Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 17, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 4.r
The Circulation of The Lake County Examiner Is Guaranteed to Exceed 2,300 Copies Weekly
County Court Takes Time
By Porelock
Supervisor Will lie Appointed
On Recommendation of
Tb county court is taking tlm
by the furslook. ntil if th rosd of
Lake art iial aoou made llun bUh
ways tlia fault will re somewhere else
than IU the court. During tbe
past year roaJ aopervlsore Lata
be on rpatedly uirected to improve
tha ruaila in thalr respective districts
auil now tha court requests tha peo
.la throughout lira oounty to assist
'in seteotm: euperviaore fur the
.ariou districts. Nearly every ooaj
an J tha ICxeimoer la no aioaptloo,
bas an opinion aa to bow road work
ebould be doaa. and aa a eonaequeno
mora or lest fault la foonit wltb
tha super? isor under wboea supervi
sion tba work ts performed. There
fore In order to seoure tha aerr loss
of tha beat qasllfisd man for tba
position tha county court this week
mads tba folluwing order:
"In the matter i( the appointment
of Koad Hupertlsnre for the year 111 1.
Insuiuoh as he tfrwat work of per
mnueiit raa t coimirucll )ti wilt l
aln nnl yrr, tnroiiKl out;tlie county
tha HHrtlora of the (iioat uompolent
limn for the work of road building,
lit finch rond dlHtrlct, should be aa
cuid aa Road SuperTlitor. The
con it oulJ thrrelore rsquest thai
tue poople of each road district lu
tha county oonalir tha niatter of
the selection of tbalr road eupsrusor
and rcocmead to this oouit, t.y peti
tion to be Bled wltb the nouuty clik
or before January let, 1911, the most
competent man that can be found for
that position."
fjly taking auoh action two months
in advanc f , the time of appoint
ment of road super? Isora It gives Ithe
people plenty of time la wbioh to
select anltabla man and reooommeod
L. P. Kllppel Has Struck
Several Flows and Is
Going Deeper
L. P. Kllppel, wbo la slnklog an
i -arteslsn wall oo bis ranob near
Summer Lake, Is now down 180 feet,
lie bas already struck fairly good
flows, bnt believes that by golug deep
er be will strike a (low of water that
will answer every purpose.
f'At a depth of about 120 feet he
enuonutered quicksand whiob oauHed
more or less trouble until be reached
the present depth whon be was com
l!ed to temporarily suspend opera
tions. A cement hard pan lias beeu
ntruck and tbe quicksand seems to
follow tbe pipe and work under it
and fill It op. tbas preventing fur
ther progress with tb drill. An
attempt to remedy tbe dittloulty Is to
lie made by putting in a smaller
casing and by tnat , means prevent
tba qulok sand from Interfering with
tba drilL
Mr. Kllppsl is orsUioly to be com
mended for bis enterprise In making
a thorough test for artesian water,
Inasmuch as should be be successful
It will ba of autulil value not only to
himself but also to that of tbe entire
community in wblob ba Uvea, and
indireotly of muoh benefit to the eu
tira oounty. Tha cost of tha iuuder
taking wll be In tbe neighborhood
of IMOO.
Jaok and Dave MoAullffe bave
together purohaaed half Interest
iu J the Dsn Malloy sheep. This
amounts to about one thousand head.
Tha price paid were 96 fur tba ewes
and 14 for tba lambs. Dav Mo
Aulllffe la new la oharge of tbe band
being Assisted by FUm Me A olio's.
tin-a, lor ptoiiiuiiit ty the couuty
In addition to the miimrt lmir It Is
planned to have at lmt two and per
hapa thrne road ciawe at work nest
year. II Is proposed to lists I hum
com menus work ss early aa posaibls
In the spriug and lo continue th
work cot"l late In the fell. Tbe
crews will be 'u'ly equipped wltb
road bulldlnii outtlta Including nnok
wagon, eta., an that there will be do
delays whatever In the work.
