Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 02, 1911, Image 5

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WI5 MAKIv A SPECIALTY OF LEASLW. LAND bought from the 0. V. L. Co. and are in a better position to do so than any other firm in the State as we have a
complete index cud system giving the name and address of every owner of the 11000 tracts of land bought. If you want us to lease your land to the best possible
advantage, anil take lull charge of it, write at once to
Xnltc County Cfnmincr
TIM i:-lAY, I T.IUCl 'A It V U, lull.
Won I for tin In. Wood Mfl, iiiio
nlt MiinliiK Mill. If
lift llh't'H Oil lllMir III Ill'-
fn Inn nit i'ini' licrc. if
Uill Arthur uniim In from the Went
HUIh on ThiirMilny Innt.
Iloinrr Curtln, of Valley I'mIU, khh
ii v lnl tor In town thin tdrk.
J. (!. IMmIt chiiih down from I'liMey
TcifikIh, on lirolmln IimIiihh,
I or n i.I, furiilNlii'd hoiixu mi Mnlni
Ht., clone in. i;iiiiilic It. T. Striiilln.
Ktchiird Willi. loft ttila inoiiiliiK
fur KUiiintti 1'hIih ou I)uhIiihm vltit.
I'rttnk Kckkdi". tlio thi'ini in ii u fro'i
1'IumIi, ii it fUitur In town IhlH
Miirt 1 1 c k I n Im ntlll at AUuihh
HWNltlliH t fin HirlVMl of ti In hrldo tu
be. Mr. uud Mm. C. W. limit, of 1'lunli,
wore In Horn In iumu during the iihI
I'lclt .Ni'Hrll, of l iiinl.y, mm 11 vi
ttor In Ioaii for ci'trriil iityii bmi j
wui'k. j
John Ward child In from Urn I'i iu( '
Hunch liml mi k for h Ion, I of oi
Jim lii'iimrj I'm I I 1.mI:ii-i h til
IhhI no k ii od r nt.m I Mil for lint Mill
ilm e.
Mmiiy, h th of I'limli, item vmltor
In town hint wink. 1 ii'y loft toi
j homo on Mondny.
r'rauk I'rntt I NHt vtri'k mine down
from Sliver Lnkn on a vlnlt to Mb
iHrioit, Mr. Hint Mm. ('. (.'. i'mtt,
nml other it-In 1 1 v r n.
HiirkiT n la from )inn
Valley I Ii In MHfk. I f ulntri tlmt tlm
mint rfHflind a dcjith of 20 luetic lit
ilia 70 much hint week.
Johiinni'ii Kietnai, readmit iinnr
I'nlHliy IhhI wruk irnid up on IiIh
hoini'Hfi'H'l Mh wltiifHHfi tiring Klaier
Hlnnlny hiiiI It. I'Ii-Iih.
Mix liOiilnw Al7iicr mhk uliuhtly ill
fir HoTcrHl dityii dnriritf the iHHt
week, hut Ih no much improved and
Hliln to ho about uuhIo.
('liHrli'P Itnhnrt I'tft taut wpk for
Hun I'mnelm'o, tther ha expert to
remain for ai-veral weeki cnniLinlnu
tuiH I a with ilaaure.
Tom Alexander, who killed Joe
Powell lit Klamath Full IhhI Fall, waa
fi-nteut'ed .'IoiiiIh, by Jn le llenioti
to 10 reiirii In tho pcnitmit liiry.
The M-cniid mi m ljr uf trio PhUIcJ
l'lfKH Ih in ii cli of an liMTovemerit
nter the Hut, anil It irnin Imp to, be
f inui'li hfiietlt to thul Miction.
