Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 23, 1911, Image 1

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w u $
vol.. XXXII
NO. 8
S. I Co. Makes Welcome
An nou nee mc nt
Well Permit of Herd). aits 5nv
in); Nent 5um in Spring
The Hout bet n Paclllo company an
iiouihth a very material letliiftlnu In
freight rates from Sun Flaticiiinii,
Stockton nuil Sacramento tu Altura.
elfttctlve Mulch '21. It eoiiin jimt Ml
the proper limn to tmiattln merchants
to get tfm 'oil hriitlH in making thwir
pprliitf shipment, mii'I will Dip nlom
Imvii i trtii'lmiry to dlred much liiini
iinr that the Wetnru PhcIIIo Iihh
beret ofora been gelling from IIiIh
neck ot Hid woihIh. Il-n'tofoio. I. lien
hava tircn firAct 1imI 1 y the mime, over
either rnnln, although In the iiihIUt
of dU'ance it Ih mild t lu U'lMlcrii
PmcIIIu bn h litllti the wor-l of It.
Whether or not the luter lli inert
thn rate of Hi roinii'l Itor Ih not
known nt p r-h" n f .
Tim rudncti in Ih approximately 12
iur ci'iit of I'ti-ffut rate, nod will
elfeet u vt-iy material avli g In llii'
lryn shipfiii'iif rci clv il I y Lake
view I onliittri Iioiihi'h, The present
Hint rl.itm nttc fiiim the points above
mentioned In tl.SO, 7.1 an, I i ;:i
renpectlvtly, while the lie rates will
i ll.oi, fl lilt noil tA-. A-i-(ii - iiiK
to ( (iim reductions tint thlnl-rluss
llll Hlinill I III' lltlOIlt 1 1..HI HH MklHlllHt
I ! . 17, nt prennt .
The otllclal notice of the reduction
appears eleewhere In this lmn of the
Shoot For Supper
YfHterdny being h legal lioli lay,
the fii j' toy h of thn I'hihI Forei-t
Office, cniitlht Iiik of Supervisor
llronn, Jny Hillings. .Innoii Elder,
A j rum n JikviIihoii, Clinton Combs,
K. Bradley, Perl Ingram mi l Dun
UrKimHU went rabbit hunting. Sides
wore chosen, nnd the winners were
treiiteito tint? oyster supper on
their itturti lmt evenlnu.
Well Known IndlanWoman
Inbibcs Too Much
I'uor MiikkI' i (Jinn'! I''i'w Indcril
It IV I III' pflllli' til Ihiw Ht'tlillU wlin
diil not know Mni-'ulr, tlio wifi' of
1 1 1 1 i .-1 ii John, fliitl id I ln fust illhiip-pi-jinni;
1'iutfb. I'm- yonrM and voiim
I lio at'il couplf luivc nui'lo t lioir Ikjiiio
till tint hill hark of town, mill tlit'JT
liavi' ilvaH Imvii familiar Hkuivh on
tin- HtrtvtH Miinnii- wan pi rluipH in
I lio iirij'lilnr!.ii id of !K) yonra of a.tit',
Mini uIUioiikIi Imli' and lu ai l.v lit'i' I k
lu for Htronii ilrluk llnall.v caiiHod Iht
dfiith. YratiTilay altfriiooll alio whs
foil lit i in a tlrtiukt'ii Btupor on tin miIo
walk near t hi Fii-at National Hank.
Silm wim tlu ii laki'ii to tho, city Jail
nnd plat'i'tl on a t'd. wliorf it waw
rillppllHI'll kIio WtMllll HOOII HIlllIT lip.
