Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 08, 1910, Image 5

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Limited Number. Fine Land. Near to Kailroad and Depot. Adjacent lands now silling for $125.00
per acre. These lands were ton;; supposed to belong to private parties and have just been discovered.
Von must hurry il yon want one. ;is they will not last long.
Southern Oregon Realty Company :: :: :: :: Lakeview, Oregon
JKHUf JB iff .VgT! W M WiIAUSSl'U:
TLnlte County jEynmlncr
Tin itsn.vY. I !: i:ii!i:n h, v.iw.
ItiiHiiiH to n nt (l hi- )n, n ly t J.
j:. M((' hi.
Oi l n lcc m Hour nt Itoinwim !
for' tin)iiiK t'l'fwIuTi'. t'
Uorn, PitmMxt I, 1010, fo Mr. aud
Mr. Mmlo llardltly a ton.
For Wnii h lti-n1riiiTi ry A. Kmil
iiuuiii, 11m- New Jcwi'lry More.
1'iir n ut, ftirnlalifil hotim on Mnlii
at., rlocf In 1:iiu1i It. T. Birl.lln.
Our I'i.IIiU.v kikkIm (in- wllltia fit.
We till i' mine nirn h"Ih nt tin? Kiml.v
Agniixl iiimhU liall will Ik jjlvt'ii at
tlio ()tii limine iii Frldny nitrht.
l. :n).
Koom for tionKf-iluK, furnlsbad
or net. near arbool houie. Mil. J.
C. Oil o r.
Mlk O'HuIIithii left oo Saturday
of lat . for uiihuo allrjr, rire
be will wlntor III a'laai..
H. ('. llmrlxM will Irntn In a few
(lit; on a nn iilli visit lo hi bIhN-i,
who rntltK In M IcMuau.
Tht f'o U! trlvttiM(h coiuohu; t.a
coidi li-Uil Mm iik ofrlBii(l lr
tliroiiKt) ltii.o mi'l Halt Lak ('its'.
If mi nr I hi nk I iik' "I ii iii' " I " '
Htnl li'h' i y for ii linliiliiy ullt yon run
f) lid It fi t I l.f I rent kaml.v Kitchen.
II. M. Klrmintr, the writ known
Nan ) inn Crrk tumli) mitii, f tut
mi I day in l.nk"Tlew tli- itiat
i vk
Leave j-riur oidirw for ('hriHtoiH
tree wllli J. 1'. Dinkwoitli, and
Mm. Iuikh McDhu li-ltt will aupply
tti mii me.
Mr. mihI Mr W. .. Mo nod Mr.
Kph Mtllr MondHy afternoon left
on a 1 1 if tu California to remain
some time.
MIh Mabel Knelllntf hits returned
from a vmlt to CeiUrtllln, where it
nil tlie K'nt tf Mr. (Jims. M.
W. J. i'luudfnot will leave in a few
day for lii home, iu Chleaito hera
he will re m In until next arrinfi lalt
In? relative.
Judu il. L. IleuHon delivered
the nmiiioriiil iiililteoM at Aabland at
the aervicea li Id 1-1 the Llk lotle of
tllllt JlllU'B.
Iick Slirrliirk lm left for the dei-ert
with the Norln cheep, iu ii I will rciiialii
there- in. ill MirliiK'. Ho will hi t In tlio
cujwlty of rniii ti-ndiT.
Mr. and Mr V. L. Huellintf went
oyer to Uodarvllle yeateiday on a
ten day's title tn thHtr daughter,
Mra. CIihh. M. Fuulkner.
Dun Mulloy In now nt Burner valley,
lie h to drive hi ah'ep from that
place to tlui Lava Ilvdi where they
will remain the w'uter.
Jerry ISnrry went to New 1 'I lie
t.'reek on Saturday lii't with avernl
horned. Ilo wiiw Hcc(iniiniili'(l on tin1
trip down ly MIhh Nellie (ireen.
I.uwaoii 'mid Kittherlnu Shirk, of
Oiliirvillc, weio vlHltor In town .IiIh
week, they ImvliiK foine ovfr on bua
Ibchm hefuru the local laud olllcii.
J. t. Noun yeaterday morolng
left for Lo Annolea, Oal., to epend
the holiday. Mr. Norln will proba
bly accompany him on bl rturu.
Dr. L. and Walter D. Lyooa
will spend the holiday at tbelr old
borne at Lansing, Micb. They expeot
to be away from Lakeview forj a
It la ntuiorel that Falaley ta ti
have m newspaper in the near future.
The proiuoteia of the well-merited
enterprise have not yet made public
tbeir plan.
