EE B people advertising. No dou Home Advirti-tis and outsideis and prefer to trade vou want. NOW THAT SPRING IS APPROACHING Aim! jhu lit-it In 11 liMtti forMiinl uihI for fti Siuiniirr 1 j t mt If you I to liltf Mil AUTOMOBILE r wnnt ili inoii! nt' thf BUICK ior )uii. If j, in urt lit nil lnti'ri'lil In A uliii,ilillian, Mrile for mir I itiTHt u rr. No lull I f r m lint luili-lilne i it iiim tiliw ll iri'frri-ni'i- rir, II uill lull to llli'IIKil I lie "III M K." Wo tion't claim It'm tho only nood car Ihora are other m--but we Uo claim that thoro are moro "DUICH S" In Southern Oroaon, anil that thoy havm alvon hotter matlafaetlon than any otherboth as private machlnem and on reaular mtauo rum, t- etlfiiil n nirilliil till Itnl lun lo lit our new lijiriitfi. om l,loik Irom Hie I'onl oll'ire on tin Mulii Ireef, l Ininiil li IjiIIn. liire our i-iirn an on t'h- llilllllou. BALDWIN & GORDON KLAMATH FALLS TTe REAL HOME PAPER The Sai Francisco Chronicle. M. H. de YOUNG Sane, ConservaUve and Well Edited. DAILY -:- SUNDAY -:- WEEKLY Sunday's in Colors' WM. WALLACE, Dealer ORDER tvnlK nil n;i"l i TWO 1IOR3E OVERALLS maok ar STKAUSS If truulilud with indigent ion, con Htlpallou, no aopetitu or feel bilioim, lilve Chikmborlaln'H Stouiach and Liver 'i'ableta a trial and you will bo pluaHed with thu roMult. TIiiiho talilutd In viorate the Mt.omach and liver and BtreiiKtlicii the indention. Sold by all ifood dculerH. S2WI I LEVI STKAUSS ca CO. uou EE 7"o Our Good Friend The Farmer: HFOUK SI-NDINfJ YOUR MONKY AWAY ON MAIL Onlcrs suppose you just peruse the Advertising Columns ol this j wiper for bai'vaius. Of course if you don't see advertised here what you want you are quite likely to yield to the temptation to buy thr imh a catalogue. Some of our Mediants have diseovervil that the !et way to combat Mail Order com petition is to use the chic' amviuiiiliou of the Mail Order t you compare notes as Foreign Advertisers the at home if vou see what mm:;on at Lakeview, Oregon NOW Good Printing Is the art of putting Into another mind what is in your own. IT IS A SUBTLE METHOD OF SUGGESTION It la a meaim of making a favorable IniprcBHloii. To have thu bust results, It muat ! tho uoHt ii lining. That o are ireiared to irlve you. WALK RIGHT IN An at tuck of tho urip 1h often fol lowed by iKTHlBtent couuli, which to many itovch a urent ainiovaiice. ('lmtiil)crlaln'H Couirli Remedy Iwih been esteii8lvely uhihI ami with irood hiiccchh for thu relief and euro of thlH cou;h. ManycaHCH have been cured after all other remediea hava failed. Sold by all ko(' dealera o TEDDY WILL MAKE ONE GRAND TOUR March WillSee Him Sweep Around Boundaries of Country NEW YOKK, Jan. 20 -Theodore Kooeevelt'a next tour will be beKun bere March and will sweep around the totiudailea of the country, through the Huutb Atlantic and (Julf Mlates, the Sonthwent, up the Pacitlo CoikI to Idiitn and Montana and thence direct horue. Iv'oosevelt had accepted 't eiiKiiudmenta to make Npvttchea a ml prohably will ouke mure. The It nerary niveu out le: ilnri'h H, leavea New York at lO:'Zj a. m. March 'J, Atlanta, (in , hpenkx be fore the Southern Commercial Cou Krend. March 11, Hiruiluguuu, AU., Mpeaka before ti.e child labor vonveo tiou. March 11, Jhcuhoii, Mihs., vpeakera at the invitation of Uoveruor Noel. Lea es 1 p. in. March II, arrives New Orleans 0 p. m., epeaks before the Coaiulercial Club. March l'J, leaves New Orleans. March 13, San Antonio, Texan, npeak4 oefo'e the cattU-raidera' cou vntion. March