A limit 7 oVIo.ik In thf t'vciiliitf Mylit
Wntcli Wliorton culli'il to hw how shi'
wiih ir'ttiiiK ailing, ninl found that
alio had pasHi'd away. Tho hody wiih
takon to WIHIh' iintlt'i'takiu pai'lora
wlii'i't; it, wan pivpurtid for liurlal, uiol
t ho t iiural will take jilaco tlila aflor
noon. MiiKKi'' wan u wlfo of Chief I'IiihIi,
who illod a iitimlior of yoars ayo, and
on t lio HtKTt'HHlou of .lolin, a lirol her
to I'IumIi, to tho chli'Minncy, h ft'll
lioir to all of I'IuhIi'h IioIkiiuIiiks, In-(-lading
MuKLcic. It wax Had Indeed
towiliu'SH tlm pain suffered by Jolih
ut 1 hii Hldo of hl-i depai'lt'd wife thin
mornliiK, Htid many tin eye hnVi heen
(linini'il hy tcai'H at tho old iiian'i mir
row. Ho Ih evidi'iitly Hearing t ho cen
tury mark', ami hln fow rcinaining
yeiii'H will no duulit bo Ioiii'hoiiiu.
S. P. Block System
I, no OneH: 'J tin rafety given
pimi-engrr mimI property ty a railroad
tliKf In equipped with the. electric
til ink signal ytiin I not Mlwnya
I'lirfi'lKtiHl. It Ih httln known Hint
In riim f b lirnkcn mil llm flHiiKm
hikmhU nrn lit oik m l In lioth illrcc
tlmiH n illnliinrn of two ml If away.
Tfnit In cuan of WMnlidiit I' tlia rail
i'iiiiiii rl Inn la lirokiin tticmniiia hIkiiiiI
ata lvi'ii.
(!oIIhIoiiii, ri'Hr or liKail KO'l. arc
I rHi-tli ullv IniniiHalt'lti. IIpiio ritlzi'ii"
nrn furluiiHlM In IiuvIuk Ilia HouttiTn
('nt lllc road, Ih nun of tha fiw
IIikm In thn UiiHimI KlatPH that l lolly
iiilitifd with a (ixrfwi't irlriil llli!
hjmIhiii of hIkiihIh. l'luoflH or atorniH
vi-ini, tn i'miihh thla compiinv tut liltU
Iriinl lii; tlmy rn tiilnly ara hhla tu
uIta llm I'linol a rfllHiile winter and
nil ri out HHrfliin. whlcli iiihiidh much
to any prii(lnct'f oouiiti y, for wlieu
one iihimIh to travel oi ahlp fialKht,
that In rxail for market It U at tluit-H
a r-n I it in It y tu not I jo ubb to do mo.
Wouldn't Stand For It
U'lii Ui llm lit-Hula fiimllf I j mid were
I I it y 1 1) k( lu fro'it of tria LakcvlHW
hnlcl on KriiJay noon an amply tiny
riii-k, drawn ly four hora-M, rain"
n I mi . 'J'lix linriii'H tii'cinm f r ik li tenet
at tlin i-ciiiiiU from Hid iuntriiiifnta
Mini HHrt'l up thn ktrrat toHriU the
l'.u tint church, running fol all they
rre wurth. SfverMl nirn, who were
htiiinl luu 111 front of I ha I'ulnrndo
llniiHH, ran out ami i-1 ' ( 1 I tin IliKht
of thn liornfa and ireventaii what
looked fur a few iiilniitm Ilka a rery
liad fu I x ii p for t tin di iter.
Delighted In Securing: the
Panama Exposition
In 1915
San FrunciMro, I'eli. L'O.
The ('OHiiiupulitiin met rnpolia of the
I'aeillc ( 'uaxt ih ju-l now In I lit Mov
ent Ii heaven of delight, for (-olliirehs
liax voted to clve It the I'nnania
1'iii'itle i:pnHitliiii, nnd for the next
few yeara San Kra ot iHt ii will In- "it."
