v- vw.tr-'W9B EE 30C zee so o I If you doubt the efficiency of the Examiner Want Ads read the following which speaks for itseif. The original may be seen at any time on application i i Valley Falls Mercantile Company Citfiltnl Work, $IO.0Otl.(K) Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods Notions, Hardware, Etc. Valley Falls, Ore., Oct. 19, 1910 Lake Co. Examiner Dear Sira:- Pleaee take our ad. for man and wife out, or we will have to get a dally mall service here. We have same engaged. Yours truly, V. F. U. CO. J. Classified Want Ads A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examiner lU'miU'tl a few time, if lien-unary, will find n ccstomer for that property of yourn Tlmy ire aiifi. il clo-ly ly In ttil I ntc buyer, anl the coat lit nom iimnituil 5 rent t he li nc em-h inwrtlon, H pedal lontr-tlme rate. id WANl'KI)-A .toi-k hHl-HiiiHi) Caps hlH of earning .() m in i mi t li. In ban- ' IIh II IU'i CIhmi ipgil llimtn nil i-tork. Illg ridurn fur fcinall lrivi-ntitietits. 'In h cHpiililH man olfer attractive inducement. AniiKT giving refe iiiich The Hunlling Oil tjompany X.l KijmIi Struct, Hhii Ptaiiniaco, Cal W A NTKD--W rttofjnt nil kinin nf birds ikiIhihI ticH'lH. etc. We taa skins hii'I make rugs mi l form-. IJllt-y mikI Kiiiiinnn", Taxederm ints Valley Kail. Oregon. 3J 2ro. run nxi.v.- I OK NALK 10 inn- ol bind 5 mile, from l.iikc lew, hot 30, Work t iri-guli Vadr.v Land t,'o.'n ld-, illnon to l.nki'Vlfw. AIho -yi of syt of ssii j' n w hue. 1 1, t. ays. 11. 19 K. j KOIl hALK liood, young, well liroke work ItiirwM. I'hone, call at ranch or fldnri'NH A, M. Ilardlrt), l,ke.l view, Oregon. N-20 11-14 I MIK IM ANf OI H .V KKWAKIJ. A REWARD or .fty dollar I here by offered for in'ortnation that will l-Hd to the nrrM and conviction of liny pet Hon wn . Laa stolen wire, or ot her propurt v from our Company J and the same reward la hereby nlfered for Inform' i' n Hint will lead to the arreat and 'nvictionof anyouf des troylng t. 's ropurty of the Coinpany. Chaa. Urn bach, Secretm ., ImV Co. TeL Tel. Co. tf. A full iiMMort merit of Stit'iorniry. t'oriffi;tion-rv. Notion, Tolim-eo n nd Ciirnre at Klmer C. AhlHtrotii'M. the I'oMt Oflii-e Htorc. 34 Jamps Barry ZZ'T th Hima K-ir i lor rirr lorwtiuerl. iKiraetwM nquere rop .no in In rlgat er. 1i Rrn1 III. Knuif i rim Lr A'ldreet Lakevw.orr I'OK oALK-Htaodard Ured drl-iod team infe for woman. Inquira Hall II KeyooMa flrug atore. iSALK Lot 3i, block t2, add. to Lakeview, and 1(J acre tract ISo. 23, neo. JU, I p. 4UM. ti. VJ, O. V. forlJOU;all paid. Ciraut Lbhoma, Okla. FOU 8AIJC 5(X) tona of liijfli land liHy. Itiquiru of O. V'. Withers, Summer Lake, Oregon. EG 30 LLl o FOR MAI-i: 10 acreH with a 6 acre atr nifht, O.V.L.. Tract 10, Sec. 7, T. 41. K. 19, and Lot 11, Blk. 67. for 1(S0. $170. paid. AddreHH Alfred Kuykeudrt.ll, (ien. Del. Los Angelc. Calif. FOK 8ALK 10 acres, with 5 acre water r'gbt, O-V-L. Traot lO, Be 7, Twp. 41. R. 19. and Lot 11, lilk. 67. Must sell at ouce. Price $170. 1180 paid. Addritas A. KUYKKNDALL, (Jen. DeL, Loa Anceles. Cal. $1,000,00 Reward The Oregon. California k. Nevada Livestock Protective Afwoclatlon will give $1000 I'.eward for the con vlctlon of any party or rartl a nteal j Ing horwH. cattle or mules belonging i. to any or the following memtierH of Harris, this Asaoclatton: 8 29 I t ox & Clark, Chevtacan land A iMttieio., tieryioru Laud it tattle (Ui., lnke County Land & Livestock Co., Warner Valley .Stock Co., Wra W. Urown, Geo. M. Jones, (Jeo. Han kins, S. B. Chandler, 0. A. Kehart. N. Flue, W.A. Currier, Frank B. Bauera, J. C. Ilotchklss, Calderwood