CATARRH SY3TEM RADICALLY WRONO. 7 WOKUTS AKIfOl'LANT: SHOW. (2 pW S 3 s ? J ' "'mn n,-i. ;i ") i&-5- " ' """ HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM April Into th nostrils Is quickly absorbed. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. Si cloanses, soothes, heals nud protects the diseased membrane resulting frm C.darrb. tend drives w y a Cold iu the Head quickly. Beetores the Senses of Taste ami StnelL It is esv to use. Contains no injurious drag, iio mercury, no cocaine, no mor phine. The household remedy. Price. 50 cent at Lru:gista or by wail. SLY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York - - . 4 , W ' I it IFYOUVE -Tl NEVER WORN you V vet to leam the bodily comfort ft awes in the wettest weather MADCFOff Hard a""" AHO GUARANTEED WATtRPROOT 322 XTMieeoeroets CATAUKftW J Ms frr uix Tear eonsplexiuu as well as yo r temper is rendered oiisertile h r dle ordered liver, by takmtt (loamber lalus Stomach and liver Tarlets you emu tin prove both, bold by all good dealers Hot a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms ot ornup. Chamterl'tos Ccngb Ketneday Riven eooti as the child beeuines hoarse or ev-n ftr the croupy cough ap pea's, will prevpjt the attack, fcsuld by all stood dealers Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A 4 Chi,i..n Should be Decided by Each V. County. Thot the system now In vogue In Oregon Is radically wrong: for the iil vision of counties, la the oelief of the As orla Umlget, which in tts Issuu ol July 7. snys that It should be leU to the pivp'o of each county themselvi s to deckle whether or not they wvtt to croite new counties. The Umlg.'t says: 'Among the Initiative measures tiiat are to he voted upon at the c tic next November Is 0:10 to cu.iie Nth mi:h civility hy tikitic portions ot Lane and IXnig'as Tins is a measure which Is of course only of direct Interest to the people 'Tes'ld'.nrt in the districts affected, bui'iinrterthe provisions of the law. It Is to be voted upon by the people of the entire sta.e Judging from matter that ts hems sent out by the commercial clubs ot Lane and iVniRlas counties the -real majority of the residents of those sec tlons are opposed to the bill and the only ones there are who are favoring it are those who are endeavoring to create a real estate boom iu what is to be the new county seat. That be ing the case, the one thing for electors who reside outside tne affected dls trlcU. to do Is vote against It. The fact of the matter Is that the method now In vogue for the division of coun ties Is altogether wrong. Such ques tions shou.d be left entirely to the people whose homes are in the sectkn directly concerned and . whose inter ests are thus affected and not to the voters of the state at targe, the major ity or whom know or core absolutely nothing about the matter at issue. One (rave danger of granting these petitions for divisions ot counties by a rote of the people of the entire state la that eome time the question may come closer to home. Some one, for Instance, may want to get up a f-eti-Uon to divide our own county and under the existing law, the people ot other sections of the state would de termine the4 question by their votes. The safer way is to kill all measures of this kind that come up and thus nip all prospective petitions In the bud. at least until such time as the state laws are amended so as to pro vide for what may be termed "home rule," by restricting the vote on these strictly local measures to the voters residing within the district concerned." The dl.siui. tlon of having 1hh-ii the first of its kind In the world s history marked the receut aeropluuo show held in Antwerp, ItelKlum At the m!hw were exhlbitetl all kinds of flyliiK iii.iehlnes of the heavier than nlr and the lighter than air varieties. Some of the best known aviators sent their ma chines to the show, nnd It attracted large crowds. 