Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 29, 1910, Image 5

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    Unite County Eramincr
It hue I'crn a little r t) illy the hint
few day.
Nlrk Harry ' cam In to and
ChrMniHN till tili folk.
Klnl lllrkerntin h over from
lllwdell for aeveral diiya during the
pint wen):.
(nl j iriciM on Itimr ut lit'
fore Imytug 'ir'li('r. if
K. Ilntfi'tii and J IhtoI'I Kralrn earn--fiTfrom
c it in f i fur ChriHtmiiH.
Kor Wiitth l(i'iilrini;, try A. Kauf
maim, tin' New Jewelry Store.
I'nr rent. tumUlicd houm mi Main
nl., clone in. I'.tiiilie It. T. StripMn.
(1. Aiiimt ii ml Ales MoCulley mum
f In from the Arrner lanch IliU wek.
Mr. hihI Mr. Henry I'' ox r In
town from tie Weet Kills over Xiihim.
Mm. Ii. Bradley In very eirk wilh
rhetimiillHin at her home (iu North
Water Street.
loin I'rntt who liiix I pen employed
I y C C. Lotirua of Crane Lake, Ih
In tow ii tu:nln.
The (loll which nan railed nlf at
tint Mom gram atore wan won by Mr.
A. L. Thornton.
P. A. ''luimtrick. of th 7.X ranch,
HM-nt the holiila.VN with hia family
In (.akevicw.
AIms ami Tom McCulley, of the
Weat Hide, were vlaltora in town dur
tug the imat weak.
Harry Utley. of Yelli-y Pull a, npnt
Cbriatmait with Mr. ami Mm. K. J.
Htoue of til in place.
Minn Kale Hurry. hn Iiiin l.een
teaching eclinol ut 1 ; I y . Ih n vlHltor In
tow n f nr ' he tinl Hat .
C. C. llnrrli" Mid, t f Siin rni r
Lukn. hi'Wilt thii I 'In li-tiniiH In. I uluya
with Luki-vimv rilntifim.
Geo. Ne wcom lie t ri-nuht Ii I n Murk
in 1th tonlH out from l.ukctiew Wel
iiemlay 1 1 t Im ehnii hem
I)hvb Kdler, the eheep iriin, ciime
over from I'IiihIi latt week mi l re
mained ful Hftrrill lnr
Mr. ali i Mm. Lfiicii K. Tracy,
of Dieaa Creek, wr vixliura In t iwu
oil Moniluy of iMa week.
Mr. anil Mm. A. P. fouzer came lu
from ttie Went Mile and aoout ClirUt
ih llr Min. Ralph.
K. M. I'-ruttain h'i-iii on to 1 i. ... .
Lake tin' forepart '( tlu w'vk t.i lnuk
afier IiIh liil. r.-f-tM ui tluil n.'i ttiiti.
('. A. Knker Iiiih 1 ii appointed
Ji 1 nf Mixloo unity to Kcceeed IiIh
lirut her, CoiigreMMiuuu-elfci. .'-laker.
Andy llamuirley extinct tit leave
in a tew day on tilw annual VHRHtioti,
an J iiiha liioluie Kuiyiiu lu (.la Itin
erary. Krn (ilvao, llrarj Kumlo anil
Ueorue Ni-hIihiii, all of Ailul, were
viaitora in tuwu durlim too paid
I''lnyil 1 1 irkiTKoii Imw i;oin" U. Sun
1'rain Imi u t ii ciij.iy ,i wt'll t uriicil va-
catlnii. Il will ! i;om wvrral
Tli-i Imtiy lilrl of Dan Chandler,
who wiih quite tick for auveral day,
Ih now entirely iu.pro4d aud ulila to
ll HllOUt.
Mra (ieortte liuylitio and family
.have inoveil to towu from Uieir ranch
.at Thomas i'reek, and are cow living
'00 the H'eiu.
John LotrtUM, who I intercated In
it lie nilieu north of Pluto, m a vial
tor in town for auveral daya dorlng
tb puat week.
The examlnatloui for admittance to
HUh Bohool .will he held wbea the
ohiJJieu rutnrn from their anul
i'hrintuiua vacation.
V. H. IJeKort. of the North eod,
left for iiakeratleld, Cel., the fore
part of the week to upend the holi
day with lite family.
Harry a Volt left on Saturday for
a viait wit n bla folJka at LitcbfleM,
Nebaafca, where h expects to le-
ruain until next Spring.
