Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 20, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County Exanintcr1
Official Paper of
K nu or Mi..1m 1 $100 an Inch. alnaic
co ,o,n i .-.. r wonlh All taniln I.
fh .iiR-1 .rvr i ir motim. Coal ol com pool
tl o i lmri-1 lor all xtr cbnm-. All -(al
poattlon mra All thorl lrm a1. tra
loaders, lorn column. 1(V. rr Una raoh Hi
arr ton. Want ada. c. llnoeaoll Inm-rllon
Card of Ihaiika 11 00. Keolntlou ol con.lo
Irn -c. II M and U' nl.
fp-Tranatctit AdTi-rtltni and Job Print
lln., ch 1" a.tano.
. I bliln nml paid h Brat of each month.
I.nkevlow, Oregon, Thursday, Ot'tolwr li. 1IMO
K.verv "nocfortlmn" offlje aeekir With tba float approval of Preai
la roistered aa a atraliiht out Urm- dotlitton plana for ralalog the
ocral 0t a aioile ona la .reglaletad hatlleihlp Maine, it la mpactad
a m ill lepmdeut Ol fail to Rive bia work on the atiukeo veaael will eono
party .lMiarce. Cooafquaotly It tie completed aud the mamorabla
. iii.t- h. ..r K nn hi Iran aill hulk will be taken out to aea aud
IB DUI HRrij J f
tallow the "oon-rartlaao" bait.
Dr. Haalcv H. Crlppeo. on trial
lo Landon for the murder of hla ite,
the American adrese, Bella Eluiore,
was fonrd imlltv laet Friday ai-d
aentenced to death. Mlae Ethel
Lenev, his aliened accomplice, "as
placed on trial Tuaadav.
It areak well for bake County to
have a candHate for 3epteseotatvle
bo la favorably mentioned through
out the atate bs rcbabla apeaker of the
Honee. Let o give W. Lair Tborop
eon a ananmloiia vote, and tbua bocet
him for toe maitioo for which be la
admtratly Ht'ei.
Warner B. Snider la peculiarly
fitted for the poai'.ion of Sheriff of
Lake Coontv. He baa bad much
experience aa deputy nnder Sberff
Deot, aod his faroilia'ity with the
county records and also tbe recorda
of tbe U. S Laido'Hje nukes him
well qaliflfd for the idace.
If tio "loo-partisau" office seeker
a. 1 .,A fallh wihv Should
" "LWUK ' ',! 1
he not register as a non-partisau,
lndeendent, or refnse to give his
party affiliations. Tbe fact is be is
not a non-partisan but a strict party
mao who is indeavoring to hood
wink tne voters, and that is all that
can be made out of it.
A pledee to raise tlOO.UOO within
two yeera for tbe cause of home role
in Ireland was enthusiastically made
by tbe 885 delegates represented at
tbe eecond day's session of tbe bfth
biennial National convention of tbe
United Irish League of America
which was held at Buffalo, N. Y.. re
cently. David Benoeit Hill, tbe great New
York politician, died at hia borne
near Albany last Friday moning
after an illness of two weeks. Gov
ernor Hill controlled JNew York
Democracy for years, and bia con
flicts witb et-Fresi lent Clevelaod
caosed the latter to remove to New
Jerear. H ill's ambition was to be
come preeldeut
F. E. Anderson for County Com
missioner ia not only the choice of
tbe voters at the Republican primar
ies bm be is. also tbe choice of the
fotsrs of ttm north end irrespective
of partr. His biah standing in bisjpeopea money
own neighborhood attest3 bis worth-(Lake
iness as a citizen, udJ should ha be
elected be trill no doubt perform
ihu rlntioa nf tha ntfirfi iii a man-
"entr creditable to himself and tbe
public like.
