t.TTsaxtmu'i rum iiiuiaun "iiau. OREGON VALLEY LAND COMPANY CONTRACT HOLDERS VB MA KH A SPECIALTY OF LHASINO LAND 1cul;IiL from the 0. V. L. Co. and are in a better position to do so than any other firm in the State as we have a complete index card system giving tJc name and address of every owner of the 1 1000 tracts of land bought. If you want us to lease your land to the best possible advantage, and take lull charge of it, write at once to SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY COMPANY LAKE VIEW, OREGON i3BGQS52H2 Unite County Bijnmtncr Til I It HI A Y. .IAMAMY 111 1 . I BRIEF MENTION 1 Lakeview Finer lit.U) pr cwt. J-'! Dutt 1 Imnil W r In spi-ndliiK a few days In low ii. Wood for Kuli). --Wood yard, oppo site I'IhmIm Mill. If (tet pi li'iH oil lliiur lit I'.nlili li.il be- furi' lni) 1 1 in I'lxi'w lii'ic. If Mxtio's population la (i,S7ij a -cord- Inn to Hi" lulu ciiiimiM. IIimptk" Naumi was ii visitor In town on Monday of till week. According lu tliti n-eiuit cetiiuis K.ilein'a I'cpolntlou In H.ii'.l.'i. Mr, hid Mm. tieorco IJooue are pnlllll'l( ii few days in town. I'r W a t-li I'epnlniiK. try A. Kuiil lllllhll, tin' New Jewelry Mure. Ktock of ttl I kind Is ilnlntt well, It n I no I oi-l wtinliiver Ik feared. (lua Lliilii emus In from It I n Spm1 Side hniiii-nti-ad en TiU'M lay hti-t. Kuril Illicit Mnuiiit at rcHHiihablM prion. Apply M r. M. W:.i.rton. I'm- relit. InriiiMiieil lini-e ..li M.iln t., eli th in, I .iiijh lie I:. T. si ri til n Mr. mi I .Mrs. Koy Cluiud li-r, ltu rtllldtxll. Mil H ii ii 1 1 ii u H lew llrta in town Home Very llui" 'Ii 'if ii I i : Ii t niith'ft Iihvii lieen our tut lllitlhii tlm ,l-l CIlHllfB Mice Wltit Knot lit-r nl f ill (lit many who w nit NM.it tt n u 1 1 u ihl week, JoIjij Hr.ml.ii emim in from the Mo Dimitd Kiinili iiu Miimlii' of thin 1 1- k . I'al Timlin y, i f I he Chandler lam Ii, chiiii' Into tiiwn Imki week for mii- d ie. Mr, H ll t Mm Wrtltel Men 'lie no O0Cli'('lii? their U" home III St Hvt'r addition. i Mm. Miiry J '. Jlnu-m Hindu m I Im bet I Bad ftiil.H lil.uu Ht the Imd olllco till. I n tt C wo k. j J. (i. linker, of Drews Valley, pent rtwrul tlu)H I J town ilurintf the pattt Week. Hurry Utiey, deputy aine warden of Valley I'n 1 1 H, I'Utit Lakeview a vitiit tlil.s week. Mr. und Mm. ileury Fox came ii. from the West Hide on Mnuduy of till week. Horn, lit Hllvei I.uke, to Mr. mid Mm. Kd 1'arker, mi Friday, Dip. 'M, n d mi n td f r. l'erl Ingram came in from Salt Creek on Niiturjay to H(iend u few days lu tow u. M. A. I'mxIoii in utile to bo out n Kill n Htler u luutf siee of illness with erysipelas. I n price or iresh vhhh iiuh koiio dowu several notches, which Ih iIiiiih Jng to nil of im, llurty liHrttiolnmttM' chujo down from li Ih luuneMeiid )u liulliird'B Cua ici n ou Muiiduy, l''oiiud, u fur bou with in Ink lie, id. Owueretin rtieovui the tnimo by upidy iii ut i Ii i H l llli'e. Mihh Cutii Amii'k li ii et rituiuiiil uller it nit-li'n ihit. wiiti lii' r mother in New l'u;e I'.eek. Muylleld I) ioiih cii iii e from New 1'iue (.'ret U luct week t.i u Jie ti 1 1 u few (lll.''M Willi did lidkH For u nlfely fir n lulled room in ijuire MrH. M. Wliorlmi, I'lrat floor north i f iVl. '.. (diuieh. Kherniun KhhIbi c. nil X. Ar.ner wern M iioiiu ' llie timiiy w lic went mlilut tiui.lliiK ou Sunday Just. Koii Miller Im now emidoyed hh (dork In Hlierilf Huider'i allien, and lb at work on the tax roll. Audy Underwood Inn returned after a mouth's viumtlou Hptiut with IiIh motlior iu Colorado. ilryon