(im, t'orn i-aiiie down from Haivli-y j
Tiii'h'm, on hli Hy to ( Hlifom In, j
when- h will lo jov tlm in1 sit Ki'Veru
chii Murciint lli (5n., of l ulMley, Iihh
dandled poiinda of frnitfht ilur-
IflK tint iinmirl jimt clonal, and ttiw
e I ii mi) Incident Iht rt to wan tl(,-
boar of her death at Hid well on Sun
day evenlri. laid. Mr. Welliminuter
had In-en In 111 health for aornetla-e,
rmt Ix'lntr obliged to underKo eeveral
"-!.'. VT. j operations at varlout tlrnee. She
John l-'ljiui returned ou Haturd-jy :! - buhband and ieveral child
liliht after HpeudliiK a month'a ara ren"
lion in Portland and Han l-'ranolrco. j A locetlnu of the renldeuta of the
Jack (nine In via Klamath l''nlle, and Went mde waa held at the Union
thereby avoided the hlorKndo on the fohool rioime ou Monday nlaht lait to
N' -C.-O. ' de'liie way and mean of ettermlnat-
Fur mi ra HanlH baa repelred word lu the many rabbits which Infeet
from tielow tu the effect that hli : 'ht Hon, It mm decided onanl
daughter, Vlrln, had been auccen
fully treated for the growth on I er
noi'k, and wail now fueling UTKHty
O A. Ketmft laet week left for
California for the benefit or hia
health, lie hiii been eulferlatf more
or lens with what be tblnka tumaob
trouble, ami be liopea tu Kilo relief
therefrom on hi tllp.
moiiNly to hr.ld a ti rabbit drive on
H in Jsy next, and many people from
town are expected to be io attend
a ore and help out In the work,
J. ('. Dot.'nnn came in over the
(Venter n a few daya eo after an ab
aence of a month. During that time
he haa vinited trany aectljns of
Uncle Ham'a domain, bavlua Kooe
from here to Portland and tben on to
Montana, f rom there ba went to
A ruin erim tnpn ".d fHllinir the fnra
. art of the week, and for a time lt j Chicao and Haltlu.ore, finally land
luokd ait though the enow would po
nlf with a riiBh. However, the tem-
J i tin nue nirk tel. I i hi liiiy
but la im.- able lo be about
1 0 I Ih n
111 hi W I i K
Iliiinin 111 o w ue ciiniK up frniu MivIk
Creek Ut ii k to i- i lol a low iinyti
In town.
N'oriumi Jartibron, ot ti e I' mini
Hcp'irfihiiil, lift for Ui'k' l.akn in
TueBiU v.
Folift Pan'ir At bott ruino lu lio'n
lb (I. V. L awn,lll ou 1'iH'nlny i I
t.Mn Wfek.
, Willi t In I'll 1 1 M Hi hi' if kiiiiiI
oiinjr flii'i-p. . ,. (.jirilnir. I!u-
llll U.:i . Or-
N. Jin IfHiin tuiH mi'reedeil (). A.
linker hm iifnnt for tie Alturua For
wardii u 'o.
P. A. Jeriime mine In frein the
Veat Hide I lit week to reuiaiu a fnv
daya In town.
J. II. LehuiHiiu, of New Pin
Creek, wu a vlt-itor in town durlr.y
the pimt week.
A t liihoii hiiH been inHlalled ii.
the Calhollo church tiy the local tele
phone company.
Jimmie (Uelaud, of Pluah, waa one
of tne niileidera who paid Ltikevie
a vlelt thia week.
Art Kehart came in laut week from
the Kehart rauch to eujoy a few davn
vlHlt with hlri folk.
F. A. Fitzpatrlrk, of the X ranch,
came down from Paieleyt Tueaday on
a viait to hi family,
Mr. Kain Dirk came in from
Ciooked I'ri'ek thla week, ami is vie
itlnu with her mother.
I in 'hi 1 1. 1 1. 1-k In . in 1 1 a Mm , blue.
Mihr Culiit Amtnk lint lelurned
ti in a vlell lo New Pine Creek. She
will le'iie in u f iI.ijh for CorvalltH
lo 1 1 ho ii u t er t ui I ! lu I ). A. (,'.
IVrl I igrain whn IhI I up for eevi riil
(Imh II,Im week with an a'tark of ).
grippe, lie I now able to t o eh. Hit
aj.ii't uud U feeling much bet'er.
Word tiHH been received from Mian
Millie CibbliiH to the M'i rt thht ehe
lieratura chmitieil and the threatened
Hood fulled to materiall.e.
Ferdinand HaPBett, who ban a home
hien I a f' mile itoiitliweit ot Lnk-
Vle, niM'le comn'Utiit ion proof mil
Him HHiue dt week tnfore the U. S.
liud ollire. IIih witneheH weri- J. A. !