Yon can it gamble your last
dollai that every noii-partifstan can
didate you ever beard or will vote
for every candidate on his party tic
ket. If be bi a Hepublican he will
vote 'er straight unlesa there be a
vacancy on tbe ticket, and tbe same
is more espcially true ot a Democra
tic candidate. Brides wben these
tame candidates are not leeking
offioe they disclaim auch Ideas as
non-partisan. As a well known Dem
ocratic politician of Klamath County
said iu relation to Baoator Chamber
Iain's election, tbe non-partisan
proposition iii alright here in Oregon
but a migbty poor thing down iu
You do not bear of any non-partisan
Hepublican candidates here in
Oregon and neither do you bear of
any non-partiblaa Democratic can
didates down in Texas or Arkansas
Whenever you hear of a non-partisan
candidate you know at once that
ho belong to the minority party and is
making a bid tor support that is not
sinc ere to say the leu-it. V all play
politics, but tbe una partisan dode is
one of tin. silliest that a caudidate
can possibly make, for it fools no
one aud at once causes tbe question
to arise as to the honesty of tbe
caiilidate putting forth tbe argu
ment, if such it may be termed. We
all have our personal likes and ais
likes, but tbe non-partisan dodge
Is bo flimsy that at even an owl could
Bee rthr'dugb It- mid-day. It Is
like the drowning man grasping at
a tbe straw and showa that tbe candi
date consider bis ease practically
Lake County, Oregon
u - r, In advanov.
Hi mnrtha,
I hrr nioniha. "
'11 uoipaldl (Ovuiii t'. f 2 MttbtVPat.
Notice lo Subscriber
o nmrtiwti t I hi- Kntmr who
Irom om- locality to notlir, or
CtlanKt I
their (iitotniH ilrirvan nhonld ivmi'mtx-r if
Irop thin otfliT rar.1 o their paper can b ad
Imued to the rigal noaittfltiv.
Bivvn deep water ted lorever. it
I nut believed the tareck will be
placed on exbltiltloo aa one of the
great naval memorial The plan
reviled that the Maine ahall be
tallied before February 15 next, the
thirteenth anniversary ottha deatrai
tloo of the ba'tlebip in Havana har
bor. f . ,,. it nnM .
' .jj p certain Democratic candid-
ate for a county cttlce la which there
will be a usance to dispense public
favors, to read carefully m aection
of tbe corrupt practice 'aw which la
worJed aa followa aod on which there
li an earnest intent on the part of
judicial ; officers to be enforced :
Section 19, page 25, Lawa or Ore
gon, 1909: "No person ahall. In or- j
der to promote his nomloatioo oi
election, directly or indirectly, him-)
self nr tbroi'gn any other reason, I
, promise to secure or aid lo securing
t e aoonintoient, nomination or eleo- !
j tion ot another person to any public
or private . csitiou cf honor, . trust I
lor emolument." Any violation of j
tbis statute is not only punishable as
... ., ... ....
a criminal offense, but it also t
subjects tne candidate to contest and
forfeiture should be b e elected.
No man stands higher ia this com
muaity than Dick J. Wiloox, (he
Kepoblicao nominee for County
Jndge. He is a man of bis word,
and when he tells you that be will or
..... .. .. .
w.ll notdocettain things yoo know "
then that there will te no subterfuges I
when it comes to a show down, j
Every man who has bail any dealings
with bira knots bim to be a straight
forward man of bis word and that be
will not . ju uoy way take the under
handed advantage of nny one. He
has been fairly enccessful in a busi
ness way, and while be may not bave
amassed a fortune of several hundred
thousand dollars, yet at tbe same
time he has shown himself to be folly
capable of conducting business mat
trig a most creditable manner.
As county Jud he will cot perml-
so many tbousauda of dollars of t&b
people's money to be lying idle, but
will place tbe rate of taxation at such
Ugurelbat will raise only tbe necce-a
ary nmonut for an econmical admin
istration of the counti'a affairs.
For several years past there has been
jmany thousands of dolliars of the
lying idle here in
L'bat amount was
wrung from the poeple by over taxa-!
tinn.and it makps uo difference wbeth-1
jer it , Ml1 by levey 0f 3 mills
ij units, inn result is iDe same.