Heveral aufomobilea imve tiren ru
on oar Htreeta dtirinir tli ciiht in
Jaya wlilnh la another lnltrnt iuii that
the weuther haa lniu Ideal
Chaa. T. 1'owne haa disposed r f hia
general uierchundUa huslnuni at lily
to Dun Urleooll and will soon leave
for Kolae, Idaho, to looata.
The new houue bi '. ' ' ' 1
for Dud Harvey on . i
rapidly hearing com. "i: ,
be ready fur uouupui . ; '
Tomorrow nlichtt'o I 'v
at Ni'W I'lue cri'i-k t iwi i I
eral couplnH from l.iiivn' .. : K .'i..'.
ably lie iiniony the ..:
Klamutli county t ,' 11
rtilntliilf Iflltlo" lo llm li'ifinluMir!,
ri-(iii'Mlliiit tli" a"Hinr of a law
rroatliiK tin- olnVe of IhK rollcc tr.
I he enhool nhll lien o now IibvIhb
thn annual Xiiim vacation of one
wei'k and in tmual no rompUInt 1"
tmard mi their tart rHrd.iig aame.
Jmlun Kohert 11. Morrow, of Port
land, waa weddml tn Mia Zoe K.
Hohy IVrlne lant wcnk The Jude la
-pi tin wll known tlirmigl out th-
! oiiiitiiln iimim nl Minki' iiri
orliiti- .r-i-''it m. ."-cn.i-t lntiK thai
U iim-d ninl niiiiii fliili-i). Hi mI iiHK.irt
ini'iit in l.nki' t'uiiiit.v ut riiornton'M
I riiK Hlorc.
An auction win IikII at llleher'n
rum r on Haturday IhhI and evriry
thing put on the block waa readily
aiild. Thn iixiihl large crowd waa In
A liuililliitf boom arern to have
.triicK tha Klanh and thrt hoiie mde
by eldH are now undur conntructlon
tin-re and almnut conmli'tfd. Let the
giiod work go on.
Mm. Uimii Mcllanlrli came Into
town on Wndiiekday of lent wek
with n larie load of Xmaa IrneH,
which ahe found a ready aale fur at
tlttecn rruta each.
Mr. ami Mr. John Hrlli-n. who
liavi' been vImHItik tblr limt;hti'r,
Mra. V. I' Mcryford, diirluK th lHt
H'-vcrnl hvi'M, Iihvii rctiiriH'il to their
liavlM t'riM-k Ii'iiik'.
tJi-o Kaiikioa atarted for Alruraii
Tui-nday afternoon wlt'i a load if
paxnnnue-a in hia Wlnton Six. He
fxpectcd to go only aa far an Davl
('reck thn llrt day
liirnard r-'lt. wan In tiin the lure
part of ttw wtek finm Willow ICanch.
Hn hmi moved nil Ii ntlice and
hiiiiHKliuM furniture to tlie latter
l place aiift will lucHtti tli-r
i: W., thn forrpiirt i f the
wt'i'k. Ji-lt fur - iI'Im eiiii!ti'ig to
tn il.Motit u c 1 1 1 1 I - iif inoiitliH. lie
will tiit )l)ii'p:4 dning hU tay
and wltniKi the working of the
WaahtnKton leglrilat ore.
Wliile t kiiting at the 'Jink iinf after
noun IrhI wo-k, Mlna Winnie Harvey
lia I thn inlxfortune to aprn'u finx of
br aiilo'tfa. he in now much Improt
fd and I atile tn tie atiout
K'.lmer C. Ahliitrom La added eonie
fine ehow oaHea tn the I'ontoHice atore
equipment. Thny are of the glaae
top and front counter pattern, and
how up the stock iiw Una ahape.
rat hide la
y Utley. The
oe to alxty
' iky one will
g to be proud
ote bide waa
pant week at
tie lucky uum-
proved to be
held by Dr.
mun In Irom
Guano Volley ou I'ridjy lait to r
miiu over Hunday auo NewlYeai'a. He
reports t tin bhep as doing Hoe, the
feed gum! and pleuty of water ob-
IKif.hard Kt ene cmne In lent week
from hia honixntcad iu the vicinity
of 13! y, autroring fioni a very bad
cold. "Dick" leporta that the anow
lu that locality la aevere.1 ftt deep
juet in w.
Jake J illluni, of Silver Lake, haa a
motor cyclw, H- nl it nnt being a very
defctruMn ttilnu In rid ttiene duyn,
haa rikV('i it up. si h can attHcb it
to tun pv-iii(i mill no duty tt.ere, aaya
the Lrwitr.