C. W. E. JenulaRa oame iu from
Valley Fall durlug Saturdays atorm
and reports a ratber dlaagreable
til? though the raoda ate not hs bad
aa expected.
A. I. Uuderwoud in few dayr will
leave ou a trip to the Middle WVnt,
visiting Kanaa City, I hiriitio and
other large olties. lie will be absent
about six weeks.
Veto Wall, i stonecutter from Sau
Francisco who Ctttno here aeveral
uionthu ago to work on the new
school hntiHf, la seriously 111 at the
home of Mm. KubhcII.
A pleasing feature of the tiuuday
eveuing moving picture show at
Haider's Opera house baa been the
piano and violin selection rendered
by Mltw Bnelliog and Mlaa Lorena
Uailey. The latter is a vtollu pupil
of Miss Soelllng anj abows uiuob
aptitude in that line of work,
'I he food hiile In Id Snturdiiy 1'iKt liy
the IikIx m r.flhe M. I'., elmrrh win
inn II ol it elinil-H, they liil vlll(f e.
nir. il ilile H h i of I nlde ilellelliMe
llmt wereenijeily plirclilifrd.
The ImiIIi o the Cut hollo Altar
Hoclety met Thiir(liy afternoon
i f lurt wnk with Mm. CYU L Iftua.
Itefn nhmanta were rvrd and an fu
joynld time wa had all around.
Ihe Oreitou Uood Koad A nunc I a
lion w I II I f Id a CMiti nll( n at I'ctt
land nmt Monday. I he editor of the
FxamliiKr I a delpate to the conven
tion tut will le unslile to attend.
N. JarohHou, forent aKlstant, ba
ronideled th reeedlii of . KiO here
I mrne l ovi-r landa In the Fiemoot
Fort nearHilver Lake, The wed
planted were Aualrlan and Buotch
Ml-a Docla Wlllita crced Mr.
May Kalchelder aa librarian atTije
Public Library, the latter having
redgued the position on account cf
havlg more awreeable dutlea fo per
form, Wor rf hulldltig the roucrete
dam arroc l.oat Itlver aud diverting
chub I to turn the waters into the
Klamath will rhcrtlv heeln. Thin will
reclaim tnoimand of acna ot land
around Tula lake.
r i auk Harris a mm Iu law tt Mr
au I Mr, liud Harvey, who ha I eon
a miirerer Irnni drouNy for oine time
pant, died Ihhi week and wa luried
Sunday, iia leaves a wife and child
to moiiru hie Ufn.
N. .fht'ohHon, of the Fi rent arrvlee,
went out the l)ng Lake t-tatlon ttiie
week ol huslurb connected with a
ponding timber eule Iu the iSernev
t'onetructlo'i t'o., for use ou the ().
V. I.. Ire a creek dam.
lndepende ;uo. heretofore drv, ha
already Blunted 'two ll(uor llcetie,
the fee helnu ? 11HK) un.i b limit of
one milium to every l(kK) popnlutioi). j
A bond cf fMX) wa bIho require I
from the faloounien.
itobert S. he yotiopent aon of Mr.
and Mr. Kdwra'd Ivory, reeidlng
near Altuias, wa killed a few dtty
since by hi horse fall in if. Ill skull
wa fractured, and it wu teyoud hu
mn power to ave bl life.
('. II. McKendree yesterday etated
that he wa going to Idaho, which
point I In the Ktate of Oregon and
ncated ahout thrm mile eolith of
I'IiihIi. lie went Jover there to look
after some fcuslneas nialtere.
M. Hert Rloe, farmer eectretnry of
the Hoard of Trade, and n young
uiau of much aoill v, hus aooepted
thx position of rity editor of the
Herald. Hert la a god runtler ami
IU certainly make good iu hi new
A henvy rainHlorm prevailed
through out this snot Ion last Friday
which'waa quite out of the' ordinary
for this tluie of the year. This week
the weather tins ltea duiigbful, the
sun ebiuing brightly, with cool crisp
Mth. W. 1'. Ileryfonl returned from
HiivIh t'icek a few day hlnee where
ehe was called by the illne-8 of her
mother, Mm. John Hrileg. The lat
ter accompanied her daughter on her
return and ia Hpendln; a few day In
At a meeting held by the ladles of
the Catholic Church no Monday last
It was decided to have a Xmaa tree,
with th usual decorations and pres
ents ou Xmaa eve. A hall will be
engaged for the affair, and a big time
Is expected all around.
Almnftt all the logs for the new
Woodman ball at llldwell are on the
ground aud the work of building will
be started soon. A great deal of
tronble baa beea experienced iu get
ting the logs, owing to the rough
toroiy weather, says the Nuggett.
