Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 02, 1911, Image 1

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Not a Criminal Act to Cut Timber for
Own Use on Public Domain
When a Man Cuts More than $50 Worth of Timber
Without Permit the Government Can Collect
Value by Civil Process, Not Otherwise
A conclusion of vilc-sprc;il interest relative to the
cutting of timber on ( lovcrnuient land was made last
week in the 1'iiitcd States Circuit Court at Portland.
During the past several years a nuinher "of arrests
have been made in Oregon for alleged violation of
the timber laud laws in cutting and removing timber
from the public domain. In the conclusion just reached
ly Judge IVan and histrict Attorney McCourt, such ac
tion is not authorized by law, the (Jovernmeiit having as
its recourse a civil action at law to recover the value of
tlln ttlllDT. Tim ChHtl At I.HHUM H 111 It I II WIT. ll I'IiIh tit' OlH till, tier Hllll
tlmt 1 1 r Win. I). IIhiiImj-, ,f liurim, Muii net, wtil h means that th Do
wliu h nrrciti' l (ill criuiiuhl partiiifit i f tli Intn lor Hud the Dit j
chart; I" ('KuiMMitli)ii with tint tixii of (mi tinent uf Jiimii'n have r n tutor-'
wood cut frimi ( lot eriinifii t lund in
bin dieilglng 't I'liitl'iu In Harney
county. 1 he cutu'liiHl'iii rcHclic 1 liy
thtt Ctnill in thllH (livfll in t li h l'orl
laud T't'lfurinn :
Wllllnii) D. 1 1 tn ley, IhH I.Hhtci.-i
Orotfin etiicktiiaii hirl Harney VallrV
leader, who tfci'iilly whh lndlclt l by
the Fndttral tirand Jury for cn'tliiK
t inibur on iinvfrnniHut Imid. whh fred lui iih," Hld .;.. V.rt'nurt. "'lht-'
to iity. t'nilfd Stati District Attor- ; (loclslmi of the Circuit Court of Ap-
iicy John Mcl'ourt this nioriium peals tor the j-'.ii(hth Dintilct Is to the j
inovttd that the Indictment t u dU ''iTtM-t tlmt eectiou so fur as the j
uiisited and that Mr. It n n lei y -o fi rth i public bind I't.ilen are conci rued, Imd
a flea mail, which niotloii Julk'" liemi ' been anieudt'd or portions of it re
Kriiuteil. i peiiled by lni llc.ition, by the pHHHitue
In recommending disannul of the ', of the timber and s'oue art, which
case, McCourt explained that ibtt , prohibits catting timber on p.iblm j
hcciihim! tin I Hettled thtt liovt-riinieiit ' lauds for tho purposs of export or '
civil olaiius for cut! ing the timber lit , fain. Ko far iih thtt punishment is i
the rate of rl a cord, nnd, f n 1 1 lit-r, cuiicerneil, this last act did Hay
t hut a decision rendered by the ('ir-jwith imprisonment altogether, and
ouit Court of Appeals fm the I II 1j t ti '
District 'iiiikes It iuipoxHllde to pro
reed criuilusily In such cases. This
dec p lou holds thht the penal aspects
if tlnihcr cutting on the public do-
Charges Against Asylum
Superintendent Arouses
4 Much Wrath
Steiuer, of the insane Asylum, and
henutor Woo. I, a member of the com
mittee britiging in a report ceu.-turing
Steiuer recently, bud a personal eu
uuiinti'r at noon Friday. Dr. (ieotge
Wright, of MoMluuville. and Colonel
K. Holer was present, aud Dr. Wright
topped tbe tight after Steiuer struck
oue blow at Wood. Steiuer declared
he would demand an investigation of
Wood's conduct iu a joint session.