J. S. Fuller and Mrs. Anna J. Ross
wsra united In msrrlag Saturday
evening, Dr Daly tying tbe nuptial
knot. It waa esueraly suppossd that
Jon waa beyond.tbe reuse of .Cupid's
arroas, but ba was Onslly compelled
to surrender. In onuimon with the
nurutrotis frle ida of tbi hsppy couple
the Kxsinlner exteuds hearty congratulations
Off For Portland
T. K, llatuerlMry, ilrputy Utild
Htatea Marshal arrived from Port
land I ant Friday and Hun lay morn
ing atarted on bla returu having In
custody the (Jresks wbo lat week
obstructed Uoole Sam's mail at Nsw
Pine Ceek. Sheriff eiect Solder ao-
cmpaoled tbe party tJ Portland as
Entrymen Do Not Appear
To Understand Require
ments of Law
There enema to lis a nral mil-
uuderstaiiiiliiit atnuutf nulryuieu as to
lequtremeute iu makla U isl proof
under the act of Fatruaty 1'., IWJ,
gent-rally known as the 3'JO acre
bomeslesd law. In many Instances
an additional 100 acre homestead bas
been takan uudtr that law by an
sntrymau who made bis Brat entry
five years or mots ago. In almost
every proof that bas been aubmitted
to tbe Laud oflloe under the act of
Feb. 19, 19011. tbe entryman baa (ail
ad to oomoly with the requirement
aa to cultivation and also in re
mitting tba orousr amouot of fees.
It Is absolutely ueoesssry that an
amount of land equal to at leaat one
elgbtb of tba entire entry be placed
In cultivation during tbe aecond
year and one fourtb dorlog tbe
third, fourth and fifth years. Con
sequently In order to Drove uoat this
time an eotrymsn baring filed on
but 160 ores In 1905 and subsequently
mad a additional homestsad of 160
ore, would bava to have bad 10 acres
Id cultivation in ltf07 and 80 aores
In 1908, 1900, and J 9 10. Bboold .tbe
entryman bava failed to hsvs in
cultivation the required number of
aotes, then be can make proof on
hi original entry and Ola additional
proof whenever be bas compiled wltb
tbe above est forth requirements.
The fees required under tbe 100
acre homestead law are praotioally
double those under the 100 sore act,
being reckoned at 3 oar ceut on II.-')
per nore valuation, ileuoe on a 320
acre homestead tbe fee is 112 iu ad
dition to the testimony fee.
" After maklog five-year proof on
the original entry further residence
is not considered neoeasary, but
the area cultivated must meet tbe
requirements ot tha act when mak
ing proof on tbe additional entry.
Any portion cr all of the cultivated
area may ba included lu the original
entry, but it must be one-eighth of
tbe area of both entries for tbe
second year and one-fourth for the
remaining three years and op to tbe
tlm of making proof.
Fine Celery
Tbs finest flavored oelery that tbe
writer bas ever ba the pleasure ot
feasting opon was grown by John
Sllva upon bis homestead lu Warner
canyon. While the conditions under
wbioh the oelery was raised were
by no mean Ideal, yet It prove
beyond doubt that when soil oon
dltioos are favorable tbe toothsome
vegetable oan b grown to perfeotloo
lo Lake oounty. Mr. Sllva planted
only a email area tbi year, but next
season be will endeavor to raise
enough to supply tbe local market
from wbleb be will no doubt realize
Preliminary Survey On West Side
Completed to This City
Engineers Return to State Line to Commence Work
On Permanent Location of Line No Time
Fixed for Commencing Con
struction Work
The piellmlnary survey for the ex
leohloa of the N.O.O. Railwsy on
tbe west side of Goose Lake reached ,
Lsksvinw Tuesday evening, tbe
terminus bslog located in the I
mediate vicinity cf tha wool ware
house. Tbe party was in cbsrge of j
Chief Engineer Oliver and yestsrdsy
the party returned to their oamp
on tbe state line and will at oooe
com me a oe tbe permanent survey for
building tbe line
After leaving the atata line the
aurvey runs due Joortb to Rslph E.
Hooter's bomt stead lo section f,
township 41 H., R. 19E.
From there it runs In a nortbeast
ernly course to tSe Cheney place on
Drews Crek, passing between the
house end barn. Continuing it runs
through the T. K, Hnrcard place and
ou aurora the val ey thruuh. the (J.
