Saw VOL. XXXI LAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, ORKUON, NOVKMREK 10, 1910. 1. NO. 44 't. The Circulation of The Lake County Examiner Is Guaranteed to Exceed 2,300 Copies eekly LOUIS VEY8SADE IS "NOT GUILTY" Slayer of Jack Barry Is Given Mis Liberty JURY OUT THREE HOURS Defendant Placed On Stand and Makes dood Witness tor Himself The trial of Loala Veyaaads. Indict d for miirdtr la ttia uret degree for kilUag Jobo P. Berry la tbe Mlka Hart salooo oa the algot of Aagait 12, I ait, was takaa op latba Circuit Court Monday, October, 31, aod occupied tba time of tba Court with day aod night aeealona until laat Mondny at li o'olook oooa, wheu tbi Jury returned a vtrllot of not guilty" after tore hour delihera tlon. Tba cross samiaatloa of tb titate'e wttoeaaes waa vary aavare, aod la numerous lottaooaa tba witnesses made cjo tradlotory statements which doubtless lufloenoed toa Jury to aoma extent. Tba dafeoaa fairly and eqoarely met tba plea of tba State for a first degiaa ferdlot, and itood upon tba position toat tba defeodaot as altber guilty ae charged or ab aolutely lonoeeot. relylog apoo tell defease for aoqulttal. The evidence nhowad that Yeyssade i la the Hurt anlooti early In the vvealng of Autfust Vi and agaiu about 11 o'uook p. 10. At that time tin ttceame Involved lu'ao alteroatlou with Nuiue of toe lajye In tlitf aaloon, ainosg t"em teiug the deceased. It was alto admitted by the State that the deceased with goo la baod had appreaohed the dafeodaut abortly liefore tbe Utter went to Toat A Klng'a aaloon anil secured hla guo, but thla act waa unknown to the defendant. Tba teetimouy as to who I) red the flrat Hhot and whether the defendant threatened tba deceased before going for hla gnu waa conflicting, and the raaa really turned upon the good faltb of the defendant's ooutention thai ha returned to llart'a aaloon after bla countryman, Pete Kaoalller, tnatead of with the purpoae of seek ing further trouble. The jury evi dently adopted the view of tba CHse asserted by the defendant. The defendant waa the principle witness for the defenae, aud be mada an aioellent wltneas for blmaalf. lie iiave a clear detailed statement of NEW CITY COUNCIL IS NOW IN CHARGE Recorder-elect Grob Does Not Qualify No New Appointees As Yet The City Counoll met Monday evening, when the old board retired and the new elected members, with the exception of Mr. E. II. Kralth, as sumed ahHrge of city atralra. Dr. Smith waa unable to be preaent on aooouot of a previous engagement tut be experts to qualify at the ext regular meetlog. W, F. Urob, elected reoorder, re fueed to qualify and no appointment waa made to fill the vacancy. The following conimitteee were appointed by Mayor lialley: Streets Rinehart and Knelling. baoltatioo Smith and Cheney. Fire Knelling and Smith. Finance Entire Hoard. Aside from allowing a number of bills bat little business was transact ed. The election of marabal and nigbt-watohniao went over uotll the next meeting. No applications were read, bnt It U understood that Ernest Brown and J. VY. Peacock would But be adverse to acoeptlog the former poaitloo if it were tender ed tbem. Uieelnger & Company, of Reno, the wall known bide borers, make their fall aaoooooemeot and are In the field for el kinds of bides, fars as pelta. ' all tba circumstances surrounding the killlnu, aal tba fact that ba spoke with auub e decided French acaent as to make bis English really brokeo waa uaid aa an amument to negative the contention that tba defeodaot ottered the tbreateilag language beard a balf a block away. Veyaaade teatldad lo his owo be half that be came to Lakavlew with Fete Eeoallier the evening of Aosual 12, depoaited bla goo la Post k King's salooa and attended to some biainM affairs Thereafter ba was shaking dice In dart's salooa with Mike Sulllveo, Dave