Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 02, 1911, Image 7

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    discover v I that the In
petit ion is to use the e
people advertising.
between Ilonu
outsiders and
vou want.
John Wiley a .1 P'lytlcun and Somt
of H.; tl.c.
Il I ' no i.-incr:i !v known ( .l,,l,n
W'cl' V ill el:e of hi-. Li . ' llctl-IMlls of
esii-. pulilKhcil il of uii'illia I
mle iiieciliii i:illiil not li 1.1 1 1 noprla I el
I "I i 1 1 1 i 1 1 v Plixsliv" Jt tn'si putt
lisln il lii 1717. an. I it r.iii Into at li a ,
t enly-foiir edllloiiM. The n ill In r was
greaily Kiirprlsed ih'-re was ho awlft
mill l.iru'e ii ili'iiiaiiil for It. In Hi,
Inter I'llillniit he was iil.lo to : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . -Word
"I'rled" to leil.iUi lelinil iis tin-
il l li-s of whli II he had iih a n w IHN
found opIn.l'tllllllleH of li'Sllllu' After
five years' cnivfiil trial and notwltti
Klalicliai: the olijiitloii-i of the leaun I
he 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m for the .'iL'iie "to go
lulu Hie colli hath Just heforc lit.- coM
tit," but oinltM to hiiy how to time the
mining of tlie 111. 'I'u prevent apoplexy
Use the cold Oath ami drink only wa
ti r. If this proves useless urn! il til
hhoiilil ilc. hire Itself jou have only
"put a hamll'ill of salt with a pint
rold wilier and If possllile pour
down tin' throat of the patient."
lire n-thiini "take n pint of cold wa
ter every morning, washing the head
therein Imm.'diately after." Wesley
gives four ways of curing old nge
'lake tar water morning mid evening"
or "a , ' . . -1 1 1 1 of nellies" or "be eltv
tl llieil ikiih " or "i hew Iiimmiiioii dally
mid suallou .voiir saliva." The two
great panaceas In the Weslcyaii doc
trine are the use of cold water and the
use of ele. iri. ily, and at the end of
the hook are columns of every sort of
disease which may be overcome by
these simple expedients.-St. James'
Tha Flow of Watar.
If the enrth did not rotate no water
could lie got lo flow iiwny from the
pole, but the centrifugal forco of ro
tation allows this to happen.
Breathing of Intocts.
Iiiaccts gcnci'iilly breathe thromMi
aperlnl pores in vnrlous parts of tliclr
bodlcH, mid If these pores ure i-IonciI by
oil (hey uro HurTucuted. Any one limy
test i Ids by dropping kwccI oil on tin1
thorux or buck of n wimp. It vcrv
noon dies. For this reason oil h . i
been fouinl one of tho best tilings b
use for the destruction of insects.
Turkey Red.
red Is made from (ho
w lilch grows In India.
der plant
British Columbia Indiana.
The redskin of lirhlsh Columbia is u
good farmer, mid Ids homo h Hcrupu
lously cle:ui. I'niilly It consist.-) if
I wo or tliree rooius mid cellar, where
kiipplles are Kept.
Mosquitoea, of India.
The iiiiisiib:ee:i of India hnvo jtrcut
fun Willi I!'.- l,ieyi !siM. They not only
lunce (he riders, hut ucttinlly puncture
the bicycle llren
To Our Good Friend
The Farmer:
Orders sti 1 you just peruse the Advertising
Columns ol this p;iper for har.-iius. Of eourse if
vou don't see ;idvertised here what you want ou
;nv (piile likely to yield to the temptation to liny
through a eataloiie. Some of our Mediants have
.-1 way to eomhat Mail Order eom
liel uui'Muuiliou of the Mail Order
No douht you compare notes as
Ad(.rtiiis and l'orein
prefer to trade at home
Cinadn't tcn!. V senate conMsta of tdjjh'y
M'Ven nioiul.el's. for iliv 1
the governor general. They luit n
he thirty or over and po.-scus at least worth of property. 'J'hcy uin
paid ".'.."iOO per fi 1 1 1 ii : ii.
A Kiny'i Economy.
An example of licui'ge Ill's eioii'i
nil. s Is so etiilmi, as almost to siig
gist that II must have het .kcned ap
proaching Insanity. He actually let
nut the cream colored horses Used lor
Ills stale coach to u J. hmaster. who
"thinks from the great receipt of cus
tom that I hoy will draw him lulu nil
easy fortune."
owe the hat to Asia, for If wns
In that country that the art of frhl'ig
Wool was first known, and from the
niosi remote periods tlie art was car
ried 'ii by the orientals.