It, leaves San Antonio 9 in. a. March 1"i, Albmiuerciue, N. forefathers with a delegation Ki.uh Klders. March 10. leave M.. of Al- btuiueriue I p. ui. March IT, (iruud Canyon, Ari?. March IS, arrives i'hoenix, Ariz., 9 a. oi., motors 75 miles aciosn thu couutry to the opening of the Hoose velt dam, which will briug several m ill i o i acres under irrigation. I Bleeps ht the town of Koosevelt. i March 19, niotois to 1'hoeuix. step I plujj ou the ,vaj at Mesa, where his (sou Archie la at school.' Match 120, j leaves Phoenix 7 AO p. oi. Maich 21, Los Angeles, speaks at thu invitation of Uoveruor lilruiu Johusou and at Pasadena, nearby, be fore the Thrnnp Polyteohulo Insti tute. March 22, arrives Baa Francisco, remains about tea days and delivers the Earl lectures, six In Dumber, be fore the University of California at Berkeley. lie will also visit Portland, Seattle and Spokane. At the conclusion of his visit he probably will go to some Classified A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner Repented a few times, if lu-cwciry, will find n ccHtomer lor that property tf' yoiirM. They ore ramied clowly by Intendlm; Ixiji rn, and thecoHtla now nominal -.r renin Mm lim-i-hcIi iiiHcrtl'in, Special lonir-ttme rate. WAN I hi) A HANOI TO KENT with stock and implement, stack taken on RliHreit or run on KjnaUrf, J lent 1 of references. Wife good cook. of O. W. WtilK A It. (i rid, Cm!., care J. (,'. KlchHrdaou's cum p. WANTED-. W mount nil klndsof hlrda BtiituMl bends, etc. We tan nklns and niMkn ru a n J robe. Utley mid Kimmnb. 'i'axederrnlste Valley Kali. Oregon. . 2m. Kill MtLK' I'OK SAi.r:-IJarj('ilri, 70 ncrcM level land (I'lJuiiiH Lnkeview; creek runa through it; cut 20 ton. hay; rich noil; fenced; Hinall Iioiihc; ahed barn. aim., -jij acres 'Z Inllcii from town;, 400 corda of wood on it, ret nil $'J5o; to fs..VJ m t cord. Wood alone w III i iienrlv iniy for the llo ncrex. For price ami terum w rite W. b i'aine & yi., Lakevlew, Oregon. . 10 acre of land 5 miles KOK cunt of Lnkeview; 5 acreH under Ir- rik'MllMII. AlldreKM all IlKlllirlcH tO! J. W. Mu nay, care of Harvey llouw, ll.UMto, i allfornla. f'Jtni2 r oi: h A 1.1- lOacreH In Two 40. He( it. , ' "'.'V. J':u h.?'4 - I rliv l.. Add rex. Mm. K.U.Man-i aay.L'iNiVi WuhIi ave., OKdeii. I.'tah. VJUuZ I'OH SALIC New five-room Iiouhc J modern plumbing, bard wall plan- ter, tirtiHt ically hnllied; alio five room cottiie, lot KK)x04. new barn Iii(iilre N. T. Cory. 1'OU aALH-Standard Bred drl'ing team enfe for woman. Inquire Hall L KeynoMa dru store. HI It NAI.L li acreH with a 6 acre water riuht, O.V'.L.. Tract 10, Sec. 7, T. 41. K l'.i, ami Lot II, lilk. 07. for SIM. fl70. paid. Addrenn Alfred Kn.vkeniinil, lien. Lvl. Loh AhcIch, a i if l-'Ot J SALi;. io acres, with 5 acre water r-Ktit, O-V-L. Tract lO. .-Sec. 7. Two. 41. K. VJ. and "Lot n. l-lk. .7. MiiHt bull at ouce. Price 1170. tlSO I'uid. Address A. KLYKLNDALL, Gen. Del., Los Aoueles. Cal. roll ("ALL is'., Sec. 21. To. .!4S.. If. . K. coota miitf acre- ,,. c',,1 ee M,V I m w 1 "" lyf ,2 ,Vi Mal?.,n Ave.. Spokane. Wa-h. s 9 NTKIV MITK K STKAYF.U or btoleu. about Auk. 15., l!ioi, one gray mare, branded with A', ou left btiflt1, wir poar on frout Ihc, weuht 1400. abon! 10 I old. Lijjbt bay. white face saddle horse, same brand, wire scar on left front heel, about 12 years old, weight I, OHO poundn Liberal reward. AXDKKw MOKK1S. Adel. ST BAYED or stolen. From CamalH Priiirle, one team horfes, one Iron tray the oilier white; Utih branded 14 