IStere Wowu hihI Urin rtuii hal a
ruuaway 'lir lHtins which ni near
putting ttam on tie ahelf fur a tiu.e.
Ilowever.1 amrte iroui ho in, aevern
brolep aud a tunahed bum y they
eHcaped unhurt.
Pat Anglawd came Into tows laiit
week rom the deaert tiouutry orth
of Plush, and on arrival here receiv
ed the ead new (of the death of his
aunt her la Ireland. 3'be Kxaaainer
exteuda its eyaaputby.
Among tho ahwpmen in town dor
lng the pant week wore Mike Harry.
Ben Dalv, Fleur McCutty, Manuel
Bandera, Jack Unuahy. Phil Harry,
and Dave Jonei. All caiua in to re
in a 1 a aver the holiday.
On Taeaday of tbi week, William
Woodward, of Paialey, made proof on
bla deaert claim before the Jiusal laud
otrtoe. Ida wltoeaaea were I. U.
Woodward, of Paialey, and J, L.
Woodward, of Summer Lake
Many people from tho aurroaadlng
oouotry were lu towu for Ghriutmae,
and all xpruaed themaelvee aa aa
toniahud at tho large number ut
dwelling hotiaea being ereted here aud
the rapid growth of the to an.
Whila inBlalliug the new abow oaat
In the int"41oe atore hint week,
-:h i .i1, bad the mlafoituna to
it , the gluna abelvea and
' i . i ew one bun been orJ-
'. uiuoiifucturers.
tha X laucti ut Paia-
1. 1 t ' itor in town dnriog the
, -Hi . I'e reports that the cattle
' 1 t"i rounded up, and are
' I, uud tbut all uuuds ate
"v - , 'd iu breaking oolta.
Dr. J. ). Ktinor, Vetertnary Hur
jreoti, will 1 1 In Laki-vlew for a few
iliyH. Clin hn (miiiil at Munrnotli
Hliil.lca Ih-fKI
Mr. and Mr. J. K. Ilanmin and
children Ttiendny aftet noon loft for
their Lr Angnlea homo, going to
Altntna by auto. Mr llanann ex
p.cta to return the latter part of
Jamihrv. hut Mra. Ilanaon and the
Hill Iri") will remain until spring.
J. M Anten a fw daya alrice put
ctiannd ttie, pelt of a fox which wa
caiiKht no on lll ick Cdfi. It Ih a very
hamlacimn fur, ln-lng apparently a
crii'M between n red ami black fox
and reNiimtillng eotnewhat the Kilter
fox, which i exceedingly valuable
(Jeorua Kinnll of Silver Lake, wan
in town tho forepart rif the week on
hia way to Southern CHlifornln,
wliern hn wilt join hi wife and
riiiiitfhter. The latter have been trav
eling In Old Mexico, but will prob
ably meet Mr. Small at Loa Angelea.
(Ion Taylor and ("on Kit 7. came in
on Sunday from thn Coyote II Ilia and
Mule Springe Country, north of
I'luah, where they have been winter
ing their alieep. Like all the rent,
they report cond It loua on the range
a very favorable to thn atock ao far.
K'aiuatli lb-rail) : O. 'I'. McKi-n-(Iri-c,
thi- K'iuiiir liii-piiiiiti, rami' up
fiom Merrill I-'ilduy, wln-rf hi' hud
Im-iii ((mmIIiir h I i i-i -1 i. ii ml lelt for hia
Iiiiiiii- in Oukliiml HiIm iiiornlni;,
w ln-re In wi I epemi I In-IiiiIIiIuth with
IiIh family.
Mr. and Mm i.a'e Sti-pheim nrrlvi-d
f inn iillfuliiM a few ila.v hi rt niul
no- k'h'Ih nl Mr and Mr. Sher
man KaeUT. ."hey ar former rchi
di'iim of Lakevii'vv and received a
hearty welcome from their many old
time friend.
A. i. Duhuie, the Kaniaiigo hhw
mill man, ci'iift in lant ercuing. II"
htaU-a that the repurtel contract with
thn V. C. O. tor 'J.'JDO.OIKJ teet f t lies
hod brldtfn tin, hern tint not been
cloued aa yet, but neaot iationa are
at ill under w ay
The Silver Moon Cafe wan rpened
by (lecrge Kiim in the (h'd Keilowa
lJiiiliilng ou hridav laat aud to date
tnniiifB ".an been very wood. Short
orile'a are n-r-nl in additioo to the
regular maala, an I the plane la kept
-open aight.and day.
