Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 09, 1911, Image 1

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CallecHo Reno Last Week to Consult
With Manager Dunuway
Railroads Give Eastern Homeseekers Opportunity
to Visit Pacific Coast States at Re
markably Small Cost
Hany People Prom Town
In Hi Drives, and
Pest5 Were
"Kahblt drive partlns" promt to
h fxipti Imt hanmbntita ao long
hi alelguiiig remains good. More
lhau "i'lil people from liHketlew at
tended tha big drive 01 I'm Wt Hide
Huuday, many ladlea being In attend
Know. Nuninroiia pallia r made
ills and nil sort of conveyances were
tirotiutit into requisition to bundle
ttia laige crowd. Hlg bob sU'U,
drawn by four horacH were in out I y la
evidence, and the oioupauta were a
jolly a jolly could be.
The drlvn Kuuday wb participated
In by over 100 people, and renultud
In tri slaughter of uearly 200C of tha
pate which threaten Hrlcnia) Injury
to cropa on the Wot Side mm well an
to all other portion of Central Ore
gou. Tlia drive IhhI Thuralay wni
not ao largely attended, although
early 1500 rahMt weie slain. Yea
terday quite h number of aportameu
O. T. McKendrco Deals
Southern Pacific j
Hard Blow
Word was received hera lat week
that O. T. Morten tree had beu anrl
oimly Injured lu the railroad .Tarda at
hau Fraualaoo. Later reports indi
cate that H injurlea wure not ao bnd
hh irportet, hh Monday bin I rother
C. II. MeKaudreo, received a tele
itrau' auiiouncluii that lie would leave
thii hospital on tnat day, aud that he
wis rapidly ruooveriii from hla in
juries. It W a Hiire thing that when
the train butlel into "oIioiib" the
crew found out that they were up
agalnttt the real thing.
lU-lfltlvc to tin' nrriileiit tin- Klutn
n Hi llnral 1 give die following pur
tiiiilnrH: ,
C H. Crialcr, tin' will known local
butcher, rciuriii'd but night from
Oakland, Calif., where In- took a ship
ii it'll t of Iiiikm to t ho California market,
mid lie (i ll of tin ac. iil'Mit that licfcll
O. T. McKcliiliro, ii prominent etock
mini of t li Ih hit t tun, who ehippi'd a
cm rloiul of sheep at t lit' Maine time
('riMlcr Hliippcd tlic lmga.
Tucadiiy noon tit two men wort
walking aloiix the rallruiul yards at
Onkland, and Imd Junt reui'lied il pro
jecting fence, which left lut little room
Ixtwivn it mid the railroad track,
when, without warning, a freight
train liegnn hacking up. Just an Mc
Kenilree went to clip by tln project
ing fence the t rain at nick him, fract
uring every rll on Ioh le t nldo and
iiijurliitf 1 1 i in in oilier wii.vh.
'l'hn Injureil man wan Imineillately
placed on train ami wiih taken to
a hoHpltnl by the rail way company,
who admit that the accident occurred
tliruiiKh no fault of McKciulrceV.
The Injuries suHtained liy iMcKenil
riH! will conllne lillii to the licmpital
for aoiiio ieiii;tli of time.
Mr. O. T. McKctulreo la well known
throughout thU entire auction, and
for a number of yearn liin family resil
ed In Lakeview. They have Hinco
moved to Oakland. He ia an exteiiaivi'
atockmau, ami iiiaiiitalna a (ceding
yard for IiIh ulieep near Munill.
Concerning: Taxes
In answer to uiauy inquiries tha
Kxaiuiuer will atate that all O. V, L.
oootraot holders will have to pay
taxet oa their lauds this year., Taxes
will be payable about the 20th of the
month, aud all Inquiries relative
thereto suould be a ldreuned to Sher
iff W. U. Bulder, Lakeview, Oregon
who is also tax oolleotor.
OwIiik to the non-arrlvnl of the
quuHtloiiH the teachera examination
in likely to be poHtponod. HuM'rln
U'liilent Jackaou received a wire from
tlio Ktato SiiH'iinU'ndout that the
qiioHtloiiM were mailed -on Feb. 1.
There are 13 appllcauta ready to take
the examination, but if the questions
do not arrive thin evening the exami
nation will Ite poHtponed.
and County Participated
About .1,500 of the
went out on the Weil Hide to enjoy a
hoot, being armed with 22 rpat-ra.
Th-re will be another big drive next
Hundny and It U likely to be more
tueiwHHful ttmu any prevluue meet.
W I-1 In time fnr tl.n kills have not
reached the (laurel reported at occur
ring eome 15 yeara ago, yet It ie gen
erally conceded that the rabbits are
more numerous now than ever before.