The Italian over JiU "tlao retl." the
iierinaii over Mm l'ilHciicr, the iiht1
can and ItIhIi over their whlckey, the
Chinaman over Iiih "Chop Sucy" and
iiimhIIi'h, and the J up over IiIh rice nr.i
all hiiminiiiK the well known air,
"There'll lie a Hot Time In the Old
The KxpoHi t fun I'ouieH at iin oppor
tune time, for IuihImcsh is not what it
h) 1 1 nilil he. The lino liiihiiiom Imild
Iii;h In the burnt illflrk't have been
for thu (Treat part erectetl with bor
rowed money on which, of course,
intercHt 1h belnjc puitl. The landlord
Iiiih to pl iy even tou:eliow, wo he ban
to i'iiIho the rent, wlil. h makeH It hard
on t lio retailer. The increased coat
of living Ih cuunim: people to lie eco
nomical, hi i retail trado Ih xomewhat
lniii:uiidiiU. Hut it in hoped the
Imposition will draw people from the
KiihI ami elsewhere, who will put
their dollar) into circulation, and
make InimiioHM lively, at JloaNt for
IioIcIh and ii'HtaiinuitH, ami In Home
decree fir theatreH. 1'oHsibly Home
will invi-Ht in city property.
New ( irleaiiH made a K"";it lllit.
That city, an regard h central location
to the thickly aettletl Kant, Iiiih mime
atlvitiitau'c over thin city, but the cli
mate hero Ih bet tor and the llnanccH
Hlroiiger So hurrah for the KxpoHi.
Hit ion! Will. I AM l!UAll'Oltl).
Ashland Tidings, luestbiy, Febru
ary llth, at 10 a. iu. at. ti e home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, !3 Nut
lay street, Mr. Arthur D. Iluuuikar of
Klamath Falls ami MIsh F.llzabetb J.
Taylor, formerly of Illy, were uuited
iu niarriago by Kov. Ward W. Mao
Henry. It was u quiet iufirmal home wed
ding with just a few relatives present
including Mr. Jus. Taylor, tho bilde's
father, Mrs. Mary MoAlliater and
daughter, Mrs. Heudrloka aud Mr.
aud Mrs. Henry Taylor. The happy
young couple loft on No. 15 for Klam
ath Falls', where the groom la iu busi
ness aud there they will make their
For Watch KepalriiiK, try A, Kauf
maun, the. New Jewelry Store.
Now Conceded that Redskins Killed
The Eagleville Stockovvners
Renegades From Pyramid Lake Reservation Sup.
posed Guilty Parties--Arrests Momentarily
Expected, Although Feared They May
Sneak Hack and Escape
It is now generally conceded that the foul murder of
Camhron, Laxaue, Iirraniouj)se and Indiano in Little
Hih Rock Canyon a month ao, was the work ofa band
of renegade Indians from the Pyramid Lake Reservation.
The details of the massacre are too horrible to relate, as
the men were most shockingly mutilated. Contrary to
previous reports, it is now tne opinion that (mite a large
number of Indians are in the party, as there is proof that
six, instead of three, cattle were slaughtered, and when
the Indians broke camp they took with them all the beef
with the eicepttiii of tlva or six
hundred pouiirlH Hint whn in the pro
fees of jtrkluK. Tho Inrue uuiouot of
meat cniried Itxiioate. that the party
wiih n lurL'B one, ton Htroii fur the
pi.eF of twenty four men that m fob
lowing them to overwhelm, especially
if the Indiana w-.-uld fortify them
BelfeH aualuot their pureuers. Where
tt:ey nera encumped iu Little IDkIi
Kock canyon there were found do
empty tins or packages containing
proviidnua, e ideficlDa that meat was
their Bole ouKteoaoce, tin would be
the etie if they were savants.
