Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 02, 1911, Image 2

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Two Papers for Less than the Price of One
The inn tin cement lms inndo nrrntiyetnents with
we ean .uive subscribers the advantage of a .ui.u.'in tic
combination otVer for a limited period. Yon ean cct
a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest
news from all over the world and all the news of
Lake County and vaeinitv in the EXAM IXl: A' at
a remarkably low price.
THE I-Yl-XIXC, TIiUMRAM is the best paper
in the state, market reports unexeel ed, Saturday
edition contains a magazine ami cv)inic section in
The Portland Evening Telegram $5 per year
The Lake County Examiner $2 per year
TOTAL - - $7
Well Known Lakeview Matt and Party Came Near
Perishing In The Storm Last Week
Near To Oerlacl.
IH1YLK, January 1'.'. Aftir being 1 1 hem ami tin t hoy tin I nut eaten nor
lost for tuMir In a I litidiug nnwHftmn iTrank anything for t c n t y -t I h t
irllli t he tf ni'irntiiif hehiw 7tro, unit ! bourn they rapidly lout strength,
marly perlahlng from fgolng twenty- j McCormlek tieaily died and wan only
eight hour without food it water, 'kept alive by heiolo work on t ho part
Hurry II. Cnunon, of Lakeview, (lie., Iff I'timiini and t'nnnoii who nt tunes
Judgo Webster Prepares
Two Dills for Building
Stato Highways
and Jese l'ttromu Hint W. II. MoCor
mlcht of Cedarvllle, Modoo County,
nil well kuowu in this section, r
r I veil here Inst night, eumute to the
valley from Kaglevllle, Modoc Conn
despaired of his life, They Dually
built h tire from nu h tmn i I i ii I mug
lo' not' I hiiiI twig frnin the juniper
tree, under w Men ( hoy Nought shelter,
mill ii'.ieuche 1 their thrist hy mol f 11 a
ty. The p r t y left Knklevtlle last kihiw t'HrmHii then tioonme nick hut
Thursday with n team for (.lerlach to hol.l up bravely until morning.
Both papers through this office
if paid in advance for 1 year,
on or before February 15, 1911
take the Westeru Pacific, hnow was
itlieu f h 1 1 i n kt lut they fared well until
: Monday night when ttiey encountered
a big drift in canyon just before
re.ichljg the open country. Eorsak
lug their team, they started out on
j foot for lierlaoh hut weie 11 ti nttln to
' II nil the road atiil returned to their
: tenm. They worked until eaily worn
i i it t to extricate the tenm aud wagon
and then fouud shelter uuder a small
juniper tree.
At this time tbe temperature whs
below zero wnd a north wind from the
miles of snow clad .tioiiuttilim .'hilled
TuesdAy untitling the three men,
vvenk from loss of food mid deep,
uiul nearly froen, found their ny
to Peep Hole where they hired hii
other I en in to take them to (Jtrlach.
h'roin titers liny came to Pnyle on h
Western i'aeille suowplow mid caught
hii N.-C O. train for lCeno. They
have nearly recovered from their
trying experience.
McCormieU mid I'Mrmmi are about
t!0 enrs nlil . I luring the trip to
lierhich, Cannm, while breaking h
trail (or the horse In the darkness,
fell olT ni;iii ruck II f teen f-et lni
deep stuiw niid csespeit iitihurt.
Lakeview Saddlery
Preparations Being: Made 50,000 Acres In OneTract,
A complete line of
wasroii nitrt liujijty
harness, whips,
rohes, hits, rlates,
ete.f ete.
it i
9 I''vl
- -y ' i i
i ir;
I it) thinji in the
line f ea r r ia y e
ami Iiorse furnish
ings. Kepairiny
h eoiuiietent
For Use of Firepots
In March
At'i'cuil ui to tie Sun. m m- of the
Unnne valley orehui d irt - in t lie M-d
ford heft leu uu i udjuceut tenniiy
With Fine Millsitc,
Etc., Is Good
!S:ili-;n, t'r., .lull. '' !.- Iii iii I'm a
uiire Alia the pilu'V uu lull 11 ved In
IiH ) II !l II I II I Ultrr.'lll ll'klll'IIIK H"'
w ill Hilil HUuthe r lUHU'il il thH IIIUH lultininly m 1 ci limn MilmM I to the
S. F. AHLSTROM - Proprietor
to the t.iel i-u p 1? tcr Ure- i! 'ininn!
the brief ftcst ; erio 1 nt tluninln.
time. Heiet'itore, the umterinl nseil
I;hs heen cm !) oil,
lweuty elht deiee t--l, Hiiti wood.