tint ve 8 and Ciuoi'ko C'uindler went out to iloretly Mountain will' a load of HiiritilleB Mouduv. V W. IJiinbo I'lok, tlirt homer! h l uti idallHt, had returned to tou alter a week'v atiBeoue lu the oouutry. Jerry Harry aud Marshall Ay res weut rabbit huutlua laut Friday, aud brought bank several pretty ones. Hill Harry, the pioneer Bbeep uian, came over from FIuhu laat week and la uow upend Intf a few day lu town. The Woodmeu of the World tiav euUKud the tiouthstoutt Uarage for practiuiuK up on some of their degree work. Mr. aud Mm. Ael Wallaoe oauie In from the (Jhaodler Kauou on Batur day, aud are Hpeudlutf a few days lu town. "Duo' Arrlir mum lu from tlm Orenii N'hI l y I. and (' jiii fmtiy ' dnm on Mondiiy lo iend n lew ilaya lu town. Dime Jonen lelt iat week for I'IijmIi, enroute to Ilia "dHnrt," af'er lui Inu tieiit Ilia liolldu) neHMoti In our uildnt. Mlkn O'Siillivnn, lieu Duly and Nick I'.arry left yettterdny for the "di Hri t'' after hiiiMidlnK tvcral weekn in town. Keenii A IliirneH luiVH plin'itd a mwiiikIik Hrimiu' inent on the duorB of I heir hturc, w hleh in better all around. Mm. John Driimtu, of l'alhley. thin week returned from Fortliind, wlcre hlin him been for the piiHt neverul tnontliH, (ieu. K. Oliver, ohlef i-DKitieer of the N. ('. ()., him been enjoying a ra ration In KurprlHo Valley during tin (Hint week. Mr. and Mr. H. (). Cremiler Sun day murutiiK Mtarteii for Cullfurniit where tliey will riend tlm next mirer nl In im 1 1 1 x. 'I'. '... !'.. v. I lllll, V.llllBll. tlltjf it JlltlHUfl Ulltlj llm McCiiilhy lime teturnrd ffun jl'.il'ley, wliern they went lo do mutie i fill ve Inu I Mm. I ihk M i' I ) tn Ii Ih riiuie Into I li.w ll fur i.t'die no Mnudity of th li week. She itim ni'i'nin Hll led by tier I ah (dill ireu. In tlB "Hi;t" t-ul'i nil sit i (i e.t r m ootlee (illmilitf twn huinrit tor kill . If Jim are In the market ll ulll p yim I o in r hI late. ( ie Mye I'hiindler a.id l!yro:i (intvei, reliiined oil Sitturday Iruui the lnwet ('I. lie nli-r lulu h, whdrethey had been upi'iidlii a few I h y . N T. t'orey, the ctiutrartor. tm leitned I he wHrehotiH imined lately H iulh of the telephone otllce it u 1 will npi'ii a i- Imp t herein Mink Millie I'litit, who witMiiilte ill it ti t until It Ih lor a few dnjH h-1 eelt, Ih now much ini rtnej and Ih able t o I n iitiout iikhiu. A. iiielier has been nojouru Inn at AllornH iliirinu the iHt wetk. Iiu I keefiiikt III tuiii'll with bin bilntuthM infereet" here by phone. The i-Ihui'b hare tmen uiHuinit very Iinn time durlujj the past week, due to the f.ict that much of the dintimce ih bei'iu made by uUiuh. (ieuinn WeihnuiiHter, of l.akfl City. Cat., Hutiniitted Muni proof on hi I'lnitier cliil n at the local (ioTetu ini'iit land ollice IiihI week. Mihh J iii In (Hofter, of Alttiraa, Iuih accepted a piiHitlun as bookkeeper for the 1'irct Niitiuiml liiiuk, and Iuih already arioutiied her dutlen. Iiidjjtt VV. . VVjMiire reireHut e I Lake (!ounty at the .National Wool Kiowera' A naocltl iuu which win in eeto-iuli ut l'dltlaitd limt week. Wiirk toitarlH lenininc the X. Arr'i-r hiioee in l.e Drenkel iiitditimi in nl i 11 t'oinu on, and w ill protmldy lie complited Niimt.i i ne t h in week Jilniii I 'd lei, i In i hi iiiMi'i-ctor for the Fremont National Fort-xt, came down from Silver I.hUm Imit week and it HlieiidiiiK a tuw iIkvk in Iohii. Sam Dioki left for Fichiio jei-terdny morning on bnitinesri cmi nected with Ida brntlier'M entale u hime accidental death wan noted in the Kxamiuer. J.ouia