LAKEVIKVV, LAKK COUNTY, ORKOON, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. NO. 43 The Circulation of The Lake County Examiner Is Guaranteed to Excec ?,300 Copies Weekly VOL. XXX! BERNARD 1IIL F0U.D GUILTY Jury Recommends Mlm to Mercy of Court LOUIS VEYSSADE ON TRIAL Attorney Line Up and Hard Hint Will lie Put tp lly him Only criminal hiinlnea lit) Ihtii cmi tdered In the circuit court during the past ek, and liot two caaes have leeti disponed ol. 1'at Anglaud and .Tack Mntphy were found not gail y on a chi'ge ol msllcloon Injury to ftock. The trial o( Bernard kuhl for horee nUellng reached a conclusion Monda,, evening, when the Jury returned a verdict f guilty and recommended him to the mercy of the court. Kuhl la a youug man. who, In comp any with Al IMmt, atole a number of home ner Hilvo. hake. They were overtaken m ar Dairy, when De Mokm wtM killed and Kuhl gave him wlf up t' the olllrel . Judge Noland pronounced aeuteiice upon Kuhl thl morning, the penalty impoNcd lielng an indeterminate aeii tence al the Htute renlU'iitinry. The trial of L uie Veyde for kill in g J nek Uarry waa culled Tuesday. W. Ijor ThotnpKou and u. F. Conn appear for the defcin", while District Attorni-y Knkelidall and hlM deputy , .1. D. Venator, an- atmiMted by Judge Ileum in in the prosecution The questions propounded In the vx uniuatlon of Jurors lead to the in ere lav that W.vs.ade will claim slf cl.teiise In the killing of Uarry. Who special venires have been (untied. ad It Is i per ted tne Jury will I' com pleted today. FARMERS' SHORT COURSEJT O.A.C. Will Commence January, and Continue Six Weeks The winter bhort course at the Oregon Agricultural College will Toniuuneo Jauusiry II cent lining for a period of six -veeka and will be fol lowed loirne iiately by a speoial course commencing Febiuary 13 and extending over a period of one week wblob w 1:1 bo knnwn aa farmers week. Tola announcement bus Just been made br the chairman of the courie committee. The work wi'.l oo?er a si weeka couifa in sgronomy, animal hus bandry, poultry husbandry horticul ture, horticulture, duirylug, domes tin solunoe and art, mechanic arts and f 01 entry. Under these various hen Is the most practiciil work t'mt ean poHHlbly be prepared will be olferad to the short course atudenta The work la designed to meet the re quiiemente of men aud wniueu, old and young. The college bad added greatlyto the equipment ud building space wbioh will be avallahU for tbls work. The new agricultural building has been completed and la splendidly equipp ed with laboratories.; and recitation room. The new green houses are also completed and are available for HI work la florioulture. New labor atories are al'b tbelug equipped lu Hie old agricultural building and ""by the time ttio short oourae commences everytbiug wl", he la splendid condiltion. A" number of new In structors have also been added to iTe staff and give special ettejutlon to llils work. . i "The course wbioh will be offered liave beeo carefully "prepared so aa to meet tbe immediate requirements oFthe men and woman who are act ually carrying on the agricultural work tbrouahjtbe' rtate. The men will be taught the advantagea of the latent eoleatiBo discoveries in the Held of agronomy, dairying, poultry Husbandry, fruit growing and stook raising. Tuo womeu will be taognt many valuable lessons la tewing, cooking and hjme sanitation The work Is such that will he of great value to vouug men and women and th rnuture farmer and housewife. Lest year the atudsnts who were In attendance at tbls coarse varied in awe from 14 t Co, and amona those who expressed themselves having derived tbe greatest benefit from th won, weie the older and more experienced fsrmei. The cuoiu Ittee now lu charge of the work is arranging for tbe aocomm mode Ion of.tbese men and women and will probably secure spsolal rates from the lallroad oouipaolee. A oomplate olrouUr describing tbe wsik aud the expenses and accomo dations will be Issued about the (list of December. io eotraooe examinations or other educational tests will be required an I the only expenses will be those for beard and room and a small regis tration fee. There will be no fee for the special Farmer's Week Coarse Go to California Mrs. Ueo, Bmall and daogbter, Mies iora, left Tuesday moralog for Los Angeles where tbey will probably mak tbslr futa-a bnns, saya tba Silver Lake Leadet. Mr. Bmall la fends also leaving la about a month to Julo tbe ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Hate 11 cams to this ooaotry la aa arly day and endured the bard wbioh fall to tbe lot of pio neers, and now In their declining years are entitle ! to take life more easy. duo lUouey, the i'etsley livery man, was lu town tbls wsek. HANSON FINISHES N.