HOMESTEADS THE BEST YET Limited Number. Fine Lund. Near to Railroad nnd Den t. Adjacent hinds now scllint: for 8125.00 k" icrt These lands were long xupposcd "a belong to private parties and have just been dicoverrd. Yu must hurry if you want out. as they will n't last long. :: :: :: :: SHE 'US AT ONCIJ Southern Oregon Realty Company :: :: :: Lakeview, Oregon Xahc Count? jernmincr THURSDAY. NOVF.MJIKK 3, 1U10. WL.U-J ' L.l -.1. J'lJ 1. J .J - J BRIEF MENTION Try our aaltad aloioode at tbe Frost. I'ongea eblrte, ell Ilk, 12.25 at Hoone'e. TI10 Frost Kaody Kitobeu for tbe teet candy. lUrrrtm. warrant! nut to break, 2So at Doom's. Neglige Bblrte tbat look good 7b eta. ( lioooe'e. Meo's eanvae glovee Uatbar palm, '25 ctt at Hoooe'a. (Jet prices on floor at Ilonnimii for buying; Whw, tf Mim Louisa Arzaar apeak Sunday at New Fine Creak. Ilaby Hoods, allk and beateklo, lass than cost, at Boeoe'a. Mao'a veiy beat eroee back saspso dere, 00 cla at lioooe'e. A One hoe of cigars and station ery carried at Tbe Frost. At tbe Frost you will flod nothing liut bigb grade oandiee. t Knr lUtht Furnlilwii Ilium, apply Mr. Taylor, Dewry utrcet. Touad, a bonob of key. Owner can recover aame at t b la olllue. If your advertim'inni iippviirM la The Kxntnim-r, It will bring; ntult. New riiicOiH-k Flour Mill tun HIKK) n-k of cloiiii rolk'd hurley lrMlt ) Head re fired llerjford Hulli for ) iOO.OO cacb. F. O. Hunting. Wanted at once, men and team at Paris Creek. See M. D. Williams, Kupt. Uoro-Io Cedarvllle. Cel.. Oct. 22. 1910. to tbe wife of Sylvester Alleo, a aoo. Frrsli Candy will arrive every few daya at thu Post Ofllee Htort. Klmrr C. AlilMlrom. .14 Kenianiher the election dinner and anpper at the Masoulo hall No. 8 price 55 ceote. Duke A. Ooenell lew days since tiptoed their feed store aod are now reedy fur burlnees. Men'a heavy ribbed underwear, best goods wa erer bad. at tba price, II.Oli, a' Hoone's. Mrs. Reona Boarnmon rama over frnni I'lusb Tuesday aod w.a a guest at Hotel Lakeview. A big daoee la to lake place at New Pine Creek tomorrow nit bt, aad a royal good time la promised. Aagoeetsof J. K. Ilaneon, D. P. Mi. Hoy a- d W. J. Proudfoot went to AUtitaa baturday retoiblog Monday C F Hneillug. of Uallat. a hrotber of Miss Dana Stalling, Is tliltlng fuaa lew. beviog ei rived by way of Uurna. J. A. II. Keer, national bank ex aroioarS paid tbe First NsiUnal ba'.k of Lakef lew ao offiolal visit last Fri day. Tbe Frot Kaody Kltohen la tba ooly exclusive oonfeJtl oery stirs io Lasevlew, and we tnske It a spec laity. Among tbe sheepmen Io town tbd week were Tom Lvoch.Klmnn Joauto, Neil O'Connor, Manuel Sealers aod Phil Lvonb. Miss AnguMa DeForesf, of Fort (oak, was In Lakeview the f impart of the weeH ou bullosas before tbe U. H. Laud ottlce. V. Li. Hoelllog, president nf tbe Pern mlolog company operating Io tba Hoag diitrlct, Is spend log few days at tbe mine i Lest you forget, put In yonr cal ender now to patronize tbe All Society eleotloo dinner aod sapper at Iba Maeonlo llalL Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Watson aod Mra. T. K. Bernard will leave next week for Ban Delgo, where they will spend tbe winter. Mrs. Margant K. Carter, a rent deot of Surprise Valley elnci 1H70, died on tbe 2lt Inst., aged C.J yeers 7 tnooibs aod 0 daya. Don't fumet that we carry In etock tor eale all kinds ot Iron, bol-s eut ohtinii, thlnitiif nkeioe and I run uii axle Arzner liroa tf Maria MoSbane la tu leave oo Toea day next for Altarae where she will rsmala for a fw wurks stsy wltb Mm, Bbsrlook, oftbat plaoe. Tba Royal oelgbburs of Cldwsll will give a dance oo tba oiabt of tba 24tb Inst, aod