Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 13, 1910, Image 8

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Every Time You
Buy a Suit at
You arc assured of hotter value At this
time wo arc showing a line of Suits for
BOYS. YOUTHS and MUX that are of
superior value over any previous o fieri ti.
New York 's Newest Models. We invite you
tocallat this store just to have a look at
the Nobbiest Clothing for your boy as
well as for yourself. Our ptiees are
guaranteed lower than you can buy from
any Mail Order House in tne Country.
YYe are anxious to show them to vou!
Scrap Book
Ndtd the Praytrt.
A sympathetic ol.l oNtkj man In no
English country villus nn waited
on ono Sunday morn hie; Just before
or Iff by ii young num. who mild:
"Will you Undly nsk the ronnreRa
tlon'n prayers thin morning for poor
vi-mi..... u t.q '
" 1 1 I 1 .1 III it1 iiiiiii i
'Wllllnnly." said tin clergyman.
Anil lit the proper niomcnt In the
service lu besought all those present
to pray earnestly for the unfortunate
William Smith In the great trouble
i ami Hrll that encompa.ssod him. The
request, he wan pleased to note, maile
! a deep Impression on the coitgrrgntlon
ATter the service, incetlng the youm;
man who hud asked for Intercession
in Smiths behalf, the clergyman mi Id:
"What U the matter with your
friend? Ik you think It would do
any good If I were to call on him?"
"I'm afraid not." was the sorrowful
"Is It so bad as that?" Raid the cler
gyman. "What Is the trouble, then?"
"Hill." aald the other. "Is going to be
' )ust before the hour for going to pre
i Mien Unrinii sent In ft hurry up ed
I Jtorlal based on a I Me ihmn- l !. -tin
Nearly nil the printers had- lei'! the
! Mew man not ll pie-e of Hi.- i..". i
pace from about Hie middle r r
rled It to his ease, I-'--1,,-.! ;n n i,. .
Ingly, turned It npslile dev. o. ! ..',. .! at
It ngaln and dually put Ii i i i -. i u
before him iind bey in t" set .-it, , i. i
type. "Head 1 ha I In .
yeltrd the foreman. " r
time for proofs!" And h "
man carried his m itii - , .
"dumped" Into the form i v n'-ur
ther ceremony.
What he had set up i i !,'
this. "The iiierebaut. w Im v
copy 1 have before i i, i
for my fate. No Immai i i
read It Fie cannot read ii ! , a ,"
Tonight I shall Jump a frci-.Vi vl i.s
I am somewhat shaky tr i i c. ,-i t
Jags will probably fall i T an I I
killed My blood be on h! . head "
This remarkable paraerap'i , a'
Ing without rhyme or re.iiu It: '
middle of Kartou's brilliant o M' I.
astonished the renders of th- r
net morning. When the colonel I
self recovered -uftb l"tit !y to y a
club ami datdi down to the o'V.o i V
trani printer had mulshed.
I Hardware and Implements I
We wish to call jour attention to our
live line of
: t7 n .
We Build the Ladder by Which We Rise
Heavea Is not renehed nt n nlnele hound.
Hut we tuilld the Udder tiy which we
- Use
From the lowly earth t. the vaulted
ski. a.
And we mount to IM summit round hv
I rount this thltnr to hn crntidlv (rue
That a nohle di ed Is :i m toward (io-t
l.trtlm; the notil from the common clo.l
To a purer nlr nnd broader lew.
J. C, Holland
We have in stock at present
Fifteen Different Patterns
Archie Stooo Her Tent.
"I know treble Joes not drink." con
tided Mrs. I'lke to her sister "that Is,
anything stronger than a glass of beer
on a hot day or maybe a hot whisky
when he has a cold. I made up my
mlml to test him. 1 hue always said
I would never live with n man who
drank, so 1 prepared a test.
"I went down the street to a liquor
store and bought a box containing a
bottle of whisky, a bottle of madeira
wine and a bottle of brandy, all for f 1.
In the prettiest little box. Then I
surprised him with It for his birth
day, nnd 1 tell you he was surprised
when he .saw It and more so when I
confessed that I had only paid $1 for
the bargain.