V. Ij. addition tJ LnkevltMv.
Mr. (Hirer gave out no information
us to the probable time at wbioh con
struction work will com jiencs, but it
Is not likely that anything will be
dope this winter. However, it is
Oregon Roads are Now
Taxed at Over
In a statement just Issued by tha
State tax com mission It I hown
that the total valuation of the rail
road operating withlo tbe atata
ba Inoreased from 112.000,000 in
1891 to over! 100,000,000 la 1910. He
year 1892 showed an la orease over
1891, and 1893 showsd a farthsr lo
ci esse, but the assessed 7lo.tloo
for railroad did not jump above tb
1892 mark until 1897. lo 1900 tb
total valuation of tb railroad was
fixed at about I45.C0O.000. la 1906
tb stste tax commission took bold
ot tbe railroad and they Inoreesd the
assessed valuation from 1 30,000, 000
to mora than 110,000,000 and In 1907
they added at least another million.
Tbe total figure waa practically
doubled In 190, wbeu tbe valuation
of tbe railroad was assesed more than
18,000,000. lo 1909 110,000,000 more
was added by tb commission and
In l'J'O the increase was olose to
C 000, 000, jumping the valuation of
tbe railroads for taxationpurpoaes, in
excess of tbs $100,000,00) mark wbioh
at present is the bigsst it hss ever
Too Big For Us
A oonnterflt 110 note In imita
tion of the 110 oertlBoate Issued oy
tb First National Uank of Portland,
turned up iu tb baud of, Chief
Wllkie, of tb Seooet Service, reoenti
ly having been deteotad la New
York City. This Is on of the Aid
tlob notesof tbe 1908 issus, bearing
tha portrait of President MoKluley
ou its faoe. It Is pronounoed by
Saoet Ssrvlne meu to be au excell
ent piece of work and above tbe av
erage run on oounterflt.
Mask Carnival
Masquerade Skating Carulval will
be given at tbe Lake view Skating
Kink, Nov. rid, from 1 to 12 P. M. 16
year and over, skates 75c per pair.
Spectators, 25c. Children' Masquer
ade Carulval, Nov. 24. BkatM 50c
pair. Siwctator. 25c. Skate may
now be booked.
rumored that a contract has already
been entered into and that work will
be oommsucei in the early spring or
as soon as tbe preeent extension now
building has reached tbe lake.
Ladies Entertained
Mesdames Umbaob and Scbmink
entertained at tbe bom of tba latter
no Wednesday afterooa, Nov. 9, 1910,
and oo tbe following Saturday after
nooa tba two ladle entertained at
tbe borne of Mr. Umbaob. The two
afternoon were asot in playing Kiv
hundred, after wblob dainty refresh
ments were served. Tbe invitation
list for Wednetday afterno-n lo
oluded Mesdames, Clsude Seager,
FarrelL Miller, ; Kubl, Fitzpatricit,
Harrow, Musbeo, Keyool Ja, Johnson
MoKnndrpe and (tbe Misses Soider,
HriJle Flvoo, Cbilsttoa Flynn,
Snelliua and Foster, and foi Saturday
aftenoot) Mesdames Crebeler, Leslie
Scalier, O'Neil. Cronemlller, Wm.
Hblrk. Mots, Stone, KoelluK, Harvey,
Ctmhs, Beaiis, Dewey, Florence,
Tbnruton Tnompson, Ablstrom, Dealt
and Miss' Hall.
Many Social Events Happening-and
Much Build
Ins: Coins' On
Mr. ana Mr. L. Chsrd left last
Monday to spend tbe winter In Port
land. Mr. L. JR. Nash, wbo waa called
away by tb illness and death of ber
on, oam bom Sunday.
Fort Hock's first real show was
givso t tb ball last Saturday plght.
Tb performance looluded moving
plotnres, illustrated songs and vaude-
Tb Fremont Sunday ohool gsvs
a necktie eoclsl In .tb school boose
Ootober 31. Tb people of Fremont
are splsndid entertainers and every
on had a good time.
