1 1 II ill COMBINATION OFFER Two Papers for Less than the Price of One The m a nn cement lias made arrangements with' the PORTLAND LYLXIM TLUMRAU whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. Yon can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and aH the news of Lake County and vaeinitv in the LXAMIXLR at a remarkably low price. THE LYLXIM TELEGRAM is the best paper in the state, market reports nnexeel ed, Saturday edition contains a magazine colors. and comic section in Pot h papers through this office if paid in advance for 1 year, on or before February 15, 1911 Lakeview Saddlery A complete line of wason and biijry harness, whips, robes, bits, riates, spurs, quilts, rose ettes, etc., etc. III;1 Mm liver) thin in the line of carriage and horse furnish ings. Hepairin by eo in pet en t men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET S. F. AHLSTROM - Proprietor LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A CompleTe Record We hare made an entire transcript of all lit-corda hi Lake County which In any way, affect Keul Property In th' county. We have a complete Record of every Mortj;aKP und transfiT over made in Luke Cmnty, ami ever Heed jiiven. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the record we have found numi-roiia mort gages recorded in the Deed record ami indexi-d; and many deeds are recorded In the iAnrxitutif record and other books. Hundreds of ruorti;ae8 and deeds are not Indexed at all. and most dltficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot find them. We have pat Hundreds of dollars bunting up theae errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR. Hanager. The Portland Evening Telegram $5 per year 8 . The LaKe County Examiner - J2 per year TOTAL - - $7 $4.75 1 II I I 111 llll L GOLWELL TURNED DOWNBY SENATE Bourno and Chamberlain Get Senate to Uphold Their Objection WASHINGTON. Feb. O.-At the joint request of Hntirne and Cham berlain, the Senate today rejected the noHilnation of Klmer ii. Colwell an United States Marshal for Oregon, thereby retiderlnu It necessary foi I PraiiAnt Tuft in nirtU ii h mn fur this olllce. Who that n an will he. the x'resident has not yet iutlmatcd, hut he bat stated that ne would not act upon the recouimendatlou of Hon me. Whether, in view of today's action, he will renousider his purpose, yet to he determined. The President will uot he notitied of Colwell' rejection uutll tomorrow. Colwell we rejected simply and solely because the Oregon Senator represented In writing to the judici ary committee that hla appointment was "personally objectionable" to tbem. When the judiciary commit tee met this mom I iik, this joiut letter was read, Chairman Clark re ported that the President had declin ed to withdraw Colwtll'g nouiinatiou and the committee thereupon, In con formity with the unwiltteo rule, ord ered the aderee report. This un written rule, which forms part of what la known as "Seuatoriil cour tesy" ptesoribea that a nomlr.ee of the Piesldeot shall not he continued if the appointee is "personally ob jectionable" to t!ia senator from the i state from which the appointee hails, i Notbwithstaudiua tne fact that the 'committee had before it letters aut; ! telecrams from Federal Judges, t ti e ! United States Di-lii t Atton.ey and othe'g lu OreKOii bttfstliiK Coltvell'a ()uaiv(lfnti jns, It f llued this un ' writteu rule and leeuuiuiendi d Cnl well's rejection irrespective