MoAuHlTe, Dave Uenaby, aod Jobo MnAnllffe. Jaok Barry was there aud under tba Influeooe of llqoor. Wbita the dice games ware progreaalag. Pave Me Aulltfe aelzed Vsysaade aod began wreatllog. AfUr two falls Jobn Me Aollffe oame from behind the bar aod offered to take bla brother a plaoa in tbe souffle. The de.eurteot refus ed and dlaplayed a crippled obaat stating that be waa oot able to souffle. As McAulllfe approached defead ant draw a pocket bnlfe end warned hla to keep bjk At this juooture Jack Barry approached tbe defeodaot aod called him a vile oame aod said be could not leava tbe saloon jet. Ksoaller entered tbe salooa aud notio lag tba altaatioo told Veyaaade to leave tbe place. Tbe defendant did tbls leaving tba salooa oo tbe ran. He went to Post A Klag's apd jaat before entering tbe saloon door, looked back to see If Pete was com ing, when ha saw Mike bolltvan. Dave foAollffe aod Dave Deneby standing ner tbe Ablatrom (Continued on page 8) PAISLEY PEOPLE HAVE FINE TIME Royally Entertained With Literary Program and Banquet A temperance entertainment waa given at Pauley laat Saturday even Ing wbicb proved very enjoyable to tbe large number present. After the entertainment a banquet waa nerved, which bIho proved very en joyable, if reports are true regarding the way la wbicl it was attaoked by U. J. Wentzell, F. O. Hunting, et al. The literary prosram was as follows : Prayer by 3ev. Youog. Song, "Won't We He Happy Peo ple," by tbe choir. Keoitatlon, "Tbe Uoy That Mlnda Ills Mother," Viola Moore. Keaiarks by Rev. Youog. Song, "Temperance Boys and Olrla-'-Cb.ldern. Ktoltatlon, "Tbe Curse of Rum Jlmmle Carroll. Hong, "A Craok"-nbolr. Recitation, "Drunkard's Wife" Lulu Uaooleter. Remarks by U. J. Wentzell. Reoltstion, "Tbe Last Hymn" IWrbert Carroll. Soog Woodward Bros. Song "Chllda Pleadlog"-Gladys Cunnou and Frank Youjg. Song "The Rum Saloon Shall Oo"-Choir Seriously Injured Walter Drenkel was quite seriously Injured laat week as ibe result of a Ilallow'eeo prank. He In company with a uuuiber of other young people were returning home from a party, aud discovering aa empty wagon thought It would ba fine sport to give tbe young ladies a ride. He and another young man took nold of tbe tongue while other members of tbe party pushed the wagou. Walter tripped on some wire fenclog that bad been unrolled and the wagon was puabad onto blm, severely straining bis back. He Is now improving and expects to be out again soon. Pleased With Lake :J. D. Carroll, of KMmath Falls, who spent several days in Lakeview recently, lal quoted la tbs Evening 'leruld: "Lake County is a won derful section, and wWb railroads will develop Into one of the wealth iest aeotlooa of tbe state. Tbe peo ple there are progressive, and every one seems to have money. Tbe banks have so 'maon money that they do not know what to do with It, which Is a fair Indication of the stsblllty of that county. I never meet a finer lot of people than the resldente of that eoonty." WESTISNEXTGOVERNOR Returns Indicate Defeat of Republi can Nominee for Governor DEMOCRATS TO CONTROL NEXT CONGRESS Lake County Oies Wet By Small Majority, W. B 5nlder Elected Sheriff and Benson Judge, while Judge Daly Succeeds Himself Poitlaad, Nov. 10 Late returns todioata tne election of Oaall Wrat aa Governor, although tbe reaalt Is sMlt la doubt. Wltb tbe exception of Bowermaa for Governor, tbe bal ance of tbe Repabiioan ticket is elected, I iolading both Coogeaamaa. The retuine Indicate that tbe state has gooe wet by a large majority. New York Is Dmoratio by 115,000. sod Ohio Is also in . tbe Demooratlo eoluma. The Democrats will control tba 8lttv eeoond oongreas, California baa gone s ilidly Repub lican. Late returna from tbe dlatrtot in BUCK UP AGAINST UNCLE SAM'S LAWS Three Foreigners Get Frisky On Stage and Land in Jail Last Friday three foreigners