Owing to tha deep suo. men ou
horaeback drive the rabblta Into the
wlnga leading to the pnutt, and thero
tha footmen take charxe aud force
theiu on Into the pen. The rabblta
frequently turo back on the hore
tnen, and that fact perhapa accouota
for the cnmpaiatlvuly small kiila.
Wrre It pimitible for footmen tu make
tha drive It la certain that a tnuoh
larger number of rabblta would b
Harrlman Interests Get
Busy With Big:
Talk Fcst
Nearly a 'year ago the announce
ment was made by the Hill luterettn
that Central Oregon would be devel
oped within two years, that la ao far
aa thu building of railroads was con
cerned. The announced plan thn
was to build rallruada eaet aud weat,
north and south, with feeders brauun
log out all over the country; or at
leaat wharevar the country would fur
uUb traftlc of any great amount.
lie cent development apparently
Indicate that the plana will scarcely
b carried out, for with the excep
tion of the DeHchut'H lino all work la
seemingly held in aheyanre.
Hut now comes the llarrimau inter
eata anil appropriate 7r,(XK),(XMi tor
double-tracking the Oregon Short
Llue and buildug new roada in the
nurthweat, an account of which ap
pears ou page ii. Uilt Inatead of re
quiring two yeara to accomplish the
work the time limit la lined at six
yeara. Trie oUlclala in charge of the
Oregon lines state that the U ret work
to be taken up will be the double
lacking of the (). It. & N. and com
pletioa of the Klatnath-Natron cutoff".
Further than that they have do
opinion to express However, per
sons familiar with railroad work baae
great bopea on the action of trie liar
rlnian people In planoing euob a great
auiouu of railroad woik. lu order
to airord trafllo for a double track
railroad they argue that many uew
feeders will tie iieoesHary, nnd that
therefore Central Oregon will certain
ly be tupped by numerous lines In
order to develop!) the country iu
order to supply tb malu line with
the iicceHBarv miaincss.
Through jwlvute sources the Exam I
uer is informed that the Oregon Short
liine has asked for 17,000,000 to ba
spent in the construction of new
roads lu Oregou during tbe coming
year. The jurisdiction of the Short
Line exteuds west to the Natron line,
aud therefore it la poatilble that 1U11
will yet be a memorable year for rati
road oouHtrnctlou iu Central Oregou.
Examiner Blockaded
Many uew subscriptions to tbe
Exumluer were held up by tbe block
ade, and now letters are being re
ceived daily askidg why the paper is
not sent. In aevsral inBtanoes tbe
letter of Inquiry was received before
the remittance, the former having
come in over the Western. Nearly
250 letters coutalulug subscriptions
and Inquiries relative thereto were
held up by tbe blookade, which to
gather with ibe regular mall now be
ing reoieved daily caused a blookade
lu the olllce. Wa expect to ba caught
up by the end of his week, however.
Ton. MoCulley came up from New
Flue Creek on Saturday, Laud while
here attended the dance at the Opera
Plans Outlined Call For Completion of Road to
Lakevlew by Next FallRoute Past Goose
Lake Not As Yet Determined
Last week J. P. Hanson, superintendent of the Hall
Construction Co., was called from his Los Adgeles home
to Reno to consult with Manager Dunaway, relative to
the building of the extension of the N.-C.-O. Railway to
Lakeview. Alter the conference Mr. Hanson came on to
Lakeview to attend to some business matters and inci
dentally to talk "railroad" with some of the leading busi
ness men and others of this section. The estimated cost
of grading the proposed extension is about $250,000, the
rails for which have already been ordered. Mr. Dunaway
wee called eakt. and before leaving be
uanted to to asaurnd that Mr. Han
Hen wr.uld undertake the work of
building this roadbed and completing
it to Lkevle by next Fall. Sucb
.lanurauce was lvcu, and the coutract
will doubtless te drawn up ou the
return nf Mr. Dunaway, which is
rrheduled fur nbou. March 1-
Ou which side of the lake thu road
will be i ullt bus uut been fully de
termined aa yet. Much unexpected
-cppokitlou ha recently bien aucouo
tvied iu securing the right of way on
the emit aide, and an effort is being
made to ciuch tha company in every
way possible. The diatauce by way
of the Weat Hde Is Home six or seven
miles the longer, which would make
tbe coat about $70,0C0 greater than on
the east side, other conditions being
similar. To olfeet tbe greater cost it
is argued that the bull ling of the
road up the Went Side will opu up a
large section of country which is uow
undeveloped and will practically re
main so etiould tbe road te Luilt on
the other aide of the lak.
It might be Incidentally mentioned
that as yet Lakeview baa taken no
steps, either by word or deod, toward
encouraging tbe early building of the,
rued to this point. The Examiner is i
fully aware of the prejudice existing
N.-C.-O. Has Established Land and Immigration
Department to Exploit Lands in Its Territory--
L. F. Curtis Appointed Land Commissioner
The N.-C.-O. is sure' adopting a
,,.h mn.o xpnarnnHlvA nnlinv than !
bus been its custom heretofore, its
latest move belug a land aud imml
gratlon department, of wbicb L. V.