"Archie promised me solemnly that
" lie would never taste the horrid slufT,
i'lil, iilth 'tmh I have ,opf it haraly In
his Miidy cut since acd wnb hsl It
anxiously every d ly. he has !,.;.( a
Z. word. !i, I urn o glid""- lu. 1;
The Leatt Ho Could Do
A particular!; homely mac was rui
Ing on horseback along a coimtrr I -no
1'resefiMy be met a lady, nlo mouiiicl,
and drew ti one side to allow her to
She a'so chi" ked her liorse and look
ed the man over In a curious way.
finally she said:
"Well. I believe yon are the home
liest nia n I ever sa w !"
"Yes. matlitM." he replied, "but I
cannot help It."
"Nn, I Mt,ipose not," hc said, '"but
you uiL'ht at bast stay nt home."
What's In a Name?
Josephine Dodge Daskam (Mrs. Ka
ron), the authoress, won at u Kraslde
resort one Kiimmer. While reading
some manuscript on the beach one day
a piifT of wind curried one of the
sheets toward the wutrr. A joung
artist, a total stranger, who w is near
by. made a dash for the tlylng paper
and as l:e al:ut reached ll stumbled
and pltchivl headforemost into the
surf. As he regained the bench, limi
and dripping, he growled through Ids
set teeth, "Jo.u-phlne Iiodge liaskam
.loHephlne I'odgn Haskam!"
The nut h-.ics ho came up to him
at that iiioim-'it, '.'listed i t a'ea. nu-nt
nt the for! i :i loo'. lag limine fur a
oi-d and tin ;i said In a tune i f - m -u-i
'"tv. '! .v ii ;:ji,h .1 -ephir.-' I .! -e
'I ' ctt ; in in turned a line r. I an I
ald si -i.ish'v, ",o; ilcn'l know tier
rnjff : , -j in)
(rilc:...: rjllii
yjjrlEnrc showing the
the very latest
ideas in Millinery
Ladies' Coats, Suits.
Waists, Etc.
ifiWe are anxious to
serve you. tf &
Woman's Outfitter
If you don't wo
will both bo
I'ctticuat.s form SI. 'Jf to - - - SL'.LTj
downs from $1.15 to .... 81.f0
Kimouas form ti()c to .... $1.15
Shirt Waists from 85c to - - - 81.75
Wrappers Sl.f.O
House- I)rtsi'S - - - - - - $1.75
iiy" This a new stock of roomy cut
jooils and wo have a full line of sizes
Call around and look over them before it is
too late. We have a!o four different
f patterns or the famous
Toledo and Chicago Ranges j
We Aim To Satisfy
i . r I'h, i- .u'n ...ii !,..,'. mi, .!,,,', ),,
' i ''-r: ,1 if i it v I , ; t r i vt as a -'.'-d t"
j take elKirL-e ,,f a . --I" Iio.k du.-'on.
; i'li-i'-n- .-.ft if t " i i ' -' r
j V, h;!o e::de.ivi r'' u in; iv 1iju.11
I --- ymiia.- i.nmU i'ie i i'iurt a nee if
j ii' '-! a i !.! .- ! I',.. f ,!,,v. in
j ' ' n v a - : 1 1 I .'i t
! " Vt't. it. . ,. ,, 1 . , .. 1 1 M1, , , i i ,
. i ' i i al i '" i he - t ' y ili'i v .- ' ei
ft-i!'ili: - vi ry rrn t and smiling down
i Upuii t hem.
"I'.ecaijNe they dun t know you," was
Hie ready answer of'a bright eyeil lit
tie l.y, reninn!iiii to the liiKratlarinu
Mini'e with one i-uiihMv t;nileeii and
winnlii. - Llpplncott's Magazine
f-i io '!a:n bit! I've read a lit of hi r
ii h". a d I ainaya nay ln-r n.s c
u'.in I ',a;u j,i fMvrar ai d can I II. i
i ' ih vaci'vl tliiii;; to Kwcir'ic:
I ' in,, .t ., -,y( ai'lni; that ( i .-. r r u.