Bros., T. J. 15 rat tain & Sons, T. A. Crump, Oefwler & Bonner, W. T. Crewder Maud I. !!amoo. Otrrrm, f w- FIervfoed. Pres. UF..CIR81F M.MlIXKK,8eC&0 -i I V. IMlKHVKOHH Fi.mancs Oom.F M. (inr.KN IS. B. Chaji-" FOK SALE. Ten acres, all paid, for 1150. S.'4 of ti4 of 8E!i of 8 til of Beo 33,Tirp 3d, SR 3GA. W. M. . Address L). E. Uansolus Clear wstet Minn. li. R. No 2. The REAL HOME PAPER The San Francisco Chronicle. M. H. de YOUNG Sane, Conservative and Well Edited. DAILY -:- SUNDAY-:- WEEKLY Sunday's in Colors WM. WALLACE, Dealer at Lokeview, Oregon ORDER NOW 1 IIOWD YOU LIKE TO BE IOmt aid roi l LOST In Lakeview, or between Lakeview and Pine Creek, Tortoise shell barrette, with Khlue t ward if returned to Mrs. Peter I'obt, Lai syihw, Oregon. tf LOST. Oold necklace, with bunch of grapes pendaut. Fiuder will please leafe same at Kxauiiuer otllce. CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. r. M. CORKY, LAKEVIEW OREGON OpwaUt 5UH. carrying Halted States' Malls, Biprsss aa4 PasMagsrs M tbe following rutj : ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW JO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LALEVIEW AUTO10BILES OPGKATED IN CONNECTION WITH TUB 5TA0B5 PARES: 0ns Way RoumI trip Klamath Falls Route - - - $10.00 $18.00 Alturas Route 5.00 9.00 Plusli Route 4.00 7.00 OliPICCS:- Lokcvlcw Stags Offlco lluta Sullivan Hutel Klawi.il, Poll .... . . American Hotel Alt nil Hotel Royal f Tf ?????????? There's no question about the COLD FACT that we do the best prlntfntf In this town. f ! I I I I I ! ! ! ! I I I J NEVADA--CALIFORNIA--OREGON RAILWAY Dally Service Except on Sundays Train No. 2 leaves Alturas at - - - 4:50 A. AI. Arrives atRcno, Nevada, at - - - 0:10 V. M. Train No. 1 leaves Keno, Ncvad, at - l):00 A. M. Arrives at Alturas at 10:10 P. M. S. P. Co's Trains leave Reno as follows: No. 23 leaves Reno for San Francisco at -No. 3 leaves Reno for San Francisco at -No. 4 leaves Reno for the Hast at - - -No. 2 leaves Reno for the Fast at - - - 7:30 2:45 l:25 p. m. a. m. p. m. 9:50 p. m. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Not Goal Land Department of tha Intarlnr II h Land Offloe at Lakeview. Oreonn. Oot, 0, 1910. ' Notice Is herebv ui van trier, llanro. - u. KMoney, orr laiey, ore., who, on Nov. 9,1907, made Desert Land En try No 710 Serial No. 0913, tor 8 Nfctf, NEJ NEJ. Ssotlon 11, NW' NWi, Beotlon li. Township 33 S, Kange 17 E, Willamette Meridian, bas uioa uuiiuu oi loteniion to make Final Proof to establish claim to tbe land above desorlbed before Register and Keoelver U. B. Land - Office at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 17th day of i'viuiuer, loiu. Claimant namea as witnesses: Oeorge tlanklna, of Lakeview, Ore. Wlllam MoCormaok, of PaisIey.Ore William A. Carrier, of Paisley, Ore Edward O. Lamb, of Paisley, Ore. ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register. Department of tbe Interior, Gener al Land Office, Washington, U. C. September 6. 1910. Notice of restor ation of public lands to settlement and entry. Notice Is hereby given that tbe acting secretary . of tbs'inter tor bas vacated departmental order of withdrawal in so far as the same affects the withdrawal for irrigation purposes under tbe act of Jane 17. 