4 "-witK strength nd ease they always please TWO HORSE OVERALLS HAoe wri LHVI STBAUSS CD. CO. MR. VOTER. Do you think it right to vote to crr-m? new counties and double their expenses. You can not know condi tions in remote 'counties and should vote apalnst all division and vote for thf law allowing counties to settle their local rinrcrs anions' themselves. TO HENPECK OR NOT TO HEN PECK. Tls now that lovely .Mary Ann Will take itn:ni? vAtia out where old Ka Is pnlllnK hay from the long rack. W tiara mu thai iunky tion so bUfk. And whn her now comes Into view That lien will make a now-d'-do. 8he II catch ror Mary by the snout And try to scratch her blue eyes out. She'll fly on lop of Mary's head Anti scratch her like a inwdn bed. I'oor Mary will set a blacft eye, And her false curl away will fly. And Mary will fall prT the rack And all pretty white ccks crack t'pon tier head, run In her ear. And Mary will Do all one smear. Then she will cry her eyes most out When she sees her poor scratched up snout. She'll wiiack that old hen In the neck For making her sweet face a wreck. But. say. when Mary marries Hill And he Just crosses tier swevt will Or says she can't have a new hat Should she tn-npeck poor 1U1I fur that? Now, If tas wrung when that old c!u-K From Mary s enout a big pleco look. j Ami if ta.t rik-m when Mary. j Treated ttiat old black hen so bad. j Wouldn't It be wronR for Mary Ann i To rave and henpeck her old man? i Wouldn't It be rUnt If poor Hill should ( Just turn and lick the sasbox kuimI" i C. M. iiAKNll". i Anadvinthe Kzaminer will l.ring fsalts. Try it nnd be convince.. Thnnks for the Pocl. iKast t)r(gouian). Above Gitbon the middle of the Uuiaiiili river is to be the dividing line b tw t-iii L'matil'.a county and the proposed new county, which has not yet bf-n christened. Under this ar rangement the Wenaha Springs resort will be in the new county. All except ing the pool. Thanks for the pool. "Can te depended npon" is an ex- j cession we like to hear, and when it ii ueed in cooDectieu with Cham- OvirlaiuB Colic, Cholera and Dlarr- j lopa Memedey vu means tlml it never; fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentary or Dowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuate for ctiildren ud adults. Sold ty all K'"d deal-1 s. NEW COUNTIES. A DUCK'S LAYING AND HATCH ING HABITS. Uncle Pete -.iys. "Keep a !u k fr lucl;." i h. re's this true, sure if y.iii d 'ti t want . I. lid oil the l.eti In-tallineiit pu'.n I.." ; I'iiii, Kunii.T or n 'in-t"!i ql!:l''ks. Hue!) they st.n tn l;tj in March or 1 'ehni.iry P e-.'-'s straifiit nh'Ti'l is i. i unusual record. 'i'i.ey i:a-er.i!ly lay'nt ni!,. it:-.! If on the i : t yon Tji.:.t !'. f. r . tlCMt til'irtiil:. tl New V'irk f imiht who :: ed '. is p. .ml t. ..-a!- h e.-,-filliiini: .".i"i till. I; i-i;- ill the bottom. When nearly fill hatched as duck i''m arc very fertile. If you wish a durk to sit soon.'dn'i't remove efirs from tn-st uriless t.-o many aeeuimilnte. she buil.N her ie -t Bradually by iidjins sth-ks, straws and l The confidence felt by larmers and gardeners in Ferry s Seeds to-day would have been impossible to feci in any seeds two score ol years ago. we have made i science cf seed jrowir.t! J.a n -ir- always do exactly w hat you expect ol them. For sale L' fvemwt ere. ILRBV'S 1S10 SIED i lA'M'iL Free on request D. M. r EKR V CO, Dstrelt, Mloh. i t in In time "f kihIiIch ml-hiii) or a.-'ejiit-nt l liut ('liftiiiiierlirt'K Liniment ..n be reiled upon to take the plaee .f the family doctor, who i-imnot nl Vfayshe found at the iiioment. In jhch of fpruitiM, cutH. woiiikIh nnd ijruiseH Chauiljerlln'H Liniment takeH out the HoarneHH and drive away t'lH pain- Hold ty all umni dealers. 51,000 REWARD The f)r.-if(in. Ca IfnrniH and svad Live M.rt-k Frolic SfJli'f4' -n. Mon Amoclation, o I'M Va- whl,'J' '""l,'r fi-U'llll P t'' Klxuedlna incmljer 'I I Hi' I r 1VK ''eooo ; 1 I'l t . reward loi evidence I I 1 !-' i lell"l to the r ''''( ' r,'- f v. . taV .'rent and connctiun XV (Vol hi, y party or bar- ' ' I tieuKtoaliLghoraeN, ."I cattle or jiiulcu be- j lop,'iiiK to any ol Us members. a addition to the above, the undersigned h!fri on tli hiiic enodiiloD t o.'xi for all hora s branded horiij time bar on both or cither '. J.rtui I recorded In eight counllea. Itaufro llaroey, Lake and Crook Uore vented when sold. None but grown horsen sold, and only In Urge kobebei W. W, Uaows. File, Oretfou. Children Cry FOR FLE7CHER'S CASTORI A V.'hen alone in the election booth on Nov. iiiher kth, when scanning' your balloi you will read substantially the following: A Lii'l t. Create the County of Clarke. ::::4 Yes. X No. A Hill ! Create the County of Des-r-h ules. :;:,(' Ye. X No. A liill to Annex a Portion of Clacka iikls County to Multnomah. Wit Yes. :'.2.' X No. A I'.Hl to Annex a Portion of Wash iirion County to Mulnoinah. ;::: Yoa. IV.'