of hi tit tent d ability lu Union mo, it foi lowed tte same procedure that pre vailed lu the cane 0' Collector of Cus ( turns Harper, of Seattle, no m recently rejected on motion of Pile. l''oru:al rejection of Colell'e nomi nation was without incident. Tie report of the committee was rea i ; it 1 was exphtiUHil that t'e Oreuon Ketia tor assorted Oil ell was personally' objectionable ami out hu went. lu the liiiht of todays' action It no seems certain that Collector i f Customs P. S. Malcut'O will suffer the same fate, for Bourne hup tiled GOVERNMENT LOSES OREGON'S BIENNIAL i MANY LAND CASES MUD TAX LAIIGE Mado Excellent Showing on Timber Depreda tions, However WASHINGTON, r'eh. Ii Criminal procedut by the tlsld survice of the General Land Olllce for January re suited in the ludictment of three persona for timber trespass, three tor conspiracy, four for perjury, and 2l for unlawful enclosuie, aooordiutf to a report jus', published. Convictions were reported lu nine cases for trespass, seven for conspir acy, one lu Missouri for conspiracy uuder the criminal code of that state. Thiee cnuvlcilina for unlawful en closure also were obtained Amount Would Dulld Mllos of Good Roads 150 HALKM, Ken. 1.1. Orcuon'a mud tax la II.IHKI.IHK). The amount saved would build irUOiulle of Hoiid roads. It wool. I Improve- all the highways in the state. Orrumi'a mud tax saved would pay by several times the pes slide tax for permanent highway mak ing under the proposed (loud rind bills aubmttted to the Legislature by the Oreon Oou is lioada Assoolailou. A mile of tiood roads built ends the mud tax aud beulus the returns un the luvertment from the jiiod toads construction. Other miles of uond The Government lost, throuuh ao-1 roudd opeu up the state to lucreaeed qtiitals and dismissals in this period, population, Intensified proiluctinu, Al cases, of which 41 were the Honey accelerated de elopment, inaklnil pos- slble the mote pleasures aud com forts, briiiHliM rural delivery, iu- cases, lu Oregon, ami II oi l cases where the records showed the parties were not sworn 'before the United States Commissioner when thty teat I -tied. Seventeen suits for timber depre dations on the public domain were Instituted; 10 were won, aud one was d Ism Isted. Twenty one suits to set aside fraud nleutly a quired patents were hettuu; twelve were won by couit decrees and compromise, and uiun were dismissed. Kite suits for unlawful enclosure of the public domain were tiled ; seven decrees have been reported, restorlnK 7100 acies to the public domain ; two were u Umissed. JACOB THOMPSON, PIONEER, PASSES Well Known Ashland Citi zen Answers Last Roll Call iszxzssxnsBsz: WILLOW RANCH ORCHARD TRACTS Apples Apples Apples Keeping Qualities NO BLIGHT NO INSECTS NO FALURES BIG PROFITS lO ACRE TRACTS Planted, Irrigated, Sprayed and Cared for Price $150 per Acre One-third down, balance $20 per month No Taxes, No Interest wlih the commerce committee identical protest with that he aud Chamberlain undo against Colwell, and it is expected that tie commerce committee, when it meets Thursday, will order an adverse report on Mai cnl iii's nomination. Such a report will be followed by rejection by the senate. Chamberlain Btated Indav that ha'Aahlaud had made and would make uo objec tion to Malcolm's Domination, as he bad done in the case of Colwell, but under the Seuate rule objections of a single senator id all that is necessary