eynHiide Ii.im tented tin Vetiatoi raiicli, Mouth of (ouu, and pinna to lalHU c.ropa for 'he local tmitket iluiiiiu (he couiiiiK Sonimer. The dunce which wiih to h.ivc tukeu place at tVioked Creek ou Fliday eveuiiiK. whh indcllnitely poiitpnued owluu to the death of Mrs. Kimney. Several very line china plitutu inn to be aeeu iu eeveral I'iuihcs about tow n an 1 incut of theui are ex pouted to bloom ou the '-Oth of thin month. Some very Hue moviuit pictured hare beeu ahowu at the Opera Jl .iilae during the past week, and the Suu- -1 it y evenluK films were especially Uue I'he work towarda deonratint; the luterlor of the MetbodiHt church tiaa now beeu completed, ami services were held there He uaual on Sunday lllHt. A. Kaiifmann, UeorKO tlraves, Jack MnAiillll'e aud Johu Veuator weut rubtut liuntiUK ou Sunday, and iuao HKed to bu a few very aloe eptci in en a Mm J CliHfi. Smith, of the I'ariilan Millinery, this morulas started fur Chicane to purchase a eprtuct stock of goods. She will be ubseut several weeks. Z For the uext ten days the Lakeview Fhur Mill Co. will sell Lakeview Flour at 83.60 per hundred, at the mlli. F. O. HUNTING, Pres. J 10 2(1. Hnmn very fine work wri done by the dnow plow diirlnu the rm eiit nnow utoriim, ami Kill Met ,'ulley U to tm ooiiKratiiliited on the condition of lh at rents. K. II. Jackiiou, of the Chewaucau Mercantile Co., wan down fiom I'alx ley this week to meet a salriunan fiom Hit u FraiiciHOo, with whom he placed unite a nlre (Tili-r. (Jilt art llrnwti, Su(iervinor of the Fremont National Forest, returned from Portland on Friday iiIkIiI. after a month or more a I ih mice, which lie peut at lieadiiarteri. OwhiK to the luRletneocy of the weather, all work ou the new Hitch School Ims uow benn cloHed for the seaitou, and iiiohi. of the stnun.mttem have left fur 1'uttlaud. Arthur WllllaniH has hauled I he lumber for a house lo bin homentead at this end (! the Ink, and U to com meoce the coiistruitt-ou of the arne within a few days now. OwiiiK to a Hiioff idockmie Cn the N. ('.()., no southern mail was rectiv ed bete Kuudity lilultt. The elan i i came lo, but brought no mail from HtatlotiH south of Alio ran. Some line coHtdihK is tiow .beliiii enjuyed by the chll lreu on the hill north of 'he iiehart houne. A Ihk iHinllre may be een from tiiat three tloo iilinuft a it v uIkIiI now. M niy new HuhhcrlptiotiH are leini rtt.-elved. tt ell ltd renen!ii, a id III" l..i iilii.'.' N-. l- highly ImuolHl t y the ni it n y kind ti.rls ot eticuiirage .i.ml t: 1 1 r e-er-" .1 tty h trim tier of then. In Pontsl .Sal inks I'mik at Klam ath I' nil In out loving the KucrtHtt mil lriinl fil. iheie were l.ut nnmi deput. i lorn during the flrnt two das. Moot of the di-pohitu were of (. Kile Stripllu his in'i-eple I a pnfitiun with City Surveyor Sam Miicneu, who is at t iiM'iit employed In plmiuing the re dtdicat inn of Home of our in a in elieeti-. Sam" enjs It's uo HUHp, eit her. J. T. Flook ns lu from Muck Creek Heveial dayn durlug the pant eek. He left home before the heavy storm, tut ii(i to Hint true range con lltions were itlmohl ideal iu his section. MIhh l-Uiiily Clark who hif be-u employed fur eome time . ai-t iu the "Frust." KMiidy Kitchen, lelt IhpI week for Sail rrucisco, uheie she is to take a cnurt-e in adenography uud typew rlting. A new counter is being built lu the Sheriff's otHre iit the Court. House, so that all books open to public lu-t-l'i'i-iiun may be more conveniently reached The work is iu charge of Mr. S; .Iiihii Vtuntor and Loreu lUiley went inbbit huuliut: ou Saturday, aud report much luck. We didu't uue Heir .