GREAT COMBINATION OFFER Two Papers for Less than the Price of One The management lias made arrangements with the PORTIA SD EYEXLW TELEGRAM whereby wc can j;ive subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination otTer for a limited period. Von can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news of Lake County and vncinity in the EXAMIXER at a remarkably low price. THE EYEXIXG TELEGRAM is the best paper in the state, market reports unexeeled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. B The Portland Evening Telegram $5 per year The Lake County Examiner J2 per year TOTAL - - $7 Both papers through this office if paid in advance for I year, on or before February 15, 1911 $4.75 Lakeview Saddlery A complete lineol wagon and buggy harness, whips, robes, bits, riates, spurs, quilts, rose ettes, etc., etc. If ' I Everything in the line of carriage and horse furnish ings, ltepairing by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET S. F. AHLSTROM - Proprietor LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated. A Complete Record We haTe made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect Kt al Property fn the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and tranafer ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the record we have found numerous mort gages recorded Id the Deed ncord and indexed; acid many deeds are recorded In the Murrtfaue record anil other hooks. Hundreds of mortgage anil deed are cot indexed at all, and most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot find i h-1 u have put timidreds of dollars hunting up these errors and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR. flanager. WILLOW RANCH ORCHARD TRACTS Apples Apples Apples Keeping Qualities NO BLIGHT NO INSECTS NO FAILURES BIG PROFITS 10 ACRE TRACTS Planted, Irrigated, Sprayed and Cared for Price $150 per Acre One-third down, balance $20 per month No Taxes, No Interest Tri-State Land Company Lakeview, Oregon Wrltofor Booklet and Information Famine Districts of China Turned Into a Battlefield iiokim'.s or ii:sim:k ati: i:ayasi. tiii: MTItlCKKN Kr.moNN-THOOPS SUNT AO.MNNT Til KM lKFKATKI UKI'KATKIMA f V 6 - -. I n w . , ' '. a, , . -., .,'-. . ,'1 . , ' On fourth of Ornou lit how In th furfHt roKiTTfu. Stmll thl oiin- - fourth nf ttin rtntn h amnitt(i t i-rr.i.i. hi niNtiKtitly from WMnhliiKtoiiT Or InI1 ,"tu th tNt hn uniui'tliiim to Mjf nlmiit iirir'nur-. It nn niiiniiiiitf i'lmt U tlm ipii'Hl inn. I kIihII try to tint tha triikt I(Ipn Into tho f mi of lm." UI:I;ICIAL DIKLCTORY st Potorsbnry:, VvU. What U pral ically rUal war pi alU in the plague strUkon dUtrh't of M.inelnirla. TliouainN of unt'iiiployoil iih-ii have tiiriM-l lanlitH anl are toolln- tillages. t'hln's- troopM :-iit to stop the plundering hae heeii ilefeat el repeated!). TRADE RELATIONS WITH THEJANOCKS Now Reciprocity Treaty Awakens Curiosity as to Conditions KTnNi W lllnm II. Tuft I mi" m.mIhm mn I'd imtitli i I '. k nis Kt mill 1 1 ii MhiVuIvH t TM lr ill r J.i . il. II In. mniiti Aflurtll-V inMM'flll IJI-nrHli " "llnl'"'n I'limitm.hT Ooiixml . trunk II, Mill luni k Wi rrlnrjtnl Nvr Oi urn.' Von I., M'r''f rriry I uliTlor I(lrliarl A lililiiKr rrmry (il Akrli iillur. . . Jdiiik W llunn cori'ir)r n t'ominiri 'hrli Nrnj"'! Dlili-I JimiiiK . Clim-ln K.iwm.l Wlilm Vi'i mlmi WurtliT, 11. K. Vi naiiiii I oiiiinl.auiiii'l A. H, Hlrlmriln,. . , I). H. IjiihI I iiiMiiilliiiirf