Unique Lodge Hall
Alturas Plaindealer: The Wood"
men of Bid well are preparing . to
erect a noiquehall at that place. The
building will Le brected of logs tut
in the forests and an old time bongo
-t r, : ; 1 1 1 .. . 1 1
BiviuK win uo uuu no vwwu Bo voe 1
logs are on the ground. Toe Cedar
Vilie and rJgleville lodges will attend
at the raieiog and a great time will
be bad. Tbe occealun wiM remind
some nf us old fellows of tbe long
ago wben all the neighbors joined ia
a "bouse raising. ' ' j
Lane County has lis lumber mills!
with an annual cut of 20.(Xj0,U0U teet. I
Oregon harvested 1,700,000 bus- I
bels of wheat, 2,000,00, pounds of ;
wool and 100. D00 balea of hops. ;
Tbe largest fruit and vegetable j
evaporator in the United States is!
located at Dayton, Yamhill County. I
The Willamette Valley produced I
1,000,000 bales of first grade hops I
this season, aa compared with the j
yield nf 82,000 bales lust season.
Portland building statistics show a!
decided inceraie. September, HII'J 1
00(5 permits, value l,3!)l,2iiO Sep
tember, 1000,009 permits, value, fl,
288,300, " '
Oregon orchards yielded prones
this year estimate 'at 15,000,000
pounds. Quantity and qnallty are
supperior to the 190!) crop. Prunes
will bring the ttate about 11,250,000
this season.
Oregons publio lands comprise
1,225,091 acres. Eastern Oregon
baa 500,000 acrei of school lands.
Because of , attractive colonists tate
in effect tbis fall the Immigration
to Oregon bia baeo gi eater than aver
In a Ilka period.
tan A. vona, a reauieoi ot
Lake, and who recently made proof
on a bomeatead In that vicinity,
aa a vl attor here iba latter part ol
laet week, Mr Ptn I leporW that
Lake la getting to be quite a tow
with a poet ottloa and aeoeral eiore
already eatablla ied, anl the likli
hood favoring a blackaniltb ahop
ami hotel In the near future. It la
expected that next year will aea a
big boom In that erotlon of the coun
try. Work will be commenced lu a few
daya towards repalrlog the private
; telephone line, which la owned by
S. H. Chandler and other ranchrra
on the rout between here aud Silver
I Lake. The poata and line will be
carefully exauiiued, aud telephone
Inatrumenti thoroughly overhauled
making a compete up-to-date ayetem.
Three or four week will probably be
conajojed doing tbe repaired work,
which will be In charge of Hyrou
li raves and Charlea Uarry.
Animal Vanity
In a small town In Jersey then N a
corner urovery where you may buy
anything from a twenty foot bidder
to a pour I iiceklucp. AdlicHlre plaster,
enucrkrimt and toilet article are also
aold. and In case of neoenlty you limy
get a hair cut or a home shod lu the
bnck yiird. Some time alnce a farmer
stopped lu the store to get aonie horac
liniment to rub the rheumatism out of
n sick cow. and two or thre day
later he came buck with a life sized
"Look here, Abner," he complaining
ly remarked. "I wish yc would be a
lo-tle inlgtit more keerful how ye
throw yerself buck u Ihet coqnter.
T'other day ye give mo cologne In
sto'id o' hosa llnlmi'iit. mid gosh dast
If I didn't put It on thet slrk cow
afore I found out wlmt It wan,"
"It didn't hurt her any. did It?"
broke in the grocery ttmu.
"Can't say thet it did." answered
the farmer, "but ever eein-o she liu
had thet sweet stiiclliu' stuff on her
she hain't done a domed thing tiut Jes'
look ut her retlectloii In tlier ilin k pond
on' slh." rbiladelpliia Telegraph.
Damascus, a Garden City.