(This c riiiii a 1111:11 tier m orivurd
'cueri will substitute n odeiper oir
tillHte fur the'niore ex peUBiv iiitil
ity tie i.'tfiii'r tni'le feini; kiown
. iu f' iUi:iitTUl:l ml iiroit-s as '"rlnp"
, Jl.-tlUal,. Ttiia chewier iiiattiinl
will, Il is sh,1, do I l.t) work 11s well
as the tin, i e expensive nm .0. The
j ue of these preventives litis not an
yet been adopted around .sliUi:d,
except 111 inolaled t h h e m lleij'irdiiik!
the frost period uu I preventive metis
juies, Professor iJ. J. CT'iBro, after'
nli-.i iiu lei ll;e ll. il win I Iiia, ('u DiAtil I Wei-t I.hh dltt'ctrii 1
I'utn 11 uu ii'iil Ion tu lie Inn I ottliti nt ( hi,, I
The inuivii'l litlmr Mils which Jtnlt r
Lionel K. Welmter foye, "If niHile
into lnw will empty th pilmuiH of
Oii'lion mid put the prlmuier to work
1 11 1 11 u a Kood roads nynfeui for thn
tate," linvo tier 11 Inlrnduced in the
The llrst of Dm two t-1 11a provlden
for the 11I Illat Ion of prlmmem In
county ami city irloiiH upon mini
work. Thn eeoi ml tMintalim this
opetlliitf Htitteuient : "It Is tlin pur
pone of this act that all ronvii'tit I'on
lined iu the penitentiary of the ntule
(except only siii'h ns may lie. required
to 00 the, iiii'enrury work In and
aroiind the pKultentlary and the
larm and urounda (Muineoted (lieru
with) ehall heretifter he amidoyed III
work upon the put lies roads of the
state, which woik will Include the
prepurHtli 11 of road uinkliiK material,
ami to that end and for that purpose
all oonvli'ts now 01 hereafter confined
in the penitentiary of this elate, nave
only such as shove excepted, ahull
tut under the control, maiinitemeut,
and direction uf the statu highway
hoard for the purposa of this act.
"Any county in this elate, ehull
have and Is h rchy grunted the rl'ht
to secure such number of said cu li
vid n fur lalmr upon Its pul lie roads
or In the prcpnrut ion of road maklnii
material, as iu the judgment of the
state highway lioard It may tie ahle
proiieilT to Ki'ard, care tin anil em
ploy. Any i i.iinly dri-lriliK t i srcnle
such I'oiivicts tin ill, hy Ms nullity
court or Inmrd nl cnutity coiiiin i.-slnu
els n, line rittrit ii ill't tlilrhr to
tl.e titiite t.iliwu) I nurd."
It is f 1,1 1 her 1 1 n 1 I, 1 1 1 hut a run ut y
fhull keep cunvicts ut wuik ti o'i thn
road mi lui K as i i.'i'.nireii. 11m 1 ust
I'f t'K'ir fund Mil I fil flirt t J 1-4 til t'f
linriie I y li e county. i'liey will h
wnrkitl iiuiler the illiti t liiuiiiii'uieiit
cniitlnl of II I' htule lilhili my
mailt, nt
lei' rrfiilili'tit
Hi'i'ti ihi ul snli, . ,
ii i" ri si ul I n-smir y .
ii 'erriarjr ul r .
Attiirui'V iii'tii'rat. . .
rimitiiaiifi'r iiiMii'ral. . ,
V ri'tarriif Nary
MTrim y I uti'i iur .