TATS. lor. rniir nmntf o Hlln rriirT tt.irnry f HHH'ml pl. I'll In lo liiKirurtlmi ITinlcil I'lkirr ml Pihh) Cum. i), . Hiiii(ori !oiicrrniiiii I'hlrl Jimilea . OhmiiIiI Wnl . K . Mr n i i n 'I !. M. Mmf A. M.I fliitU I.. It. A iirinn W. H, IHllllOKt J W. llllT JoliDmlimi i n r ii v. J r. I Urn, h. I limnliiTImn W. I'. Ilnwl.r I A. W . Uffcriy ffRKHK cut HT II. H. Ilrn K. A. MtHiro CONGRESSMAN-ELECT LAFFERTY REAFFIRMS SIATEMENTiOF PLANS!; Fixing of Rates Charged IJy Public Service Cor poratiens Declared lssenlial--Forests Should Be Held for States--Tarriif Revision Urged Ortgoulm: "I Hin lesvirw for WaBblUKtou ton i Lit in nrdnr Hint 1 may stop in Mm m i a tn.v iIhvs to visit my inrpnl, " nuiii KeDretienta tivB tlect Lalierly Ln'ore hi (Jnpart ure. "My teiiu beuins Mmi'li 4 uud 1 e ball opea my otlice t tbe Cxfiitol on tbat date. I fctiall alio retain c:y ictUceiu foitliiud. Citizeua of the BtNt CHllinR oo me, or writine to i e, either at Portland or WHHi.iny too. will have mattem in nhicb thny are interested promptly looked after. "My brutbei. Albert Latl'erty. for tbe past to years a clerk iu ttie Port land pnstoftice, bas resigned and will act as mv Portland secretary. Walter L. Farlierahaw, a youoK lawyer of WasbiuKtou, IJ. C, ladt auinnicr, and who bas bad mucL exporienre iu de partaieutal work, will act temporarily ac my WasbinKton secretary. 1 bad offered to Carl S. Kelty the position as ray perraaoeut private scratary aud hopu'l t") have bini juin me in to. Tlii is the lsnne tiftween tbe 'htmi l lattt-rt' and the InnrK'nlH. When the tariff in reduced, and rates of in tilio eervii'B corenratious are tlx cl t,j law, the biwh cot of IItIuk will I e ut an nrl. Then every man who woria will te able to support i.'s family and take a vacation ouce a year tieHider. The pntdio service cor poratirniH Hhnuld eerve the putdic. "llomtst'-aders ehould tie treated mom liberally in this state. 1 shall aloo try to K''t a law padned rnpurinu ureater lit erality in the aduilnihtra tion of tbe homestead la. "It is aivu my puipoge to nre the Oepartmeiit of J nut ice to a more epee ly (in.M'cnt inn of the land (irant suit now pending, to compel tbe Ore uon & Califoruiii liailrdad Company to sell it a remaining Kranted lauds, amonntinK to mure than 2 (MKI (H)0 Bcies, to actual cettlerH at HUM an acre, aa required by the ut of L'on tirecs Diakinir the uratit. 1 think Washing. ou. Mr. Kelty declined the j Oreon couiim I should l.e added to appoiutmnat as the salary all 'i e 1 by 1 the n ecial couui-'-l eeut here ly the j;of pi naienr. 'I be special counsel liH.MKiiu i to Ihl-i I'hiiH is tliu lierit to be ha i in Hie cMintrv, but Oregon. Is mure inteieNled Iu the outcome than law to a private secretary in ! -hs tbun Mr. Kelty is now earning iu lih uews paper wor'i iu Portland. "My viena pla :e uie with t: in eiirueutr. Certaiu nieu and groups of any ot tj- rtate. men have been en joy lui "peclal (lUl I "M il ! ioi - (,f n.'ri i.f pnldic. lauds lees under the laa.. They hue bri n in tl.i.s s-' -i i- n i uiinrveyed! I exploiting t e people and ciea'iuu sMill 'ry in ui t the ii 'ii.iy ii rupri SKolleu fortunes from the enrnli;(in of , ateil tu i'..u,,. Ie tbenn t-unejH. I). -the 'l onimou terd,' To 'nuriie a lew vidup i eut wiull be yieully tai ilitat of thvhe groups of mm,' m they ed Iheiclij. would dPinand in Mirromi I mil ' "1 bjnll nl.Hu eiuleacor to Ki t a law mention the United Slates Meel ( or ' paa-ed