Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 05, 1911, Image 1

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1 1 1
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Lalx- County I'ca'ivcs
finch Attention
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I ruily dr.iw li i. p 'ii t -u j U f'.i mi-
..tii.T 'Ai.o.m .! i.- r i i ; ui i t in.
wliuli will iiuii iiti i .iv int it
III'"' tip ft t. I'lll't'-t tin- .'.'.III"' t'l
III.- t'lkMllTu ii:i I n uinil flat."- ilif
t.iUiliff lit ttiv Ir.'tif , i-i I Hit ., m !
n in. Tlifm- fil.d1 i i'iiili art' in
I'Mlti'lll til tllllHf I'll! Ollt tlll'l'llll
Mil IllUK !'x)ill)l tlllll MtllllH atid k-i,I"'1
. i-tiili'-. I pnaiil fur him iu bid tioubl i. hit.
The Iwoklrt liiMilHl.en liim-ti iuf..r-! Auten kut refimed to presi the charge
laatioti for tln iroHincllve lionn- further. Bad Deputy l'roecot in At-MiH-ker
and will nniloul.tedly lu ol torney Venator in wllllag that Mr.
ri'it valtii in iHTHl.lltii; tlio womlt r- Koote he disrhtuwed from cuntody
ful renourci'H nf Luke ('..unty iiwnltltiK
.li'ViloiiDiont. ti the wuiliiiK thou
HJinda of the ciLHttiri) and iniddli t-ht-vrn
Private Parties to Under
take Development of
Well Known Claims
Kenwd MtlTlty is belog Ukso la
the (Jsylord minss near Falsley, and
farther rlarlapaiot work Is to be
aommeDOed lo tbe immediate futare,
L. P. Klippst, who has bad the mlo
Iuk fever In a bad form for many
yrs, ia at tbe bead nf the move
meat, and aicocluted with him is C.
A. Campbell and other neighbors,
as well as several peraooa In Lake
view. There are six claims la the (troop
an i considerable work has been done
on eaob. Kioelleut essays have been
made from time to time, but no well
dedoed lerfge wbioh Rave promise of
premaoeooy was located.
Several years since so optloo of
i0,000 was made for the mines, the
persona seeking tbe option agreeing
to pay 110,000 down and to do 125,000
worth of work, .and then to either
take op the option or forfeit tbe
amount paid. The offer was refased
by the Oaylerde, bat all assessment
work has been kept op, and it is
hoped that the work bow to be done
will brlnf results.
Dave Jones Susplcloned
Dave Jonea.Itbe sheepman, has pur
chased tbe "Tonnlogsen" property
at tbe south end of Water Street. Tbe
prloe paid was 13300.00 and inoludea
tbe house, completely furnished,
with tbe lot it stands ou. Ihe prop
erty waa recently purchased by Joe
Lane, and it was from him that tbe
new owner acquired title.
Ueo. Wyeland baa porchssed J. P.
Duokwortb'a wagon, team and bar
Bern, paying therefor I&00.
T'.''-r.Jifn; h BEf(m mrJA(W-
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Tim linnet;
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Performs Quick
on First Day of
His Term
Slii'illl W. It. Hiil ti r tn h Ic h ij tlcli
( ( tl)f Bll'l eXtMlth.J idlllM Cll'lT (I -
te tlm worlc on tlif tt r-t ilr l.a hh
in t'UW'H. Mon I ii y h! (Hrm.ii!) otn s ;
oiii' ut '.! r u't.' i mii ml ' in iniuiiy !
from ,1. IS Auti'iTh t-n'f, n;. nii-r.c-
Ion ptiint.-il tn ti. l'o, it.', uhn lis j
ll It inifiitfj 1 ii. rlli ci town mm me ;
KUli'y pllltV. 'TMt Slllittr l'.- lit I
l.t'.l I I'.llt illril Dll.l ill h Cllll If i.t l.nlirH '
f.iuti'l Mr l'n ,t. Mi'i to. !: I.i r. in f
! ltri.i', AfiiT it tli iniili t-t-n ro!i tl.oj
uii.i.i'y mi fouiiil ill Will lie hit 1 1 ' j
tiHrn, wl iln thti rluu-k wuru rot nri.cil
t j Mr. A ul i n t y nmil
Mr. Ki.i't.. I. u lntr i wcrKliiu nmn
Hint mi t'vliiit floee (irsKC(i for
moticy hi). in in- ri iyinjiHthy ll ex-
waiting the action of the tJrnud
However, Sheritf Snider desires
that the law be permitted to take Its
oourne, and that if buttlcieot evidence
is found to wairauthis deteutlon that
he be held under reasonable I onda to
arrant Din appearance before tbe
(irand Jury.