A Clear Cut Warning.
"Voui g ladies." said an n lisetit mind
ed teacher of Latin to his class in Vir
gil, "I iin.leisiainl that you count upon
lay cnl'iim on ymi In alphabetical or
j der and prepare your lessons uecord
j Itigly. I "in surprised ami ills.ippolnt
. ed lit such conduct. Hereafter I warn
! you 1 sin II begin at the other end of
j tlitv alphabet."
British House of Commons.
The house of commons was originat
ed by Simon de M.uilfort. earl of
Leicester, in l'J.'.S. .t strengthen hil
own (lower in opposition to Henry HI
Tin Plates.
The manufacture of tin plates origi
nated In I'.ohcmi.-i. hammered iron
plntrs having been coated with tin I'l
that country some lime before the year
As recently as ts;;7 forgery was p-.m
Ishahle by death In Creat britain.
Durable Ink.
Known us the "old English record
In!;." there Is a Kpet lal writing llnid
i lliclully prescribed by the law of Eng
land for use by registrars of bin lis,
deaths and iniirt-iiiges.
Submarine Fog Signals.
Submarine fog slgnala tan be heard
fifteen miles.
Some harps have been discovered In
Kgyptlan tombs tlie Hiring of which
In Hovernl lnsliinces were intact iital
gave forth distinct aoumls after an
csllmaled silence of li.OlHl years.
rtmiui mi i fivraj i a.
"Th'iru tiro oniv two things I don't
like about un upper berth."
"And what nre thoaeV"
"Tho woodwork your Lend la cram
med against twul tho mahogany wall
your feet can't push through." St.
I.ouU Blar.
Nil vertisers the
vou see what
ma kMMP
Therrforo Hj 3d His 5:st to Please
t.ic f.:aia?er.
A rert:
Ill p'a V 'A ri. ht relate
v. ;.s mil II ed
maincr' r v. ;.s
ina 'e I iv p .
Time a; il
f'cire.I ih s j .
llger. "Si e I ;
forth his on.. I
At l:i-l the ;
ati.uis for a "job"
i-!v s.-c !y Individual,
tl;.- manager had re
a to his sta-.-e maii
." I: w o::l.l say, iti
aii's allempis to set
! mi
Oil il d succeed 111
l'.l.-in!;. the stagi
in I he iheatt r for
cen.'.ulales for t lit
gaining an '.i- in e
luaiiagi r, li a
I he I hue ii
i h
n':e ,
1 r ."
i v . , of
i-. a number
fact tlid not
on interrupt
el iv. en songs
I 'ie
I - it
. . s f ,r :l job.
it : "'. i in- t- ;..;. manager at
, !cii
l!i in.
to the Pianist and or-
, ilerci!
j f-r t1
1 hesla
! w ! t
1 was b
! The
I i o
1 1 -1 v an i oio::niiiiont i
e sti'jill'.
Ion lh-
r Wit h coiisi,hM-ab!e '
s person raised
liad in song. The result t
oiee he
id us bad could be. 1
manager su.l iciily comuiandml j
li ill to tie- 1st.
I "What do you mean by this tonifool
lery?'' he demanded, disgusted. "Yon
j certainly have confounded Impudence
to nsl; me for a job!"
"Look here!'' said the stranger, an
gry in turn. "1 don't claim to be able
t'i i-ig. In fact, I don't want to sing.
I'm a stage carpenter. I only san,; to
phase oil because you insisted oil
it!"-Pearson's Weekly.
His Favorite Opiats,
I'shiM-s in theaters handle some pe
culiar people during a season, but the
experience of tlie employee of a Chest
nut street pla.v house was a puzzle for
some time. A well dressed, middle
fiM-d man would secure mi end seat In
the front row almost every evening,
lie would tell the usher If he fell
asleep he was net to he disturbed un
til after the show. No sooner would
the or hestrn pla.v the overture than
the ushers would notice that tlie mini
was asleep. At the close of tlie night's
entertainment some one would rouse
the sleeper mid he would leave with a
indite acknowledgment. One night he
explained his si range behavior:
"I suffer from Insomnia," ho atild.
"The only relief I get Is when I alt
cIobo to tho drummer la an orchestra.
There Is somethltiK In the rhythmic
beating of the drum that soothes me
to sleep." rhlliidelphhi Times.