-leciinens, hoevei, mi will not uiidt-rliinH to leixin Hi opiuiun with legard to eauie. A Hue Ice harvest him tietu gather ed In thl ( vur, and the ovuei's of the various ice hoitt.es abuut towu have practically tilled up their stor ngo room. The ice is unusually thick and irv clear. The choir of the Catholic Cuun h bus beeu reorgauled mid I elit iir.-iil,-, are now tieing conducted iu conuec- lion with the services to tie hel 1 at I'ti-ter. An elahorate priigiaiu is plmiued for that day. A beet weigbiug llftceu aud one half pounds is uow ou exhibition iu the window of tho Goose Lake Valley MeatMarket. It wiij raised by Frank Hulchius iu bis garden ou West Street, nmi in sure a dandy. Ail electric lights iu the residential district west of Maiu Street, have been out of commission uuriuK the past week, and the "Oil Trust" is again lu power. Let us hope that this con dition will not continue loug. llou. Johu 10. Maker, of Alturas, Cuugressmau-elect, last week left for Washington, D. C , to atteud it Dem ocratic caucus called for today, Mr. Itaker will take his eevt Maich L Mrs. Alice Petrie, wife Of Hert Petrie, came in on the Western stage last night and is registered at the Hotel Lakeview. A meeting of tbe ladies of tbe Catunlio Altar Society was held at the pailsh house this afternoon, and a pleasaut lime was had by all pres- eul. Man Whortoa took oil' bis oUloial star yesterday ufteruoon aud weut rabbit huutiug. Man had pretty gond look, tao, and un doubt enjoyed a Que rabbit dluner this noon. A number of hotse shoes, repre senting many different styles and varlntlen, may be nen lo the window of the Kiltie A, HurnpH etore. The kIiocm were ell made by A. Leonard, I of the llrm of Woodonck tt Le nurd. Sliver hake Lender: Miss Nevada lie ti ha in, who ban been iri poor health for mveriil morithH, started Sntur(lay for a l'nrtlind horpital. She was artcnmpanlu I by her Meter bu I broth-er- iu-law, Mr. and Mrs. tJeo. hrnery. Did anyone slop to think that lant Friday whh also the thirteenth ef the month? This If a peculiar coinci deuce, as well as beinu reputed an unlucky one. tut with us everything went along lu the usnal prosperous way. Dau F. Hrennmi has been traoa ferred from the U. H. Luud oUlce to the Forect Strvice, auHiirninii the duties ot his new p initiou yesterJay. The transfer takes with tt an increase of salary, which In ijoite acceptable j to l)D. , Jim Higgios and ,i,n. i,.,n.w, (jeotge IJ tjraves( liBrber Mc.Curdy went rabbit hunting one day taut week, and returned with some line npecimens. Having had the uood fortune to partake thereof, we chu tetitlfy that the quality and flavor were excellent. MatiHger O'Neill, of the Davi (teek Orchards Company, returned I in-', weea alter a several days' iupseo tiuii of bin holdiugs. lie was irreatly ! ob-Hi-ed with the tuanaKemeht and 'condition of Hlfair down there, audi reports a very bright outl , ok. Mote sleighs tiave been seen on our , etleels during the past few day s than ' the writer remambem cf for quite u; w liile jiHst all of which in evidence i that we have ha 1 some very hue I sleighing aud the opportunities for a ride have not been oveilouke 1. Oiiite a change in teuiperarun ocrurred Tuesday niht, au I yestei day the weather was warm au 1 balms A warm wind came up from I tie tout' which caused the suosv to melt an i before night slelgbtug on the street. was nearly a tiling of the pat. lieo. li. Miorton, who