iei(iiiiiii tout in the, future poratiou, the American llartester expenditure id the irriKuiiou tuod i 'otripan j, the American Tnbacco any utale Hint ban contributed more Company, the Ameriau Souar llelln than it Iihh received thai I have a pre ery tbe VVesreru Union Teletirapb fereuce uul il re i nibuieed. Thia would Company, the expren com pan i-a bud 'wive (Jriui. suiiie Su.bbUO, IXMJ addi the railruHii coiupau in". jtioual irnyat inn u-onwy wlihiu tbe "The tarili' shoi Id be reviaed down i next t'w yearn, ward witli a vengeance and the ratei j "An a t ehould b paaiied eliiniuat of railroads, telegraph, telephone aud : i'U from the foreet reserves ull lauds exjie.-)d cumpanies aud other on bl ic subj.-cl to hoineutead eutry. Tbe act service corporations should be fixed lot l'.X'li, providing that a settler could by a publio tribunal created by law! lake a claim on agricultural laud aud baKed on physical vuluat lous. ' with in a torent reaerve, Iiih proved a T'o prevent these reforms) thnse en- farce, because it as left disrretiuunry joying special pi ivileuen ' have been with the ioreht officers tr allow or bending their energies for years. . diesllow such applications, and they They have contributed to campaign i al ways see tit to disallow tbem on funds to help eleot Presidents, snua one pietext or another. 1 shall try tors aud representatives iu Congress. jtJ get a law passed makiug it umnda Tliey have tiaretofore been able to tory to allow such tilings, control legislation iu their favor. "Tbe permanent forest reserve Tbat time ia about passed. 1 hope I question is a big one. 1 lavor having the uet Congress will prove to tbe couulry that It baa passed. "Publio service corporations shouid have a reasonable return on their In vestments and everyone is willing tbe Federal Uoverukuent retain title to tbe forest reserves, but tbe work of attending to these lands should be turned over to loual uieu, and tbe proceeds from tbe sale of ripe timber that tbey should have, but when they .aud grazing privileges should go into charge tbe publio exorbitant rates, the state treasury. In other words, fhey abould be regulated by law, the forets that are to be permanent This is what tbe buplio wants aud It should be turuvd over la trust to tbe is what tbe special interests object states. Publio Interest in the pending reci procity treaty with Cauada leudt Interest to eome figures just prepared tiy the Iiureaii of Statistic, Depart ment of Commerce and Labor, flow ing the trade of the United Hist n with Canada during a term of years and (be principal aiticlrs forming the trade in trie latest avallnhU year, lull). The total value of Imports trum, and exports to Canada at de cennial years sluce IH.'iO is as folio: Year Imports Kx ports is;) i 6,i7'.i.riH) i i.rir,uii 1st') "Jit, 572 71il 2,2,t.;:i,!i:i8 is7o :i:i.:i'it.2i7 21,8:12, -y 18S0 M lHS,tt;i UH.4ti.2f7 1S1HI IU2.H77, 40.2H2 1JH I'.hhi :u :tr.:i.07t ;5.:n:).,J7o r.ik ir. 12s .110 'ji.V'.fx.f.'i Of the JO.I.