Tbe people are beginning to realize
that there are a lot of voter in this
end of Lake oounty. Several ot the
candidates visited Fort Rook dur
ing the last campaign.
The schools are progressing nicely
throughout tbe district Tt-ere are
more thau CO pupils lu the three
sobools and tbe attendance for tbe
first two montbi bas been unusually
Mr. Wm. Brady oam bom last
week from a visit to her bom in
New Hampshire She was aooompan
led by a nieoe wbo will spend tb
winter here. Mr. Brdr will not re
turn until spring.
Tb Ladle Aid Society served
upper la tbe ow sobool boas
building Ootober 30. All those buy
ing tlokst were given a obanoe oo
the quilt wblob tb ladle bav been
working on all ammmer. Tbi quilt
oontalos the name of 300 persons lu
Fort Kouk and Christmas Laks Val
lays. Miss Anuit Rltobey bad tha
luoky number.
Tb dano given by tbe Fort Rook
Amusement club Ootober 29 wasa
great auooeas. Many oam from all
tb neighboring ooontry. On Nov
ember 11, tb club gav a basket
social and danoe in tb lull. Tb
boxes were sold at auotlon to
raise money for oell log the building
and maklog it oomtortable for winter.
Tbaaksglving nlgkt masqasrads
dsncs nd supper will be given In
the hall. No one without a mask will
be allowed on the floor before mid
nlgtb. M, ti. Drake, who was taken to
Portland for treatment, died there
fellowlog an operation. Mr. Drake
will be greatly mlaaed a ;h waa one
of tbe most Motive workers on every
Fort Rook enterpriee.
Several oew buildings are being
completed bere. Tbe oew school
boose willl be ready fur use as soon
s tbe painters are through. Tbey
ers to be nicely furnished and well
eqopped tbonghout. J. Ij. Rboton
ba just fJoishsd a nsw ipost offio
and dwelling booie. W. R. New,
Key Nash, A. L Firestone aod II. L.
Canaan are potting up large barn.
Bidwell Uueget Items
Dave Chandler one ot the large
sheepowners of Lake county, Oregon
was a visitor in Bidwell for a few
hours last Monday.
Messrs, Anderson and Causer of
Lakeview spent eavrrsl days of this
week in maklog Imprjvements and
repairs on tb Bldwell-Plush tele
phone line.
Walter Dent aod family of Warner
Valley oame in from tant plioe lait
Saturday and spent Sunday visiting
with relatives aod friends. . Tbey
earn over iu Mr. Dent's new auto.
Appreciates Action of
People in Reelecting Him
To Congress
Salem, Oregon, November. 11.
Congressman Willis C. ilawley
left this morning for Deurer, Colora
do to attend a meeting f tbe Board
of IIu'j Maoagbrs, Woudmao ot tbe
World, lie will return to Oregon be
fore going to Washington to attend j
tbe closing session of tbe 61st con
Kress as ba desires to farther ac
quaint . himself with a number of
problem in this state that will re
quire the attention of Congress.
With reference to tbe reoent elec
tion Mr. Hawley said: "1 am very
grateful to tbe voter of The First
Congressional District for their re
newed expression ot confidence in
me and for tha honor to a re-election
to Oongrees, and will continue to
laoor faithfully in their behalf, ad
vancing their interest and promot
ing their welfare to the best ot my
ability. A c-s I rich only in bis
friends and to mine everywhere I
am profoundly grateful. Their ap
prover of my effort In tb past en
boorage m to still greater effort in
behalf of my native state and 1 feel
that Oregoa will continue tb receive
tbe recognition shown bar during the
recent session of Congress, ana I
wll oont'nue to do all I oan for tb
people of the First District and foi
tbe entire state."
Precinct Officers
The following precinct officeia
were elected thtoogbout tbe county
at tbe election Nov. 8. In some in
stances but very few votes were cast
for precinct otSoerss and there waa
no contest In any precinct:
Lake Justine, Tbos. H. MoKinney;
Constable, Freeman Past.
Silver Lake Juetioa, J. 8. Martin;
Constable, James Wakefield and E,
B. Brewer tied.
Falrley Justice. F. L. Young;
Oonsstable, l. A. Moss.
Crooked Creek Justloe, Shorty
Loveless; Constable, Robert lloltz.
North Warner Justice, ;W. K.
Berry ; Oonstsble, O. W. D ent.
I South Warner Jostle, J. A.
Morris; Oonstsble, T. K. Cramp.
i a &. e i - l ui 1
uouin Lianeview jusiioe, mnsiow
North Lakeview Justloe, Wlnslow
Bsylsy; Constable, Mono Wborton.
Qooae Lake Justice, Fred Fisher;
Constable J. 0. Oliver.
Cogswell Creek Justloe, II. O.
Aldrldge; Constable, Pete Fullett.
Ribs Broken
Mrs. Utley, of Long Valley, was
quit seriously Injured tbe forepart
of tb week by aooldently falling
npon a box. Several rib r frao
tared td ah also sustained numer
one othsr ver bruise and injuries.
Dr. Bnslta was called Tossday and
found bar sofferog tvrly, .but wbeu
b Uft h wm gteatly Improved,
Governor Only Office Lost
to Republicans
Portland Cast Big majority for
Home Rule, aod It
Wen Out
Portland, Orsgoo, Nor. 11 With
lets than 10 per cent of tbe vote of
the state to bear from the home rale
liquor nmeidment ta the amstiatiou
has a majority of about 3500, but
it is expected when all tbe retu ns
come in this will be cut to less than
1500. The state t Urge give .a sub
stantial rote against borne rule, but
Multnomah's majority of k5000 carri
ed tb measure. Oregon voted wet
oo all ether meason by good major
ities. Vst earrie tb state far nevernoT
by about 4500. Lafferty. Hawley,
Bean, MoBride, Curaett. Moore,
sad Oaten win by geed majorities.
The measure which carried are: east
ern Orgn insane asylum, taxatioa
amendment, employers IiabllUv bill,
Monmouth normal achools, or
atlon of uew towne end counties,
crood roads, extending the di eoT
primary, increasing loitlstive and
refere-iduoi and changing the judloi
ary system.
The measure defeatsd were:
Woman suffrage, constitutional con
vention, aeparate districts for legia
latois, state construction of railroada
cbsilAsf methods of tesatie, rait
ing the salary of Bsksr's judga or
tion of Neamlth oounty. cresting
Otis county, annexing Olaskamas
strip, crsating Orohard oounty, orea
tlag Clark oounty, prohibition
amendment, bill to enforce prohibi
tion, board of commissioner to pre
pare liability bill, oreation of Da
chat county, orsation ot a basrd of
people' inspector Weston sad Ash
land normal school.
The legislator will hav two dem
ocratic senator and three demooratlo
V. I. Snelling Surprised at
Amount of Tunnel and
Shaft Work
V. L. Snelling express muoh
surprise at the amonnt of work wbioh
bas been done in Lthe Iloag d 1st riot
doing the "past season 'and also at
tba very excellent showing maie. fcfe
spent reveral day iu the district anal
informed a representative of tbe Kx
aminer that there is now more than
3000 feet of shaft 'and tunnel wor?
completed and still more under way,
In a abort time there will be three
mills at work crushing the valuable
ore, of which there are already taou
sands of tons on the dump and tbe
first to start operations will probably
do so within ten daya. Mr. Snelling
hopes to be present on that occasion,
and is confident that it will be suc
cessful not only in handling tbe ore
but also from a financial standpoint.
Lutz-Marste rs
Mr. Verne Lutz and Mrs. Bra
Marster war united In marrlar
at tb boms ot tbe bride's parent
at Summer Lake, WedensJay Nov. i,
at high noon. Rev. Young officiating.
Til brids la tb seoond daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Currier, and 1
well and favorably known through
out tba country, l'h groom ia from
Vancouver, Washington, and !
mad many friend during hi stay
ber Tb young couple will leav
shortly for Vanooover whsr tbey will
make their future bom. Paisley
correspondent In Silver Lake Leader.
Prof. Rloe Is no attached to the
Opera House orchestra, and ii sot
making good there aooerdlag to the