This morn I ug ou complaint of Sher
iff Bolder, &r. toot appeared hefoie
Justice bailey and was held to ap
pear before tbe next Grand Jniy,
but released on bis own recogniz
ance. Snelllnfif-Batchelder
Word bas beea received from Al
bany, Oregon, to ;the effeot that Miss
Bena tinelllng and Jsok Batobslder,
both well known residents of Lake
view, bad been married there on De
cember 29th. The Examiner extend
to both Mr. and Mrs. Batobelder its
very best wishes for tbelr future suc
cess and happiness.
Mr. batobelder is senior member uf
the firm of batobelaer and Combs
attorneys; while Miss Snelllng has
been acting in the capacity of official
Circuit Court reporter for Lake
tintohelder-Snelllng. On Thursday
noon, Deo. 29, at the borne of tbe
bride's mother, la Albany, by Judge
J. N. Duncan, Mr. John M. Batob
elder, and Miss Benaboelllng, of this
oltv, wore united in marriage. Tbe
ceremony was private.
The groom Is a prominent attorney 1
of Laksvlew, wbere tbe bride bas
been the past two ysars, and tbe
bride la a lady of many splendid
qnmlitlss, with a boat of frienda In
Oregon. She is a alone of Jadge
Mr. and Mrs. Batohslder after a
short bridal trip will return to Lake
view to make their home. Albany
Demoorat. x
An excellent supper waa aerved at
tbe Colorado llouae on Monday at
midnight for tbe masquerade danoen.
Altogether about eighty people ate
there between the bours of eleven
and two and all agree that Propria
tor Lonzway and bis asslatante cer
tainly did themselves proud.
i ('nnii xt Will
- .IKC COUlllY '
IroaJ ;tcii Irrigation Wori. Will Afford Abundant
Market lor liic Crops c All Kinds, Which
Are Now I'ratic;j Iv Assured
I I,
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tin' Nivi.'lu Cnli'iirnlii ( lr nou liwil
, Any into the ti ll, y 'vlll c.rt nil H 1 I i -,
t t ' 1 1 it I ri'M'lhl lilil.'lr.'il ttlfjllKllUil ilul
I tit rr, B'i. itl) iiuii.t'imm private pro-
I j.'ftrf l.-.l 1 lltlillTtllr.lUtfl I ' t'Mfll
ii.i.. li e I, t'l.- -xpf'.u! m iii
j ri'ii-li cl me tn tin) million mirk.
! Here in Lnkevlo'v there will lie nt
J li'imt two ftitiltc ti.illiinKH, tne (.'hIIi
j olin Chnri'h Hrnl HlKli Si tionl, frertivl
iloriiiu tti. r.vntni' ymr, it.-ll.s
jiimtiy i rlviitH reel ii-iii -H. ti t- I s
if.T I. ifn lire, no l.sinu mile, lie
! f i nijihition t'ir ti,L. hih te.hool is
i nmrly rnnii Nle.l, i ink on tl.e i- riii'
tuning ti.'i'ii Hiir-i u.le.i fintlnu' tl'H
Event Largely Attended
By Happy Crowd of
The nuoual New Year's maaquer
ado wan given at tbe Opera llouae ou
Monday night lant and a very large
o owd turnod out for tbe oueasion.
Manager Smith reports that there
were ninety-four tickets sold to
danceia, while one hundred and
tweotyy-elgbt peraonspaid admission
fee an spectators. Tbe crowd alio
gether numbered a little over three
hundred, aud the ball was tsxed to
its utmost capacity to accomodate
all. Masquerade costumes of sveiy
description were in evidence, and
aoce better could be found any
where. Tbe moulo under tbe direc
tion of Prof. Rloe waa up io tbe
standard, and tbe crowd remained
until about 4 o'clook Tuesday morn
ing. Manager Smith la to be con
gratolated on tbe fine manner in
wblcb tbe large number of people
were handled and tbe satisfactory
treatment aooorded to all.