(HMl,(KHl worth of domes tic merchandise exported to Canada from the Culled (States in llHO f'Jl,. (.KMi.lHH) represented tbe value of food tutrs; f.') ihk),0(KI crude materials fur use in manufacturing, fvll.UH) 1(H) iiianiitactnrea tor fmttier uie iu tnau ufHi'turlug and t'.Mi.lHKl.iHX) n auufsrt ures ready for roiiHOinptlnii. The principal articles forming the Imports from, ami exports to Cauada In our trade with that country are shiwo Iu the .icciiinpauyliig lints: Tie Principal Articles imported from Cauadt fur the tlcsnl year I'JIO were as f dlowk : Hoards, deals and planks, pulp wood, hides am skins, cal, copper Igs, ingots, etc., nickel ore and matte, seeds wood pulp, chemical. and drugs, fur and fur skins, house hold D(1 personal effects, shingles, timber, paper aud tr. aoufactures of, lobsters, metals, metal compositions, etc., ashrHtoa breadstutfs other than wheat, rye and barley. The principal articles of domestic production exported tu Canada from the L'uiled States, for the fiscal yesr ; I'JIO, were a f.illows: ! Coal, cotton, steel sheets and j plates, automoblies, coru, horses, j hnjks, maps, etc., structural iron and i tteel, furs aud fur skins, bars or rids of steel, except wire rods, electrical appliances, wheat, coke, wire, oranges cotton manufactures, fruits, other than oiaoges, iron ore, twine of hemp or other fitters, plows and cultivators, pipes and fittings, uu mauf ictured, tobacco cotton seed oil, pig Iron, lacks aud hlngea, electrical uiaublneiy, typewriters, boots aud shoes, lard, naptbas, aud crude min eral oil. iMorlsto JuiiIi'fi , 1 r, a. itlt ; 11. j l ei 1 II. II. It II (fa. ; lllirnell drills 111 ITS Jl'UlLMI. TII1 i'l'ls" Ili'iirv I, Mrniti Alluiiii r i. V. kuykvuilall 'llltil Hrlislur 0 gi'iri'i'liltlvo II Mi'rrjrinsn II I' ll. lkimp in r him 1) a. I.AN l OKU! k. vrihnr W . Orion 'rod r ( roiieniiiier Wufn . Ki'iHIrr . KiltO LAkKTOI'NI y 'U'Us l-ra lierlff I'rvsNiirrr '.'.','.'.'. AMMir , , . , " n IiihiI eujii 4uryor 'niniiiiulniifirs J Counlv iv'li ItiaiMH-inr. il DIt F tarn . . W II Mlll.lrr F. O A liUimm A.J. Kilr H H. Jmimn ,. H. A. Ml.lllrll I a lii nan K K An.l. r.ns .11 I'. iUlli.f IOW N W UHV.kH rtrr llailcj V HnelllliS I J J. II. m I B. Allien j I. a. luo I H. Hnlilur i air in' r ' " Msrnr I'll IIK'lllllSO , Kfciinlpr 1'ri'saurer 1-AKKVIhW IIOAKilOKl Ka rralilrnl Trraaiirer N-rlar . . lusiu-i 1'nintnllti.uiati ikIi, atria,. 'ilillvlly tlx lunliiial rldiliural " .. .. W. II elllRK .... K. M. Millrr . .. V. I. HII. IIIIH I.. . t uul, i'. K Hr,.r . . W. K l ainii . W. I' II. r) lord ... II. w . Iin iikxl .. M V. K.hart hmi'iia llialiiarii-ra Inr Hlrani r. p i 1 CMURCIJI DIRFCTORY KIKHT MHlllllil-f 1 in'iTiTlvsi'r VIhmiI at lii in iT' iti hiiiK rverjr Mitiday si I a. in. Mini ? M p. in. Ki m. nth I .!... rirrr umlar 'Vi'iili at H I -. I rawi M. . iiiik I liura 'Mi : p. in. i ll Irinr. ilii( at 7: o i. AM Ki.rv w.. in. ...i., i ;., p nerjrlMxIjr ror.llally ltii il.-l i.. all n H-.-a M . T. W IHK. I'a.n.r. 'IM HA I'll.-I I III Kill Hh ..VKKIKW I'ri'Si'liiiis MTviri. al HAM ainl 1 .m p y on HI ami ir.l Hun. HimkUv h.'Ih...i ai 0 a M .mil. .r v, i,.ty at f. m n.,,,,,, vming l'snile'a I al (i l.l ! mi ,,.), M,il.. eray. r M.'. tiiii, al !:.n' M t,.., ,.ri oiiix. Kvi ry l..,y l,n it, , ,,, m,. ,,,, KKV. II. eMiril. I'a.n.r. iu. ui, TRANSFER OF LAKE COUNTY PROPERTY Reported by tho Lakeview Abstract and Title Company Tie following transfers of property were recorded duim the week end ing Feb. 'S.i, 1011 : U. S. to Otikar .-. (iiiodin, 8J ol NW i, Lots ;J and I. f Si c. b, I. :it H.. it. 17 10. llenjamin lilHhop to A. II. N utile, Lot 'J:i. lilk. Ill, (). V. I,. Add.. tf-JOd. U. H. to Win. II. (Jakes. NKJ Set-. 30. T. ::i H. H. VI V.. Kpliriam . Siet to I'. P. Ilixnn, awi wic. :i, r. 2:1 h., 1:. x v.., $i". Kihu M. (jHkin tu Win. II. Oakea, NKJ ri :!U. T. '2.1 N.. K. 