giving their names at Frank Hancbez, Sam Augla and Joss Keyes paid their fare and boarded the atsga la a fair ly enjoyable cooditlon from imblb log booze, aod ou their way to New Pine Creek ainussd tb'mselves by poking a kuu ia the ribs of tbe driver, Omar Hammeraley, wbeaever be did nt do to salt them. Arriving at New Pine Creek they ordeied tbe stake held until they bad eatea their breakfast, and threatened tbe driver with dire vengeance should he attempt to drive on and leave them. Mr. Hammeraley phoned bis troubles to the head office bere in Lakeview, and tba matter was at onoe taken up wltb Sheriff Dent. Tbe latter at once called up Constable Pete Follet at New Piae Creek and request ed him to place tbe three men under arrest and bring tbem to Lakeview on a eharge of obstructing tbe United Statne malls. Mr. Follet acted aoooidingly and tbe men were landed bere that day. Tbe United States authorities wers notified and a Deputy Unitea States Marshal will arrive bere to-morrow to take tbe men to Portland where they will te held to appear before the United States Grand Jury in tbe Dis trict Coutt. O. A. C. Short Courses Two new departmental short courses will be added to tbe ourloulum at the Oregon Agricultural College this year. Tbe courses are those given la business metbols aad fores-' try. Tbe work lu tbe School of Com merce will oooslst of praotial courses in bookeeping, bulsnesa arithmetic, commercial law, business English aad typewriting. Tbe coarse ia for estry will oover tbe following phases of forestiy. Forest measurment, sur veying, mapping, engineering, law, policies, mbtuuuo, auviouiture, and geology. Tbe work in the two courses in the other agricultural ooaraes, ia deslgued to sire praotioal men and women who are unable to attend the regular college course, so opportunity to get some praotioal training ia then lines. Tbe courses will be offered at tbe same time aa are the courses lo agri culture, borltoolture, meebaolo arts, aad domestic soieaoe wad arts. Tbls will opsa a broader field for these people of tbe stste who are Interested la tbe saott course work. dicate tbe election of Judge Benaoo aod Represintatires Bslkaap aod Thompson. Lake cooaocy hae gone wet by 62 majority and elected Warner Bt Balder, sleriff. Dr. Daly, county judge and F. E. Aodersoo county commiaaloaer. Mr. Solder's parality Is about 150, while Judge Daly re ceived a majority of 93. Tbe other oaodldaes bad no opposition. Klamath county went wet. Bonanza and Keoo being tbe only precincts to go dry. Sheriff Barnes, Treasurer jUanett, County Clerk DeLap are re elected, wbile W. 8. Worden Is elected 'copnty judge. ETHIOPIANS PROVE BIG DRAiVING CARD High-Class Amateur Per formance Pleases a Packed House Tbe Ethiopians wera certainly hum roers I Tbe minstrel show given Friday nibt. by the Women's Guild, was one of the best performances ever given by Lakeview amateurs. Be ing out of tbe ordinary it attracted much attention, aad the demand for sents exoedded tbe supply. Tbe per formance Included songs, dancing and comedy skits, together with the regulation old-time jokes of the end men including numerous local hits. Tbe sioglog was especially good and the danoicg more so, wbile tbe cake walk waa simply gorgeous. Every feature was worthy of special mention, but it is not nec essary to give each participant any exended notice for all did their turns in a most happy manner. Tba total receipts of the evening were nearly 1250, the dance follow ing the Deformaooe netting nearly 125. Attempted Jail Break An attempted jail break was frus trated last week at Klamath Falls when Jailor Johu Soallook discover ed nine county prisoners with a saw, a file, and an old case knife, attempting to saw tbeir way out. While one prisoner was sawing on tbe steel bars, tbe others wool d sing to drown tbe noise, it