KM N the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Oiten it aroused Lewis Chamliliu of Manchester, ()., It It. No. 2, for their four children were greatly subject to croup. Sometimes ia severe attacks," he wrote, "we were afraid they would die, but Blnce we proved what 'a, cer. tain remedy Ir. King's New Jiiscov ery is. we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lunu trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Ailhina, Hay I'Wor, LaOrippe, Whoop ing Cough, Hemorrhages liy before it. 50c and fl 00. Trial bottle free. Hold by A. L. Thornton. in vetoing tbe Mil, Speaker liuak, the falliei of tha lull, who la atlll at the capltol, made the following ats( iitent : "I am one of tbe lawyers who la not a constitutional lawyer, Iml J do not believe thia I III la uuooiiat na tional and 1 belief it come clearly within the prnrlalotia of aectloti 1 and 1(5 of article II of the eonatltti. I Ion. 'Further, that thia being pro vision relating to primary elect Ion, I do not believe tbe oointtltiitlon baa anything to do with It. aa the legta latute Ima complete control over audi matters irreapecltve of the cotiHtllu- tl.ui. "A to It being ail attack upon the Oregon eyttein I pride niysi'lf iu buj lng aa good and tanncli a friend of the Oregon tyateui aa it baa In tha etate of Oregon. I yield tlrat place to no mau In hit loyalty to program ! I nnt.nlHr unrernniMit. and I claaa ' ... ... -r.,.. i Senator Slonott, of The Dalles and Keprsentatlve Gill ot Oufur aud Urownhill of MoMlnuvllle along with myself as true friends of the people's law. These men, with niyatlf, were the authors of the bill, aud I am sure I have uo apologies to make for pro moting any measure that they Hpprjve. "Ot course. If we are to have no party organization then there should be uo second choice, but I held tbat if a man It to bave tbe benefit of tbe party name aud prestige, that before bavluir thia he ought to be com pel le 1 to be either the first ur secoud choice the ma jot it y of bla party. This, boure bill 4(2 required blm to do." STAR GEM OF CEYLON. T Astaria Brought Health and For tuna to Ita Wearer. Knniilliir In some of the ancient writ ers mid credited with Hiipci'iiatural powers, the nsterhi. or star gem. wa hluhly valued for the henellls sup pose, to tip conferred on the nearer. Its hrklif sl niyed star, ever i lumg lng mid shifting with every play of llicht nnd e-ipecially shooting out Its flames In the illriK't sunlight, would seem to tie Munething more th:in ml ordinary crystal, nnd to the superstl t Ions mind If could readily lie believed to embody some tutelar spirit. The particular virtue attributed to this gem was the conferring upon the wearer of "health ami good fortune" w hen worn as an a imilet. n ml to those fortunate to he born In the month of April, with which the stone was nsso ciated or representisl. the wearer was insured from nil evil. The star stone Is found principally In Coy !nii. Invariably In soli peclillnr to rubles and sapphires. Indeed, It Is composed of the same const it iient "co rundum." Its chatoyant, or star raja, being caused by the pressure of what the natives cull "m!W." It Is found In ninny iMfTcront color, from pale blue. I Ink and " I It" to deep dark blue, ruby and purple The Line are termed ap. phlfe stars, ih- p-d ruby stars It Is ,-:i hon, the star divld. Pi" 'nto - ra's at the apex. It N hi".' io It Md'!'"-s to the diamond. HAH MILLIONS OF FKIHNPS. How would you like to iiumhcr your friends by millions as I'ucklen's Arnica Salve does'.' Its astounding cures In the past forty years made them. It's the best Salve in tho world for sores, ulcers, i-cema, burns, b ills, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes. sprains, swellings, bruist s, cold sores, lias no equal for piles, u'oc at A. L. Thornton's. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOOMS FOK liKNT Webster's kooin ing house corner Slash a Iiewev. Kverything new: rate-i reasonable by day, week or month. tf I'llli KKNT Orchard ami -garden. For further pari ieul.r s. Addffi-s liox 'AH, Lakeview, Ore. tf FOK SALF I K . i Large lot. I 't in K I'ope, oppo.-iti u t'otiage, barn. 'id. Inquire J. i Mailing Mid. tf The Home of Good Values OUR LINE OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IS COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU EVERYTHING NECESSARY! BAILEY A Oatxr Motive. "Yea, he played tho litMt two acta with it tiroki'it wrist." "llerolMiit. chr "Not nl nil. lie wna afraid to rIvw III iindct-Mttid.v it chntiee."-I'lcvelnnd I 'III til I'i'illrr. Sootier or Infer n r hi m I in sec the right.- Illllnrd I he world roniea truth nnd do tho Fully nine nut of every ten ciixca (if rlii liliiiillni la aitopl v rlieiiiiiu I iHia of the liiliMrleM itne tit culil nr (lotitp, or clironic i lieiiiiint ihiii, iieltlier nf wlilcli retiir any Internal trealiiient. All t hut Ih iiismIciI to nffonl relief la the free ailti'lltiitl nf tlintiilierlillii'a l.liiltuetit. (iivella Irinl. Vnti are certain to lie pleHHed with tlm k relief tvlilcll it affordri. Sold liy Ml (loixl llenlerx. ADVERTISED AT LAST 9 merchant THERE was in oat town Who was so wondrous wise He saw his business running: down, Yet would not advertise. AID he: "I cannot see the sense V When trade is at its worst Of multiplying ray expense. I'll wait till trade comes first." AT last this merchant, ill advised, Had naught (o do but fail, And then the sheriff advertised A bankrupt auttion sale. COLORADO HOTEL C. g. LONZWAY. PROPRIETOR BEST MEALS IN TOWN-Try Us (iOOI), CLHAN ROOMS BAKERY Rolls and Cakoa Bread, Hot Lakeview THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. LAKEVIEW, OREGON Have the only Tract Index to the real est:iu v.-eonls ol Lake County, Oregon, aii'l are in a 'mUi,h to make Abstracts of Title in less tune and more accurate than can be done by anv other system H. W. MORGAN Waterman-Parker-Conklin Fountain Pens at Thornton's &' flASSINGI LL The Juice Is Off Hut you can have a better light than ever by gcttinK one of the ALADDIN LAMPS or llurncr. I.enve your order tit the linger llmdatmrtcr. Setltig Machines eon I nil I y on hand We srll, cxclintiM or rent inachillfN. N lies and supplies of all kinds for everr machine. 2.'h' bottles of Oil for 20c. THE SINGER HEADQUARTERS On,. P.Mir Nurlli ol lleiahl oltl( n H. O. ALGER ?????????? The plant is pre paring to turn on the current. Are you ready? E.T.SPENCE Baked Daily Oregon Manager ZBfcal Drug Store