to secure rejection, if that objection be on pergonal grounds. The Senate does not require senators making such protest to thnn wherein the nominee is "personally objection able." It always proceeds upon the theory that this rule is not bblnif abused. The President, however, always has the last move, for he can refrain from making new appointments until after Consresa adjourns and then make recess appointmens wbiuh will bold good until the close of the ensuing session of Couuress, and repeat the process indefinitely. Whether h will care to enter upon this continual war fare with IJourue or will a-ek to com promise cannot be learned. He will te expected very soon, however, to nsme a new Marshal aud a Collector also if Malcum is rejected, for, once rejftcted, officials are expected to re tire, and the Prehident is not pre Hiime J to re-appoint thnru. XSHLAND. Dr. b. T. -Jacob Thompson, is the latent one of the pioneer cltiz us of Ashland and Jack ron County to cros the ureal divide. He died at his home Sunday ulnht in the l'h year of his ana. Ooly littls . more than twit months st;o hH wife died at au ik!- almont as advanced. Mr. Thtiuips'in came across the plains ! to Ori-Kon lu 1M7, weut to the Call frnia tfold niins In M!, and rutuiu intf settled lu the Knuue Kiver Valley iu IMjI. Me uss vouaued lu co'iiuion creased neighborhood aoclabillly, elevate cUIeushlp standards, double in value abuttlnti property. Lewis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern, said the (ther day "(Jrenou Is tackward in wexni road bulldlnK, our contemplated railroad construction will f;i 0f Intended de velopment benefit If the people do not make ood watfun roads as feeders to the railroads." Mr. Hill did not ad vooate waKOti road const uctlon to till hla own pockets, he knows, and those who live lu the enjuymeut of hoo.I roads know too, that peimaneut hlxhwavs ai:d their use and benellts till the pockets of the people. The value of i acadam roads is nr t understuoil imr realized until lie road Is m ide S'td uwl il ickmd uess of t irl cmihtructioii iu Omkoii Is txtialt.el iu lo waw: First, ItfCoranca of benidl'i. Secud, npu, sitlon to piipuhil Inn and luleiifivo cultlvatlj'i if the soli. A mail wan fouu I lulitiy intf awaliihl tint (iutiil Koads .h .('Uition hlhwsy meaaiiris at tlie I,chI .lure. "I uwu U.'2W acti-s of laud " lie aabl. ''1 have seven milis of r;iad lim d.-rinu uiy (triperty. 1 mil nfipoaud to ponila llou ureatt'r thuu now; I am oppiinid to o(i.l r 'iil : . woods roails l'rl" popular! iu and mint compel me l.i cut up my plti. 1 don't want to cut it up. " The vie of 1 1; i mil o h re rot ll1rd l y p.ri.d ..t;x i'HH to enter lu upon Oregon's uti.Ii'i c l.ii eil em pire, nor am l.ii v. m share ! hy Dim i man wlio n-ally deatres in hem lit ami develop the statf. Tlie imt'i quiited was cont.-i lie liv petty seltisri locil "Jlwlth many others of the pioneer set-, HIU) Hu,( j. w, (,r,.K, tiers of I hat day iu defending their Domes aud families against the at tacks o' the hostile ludians, ami was a member of Captaiu J. S .I.llr's co i pany iu the Hotfue Kiver lrdian War of 1S05 0. He operated au ex- lenclve stick ranch lu Klarnath i County for many years, returning to lu where hu has since resided. He has been largely inter ested iu property in this city, includ ing business blocks aud rest ieuci properties. 