1902,(32 Stat., 388), for oe in con nection with tbe Silver Lake project. silver monntioBa, set Xreon' " lDre loiiowing described touea. Suitable re-;,aofla'n the State of Oregon, and oy nia aumority sucn or eaiu tracts as have n,t teen heretofore finally restored and are not otherwise with drawn, reserved, or appropriated will be subject to settlement uuder the public land laws of the United States on and after .November 20., 1310, also to idemuity cbool land selection as well; but shall not be aubjact to entry, tiling or selection nutil December 20, 1910, at the United States land office at Lakeview, Oregon, warning be in? expressly given that so person will be permittee to gain or exeroise any rlgbt whatever under any settlement or occupation begun after August 30, 1910, and prior to November 20, 1910, all aucb settlement or occupation bein forbidden Willamette Principal Meridian T. 28 S., R. 15 E.. all Sees. 15. 20 to 28, 33. 31, 33 and 36. T 28 S. R.,16 E., all Sees. 19, 20 and 29 to 33 inclu sive. T. 29 8., R. 15 E,, all Sees. 1. 2, 3 and 10 to 11 Inclusive. T. 29 3, R. ICE., all Sees 4 to 9 inclusive and 16, 17 and 13. FRED DENNETT, Com missioner of tiie General Land Office. FRANK PIERCE, First Assistant Secretary of tbe Interior, 9-29 HT It A V NOTICK STRAYED or stoleu. about Auk. 15., 1903, one gray mare, branded with .11 on left btitle, wire scar on front lee, weight 1100, about 10 years old. Li'ht bay, white face saddle horse, same brand, wire scar on left front heel, about 12 years old, weight 1,000 pounds Liberal reward. ANDREW MORRIS, Adel. NoriCG FOR PLHi.lU A I'lON Not Coal Land Department of tha interior, U B. Lau Ottli' at Lakeview, Oregon, November 0, 1910. ' Notice Is hereby aiveo that George Weilmuniitsr. ' whoie punt otfJee addri-its Is Lake City, Mod"0 County, Calif , did on tbe 4 li tiny nl Sep teitilxr, 'j0, file la this nttl H.irn Statiiiom and Appll'-Htl m No. lo purrhSMe Ihe HE1 NWj. Sriioa 33, l owoshlp 40S, KitiiKS 2ir;, Willa iuelti Vlerldian. and tint tiinhr thsre in ler the provisions nf tim ct Jni.r 3 18, H. and art aujuiiatorr. knon as tha "Timber and Stone La, ' at sucn ralue hi imnt tm fixed iy Ni(i'aif erneut, and thxt, p'irnuant to such application Inn N.i'i nod Mm bar thereon hBVe ti'i apj- lied bt a total id I6 , tin tl n bur cHtiru ated I 0,O)0 o lard fnr. r M)o per M. rni.J the Un l I'iMll; t 'it smid ppli'-ant will off r final pi oof In npprrt of bis applluitlou a-nl Horn stnti-riiont on the 2ln lav ut imiUMry, 1911, before tieulntfr mni Uecaiver, this iifflce, at Lakeie. lln-on. An tnrsno Is at libertr In t ilest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a rontest at any time bef..in pat ent ln.oes. hv filing a nnrroh irated alflditlt in this office. alltfin,f ficts which would defeat the entry. ARTHUK W. ORf JN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUKLICATIOX Not Coal l,nnd Ik-piirtmi-ut of th Inti-rlur, U. H. Iaiid Ollii at Lakeview, OrpgoD. Octoh- 17. 1910 Notice im hereby ivn that Lata M "'verton I)?boy, otu f tlm heirs of William P Overton, PI i.h, Ore who, on Jannary :. I:xi5. miule homi-t.tead -iitr.v?No. :!4 , "f-rlal No. 01227. for8WJi8f;X, SJJstt Xr.Jf SW. Jftlou 15. Town hip 38 W, Runit- 21 E. Willamette Mnridlan, baa tiled notice of Intention to nmke Final Five ear Proif. to e tabllah cliiim to the land above dertcribed, before Reglnrer and Receiver, this office, at L keview, Oregon, on the 24th day nf November. 1910 Claimant name an witneHMeti: J. A. Morris, of P nan. Orewon. E. A. Friday, of Plu-h. Oregon. F. P. Lan, of Plash, Oregon N E Carres, of FlUMh, Oieiton, ARTHUR W. ORTON. Reg ister. 