Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 02, 1911, Image 6

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ln.1 on hrsln to l"'k frnl ami .ln.t f..r Hi.- Similiter ilt ! fmr. If .n
-i-t to hny in
tr want to itpttiiiiittrntr the
1 or on. If Jii nrr nt nil Inter.-.!. .1 In A uloii.ot.ll. write for our literal lire.
No i.mlt. r vlo n.ii. Line miir l.ate n i.referetier for. it will vm oit to
InveMllfille the "Ut It K."
We don't claim It s the only qood carthero are other. -but wo
do claim that there ore more -BUICKS"ln Southern Oreaon, and that
they have alven better satisfaction than any otherboth as private
machine ana" on reaular staae runs.
Me eiten.l it i-or.llnl liMili.lioi. I., tl-lt new tiuniite. one I.I... k from
the Vot tttfi.e on the Mitlit street, Klimi:illi I "IK where er i-e on -hiMtloii.
Lakeview Meat Market
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc, Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Free Delivery
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Sunday's in Colors
WM. WALLACE, Dealer at Lakeview, Oregon
Standard or Tourist Sleeping Cars
from All Points in Nevada
Through to
Denver, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis
or Chicago
Dining Cars on all Trains
CfThc District Freight and Passenger
Agent, Reno, Nevv will be glad to
answer all inquiries, quote rates, freight
or passenger, and to be helpful in every
way Call or write
Alturas New l:ra Sees Maud of Providence in Recent
Hlockade, Or at Least Does Not Place All
the Blame on The Narrow Gauge
Alturas New Km: Tim delay In the mitlicient food trrired for them, tint
mails iluring the imit week linn been
nnprei edeuted. Nothing h8 approx
imated this oil nt nir from cominuni
t'Htlon, according to the l .1 mt I 1ts,
since the yiHr lS'.i hih: IS'.m, when
theie khh a similar vail dropped be
tween us aud tlit. outside world. The
streuuaua of otir town have had
enforced relaxation, hu.1 the average
J mi froiu below ha had a rest froHi
the worries of payment.
The nrray of genlil citizens frjin
other parts whom we Iihvo housed
dining this petio I of stress, has been
legion. We regret that their plans
nevertheless the crew unci pnpHKiigeia
remained jolly, and full of plnim and
inquiries. It l paid llmt tin. ('on
doctor was compelled to have h
printed report each live minutes, tlmt
he could pin on hln lapel, In order
t tint lie in Ik tit anaer hII the ques-
The llrst rein, ot passengers went
brought to Likely 'I hiirv.lity evening,
when the wind had subsided enough
to allow travel. Even then the wind
was ho itllC that they could ouly .
a little way ahead at n tun".
After walking hBck ahout one inllo
have been slightly thwarted, hut have on the 'ruck, they intersected the
nevertheless eujoysd their company.
A train leavlug lieun, Saturday,
Jnu. Htli, In the morning, arrived lu
Alturas, Sunday afternoon at -1
The Monday traiu whs nullied, and
the train started Tuesday uiorniug,
arrived safely and nearly on time at
Madeline, hut was caught in the
Madeline pass, four ml Ion thin vide. j
Up to Saturday,1 live eugiuea Imve
ronil, where they were mat ly slelgns
and tbe '. paaHeuer were tirouuht
to I.lkrly. Thlit tuiuiler Included
three women, and hIiIIiik the four
Keutleti.en who had walked tlowu he
fore, placed vetitren HKii('n.'r lu
the haudb of our hoot t.eo. llnpucod,
who epleudldly cared for and enter
tained them.
Friday the tlrat tied load mrtvad la
-Mturaa ahout 4 p. in. with ten men,
been unable to extricate it, the enow fallowed by a larite whuoii in about
has Jtieeu so deep and complicated .one hour with the other seven.
with'a furiouelj driving wind. Wed
neoday'a train was recalled ttt Ioyle
and returned to Keno. Tburmlay'a
land Kridav'a tralua were all tiullied
from the Keuo eud nud there were
i no traiu at thlseud tu depart. Sat
urlay nioroiuK a train ttarted and at
last accounts wan funking furious and
; regular time up to Siiturday afttT- j
.'noon when last heard from. Where
the full trouble ilea is not as yet!
ascertained. I'uekilled comment
. both pro aud con in not reliable aud '
I!. K. Lyiilpgave his itinerary b
leaving Sacramento Monday, in time
to catch a delay on the S. aud
with the dt-lay on our roa I alter hav
iug walked from Sage lieu to Likely
lu a Mtoim some 12 miles, he was
home about live o'clock I'n lay, with
lot- of fun in his calendar, lie hud
giuid company iu his milking trip, as
('. M. Dtiucan, of Stone t'oal and Sol
('handler aud S. ('. IJ orris of l ake
view, were all with him.
1'r. Lyons, the dcutlxt of Lakeview
it is probably due to tbe iusuperable ; and it brother were on the romantic
elements. Meauwhile the Lews of the 1 trip. There were only three lailte
week is obvious and has been did 1 Involved in the delny. Mrs. ('al t
cussed from all htmid points. It is , wood and Mis tinil lioraughty of
uot safe to Inquire of every body :; ('t'dnrville and Mrs. fierce of Lake
"Wbeu is the mail comiug?" stHle ! view.