inTi'iarv el Ahnui
Vereir '1 ul I iuiilin r e
. . W lllnifi II. In ft
. . . .Inii" M.Hhi'i man
I'IhiiiimIi 1 r K iini
. . KniiikUii MarVulali
.lm on II lurk
lll'lii;l W It II 1 all n til
iTHIIk II, lllll'lll'IM'll
. iii-nrui- nu l Mi'ir
. lui iiaril A IikIiiiisit
J m un a n llnil
I li nr Naitrl
t'lilel Juallca.. . , . I'linrl. a I .1 wnnl W lilln
Vi'a.'NIInll rtl tli'r, P. H. I'i'IimIiim I 'Itltl 111 1 m liftiinr
V. S. lUi llKT'l I'.H. I.aml I i llnalnllKf
ar at
iluv. rnnr
Hlli''aiy uf MlalM
t tlnrui.y iti'iii'ral
-!'ii. I'liiiilu liMiriii lliiti. ,
Iall y an. Kmul t'lilil
(I. a. NiMialuia
I'llll'f Junlli
laaui lnli' Juatlri a
. . .Oawalit H i ll
, r W. Ili-liaun
I hna. II, Kay
. M . I raivlurd
I.. II. a hli'i man
W, H. I in ii l n a t
. . J. .1 llalli.y
.Inhnal hah lliinrn', Jf,
Inn. I I liamlirllalil
i r, ll li-y
' I A. W . I.aff.'riy
ai i ht mi i ni r
II H Mi-a u
i K. A. Minim
1 II. I llinn
in. II lln i in II
I , A. Mi llrl.l.'
ulITM Ji nn 111 l'lIKI"1.
iinlk'i' Il'-nr
AUiillli'v It. V
t I.. Hi-linili
k ii ai ll'lall
i-liul -1.4 I I V M
11 II t hi'tlHtnr . .
Ki'i'li'ai-liliitu o
il. II Mi trymau
.11 I' II' lknai
i I. I lllilll !!
tl S. I.A.N l UKUl h.
in hnr U , I r inn .. Id nlaliir
in d r l tiiiu iniiirr ii' i i iinr
Tri'saiirer . . .
A aft',. f
VIliMll fill. I.
La k K tors rv
II Hair
K W l ariia
w li -m il r
K. ii A hi. in. m
A J . Knaler
li. II. Ja. kanu
'iirvt'jriir s. A. Mi.ali. u
I'lillllillaaliuii ri I h"rl
r . i. a ii'i'-ranu
l I . Malluy
I'liillily Ux k IliaiiiM-lur.
. Maym
I'll INI 11 III '' II
low n or i. a h r. v ;r. w ,
ll llnlli-y
Shi'lllim (
11. J. W Hi -ut
II. Auli'ii
1.1. I.aur i
Hie In. r Inaaun-r
l nam i oni nil 1 1 ia tit a ii
: u. a
I ii ii irl .al
cr n-ili ii i iii '
I:.... t II.
V. M M ill. r
. I . ii. i : i ti)t
i I ,. ,.. r
U . 1 I'.iii..
I' l.-i)lu.
ll W . I'-, lik. I
. S V. I., Ii.n
" t r itti.-i-T
of e i ) lets
aareu IliitiJ it i ur ihhiIiiI Iu. tne Imiird slilill ehtali- j
ucrtb. there j Ijsi, at letiit tl.t.e en trill camis or
listlliite i f UM:,"",k."'" 1 t ea 'It o! (Jle , I,,,,,,-,, M11( t... nl.ite lnliwuy Ciimuils
K iii f it ti 1 1 1 1 p hi n iim.m;i;hiii. ur; ink; ; hlnner.
iniaiftiiuu. aiiriHrtl oi uie i in unn It a sulll.Mni. t iiuintt-r
in It V s.-l.'1'lluns,
totul ot aLuul ti.'t.llid
nave i.eau p.-.niiiik; i,. ,rM uie u liueil ftutlniis f. r tie crilsl.liirf of fi e'!,
Stales I in i il.-puil'i.eiil Iur t-v. ml a i 1 1 it 1 1 1 f..r li..- cmt rtrl Inn nl
yeuis and Mould ini-i'i-sre the c.uiiiii..u uuonluiii I ..d fin It-, oite In Snuthetii
sell u.I TUMI il Cliln rials'l',1 U til.d i)rnii, iiiik In V. I Hum id In 'l
iiicieiise urn inn r.-rl Uierrltoin Iur iid nun In Curl, rn Oii ki'ti, i
biMionl purposes hy ali'iut Id, 001) an-i ullmi priivislnu.
"11;1"y' ( )tht r camps may he rstal lished us
(invtriiiir West ftLLoiiHced a furl her found ncci s.-..iry.
policy iu Ins o.eMik;e, in whic;ti he l 1 ha road mukiiia matt-riiil prepared
sal i that th.i fm.OiH) ucres hereafter 1 ,,t these camps fl u!! Lo delivered u
CllUICtl Dllv'l-CIOkY
f' I it I M K I III J '1 I
H IH'-'I tt.1 lit H. Ml h.