.i X No. A liill to Create the County of Nes truth. ::ib' Yes. 317 X No. A Hill to Create Orchard County. ',VZ Yes. ;;:!:', x No. A Bill to Create the County of Otis. 220 Yes. 321 X No. "'"" ' ', A Hill to Create the County of Wil- liamS.' - T"'.4" 324 Yes."t---;-i-,.wr 325 X No. A liill for an Act providing for the Creatien of New Counties, Towns, etc., end changing boundaries of ex Istins; counties, etc. 2i2 X Yes. 263 No. You are asked to consider well the above measures and by voting "No" on all division measures, and "Yes" on the bill tfvlng the counties full cooUol of all local matters, you will be relieved of such duties at future, lections. Your careful, conscientious Maskl ration is aaked. ReipeetftUJv, j, RTATB ANTI-DIVIBIOK COUMITTEE. x-i expenses oC trfar. rnqtii'sr SniT un.Tei taker. Our poultry editors who nre sllnelnu Ink at the boys w ln fake at show tihotihl quit selllnt: books that teach faking In till Its branches To fake or uot to fake U the ques tion that confronts the fancier when be knows that the other fellows all do It and he ll Ret licked If he doesu't. Now. which Is worse to bo licked or to fake, to fake or to knock? When a ben uses ber shoulders to blow her nose the daubed feathers are a sign for you to separate her from tho rest for catarrh or roup treatment. In these corn feed Ins days the hog often have a fat hen for dinner. The shelled corn Is a big temptation to the fowl nnd the fowl to the hog. Poultry wire Is cheaiH-r than chicken and tur key dinners for hog. The wiikoii shiM Is n poor roosting place for the farm flock. John Itusr house's hens always roost In his oew top buggy. If your fe-d room opens Into the chicken iju.irters your birds will al ways lie trying to sneak Into the pan try. If the Jam you hooked from moth er's shelf didn't give you the Jimjiims a Jatnnie.l crop will often relieve the Ja m In a crowded coop. EX-CUE CHAMPS STILL BUSY. Huetton a'd Demarcst Want Another Chante to Win B.ick Titles. I ' roi I II 1 1 1 -tj I.V Ihc Itevs ol then till"-.. Caivlr lieiiiar. t. w ho relinquished his !'.' I'lniai I tit.e when he was licit, n l. II ll :i:je hi l'!.ll;i.elih,:i. .H..I riiofii:w 1 1 uesliili. who lust 1 1 1 (mmiI llili Ipiol Ii to .lerotiie Keogli. .in preparing for new worlds to e mpier lluestiill Is going out for the three t 'U.-.I11011 biiliard title now held 1; i red Lames of lonicr. and 1 emni 1 t pects to r gain his title before in.r.) months I'.oih players lost their iiii receiitiy. lluextou will piny all comers in New York In preparation for his mat. I; with Lames, lie confidently oxpcteil lie would he uble to defend his pool championship against Keogh and cap ture the thr-e cushion title as well, but now that he tins lost his title he has determined to gain another In a new held. While Clltie succeeded In healing Iemarest. the ex-champion suys un other chance will nee him again a champion. lint now Willie Hoppe must be reckoned In the running In championship blillnrd circles. Hoppe a i.arisM num. I . 1 .. . - .A 1.. II. ..I. . A leaves, anu wueu 11 i nueu uu ruunuj with her down and feathers her lay Is about over and hatching begins. To protect her eggs from Cblil audi varmints xhe covers them when off and on I'cturu iron, a swim sprinkles them with her w(,-v feathers to assist incululloii. .. , FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. That wild ducks ure not scarce la Khowu l.v the slaughter of l'J.000 by gunnels in three days on the KuBque liiimia Ihils, Maryland. Other quacks ,11. d quackery iiie alo on the iacrease. All this 1 :i ! U about I.iilanced rations by i i-i'l o 1 11 leeii companies is quiu: t auitiMhg The cheap grain, grit nnd dii t some .sell v. ill knock a hen off her i bula uce 1111. 1 at He- -nine lime give the compuiiv a 1 a h icil.mcc on the right Bide of Un;ci 1 o t be caugbt with half During (li- In-.' expoHltion thousand') the ..ririch rancheB of California, ami American plumes got a big ml. II Ccni.any makes her ranch near Ilainluirg u hiicccks the big bird nmy be raNed most anywhere In the Union. Ilarry NichoN of hej.iertowui Md., has purchased seven alligators to guard his poultry at night. When a thief U csuglit the county will ! I 1- - .mm f ) I I mm. l mm f V"..Vel II ( j $CC irJt "Productive Soil That's All" G i ) ' 1 : k m 1 ; n r 1 1 ( ) 1 1 :s r 1 : a 1 s -1 1 it- k i 11. 