Say it again
Our Pcstoiaster eni Fspress man
are learning to keep decent floors for
a short time and look as thouuh they
appreciate the ett. From half pHxt
three or four in the morning until
tea or more at night is pretty long
Miturdty morning a (Iyer left Keno
ii 'id swung along ncreurly until It
reached Secret Vallpy, where the Ice
and snoiv derailed the engine, and
tl'iitliy after getting tuck upon the,
track slid back to Auiadce, stuck
Mr. l)unnwiiy wiih on thl t traiu, and
M. I). Kice, master mechanic of the fully realized the d ttlcult les to b
rnad, came from lieno as'q'tickly as j overcome. Suuday morning newa is
possible, coming tho entire IjO miles thut nearly all the engiuen are off the
with two large engines to the rescue track aud several miles of ice coated
of the snowbouud train, but w ithout i track lies before the u. This Ice coct
avail because of almost a blizzard in 1 pick, oil about u easy as cement,
the pai-9. more than closiun up the
track as fant uH It could be cleared.
Tbe engine of tha nain was "dead"
iu railroad expiesbion, by being
driven into deep huow and the (Ire
completely put out, aud with oil
burners tbe fire is difficult t' replace.
A later report is that two
enginc-H with a tnow plow are iu the
field and working away with all the
tkill possible.
tjich makes the situatioQ quite
serious. A good thaw will be our
greatest blessing as far as the mail
and the railroud is concerned, but
disastrous otherwise.
Sunday tfiere were no developments.
Monday brought tbe cheer that al-
mo re. though news was quiet, work whh
ai'ii.e mid uue uini a iinu uiiies m
ice'tiouiid rails hud been cleared.
Tht engines have again been placed
At preoeot "Pet" Cooroy, i. f.c con- I oa tba track, and work Is progressing
ductor, und our townsman, L. C. Dal- 'as fast as possible,
lard are living in the car of their. Wade Williams has olfered to bring
train, very comfortable with plenty the mail through, if pioper arrange
of food aud fuel. The aforesaid rnents could be made. This storm
train arrived at Madeliae about on ' w 111 be a sever loss to our railroad,
ti'i e and was progressing nicely, i amounting to thousands of dollars,
until caught in this wind blown pass. I Mr. IIov Williams Is waiting for
The passengers remnined in the car the mail with several extra Htnges to
until Wednesday evening before transport it.
Question Will Probably (Entire Nation Will Observe
Be Voted Upon I Anniversary Of
In 1912 ! His Birth
SALEM. Jan. 23. The question ol
. whether tbe death penalty bball be
abolished will probably be decided by
j the people at the next general elec
tion Id November, 1'J12.
Many members of the legislature,
perhaps a majority, are In favor of
making the death penally a matter of
i the past, if tbe possibilities of ob-
talning a pardon are made fewer, aud
tney have decided that the only safe
j way of disposing of this phase of the
question is by taking the pardoning
! power from the governor and placing
! it with the supreme court. Lawyers
i have discovered that this involves au
1 amendment to the constitution which
! munt be submitted to tbe people be
! fore tbe above bill can be passed,
In the bill, introduced io the sen-
i ate, tbe privilege of granting pardons
la taken from the governor, instead
tbe supreme court la tbe only resort
of pardon lor tbe person given a life
sentence for murder who baa exhaust
ed all other methods of escape. Tbe
supreme court, under the bill's pro
visions, may then grant a pardon
only upon tbe Introduction of evi
dence unearthed since tbe oonviotion
of tbe prisoner, showing that aba or
be is innocent of tbe crime charged.
The Horace (ireeley memorial fund
committee has Rent out the following
announcement :
The eutire nation will celebrate the
lloisoe Greeley centenary February!
li, KU1, is the present outlook.
Schools in every part of the United i
Slates have been asked to take part, I
and favorable responses have been ro I
ceiied from many states. I
President Taft has been invited to
speak at Chappaqua. It is expected
that the city of New Vork will have
an impressive gathering. Tbe City
(dub has set aside the luncheon of
February 4th for a press luncheon In
commemoration of the life and ser
vices of Horace Uieeley. President
James Tole of Typographical union
No. ti informs the Greeley memorial
committee that the union is working
upon tbe matter of properly celebrat
ing the centenary of its first presi
dent, Uorace Greeley,
Tbe movement of tbe (Jreelev cen
tenary originated at Chappaqua. It
was decided by the men who are act
uated by tbe highest patriotic motives
that right there (Uhappaqua) would
be the proper place to erect a statue
in memory of lloraoe Greeley. It is
tbe spot that Mr. Greeley loved so
dearly, and his daughter, Mrs.
Gebrlelle Greeley Cleodenlu, still
live on the old place.
ary Again
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was as white as snow;
It strayed away one summer day
Where lambs should never go.
And Mary sat her quickly down
And tears streamed from her eyes;
She never found the lamb because
She did not advertise.
And Mary had a brother
Who kept a village store;
Hesathimdownand smoked a pipe;
And watched the open door.
And as the people passed along
But did not stop to buy,
John still sat and smoked his pipe,
And blinked his sleepy eye.
And so the sheriff closed him out,
But still he lingered near,
And Mary came along to drop
A sympathetic tear.
"How is it, sister, can you tell,
Why other merchants here,
Sell all their goods so readily
And thrive from year to year?
Remembering her own bad luck,
The maiden then replies:
' These other fellows got there, John,
Because they advertise."
The Examiner Press