! : I 1 1 o . i ai d llrrmitu rentier.
y.r. ai.d Mil. xv, A. Currier weie;
dou Iroiu I'liNtcy lnnt week on t.n-l-
i e.i li-iori the U. h Uud ou. re,
ling In Washington. D. C, where be
Iipent reveral day bob nobbing with
KenatorH, liepreentati-'es and tbe
Mi", t'un ler prcvnil op ou a timber
Rabbit Bounty Needed
In Hi" (iplnhiu of lien. Conn, hh well
at ninny otlu-ra of HiIh eectlon, it is
! ni'i'i'MHary tlmt the ;reHent l'Ktlit
i t Jilnre ;t liotinty on rnbliita. Olh-erwiHi-
the oiintry will !) ovcr
' l)i'lini-il with the pMn IriHhU' of two
i vciir. At pn-Ment t bin whole eertion
! of tin' etate in literallv alive with rab-
WhlU; It 1m often IrnpoMHlMe to pre- ' I' .V'' know that croup can he prt'
ontan accldi'iit, It la never ImpoHHible' venti'd? (iive ( liaiiiberlain'H Cough
to ! prepared It in hot lieyond any; Heim-ly m eoon im thechld U'coinen
onc'a iiurw. Invi-Mt :, (;eutn in i 'jot- : U."nT" "r Hy' " r roupj conn
appcnrcarid It will prevent the at tark.
i It Ii alMo a rerlaiu enn? lor croup an'l
tie of CliamU rlal'i'd Liniment and you
are prepared for tpraiiiR. tirulnea mid ; i,HH never b-en known to fail.
like iniurif". Sold liv all trood ileaiern. ; by all good dealem.
Valley Falls Mercantile Company
Kun an up to date mercantile store
and sell for Lakeview prices
The Valley Falls House
Is now in operation and here to meet
competition. New, clean, iron beds
Good Meals 35 cents
Just half way from Lakeview to XL
ranch and half way from Lakeview
to Paisley. Give us a trial
Good Barn, Hay and Water
cIhihi, end hU:j purriii-'l an imitated
liitx, and the wondeiful im riMHe dur-
tnu'l of Hi) miti-h which whn Hold at
p II, III' uiictlou.
Muht of the pe iple wlio p ice
turned here after lutvi ig f;,M)t a
dnyn or more in Suu Fraucim o and
lt:ir tin pat year in at tribnt. il to the
killing of coyolen, on which there U a
j bounty of $..'A). Mr. Conn will fence!
r"' , hi- cropn with wire netting this year,
f I R. lie !'iitifcii1lrt it. tirrtet ii'ii II v eerl n in
that lliili'KM lie iLiea tln rabbits w ill
other piinta along the ciat, htate i t,lk(. vcrvthliig. 1 1 Ih a (mention I Ii t
wnri ii. i eiiipn)i'd bv the V.S Mote : that It Ii aliuuit Impuetiil le to trxvel nhoulil lie HerioHHlv Considered hv our
la w ma kern, an a bounty of a few eeti'n
for each ncalp would have a tendency
to keep ti e ci-ourc down, at leaM.
Ciiinpuuy, o Kenuctt, California. i1oau there without Jit"' ting tjomeue
Seimior (iii-rgp S. Nixon ot Neva lit j ,r'"" ,-"KP County. ,
whn ii aiiiiiHiurly te -tlrcted 1 1 1 1 v. ei-k, A. libber a ft-w days ngo took bin j
) mueriit Hint i Co j ubliraiiH ehke join . departure foi i;Hn Frai.cinoo to enjuy
That Advertise
That Talk
Lakeview Decorative Co.
nig together in the remarkable trib
ute. 'I' he lad leu of the M. K. ciirch will
h 'hi auother ot th"lr poi ular food
Halee nt WalliiCH' Saturday afternoon
I'he nale will coui'iiniire promptly at
1 Mi.
a mU mini"! vacation alter having
tipent ten da. a at Al'uia'. Mr.
liioter wclI .ul o.r tbe Wmteru,
lint caring to Mike the chnncea of
Hkhiu being hell op at Allums.
A. t'.. Florence, pmcioeut of toe
Lakeview Meiranrllu Co , in now en-
Many apfihcatl )ii for grazing per j " vacation in California and
nltn ere now t' ing receive i at the I nicideutally laying iu a epnng etock
lical frrent olllce. The graziug
begiu ou June
Several ftninge lndiitua
Kesurvation are viaitiug
lociil colony thla week.