Damascus U n garden rity touched
by the great desert. 1'iuler its roses
one feci a the sandi. itekide Its trem-
bllnK wnters one dreams of the trem
,,l,nB ml,;, The cr' ot u
-"' ' " u" fr"i" '""-'' l"rK
to that most wonderful thing in nature
.,,. , ..(;,k1 wltl)Ut . Tl.
bmlti, of ,ile wastes iwaso among the
poplars as that Bedouin ly
among the merchant when he come
and wtien he went. In Damascus one
hears the two voices. And when one
looks from the sacred moutifain upon
that city of dream, cradled anions the
woods, one sees far off the tawny be
ginnings of that other inntlc which
looks out from the Itedouiu'H eyes.
And though perhaps with the pilgrims
from Samarkand one loves to rest he
Bide the fountains nnder the hedges
of roses, one Is aware of the other
love, intercourse with which has made
Damascus an earthly paradise fur
tlicui and for you. IJobcrt Ilichens in
Buffoonery In "Hamlet."
The butlooiiery once tolerated In pro
vloelnl thea!er U Illustrated lu an an
ecdote set forth In the memoirs of ltar
ry Sullivan. Wright, who was the tirst
graved igL'er. prepared himself to take
the house by storm by having incased
his persou within a dozen or more
waistcoat of all horta of shapes and
pattern. Wueu ubout to commence
the operatiou of digging tbe grave for
tuc filr Wn
lit is-gau to uu-
Vtind by taking off waistcoat after
waistcoitt. which caused uproarious
laughter amonjj the audience. Hut as
fast as he relieved himself of one
waistcoat Paul Hedford. the aecond
graved Igger. Incased himself in the
caatoff vests, which liuTeased the al
vos of laughter, for a Wright waa
getting thinner 10 ul grew fatter ami
fntfeT. tt'Hglil. seeing himself out
done, ferpt on 1 tie remainder of the
waistcoats and went on with Ilia pari
quite crest fii I let),
Jones niarrlfd? Mott-l
Rcott is
guess not.
I never heard hltn blame
for an vthing. I'. iston Tran-
TY, oki:;on
I rcHpectfully present my name to
the votern of Lake County as an In
dependent Anti-Saloon t:andidate for
t lie office of Sheriff of Lake County.
If elected I will do my duty us Miuriff
without favor. I will do nil In 111.V
power to snppresH tin: illi'Kal rnUs of
intoxicating; liquor. Should IjiWc
County Ikj voted dry I will une my
bt-Ht emlen vor to sou that It 1h dry In
fact as well as in iiiine.
K. O. lil.'NTIMi
For the Ambitious
by mall fir thou who tuiwt attend la
Mraun. All Inntnirticm, luiluciliig BuiJ
axauilnauoua, ia m nun.. ur irmwm.
atadaola preparing tut oollog or njiiTaral
i, aiwui'i tluba. gran go, ngara au4
bos inakara. o preliminary aiajaln.
tlua la requlrMl. Thja mail ouura maaua
6ui iut a iucripua bollcUo to Uia
ConwiwudMiM Mludy liiiriinraS
Unlvarallr ! Ore
( - - - Orttaa
This is the chief
requisite for
making Perfect
Bake Day Foods
Absolutely Puro
Thf onlv n-iLinff Pow- Tllr
- j o - r
dor made from Roval IP
Grape Cream of 1 artar Vjt
MaJe fiom Crapes Ifflj
no Lima rnospnaia
No Alum
For Representative,
B. St. Geo. Bishop
Of Klnmalh
Heaped fully annoiinceH Idmsclf ax
llemocrn tic candidate for Kepreentn'
tlvM Twent-tilHt DlFtiict, sip Ject lo
tlie decision of 1 1 e voters at therigu
lir election to be In Id Nov. M, pild. I
lavor Statement No. 1 hu 1 all that
giH-M with it.