spent the holidays with his family at Stouktou. returned home a few days avo. .Mrs. W. will not teturu until Spring, as her physician is of the opinion that her health would again be endangered should ebe return during the winter, The ladies of the Altar Society met Saturday afternoon laat at the peris house, and among other things talked up the eutertaiument to be given here enmetlme during the coming Spring oi Sua nier. The full arrange- meute have not as yet beeu completed. Severul rabtit drives in and about Texas Flat and Lake City bottoms during the past titu nek have resulted in tbe killing of about i:00 "10 l,e8,s- 1 or verai years me tho,s iutereHte(1 in l.-tock mil will rabbits ere very scarce in the valley. in the extension o' the tndustr; but they are now becoming numerous iu the NortheU. Ihest.o las the 8,uln' backing of the livestock iuterests as Formtr Judge Jobu D. Works, of I well as the active support of James J. Los Angeles, was ilected United I Hill an I "triers interested in the de States senator by the California leg- j velopment of this section ot t e ieluture to succeed senator Frank P. j country. jp,Q ZZ5QE FURS! 1 III- FUR SI-ASOX IS NOW OX ami we are here with a line of tfootl ones. You will find them very reasonably pi ieeil;nuule by the best furriers in the world. T -t T-- See Our Windows! Also a niee line of Xmns Ties, Sus penders and Hose .and Ties to match. Don't forget the place they will not last long. Heavy Knit gloves and Mittens in endless variety enough for everyone. Fine line of Ladies' Handkerchiefs and Handkerchief Cen ters, from 10c to 75c. O O LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE o OE Flint for a sli-year term, beginning March i. Judge Wr.rks received M'l votes, A. (. Spaldlug 21 votes end John K. Maker 3, Kdwlo Meserve 1, and William Kent 1. u'orks is a reform r?tiubltcao, having been act live in the good government move ment of Los Arjgeie since hU elec tion to the city council of that city two yearn ego. All of the eleven democrats iu the assembly voted for Judge Works. In the senate four voted for Works, threj for Maker, and oue fur Kent. Probably the Iwrgest number of sleighs seeu on oor streets for xeveral years were out on Sunday afternoon last. There must have been at least en or fifteen, and the occupants seemed to thoroughly enjoy the line sleighing and the correspondingly Hue weather. Harry Groendyke, who is connected with the Union Pacific Killway com- p8Dr llh "quarters at Salt Lake 1 '''Jt wa8 8 visitor in town for a few days during the past week. Inci dentally, he submitted third yearly proof on his desert claim before the local land ollice, bis witnesses being Harry Utlev aQd K. J, Stone. Word has been received from Joe Konltzko, whe left here several weeks ago, to the effect that be was now in San Fratcieco. On arrival there be whh met by Nels Jepisou a former uruull.. .1 III.. .1 I Jk . iuih inti-. uu unueiiuiu llot"" mm 1,16 l0u- '- .that he attended the aviation meet ; . ... ,. . . and wbs yrehtly surpneed to see sjme , , . , , , r . : of ttie mateuveis of the air men. o ime u:iesiueH8 H.t lelt fy t-heep Uieu the tii pt jf the week ou account of a rumor to the tiled that there j had been a heavy fall of s io oo the idenert. It was reported that the jsuow was 18 iucheg to depth io mtuy nectious, but such dl l not pr ive t"jAIUudi mtvuvs to be done withiu be tbe case. While there wa si)iie!Ue limits . t i be tt w u of La.evtew, snow out there, yet it was ij.it dep enough to en laager tbe she p. John Cogburu has favored the Ex aminer with some literature describ ing the famous Weust-'hee district. 