A treat deal ot gravel and crumbed
rook la being drawn from Hullaid'a
Canyon theae daya. Part ot it la be
ing ute J towards gradiog the ntreete
in Walter's Addition, while some la
beiog used to fill in the low places
In Wataoo's town property.
The Examiner tbaoks Its many
friends who so kindly remembered -it
with the season's oomplimsots. Oaite
ia number of Christmas cards were
reoeived aa wall aa a number uf
taiom substantial reoiemtianoea, all
of which were quite welcome.
A mounted cougar's hid 4s on
Abibltioii at Cloud's Kandy Kitchen
and is attraction quite a little atten
tion. The work was duoe by Utley
i Himmoua, the taxldermtats of Val
ley Fall aud it t eertaiuly well
Jim aud Hryou U raven have return
ed from the llauaon ranch on the
Weat Side. They report tbat many
man are at work there tJearicg the
and .removing rocks, etc., and that
thejilaon la being improced in fine
Thn makk hall next Motxjay night
proui-ieea to be the (uoet oucceseful
event of the kind eter taking plaee
iu Lake-view. Many cuatomre have
already teen secured, aud there
prom tuea to be a strong rivalry lor
the prizes
Tbe etureaeeper are all wearing
Urge amlloa just now and preas
themselves aa well pleaaed w ith "toe
amount of but-ioens doe before the
holidayn. iu this connection, the
Kxamluei wishes tj thank the suaoy
people who aont In S2.00 for t year's
subscription, -directing tbat the paper
tie sent to friends as a Xmas gift.
John Ward -is ia charge of the
bueiness affaire of tbe Hall Onnstroo
tion Co. daring the absecce of bi
chief, J. K. llauson. Hia Lakevtew
otilce baa been removed to the O. V.
L. building, the building doing duty
tieretofore having been torn dowu
sod removed to Mr. ilauson's raucb.
Borne very uuiqoe center tablet.
mads from tbe tough branches of
trueu and tinted up, are ou exhibi
tion at Lialluy & JJaslugill'a store If
not already bold. Tbey were made by
timer Hoyt, of this place, and are
eertaiuly a floe piece of workman
ship. William 11. Hayes, Kred K'gli, Fred
M. Porter, James L.Porter and Clyde
. Kielger, all of Silver Lake, made
flliuga on Tuesday of this week be
fore the looal (Joveromeut office cu
landri recently eliminated from the
Silver Lake Irrigation Project AH
were acoepted.
Jim lliggius, who became popular
through advertiaemeuts in ths Kxatn
iner, wiHhes hia numerous friends a
very bappv New Year. "Jim" did
n't tbink be could get arnand to see
them all pormiuully, but be knew that
be could reuoh them through these
columns aa everybody reads tbe Kx-aiuinur.
Valley Falls News
Postmaster Ktyer. II. K. (turtle,
II. C. (loir. K. N. Curtis aid Mr.
Canterrierry were Lakeview vtnltors
this week.
Fur the bennflt of one nr to
rhronlo knockers who are starting
torlea to thn eirsct that thia I'm-t
Otllcn was to be dlacootlntie 1 or
moved to Home other pnlut, we are
pleaned tn inform then that thi
olllne will not be discontinued.
After entabllahing thin olllce, fixture, i
etc., and carrying the mall under,
epa'tial service for 11 month, thn j
Idea of changing the locality just to
benellt other par tin and a detriment!
tn tMs point la ton abauid to receive
erioiin coohlderttlnn. With money
orders Issued running over two thou
sand five hundred dollar the fir lit
I year and a rapl llv Increaaiog buel-
ness witb ach mail we are eoly
. counting daT for the establishment
j of the dally service. We do oot wish
though to be underfltood aa not ap
preciation tbe ervloes of a good
koockcr, aa knocking requires talk,
talk ia advertising and we fouoJ tbat
adveriaing paya. We thrlvt on it.
During three days of lent week,
while the sun waa shining bright and
the weather cold in Lake lew we bad
a heavy fog and warm weather.
We undnraiand Paieley intends in
corporating. II. II. Jackson says it is
to Include Valley Falls and Tucker
hill. If they don't try to annex
Lakeview there will probably be no
oomplaiut made.
J The Jennings-Meyer Healiy Co.
I um nra,..iTait t ha fiaul mnU. Thnil
specialty is Cbewsucsn Valley land
and irrigating projects.