The most direful chemical analyses
have demonstrated that rice possesses
more nutriment than wheat, oats or
barley. It will sustain life longer
than any other starch producing plant.
The Chinese and Japanese live upon
tt, endure great fatigue and work
harder than tho people of nny other
A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner
Repeated n few Mm-, if iicci-Hfiiry, w ill find a ccstomer for that property of
yours. They nre r-n lined tloM-ly liy Intending buyer, and the coat Ih nom
f if in i ii ill .1 rent the line cncli insertion, Special Ionic time rati-.
lock mid lfnt'l-riiutit, stock taken
on nhiim or ton on hJuhIhtt. J t-tt I
of rrfi-mncpM. Wife t''i cook.
lii"iliof (;. W. White, Alfuran. '
C.i!.. earn J. C, KlchardHoii 'a camp.
WANTKIWe mount all kindsof birds
animal heads, fir.. We tan skins
and iiiaka niK ami robe
L'tl-y M.d Sirnrnnnn. Taxedermista
Valley Pal U. Oregon. WZm.
FOP SALE New live room bonne,
modern plumbing, hird wall plan
ter, artistically tiiilHhed ; also fivc
rooiii cottage, it iWxli'JI, new J.arn .
li.'iulre N. T. i "ory.
rOU nALh-Ktandard bred drl'lug
team H'ifo for woman. lurpiire
Hall X Reynold drug store.
FOR SALE 0 aires w ith n 6 acre
water right, (J.V.I... Tract 10, See.
7, I. H. R. l:, mid Lot 11, Il!k. ti7.
for l,o. I70. pmd. Address Alfred
Knykendnil, lien. Iie, L,8 Angeles,
FOKHALK. 10 acrea, with 5
water rKtit, O-V-L. Tract lO,
o Iwti. U. K. II). aud Lot 11, blk.
tn. .MiiHt Bell at oiicu.
9H) paid. AddleHS
I'riee $170.
Cen. Uel., Los Autreles. Cal.
I 'K SAI.I'.-S'.; S-e. 21, Tp. 3IS., II.
contii1iiiiir acri-H of College
Land. AddreaH, 1. Heily. 2iil:j
..Mal!nn Ave., Spokane. Waoh! -'!' i !t
al lt lV MlTIIK
SIli.WKI) or Moleij. hbout Aug.
I". , i:o:, cue trrav mare, branded
with .1;. on left btifi", wire scar on
front leg. weight 1100, about 10 years !
. Id. l.U'ht bay, white face feuddle
horn-, hhiuv traiid, wlresi'Hr on left I
front h el, Mto'it I'J years old, weight!
(.duikU I.ilierul reward.
v TLA YFI r stolen. From Camalrt
Pr.nrie, one team hornet., one irori
gray t he hi r w hite; both branded
14 on left Ktalllle; vinted on left
lionlder; Ueiuht about 27U0 Ibn.
1hI re oird for their return.
PAT DI ANE, Lakevlew,
POST kTnO HAVE i nE"j5?. vr
tradi .! ..ioiir and t larn to be
found In ( iregon. tf
Ilo'el LiiKevleW bur. The lient ai: l
inir-'-t whisky made. t'
Ca t be hu 1 by atnbi'.itoua younj.
men aud ladies in the KeJd of "Wire
less" or Railroad telegmpby. Slnci
the 8-hour law became effective, aod
hi ii re the Wireless companies are es
I tatlihuing ntatious tnrough out the
a couu'ry there is a great sho-Uge of
telegraphers Positions pav begin
tiers from HQ to IM pec month, with ,
good chance of advancement. The
N tioual Telegraph Institute of Port i
land. Ore., operates 8ii otliioal lu-e !
stitutea in America, under the sup- !
ervieiou of R. R. aud Wirelss officials 1
and places all graduates into positions
P. will pay rou to write them forfull ;
all-.I AL yt.i.r llruvt.i A
I'a lll.mi.nj itrmdA
I'llUIn K.d ml I...IJ n-.a.i. VV
!."!"- "' ,! " Kl! .11. V
rule no ulh.r. our
llrniceM. A-,; I . 1. ,t ..T' lt
iM.vvKisn i-.::vm rn.i
r SOLD BV CW fifiiSTS f VHWn.r
Alleu'a Koot-Kaae, a powder. Kvllrvra l-aii
tal.hiuarllin,', lrrvou Ii et and lnnrim ins rtalli
and tnatantlr lakea lb. atlug oui ot corn. au
nunl.'iia. li'a tno o ateai comlori dia.n. r.
oltlifafce. Alien 1 ool-taae male, iinoi o
new h.a (if-l eaay. li la a rvrialu cur. lo
Mri-ainiK, ealinna, awollen. tired a.-iinp ire
Trv 11 unlay. Hold by all Iriii:taia and rboi
U)ria -Uy mall tor !c In aiaait.a lon'' ai
t'pi anviauba:ia. Trial naeaane CKKK Ai'
1e.-w. .!lfnta - l)nili.l lr Ke. s
An expert swimmer is authority for
the asseiiio'i that a. vast ma jol'ity of
the drowning casualties which are at
tributed to cramps are in all probabil
ity the result of cardiac exhaustion.