'The L iU(J of Perfect . i p i -ts ' (J.n M(ious t.H-re are t. puieutlr Hioiilhi tit hosH bIouc the easUrn tl -pe ni W""BB lleI WU,J 118 j l'cially during the Kail seas u when the apples aie ripeuiug aud tak inB (,n tt,ei, b,ltf teea) ,0 , nloiost ideutical ii i .i.. t H I-. First Livestock Show i The lirst anuual Paeili' Nurthneat Livestock Kbow will be held iu Port land March '2n, 21 aud ... it will be an exhibit of fat stock, patterned efter similar shows held iu the pack ing centers of the Mid il. !$'. I Aill be of giest e InciitiuiiHl value t. FURS! FURS! i 3 COMPANY COUNTY PROCEEDINGS f Coliclil'leil frtilil oplitiMlte pllfe nnmiiiit, ul the .vi lend Fund (ippir tloiicd to any School Diet rict fhn II be Ichh than Three Hundred Pollars, tli said n mount of tax to la leviml to be Hiifficlerit to tnuke tlif Htiin received from the tctieriil School I utid of the County, Three Hundred Dollarn for iicli St liool DUtrh t inanid County. Now, therefore. In conformity with th" pit il liiw: It iM hereby ordered t hut a tax 13 find the same is hereby levied on all taxable property in the following School District lu Lake Co., Oregon, to-wit: School Dlst. No. 21 mill .001. School Dint. No. 9-1 .nlll .001. School Hist. No V.- mill .000. Scliool Dint. No. 25 i mill - .0005. The tax levy named for each of the above-mentioned clioul Districts ha been levied its the amount tieceaeary to make the Scho ti Fund of each of the h;iI1 Schools Ditrieteiual to the sum of Three Hutidrd Dollars for School pnrposea, ami an reported to the Court by the County School Sup erintendent asj is required of him by law. In the matter of selecting a County 1'liyeli iaii for the ensuing year: Pdt.1 bfirii; Hied by Dm. K ll. Smith, F.rnest I). Fverett and T. V. Hall, for perfo.-iii4iice uf the following st-rvicea and turnlBliiig medlciiiepi, Hiirglcal dreHHlngt, etc., an folloWH, to it: To l.irtiisli nucli proft'rtHlutiiil aer viceM, medicilien, HtiinulalHS, surgical (irertKings and spliiitKaw may be necen Hury lor the proper cure of ull i ounty cliaren that may reride or be in-julit to I ie town ol Lakeview, Oregon Alr-o i attend all ( orontr's inquests and examination ol euch pt-ron8 that ma. ! chai ged w 1 1 li in-atiity. Oreg. ii The ti.ti ,. Dr. T. V. Hall for Mien du let hh .tb'iv e ine.,t nuie l, of f lfj .0 s-r ntoii:h i-iu llle utWixt ni'l. ii irt li reiiy urderi-d tha. I'. V. llad le oiul lie I - ll 'it-lt. 'ioted County t'n.v M'd.tn ol L;iKe o. Ore ,ou tor the year ivll, iiud in.-i.salary for Midi i a lies is liei'etiy ft.ed at j IS.'s.' p r in -tun. 1'iie lolbivviiij- clai u agal.isl ake Co I'leg-jii, were ex-iiuiuc'il. allowed in. wi.rraiita aie Ii re by ordered Iuiaii mi the lieu ral Fund, s by lavt pi ovulcd, i.i i incut of t be same, a f iloAr, to w i' : V. I., duelling, f ir examinatio'i bo tks ol Co. officer i20 00 H. M. Fieiimig. same -M 00 II. A. Hrattain, same -S 00 C. A. Keli.u t. Mil iry ati'l tniie- a' at ternl nice Co. C urt... 2' h0 I: vil li Tui i, e.-vue -10 I'O I" V 'l id. x iiii;i,atiiiii ul A .1. Win e, i.u.inr 00 (-' 1 1 Miii h. t x.i mina ion ol M.i'iei twis. ii.s,-he 5(0 I: i )) i by o'der.-d that a aiirrant it- 'H-.t wo .st t li- Moiol Fund ol the t't nntv it I iv .-ttV provid m1. in fa4v.tr of .1. S. H 'm m-li It r toad woik in Dist. No -I f r T4."i 0". FURS! S v,,i;l; A I : i i Sincerity NX. .-LlSl' ' V rt clothe s.tt ' 0 30t