is be lieved tbe tools were smuggled into Contest Cases Heard Two ooutest cases Jwere ,,heard in tbe U. S Land office last Thursday aod Friday. Tba first was Between Dan W. Praker and Jesse G. Cravens for lands near Bly, the former claim ing first settlmeot. The other was tetweea O. U. Uuseaoerry aad Ray A. Wyokoop, the former charging abandonment against the latter. The land Involved is la Warner. . Announcement Expected John F. Stereos, president of ;the Oregon Trunk railroad, last week re urned from a trip East. It is sxpeoted wills ho-tly announoe the Intention of the company ta refereaoe to the Hae south from Bsnd, following the Aompletlon of the line now under way from the Colombia river to that city. Jeaea Parker was over from Bly last week, being a witness ia the contest case of Da W. Parker vs. Jeeee 0. Craveae for lands la that violelty. Quick Work On Mill Nugget: ' The laat piece of tbe stamp mill porebased by tbs Fort Bid well Consolidated Mines Co.. to Jbe erected at their mine arrived la Bla well this week sad tbe heavy parts are at tbe mine whllj ooly a small portion of tbe light parts remain to be taken up the mountain, wblob I is aooolparatlvely eaayftask compared with what baa been aieompllsbed. The getting 'of tbls mill on the ground Is a record breaker, ooly eleven dsys having elapsed from the time jF.nglneer De Mf left for 8n Francisco until tbe mscbloery lsoded In Allures, a total of twenty four days from the deolslon to pur chase tbe mill until tbe heavy icacb inery was landed at tbe mlae. J. M. Stone, president of the oom pany,adviaee;us that if nothing oooora to Impsoe tbe work, tbe mill will be In operation with la tbe next month Change for Schedule Tba winter sshedule oa tbe Alturss matt route went into effeot oa tbe let rflst., aad as a cooseqoenoe a de lay ia tbe arrival of tbe mails re sorts. Under tbe new scbedole there Is no out going stage Saturday and none omes lo Sunday. Hence mails arriving. at Altaraa from tbe ontside Stnrday evening remain there until Mondsy, while out going mails Sun day remain at Altoraa over Monday. Postmaster Ablstrom is of tbe opin ion that tbe Department will rearrange tbe sobedule In tbe near future, and It Is possible that dlieot con nection will be made with the trains in tbe near future. DREWS CREEK DAM IS IN MANGER Concrete Work Is Nearly Completed, and Floods" Can't Damage It C. C. Mahan waa in from tbeDrews Creek dam Tuesday and reports tbe O. V. L. work progresaiat very satisfactorily, ilea informed repres entative o! the Examiner that the concrete work on tbe dam would doubtless be completed la about two weeks, wbile tbe construction of tbe dam bsd reaohed a etage wbeie no trouble would result from bigb water. Contractor Berney has a fnll crew employed, and there will be no ne cessation of tbe work during tbe win ter ssascn. The big flume has been completed for about a mile, and the mud blocks for tbe foundation are now being placed for tbe remainiog distance in order that work may be continued during the winter. Contractor Hanson will complete bis team work on tbe main canal next week, when he will lay tbem off for tbe winter. It it praotioally certain that water will be furnished next season for lands under the main 'can al, tbe only uncertainty being the supply of lumber for tbe flumes. In building tbe flumea it Is found that there Is a much greater per cent of culls than was expeoted, aad there fore a lack of lumber may delay tbe completion of the work to a date later than Is now anticipated. Efforts are now being made to aeoure an addtltional amount of timber from the Forest service, and if tbe de mand can be met without moving the saw mill to a new location, ..there will be no delay lu turningtbe water on tbe aod next spring. J.; Chautauqua Circle Tba Chatauqaa Circle will mee t at the borne of Mlas .Murrie Jobnsno Monday evening next. Program: Koll call; Cirraat Greats Subject?, "The Extension of Voluntary Asso ciations," "Trades .Unions, Trusts and Corporation," Toplas, Miss Burgess, 78 79-80, Mrs. Bieber, 81-82 Mrs. Bailey 83-81 85, Mrs, Farrell, 83 87-83. Miss S. Horn, 89-90. Tbls will conclude tbe first period of tbe Chautauqua reading or tbe eouoletloa of book 1 "Industrial sod Social History of England." by Edward P. Cheney. Anyone deairlog to join the olasa should enroll by next meeting. J. R. and U. o. oeosmao, aooom panlei by Q.A. Utley, returned last wsek Jfrom a banting trip la the Cheweeoea Basin , One book was tba result of their endeavors, and . it was a daady toe. RUNNING LINE ON WEST SIDE N. C. O. Finds Easy Qrade to Lakeview SEEK TERMINAL GROUNDS Chief Engineer Oliver States that Road Will Be Extended as Rapidly as Possible Geo. S. Oliver, chief engineer of the N. C O. railway, accompanied by his brother, J. W. Oliver, arrived in Lakeview Monday eveniag. The latter U chief locallog engineer for .the N. C. O. and now bas bis camp established at what is termed aa the Point ranch oa tbe west aide of the lake just south of tbe 8tate lioe. He is making a survey for hie road from tbe proposed terminus at tbe south end of the lake up along tbe west side to Lsksvlew. A few years smoe a similar aurvey was run aloog the east side of the lake, and tbe survey new being mace ie to ascertain tha nam. parative eost of the proposed line. ; jar. uuver'e party la using a boat, tbs "N. C. O. No. 1." is tba work, owing to tbe fact that there is no wagon road along the lower side of tbe lake. Thus far a verv excellent grade of comparatively cheap con struction has been foaod. For tbe re mainder of the distance the grading will be nearly all ieam worn. Chief Engineer Oliver daring his stay in Lakeview waa non-committal as to the vroapeatlve work 'of bis company but tne fact tbat he made numerous inquiries concerning ter minal facilities and also looked ovae j tbe grounds left tba Impression that tbe N. C. O. would be extended Into Lakeview in the very near future, be expects to return to Lakevissr in a week or ten days, oresums bly for the purpose of obtaining a r'gbt of way into town. Mr. Oliver express ed the opinion that tbe extension ef bla road to the lake would aot be open for traffic until about May 1- next, although It might be opened sooner as tbe work Is being Dashed as rapidly as possible. Contractor Kiohardsoa. who is ta at work oa tbe extensioa, is ex per- fencing some difficulty ia getting aborers, owing to th9 lu iej 3t the season and the near approach sf winter. However, he u making aat- Isfaotory progress aad will doubtless oompiete the work on time. GREAT NORTHERN FLATTERS LAKE Gives Our Exhibits Partic ular Prominence In Oregon Oar Secretary Soelling, of the Board of Trade, is in receipt of several very flattering letters from V. VV. Graham, industrial and immigration ajtent of the Great Northern Kailaay. Mr. Graham acknowledges the reuelpt st several shipments of fruit and photo graphs from Lakeview. aud .states tbat they have been forwarded to the Oregon oar where tbey will be used to good advantage. In conclusion Mr. Graham says: "I have asked Mr. Leedy to give partic ular pronlnenoe to tne axaioit irow Lake County, as yon have been co operating very generously with as, and 1 assure you ss approiats it very muob." Work oa the new High sohool is prouiesaion nioelv. aai the stone masons have already commenc ed work laying the out etoae. Tbls latter work will probably be compu ted by tbe time winter sets la I so that every thing will ba ia readiness towaras rnshlng tbe brlok work along next spring. Tbe national apple 'show at Spokane will be held November U to 19 la elusive. Jt promUee te be highly sejoeessful, there belog "930,000 offer e4 la prites.