'Jl K.. rid. KirK II. Sumner to O-born A. Kimptori. Lot . Uik. WH, (). ,V. L. Add., KU'i NK!-4 hec. 27, T. M H., K. 2. K, il. Carl A. Aiiska to Laura Hayes, Lot 27. Hlk. 21'.. (J. V. 1.. Add.. rUH). A. H. Lavis to K. P. Light, Lot 21. Hlk. 2S1, O. V. L. Add.. 11. II. W. Drcnkel to ileleu A. Morrill, Lot IJ. lilk. 7, Urenkel's First AM., 10. 175 U. V. L. Co. deeds were ttlao tiled. ATTACKH HCHodL 1'ltlNCl I'A L A Hcvt'i'c at tack on Hi.bool .i iiicltul, CIiiih. It. Alien, of S,lvanli, (01., is tliun told by Ii 1 111. "Tor more Hum throe yciira," ho wrIU'H, "I Hiiffcrcd iiiilcHciibubli) torture from rlii'uma tlaiii, liver and Htoiuach trouble and dlHcuMod kidui-yH, All remodicH failed till I UHcd Lltclrlc liltters, but four bottles of this wonderful roinccy cured mo completely." Such reeullu are common. TImiuhiuuIh bless them for curing nLoinacli trouble, fenia o complaintH, kidney illHi.nicrH, hilloiiH neriri, uud for new health and vigor. Try the n. Only 50c at A. L. Thorn-ton'a. I Arilol.H i HI Hi KVKKV M Sl. V MAMH ml M.'ll.'.llrtlim at Idn'i lili a. In n,;,,,t whiHil after lli n.-.n, in.n. Hr.-a i". MD 'Il AM. O'MAI I I- V. h. J. KIKM- HAl'IlM I lll ln II U ..imikK I aK( I New I'lnr i r..'.iir. i,n. 1'r.a. htnii Mr oi-ea al II A M an. I 7 .4, - M n rai li hnri'tay if ei'. rv urn, ui, Miminv .-. I,,,., i at lu A M I'rsy. r.rvli'. i7: ln..n Wr.,-..av . v. nln, it rai li .'... All an- i nr.lily InntcJ In ilu-inl i he n rtlrr. HKV. I.. K. IIKN'DKKSOV, LODQli DIRECTORY . O. ('. W.-I.AKKVHr. ..him,, T 111 M' lii every . r.iii.i n. inurili ' ut .alii ininiili, in Mi,...,,),, iuii, tkrura liaa. IiiiiiiIiikx'Ii. ..M. ; Mm loihiiier r UKIIKKK OK HONOR I.AKK.-llilKK I- . . . r. Sn. T7. II. nf II., A.o. I . M,-,.. , , ,,,,( ililnl i liur.y nl i-h. h inul.i', Hall: Mary I nn. I '. II j I1..11. . , i ii . ; out nil) ii. lliiiwii, H.'.'.inli r. i.l I Aiatiii .Is I O. O. r--I.AKKVIKW I.OIM.K, N f I'l'la I'HTV -nlmilHI ni'liili; Kt lli.wa llall, al 7; i.) i.'i In. k. Irnni 1 1,- , , to 1, an. I at 1.1. i.., k lr..,n .,., 1 , w'l.ti inli.'r :,. a. K. 1 In n. v. . 1 1 I'tieiiey, K.'i retnry . O. O. r. I.AKI.V1KW KM 'AMIVMI' M Si, , I . O. O. K., liin u II,,. nr,, KI1, ,,,,r, !,,,., (lay evi'iiliiK" n i nch in,, mh m u. 1 , n,,M , Hail. lakeview. ;. , Aitimr. 1:. I"., a II'', tj, rll,.'. H K HKK A II I.OIM.K-I.AK'r.Mhv lni,,i m t2. I.O. O.K., l.Ki'ta tl,u .,, n. I H,,, 1,,'nnh Krl'lavanl ra, Ii iniiiilh In 1. 1 K.-l .,w a k,i V.U.; Mrs. M. II. .i.-c'rw.ary ; Mra Al., Hu lit. iik, I ruamircr. O K.H. OltiKNTAI. (IIACTIK, NO 6, I K K View, Ori'Kiill.-.Meets mi 1 uemlny, 1111 nr 1m. nre lull 111. ml, mill In .1 weeks tlierenlter I'l IhkiuiIc II nil, kI 7:;in n'l iiM k . Vlaillug iiieiiil.era are i nr.lliilly Invlieil ) 'OH N M.I A. A. A I hi I N l M 1 OA I'KH V( ll necrelarv PKOI:iiSIONAL CARDS t I''. t 'nun Al torney at Law and Nonry Public I'l KM K-I'ulv Hi, 11, In, J !). V KNATdlf L.-tka' V , IV . Ilnviill OK II :s.- Allorney ml Law, llllll VI It 1 1 '',, Siefiily -hair Hnllilimi i" Il A RLICS (I.MliACII I. and and Law Olilte Abstraclor ot Titles Khliil,lli.lii'. li Jjkkevlew, ors ' LA 1 It THOMPSON Attorney at Law oiflce In (). V. L. Oil's l.uildin LaKKVIKW, OliltllDN S. A. MUSIILN. Niirv'j anil KnirlnccrlriK ('tty Ktig;tiiet'r Suite No. 1 Lakeview Watson filock Oregon J. L. LYONS, Ii. D. S. Dentist Office In Watson'a Hlock, Lake view, Oregon Blirbt Year's erterleiio In Mlohlssa. 'r art natai of I ulverliT of Mleblsso