Tbe prizes of 15.00 each were
awarded as follows: Best dressed
lady Mrs Hoy Blurton, of New Pine
("reek, who represented "Christmas."
Bestdresaed gentlsman-Jamea Ilager,
who represented a Cavalier. Bent
assumed character Mable Vernon,
who represented a typical cowgirl.
Tbe judges were Messrs. Morgan,
Coombs and Kioe,
Among the out of town people who
attended the daose were Ueorge Nes
bam, Lloyd Morris, Bruoe Kambo
and lrn Livens, of Adel; Uarry
Utley, Mr. and Mrs. Ilotehkiss and
Mable Uotohklss, of Valley Fallal
Mrs. Roy Blurton, Miss Edltb Blur
tan. Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, Miss
Mable Patteiaon, Judge O. 11. A Id
ridge, Mrs. Annie Blurton and oth
ers, of New Pine Greek. Nearly
every aeotlon of tbe oouoty waa rap
resented. Mlsa firms Sharps and Miss Matle
MoOulley represented tha Kxaminer,
both having tbelr ooatumea adorned
with Lake County Examiner head
ings. Tbe Examiner feels proud to
be thus honored by the young ladles.
A peoullar sight was seen on the
streets a few days biuoe when a boree
cams along carrying two squaws
astraddle of bla baok. All seemed to
enjoy It, tco, even tbe horse.
surf H'ive 'i l)r(Qa!;"'l"'i;,"""""r"ftall"m
HIL IctVL l I I O.S country, ,,.,, fend.! to l.o that
,,!,, ' ,hM M' "' '' 1 ' Wt" " u"rU" 1
I v."-'i?iwll III
umi.'i rr.'i.iti.u, ' n in. st f tt.H
ini 1 1., i' . j : f i' n '.'i In i.M' i i 1 1
t r .i . . ! .'. V l,J j'i t ': ll- U I; I. T i.'.n.l i i
i'V ' A rti.i'i if the ii.iiteriil
I.T Out In 1 1 ' cimri'lj ii un ori ti
wri.'.'. i. I, nl tniillnn' (. iTiitluna wi!!
i.t " i inn mi'i ci. i until up It
ill 't. c.'i tn If I. !
; T ' i fi.jtio.jk ti'ijutif-il crops j
1 una never so lavonihlo at this season !
of t! ti yeiir, fin l the yield iiromiaes
to ho inrt,-r th in I'vur before. Eteu
l:h .jnprefe.Jfnted crori the aeniHUfl
iwiilii.,t he tiipli.;-l ty lot-iil -ro-flu.
th'iit iudnriQ Kood prices
TIjm rniln ml sail ditch cik will
Bifor i employmeot to aifiufiien and
teani-i and there will he an uotive de
idhii.I for ererythiLK the farmer can
rsi.-i .
Ti'f; outlook if. indeed very hrlght
for a inoet prosperous year to every
lepHent cf the county, and huskiest
In ii! lines promises to lie tAi-eptnu-iilLy
Mu h Railroad Work In
Progress on Indian
Fort Klamath, Dec. 27. D. A.
FurKeson, a ntfatu eliovel engineer,
accompanied by one of the foremen
on railroad work now being pushed
on SpraRtie river by the contractors
for the Southern I'aclflc, were in this
place Suuday and left In tbe evening
to lie on band Monday morning to
rvsunie their work. They report that
a depot Kite has been laid off about
n half mile above Chlloquin bridge
on Sprague river, that the site is grad
ed for threa tracks for the yards and
from all probabilities the railroad
people will establish a town there.
Tbe depot will be on a spot which was
formerly occupied by a bouse In the
middle of tbe big flat and la an Ideal
place for a shipping point for tbe re
gion adjacent.
The men also reported that the
abutments for the railroad bridge
reroHs Sprague river, about a mile
south of the depot site, are completed
and that the steel was laid about half
way around Modoc Point at this
The railroad camps are now estab
lished on north of Sprague river and
some of them are as far up as tbe
Klamath marsh, with Andrew Krlck
son's camp at tbe south end, and four
camps In all between the marsh and
Sprague river with about 600 men
employed at all of these. K rick son &
Peterson bave their camp Just east of
Frank Sllva's place on Spring creek.