I'he I. mil, a' Ai l of tho Medio lint
church will meet ntxt Wednesday
with Mre. N. T. Corey.
Mr. uud Mr. . L. Duul ur are
expected to letum from a visit to
Portland lu it few daya.
William I'. KchilHter ciime ovei
from PIiihIi nt wetk on luiaineaa be
fore the local land utile.
Tint Oregon Jiatail Hardware Ileal
era AHoociatlon Iiiih gone ou record aa
oppoMlng the parcel porit.
Normiiu Jacobaou took a trip to
New Pine ('reek on Friday last on
biibinetM for the Fnruat Kervica.
Dr. T. V. Hull thl morniifu aturted
for Myrtle Creek to vltiit bi mother,
who la not li joy lnj good health.
John Ilrookt camo iu from the Mi
llaulol'a ranch on ToihIiiv, a id
ivought buck a load of utipi Jim.
sir. and Mrr. Tims. 1'. I'.wicil are
now occupying rooma In tbe Crone
miller reaideiuja ou Dewey jlreet.
Kervlouu will be held at the Cntlio
llo ohuroh tomorrow niorulug, it be
ing tbe llrst, Friday of tbe month.
Mr. and Mia. J. L. Wilaou, of
Alturaa, wore among the many who
paid Lakeview a viblt during tho pat
A lliirKulu If taken at oiirc: Tlitco
lota In WiiIhou'h IhhI adilltlon. Don't
let tlilH Oppol ttlllily pilNM. tfVi II. V.
J. J. Vuu Koulen aud Luuia
H"iii-oii thia year will
. .1. I rnudroot, the govt-rnineut i
ilock liiHiiertor, lelurned Iiint Friday j
from l':ilIey, where he cxit'iiiued '
Home cut tit! btloeging til the XL com-
puny. j
Work is to be renamed (hia year on
rho Modoo Point iriigation prnjen I
en the Klamath Indian react vat ion.
Niiihi i f the are etinj'ct to H"t j
tlemeiit j
(ieorge Chuo.ilir left for Allurae
I on urpiliit to mi'i t lia w ife, w ho
In on her h loii'k utter .nei JiMg a
several week' v a '.. I in In S't;ita
Hurry . I. A iigftead, bookh'eper for
Pulley A Mui-Mngi:i, wnii another
tlie ninny w ho (ile I on t u:,i i,f Uocle
Sihu'ii laud at tii't local government
ollire thia week.
f Honutor Aimer Weed hi l ire I J ue.H
day evening from Kliiiciilli mid Wed
uegilay morning with J. C Doilsuu
went over lo Pluah to attci.d to aomu
hunx'HH matter.
Iiyrun (iravei aud (ieorge Chandler
return' I Sunday from Alkali Luke.
They report tint ihera in quite a lit
tie enow or the high (.eai it, tint vu'y
little long of aheop.
W i 1 1 it in Wood chiiic! iu from the
Went aide on Saturday hint, and re
port that the rabbits over there art)
very thick, many times rerouihliug
large drove of euoep.
Bartholomew Dlaa came lu from hia
w inentead on tbe Went Side ou Sat
urday laut. lie relinquished bl
humeataad right and tiled a denurt
laud application for tho iaine.
At the nale of the Steve Voting
pioperty latit week, W. L, Pope wa
tbe only bidder. The property fa
()iiltet valuable, although there are
claims ugainat it aggregating f'2UU0.
Morris Drenkel wan one of tbe
pupil taking tbe eighth grade exami
nation Jaet week, and be entered
upon the High school work Monday,
as did I'aue Lyuob and Dick Veruou.
A flue display of sweetened choco
late, with some of the artiolea used
iu manufacturing tbe same, may uow
be seen iu tbe window ot the "Frost"
Kuudy Kitibuu, It sure looks tempt
According to tbe I'reas tbe Ubewau-
of goods. On tiin return he expects
to atop at Kno and wltuo.-ti the
grinding out of a uew lot of F.Ika.