on left Htaltlle; vmted on left boulder; weight kbout 2700 lbs. 1 100 regard for their return. PAT DIJAN'K, Lakevlew, t.ltlOllH A It 4, 1'0StT KL! H A V K Vl f E l tEfTr lirai.'e o; .ujourM and (. Iars to be found In Oregon. tf . II. CL'TLEK WHISKY AT TllE Hotel LaKevlewbnr. TbelK'Htand oureur whlHkv made. tf place in Northern Idaho, not named, then to Sand Point, Idaho, aod then heme. Nearinq: Completion Bend Bulletin: Tbe Orepoi Trunk will be open to traffic to Madras ry February loth and will be rec.eUinn freight by the first of March. Such is the assurance contained in a letter to N. P. Smith of Bend from Mar shall Wells Co. of Portland, from whut-e transportation manager ema nates the foierfoiatf statement, he haviuu been so advised by the O. T. Thus far the urschutes railroad l as uiven out nothing detlu ite la regard to its acceptiiiK freight. Acjordlng to C. W. Mouohao, sup eriuteuneut of constructl.n for Heury X McEee, 90 per cent of the Krade between Crooked Kiver and Benil is completed; aud about 200 men are tloistiina up the balance. The power machinery at Crooked Kiver for ruhiiij( work, etc., is beiu doubled in capacity. The capacity of the traiua bringing conatruction ma icriui up u,e uescnutes (Janyoil also has been doubled, eitfht eugiues now beiu employed la this work inrtead of four as previusly. E. D. Ede has finished his resarvoir at the mouth of Surveyors Sprlugs Cauou west of Wagon Tire, says the Silver Lake Leader. The dam mest uies 50 feet at the ba-e and Is 10 feet iu width at the top. White dualua out the reservoir he opened up a fine spring which will at all setisoub fur nish what water is ueeded for stock while the reservoir itself will hold enough water to irrigate at least 200 acies of dun laud below it. Mr. Ede Is enthusiastic ovei his uew looatiou ana ieeis more than encouraged over the results which his summer's work has disclose 1. Force of Association. "now frigid that girl's iminner is!" "No wonder. She Is the daughter of a millionaire Iceman." - Itultluiore America n. Want Ads Ml I I.I.ANIOI M .U REWARD. A REWARD of lifly dollars is here by ottered for iniorrnation that will load to the Hrre and conviction of any prison who has stolen wire" or other nronerly from our Cormany:; and the aaine reward is hereby oifered for infortiiHt i',n that will lead to the arrest and uviction of anyone des troying tn-j rooerty of the Company. Chaa. Umbrtch, Becretaiy Lake Co. TeL It TeL Co. . - . -- A full iiHHortriiciit of FtHtiomiry, f'otifectifinery, Notlone, Toiiacco and Cijfarn at Klmer C. AblHtrom'H, ihe I'oHt Olflce Store. 34 Uon't forget that we carry In lock for tale all klnda of Iron, bol'a aod cbnina. thimble akeioi and Iron ana . teel axlea Arzoer Broa. tf i WHY NOT. Spend yoar vacatioo at I "Tha Jeffnranii " Kan Kr.rclnt A l,,..i .if.,uH n . i.nftrr.1 narlr l.l.l Hn mlnnlM Irxm Mrlr. park St. Special rates for the summer. ! Blue Prirjts of any township in ' Bnrna lland entriea. names. datsiL tf. To- pography. lour order Hlled on day I of recelvloe. Price tl. -. J. C. i TUHNKY. Hums. Oregon ca ! Cheap flour at Bonanza. Quality guaranteed or money refunded. tf Tfr-.I.KPIIOYKM. LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR HE ward iHMiied by the 'JVlepbone Company for dentroylns: lt prj erty. ltf $1,000.00 Reward Tin Oregon, California & Nevada LlveMtoek Protective AfKociatlou will irlve fUMXi lieward for the con viction of any party or artlen ateal lu; borKen. cattle or tiiulcH lielnntrini: to any