Kteluer culled Wood a liar and said :
"la It uot a fact, Wood that, when
your committee) came to too asylum
you din uot go through a single ward
but made a Hue for tho whisky bot
tle? You told me yourself to buy the
automobile 1 am usixg for the state,
aud If you tay you did uot, you are
a liar, and 1 can prove it."
bUeluer said he had been lied about
us long as be could stand it aud thut
his honor and integrity had been
assailed and he would endure it do
longer. When Wood turned to KO
Stelner tried to Intercept him, hut
DrTWrlght prevented further hostili
ties. "Representative Reynolds, of Marion
County, has Introduced a resolution
fur a joint session of the two houses
to hold , anj' investigation of tbe
charges made by Dr. (Stelner against
Heuator Wood and of tbe charge
made against Hteiuer by tbe commit
Johu McUulley is seriously ill
his bonis on tbe West tilde.
inn iindrr errutif out Ideas In thin
rff-pi'i't fur son e time In n:ovii)
dlMiilrnil find ri'ferrlii( to this cane,
Mr. Mi t'ntirt iloclarpd t he en or of
the lii iovei ii iiient deiuirtnieiita this
"l'hii Imil di'pitt tnicu t has been
lalinrlnii umlfr error in prnm-ctit lug
thecit chhch an trvfpHHs on timber
the court Holds that it left the law so
that persons could nut be prosecuted
for cutting timber on the public
domain, unless the pers'ii accused
Concluded on 1 1 ii (.re four
Miss Virgie Harris Re
ceives 5172 Pieces Mail
At On Time
Some time ugo some friend of Miss
Virgle Harris wrote a tthort scotch of
her which appeared iu the Pictorial
Keview. We rf Labeview know with
what gieat fortitude tbe little oue
has home up under tier atllictlon,
and therefore take much interest iu
her alfalrs. As a result of the article
iu the Keview Miss Virgle received
many haudcouie Christmas cards and
presents, ami uy to date more than
10,000 cards aud meiueutoea have
beau received by ber. in Tuesday
night's mail she received 5172 differ
ent pieces of mail, and this morning
there were probubly a thousand more.
Almost every imaginable thing dear
to a little girl is included, many of
them quite valuable, and all greatly
appreciated, I
Miss Virgle is ut present iu Ban I
Francisco where she baa recently
undergone several opeiatious. How
ever, she Is getting along nicely and
will probubly be borne again within
ton days.
Artists In Snow
The soft suow during tbe forepart
of the week afforded tbe young people
artistically inolined an opportunity
to test their skill in the oreatlou of
tbe human form divine. The boat
work coming to tbe notice of tbe ttr-
amiuer was that of tbe Misses Ber
nard, who moulded a huge enow fig
ure surmounted by an umbrella.
Tbe work was quite artistic and was
greatly admired by all who bud tbe
pleasure of seeing it.
Undergoes Successful Op
eration at San Fran-
Cisco Recently
A dispatch to tint Heno (laette last
week from C. V. Morion, ollir-e man
ager for (ienrge Wingfleld, who It
nil" nt Kan Francisco, states that Mr.
Wiagtltld wan hu''v Mcfully operated
upon for nppnill(MtU Bud com plica
ilons resulting therefrom.
II ia present condition in highly sat
isfactory aud eucouragia. A very
thorough surgical examination re
vealed the perfect condition of hie
other organ. This examination was
made due to the fact that some time
ago ll wmh thought that he was aleo
uttering from cirrhosis of tbe liver
It la now learned aluiost without
possibility of doubt that It whs the
reports miardlug Mr, Wingfleld's
lllneait which were feot broadcast and
magnified a few days dgo are' what
tutted the recent slump la (Joldtield
Consolidated Mines, of which great
company he is presldeut. 'ilia Im
proved condition will doubtless stlui-
uiate thla security.
A very pleasant dunce whs h id at
the Opera House on Saturday evening
I ant , alout thirty couples being in
attt ndHfii'tt.
f;irst Through Mail From South For 15 Days Arrive
Tuesday Niht With About SO Pouches
Trains May Rech Alturas Today
Tim tlmt through mail from tbe
south to reach Laketiew since Janu
ary 15 arrived Tuesday evening, and
hinouutei to about live times that of
the ordinary daily mail from that
direction. The stage uorupany hand
led it in good shape, arriving a little
late, however, but Postiuiister Abl
strom was eijual to the occasion and
ba 1 it all distributed early luesday
morning. A part of bis ofllce force
worked all night on tbe letters, which
composed the principal part of the
delayed mull.
Special Agent Balks
Risking His Life In
C. L. l'arrar, special agent of the
(eueral Laud Office, spout several
days iu thru vicinity during tbe past
week. His visit here whs for the
purpose of cruising some timber,
claims, but the deep snow iu tbe
mountains prevented bis doing so.