Nearly nil experienced swimmers, he
says, know that cramps w -n In the
water ar. of coinparat ivcly infrequent
ocrurren'-r. it is commonly in the cnir
of the Ie::. ai'd the sw linnier by lyiug
ipiiclly upon his back without undue
alarm and stretching out the leg tuny
overcome this somewhat painful invol
untary muscular contraction. The ex
ertion of swimming, however, is fully
ispiai to the exertion of running, with
the additional tax upon the system of
n gradual lowering of the bodily tem
perature. It Is one thing to know how
to swim ami ipilte another to be In a
physical condition to do the swimming.
London lilobe.
The Most Important Thing.
Commander Peary, at one of the nu
merous Washington dinners followlug
his triumphant return from the pole,
got the better of u senator lu a wur of
"What Is the good of your discov
ery'?'' the senator said. "I'll wager that
you didn't tiud a single Important thing
lit the north pole."
"Oh, yes, l did," said the explorer.
"1 found one very, very Important
"Humph! What was that?" the sen
ator grunted.
"The way back homo ngalu," was
the reply.
Tl V
Want Ads
MIH 1 f.l.A MM S
A KLWARI) of llfty dollars Is here
by olfered for in'ortnstion that will
lead to the arron and conviction of
any ppiaon who has stolen wires or
; other property . from our Company;
an'' u" "'"' 'rd Is hereby offered
i ,or tiforrmtt i-.n that will lead to the
arrest and : nviction of auyoue des-
lSltK tt e i roperty of the Company.
' r Chan. Urn bach,
: hnrretm Lake Co. Tel. & Tel. Co.
I ittf.
A full assortment of Stationary,
Confectionery, Notions, Tobnri-o and
Cigar nl Elmer C. AhlHtrotn'H, the
Post Ollire Store. 34
Don't forget that we carry In clock
for sale all kinds of Iron, bo)' aod
chnine. thimble skeins and Iron ano
steel axles Arzner Bros. tf
WHY NOT. Spend yoar vacation at
"The Jefferson, " San FraLciscoT
A city hotel situated In a beautiful
paik but five minutes from Market
tit. Special rates for the summer.
iilue Prints of any towoship in
burns Land District snowing all
land entries, Dames, dates, etc. To
pography. Your order tilled on day
of receiving. Price tl. J. C.
TL'P.NKY. bums, Oregon Ctf
Cheap flour at bonanza. Quality
guaranteed or money refunded. tf
ward Indued by the Telephone
Company for deatroving ItH prop
erty. lfitf
$1,000.00 Reward
The Orecon. California & Nevada
LIvcHtoek Protective AhhocImUoii
will iflve K"M iteward for the con
I vk-tlon of liny party or partli-a steal-
i hornew. cattle or milieu Ix'lonirini;
to any of t be follow Inir memliers o:
; thin Association:
Cox & Clark, Chew Mean Land X
i Cattle O., Heryford Land & Cattle
jt'ti.. Lake County Land & Livestock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co.. Wtu
W. I'.rown. (ifii. M. .loiien, (ieo. Han
j kliiB. S. P.. Chandler. C. A. Kehart. N.
I Inc. W.a. Currier, Frank b. pJiuerH.
.i.C. Hotchkifrt, Calderwooil brim..
, T. J. brut tain & Sons, T. A. Crump,
i Crenler lSonner, V. T. Creahler
i Maud I. I'.ambo.
Oc FI. EHt
W. P. Hkkyfohii. Pn-H1 '
I F. M. Mil f.Kl:. Sec A:" - T-
i .il . . I i.r. r.