'He was a tlrst cousin of the HrdHL editor aud Amtmssador, Wtiitel'w Held. He was a member of Ashlaud Lodue, No. 23, A. F. A A. M., and was at one time president of the Pioneer Society of Southern Ore gon. The funeral was hel l Tuesday afternoon from the Masouio Temnlu. BIG QUESTION IS DP TO CONGRESS Borah Will Keep Direct Election of Senators to tho Front Rake-Off for Vets SALEM, Or, Feb. G. House today adopted a joint 'memorial urging Congress to allow veterans of Spanish-American war travel pay home. This will amount ou au average of 000 to each volunteer and will apply lo all voluuteera enlisting during that campaign from the Western states. Tri-State Land Company Lakeview, Oregon Write for Booklet and Information TOitTL'RKI) FOH 15 YEAItS by a cure-di'fylnjf Htornuch trouble that Imflled doctora, rnl rcslHted all rcmcdlea he tried, John W. Moddern, of Modderavtlle, Mich., acemed doomed. Ho had to sell hia farm and Klve up work. Hla nciKhlorH aaid "lie can't Ive much longer." "Whatever I ate dlatreHHed mo," he wrote, "till I tried Klectrlc Bitters, which worked Hiicb wonders for me that I can now cat things I could not eat for yeara. It's Hiirely a grand remedy for stomach trouble." Juat as good for tho liver and kidneys., Every bottle guarante-.-J. Only 60c at A, L. Thornton's. WASHINGTON, February H. To get a vote liefore the adjournment of CongreHs on thj resolution providing for the election of senators by popu lar vote, Uoriih, of Idaho, yeHterJay notitied the Senate that after next Friday, ha would try to keep the measure constantly to the front. The resolution has been held to permit Senator Hoot to be heard and when he decided to sooa't next Fri duy morning, lioruh lout no time iu giving notice that after that dute he would press the bill early and late, llepiobably will not ask to have a rate fixed for a vote because of the undying opposition of his 'colleague, Henutor Hey bum, but will hold the measure in such condition as to per mit a vote whenever there is no one perpared to steak. The friends of the measure are not sanguine of obtaining the two thirds vote necessary to adopt the resolu tion. They are proceeding on the theory that even a majority vote will give the cause great Impetus. .ii a sorrow if his kin J vera in the majority. Unfortunately a mistaken impres sion, due to lack of informal Ion, can earning the highway measures baa uained placu in the minds of M Uiie of Irrgou 's pro,le. The Highway hills of the Oregon Good Uoads Association were not framed for const.'uctlun of state loads They put the entire power of road building into the hands of the people of each county. If all the uieaaures were made law aud beoame operative no county would be uudi r greater obligations to build roads than now. Nor is au ex cessive road tax contemplated. i'eo pie In ttie cltlen, wheu they want to hard surface streets ieeue bonds pro- idiug a sinking fund anil pay for tho street out of the increased business aud property valu.is. As nine Ii as anything else Oregon needs the advert is! rg value of good roads. If the people now resident were not In be benefited the value from tho advert lHlig across the nation w.