of the following mcnibcrH of thU ArtKiK-iation: ( ox At Clark, Cliewacan Land & Cattle Co., Heryford Land & t attle I.. I L. i C.i. f If. ff I ..i. r,. w. i-..n i. n.. ,- j W. Hrown. Oeo. M. Jonen. Jeo. Han I k,,JM- S- CHii'!ler. C. A. Itehart. . ,,,e w.a. Curri-r. Frank B. Bauers. J. C I tutclikiKM, Culderwood Brort.. ' r. J. Brattalu & Sonn. T. A. Crump, ;Creler Ac Bonner, V. T. Cretmler I Maud I. ;:iiinix). KH I F. M. Mm i.Kii.Sec.Sc " - J W.I'. HF.KYKom. Finance Com.F. M. Okkkn I s. B Chav $1,000 REWARD Th- OretoD iforma ul Ncvn Live .Siock Froitc It'll AlMH'IftMOQ, o whii h the uuter MKueJI nit iiiU'r will give s.tuui ' diuK to the rem atiit conviction of nny party or jr tieiititt'iilintt hort-fe, cattle or mulct lx--ldii-'iiiK tuauy of iu i oit io iMri,. iti eHititton to the niove. the undtrmtned jller, ou the same couiiuioo J. u.00 for ail hr m bran1el home kIioc har on both or eithrr law Brauil reenrded in f ight countiet. Kanve Parny Lake and CrooK couutus. dur.rt 'euted when old. Noiii? hut ltom u horst-s old. aod only In larf ntarhf v," W . hkowm. File. Orvaoii Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A liOOO POSITION Cbt be hal by ambiOtous younp men Bud lniifs io the Hld ot "Wire less" or Railroad telegraphy. Since the 8-tiour laiv became ett'ective. aod since the Wireless companies are es tatlishit-e stations tnroueh out the country there is a ureat sbo-tdue ot telegraphers Positions pav t'ecln uers from 70 to $;U pe month, witD good chance of advaucemeut The N: lioual Telegraph Institute of Port I laud. Ore., operates six otliical in-e atifutea io America, under the sup ervision of R. K. and Wirelss officials Slid lilices nil irnilnul 11 Will r.HV mil tn iri 1. tk.n, f.t. ll details. CHICHESTER S PILLS r. . . ."- l ,t L Via uit-Mi Ata yiur I'ruy: ,., 1MB IU IklU IM la til J ll. i" rs, ,ca!c. ith nine Kit I k(i ti other. lttT of rmir "rujfti. a v i 1 1 ii .4 m -.Tri: w ,,r ..... nu f - y j VMrskniiKiiiislltsI.S.'.ici.A'wiuki soiDBifnR,firi-TSFvrrr.?it'r.F SHAKE INTO VOUR SHOES Allen's Koot-Kaae. powder Krllrvea iiau ful.sinartinc, nervou it et and Ingrtiwing uaili and lnaiaiitly taltvn ihr atlus out ol ciirna anr bun Uiti . li'a tno t atrat comlort dlaconer; ol tU a. Allen loin-Kane niakei Ukbi oi new ahut'a feol eaav. It la certain cura (oi weailnpt. calloua. awolleu, tired actlug Irai Try a today. Bold by all PrtiKgtaU aud ebot "" oy man mr c IU llauim. lton't ao Allon s Olmatl lakev K V al lia. So YOU WILL NEVER KNOW A tenth of what Is tfoinit on in Town, State, Na tion and World if you fail to take THIS PAPER. Order It Aott Order It JVeU ADMINl-TUATOIP.S NOTICE. I In the County Court of I lie State of Oregon, for the County ol Lake. In tlm Matl.r of thH Itatel of JAMErt K. HAMSTER, Deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: NOTICE in hereby Klven that the uiidrrHiirned wia duly appointed an the admlnlxtrator of tho F.Mtnte of JntntM K. I'.jinlHti r. dcrciiMcd, bv an order of the County Court of Lake Comity, Oregon, ilulv made and enter ed in the above entitled Court and matter on the llth Hay of January, lilll. 