10 20 11-24 STKAYED or stolen. From Cutnals Prairie, oue teum borwoa, one Iron gray, the other white; both branded 14 on left stalflle; vinted on left shoulder; weight about 2700 iba. 1100 regard for their return. PAT DUANE, Lakeview, TF.I.RPHU.WKM. LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR RE- ward Issued by the Telephone Company for destroying Its prop erty. , I6tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land Department of tbe Interior, U.S. Lan- Office at Lakeview, Oregon. October, 6, 1910 Notice is hereby given that Roxie Glelsnd, assignee of Frank terry oi Lakiview, Oreeon, who on Nov. 20, IU06, made Desert land entry No. 6l, Serial No. 0835 tor HFM sWL SJ, SWH. Section 5, E8EJ. Section 2, Township 388, Range 24 E, WUametU Meriidian. has Bind notice of inten tion to make Final Proof, to estab lish claim to tbe above described land, before Register and Receiver U.S. Land Office at Lakeview. Ore gon, on tbe 18th day of November. 1910. Claimant namss as witnesses: Dsvid U. Cleland, of Plush, Ore. Willism Grizl, of Plush, Ore William Guntber, of Lakeview Ore. John O. Bull, of Lakeview, Oregon. ARTHUR W. ORTON. Remster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Goal Land Department of the Interior. U. 3. Lakeview, Oregon, at -iqtOKH ASDCltiAKM. OST& KINO HAVE THE BEST grade l .iqoure and Cigars to be found la Oregon. tf I. II. CUTLER WHISKY AT THE Hotel Lakeview bar. Tbe beet and purest wtilHky made. tf Rlne Printa of anv townrihln m Burns Land District showing all land entries, names, dates, etc. To pography. Your order tilled on da of receiving. Price tl. J. n. TURNEY. Burns, Oregon 6tf Cheap flour at Ilonamo. OuaJltv ituaranteed or money refunded, tf WHY NOT. Spend your vaoation at "The JetTersou," Ban Franclscof A city hotel situated in a beautiful park but bve minutes trom Market St. Speoial rates for the summer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. department of tbe Interoir IT. St. Land Office at Lakevlew.Oregoo.SepL xsotloe la hereby given that Pearl a. uartzog, (sow Sm alley) of Lake velw, Oregon who on May 29, 1908, ihbuv iioojebeanj sniry no, 41H7 Her. 01619 for Lot 1, E N. W.J NWK NEJ. Section 7, township 40 S, Range, 21 E, W Meridian, baa filed notloe of intention to make final Commutation Proof tn establish claim to tbe land above described before Register and Receiver at Lake- new Oregon Vn tbe loth day of Nov. Claimant names as witoesses: Ed Ilartzog. of Lakeview, Ore. R. C. K. Funk, of Lakeview, Ore. Dan Funk, of Lakeview, Ore. G. C. Fitzgerald, of Lakeview, Ore ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register KaUet the dough and-tompliet with all pure food laws. jsui SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER.: SAVES AN IOWA MAN'S LIFE Ihe very grave seemed to vawn he fore Robert Madsen of West Burling- ton, xowa, wneo. after seven weeks at tne bospltal, four nbvsioiaas aava blm up. Thea was shown the mar velous ourative power of eleotrio bit ters. For, after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble aid yellow jaundice, getting no help from doctors, or other remedies, Uve bottles of tbe matohlesa mediolne completely nured him. is positive ly guaranteed for Btumaob. Liver or kidney trouple and never disappoints. Ouiy 50d. at A. L. Thornton's. CRESCENT MFG. CO. Makers of MAPUINtt Uwttcr Uua Maul;. WILL PROMOTE BEAUTY. Women deslrlnir beaut cat won. derful belp from Buokleu'a Arnioa uaive. it banishes pimples, akin eruptiooa.sores and boils. It eioriflss tbe faoe, cures tore eyes, crack ed lips, ouapped hands. Beat for burns, seal la, fever sores, ou.s, brulsea and piles. 