Por County Treasurer,
F. O. Ahlstrom
Of Lukctlew
uepe('iiuiiv aniloiHKia liluii-ell as
Hepublican cumlidHte for County
Treasurer, Tw. nty-tirnt l)l-ttlct, ml
ject to the dcciMion of tbe irerxiit ili.
regular election to lie held Nov. H, 1910
For County Commissioner,
C. C. Harris
of Summer Lake
To the votcrw of Lake County :
I niot rt'Mprrtfiilly announce to
the voters of Lake County tlint I atn
11 candidate for the oliico of County
Commissioner on th Deinocrntic
fiaVini been a resilient of Lake
County for nearly twe.,t.v five year,
I feel that I am thoroughly inform
ed as to the needij of the people, iiml
the dutiea of that ofllco.
If elected art County r'niiitiiisHioner
I will do everything; in my power to
have the affairs of the county econ
omically administered, amng pro
gressive lines.
1 belieVH io good roads and will
do what I can to accomplish that
purpose. I will give to the duties of
the office my best ability anil judg
ment so that all expenditures of
publo money ahall be spent for lb
best interests of 'he people of Lake
County. Sinceteiy Vcurs,
C. 0. 1IAKKIK,
Summer Lake, Ore.
The Home of Good Values
Department nf tha Interior, United
States Land Oltlce, Lakeiew, Oregou.
October UT. 11)10
A an lllclent rnntear aflldavlt bat
Ing lea a tiled In tlila (ifllce bv Auna
E Kilcbey. rcnteatant avaiiiat
llomrsieail Kntry No , Rerlal No.
02:I7U made Annua 19. Hl. fir
HKI Section 24. TnwnsMp 2T)H, Kanwe
M K, t tllamoit .iirridian, by Finer
M. Wells, Con teste. In which It la
allaged thai aal I Wells has totally
ahnndouod thin land aln.e tiling on
aatne, and baa made uo Improveiuenta
whatever thereon, that be baa never
bteu on the land allien he made til
ing, aald partlea are bereby not III
d to appear, respond, and olfer l
dance t uchltig aald allegation at III
o'clock a. 111. 1111 Dec. Khh IUIU,
nefore Commlaaloaer W ), Weat,
Silver Lake, Oregon, and that II tin I
hearing will bw r.ed at 10 o'clock a.
11 . on Dec. 2:tnl, !Mfl, before, the
iegsltei ai d OieUar at. th Unite I
Stales Land Olllce In Lakevlew Ore
gou. The aald conteitant having in a pro
per atlldavit tiled Oct. 2f, 111 Id, aat
forth tacts which ahow (hat altar Hue
dlllge re peraonal service of 1 hla
1 notice baa not been marie, It la here.
ty ordered and directed that such
notice be given by due and proper
publication I Lecord addieaa of entry
niau Portland Oregon, HHH E. Kit b
H. A KTHL'li W. OK TON, lieglater.
(1,000 acre Stock Farm, plei.ty
ol water per ncre)
10 Hcr Fnrin with Improve
ineiita, three in 1 1 re out...''
10 acre Kami with email itn
provetnetilH non
200 acre I m proved
Fine Cni k
Kn rin
600 Choice IlomeHteada In Ct-
tow Valley (location feee) ..... 100 I
I .MX) acre Stock Farm, nicely
improved 2(l.0(Mi
Nice, new Ituugalow, -I roouiM,
Hath a ol I 'mi try, partly
l-'iiriilflnil 1,4H
7 Pi 10 1 1 on kc 11 ml big; Int. com
pletely fnriilNhed 3,(MKi
SJi iirn n TliulH-r ami (irazlng;
1 Jiod ( per acre) V
(Jin acren (iooil (irailng- Land
' r acie) 2 60
." A In cltv llinitn,:t room Iihiiho
partly fiirtiinln d, good barn,
rhlckell hoiiNo, etc., good well,
all fei c.-d. Will m Hiiitible
for auh-ill vinon 2, .""00
1 1 in rcH of goo I level land, 2la
tnllcM from 1 1. . L. Addition
(po ncn-) 'S)
llK( acreM. Irnproveil, plenty of
water for Mock, power and
Irrigation plenty of ImlldlngM
fencea, etc. . Im-hi lug fruit t rei-a
".' ncreH of meadow land and
plenty of timber. Adjolnlm;
1 lux In a Ihiiiii kIi id rclliMul-li- ,
merit of It'll acres of the name I
v e 11 e r a I character. Tliene j
latnlx are niily I'i. milcx frntii
a goinl lit t le' town. III. oil
per acre for the d riled land j
and f.'iOO.liO for the relimtl'Hh- j
metlt. j
Id acre tractM with water right 17."i
.Vmom biMiHe with land'enough j
for 4 Ion., good term
10(1 iter- t W I I. and, repre- i
Helitlllg 4,(M)OcorilM f:t,(N0 I
.KH) acre 1'nrtly Imiiroved Farm T.WHi 1
,'IJti iicren Ai h rlt lire iti.d Mim U
Land :i,(X!.'i
20 A. nuicb 5 mllea out, water ,
right, good new IniildiiigM,
good well, all fenced and all
under plow.. l,K."0j
Southern Oregon Really Co. !