I rt. Ill . n'iJ .' -ii i. in.
MJlHlH) rlill. ul ti l '
III IU M -1 M. V
ti li i lit x-i v No i. Iny mi
I i 1 1, i mi i. t i Tf
I run i . t . nt 1 h tira
a u -
A Complete Record
We have made an entire trruiwrijit of all K"cor.!s In LiUe
I'onuty which In any wn.v.nfffct JJeal i'rojierty In ttie county.
We have a complete Kecord of every Morty:;ii;i' and trauMfer
ever made iu Lake County, ami ever iJe.-d niveii.
Errors Found in Titles
In transcribing the recunls we have found iihiu'Touh mort
xaires recorded In the Ieed recortl and indexed; and many
deed are recorded lit the Morttmm- record and otln-r lutokn.
Hundred of niorttraes and (lends are not Indexed at all, and
most tlillieuk to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Others annot find them e iiave ict hundreds of dollars
bunting up th'-we errors, arid we can fully guarantee our work.
V.. t,i ul.ult..,! l .t a. a. t, . . ... . ...
givlD this paper tho information ,,c n.e cunty at actual c. st.
contained iu the fiUek-oiQK, said: j uld he Srl-cled at ones la one bl ! "In carryiui; out the pr vlsioi s of
"Heretofore there have t,e-u a ,rHL't ,ir"' IM " ''"". " I1""-" , t his act the Mate h inh way tjiurd is
cumber of lilferent kinds of n,-,.,,. ; f rom w huh w aterp-i ei cod Id he le ' Her d-y .,( hnned nd empo.vered to
used by i:.;Kue valley orchardikt-. hut j velu11"1' rmi.U-riii.! additional resenue , oy ,, dlsch..r such civil en-i-this
year the of dill-retit ! ,0 t,)e M,i,Ui I'his eelact.uu, he bi- ' superi nt ei.dei. Is. torem-n,
aakes to he used wilil- cut dow u j 1,eve-!' tu"""d over to the ; n11(1r,ls and other nsMi-tants as may t ,e
to two or three. There w ill be about "K"1"'' f". the umrertdty or ,ieeoB,ury. to purclias., such u.achlu
V tOO pots in use I th '"Ht" VH""" ci.mi;;rslon, w hera- ery. touls. inipl..:iieuts. supplies end
li ft.... ......I I .. . - . (. ... I
Preparations will be made to lire alnl uu"", fJJl n"c" ! niatenala ns may be necessary, .ml
Ui the orohards tit-Kin to bloom. This!'0 -"h! u,o lor one of those
two main ui inns ot hulier learning,
lay 1 , i.l t.. ri, ,
a-II..' A el l.-ry W ,.. : ...
.r l.u.l) .-..r. Iial.) lit in I i . kI i ..t.i.
Ml. Willi.. I n.'
i K- I II A 11 IM I II I I;. , .) .,k-,K
I r. a. limn .- r I. . n l l l v mi l . . r M .ill
'Maii'l.i'l -.nil. 'i-,.ii . J ..... i a' 1" A M
. .IIII..I S... i. t at I. - M. la, !, , .,UUK
'C'l-I.-'. I til.. I. ut I, . I- i . ,-Llay.
I.i).'' M'- lm. nt - . ) ,. ,,,-!
tun., h l. I 1.. , il, . i,i ....,. ,i ..t.
'-- I.I- V. II. -Ml . a.lur.
A I Mill 111 l I ;i M ,S. A 1 M 7h
.if I ll. i,i ,.,,-, , , -,,11'ini
" I alli-r II. li. .11, ..I, . : a - a'
':'' i'i Ml. I, il l ii M i Y .- J
l in.-i iiai i in j..
a; N.-w 11 n . r.- k. .
'imm II .1 M ai"l 1 .
; . vriv tii-.tin. -in.
I fHi. i .-. ri ..-' a' 7- .
I . n. Ii w-.-.l All ar
ii--i..l in- r 1 1.-. .
II Of ' Mlr.1- Ilka
...ll. I'f. a.-iiiiii. art
I' M i.l . n.-i. '-'iii.lai
' V - I i.l 1" A M
' Mill.'. I.i. , ,., i ,,t.
i in. a,.. l i,,
LOIXil; l)l.i-ATnRY
r. w. i.aki vii- . .,, mi. m.
.v r . mi i ntiil ... ii, 'uir..iav ..I
tniiiiili. In l, .i,i- II. i, I, a..-, i.-a
lu.lliink-. ii. W . M . . IA ui . . mill,, t I-
ivy l win laiawe.