25c. at A. L. Thornton's. A GOOD POSITION .... vai do oaa Dy ambttitoua young men ana lajiea in the Held of "wire- ess:' or Railroad telegrnpby. Since tbe o-hour law beoame effective, and since tbe Wireless companies are es tablishing stations tnrough oot tbe country tbere is a reat sho tage of telegraphers. Positions pav begin ners from 170 to 190 per month, with good vbanoe of advancement. Tbe Natioual Telegraph Institute of -Portland, Ore., operates six offlioaT lo-e atitutes in America, under tbe sup ervision of R. R. and Wirelss officials and places all graduates into positions It will pay you to write them forfull details. Land Office Oct. 6, 1910. Notioe is hereby given that Jooa O. Hull, assignee of Antonio Kosera of Lakeview, Oregon, who,- on Nov. 20. 1906, made Desert Lau I E-itry No. 640. Serial No. 0836, for NtfS, Section 25, Township 373. Riuxo liti Willamette Meridian, has UleJ uotioe of intention to make final proof to establish claim to tbe land above) described before Register and Receiv er, U. B. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, on tbe 18 tn day of .Novem ber, 1910. C&is&bt names as witnesses! David U. Olelaort. of Plusti, Ore, William GrlzeL ol Plosh. Ore. W Uiatn Uunther, of Lakeview, Ore. Roxie Cleland, of Lakeview, Ore. ARTUHR W. ORTONv-.RegUter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land, , Department of Mm Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon. October 26, 1910. . . Notioe is hereby given "that Earl Austin, of Lakeview, Oregon, who. on October, 16, 1909,' made Home stead entry. No. 02631. for WUNWU SW'iNWtf. NWJSWJ. Section 14. lowoehlp 38S. Kange 16E.. Wlllam. ette Meridian, has Sled notiaa or intention to make Final oommutatlon Proof, to establish claim to tne land aboved described, before Register and Receiver, this offioe, at Lakeview, Oregon, on tbe 9th day of December. lam Claimant names as witneses: Gilbert Lapbam, or Vlatillis. Ore. Earl MnUtoom, of Vlstlllia, Ore. Walter Howard, of Lakeview, Ore. Joe Howard of Lakeview Ore. ARTHUR W. ORTON. Register Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA NOT SORRY FOR BLUNDER "If my friends bad'nt blundered In thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not b alive now," writes D. 1. Sader. of Harods burg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung raokiog cough fall At last 1 tried Dr. Kings New Discovery. The effect was-won deruL It soon stopped the"6ouah aud 1 am now in better health than 1 have bad for years. This wonderful little 'ife saver Is an unrivaled rem edy for ooughs. oold, la grippe, asthma. oroup. hemorrhages, whooping ooagh, weak longs, 60o to II P0. Trial bottle free. Ooarauteed by A. L. Thornton -. ,- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT A. II. Wallace liiUU)'. Notice la hereby given that the uuJorsli;iied as adtuiulrttrutor of the estate of A. II. Wallace, deceased, has film! hie dual account In the Conntv Court of the State of Oregon of the County for Lake, and that Fridavi the 18th dar of November, 1010, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. thereof, and the Conntv Judge's office in the County Court bouse, In the town of Lakeview. uake County, Oregon, has haon d. Ijjiiated, appointed and flxed by said Court as the time and the place for hearlug objections thereto, aud the settlement thereof Dated aud rtra published, this 20ih day of October, 1910. E. B. Brewer, administrator. 027N17 SHAKE INTO SHOES Alleo'i root-Kae,a powder. BeUeves peJ ful.imertlnr, norvoa. lte sod IniTowlos umii sod luetantlT ;.-. th: eerof out ol oorut an hiinluua. liV tit A!-aie ooailort SlaouTory oltbeere. Allen I I ooVBeee aaekee Ushl ee sow ehtMis leel e.f. It la a Mr tela oure tmr f weetlng , eeilonk. nwaltoa, ttrod aoUua bmS rrv It todej. Hold by ail Pro leu aal Saaw Stores Hr will f-ir Vs In amenia LW m