It ia feared that the Indians will
epiiratc aud steal back to the reser
vation, where Identification will bo
iiuporgible. While reports are to the
effect that their purnuers were only o
few hours behind Tuumduy, yet no
word of the capture of the murderers
(mil been THCeived here up to 10
o clock thin inoruiutf. The latent
authentic news la the following dis
patch to the Keno Oazette:
"WINN K M U CC A . Ne., Feb '10 A
diHpatch just received from Captaiu
Donnelley by Kherilf Lamb, dated
Outnu river cronsiiiR says: 'I'arty of
Indians who killed the sbeepnieu
croaked Mlaok Kock (lenert Ufty miles
below here. I'nrt of the posse is od
their trail, others are ero-fint! here
to et freah boises and Knut out this
murtiiufE. Uelieve Indians are iu
lower end of Jacksou mountains'
"The message was sent by messen
ger forty tulltfs to Amos and tele
phoned here. Sheriff Lamb leaves
with a posse on the Western FaclUo
The initial dancing party by the
Ootid Time club was held lust Friday
eveulug, and a moat enjoyable time
had. Au excellent t program had
beou nrrauged, aud it was quite late
when thj last number was completed.
The musio was furnished by Miss
Laura Suelling, violin, Mr. Charles
Uloe, cornet, aud Prof. J. L. Willits,
Mrs, Delia Cobb and Mrs. Jessie
Whoitou served a bullet lunch for
the Civio Improvement Club.
Among thote preseut were Mr. aud
Mrs. W. II. Shirk, Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Harvey, Dr. and Mrs. K. II.
Smith, Mr. and ,Mrs. II. A. Uruttaiu,
Dr. and Mrs. K. I). Kverett, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. lirob, Mr," and Mrs. 11.
O. Kulil, Dr. aud Mrs. W. U. Uoyd
Mr. ami Mrs. K. A. liradley, Mr. and
Mis, Thomas S. Furrell, Mr. auil
Mrs. Kinest II. Clark, Mr. aud Mrs.
McCurdy, Mr. huJ Mrs. Ralph"
Kooser, Mr. and Mrs James Dudauu,
Mr. aud Mrs. U. 11. tJ raves, Mr. aud
Mrs. Harold W. Fia'm, Mr. aud Mrs?
Clinton Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Creed
MoKeuiiree, Mr. and Mrs. 10. J.
Btone, Mr. and Mrb. H. A. Mushea,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ortou ; Mes-
tonight for Sulphur, .vuieh la not
ever thirty mlleH from wbere the
Indiana are euppotied to be. Tbeir
car ture ouKht to te ooly a matter of
J hour8 if ,b IndUna here really haa
been located. "
Ihe Keno Journal (lives the follow
ing particulars of the terrible deed:
The fact that the mardtr of the
four Washoe County ebeepmeo In
Little II is b Hock canyon Jwas com
mitted bv Indians, who are uo-v lie
i ti s pursued by a posse of 22 mounted
men over the 13ack Kock desert io
the direction of Winnemucca, was es
tablished beyond doubt yesterday by
receipt of the first authentic details
of the crime by Tne Journal yeater
Jay lu the form of a special messaKe
from Or. S. K. Morrison, County
physiciau, who performed the autopsy
Bud who arrived at Eagleville with
the bodies yesterday morning.
The details of the killing as evi
denced by the budies, from tbe story
of one of tbe most cold-l looded mas
sacres evsr charged to the ferocious
nature of the Mndoca, and add a tit
tirg chapter to tbe history of tbe
Modoc war of nearly 40 years ago.
Dr. Morrison states that the work
was that of a band nf seven Indians,
Including a equa and a papoose
whose tracks wero fouud going iu tbe
direction of tbe Black Hock desert.
The searohers found the camp three
miles from Denio's raucb, some 132
miles north of Reno and about 120
miles uorthwest of Winnemacca.
Continued on eighth P'W
dames, L. F, Conn, Coombs, J. K.
Noriu, Frauds A. Fitzpatriok, D. J.