CKiV fi'flaa
Apples Apples Apples
Keeping Qualities
Planted, Irrigated, Sprayed and Cared for
Price $150 per Acre
One-third down, balance $20 per month
No Taxes, No Interest
Tri-State Land Company
Lakeview, Oregon
Write for Booklet and Information
will be about the latter part of March
or Hrst of April. Last year several
orchardUts (Ire 1 up to offset a frost
j uu March -! Fractically nu damage
was done, as It was ton early t.i in
jure the blooms. The uixLt of April
13 a frost cane, aud was tntt hy the
, orcnardista with Ore pots. This frost
was cocflued to a few spots nu the
floor of the valley. The temperature
was 20, though no harmful results
"Firing ha Jnot ben practiced iu
' KuKue valley but for the pafct three
sebsons. 1 introduced the practice
here, aud at tlrst many growers look
ed askance at the idea and a fe
thought 1 was forcing a tight to i ll'sid
a danger thut did not exist. Vi-t all
have now coma to reali.e that It is
best to use Urepots occasionally, and
have aecepte.1 the practice as i-i-tllei
Hod aa tif ct .-Biir v as bprayiog.
"'J'he frcst belt in this reg'on dur
ing the tildh-' din log pencil is lui.iteil
to etily a few spots on the valley
floor, and is not the fearful menace
it is iu 8"me ot he . fruit disiticfa i
could name. '
The cost of using fire-pots, -dated
Professor O'fiara, was froui i'l to $1
an acre.
Hate All Around
The famous IJiglKli chief Justice
Holt and his w ifn bated each other to
the limit, iind when the fell danger
ously 111 he was no delighted that he
became disgracefully tipsy. Hut his
wife was ci'iinl to the emergency and
Hcnt for the great Ir. Iladi-lifTe, who
hiitcd Hull, and therefore out of spite
when the cane was presented to him
en iik with (.'rent promptness and sav
ed her life. Westminster fJazct to.
A few minutes delay In treating
some caHca of croup, even the length
of time it taken to go for a doctor
often proven danp;erouH. The Hafest
way Ih to keep ChainU'rlaln's Coug-h
Ilemedy In the house, and at the lirat
Indication of croup grive the child a
ti use. I'leasant to take and always
I cure. Sold by all yaal dealers.
or hold It iu reserve for the future.
As (inventor West for several year,
was statu Ian 1 agent, he ia in an
especially mi vantageotia pocitiou to
deal with public lauds problems, aud
the state is m position to profit hand
BCiuely from the goveiuor'a experi
ence iu handling its laud matters.
As soon ad travel Is made more
convenient iu the spring, T. A.
iUiiuehart, who has been appointed
state litii'l indent by tioveruor West,
will st nit: out on n trip of investiga
tion In whlrli In will inspect every
jinoitgaue luait lul l hy the st.ite at
j Hrst Lai d mi l i.-i, ,it its ajlu d ralue.
'.Mr. Kill nt-Inn t, was Mppiiint"d with
this otiject in vir-v, an he is familiar
with the value df f urn: lauds iu every
seeti'in of tl.e -late and t'leiefoie
well qualified for his work. When
this task is complete I, the actual
value of every mortgage upon which
is founded the stability cr the cum
n.on school fund and its luco ne, will
ho known aud can be referred tu at a
moment's notion. liy this method
the state's ei-honl tun 1 will bo put, uu
firm and reliable bails and Its actual
market value made known.
Different Now
"lie fore we vcre married," sighed
the fund wife, "ymi used tu cull lite
up by long distance telephone Just, as
you used to say, to hear my voice."
"Well," retorted the rebellious hus
band, "nowadays ymi won't let mo g-'t
fur enough from you to ase the long
dlsta nee." Loudon Telegraph.
by u cure-defying; stomach trouble
that bullied doctnrH, and res Is led ul!
remedlen ho tried, John W. ModderH,
of Modderavllln, Mich., eeemed doomed.