Curtis, a well known real estate and
farm land man of Heno, has charge
under tbe title of Land Commission
er. This is certainly a move tbat
will meet tbe hearty approbation of
all, aud tbe lack of which has
been i
sadly felt all along the line. As a
matter of course when tbe new de
partment gets Into working shape
homeseeker'a rates will be given, and
no doubt special rates wiU be given
in couuectloa with tbe oolouist rates
elleotive from tbe east Maroh 10.
Tbe new order means much to Lake
view and in faot all of Lake county
and will lend renewed interest to the
exploitation of our great resources.
Relative to this aotlou of tbe N.-C.-O.
tbe Journal bays:
One of tbe most important move
ments of tbe past year teudlog to the
population of the western couutry
and tbe exploitation of agricultural
resources almost direotly tritutary to
Heno, was announced yesterday when
It beoanie known tbat tbe Nevada
California-Oregon railway bad added
a land aud Immigration deprtmeut to
its force and would immediately in
augurate activity foe the purpose of
agaioHl tie U. U., tut tbe same
con ' It i Diia ex 1st in many common!
ties favored by through lines of
Btandard gauge roads. Almost every
section of tbe country Is trlogiug
suits against tbe railroads fir lower
rate, better accommodations, or
something else, for just at present
"fighting the trusts" is popular with
tbe masses.
Just why Lakeview should not bend
every eirort to be tbe terminus of tbe
N.-C.-O., Is past understanding to
many of ui. it would appeal to tbe
average person that she has much to
gain and nothing to lose under sucb
clrcumstauces, even though every
t-tatenient concerning the alleged
"wretched service au1 exturtionate
ratex" be wholly true. It is a fore-
'gone conclusion that until a railroad
j does reach here thee will be very
! little doing, and present indications
lead one to believe that it will be
several years before Hill ur Harriman
wll tap this muDtry except by the
Should tbe N.-C.-O make its north
ern terminus at New Pioe Creek, tbe
etvioes of a prophet are not required
to ay what tbe results would be to
Lakeview and
Lake Valley.
this part of (Jooee
bringioff Settlers into
a stretch of
country where over a million acrs of
good farm land is now oooupied by
but 1000 families.
The advertising and exploitation of
this land, with its settlement on a
ratio obtaining la well rettled locali
ties, means ultimately tbe augment
ing of the population tnat will pay
tribute to Keno in tbla section alone
by from 5000 population at present
to not less than 00,000 in tbe next
few years a population more than
.one-half the present population ct
Yesterday with the appointment of
L. F. Curtis, a well known real estate
aud farm land man, tu tbe post of
laud commissioner, the N.-O.-O. In
augurated a campaign tbat will bring
tbe territory from Reno for a dis
tance of at least 200 miles as promi
nently to tbe eye of tbe prospective
settler as is the land of Oregon, or
Washlngtno, already attrabtlug many
settlers. Starting from Reno tha
country is a series of fertile valleys
in which anything can be grown tbat
will thrlva in a temperate zone.
The N.-C.-O. extends to Alturas.
It bas been extended a distanoe of
thirteen miles and an additional
twelve miles to Davis Creek, iu tbe
southern end nr Goose Lake Valley,
advised tbe Examiner that tbe new
colonist rates for tbe Spring seaaon
will ba male effective between March
10 and April 10. Tbla is opening tbe
season five days earlier tnan a year
ago, but tbe .transcontinental Faasen
ger Araoctation wbicb baa been
wrestling with tha matter for several
days In Chicago, decided that tbe
wideepreal advertising campaigns tbe
leading railroads have, bean doing
justifies tbe earlier dstes and gives
prospective settlers a chance to get
tbat much quicker a start on their
year's work. 9
Tbe announcement also is made
that tbe bsIo nr Missouri River common-point
rate will te rednced to 25
for tbe colon'st season. 1'bat rate
All Sorts of Amusement
Planned for Very
Near Future
A meeting of the Ladles' Civic Im
provement .Society wns held on Tues
day evening, anil plans were com
pleted for several forms of entertain
ment to be given In the near future.
Tn-' Indies have rented the Roller
Skating Kink, and men are now at
work putting it in ahiptsbape man
ner, ax well aa making benches and
other articles of furniture f jt the hall.
On next Tuesday evening a Chafing
Pish nupper will lie given there be
tween the hours of 5::i0 and S, and it
In expected that a large number will
lie present to help partake of the
many good things that will be on
aale. Ou the followiug FrVlay night
a dance will be given for the married
people, which will be strictly an invi
tation affair. The committee in
charge of the dance have named them
selves the "Good Time CluV and
they expect to live up to their name
tn taking care of all who come. The
following Friday night will see an
other dance at the Kink, this one .to
be for the younger people, and also
to be in the form of an invitation
affair. Thr young men in charge of
the latter dance will go under the
came of the "Keemo" club.
