- m In itmt LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, ORKCiON, OCTOBER 20, 1910. NO. 42 VOL. XXXI The Circulation of The Lake County Examiner Is Guaranteed to Exceed 2,300 oles Weekly COUNTY WEALTH IS $7,944,335 Countv Assessor Poster Completes lolO Roll PER CAPITA IS $4,000.00 Doctors and lcr lists Make Poor Showing Dojjs More Valu able Than H ok Oouuny Aiuitor A. J. Poster b eomplslel tbe 1910 tax roll, and tbe total in of all tbe property of Lake County as found Is 7,9H,:m, whlob bwed no a population fo 4000 aver ages aluost I'AIOO for each man 'woman and obtld. But tbe atoual amount of money reported If diflded up would not make much of a bow log, at it would atnouot to a little Itaa than S10 eaob. According to tbe aesement roll the oattla Industry leads with 37,732 bead valued at tWl,Xt2, while there are 1W. 210 head of aheap worth 1397,710. Then follows horn" ami mules, dogs aod swine Id I be order luenlloued t'enlel and eMrtilral luatruuitnts are arsied at tllTi. wbile automobile are Hated at Itl.tMO. However, ebould be remembered that tbe assess meot la made of properly owned Marob 1. aed at that time there weie oomprativaly few of tbe trouble aome tbloge la the oocntv. A umoiirj of the roll followe: Ml,r7 iters tillable laud.. fl.UJ7,5r tt9,?94 acres non-tillable land 3,41.57 .17.732 utile l,t')S linritca and mules 1.1.1 HWlnn K'O.lJ-lO hIi'i- nml goats 75 dog MerclutiidlH Town lntM Improvement on town lota Improvin'ta on deeded land Improvement uu laud DDI deeded Farming Implements, etc.. Tools and machinery 11(UH4-(I(1 goods Fixtures IHjiital and surgical Instru ments Automobile! Money Note and uocoiintH 900 shares ot stock &O7.025 2.l!fJ :W7.7ltl 3.(116 i::mi! ;i77,o:io 1IJ020 185,000 34 GI8 31.417 ai.9ao w.iso 11)5 c tm M.275 lStl,.TW 301,2(li Total valun of all property $7,1144,3.15 CITY ELECTION DRAWING NIGH Possible That There Wil Be Two Candidates For Mayoralty Ab the time for holding tbe city eleotloa approaches the fewer be ooms the oaudi Istes. Tbe position of oounnilmau is not aa enviable oue, and the only porsou that has thus far announced that be would aocept tbe poaitiou U Frank llutohtiia. ills name was mentioned in oonuecllon with the reioidership, but be refused to become a candidate although egreeiog to aocept tbe poai tiou of ooanoiimeu if elected. Wui. Wallace la belug urged to aocept tbe nomination tor recorder, while ). D. Autd i's iiiitnuritua frleuds wane him to stand for reeleotion. It begins to look as It there would be two can dldatas for tbe mayoralty. Ueo. V. Johnson la beinu urged by many of bis frieuda to make tbe race, and it is generally conceded that Hurry Jiailev wlllbe up for reeleotlou regard less of bW wishes iu the matter. Thus far there seems to be uo line-up of any particular, iuterest, aa there is uo oue apparently having uu axe to grind. I noticed by tbe last Issue of tbe faSxamlner that among toe names oilue mentioned for oouuollinan. Ow ing to the act that I will be absent the llrst thiee meetings uext year aud I twlieve North Lakevlew U entitled to two oouuullmeu at least, I decine ail ho.ixM ia that Huh. J. N. WATSON. Qood News from Reynolds It. Reynolds, who le uo located at Ontario, writea that tbe railroad situation appeere blight for the early building of tbe line across the tate and to l.ekerlew. Under date of Ootorber It be states that dorlog the previous 10 daye over DO Greeks peaked through Ontario oo tbelr way nowo below Vale to work oo the rlalrnao. Cootiuolng be sajs; "I uoderaland that there will be more beie soon bat will be 'tit down In tbn Central part of the state to work on the survey, which psews through Lull-flew. There litin no (own or country eo prosperous ee Lakevlew, I am 'I re you will have a tall road aoou aa all