He employed Karl Austin to pilot
bim around, aud tbe two struck out
for Alder creek. When they reached
tbe Camp creek sawmill they found
tire fiet of the beautiful on tbe level,
and it was so soft that further pro
gress was to all Intents and purposes
Impossible. Their destination wus
about 10 miles distant from the saw
mill, aud It was almost worth u man's
life to attempt the trip, owing to tbe
oouditlon ot the saow, and more
especially to one uot acoustnued to
traveling under suob oircumstanoes
Yesterday Mr. l'arrar left tor Klam
ath oouuty, where be baa some cruis
ing to do north of Bonanza.
Congress has decided that the Exposition com
memorating the completion of the Panama Canal be
held at San Francisco. This a great victory for the
West, and means much for every section of the entire
Pacific coast.
Sam Cressler Said to Be
Running: Mower at
Alturas iUtpnbllcan : M. O. Crus-It-r,
W. T. Ciessler, L. Adams. Mr.
Bel her, the Underwood typewriter
man and several other passengers iett
here Jait iiiesiy enroots to JCeoo.
According to last reporta, theae j lly
aojournera over tbe wintry landscape
where snow bound at Madeline.
They are at" thin place enjoylog a
well earned vacation; Hpasrnodiosliy
puttiug In the time, "cussing" the
narrow gauge, the weather, viewina
jthe beautiful scenery surrounding tbe
Madeline country, and in absorbing
; a bountiful supply of the mountain
ozone, generated by tbe budding
alfalfa fields of Madeline Meadows,
j They report to their friends that they
I are enjoying their vacation im
I nieusely.
Since arriving at Madeliue we are
: informed that these people bave ao-
cepted work in tbe hay fields of
i Madeline Meadows. Messrs. Adams
I and S. O. Creakier are to run mowing
machines, tbe Underwood Typewriter
j man and Mr. Iiieber will pitch bay
; and Mr. W. T. Cressler is foreman.
.They expect to be thioueb harvesting
' in at out two wrpkn.
' The heaviest mail received was
; probably that of the U. S. Laud
; Ofllce, i I pieces being received, 3t of
which were letters from tbe Commis
sioner. Tbo Kxaminer receded 53
; letters and postal cards, to say noth
ing of exchanges.
It will announced that through
i trains would reach Alturan early
j yesterday innriiini:, but the report did
i not jirove correct. The wires are
j down ami Just when tlu trains will
tfet through is not positively known,
i but It is thought tlu'j will net to
i AlturuH today.
County Judge Adds Law
to His Many Other
In addition to bia qualifications as
a successful ptj-BlciaU; politician,
etc.. Dr. Duly has added that of tbe
law, be having passed a successful
examina'tiou before tbe 'Supreme
Court at Salem last week. His
"sheepskin" reached here a few days
I since aud caused more or less sur
j prise, as bis aspirations in that
direotiou were not generally known.
Chautauqua Meeting
The Chautauqua Circle will meet nt
ti e homo of Mm, T. V. Hall Monday,
IVh. C.
1'roKraiu :
Hull call.
Current events.
"The Problems of Old Age, " (The
Clinutauquan) Miss liensie liurncna.
"From American Notes," sketch of
"Martin Chu.zlewit," Mrs. Bailey.
Dickens iu Italy, Mrs. A. Bleber.
Short sketches of "Scrooge" in
Christmas Carol, Mrs. B. Cloud.
Measures Taken to Rid West Side
Of The Rabbit Pest
Meet Takes Place at Union Schoolhouse, and Big
Attendance Desired Guns and Dogs Prohibited,
Two Clubs Proper Means of Extermination
After a lapse of many years, rabbit drives are to be
inaugurated in Goose Lake Valley, the first occuring today
and a second will take place Sunday. The pests have be
come so numerous of late that the ranchers on the West
Side are up in arms against them and are fearful that they
will do much damage to crops the coming season unless
something is done to reduce their numbers very appreciable.