An athletic club is now being or
ganized by the ladies, and a great
many have already subscribed their
names to the list. A meeting was
held Monday evening, which was well
attended by the younger feople aud
all seemed to be very much iu favor of
the plan. It is expected to charge a
monthly pament until the club has
purchased the necessary gyuinaziuiu
equipment and is well ou its feet.
The ladles are certainly to le con
gratulated on the flue work which
has ulreaJy beeu accomplished and
tbat which is now under way, and
they may well feel proud of the work
done so far towards making Lake
view a better town. The society
uow has a membership of almost
lifty. with more joining at each meet
ing held.
is nearly finished.
The methods of operation of Mr.
Curtis will be those used by other
laud and immigration departments.
booklets and oiroulars will be issued,
advertising will be .lone parties of
immigrants will be taken over tha
field and before loug a sturdy class of
practical farmers will oe rooted to
the land.
A great deal of tbe public land In
the vast inland empire between the
Sierras and tbe Rockiea it already
taken up, but there Is yet consider
able In Northern California and
Northern Nevada in Washoe county.
Before many years the land will
greatly appreciated in value. In
Nevada, through tbe Carey aot, large
sections of land are set apart and put
under development by large corpora
tions, and 2, 000, POO acres more will
J. M. Fulton, district freight
passenger agent to, tbe Southern
ciUc, with headquarters at Reno,
will apply o all points on tbe coast
from the following selling points:
St. FauL Dalath, Winnipeg, Omaha,
Conncil 151 off a, Kansas City and St.
The St Louis rate will be 132; Chi
cago, 133: Cincinnati, 137 90; Cleve
land, 139.75; Buffalo. 142. B0; Pitta
burg, 142; Boston, $49.45; Polls Jel
pbia. $49.75, and New York, 150.
For tbe last two years In establish
ing Spriag and Fall colonist rata sea
aon a. tbe railroads have limited tha
selling periods to 3u days, holding
that as much business can ba handled
and is handled in tbat time at daring
a 45-day or 60-day period, as was tbe
custom several years ago. The fight
bas always been whether there should
be tbe longer period with a basic tate
of 135 or a short period of 30 days
with tbe $25 rate.
Oregon Trunk Files Map
of Line Around Upper
Klamath Lake
Monday the Oregon Trunk Railway
Hied in tbe United States land office
at ttyts place a map of tbe definite
location of its line along tbe north
western shore ol Upper Klamath
Lake. , Beginning at the srails be
tween Upper and Agency lakes tbe
line runs almost directly west to a
point in tbe northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section 26 in
township 35 sontb, raug 0 east.
There it turns sooth anr1 parallels
Short creek on tbe west side, run
ning to Uarrimaa s former Pelican
Day lodge, and from there In a west
erly course to a point about one and
a half miles north from where the
Dead Indian wagon road crosses
Four-mile creek. Tbe map of the
survey to tbat point baa been pre
viously filed in the land office at
iCoaeburg, tbat being tbe dividing
line between tbe two districts.
Tbe construction of tbe road on the
lins as filed will pnt an end for all
time to tbe famons camp grounds
along Short Creek, unless tbe grade
should be constructed far enough op
ths mountain side to permit of camp
ers locating along tbe stream. Such
aot ion is not probable, inasmuch aa
it would necessarily caase more or
less of a grade, which is not to be
thought of by modern railroad engi
neers. Tbe Foiesl Service bas been
leasing grounds in that vloinlty to
many Medford people, who intended
erecting Summer oottagea thereon,
while Klamath people have also been
deeply interested in keeping tbe
lands from going into private owner
ship. Kicked By a Bronco
During tbe rabbit drive on Sunday
Mrs. Frank Smith bad tbe misfortune
to be quire seriously hurt. She was
following up the rabblta with many
others, but on acconnt of tbe blind
ing snow storm was unable to see
very far ahead It heppened tbat a
horse was directly in front of her,
and wbeu she came quite close the
animal kicked. Mrs. Smith received
the full force of tbe blow and for a
time it was feared tbat she was very
badly hurt. On examination by a
doctor it was found tbat do bonea
were broken, at.d Mrs. Smith la now
resting easy at her borne.
soon be available under that aot if
tbe law before tbe present congress
L. F, Curtis, tbe new land com
missioner, is well acquainted with
the conditions over wbioh he will
have domination. For some time he
baa exploited tbe country personally
and he brings to tbe work a thor
ough knowledge of tbe oonditiona
and methods best suited to bring it
to successful oulmlnatiou.
For Sale ixteen-lncb wood. En
quite J F. Landon, Lukevlew. J9-1U,