-C.-O. CONTRACT Cedarvllle Station May be Terminus Durln&r Ap proaching: Winter Tuesday afternoon J. F. Hanson put the final touch on bia contract for building the grade foi tbe exten sloo of tbe N. C. O. With tbe excep tion of a little rock work tbe job ass ci n pleied ssveral weeks since aud work trains bate been In opera tion over the line for some time past. Dsn Malloy, who came up from Alturas the tlist of the week, states that lumber In on tbe ground at Cedsrville statlou, apparently to be used in the construction uf a ware house While nothing has as yet been made public regarding a new terminus yet It la quite probable that freight for Lakevlew hh wfll ns Surprise valley will be delivered at Cedaiville sta tion during the coming winter. The new statlou I is located this side of Chalk grade, and would lessen tbe wagon haul considerably to points no th of Alturas. It is understood that the company wll now deliver goods in car lots at shippers risk at the new station, making a nominal charue of 11 for hauling the cur from Alturas to tbat point. New Reservoir Site Aprllcntinu and map for the loca tion of a reservoir site tu be situated In Bbotlou 17, township 11 south, range 18 east W'illaraete Meridian, just uorth of the Calirornia line, has been filed lu the looal land olHce bv James L .Whooler, Jr. The capacity of the reservoir will be 2880 acre feet of water, to be held by a 20 foot dam. The seurce of the water sup ply will be Dry Creek. The site is to be used for irrigating many tanhes in tbat vicinity. Thankful to Friends Andy Butpben, who some ;few weeks ago bad aa eye removed has about reooversd and U feeling quite jutllaut over the suooesa attsnding it. Tbe sight of his remaining eye bag greatly improved, and be now feels as If be bad a new lease on life, Andy is very thankful to the num erous frloods wbosnklndly assist? ed l lm during his sufferings, and especially to the Misses Flynn and Dr. Smith who waited on him with tbe teaderest care. llenry Lehman baa puroased from Robt. MoOnllsy 118 aores of land ad Joining the Colvln ranob la tbe New Pine Creak seotlon. Th sale waa made through tbe agency of W. F. Palo. COUNTY EXPENDITURES Semi-Annual Statement of the Fi nancial Affairs of Lake County OVER $34,000 ACTUAL Road Fund In Mighty Fine Condition, and Amount Had Been Economically Expended Highways Would Be In Much Better Shape SEMI-ANNUAL Of the Oouay Treasurer of Lake County, Oregon, for the aix meaths ending Kept. 30, 1910, of the money received and paid out, from what eourse received and what account pall out: UKNRRAL To amount on hand from lti report To amount received from taxea " " " Clerke fees ' " " " tines ' " " liquor llceone " " " bulldlntffund " " " aale ol material... " " " " refund ou bounty. " " " Sheriff fees Total amount received and on hand By amount paid for State t-xes " " " " redemption of warrants. . ' " library fund Kalnuce on hand In general fund HOAD To amount on hand from laat report To amount received from taxes Total amount received and on hand By amount paid ior redemption of warrants. lialuiice on hand la road fund hi UOOL To amount on hand from last repjrt To utuount received from taxes flnea " " " " State.... Total amount received and on hand Ily amount paid for redemption of warrant. . Balance on hand in echool fund CITY OF LAKEVIEW FUND To amount on hand from last report $3,351 83 To amount received from taxea 638 28 Total amount received and on hand L!y amouut paid city treasurer LIUItARY To amount on hand from laai report To amouut received from general fund Total arnouat received and on hand By amount paid Oregon Library Commirislon.. Balance on band In library fund STATE TKEASUItER FUND To amount received from Cues $54.55 By amount paid game warden Balance on hand in State Treasurer fund.. INSTIfUTE FUND Balance on band from last report SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND To amount ou hand from last report . To amount received from taxes Total received and o i hand By amouut paid for interest on bonds " ' " district clerka Halnucc on hand in Hpecial school ' " all funds I. F. O. Ahlatrom. do hereby certify inent of the amount received, paid out, and remaining on hand in the county treasury of Lake County, for the aix month ending Sept. 30, 1910. F. O, AHLBTROM, County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF SHERIFF OF LAKE COUNT. OREGON To balance on roll April 1, 1910 To sheriff ' asseaamenta To i'naltie aud Interest collected.. Cr. By amount collected to Oct. 1. 