Many are being killed daily with guns and dogs it is no
thing unusual for one man to kill as many as 50 in a few
hours. However, their numbers seem tn ho incin
rather tbnu diminishing, hence tbe
Tbe rabbits are now bunching up,
nnd on a tract ot peibaps 100 acres
wtiere they bave congregated there
will be thousands of thjm Some 15
years ago conditions were simitar,
and Fiel Fisber, who owns a ranch
on tbe West side, is of the opinion
that tbe rabbits re as numerous cow
as then. At that time as high as
3000 rabbits were slaughtered In one
drive. Many people from town w,ll
probably take part In the rtrfs Sun
day. It will start promptly at 11
o'clock from tbe Union School house,
and guns and dog? are strictly pro
hibited. Bsrt Harber has had macb
experience in such drives, and be
says that a person needs two clubs,
one in each band, and then be sure
and not tbiow them at a rabbit, as
uoe is very macb inclined to do.
Just bold the clubs and poor Bonny
iu bis endeavor to escape will run
close by you, and at the critical
moment let bim bave it.
Tbe pens for today's drive arc lo
cated near Wm. Carter's place, tbe
diive commencing at (Jil Artbor's
ranch. Tbe main pen is built of
Prospects of Railroad
Cause Company to
Get Busy
Cbewaucan Press: The Oregon
Borax Company, of Portland, whose
holdings at Alkali Lake have beeu so
widely exploited baa tie en encouraged
so much by tbe prospects of a rail
road in tbe near future that tbey
bave been patting on a large force of
men, building roads, erecting bouses,
and laying foundations for powerful
machinery whioh has been eeleoted
and will b on tbe ground installed
for work durlug the coming summer.
A new road from the southeastern
comer of the lake to a point on tbe
main road to Lakeview cutting off
several miles of travel will be com
pleted during the month of February.
This not only shortens the distance
to one the main deposits ot carbonate
ot soda but it also avoids all the soft
places on the flat, keeping far to tbe
west along tbe rim rook.
Tbe company has found that tbe
ground around Brown's ranch la too
soft, that ic will cost too much to
oonstruot roads captble of transport
ing heavy machinery and large loads
of borax and alkali so they have
transferred their base of operations
to tbe lower end of tbe lake.
Considerable expense has been in
curred this winter in throwing up
oorner monuments and marking
bounds. The wet seasou almost de
stroyed tbe original markings.
Eatl Stone came in from tbe ZX
rauob last week, and is no"w visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Leyva, of this
strong wire fencing four feet la
beigbt, with wings extending for
nearly bait a mile on each side. In
starting tbe drive a number of people
spread ont over tbe country, grada
ally drawing nearer together until
tbe wings are reauned, and then tbe
rabbits are driven Into tbe main pen,
where the slaughter takes place. At
a matter cf course tbe more people
taking part, tbe more successful Is
tbe drive and therefore it Is earnestly
requested that all who can take part
'.la the drives will do so.
A Desperate Case
This is tbe fateful day of winter,
tbe occasion baing the appearance of
tbe festive groundhog. Should he
cast a shadow it is presumed that
there will be six weeks more of winter
weatner and he will return to bis
hole. Otherwise tbe backbone of
winter is broken and Mr. Groundhog
will proceed to get ready for bis Sum
mer campaign. It ia a two-to oce bet
tbpt if he undertakes the latter be
will ge- mightily fooled, unless all
sigus fail.
For Watch Repairing, try A, Kauf
ruann. the New Jewelry Store.
Will Leave at Close of
Session For a
Year Abroad
Klamath Chronicle: When Sena
tor George H. Merry man left Klam
ath Falls for Salem to take np his
duties in the Oregun senate only a
'ew of his intimate friends knew that
be contemplated not retaining to this
city when he completed his work at
the state capita).
Nevertheless, tbU fact is known by
some of bis closest friends and unless
something turns op that demands his
presence here he is going to start for
New York as soon as the legislative
session is over and from there expeots
to sail for London. Dr. Merryman
is not intending (to desert Klamath
Falls but will probably be absent for
the next year and possibly longer.
He is going to London, France and
other places In the foreign countries,
and will ba aooompanled on this trip
by Mrs. Merryman. While abroad,
the doctor intends to enter tbe Edin
burgh Medical Academy where ha is
going to take a thorough course la
tbe science of medicine and surgery.
Upon his graduation fiom this work
he will return to KUorath Falls where
be will again open offices and resume
his work in the medloai field.
Dr. Burke Convicted
Dr. V. P. Burke, of Santa Rosa,
Cal., was last week found guilty of
sxploding a dynamite bomh andang
eilog the life of La Etta Smith and
ber baby. The case was bitterly
fought and has attracted widespread