extend a cordial lovl etlon tu tbelr Lekevlew frienJa. Will Wrlgbt. Utato bank examiner, aooompanled bv bla deputy. Will U. Bennett, was la Lakavlew paying tba lianx nf Lakeview an official visit. Frank liutnblus has reslgoeJ bis position at Cabb lleokel'a In order tbat be uiigbt be able to devote more lluie to bis own private interests. City Clerk t. M, Cbriste, of lieno, baa been arrested cn a charge nf em bezzlement of city fuode. Tbe abort age is In tbe neighborhood of I7.0O0. Mr. lillderbraudt, of Bidwell, le vUitiiig at tbe home of bin daughter, Mra. It. Uradliv. of Mala Street. le expects to rsmatu bare 'or sometime. Wsrner B. Solder was sub poenaed as a altueat Io tbe Vey ssade caHe and as a ornieqa-ncM be will be unable tu visit several por tions of the county. John Cronin of Adtl. was a visitor in town during the past wuek He reports the Ushiug to be very good io Deep Creek, and has iovit-td several ot bis fiiena to make tbe trip. Tba members of tbe Catbolio Ladies Altar Society met on Tuesday afteroooo with "Grandma" Mo Dorooaul , and a very pleasant time waa eojoyed by all. Toe ladies reoort tbat "tJrande!"U 9 datiohtful en tertainer, and it Is certain tbat future meetings wltb ber will be an xloulys looked forward to. o ioi xonzxoo 8 mm. Arrivals SUITS AND COATS o o o o LA VOGUE 4m LA VOGUE i:l tz- -wk y m lit i- ii t i m RUBBERIZED SILK COATS All the latest weaves and styles. They are going fast, so don't wait. Ask to see them. Nice variety in Misses' Coats. All good values. Bear Cloth Coats xor Children, sizes 3 to 6yrs. Silk Kimonas in the newest designs of Massa line Silks, Flannelette Wrapers, Dressing Sacqves and Kimonas, Outing Flannel Gowns lor Ladies and Children. LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE COMPANY 001301 ror $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-rijjht free $1,250.00 TEN ACRES $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-rignt free FF0M.TU JMflTY Q i l ci iS IS O ACT MOW 9 9 o e REASONS : Tho contract has Just boen let for tha immediate construction of tho last six miles of the N. C. O. Ry., which now brings it January 1, 1911, into Davis Creek. Some of tho finest Orchard Land that lays out of doors is now opened up in small tracts, within the reach of rich or poor terms or cash discount. We guarantee to deliver water in the Spring of 1011. . Tho combination of land and water, ready for immediate cultivation, and tho transportation right at hand, can't bo beat at present prices. w There are three and four-year Orchards joining our lands now bearing. Onions, Beans and Potatoes afford good income-producing, steady crops for the man who needs support while the trees are matur ing. Schools, Churches, Lodges and Stores within three miles of the furthest limits of our land. Beautiful, healthy place to live; Goose Lake with in a mile; mountains within four miles; 20 cords free wood from National Forest Reserve yearly, with in 4 miles; Electricity for light and power. Write at once for beautifully illustrated booklet, maps, etc. Act Now. Five tracts sold last week. If you are a resident of California or Nevada, go to Reno; take the N. C. O. Ry. to Alturas and drive up to Davis Creek. We court the most careful examination. Lands joining ours give ample proof of our ability to produce fruit and vegetables in wonderful flavor and variety. See for yourself. AVIS CR.EEK OR.CHAR. COMPANY LAKEVIEW : : OREGON LANDS IN NORTHERN MODOO GOUNTY, CALIFORNIA a O 14 O O o o o o o o ll 4 ) $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-right free $1,250.00 TEN ACRES $125.00 PER ACRE Perpetual water-right free