1910 By double aaaeasmeuta and other errors. . . . U.v bal. on tax roil uct. i, 1910 I, Albert Dent, Sheriff of '.ake the foregoing statement, compiled from for the year ItMl'J, showing the amouut of taxea ool looted, the total amount of penalties and interest, double assessment , and taxes uncollected and all other matters affecting my returu thereon. Dated this 1st day ol October, 1910. I Continued Valley Falls Items Shorty Lovelaoe aod family were down Sunday after duoki. 'Mr. Rehart passed through Sunday with an ark on his way to the des ert. Mr. lliokman has bis house about oompleted, Tbls Is a substantial ad dition to the valley. J. C. llotobkisa and boy brought CASH NOW ON HAND if STATEMENT FUND 120.676.79 8.691 37 7.41.60 600.00 33 64 35.10 802.00 1.60 142.677.93 6.7IW68 1C.457 59 127.00 FUND 135,283.68 111,0.14 85 678.13 114,612.98 4.107.07 M FUND $15,411 SI 1.700 90 65.00 2,616.96 10,505.91 19,854.67 16.681.24 $4,173.43 $3,800.11 .3 890.11 FUND $ 1.43 127.00 $128.43 119(H) $943 $37.50 $17.05 $21.50 $ 9.83D.0S 18,638 71 , fund. 2S,4t'8.79 235 00 26,168.43 3,075.36 that the foreeoina $i3,0S6.3G is a true vtate- .f 11,526.76 28.05 278.71 19,033.52 9,021.02 912.00 9,100.60 $19,033,521 County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the tax roll of LakeCountv. Orviron. ALBERT DEMT, Sheriff. on page 8) a bunch of about 150 cattle to their Obewauoaa Raaon recently. F. N. Curtis and wife of Omak, Wash., arrived here to locate. Mr. Curtis has aooepted a position with the Valley Falls Msro. Oo. Mr. WalU of the Indian Bohool at Ft. Bid well etoped over Saturday. jUe bad la charge asven Indian.boys from Barn, on tbeir way to sohooV. uvuuio neuu. Ob Batorday eveoiug. Uut. o'clock Ry F.kirkpeitick, and R, Cbaodler. and Eliaei P. Usrr and Bertba M. tlsnde.soo were aol U4 la marriage at tbe Metbodiat parsoaag by Kev. Melville T. Wire. Tba wedalg was a qnlet aftait beiog witaeesed only by Mia. L. Klrkpatriok aod bar daughter, EtbeL Tbe ooaple are well koowa and popular rwlaeuts of Willow Rsaob aod nave a wlie c I role of frleode la Mxloa ooanty. Oa tbeir way home Sunday night a large comoaoy came to tbe Kirkpat rick boms to wish tbe a futare baltn aod happiness. All stayed to a late boor enjo) in the festivity and par taking of refreshments. Before go log boms a flssn light picture was Ukea of tbs psrtr. Bi'o ooaplea will make tbelt future bona at Wil low Reonb. Prospective Foresters Daa Breooao, Tom U rigs by. Char ley Weybnrn, rarl Anstla, Cbas. Raid and W A.' La Sater were tboee who took the eiamlnatioa for assist ant forest ranger at tba local Foreet office last week. The written aiam iaatloo laoludsd all aorta of ques tions front oajj log trees to ronniog saw in ills while tba field examioa tloa Included packing a horse, ooas pass work running lines, etc It will probably be several months before those taking tbe exa .Inatloa will be Informed as to tttelr standing. Those passiog will probably be ap pointed to a position at once, as there are 400 positions to be tilled dur!? tbe coming season. Tbe salsry is $1100 per annum. FILES MAP OF RIGHT-OF-WAY Oregon Trunk Will Pass; Through Northeast Corner of County The Oregoa Trunk Railway Com pany, knawo as tbe Hill line, has filed Its right of wsy map for tbe line through tbe Lakeview Land dis trict. Tbe line is tbat rnnning through tbe State east and west, and the survey rnna for aoout 10 miles through tbe extreme northeast ooroer of Lake county, passing to tbe nort of Glass Bzttes. From tbe Bottes tbe line runs northwesterly toward Bend. At tbe proper time it is confidently expected tbat tbe annooncement will be made of tbe building of tbe main line to Cslifornia down through (J oose Lake Valley. Anti-Saloon Campaign U. J. W'eulzell 1-ft here Tuesday to stamp tbe county