1 otohn nav claim Against All - . a . . fLWI eniaie are tieretv rerjinred to prcnent the tame, dulv vi rilled, to gether with the proper voucher, within nix innrithN from Ihe date of the firHt publication of this notice, to aaid adnilnictrator. nt the law o'fice of L. V. Conn, in the Town of Lake view, Lake County, Oregon. Dated tnd Brut jiulilihlied this 19th day of January. i;il. F. II. SMITH, AflirilnUtrn tor for th Entate oi JAM EH k. P.ANISTF.K. Deceam-d. NOTICE OK UISHOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Tf) A LL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE In hereby given, that the I'artnerHhlp heretofore conducted under the ntyle and firm name of "PAISLEY LUMBER COMPANY" by the uuderHig-ied, L. Yanderpnol and C. K. Pott, has been this day dmeolved by themutual connent of the above named pernoiiM and parlnera. All debu due or hereafter becominjr due to (he aaid firm are payable to C. R. Pott. and all obligations doe, or to become due aitainnt nald firm are payable by aald C. It. Potts, who baa liecome Hole proprietor of eaid partnerHtiip anett. Dated January 16th. 1911. I- VANDKRPOOL. C. R. PcTTS. APPLICATION FUR (iRAZINO PERMITS Notice I- hereby given that all ap pllcatlona for jiermlta to graz cattle horeri and Hheep within the Fremont National Foren during the neaton of 1911. taunt be filed in mv t.rti.-e at Lakeview, Ore-r.n. ,,n or before Feb ruM i:,, 1911. Full Information In regard to the trmzimr fj charged and blank forms to be nned tn making applications veil I f,ir. liUheil upon rerpnest. OILBKRT D. BROWN, Suirvinor. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Not Coal Land Denartnieiit of the Interior. U. S. Land OHice at Lakeview, Oregon, January 10, 1911. Notl.e w hereby "iven tint I'an ''handler, w hune uuar office ad Ire h in Lakeview, Oregon, did, on the 21t lay oi March. I'lla, rile in rh- nfti.e Sworn SiaTem-nr and A !ieation No. Osl 79. to pun-base the i-: Se,: ion 8. Toiihlp :ius, H ume 1st. 'Aillatiie-teMerl.liui. an.) the timber thereon, under the pr. vi-ii .lis tjf the act of line.:, l7s ami act-amendatory, known an the Timber im l -none,' at mcli value- as might he fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such apt. Mention, the land ami timla-r thereon have been estimat ed by applicant at a total of $ Klii.OOand th - timtier estimated .'Oil i IK) Ixianl h-etatfl DO per M.and thelami fHXl.UO; that Kaid applicant will ,ff(.r final proof in SMpport of big application and sworn statement on the lnth dav of March. 1911. before KegNter anil U.S. Land Office, at Lake view. Oregon. Anv person it at liberty to protest (his purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time pat ent issues, hp HI inn a corroborated alUdavit ia this iillem facts which would defeat the entry. ARTIfl R W. ORTON, Renter. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Not Coal Lund Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office nt Lakeview, ilrej-on, January 11. 1911. Notice Is hereby iriven that Pear! A. Hanzi g, now Sm.illev, of Lakeview, Orccon. who, on May '.N. pji s. made Honiesteudapplicati'Mi No. A'HT. erinl No. Oltil!'. for Lot 1, E'i-N U 'j'. NW'4 NE4. Section 7, To!!sT.i; -Jos, Kitnye I'lE. Willamette Meridian, bus tiled notice of intention To ifnUe Final Cominutati'iii Proof, tocstablisli claba to the land above described, before Hei-ttr and Peceiver, at Lnktvlew. ."tcgon, on tit iMh dav ot IVbruarv, VJll Claimant nam-cn wltrrR.i(H' Dan Funk. , f Lakeview. O e. 1J K. Funk, of Lnkeview, Ore-. Ed. Ilartz.r. of Lakeview. Ore, (ieore ''itz-ertii.l. of Lnkeview, Ore. AUTIIUU W. OUTON. Register. 7 (TIT Why are vou out of nlliol 'lhrht? Do vou con sider it is all the plant's fault? If our house is properly wired and you are using the best lamps you can mutually help to lift the load. E.T.SPEIMCE Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A 1