S. 1! C A V'- '
$1,000 REWARD
The Ori-iton ('
I for niii ii n. I N'pvhiI
hlK .StOl lL I'.'ott-l-
-v Mon At Miiam ion, o
J . y nheh Ibe uiulm
' i '(', ignella meuiber
giw I'.miui
rewanl foi evideiiL-t-v
. rix to the
! ' So re"1 ,lLd convii tliin
ii Hi.y piirij- ur
lien utealinK borsi-fc.
i-aitlu r uiuli a b?-
1 Ionk-iDuloauy of ill.
Mm. in in it.e slovt, ih undertilu neil
in 'i
offer, nu ihe nime p.m.tiuou IS. U.OO lor all hoi-
M bramliHl tiorn- hee on bolh or filuei
law Brand rci-er.1t.s1 I a riuhi counties. Kaino-
Hariu-jt. Lant- ana
.jiied wb.-n UI.
t'roon couniiua, dorses
Noil out k-ro n horst a .olfl, and only In lam W W . Hko N. Fife. ()rrtiill
In il.e Matter if the
(itinrdi.-ttiship of i Notice of
W. I). King. f Sale
an insane person. J
Notice is liereliv given by virtue of
an order of t lie County Court of the
ttate of Oregon for Aim-ion County,
iniide and entered of record on pa ye
51!' of Vol. -2 of the I'rob.-ite Journal
of said Court on the llhh ilny of le
cember, In Id, duly empowering; and
licensing A. I. Hrow n, as guardian of
the person and estate of the above
named W. U. King, an itisuiM person,
1. 1 sell certain real estate belonging
to said waul in said order describe. U
the said A. L. ltrmv n from and after
the Hth .lay of Februarv, lull at the
olilce of Corson & Hi-own, In Salem,
Oregon, will proceed to sell at pri
vate mile the snid premises described
as follow!!, to wit: An undivided
one half interest In and to the We-t
ot.e- half of Section :ll. Township 33,
South of K.:ngt. p.), Kastof the Willam
ette Meridian, iu LakeCouuty, Ore
Terms of sale, cash in hand.
!nted this 31st day of December.
Uuardian of the persou
and estate of the above
named ward.
Carson A Hrown,
Attorneys for Guardian. 1-5 2 2
Not Coiil Laud
Department of the Interior, U.S.
Land Oft ice at Lakeview. Oreion
January 11, 1911.
Notice la hereby given that Pearl A.
Ilarizog, now Smalley. of Lakeview.
Oregon, who, on May 28, 1908, made
Homestead application No. -10-17, Serial
No. 01619. for Lot 1. ENWW. Ntt'l.
NKlf, Section 7. Township 40S, Kunge
21 E, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
nonce oi lutentlon to make Final
Comtnutatlon Proof, to establish claim
to the lauvl above described, before
Register and Keceiver, at Lakeview,
Oregon, on tho 18th day of February,
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Dan Funk, of Lakeview, Ore.
K. K. Funk, of Lakeview, Ore.
Ed. llartrog. of Lakeview, Ore,
Ueorge itugerald, of Lakeview, Ore.
j A I M I N I sT ll. TO 1 1 'S NOTK'K.
! In the County Cmiitof theStnft' of
Oregon, fur tiie County of l,ako.
In the Matt, r of the Katafel
of I
Iteceawd. )
CHUN: NOTICK hereby Riven that
the nnderMiiMicd whk duly appointed
iim the adnilnlHtrat()r of the Kntnte of
.Ijiiucm K. r.JiiilfUr. dereanel, by an
or.ler of the County Court of 'Lake
County, On-if'iii. dulv made and enter
ed in the above entitled Conrt and
J"'iOer on the lltli day of .lanunry,
All pi'THoriM having claims nuainst
mhl eMtate are hereby rfrjuired to
prcMent the name, duly verified, to
gether with the projwr voucher,
within nix montha from the date of
the (IrMt publication of thin notice, to
Maid adiiiliilHtrator, at the law olflco
of L. I'. Conn, in the Town of Iike
vlew. Lake County, Oregon.
Drtteil uriil flrnt pnbliHhed thin 19th
day of January, Ktil.
Admlnlff rntor for the
NOTICE la hereby irlven, thnt tho
I'lM-tiitTnhlp heretofore conducted
nnder the atyle and lirm name of
by the tinilerMlg;ied, L. Vanderpool
and C. It. I'ottH, nan been this day
diaeolved by the mutual connent of tho
above named pernoDM and partners.
All dehta due or hereafter becoming
due to (he aal I firm are payable to
R. Potts, and all obligations dae,
fir to liecome ilue agninnt nnid firm
are payable by nald C. K. Pott, who
haa beeoma aole proprietor of aid
partnemhip aHet.