Wilcox, V. L. Suelling, Charles Kice,
Miss liiidie Fiynn, Miss Crlstine
Flynu, Miss Louise Arzuer, Miss
Lena MoShaue, Messrs. Alfred Rao
eits, Uyrou Craves, Daniel F. Ureu
tiau, Johu Flynn, Charles Coombs,
Daniel M illny, Milton Hert Kice and
F. M. Miller.
The foPowiug patrons of tbe club
were unable to attend tbe first dance:
Messrs. ao.i Mesdames, F. O. Bunt
ing, Harry liailey, IJImer Anlstrom,
Letfla Seager, F. P. Crouemiller, F.
F. Light, Lee Thornton, tle-i. liar
row, J. F. Maytlell aud Messrs. J. D.
Venator, James Hager, J. L. Lyons,
R. 11. Rogers and Andrew Under
wood. The Civic Improvement Club liekl
their regular meeting Tuesday after
Moon lu tho Club Hull. Plana for the
nyninaHiuni were diseiiHt-eil anil much
enthusiasm manifested. Owing to the
grout success ami able management
of tho "(Jootl Time" Club dance given
on the evening of Feb. 17, it waa de
cided to give another of their private
dancing parties: Friday evening, March
Keemo Club Danco
, The ladies of the Civic Improve
meot Club met on Tuesday afternoon
last to make arrangements for the
"fOemo" Club dance on tomorrow
eveoing, as well as to attend to sev
era) other businees matters. In con
nection with tbe dance it wai decided
to verve a luncheon at tbe ball tbe
same as that furnished at tbe da nee
held last wetk. It was also decided
to sand off Immediately an older for
i.V) woilii of Kymuuiium equipment,
and to ciaka (.teparatious for tbe fut
ure HiiccefH of the Athletic Club, the
riieintietRlil,i of which will probably
be composed of both ladies' and
men's classes, with a fee of fifty
cents ptr mrntb to start off wlib.
Enjoyable Dance
A very nice da ace was given by the
Woodmen of the Wuild, State Line
Kucawpment, on Friday evening last
at Wendt's Hall, New Fine Creek.
Among the Lakevlew people who at
tended were Mr. aad Mrs. Walt N'ya
wauer, Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Kebart,
Mrs. Cy iiend raon, Miss Katie Ke
hii.'t. Mls Veiuon, John Mctzker,
Murshall Ayres, John .Nyswaoer, C.
C. Wililg and Riley Nyswaner. All
report having a One time.
To Elect Officers
The annual meeting of the Lake
view Library Association will be held
the first Saturday eveoiug in Match,
one week from oert Saturday. Tbe
meeting is for tte purp.ise of electing
o Ulcers for the eosuiug year and the
transaction of any othir busi ess tbat
may come up. and will be held at
tbe library room.
To Further Interest of All
of Oregon
What promises to accomplish much
foi all of OregjD, including tbis par
ticular secthio, is tbe Oregon Agri
cultural Experiment League which
was formed at the Oiegon Agricult
ural College in January by students
of the Winter Short Courses. Its
aim, as stated in its constitution is
"to further every branch of tgricul
tnral iuteiest In tbe state of Oregon
by means of experiments, tests aud
tbe collection of agricultural data in
co-operation with tbe Oregon Experi
ment Station and tbe O. A. C. Ex
tension Department and to report
and disseminate the results of tbe x
periments and tests and tbe ktow
ledge obtained therefrom"
To accomplish tbis aim, the League
proposes to ask its members to carry
on simple experiments on tbeir own
land under tbe direction of the ex
perts of tbe Agricultural College. It
makes no difference whether you are
a general farmer or a specialist in
dairying, animal husbandry, horti
culture or any branch of agriculture.