Can Mount all kinds ol Animals' Ik-ads, Birds, lite.
Let us make you a beautiful Cyote, Cat
Bear luitf. We also tan all
kinds of skins.
UTLEY & SIMMONS, Taxidermists
KOK hA l.K 10 MercTnTbTTe'a
from I a Ue view, al-o ol ,10. Ilisk
Stl, i rctfon Va ley LhihI l o.'n n
ill Ion lo I 11 lie view Alan U of
of NM4 of N VL. rei-. ll.l'. JIMH.
U. Itt K. '
FOK HA l.K flood, yoiing. .ell broke
work horwoM. Phone, call at rnncli
or iiditrcHaA. M. llMrdieM, Lake
view. Oregon. .4
Not Coal I and
Department nf tb Interior, U. H.
Land Oltlea at Lakevlew Orruou.
, October 2(1, UJIII.
i Notice la hereby alven that Karl
Anatln. nf Lakevlew, Or even, who,
on Ooti.ler, if), llXHt. marie II e-
aleadtntry. No. ("J..11, foi NNW..
SWi4NWi4. NWJSWJ. Section il)
Tnwi.ahlp MHM. Itaoga I (IE , Willam
ette Meridian, baa tiled notice of
intention tn make Final commutation
Proof, toeatatdlah claim tn the land
abnved dracrltied, before It'eglater aod
Keoalver, I hla nftlce, at Lakevlew,
Oreaoo, on the Mb day of Deoemtier,
Claimant namea aa wlineaaa:
(illbert l.apham, 01 Vl.llllla. Ore.
Karl Mcllioom, of Vlstllli-, Ore.
Walter Howard, of Lakevlew. Ore.
Joe Howard of Lakevlew Ore.
A Kill UK W. OKI ON, Itaglater
I am offering for mIc t
price ranging from $J to $H
per acre, the following land
In Crook and Lake Counticu,
Noc. Twp.S Itnjr.K
All Id 20 15
All 1 20 HI
aii ... 20 in
All IU 20 17
All no .... 20 17
All 10 20 20
South Half... .1(1 .... 21 .... 1.1
All :m 21 Hi
All 1(1 21 1H
All :ui 21 ... is
All Id 21 11)
All :w; 21 id
All 1(1 21 20
Weal half lit! 21 2D
Went hnlf 1R .... 22 .... 1.1
Went half HI 22 Hi
Went ball :U1 22 HI
All 1(5 22 17
North half :!0 22 17
Went half HI 22 1H
All :m; 22 IS
All Hi 22 Ill
Went A. SKli 'M IN
N w j :w 22 2.1
All Hi 2-1 1!)
All M 2-'l 1!)
All HI 21 1!)
All :i(t 21 I'J
All HI 21 20
All :u 21 20
All I 2'i I.s
aii no 2n is
All Hi 2(1 i!l
All .'Hi 2(1 1!)
All IX. . . 2H 20
All transfer will he made
through the Washington
Trust and Savings Hank,
Seattle, Wash.
304-5 Liberty Bldg.