Mlr-x Lil'te Lake, who has been re
billing here fi r several troothe past,
hihI lienry I'oydslun, a rancher from
the Wtht ,-lde, were married by ex-
j nfiiclo Joetlce of the Peace Warner
I Ii. Snidei lant week. Both are well
1 btmnn vmini? nnnla. ml t!rA P!vnml
tier takes pleaiure in extending to
both its best wishes for their future
peculiar ooincideoce tn connec
tion witb this weddiog Is the fact
that a sister to tb bri!e and a
brother to tbe groom were teamed
to each other ooly a few months ago.
Great Dance
A very enjoyable all night dance
was bell at tbe Opera boose on Mon
day nlabt last, and it was well at
tended. Altogether there were nine
ty-three paid admissions, wblob
means that tbe number present waa
close onto two hundred people. Tbe
musical selections, under the leader
ship of Prof. Rice, were well render
ed aud enjoyed by all. Many outsid
ers were present. Th last of tbe
crowd lemained until about 4 o'clock
Tuesdsy morning.
and wife would like po itioo to
gether on ranch. Mr. C P. Volk,
Lakeview, uea .Pel. D29J5 VZ.
Notice Ix hereby given that all ap
plications for permit to graze cattU.
liorm'H and nhwp within the Kreniont
National Forvn during- the aeason of
1911. muHt lie filed in my otilce at
Lnkevlew, Oreiron. on or before Keli
rtiary 15, 1911. pull Information in
regard to the j;rainsj feeH to Ik?
charged and blank forms to be used
iu making applications will lie fur
nished upon reqtient.
GILUEHT I). BROWN, Supervisor.
and we are here with a line of
good ones. You will find them
very reasonably pricedjmadc by
the best furriers in the world.
See Our Windows!
Also a nice line of Xmas Ties, Sus
penders and Hose and Ties to match.
Don't forget the place they will not
last long. Heavy Knit gloves and
Mittens in endless variety enough
for everyone. Pine line of Ladies'
Handkerchiefs and Handkerchief Cen
ters, from 10c to 75c.
I Hsrry C. Uoif, of Valley Kali.
made commutation proof on i his
homestead before thn local land office
oTTFrTdayTif last wee, it is witness
es were Krnest L. II. Meyer and
Homer, K. Curtis, both of Valley
Eight Grade Final Exams.
Th- Kighth (jrade i-'lnal Kxamlna
tloo fm Lake Conntv, Orngoo, will
be held Thuradhy and Kriday, Janu
ary V.i and 101!. Thursday thn
examination will be In Phralolnity,
Writing, lliatory arid Ciiil (govern
ment. Krlday'a examination will be
In tlrammar, Ailtbtnetic. Geography
and Spelling.
la) Aritlirnetio rritcticiil Arith-
met In Smith,
lb) Civil Government United
States Conetitntlon.
() Geofrraphy State Conret- i,l
Stndy ; Red way and Hinman'a
Natural School Geoirrpafiy.
(d) lll-tory List of Topica from
Snider Opera House
January 2nd, 1911
ONE $5.00 PRIZE to the Best Dressed
ONE $5.00 PRIZE to the Best Dressed
ONE $5.00 PRIZE to the Best Assumed
No one. except Maskers, allowed to dance until 10. 3C
SPECTATORS, 50c, Both Ladies and Gentlemen
Goose Lake Valley Meat Co.
v V i. .1
HUtorv Ontlina In State (Vmr-e
f,f Study mid Current Event-.
() Grammar Hitclilcr'a Modern
I'tiullah 'Iratnmar, no (llairrn til
ing. if) 1'hvnl t'vr.v Grndeil Ihoiib In
I'byaloloiry and Mygenii
g) ItcsdlnL'-Th" teacher will
nein! to flip County Siiperliiteii
dent th" nptiMi-atit'ii cia-s etand
loir In read nir. bl'-h will lm
tskn liv enili etij i riiiti-fident
a the pr-pHcatitV tnndlng; on
t h- ut'j"-l.
(h) SM-Mltw Itei-d' word IsnnK
(I) Writing Si i-imeti of pen
marelilp a indicateil In coiI(h!
matter and from iiianncript in
H. IJ. JA KSON, Connty Snpt.
Tbe greatest danger rfom Influenza
Is of Its reuniting Id pneumonia.
This cn bn obvated by nsinii Oham
lerlaln1 Gouah remedy, a it la not
only cures InM-ien'.a. but coonterscts
any fnolancv of the disease towards
pnsriinnnln. Sold h all s 'od dealers.
XT v : : fat &tfglf
" loir vosy
.' ' S c.-i.i m