Indications at On tario Jiolut ttmt way. Klamath Statistics lion. David 8. Rose, Milwaukee's ex mayor, spnee in Klamalb Falls aod presented the citizens of that town with tbe following figures: "And your city of Klamath Falla baa bed her experience. Tbe reoorda of your pollee ronrt chow that you bad a total of 200 arreata for drunk enneae aod drank and diaorderly In the laat two rear that your city waa wet, while you have a total of 329 arreata, for tbe .same caaie ii the flrat two year that your city baa been dry, an iooreeee of CD prohibi tion druuke. SEEK COMFORT IN GREAT UNKNOWN Two Well Known People Become Tired of Life and Pass Away The sad death of Lucy C, wife of A.N. Man le, onoured laat Friday rauaei by an over dose of oarbuiio acid taken with auicidal inteot. Tbe deceased was a most estimable wo man and her rash act was no doubt committed while lalo'lug under a temporary hallucination. She leaves several children and ether relatives, besides her husband, fo mourn her untimely dea.h. Hbe bad long been a resident of Lake county and was held in high esteem by ber many friends, tileng of a very iadustrious rbarsater and of a friendly disposi tion. The funeral occurred Bator- day afternoon, tbe services being held In the iiHptis. church, and .nany frlsnds following the remains to tbelr last resting place. Tbe be reaved relatives have the sympathy of all in tbolr sad alUictlon. Mrs. Lucy O. titauley was born in 13(10, crossing the plains aud ar living In the Willamette valley with ber parents live years later In 1870 tbe family moved to Lake County where she was married June 1. 1H7A Hnalilna her husband aha ----- - leavea four children, C. C, Alford N. Jr. and Miss Velva Stanley, and Mrs. F.tts Collier; one brother, A. L Uood nan, and two bait brothers, K. C. and Wm. Turner, of Ked III off o slaters Mrs. C. II. Pendleton aud Mr. J. W. Harvey, of Lakevlew and a bait sister, Mrs l' Kuaers, of Adln, Csl. Tba family extend their sincere thanks to the many kind frieuds who so kiudly aided them la their sad afUlctlun. Frank Uubl, one of the old timers and well known about ton and throughout this section of tba state as well as in northern Calfionria, be came tlerd of life last week and paus ed on to the great unknown laat Fri day. Sometime during the forenoon he severed an artery in one of bis wrist, and wben found life was. ex tinct. His was a very bright mind, but tbe ' drug habit proved bis un doing and tbe end was no doubt weloomed by him. At tbe tln.e of bis death Mr. liuhl whs iu bla 04th year. Tbe funeral took place Monday, Interment be ing lu the Odd f ellows oemeiarr Walker-Anderson Klamath Chronicle: County Clerk DeLap, tbe right baud mau of little Dan Cupid, Usued a marriage lioeuse Friday to Earl lu. Walker and Miss Delia Anderson. Tbe groom to be Is the sun of the late County Commissioner Albert , Walker and is a prosperous and well anowu young raneber and stoukuiao of tbeJSprague river oouotry, while the bride to be is one of tbe well known young ladlea of tbe lily region. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Grand Jury Completed Work Yester day and Was Discharged M'CALL PLEADS GUILTY ON FIVE COUNTS Louis Vejssade Indicted l-or Murder In The First Degree, nd Several Other Parties In dicted On Minor Charges The preseot term of Circuit Court promises to be q liie lengthy, and uo one nan tell wben tbe end will be Tbe giaod Jury returned a number of indictments, and tous far but oue case has iteen called for trial. Uayes McCall. of Paisley, was In dicted on three dtferaot oounta for selliug Intoxicating liquors. On one count he was Hot I slOO and aenteuced to !6 days In tbe county jail. A sentence of tUJU aod 30 days lo jail on each of the other two oounta waa suspended during good behavior. tie