-uld more than oirstt the cost of permanently constructing highways sytitems in every county. FALLS VICTIM TO THIEVES. S. W. liendH, of Coal City, Ala., liaa a juatlflable grievance. Two thleveH Btole his health for twelve years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Fills throttled therri. He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, and JyHiejHia. i!5c. A. L. Thornton Back to The Woods W. C. Neff, forest ranker, woods man, nature lover and id i-tinit pal f John Muir, leavea today for Odessa, where ho la stationed. Mr. Nelf h returning tiy rail via Klamuth Falls, However, he is taking a pulr of snow shoes along to make sure that he will reaoh home, says the Med ford Su'1. Mr. Neff received a telephone message yesterday from O.I anna stating that the snow was five feet deep and that It was steadily falling. Mr. Nelf has benti spending several weeks in the Medford ofllce, making the trip here over the Cascades on snowBhueu. This is his first trip into civilization In two years. During this period he has not seen a train. Mr. Neff la the highest salaried ranger lu Oregon, loves hla work and the life and says that ,he Is mighty glad to get bauk to his friends, the trees. Lincoln Memorial WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. -The Mo Call bill creatiug a commission to determine on a suitable memorial to Abraham Lincoln in this olty, with a maximum appioprlatlou of (50,000 for the use of the commission, was passed by the house today. The money for the memorial was raised through contributions. ONMCIAL DIKI.CIOUY I'nihl.'iit V h i 1'rPN.Mt'tit MKI x uMiiili' . . . , , . i'li v nl I ri Kmir y . Im'ri'lurjf of W nr Altnriny IO'inri.1. Cum nmalrr Oi'iixrsl . , , o n mryul Hny ri'inry I nierlur . . . ,, , W 1 1 1 ii in II. I'm rt In in i H. Hlii'i in mi I'd i ! i ii. I '. k inn ... t' f h ii k It n Mai-VuIiIi .... .lao'itl. II I ili'h Iiibiiii .Hl'nrui' V Y l ki'luliftllt h li II, 1 1 1 K' Ii '' a .Hi utKr un I., Myir llh Imi i , llHllliiKi. rnnry ef Akrli'tiltiiru .Imun VYllnuii 'otiir"y nl ( oiiiim ri's l lmrli N kki-I t'llll'l Jil.Krn , . I'hlirlin KilMnril VMillii VrS. KtliiH H urlKT, It, M. Vi na I liiiltiil.Kllilll'r A , s, Kii'IimtiU Ij. h. I. nml i iMiiitiia.loni'r -rTK OoViiriinr -iiihi y u( Hisln I'rs-iptir"r ll irni y iii'imritl 4. 1'iiluln liiDirurlliiii, . iTuum Ilry ftiiil KikIiI I'll in U, ii. HmiKiora.. Coii(ri-iiiiiiii CUIul Junliiv . . .Um.nl.1 Wi'.i . . . ... K w , IIi iixhi ... Thin. II. ky M. inKiiini I.. It. A I'lm mmi . S. Illililwuy J W. lUlll'V IJnlinMilinii lloiirnit, Jr. iii'ii. I.. I Iim tit lirr I si li i VV. r. Ilnwli-y I A - IV, Ulfrrly m'l' it r w r t ht It. H. linn MiMiro tmiH'Islo Jumlri . (f. A, Mn II. J Mt-I . II. Ill i . a lliirtii-tl 1: i ,iln Imlifn Allot nr oil ra .t iii.'iAi. ,usi sii'i . . , . ili nrv I. ni-ti.. i ..- I K uykiiiiilml LtlilKl ATIVS llllll K IlKlilf Ii. K. i.r-i'iitmin) S II Mirrynun II I' M.-lkn.p II H.UMi IIIMi vriliur V. (iriiui 'rod I' Criiiii'iiilUur (, I'liiiiiipanii . l(i.Uir Hmulvur LA K K i:ol'.N rV '"'SO II Il.ly ,:rrk rw. !.,; HK-rit W ll Hni, I. .r rrrm.uror t. O AhUiriou Aau-Mur A.J.Ku.lcr IiihiI Mipi It. II, JarkKin lurv.-yiir a. A. Mi.nli. n I ' A llilin I K K A ixl.-.a.... County HUH k liKiwInr. , .i I'.SInlluy I'u iu inluliiimri w n i.Ah hv il-r IUlliy t aiK iiing i I) J. linn I I II. Anion I. a. Uu I n. Hniimr Hieiir l-AK KVIhW HOAKIi or ' n-alili'lit rci-aanri-r ., irrturt ttmmii I nminl: ir-umii Hi r . .il'lli i t.Y . Msyni Cu iiivlluicu axviriii.f . .1 n-Miirrr ua I-.. IV. II. MIIKK K. M. Millrr V. I.. Mirlllll . I. Y . I iiini . . k .-..-.K.-r W. k l'!i JMH'll'Ill .-rirtiitiira . II lli-it'1..inrl,'r W. I" III rli.l,l . ... II. W. 1'fi.iim l .. a v n.-i.n r MtriiiiT. CIIUKCII Dlkl-CTOKY KIK.