Work ia being rushed on the road and
it la expected that no abatement will
be allowed daring the winter regard
lesa of the weather.
In Walter Addition
Mtssia. A. W. Orton, A. Hammers
ley and Diok Klogsley, who own lots
la Walter's addition, have been
promised by !tbe City Coonoll that
crosswalks will be built In tbe addi
tion aa soon aa tbey will have built
walka In front of their respective
holdings. Mr. Orton baa already laid
a board walk in front of his bouse,
and lumber enough baa been ordered
ty the otber parties to build a six
foot walk In front of their lots. Tbls
sonnds like buslueBs, and tbe example
of these men should be followed by
others who wish to make Laksvlew a
"City Beautiful."
'i - im:;,. y l"r.-r f.T injury r
an I wi.i no df.ut-t tu:ir.y i'ecom-
- '" '" 'vent if H rmirOH I ani
i !y t . f n-
C h a u t : 1 1 u ;x Meet
T; ,. ' i.i. nt in p, i Mnli' v Ul n,frt at
ttm I' of W:T. iUlty TLllLy, M ill-
ImV fvei.iri.. jHiiiiaij U. i'roiJraiii :
Koi: full.
I'n rrci.t i v nt
i il.j.-i-?. "lie nfii'Mcy ati 1 Aot'.icr-j-y."
i v-'nl I ... I'.rt 11.)
f;.in 'T XI., "forl fetroc
i:i"t," i--. ( icrt ro m Vtrooij.
Chapter XII , "T iward Aothcrity. "
M lH liiirif'-isji.
"Addi-.i-i' im'lori" Tho Chatj
la'i.joau "i;r-i.lir,ir Jo'irn.') In l..n-
A. ISl-rer.
Bouds Filed By County
Officials and Ail
Are Busy
The ".e ly-eTerted officials of Lake
Couoty, ai well as those bo were re
elected have nil qualified for tbe res
pective duties. W. 11. Snider buc
reeds Aibul Dent aa Sherid', aud his
botidirneo are Mr and Mrs C. U.
Suider and Ueo. M. Jones, the
uu'ouot beiua 530,000. County Trea
surer Ahlntrom's hoods are la the
Bum of fTo.OC,, wif F. M. Miller, S.
U. Chandler and V.', I. JJeryford as
sureli'.'-.. S. A. Mushen gives a bond
of 8j0C0 for tbe faithful performance
of the duties of surveyor, with J. B.
Auteu. L. K. Sender and V. M. Har
vey as bondsnieo, while CoroDer Wal
lace has ti. Sherman Laster, C. Hen
kl and X. Arzoer backing hiru lo tee
amount uf $3000. County Clerk
Payue bas aot as yet filed his bond.
The new county commissioner,
F. E. Anderson, of Lake, bas assum
ed tbe duties of his office, and
dropped iutu tbe harness like an old
band at tbe business. As Jadge
Dalv remarked to a representative
of tbe Examiner, be is proving him
self not only conversant with tbe
needs of his section, but is well post
ed on tbe affairs of all setions of tbe
county, sod will no doubt make one
o! tbe most competent commissioners
tbe county bas ever bad.
The County Court bas recently
made an examination of the finances
of tbe county, and tbe work is now
being verified by Hon. 11. A. Brat
tain, of Paisley, li. M. Flemlog, ot
New Pine Greek, and V. L. Snelllng,
of Lakeview.
Lakevlew-Palsley Mail
By an order dated Deo. 21, 1310,
Postmaster Ablstrom bas been noti
fied from Washington tbat Route No.
73314, between Lakeview and Paisley,
had been changed ao as to include
Valley Falls In tbe mall deliveries
twice a week. This will increase the
traveling distance eight miles each
trip, for ahiob Gontraotoi Chandler
will be allowed 1117.92 per annum
additional pay. Tbe order took effect
on January 1, 1911. The schedule
now reads:
Leave Lakeview Monday, Wednes
day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A.