was also ludlcted for permitting gam bl log in his bouse, to which be also plead guilty, and was Hoed 150 on eaob count. ' Harry Itlggs also plead guilty to an indlctent for assanlt and battery and was fined $50. Pat Aogland aod Jack Murphy were Indicted tor maliciously Injur ing stock, and their trial is now In progress. lodiottaeots were returned against Louis Veyssaie'or mirier lo tbe flrnt degree for the killing of Jack Harry, and also against i. L. (Miff tor larceuy ot aome oattle. K. li. JackRcn,oounty school super intendent, was lu Hotel for refusing to pay over publio money at tbe tlaie provided by statute He paid tbe money Into the oointv treasury after the time provided by law bad expired, but suob act sppareotly does not clear bim ia the eyes of the law. Tie defeoae la tbe Kubl case Is nut ready for trial at preaent and is SITE CHOSEN FOR CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Patrick's Will Be Lo cated On Lot West of Odd Fellows Hall The committee tbe selecting of a Catholio church lot immediately Fellows tern pal. Jhaviog ia charge site for tbe new have selected tbe west ot the Odd It was owaed by . L. Wheiler aud the consideration was $2000. Tbe lot has a frontage of 102 feet ou center street and UO feet on Dewey, aud is perhaps tbe best location in town for tbe purpose. Father O Malley hopes to be able to put in the foundation this fall, although by tbe plans the wnrk is rather large to te commenced at this time of year. Tbe new church will be christened St. Patrick's, and 'it is expected to be oompleted during next summer. Chautauqua Circle The Chautauqua Circle will mset at. the borne of Mrs. T. V. Hall, Monday evening, November 1. Pro gram: Iioll Call, Current events. Chapter VII "The expansion of England." Economic obange ot the 17th and early lSth ceaturles Toplo Miss Vernon, 49 50, Miss liurgess 61-G2-S3. Chapter VIII. "The period ot tbe Industrial Kevol utlou." F.aouomloal ohanges of the latter 18th and early l'Jth cenln.ries. Topics Mrs. A. Uieber 65-58. Mrs. 11, Ualley 57-58, Miss 11. Horn 59-00, Miss S. lioin, Gl-G'J Mrs.T. V. Hall 03 Cf. The Pernio oroo has baeu the larg est lu tbe history of tbe state. Grapes of tbe Rogue Kivei Valley, tbe Willamette Valley, The Dalles aud Eastern Oregon are excellent In quality aud appearance, while the yield is large. s fighting for delay oaee be postpone I and shrold the it Is likely tbe Veyaaade eaae Tbe Grand will be called next. Jury completed tbeit laborsyesterday and wre discharged. Our Reputation John Wall aod James Kafader made a business trip to Lakevlew this week. They report everything flour ishing at that plaoe and says Lake view Is tbe best towo north of Reno. (Tbe ressoD) Public spirit la there public spirit fur treakfsst lancb, and dinner publio spirit Uor a neck-tie and shirt stud publio spirit always to tbe front and kept meet vigorous ly alive aod flowing through tbe recekses of business opportunities. Wben tbe knockers of Fort Bidwll get tired kicking at the Nugget for not belug a better sheet, jast let them stop and ravmag throng b tbe cobwebs of tbelr diseased attiea and tbey will find that newspapers always reflects credit or disored it upon tbe people who make up tbe town la wbioh It Is located, tbe credit reflect log acordiog to tbe amount of public spirit displayed. Byron Graves and. W. H. Massin gill proved themselves heroes and worthy of a Carnegie medal on Tboisday ot lest week wben they stopped a team of frightened horses from dashlug through tbe main window of Bailey & Massingill's tore. Neither ot the gentlemeo woul I give a statement or tbe affair tn tbe Gxamlner'a representative, both being of a very mnriett disposition. JUDGE II. L. DENSON SCOTCHES SNAKE Attempt to Deceive Public is Sharply Nipped In