-.r M K I IK J -N'lllHll HI IU I. 111 1 It. Ill . It !"l . . ii' iiiiiny r I y .1 7: m mill-.' All vi'tylioily 'l-l' ' III Ki il l Mar I'ii-io liitm rti-ry hn.lity al 111. Ij""ltll ll Itlllli' Mi l. II I li . at l I ' . I r.ii'i Mi -it I II if 1 aura 'ii. ' i Ir iii. i iiiik m 1: in p. iu, kn ry t , .tit,-, in) m l;.wi p. u, rii:itily tut Hi--: l.i nl! i-rt n-a. M . I . I Ilk . I a.t.ir. it.-I HAIIIl-l I III Kill Ilk l.tkkVIKW i. ni Iiiiik riln nl II A M m it-1 7 hi I' M un t ii. i r I Hun. Uy vli.i.ii at In A M. nnlnr S..rli-lv at :) I'M. ia,..i Viiiina il,.'a Cliloii itl i . ,n I' M mi i .,. i --inilay. Hi).' M. .-tltlt- at 7 ! M tVi.lnr.i,,, .-v.. HUii y t r) Iniily in It.., I In ait. -,,. a,l ai-r-h .... I.r V II. hMI I II l-H.n.f. t I llnl h . ..I In -ni , tin.. I u! I III III II IVI.hVM .ill.li M A KH I li'llnii at lu u'rlnw L, a i, i- -1 i,1h v . i t it," 1 1, t u hi . . k .nvM-.t M.'i li iM.ii'M 1 1 I IV, it. J. i t-l h ei I.-.; i ii i a', i-ttr I'lii, i tit a , i 'H I'll at II A M ami 7 : .' i i-t i-r iitiitt h -ii hi j l , r .- -f t li'i at 7 Ui ..ii .1 ... -1, tti-, ,1 All uri II. Mul hr iirt it--. KKV. I ll Of .oltr.K I HOI l(iill. t'tvai-llilttl -r I' M l rai Ii h.iiiilaf iv M lit-nl at In A M i tV l, I in .U . t i-lilng . ur l. i.iy in u ,i K. II kMiklttos. L()I)(Hi Dl.c s-iCTouv I '). I' . I.AKkVII ..i ti t-t'i-ry ai i mid atnl . ni ti 1'i.itiiti, in M.ii i i Inia. 'I ii.lliln.a..ti. v , . i. in. i SO. III. mrili "lit nr.. lay ul 1 1 ni I .a k i v ii w, W in litiiititi.r, k. Or.t.KKK OK MDMlU I t k . -IKiKK i. . ,, S.i. 77. ll. .if II., A. II. I . M,., i, ,,, ' liinl I l.ut-.lm . nl rai li uiiilitii iUII: Mary l'...i, C i, .. J t,-Ir Atn.T. I., i.l II : l.nr Miy.i r r. ,,f ( ,; Aiitntuiiila llrwu n . K"i.iirili-i . i. I'. K- I.AKKVIKW l.lniiik. Sn U.K., ini'i'ta fvirv MitiinUt -t ni; i.i ki-iluHN llall, at 7 ::! n'riiii k. Ilii ii Di'.i i I A.ru I, mnl nt a iili lni k fruin Ann I . i. A. h. I In iii.y, N. i,.; . ri.tnry i.tioiil lifll.-v, H ii.l'.k.- I.AKKVIkVt kM AMI'.MKM So. I O. o. K.. iin-i ta tin. iir.t mi. I ihir.l Tliuri day ivnliiK ut i-m-li in. .nth In u.. Kfllnvtt lla.l, I oki-vlitt . I'. It, AMIllir, CI'., A. II I ii in iiKTHjt- y, hcrilM'. KK8I KAII I.OJx.K l.AKk.V IK V I.OIHiK, NO M, I.O. O.K., IlllctH till. .--, ,n. t nnit Inlirlta r r. lava n( i a. li ininitli In II. 1. 1 Ki llnwa Hall, Mr. Mm. Altrnni, N.O.; .Mrs Mil I.. Illnna. V.O.j Mrs. M. ll. Miuts. Mi.fri!iry; Mrs. Alu UuntlliK, I'ri'BHiiriT. ' K. H. OKI KS'l'A I. t'llAITKIt. NO ft, I. A K K vli tt , Ori-Knll, - .Mi i'ls un 1 ih..1hv. iii nr b- :nre lull iniiiiii ami two ttwks UuriiilUT Hnsoiiir 1 1 h! I. M 7: mi ii'i-Iih Ii . Vlalilnu ini inlii ra nrc I'nrilliilly I n vl t-1 . I'OK.NKI.IA A. WAIItON. W. M, 1 1 A I 'KII.i'M.eiK'ri'tr I'WOI H.SSIONAL CARDS f K.C Attorney at Law and Noary Public ol'.'U.'K-liUv Hullilliin. r. v n. a tou I. . It evlt w . Ilri'iios ok Attorney at Law, IjiiiiI l Hllrra Hper laity il'iC-Daly Hnlldlng. (J 1 1 A RI.Kfl tT.MKACII I. and and Law Ofilce Abstractor of Titles KstiihliHlir.) ihm iakerlw,Or LAIR TIIOMl'tSON Attorney at Law Olllce In O. V. L. Co.'a IluildinK- Lakicvikvv, Oiikoon f St A. MUSI1KN. Survciylnu; and Hitglncerinff City Knjjrinwr Lnkevlew Oregon Hulte No. 1 Watson Block KUIiSCitlHE FOKT11K KXAMINRK J. L. LYONS, D. D. 3. Dentist Office In Watson's DIock. Lake view, Oregon KlKbt Tear's ezperlenne In Ml ihls UradoaU of tulvurally ol klohlsan TV.