1 I 1 1. 1 1 V. 11 t tl I lllt'j: Vl Ml pl.Hlt JimhI ;ilf .I Hum l' to ."." icct ili'), titli m ol - I v;ilc I.i o iii ic 1 1 iv I, un I - net 1 t ' 1 1 1 1 KT 1 1 1' Ic net.' posts I i.i in I v Uu- tn I Hici tin- Tonst kiHi'u' near iv a iKIik 1 1 it I cl 1 111 . 1 1 c mar y all the year no nivil lo- irntii'ti-'ii- tlu "lr.v" Iwn iiht's I 'fi atlisc in tlii'va l s wlit-if tlie ik w railroads tut com j,,jr v, o Is 1 lea 1 cli 1 1 it-Ins siart.ii)' stores es tablished lam s adj MiMit,' settled roads 1 tid oul tlionsands I aeies adjoining already leneetl and settled ei '-i'N harvested your nt ilioorH will le found f lie the "S dt )l the Karth" a land where Opp"i tnnity is read to jrali our hand itn.l whereeve'V 1111111 that jets ahead ta" the railroad will he oil the road to independence when it conies in the next coupleof years at most wheie men and women are cii sinj tail tor themselves a Imiic is free IV nil tleht. free from the rent col It, tor, in e iroin interest and free from taxation until Uncle "nm has tleedetl the fand to ou where . ever thil.ars won h ol im proveine' Is spent ii -on the place is for yourself and family where every tlays work expended is for ourself and no one to tell you what to do but your own j'ood nense tlesire tti adil to 3 our possessions a:aint that tlay that conies to us all when man lias to stop work nnd nllow others to linish what he has began. 'Rctinbelt' Lands will make you RICH I TS VOUU HOUR, frab it. ham' on to it. ! throttle it, but make it yours. The time will never come again when you can get the lands that ou are now able to get free from Uncle Sam. My loca tion tees are reasonable 111 v services in- dispcnsihle to the man that wants the best laud as soon as possible and I am able to place you on laud that is worth hundreds ol dollars more than some lands that you have seen. I have parties leaving hei e lor the various settlements cverv day or two and wi'l hi-able to take you if you let me know in tiuu . lH) IT NOVY1 W. ROCHE PICK Homesteads and Relinquishments Next door to tho Free ficadlnij fioom Lakeview, Oregon 1 "Clean Dirt Means Money To You American Restaurantkcry dec Voug ami Tom llotai, Proprietors. Lakeview, Oregon Krcsh I' read. Cake and I'ies on sale every day Fancy Cake ami all kind of Pastrv made to order. I 1 he only tirst class short older place in the town. Open Day and Night rmsr-ci-ias rour Mammoth Stables BAFfNUM & REH ART The LftrwHt Livery ami i'f(l Stable tn Southern Oregon or Northern ( 'alifornlu, 1 1 (.rues Hoarded by the Day, WH-k or Mouth. Speclul Attentlii (liven to TraiiHlent Stock I'KICi:, $I.MI I'KIt SI'AN LAKEVIEW TOMMY III liSION, WHO IU, ! AY I'AMKH IN litNVEII beat another retired elm inploii, Ora Mornlngslat, vvhllu CJIine was winning the title from Oemarebt and will like ly be matched with Cllne In the near future. Since winning lite pool championship Keogh has been u popular mini with challengers. Churles Weston of CTd cago, known uu "the cowboy," will uuve the first chuuee nt the new cham plon. Ills challenge has been accept ed, and the mutch will be played Iu either Huffalo or Hoehester In March Hues ton will challenge the winner and expecta to have back his Utle by next Msy. OREGON Chamberlains Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy is today the best known medicine In use for the relief and eure of bowel complaints. It mires gripping, dalrrbueu, dyseiilary, and should be taken at the II rut un natural looHiiess of the bowells. Jt Is equally valuable for childeru 11 rid adult. It always cures. Hold by all good dealers. Don't waste ynui money buying plasters when you can got a bottle of Chamberluiii'e Liniment for twenty rive cunts. A piece of tlanuel dam pened with this liniment is uupeiior to any plaster for lame back, pains In the side and chest, and much cheaper, hold by all good dealers. When Merit Wins When the medicliie you take cures your dihiiiiBo, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That Is what Foley's Kidney 1 ills do for yoq, in all cuhds of backache, head ache., nervousness, loss of appetite, aluiiidiiHHtioH and general weakness that Is cuiiHod bv anydlsorder of vthe kldueys or bladder. A. It. Thornton. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER.