HOMESTEADS THE BEST YET Limited Number. Pine Land. Near to Railroad and l)cpvt. Adjacent lands now selling for $125.00 lcr acre. These lands were long supposed to lclong to private purtics and have just been discovered. You must hurry if you want one, as they will not last long. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Southern Oregon Realty Company :: :: :: :: Lakeview, Oregon Xahc County Eynmlncr TIM'lUDAY, NOVKMHKR 10, 1910. BRIEF MENTION Hhep lloacl coats at U. A M. Bhoea, Kubtera, (Jerman Hoi at li. 1 M. Pongee shirts, ell llk, II 'A at Hood'. llarretta, wn rranted not to break, 25o At Uoodo'b, NegllgeeiBhlrla tbat '.look good 76 eta. at Uoooa'a. Mao's canvae gloves leather palm, 26 cte at Boon'. (let jirtcea on floar at Honanxalie fore buying etawhere. tf Men's veiy beet crote back aaapeo dera, 60 eta at Uoooa'a. Haby Hood a, allk aod bearskin, laaa tbao coat, at Uoooa'a. A floe hot of oliara and station ery carrUd at Tba Kroat. For ICeht-KurnUhcn llouae, apply Mr. Taylor, Dewey atrct. All tiigut dunce At Haiders ieru 1ioiih Thanksgiving night. 20 llaad 1'ura lired llaryford Holla for sale. tM.OO each. F. ). Uuotlog. f Wanted at oooa, men aod taama at I)a?la Creek. Bee 21. D. Williams, Kupt. Yi hi never can tell how t . niiii b you will nave until 'f!1 you trade itt Z-" The Watt ('igur U a 6 rent lender to Im (on ml ut tin' Poet Olllce. Kliner C. Ahlatrurn. 34 Meu'e heavy ribbed urderwear, txrnt good a we ever bad. at tba price, 11.00, at noone's. L Ilendereoo, formerly of Pala ley, la now looatad at Cottage (Jrore near K"gene, and ordara the Ex amloar forwatded to tbat place. ( araation Wheat Plakee or Rolled Oata, efcts a package, itt A All night dance lit Niilder'a opera IioUho Thankagiiing lilf Miaa Kate Dnlto", nt Datle Creek, hasten flatting l.akvview frlaoda dnrltig the peat week. Bam I odd, a pioneer of Modoo county, died Monday if laat week, after ao extended Illness. Tin dates lor Tort land' annual nmr fi-Ntival for licit ytei have bwn llxid for the month l-eglnitlng June 6. J. it. Bbaeban, representing Huatet magazine, la flatting Lakeview lo the Inlereata of tbat wary excellent pub lication. Among tba people down from Palalay during tba pa-t weak weie K. O. Lamb, W. Doiklua and P. J. Diatialo. IjooIs Oerber and A. T Lengell rame over from Klauiatb Monday, and are looking for aoytblng tbat will make beef. Tba dinner and aorper given by tba Lad lea Aid Bocletj on election day waa wall patronised aod greatly eoj oyad by all. Iloo. A. W. Orton. regleter of tbe U. H Land Otiioa, baa beeo Buffering from an attack of tba grippe dur ing tbe peat week. I F. Coon, left Tuesday for Port land, lo retpooee to a telegram in forming htm of tbe aemua lllneea of Mra. Conn 'a mother. Don't forget that we carry In atook (or aata all kloda of Iron, bol'a aod oblne, tbtmble akeloa aod Iron ana ateel axlea Arzner Urna tf Mr. and Mr. Fred Iongfe'low left thlH morning for Minnesota, having Iwn called by the werlous 111 iicms ol Mr. Longfellow' dither. Andy Morris la hall ling a tele phone line from bla place in Camaa Praira to connect wltb tba Dent eyeteon, a dlatanne of about a balf a mile. Trr a buttle f Walk Jrape Juice. For aal W. K. Ilaoimeraley and Andy Can'.f Ibury, goTarnmeot honlera, anooeeda-l In killing 03 coyotea laat month, tbe former bating tba beet of It by one A floe rain commenced falling Mon day night, continuing all day Tnea day. Tba temperalme wan warv anr Iba rainfall will be of mocb beneOt to tba range. Tba little girl baby of Frank liurber, of Uldwell, died on tba 30tb. Mr. aod Mra. lio't. Daty, of tba tame plaer, alao loit their baby gltl at tba aaae time, Chaa. llortoo, wall koown atock mao and cattle buyer wbo haa operat ed In Klamath and Lake Connty for a nam bar of years peat, baa removed to Beatile, to reatda permanently. If your boy or girl haa , ri not yet one of theee wa- fyj terprfof achool baga.bei-iW ter get one at Coyote allot are bringing feocy pncea Ibla year, aocordmg to W. R. tlanmeraley. wbo aaya ha baa been offered 15 each for thi complete bide. Tbla la equal to 3.60 eaclaalve of tba bounty. Mr. and Mra. J. N. Wataon, Mrt. T. K. Bernard and W. A. Maialnglll left Toeaday for Rao Delgu, Cel., where they will apeod tbe winter. T. K. Uernard took tbem to Altoras In bit car. Dr. W. R. Royd. Uernard C. Hitz. C W. Weyboro and Chaa. Ki i maie j a aacotaatul foray j iet before tbe j cloae of tbe aeaaon and auccedel In j baglng font doe bucka out weat of Drews valley. David Croneulller, tbe pioneer; blacksmith of Janksoovllle, died at 1 bis boma at tbat place, Ootooer 25, aged 81 years aod 1 day. tie drat came to Jackaoavllla lo lbCl Mo wan an uncle of F. P. Crooemlllsr, of Lakeview. F1 o o o o o 8 j3P oxz II j ... New ... 8 Arrivals RUBBER ZED LA VOGUE SUITS AND CBATS LA VOGUE SILK COATS All the latest weaves and styles. They are going fast, so don't wait. Ask to see them. Nice variety in Misses' Coats. All good values. Bear Cloth Coa ts wr Children, sizes 3 to 6 yrs. Silk Kimonas in the newest designs of Massa line Silks, Flannelette Wrapers, Dressing Sacques and Kimonas, Outing' Flannel Gowns for Ladies and Children. Dole's Pineapple Juice, Rf&P 3&cte a bottle, at Ls0 On LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE COMPANY IOE $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-right free $1,250.00 TEN ACRES $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-right free YOUR ACT now REASONS The contract has Just been let for the immediate construction of the fast six miles of the N. C. O. By., which now brings it January , 1911, into Davis Creek. Some of the finest Orchard Land that lays out of doors Is now opened up in small tracts, within the reach of rich or poor terms or cash discount. We guarantee to deliver water in the Spring of 1911. The combination of land and water, ready for immediate cultivation, and the transportation right at hand, can't bo beat at present prices. r4 There are three and four-year Orchards joining our lands now bearing. Onions, Beans and Potatoes afford good income-producing, steady crops for the man who needs support while the trees are matur ing. Schools, Churches, Lodges and Stores within three miles of the furthest limits of our land. Beautiful, healthy place to live; Goose Lake with in a mile; mountains within four miles; 20 cords free wood from National Forest Reserve yearly, with in 4 miles; Electricity for light and power. Write at once for beautifully illustrated booklet, maps, etc. Act Now. Five tracts sold last week. If you arc a resident of California or Nevada, go to Reno; take the N. C. O. Ry. to Alturas and drive up to Davis Creek. We court the most careful examination. Lands joining ours give ample proof of our ability to produce fruit and vegetables in wonderful flavor and variety. See for yourself. DAVSS CHEEK ORCHARDS COMPANY LAKEVIEW : : OREGON LANDS IN NORTHERN MODOC COUNTY. CALIFORNIA $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-right free $1,250.00 TEN ACRES $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-right free j o o o o o o o o (1