for tbe Anti salocs League. He spoke at Paisley iht evening and at Silver Lake last evening. Tonight be is at Fori Rock and will return to Silver Lake to morrow evening. Saturday evening he will be at Paisley. Sunday at 2 be will be at the West Side school bouse aod in tbe evening at tbe BaptiBt cbutcb at New Pine Creek. He will close campaimng with a big rally at the Court House oext Mon day at 7:30 P.M. Elder-Taylor Nuptials A 'pretty wedding was solemnized at the reisdeace of Mr and Mrs. J. N. Taylor at Paisley on Tuesday after nocn, Ootnrbsr IS when their daugh ter Eevlyn. was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to John Elder, Rev. Young ottloiatlog. Tbe bride was beautifully dressed io white satin folard, white silver trimmings and orange blossom. Tbe groom was attired la the conventional i blank. The wedding ma rob was PlBIed by Miss Anna Jones, and at 1 3 :ao- Ket" VUI pronouuoe tne words wbioh bound tbe happy couple together for life. Tbe room waa tastefully deoorated io natural orange blossoms and mistletoe sent by tbe brides graadparenti from Calitoraia for tbe 00 lesion. After tbe ceremony nil repaired to tba dining roon whete two course luaobeoe was served. Oaly a few trieads of tbe contracting parties were present. Tbe young nonple have a host of friends who wish tbeai boa-voyage "04 tie matrlmjnal sen. Mr. and Mrs. Eldsr started Friday morning 01 their wedding tour and 111 be nt homo to tbeir frieods after January ls. "PalaleyiteM io Silver Lake Leader. ygn election is cRY HARMONIUS No Opposition to Harry Bailey For flayor W. F. GROB IS RECORDER But Uttle Interest VV as Taken In Election, Although Large Vote is Polled Mayor Harry Bailey Coaoeileaeo V. L 8a llloj, E. Smith, E. B. Klnebart aod E. Cheney. Record srW. F. Orob. TreMorer a. tileber. a. F. The city oWotlon occurred Taeednj with the a ova result. While there were two tickets is tba tUld bal little Interest was shown uotll dar ing tbe afteraooa when some activity was manifest. However, 00 particu lar figbt waa pat ap, aod everything passed off pleasantly. Tbe defeated candidates were J. 8. Lana and 4. B, Anten for couociimea nod Frank: Untcbins for reoorder, all of wbooj are congratulating themselves upon having escape t a daty that is not at all plesant. There were 193 votes oast, wbioh was somewhat of a sarpiise, as lT was expeoiMd that the vote would tall far short of tbat number. Next Monday evening the present council will meet and clear up tbo pending business, sfter nlcb tbe nly elect ed officers will be swora io. Mra. Art-- (1 iiioey has purchased, from J. N.' Watson tbe rHenoe pro- 1 perty at th corner of Center aod j Bernard streets just west of Gordon Garrett's. CLAUDE SEAOER iipiiniiron nriTn Goose Lake Valley Apples Attract Much Atten tion There Reno Journal : (J. R. Seager of Lakeview a in Reno noomiog tbe Davis Creek country. He has biougbt with him a number "of boxes of apples which took prizes io the re cent apple show at Watsonville ana states! that n great triumph waa scared by the fruit growers 10 tbnt section who took two first prizes and two second prlies in tbe competition. Mr. Seager stated tbat tbe Goose Lake valley nod Modoo valley are rapidly fbeooming faought for agri cultural and frcit raisiug p lrposes. Tbe last six miles of tne N. C. railroad extension oootrac: , have been let and the completion of the road will mean much to tne rancher? In a few days Mr. Seager intends to arrange an exhibit of the crlze win ning apples Io tbe window of the Golden Hotel. 1 A Big Deal George R. Parmao, or Eagleville. CaL has puro based from MoCulley Brothers of this plaoe 10, 00 J sheep aud 1800 aores otlaad. Tbe prioa bus not besa msde pabia. The new" owner" has already taken pmsssioa' and will remove bis family herd In a shot t time." This iathe biggest deal' taht has beeo put through for some time past. - Chautauqua Circle The Cbautaqua Cirols ill meet Monday evening next at tbe home" of Miss Sara Horn, rrogratn Roll Call; Ourreot Events 3'ibjsat "The Extension of Government Control"" (Cheney), chapter IX; topics as slgaed: Miss M. Johnson, O'j-67-68! MIhs Rice, OJ 70-71; Miss Ruddell, 72-73;" Mrs. Kirkpatriok. 71 75 76; "The Chili and tba State. The Chnataquan , 'Democratic England," Miss Verooo. Bora Near Cedarvllle, CaL, Out., 18, 1910. to tbe wife of Bart Uooseptn, a daughter.