If a siugle investigator at an Ex
perimnt Station can gain invaluable
kuowledge from one agricultural ex
periment. Imagine tbe accuracy aud
7alue cf the leaults which may be
obtained from carrying on tbat same
experiment on a hundred farma scat
tered all over the state. A similar
league, the Ontario Agricultural Ex
periment Unlou of Cauadu has for
twenty-live yeirs been assisting its
members ia solving their agricultural
problems aud has increased the pro
duction of farm crops from 11 to 2o
per ceut in twelve years. It has over
0.000 members aud bag performed
00,000 experiments in agronomy alone.
The expenses of the Oregon League
which consist mainly of the cost of
printing, postage and materials aie
borne chietly by tbe Oregon Agricul
tural College and tbe admission fee
is but one dollar with anuual dues of
one dollar payable February 1. begin
niog Io 1912.
Tbe League should make for fuller
and better agricultural kuowledge,
'or tbe llgthening of farm burdens,
for the solution of farm problems and
for a greater Oregon. It invites the
memtierehip of every up-to-date
farmer and orohardiat of tbe state.
Further information will gladly be
furnished by tbe seoretary, Stanton
UrifUs, Corvallia, and applications
for membership should be addressed
to bun aud accompanied by the ad
mission fee of one dollar.
7000 People Greet First
Train at Madras
President Stevens Announced Ex
tension of Line to iledford
Within Two Years
MADRAS Or., Feb. IS. After a
rnott remarkable tracklayinK fpurt,
JameH J. Hill c a-p-il hands with
Central Oregon shortly before noon
today, when the firwt pansenger trala
rolled Into Madras over the road of
the Oregon Trunk Line.
It was the apcclal train of Joha F.
K'evenn, prealdent of the road and waa
w.lcorned with the wildest demon
Htration ever known in this part of
the country, about 7000 men, women
and children taking part. Scores of
children and young people who never
had aeen a locomotive outside f pic
ture books were among the cheering
Only by a heroic effort on the part
of the eonntructlon crew was the track
laying tiuinhed ami the special train
enabled to reach Madras today, as
fhetluled. A big gang worked nearly
all night clinching down wtecl by the
light of a full runcn, and the last spike
was driven at 10:30 this morning.
The Madras Commercial Club had
charge of tbe ceremonies following
tbe arrival of the special. The Harri
man officials now constructing the
line up the Deschutes cauyoH came
down Vy automobile and assisted In
the welcome and celebration.
Regular service on the new Oregon
Trunk Line was rnnounced today,
starting March 1. The Hill and Har
riman traffic officials here conferred
on J'liut terms for Central Oregon,
and President Stevens announced an
extension of the line to Medford
within the next two years.
Fori Klamath people are feeling
jubilant because an .Oregon Trunk
agect Is at work in that vicinity se
curing right of way for his road
through the Klamath Indiau Reserva
Well Known Landmark
Near Bly Burned
Monday afteruoon Ore destroyed
the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. James
Owens at Round (irove over near
Bly. Wbeu the tire occurred tbe
family were on tbe way to Bly, and
hence it is uot positively known tbe
exact oause of the tire, but it is pre
sumed to have caught from a stove.
The storehouse and other outbuild
ings near tbe bouse were also de
stroyed, but tbe barn escaped. The
loss will be quite heavy, as none of
thair personal e (facts were saved and
in additiou a largo lot of winter sup
plies were also consumed.
Mr. Owens ia already makiug prep
arations to rebuild, and will supplant
tbe log building which baa been
greatly admired ty persons passinz
by, with a modern frame structure.
Notice to Shipbers
On and after March 21st the first
class freight rates will be rrduced
from the following points to Alturus,
Cal., us follows :
Sau Francisco to Alturas, from.
1.80 to tl.57.
Stockton to Alturas, from $1.73 to
Sacramento and Maryeville to Al
turas, from $1.63 to $1.45.
Other claBS and commodity rates
reduced acco.iliugly. For further in
formation call ou or address District
Freight & Passenger Agent, Southern
Pacific Company, Reno, Nevada.
Good heavy winter coats, sheep or
blanket lined, at the Mercantile Co.