the Bud To tbe Editor: My attention has been ca led to an item in the Silver Lake Leader wi cb seeks to convey tbe false Impression that if elected to tbe otHoe of Circuit Judge, 1 intend to resign in favor of some other at torney. This rumor was first circulated in Klamath County, over a month ago but "died aborning," aud now the malicious author ot it has 'succeeded In deludlag the editor of toe Silver Cuke paper la considering it worthy of publication. .My answer Is, that when 1 aooepted the unsought bnor of the '.Repub lican nomination for Circuit Judge I did eo"in absolute good faith, with the intention of devoting my time, it lTTe"an health are spared me, to eerv iag tbe people for tbe full term, with out being iaflueuoed by polltlosl or other unworthy influences. HENKY L. BENSUN. Mining: Men In Town John Brown aod T. J. Cutler, both of whom are interested In the Hoag mines, " were in town this week. Mr. Brown is superintendent of the Big Four group aod' expeota to bae their mill iu operation la a tew weeks. He hai now some 5000 tuns ot low g ads ore on the dump, aod is still proseonting the work in the shaft and drift, with favorable judications of striking a rich body of o re In the near future. Both gentlemeo are sanguine that the Hoag dtstrlot will prove a Bonanza in the very near future, aod that It will be of much beueflt la the way ot furnishing a market for every thing that oan be produced there. Jim Partln Weds AHuras Plaindealar: Oo Satirday evening, Oct. 1 0th, at JQve o'clock James 11. Partln and Georgia A. Case were united lo marriage at tbe Bap tist Parssooage by Rev G. N. Card o'er. It was a quiet but Impressive wedding. The bride and groom were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. II. Van Losnwhi aoted as grjomsmao and bridesmaid. Toe bride was attired in a gown of old rose silk wbils tbe groom wore the conventional 'suit of black. Mr. aod Mrs. Psrtin are protnlcect aod well kuown young pe -pie of Alturaa and we join with their maov frieods in wishing them a long aod happy married life. Killed by Electric Shock A peculiar accident happened last Friday night un tbe road near Tom Vernon's plaoe, .resulting in tbe death of two horses. A party of young people were on tbelr way to New Pine Creek to attend a danoe. In cluded in the party weie tbe Misses Coffman, Miss Vernoo, Steve Downs, and Harry Vernon. Tbe horses sblsd at aome object alongside the road aod struck an electrio wire post, knocking it down. Tbe wires fell oo tbe burses aod tbe shock from tbe current killed both of them. Forta ostely none of tbe yoong people were Injared. THE ETHIOPIANS ARE JUE NOV. 4 PleasingEntertainmentby Local People Announced For The Near Future One wek from 'emorrow nlgbt tbe Ethiopians will bol? tbe boards at Solder's opera house, and "Standing room only." Is tbe sign that will likely greet tbe late comers. A vsrv entertaining program is being pre- pared, aod tbe dancing and singing promises to eclipse aoy thing of tbe kind heretofore attempt id in Lake view. Regular reversals are being held , and nothing is being left un done tbaat will insure its success CAST OF CHARACTERS. Angelina Svmphony... Mrs. C. Seager Aribella Snowball. ...Mm. Roy Shirk Ankastacla Primrose Mrs. Mushen Marietta Harmon r Hattie Nyswaner Mrs Vanderbilt Jones.. Mrs. Copeland rtinsy Teacock Cuba Amlck Pegsy Peters..... Mrs. Farrell Grace Dlvinitv May Barues KTHIOPIAX BKKKXADKKS Mrs. Sherlock, Mrs. Cressler, Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Orton, Mre. Wilhts, Mrs. Kuhl. Mr. McCabe, Mr. Williams aud Mr. R. Shirk. BONKS Jack Smith JohnCogburu TAMBO a. J. Stone Dr. Everett PROGRAM Part I 1 Opeuing Chorus," By the Water melon Vine" Entire Co. 2 "Sweet Girl of My Dreams,".. Aribella Suowball 3 "Arab Love Song,". .Fggy Peters 4 "Ylp l-Addy-I-Ay," Fuusy Peacock 5 "Good Bye Mr. Ragtime," Grace Divinity 6 Lonesome," . . Marietta Harmony 'By the Light of the Silvery Moon,".... Mrs. Vanderbilt Jones Old Man Moon," S Ankastacla Primrose 9 "Those Eyes," Peggy Peters 10 "Doan You Cry Ma Honey," Angelina Symphony 'Meet Me Down Among tbe Sugar Cane,".... Entire company Part II 1 Orchestra 2 "Glowworm," Mrs. Vandsrbilt Jones 3 Pickluinuy Dance Aribella Suowball & Co- 4 Vloliu Solo..... Miss Laura Suelllug 5 Solo, "Roses Bring Dreams of Vou," Mrs. Roy Shirk C Zalu Dance, Aribella Snowball A Co 7 "I Used to Believe In Varies,,' Augeline Symphony 8 Comet Solo Chas. E. Rice 9 Sketch Jack niuith & Co. 10 Cake Walk Eutire Company Mlas Emily D. Ayresand Mrs. Cope land at the Piano. The total value ot agrioultura products of the state for tbe cur rent season la glvso at 115,000,000. REdiSTRATIQN IS NOT VERY HEAVY Books Close With 969 On List But REPUBLICANS IN LEAD They Have Clear Majority of 281 Over All and 345 Over Democrats The total registration of Lake County fur the November election la 369, of which 625 are Republicans, 280 Democrats, 42 Socialists, 5 prohibi tionists, 7 Independents and 10 who refuse to give tbelr party affiliation. Accord itg to these flicuree, the Rep ublicans have a clear majority of 231 overall and a plurality of 243. la North Lakevlew, Silver Lake and Lake precincts, one prohibitionist registered in each, while Fort Rock has two. Pai-Iey and Cogswell Creek each have one Independent, while North Lakevlew has two and Fort Rock 3. Those who rvlueed to give their party affiliation are registered aa follows: Norte Lakevlew, Sliver Lake and Caswell Creek, one each: South Lakeview and Fort Rock, two each, and Lake precsnct 3. The registration by preclnc's omit ing those mentioned above to gether with the total is as follows; R. 125 14 D. 42 19 21 tt 19 11 40 4-3 1 10 24 3 18 18 8. 8 T. 177 13, 69 29 60 29 145 111 7 Si 71 23 94 90 So. Lakeview. ommer Lak. aisley 31 Crooked Creek 23 North Warner. rr?-.i 48 South Warner 18 North Lakevlew.... 94 1 Silver Lake 57 i)rewa Valley. GooeeLake S3 Cogswell Creek 41 Thomas Creek 18 L.k 66 Fort Rock 67 Total 025 280 42 909 Tbe registration for 1908 was at fol lows; Republicans 615, Democrats 319. Socialists 12. Prohibitionists 2. Independents 2. No party 1, a total of 979. Thomas Creek Polls To tbe voters in tbe Thomas Creak Precinct, Lake County. Oregoa: Tbe election polls will re held at the Ueryford House on tbe 8th of Nov ember at tbe general election. ALBERT DENT, SberlaT. CHILES' APPLES BECOME FAMOUS r Pearmalns & Wolf Rivers Awarder First Prizes at Watsonvllle Th toar prizes scoured by apples from the Briles orchard, mention of which was made ia the last issue of tbe Examiner, were for tba best Pearmains and Queen of tbe Southt and for tbe seoond beet Wolf rivers and Winter Bananas. The apples were more or less bruised la ship ment, utheiwise Mr. Morrill, who was iu cLarg.i of tbe exhibit, writea that .be would have seoured (our prizes. So pleased was tbe California Dev velopment Boaid wlth tbe display that th-y asked for the display for processing and to plaoe on display with tbe California exhibit at Oak land, which request waa grautad by Mt. Morrill. Farmers Are Plowing: The farmers are taking ad fi la age ot the recent rains aod beginuiug to turn out with their plows to do their fall plowing. Tbey report the ground being ia excellent condition the big ram baving thoroughly wet it dowa deep enough to make plowing the best they have seen It at this time of tbe year In Lake County for years. Tbe apple crop of Oregon tor 1910 la etsimated to be 1600 ear loads or approximately 1.000,000 Boxes. Tba vsluo of the crop is 12,000.000. Ore- gea has 93 per oeut of a fall ora.