Dated January Kith, 1911.
C. H. PcTTS.
Not Coal .and
Department or the Interior, U. S.
Land office at Lakeview, Oretron
Dee. 19. I'.ipi, '
Nv.fii.-e is hereby given that Johann
es Si-mm. of Paisley. Oregon, who,
on October 1 0."i, made homestead
entrv No. 3jor,. serial. No. 0I2:4. for
V"'';,.N'.,SV.!4', Sections. Town
ship .V..S., llange 9I-;. Willamette
Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention
to make final five year proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above deu
criiied. before lieuistt-r and kecelver,
L. S. Land Ofti e. at Lnkeviesr, Ore.
gon. on the 2Mb day of January. 1911-
Clalinai t names as witnesses;
Polk Danni ter, of Pairley, Ore.
15. N. f helps, of Paisley, Ore.
Elnn-r sratile.v, of Paisley, lire.
M. B. Wliitehouse of Pal-ley, Ore.
l:r::iTt W. OUTON. !!i iriiter.
Sale of Timla-r. Hortlatul Oregon.
I leceiiibei -j . l-'pl. 'ealed b iN Mmrk
eil on' si.le lii'l, sale Appli
cation. I lecellllier i, !!ln. 1-1 elliont,"'
Hi il addri s-ed to the 'i.trct Fores-t-r.
Fur- r -,. v-ce. Portia tel. ( Hvcon,
will be n i !ved"iii to iid Includinrr
the 3-ith day of' Hil I, ..r all or
any part f the mcrcha nratile dead
timber, standing i r down, and the
live limber marked for cu ting by the
Fon st officer local ed on an area to
b- lielit'iii'ty ilesignatid by the forest
officer In--, re cutting begins, including
about -V2'i acres on the watershed of
I'rewf. Civek in t he N E. SE4'. and
SE'., of W'4 of Sec 9. and the XIV;
of Sec. 11. T. '4 S.. K. lsK.. W.M.,
within the Fremont Natioi ai Forest.
Oregon, estimated to be f0i),bC0 feet
15 M. of live western yellow piue saw
timtier. lot- sca'e, more or less. No
bid of less Than $2.7" per thousand feet
I?. M. will 1 e considered deposit
ol'S'tHi pa v. -I He to I he order of the First
'Nation;-! Ili.ik of Portland. Oreiron.
must la sent to that bank for each
bid sur mined tj the District Fores
ter. Timber upon valid claims is ex
empted ii oni sa'e. The riht to reject
any and .ill bids is reserved. For
further i. .formation and regulations
governing sales addresri Forest Sup
ervisor. Fremont National Forest,
lakeview, Driven. Geo. II. Cecil,
Vcting D-st i-ier Forester. D2tJ J20
Notice is iier.-by eiven that all ap
plications i"..r permits to graze cattle,
liof-es tin, I .sheep within the Fremont
National Korert during the season of
It'll, must be tiled in my otlice at
Lakevie, Oregon, on orbt-foe Fetu
ruary 15. 1911. Full information In
regard to the grazing tees to lie,
charged and blank forms to he used
in making applications wil lie fur.
nished upon re.juest.
(ill.BI i;T D. HHOWV, Sepervlsor.
Not Coal Land
iVnartment of. the Interior, U. S.
uauu wince at Lakeview. n
January lu, 1911.
Notice i hereby given that Dan
Chandler, whose post office addre s Is
Lakeview, Oregon, did, on tho 21st
day of March, 1910, Hie in this office
sworn statement and Application
No. 03179. to purchase the NE1, Sec
tion 8, Townahip aa.S, Kunge 18E,
illauieite .Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under tho provisions of the
act of June 3, 1S7S, and acts amenda
tory, known as tho " Timber and
Stone Law," at such values as might
be fixed by uppraiseinent, and that,
pursuant to such application, the land
and timber thereon have been estimat
ed by applicant at a total of $100.00 and
tho titnlier estimated 300,000 board
feetat 11.00 per M, and the laud f 100.00;
that said applicant will offer final
proof iu BUIiliort of his nnnlicatinn
and sworn statement ou tho ltith dav
I 1. Hill i . . . -'
oi aiurcu, mil, lietoro Keglster aud
Keceiver, U.S. Laud Office, at Lake
view, Oregon.
Any person la at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or lnltl.
ate a contest at any time before pat
ent Issues, by filing a eorroborated
affidavit in this otlloe. allowing facts
wuiuu wonici ueieat tiie entry,
ART11UK W. ORION, Register