Work was begun Monday repair
ing the Metbcdist Church. A flue
and new chimney have-been construc
ted, and the celling will be lowered.
Funds for the completion of this
work are being collected by Hav,
Wire and he reports muoh suocess.
Mr. and Mis. James Klrpatiok
came op Iroru Willow Kauoh last Sat
urdy. It is said that whenever tbe
weather Is extraordinary bad Mr.
Klrkpatrlok may ba expeotsd in Lake
view, and ha oertaioly sustained bla
reputation lo this lntanoe.
Strawberries were still growing in
the gardens at Davis Cieek the mid
dle of November, nue of the Alturas
papers having beeu favored with a
box ou tbe 17th Inst. They were of
good size and Cavor, and are Indica
tive of what may ba expeoted when
that section reaobes a biga state
of cultivation.
1,'tli y A riiriiiufni are doing toma
linn tsi Ii der m let work and a rug
made from m conger skin Is cv
on dl(lay at the Front, which I
ceitainly a work of art .
Andrew Morris of Cam a is 11 with
pneumonia at. the (ireen (larden
0 i te. Hi rrndilkn la now much
Improved over what It was and he
will no doubt be around as neual In
a few days time.
"Cap" Drown, aeiatant at Hotel
Lakeview, .ad the mlifortune to In
jure hi left eje the forepart of the
week ana ha been obliged to wear
a bandage over II. "Cap" report
the eye aa being much better now
and h etpect to resume his dulls
f Silver lake Iader)
Mrs. Fgll and daughters have
moved In town for the winter.
Li. Frizzle leaves tins week for a
month's visit with hi parents at
Ueuessee, Idaho.
A largft amount of plowing and
seeding ha tiuau done In the uoria
end of Lake county this faM.
We understand that H. L. i'trter
and fnibily will eoon ' move again t
ihcir home at i'lne Creek.
Alec Havis ariived here from
Kuluiiith Marsh ou Wednesday morn
ing. He repcita 30 inches of enow
at his pluce.
Nothing definite as yet can be giv
en out us ti wtitMi thn OJ I Fellows
new hall ciiu Lu used, as there is a
largo amount of work yet to bo doue
ere It is completed.
Jack Kmliody came down in
fTl auto through the terrible
storm Sunday and rever uot
stuck until he ran into a six toot
enow drift about two htiu Ire 1 yards
above town that took n team to pull
him out beeidea a lot of shoveling.
Ony Foster aud Keason Harris, of
Hummer Lake, accompanied by the
Misses (loldle Moore, iiuby Foeter,
Carmel FoMter, Maytelle Hoy end
Nelda Clark, spent Thankgivi g day
in Silver Lake, returning home Sat
urday. They all appeared to have
au enjoyable time.
Foil SALK-Lot 12, HIiH-k 64, also
N'v of N'-i d SW; oj NKJ of Sec. 21,
T. 40S., 11., pi:. (iive cash offer to
Joe Hahli r, Sidney, Nelir. 12-MS
stock and implements, stock taken
on shares or run on a'salary. 13est
of references. Wife good cook.
Inquire of O. W. White, Alturas,
Cal.. care J. C. Richardson's camp.
STRAY F.D Illack cow with white
face. Heward for any information
leading to her recovery. Ren B.
Bartcher, Lakeview I'lanlng mill.
If you are suffering from bilious
ness, coustioatlou, indigestion, ohroo
io headache, invest one cent in a
postal card, send to Chamberlain's
Medlolne Company, Dee Moines,
Iowa, with your name and address
plainly on the baok and they will
send you a free sample f Chamber
lulu's Stomach and Liver tablets.
Sold by all gooa dealers.
J A most acceptable
Christmas Present
for "Him" or "Her"
would be a few nice
Visiting Cards
neatly printed "The
Kx a miner Way"
JJ Let us show you
Styles and Prices
Examiner Press
"quality printing"
Not con I land.
Ieiirt riieot ' f Ihe Interior, I.'..1.
Lii hd Office at Lake . iew, Oregon, Nov
'in. :il0.
Notice ia hereby kIwii that I'erdi-1
tinnd llaHoett. of Lakeview, Lake,
j County, Oregon, who, on May 10.
I 11X), made homeetesd entry No. ul!77, j
'for NR'4 HKJi. Sec. 'M, lota 3 and 4,
! N WJtf KWJ,', H.-C fi, Townahip SI) (..
j Itimge 20 h W. M hue filed notice; of
Intention to make' final commutation
proof, to ontablleh claim to the land
1 nliove dewrlU'd, liefore Kegieter and
, Hecelver, thle office, at likeview,
tjregon, on the St h day of January,
i ('liiiinunt nnmea n wit tieMeee:
( C W. HeyiMilda, .f Lakeview. Ore.