Fred LaFoilelte, a nephew of Sena
tor LuFollette, of Wiao Junin, Monday
fllod ou h hometdead at the lotial land
otllre. The land ia included iu the
N iNi'iinl l'orest near the uew towu of
Crenrenl, and na rie'ored to entry
ou the ilny ou which Mr. LaFullette
Cl.ineae New VcarH wi celebrated
by I tie iiu'al t eleHtbila on Saturduy,
and a I tg time ia rtpnited. OwiDg
t ) the biccaa ie ou ti e N. C.-O. no
nu'i or candy arrived ti l the event,
but cigar were naieed out to the
many bnya who showed up for the
Revival meetings begun Sund iv
ii i it nt the McihadiHt church, and
will probtbly continue several weeke.
I'he meeting bids fair to be an inter'
etiting cue. Kf Wire ia couducllug
it hiiimelf i'he Dinging from the new
bcokn, "F.pwnrth fraiaea" i au espe
cially pleiilng feature.
'J lie Lakeview flouring mills have
cluned down fui' the season, the last
wheat on baud liaviug passed through
tho rollers at 11 o'clock last Satur
day. There will be no flour famine
here next spring, as there ia stiUloi
ent on hand to Innt until the new
crcp of wheat Is harvested.
The whiritliug of quiLl on the lull
near the reservoir during tbe past
week haa been of frequent occurrence.
The litllu fellows are rustling bard
for fond nowadays, as tbe suuw has
covered up nearly everything. Grain
is being placed whet a they can Uud
it by a number of lovers of birds.
W. K. Ilammersley, the Govern
ment huuter, left on Ttibsrray tor the
Wallowa forest, where be is to be
eugagod with Heveral others iu exter
minating the coyotes of tbat region,
tiiil will sure make good there, aud
we expect to bear some glowing ac
counts of him lu a shoit time now.
The stage company is sure getting
what Is coming to them on Ibe South
ern route. Waguus wero substituted
for sleighs Tuesday, aud the first of
the delayed mails left Alturas that
moruing. It was ueoeasary to break
tbe road through numerous drifts,
and tba drlvera bud a bard time of it.
The many local frienda of Mrs.
Alex Wellmunster will be grieved to
Old Junk Sale
On February 11, 1911, one week
from next Saturday, the register end
receiver of tbe U. S. Land Ofliee will
hold an old junk sale, at wbicb will
be ofieied oue letter press copier, one
bath to bold copier cloths and three
stove. The sale will take plao at 3
o'clock in the afternoon on the side
walk near tbe entrance to tbe otfl.e.
i npi-i-'M'f.-ri..-.-Tj NIIIJ.I
eep or date
Flour, Jj1.7." sack or it.'$.."0 per
lOOat ISioWr's Cash Store
"I never felt no near my jrrave,"
writes W. It. Patterson, of Welling
ton, Tex., Ri lion a frightful cotijrli
and lutitf trouble polled me down t i
100 pounds. In spite of d x'tor's tn-at-inent
for two jeara. My father,
inoilier and two sinters died of con
HUtnptlon, and that 1 am alWe today
is (lur eolely to Dr. lvlu'a New ls
covery, which cotnuletly ctirtsl me.
Now I welli ls7 )outidH and have
been well and atrong years." Quick.
Hjtfe. sure, it'a the best remedy on
earth for Voiifrhs, colds, lagrlppe, apth
ma. croup, aud all throat and Uinur
trouble. TiOc and f 1.00. Trial bottle
free, (in a ran teed by A. L. Thornton. ,
2,500 head of Delane Ewes, tops out of
3,000 head, bred to Cotswold bucks,
start lambing April 5, 1911. Delivered
March 1, 1911. Price $5.50 per head
Diamond C. Wool Company
Bex 216
o m m
wiiim miiiMii.ii Va Ziffcajaqui nml j)
ami we arc here with a line of
Oocl ones. You will find them
very reasonably priced ;made by
the best furriers in the world.
See Our Windows!
Also a nice line of Xnias Ties, Sus
penders and Hose and Ties to match.
Don't forget the place they will not
last long. Heavy Knit gloves and
Mittens in endless variety enough
for everyone. Fine line of Ladies'
Handkerchiefs and Handkerchief Cen
ters, from 10c to 75c.
4$ '! 4 ' r.''f
VyA ) Aif ti I : -t $ Jr O
Sincerity NS, -4?A V- -t: : -'i ; ff f
Clothe -Cr-eA ' i ' M
Crni tni " y - tofy