Ho had to sell his farm and irlve up
work. J J Ih neig-hliorii aaid' "He can't
live iiiiii Ii lonirer." "Whatever I ato
dlHtreHsed iu," lio wrote, "till I tried
Electric Jlitters, which worked bucIi
wonders for me that I can now eat
things I could not eat for years. It's
surely a g,rand remedy for Htomach
troubli;." .JuHtiiMKood for tint liver
and kidneys. Kvor.v bottle guarante
ed. Only 50c at A, L. Thorntoirv.
to make such other ex pmid itu res as
may be rrip-iired iu cirryiug on such
work. The board shall have the
power to fix the t-slitry Jor compensa
tion tu be paid those who are em
ployed, but no greater salary or cum
penaation still le paid than is geuer
ally paid I y others for lire services. "
cout inues the bill.
The board is given power to take
from the penitentiary convicts that
are desired fur road w:rk i'ersonal
information concerning convicts shall
be furnished the board. Kules and
regulations w 111 be enforced hy the
board, credits (ml puuinlimeiit -hull
be All romls built, hy convict
labor must bit of the I.i hi and In. .el
silenti He const met loo. The sum ot
t'SO.OOi) is appropriated foi canjiug
out the purp'Mts cf the act.
The bill for the tun ploy meat of
county or city prisoners on reads la
similar iu its provision to the bill for
tho use ot state prisoner, except that
the county court has full control
over the prisoners, they being re
ceived from me sheiilf. Kuch pris
oners may be put them under the
direction of "any road supervisor or
other person or persuvia regularly
appointed tu take charge of such
convicts. "
Any county court may transfer to
the county court of any other county
any of the coavlcls cu-uutittod to Its
control, by the provisions of tho act,
and such prisoners shall then be
under the oontiol of that couuty to
which they aro transferred. A credit
of f'2 a day will be allowed aud all
prisoners must work at least eight,
These bills with others calculated
to facilitate the bulldiug of roads in
Oregon will be submitted to the leg
islature after being approved by the
Oregon Uood Jioadg Association.
'"-' i ' I-1- i-K Hon, in i i . i -1 1 1 1 1. 1. .
'ii. 'V, I'. ..I II., t, ... I . u p v, .,., j
hlt'l 1 li'irs'llt. a n( rn ll lu.ilif i .
Hall: Kti.i I, a . ..( .; Mr. ,.
i . .l II : .Mann.. M i , , . , , . , ,
irvitf K'-.-.u -I- r.
' o. o. k- im;k ii w i , s.,
O.K., m.-.-ta .-.- v -.i t ii t .1 in . v". ii i
I'. llnws II ul I, nt 7 : ,u ..'. l. I, , r,i n ii,.,,
in April I . a 1 1 I al ..i.l,., t 'in ,,,, ,.ri j ,',
-. t.-iul.. r mi. A. I., i i . i i n i , . i,
' ii in , . . r. lary
I', o. h. I Al:l It I M A Ml M.- s,, i
o. O. i.. inrcta tl.. nr. I aii.l Hur l rin.r.
iiay rv n I mi a ul i in Ii nu, ii III in 1 1. 1 1 r,
Had. lakrvli-u. i:. It. rlliur, ('.I'., A II
I titiiintTHl.-y, rrlli...
i-. I. o, o p., in, ,. i, ii,, ,,( (,,',lrth
r rt.laya nl .-a. h lii.iiilli In u.1,1 K. llnna Mall
Mr.. .Ma.. ANim.ii N. ti.; Mr, ,u l, ,,;
V.O.i Mra M. Ii. M.iaa. .-..-i j ; Mr.. Alu
HuiitltiK, I r.-amir.-r.
K. H, OKI I'.N'I'A I, ('IIAI'TKM. Ml ,', .A K K-
Urn , Or.-Kiin. Mi i'ii mi 1 1 Iiiv.nn ,,r lm-
ore lull iiiim.ii nn, I .n a.-. ka Ui,.r, uiii-r In
Ma. ink- 7: : iiV..i-k .
Vlallln niriiilii ra ar tr.lliilly Im lt. .1
OKNKI.IA A. W Imi w' i
IliA TKIMI II., r. mr '
pwoi i-:sif).i.
K. ( 'nun
A t torney at l.n
and Noary I'ublic
..... , l.i.U.-vt. .
ol'ril.K-l'ait lliill.liiin.
Attorney al Law,
IjiihI l a i li ra M,-rlulty
OK'ii r I'air Hnilillim.
Land and Law Of dee
Abstractor ol Titles
Khltihllhlii'il IKI.S UkitTlew.Ora
Attorney at
OfHce In 0. V. L.Co.'h ItuildiriK.
I.akkviuw, Oiikoon
Siirvcylnr; and i:ii";lnerlng
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Watson Illock Oregon
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