J. A. l'.Uhop. ol l-akevlew, Ore.
Herman Orel', of Lnkevlew, Ore.
W. F. I'alne. of Lnkeview, tire.
AKTIIL H W. OK I ON, lleifiaier.
2 lot, clow In. flu t 100
adjHcetit lots held at
each Price each
Nice liunaralnw, 4 rooma. pantry
and bathroom, tartly fur
l It. lied, giod woodehed,
chicken houi-e, etc., lot SO x
ISO feet
lOO-aere timU-r tract, 3 miles
out. Wl 1 (tuIm; 4h)0 cordn
if u od
40-Hi-re tlmlier tract, 3 mllea
out, niioiit .TKIcora cf wood
fl.iHM) ncreFtiK-k Farm, ph i.ty
of water per acre)
10 acr- Fnri'i with Improve
rueiite, three mlleH out
10 acre Farm with email im
provement! i.C0 ncre Improved Farm near
11 ne Crt;ek
I 500 Choice HomeHteads In Cat-
low Valley
4N0 duiry ranch, liea' proposi
tion iu Lake county, per
i!75 icrea, lieet all round ranch
in (iooee Lake valley, ail
improved, auk for price.
5 A. iu city limits, 'A room houiy
partly furnished, jfood barn,
chicken hoUNe, etc.. good well,
all fentvd. Will be miitible
for fub-dl vieion
1(52 acres of kooJ Ii vcl land,
mllea from O. V. L. Addition
(pei acrej
lOncre tracts with water rljjht
S-roorn house with land enough
for 4 loie, good terms
Southern Oregon Really Co.
l.A KK VIEW, Orkoon
The peculiar properties of Cham
berlain's Cough remedy have been
thoroughly tested during epidemics
of tnfluesuza, and when It was taken
in time we have not beard of a single
case of pneumonia. Sold by all good
We have a few Ladies'
Suits and Coats to close
out and we are going to
give you 33Mi per cent,
off regular price to make
quick work of it.
Remember 1-3
Off Regular
Our line of Knit Goods
arc ready for your in
spection, and they are
nice warm ones. Fasci
nators. Toques, Silk
Shawls & Scarfs, Gloves
and Mittens.
Sec our Overcoats before
thev are sold out. The
the latest addition to
these coats, priced very
Rubber Goods of all
kinds to fit the whole
family. In fact you will
find just what you want
for all your needs.
Oregon Valley Land Com
pany Contract Holders
We rnnke a ewrialty of leaning; land
bought from the O. V. L. Co. and j
are In letter iioeit ion to do no than
any other firm In the Mate ft we
have a eomplete Index card avatem '
giving: the name and uildreaa of every j
owner of Ihe 14xi0 tracts of land;
bought. Jf yoii want ua to lea-e1
your land to the tieet ioetble advan-
tage ami take full charge of H write
nt once to Southern Oregon Realty!
Co. i
The greatest danger rfom Influenza
I of its recalling in poenmonle.
This ran be obviated by oeiog Cbau-.
I erlain'a Coueb remedy, as it is oot
only cores iofJiciD?a, but counteracts
any tendency of the disease towards
pneumonia. Hold by all good dealers.
Anr ask him fo remedy
the trouble. On the most
remote part of the sys
tem good lights may be
had by correct wiring
and the use of proper
People passing the Singer
Headquarters opposite Snider's
Opera House during: the even
ing, have noticed recently the
powerful I ig; lit with which it is
lighted. At first sight one would
think there were several electric
or gas lights in the building:,
but it all comes from one ordi
nary sized coal oil lamp, using:
a mantel by means of w hich the
oil is generated into a gas, pro
ducing the best light in use any
where, and at the same time,
is a rest for the eyes after using
an ordinary light. It may be
seen at work any evening at
your own home if jou wish.
The Alladdin Lamp for sale
by H. B. ALGER. Don't fail to
see it working.
Iff f&
11: Il
in i m i nu i i i i mm i w mH
B HAVE a clioice
selection of Kinjis,
Wfitclies. Cltnins,
Kobs. Brooches, ?
Hatpins, etc.. etc.
suitable for Christmas
Presents for the whole
family, at moderate
prices. We guarantee
everything sold by us
to be as represented.
S eventeen
Days to Xmas
Others Are
Buying Gifts
Already. Are
.:tr - -
I i4
fi V
I f i