M. Arrive Paisley at 7 P. M. same
Leave Paisley Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday at 6 A. M. Ar
rive Lakeview at 7 P. M. same oay.
Leave Lakeview Tuesday and Fri
day at 4:50 A. M. Arrive Paisley et
8:10 P. M. eame day.
Leave Paieley Wednesday and Sat
urday at 4:60 A.M. Arrive Lakeview
at 8 :10 P. M. aame day.
Exchanged Property
N. T. Corey and Delmar Wood bave
made naexobange of property, where
by Mr. Wood will shortly remove to
California. Mr. Corey waa th owner
of a 19J acre orchard ranch at Sebas
topol. Gal., aod this be exchanged
for some property on tbe "Slash"
aod 40 aores of timber land a short
dlstanoa from Lakeview.
Slmou Juanlo, the sheep man,
a visitor lo toa thia week.
dies suddenly
Well Know n Ilditor Victim
of florphine
Over-dose Taken to Relieve Pain
Results In Death, Last
Saturday riorniiijj
Wm. Holier, elitor of the Silver
LaKd Leader, dial at hi tiucni place
ne&r 1'ii-lcy Saturday nnrniug. from
the effects of an ovt-rl-se of aiut
t'Une. For eeral years Mr. Holler
t.a1 heen a suffurer from stomach
troat.le, and b a ug;,t relief there
from by tl.o nse r.f drugs. A few
d-iyo previous to his death he came
down from Silver Luke to spend tbe
holidays itb bU fi iiily, his wife
havine just retnroed from a trip to
tbe east, t ati"ut 4 o'clock the
morning bis death occurred a son
beard him get up aod get a drink of
water sad tben return to bed. Noth
ing further occurred until about 9
o'clock when a member of tbe family
went to call him.
At tbet time he was in an almost
lifeless condition, bit breathing be
ing hardly perceptihle. Every effort
wad made to resuscitate him a?d Dr
U'itham waa immediately summoned,
but all without avail; Dr. Witham
was at bis ranch and did not reach
Mr. Holder ontil several houri after
being summoned. Upon arriyal be
naw et on 30 tha 1)9 was powerless to
save, and stated that life had been
practically extioct wbon Mr. Holder's
condition was first discovered.
Tbe funeral took place Mou Jay and
was largely si tended, many cf bis
friends being ia attendance. lie was
prominent ia faternal circles, being
a nil, jjber of tbe Odd Fallows, Wood
men of tbe World, Maccabees and
otber orders. It is stated that be
carried several - thousand dollar of
fraternal insurance.
Mr. Holder leaves besides bis wife,
a son and two daughters, all of whom
are nearly grown.
Continued on eighth page
Passed Away at Her Home
at Rosebury, Friday
of Last Week
The sad news of tbe death of Mrs.
Robert Uartin reached Lakeview
yeaterday, and oaasei mnob regret
among a large oircle of friends. Her
death occurred at Rosebarg last Fri
day, and it la ondertsood that ber re
mains bave been ioterred la tke cem
etery at that place. ,
Mrs. Hartin's maiden name waa
Eudora Foster, sbe having been a
daughter of the late J. A. Fester, of
Summer Lake. Sbe was born at tbat
place aod resided most ot her life la
Lake oouoty. Besides ber mother
and busband, sbe leavee a son, Evaa,
four brothers, Fred. John, fialeh,
and Andrew, and two sisteraMre. D.
O. Sohminec and Mrs. Joe Walters.
Sbe bad not enjoyed good health
for severe' yeara and while ber death
wss not wholly unexpected, yet It
was none tbe less shook to ber assay
frieods heie la Lake couoty. Tha
deep sympathy of tbe entire oommaa
lty goee out to tbe bereaved relatives.
Bend's Way
Tbe City Council of Bend, at ta
last meeting of the year passed a new
liqaor license ordinance. There was
almost a unanimous vote for high
license and strict regulation of all
gambling and drinking places.
Among other things all. saloons are
required to have open glass frosts
with no screens or partitions to Ob
struct a full view of tha InterfOt.
The license fee was flx3d at 11030 ,
year, payable quarterly la adraftee
and each applicant will be reqolrvt
to file a bond ia tbs penal sana ajf
$1,000 with some license surety Cat
pany as security.