' -...i-r'-s:.' "
I '
' r.'tt it" on Sy'tfrti
i At e i i r' i i a ! tetlie in N .'. " T
; 1' '. 1 1-.- i.i I nsi ,-iii ,- ...
i I " ! :' ... i by , .- o .---i
I ci,, in - ; . . ,i r i ' .
! b. ai.-i v , .. ,1 ,'ui' ..otbii a ; -.f
tliiir if ',, .il iiiat-t'i-N ( ilti.oliil.' l:
i I-ec.ll l ' , ' .- ' ).. ice Pi i. cp ' he
li iil i-i it. i .-,'rti O'lil i n ' l! iv
lii.ol.t- ml lt"iiiv I 'ie -nin'riiii '-iid"!.'
i ll VI i. Cllli.ll IVKlllii'll lull
-i!ii,it" net 1 1 1 cm. He llieiel.irt- .o.l
I "i - . 1 1 tj i ml ii e, tilt Ii is i 1 "ii
Apples Apples Apples
Keeping Qualities
Too Rj't.
A 1'iir'y of ea-it.'taii-rs v .:) bear
himtini: in ('alifurnia. ! "ni . Vi!nii I 'd
the party, aril day and , ilii he boa-ted
uf his U! a, a In-.! r -1 1 1, r Th".
0" mi tin. h ,:, I',.,.
. r "t ' il lei l'i!ily.
TH i- t;ood et '.".' i" t:h " In-wi-iilil
.-a. ax lie pit li 'd I' 'u a culi!
i n of pri-eft i d ee a' ' !? 'lie i;j..vt
ne i ! mi tl.e v. i rlil, la , Is a
hear -ii-al criiled In a tarn i.vor a lo
Pp- "
'linilne hear." rett fro wind one
dat iliinme a f i il hear brlle. I'm
sretiln :tet of iliirt i-.-i lined stuff."
, ti'ti r. h tile '
. at 'i.i.-, l '
, , i - -
mi.-. I'l M v i . - -i
: ,1
d ,i:
Y iiterman-Parker-Conklin
Fountain Pens
Thornton's Drug Store
n: ,
A V;
. I
Daily Service Izxcept on Sundays
f' I!
p ', "I III I
'.. . ! i I I Hcl,.l !
m-a rby ilv.
out:" cried
a bear rltthr
a n'ii?hbir
behind vou.
u i !n-iai ' ' . .
"I S .1 I a i ,; ,.
r v. In a -, i i . .a
liU! mir ma n t 'i. m if
j that he had failed I,, per I lie it I .a", leu I
l IxH-ause the MTia'or had taken a trail.
! fur U'asliiii'ton and Hull ue nib;!il J
catch film uiirsolveH when the train
passed thfuuli our city. ll iitilv'
I Henrchlti',' a time lal.le, 1 f ap.d Mint'
j the train meitt luned was due In a few,
minutes. Tin re I clmr no other r port
! tr at hand, o!,'.cd I'.ud!J, a
Planted, Irrigated, Spray ed and Cared for
Price $150 per Acre
Cne-third down, balance $20 per month
No Taxes, No Interest
Land Company
Lakeview, Oregon
Write for Booklet and Information
' 'I lu re's
I'ele trave one look, ft was a beHr,
sii:,- euoiiuli. He turned very pule and
bo'iedod off Into the woeils.
"We thought yon lilted boar'r" they I raw reporter fr -h from tin coimfry,:
sniil s.'ireastleally to hirri on his return ! told him to i ns-t this train at the i
"Nil I ilo." said I'ele, "hut that feller lion and !! s-.iie sort, of e pro islen
want well eiioii-.'h dune " i fiom i ho n-t'itur on a subject ! hen ot
Inn' h iliipul lanee, 5
Worked the D'reclor. "Some lin.e later Itud trulleil oalmi.i 'j
line (' the star comedians nt the j In and In C -rtei-d ice that after a per J
Kin i''a! theater In Ira n I. f. at '.ent to 'nal scar- Ii of every car on lie' frala.J
the .1 re i ui' and asked f.-r an advance lie led f i ia d tu lied i he senator. ; j
i. n Lis -.icek's -alary. The l-M.k sliow- "'Iki lull mean that you looked (
ed 1 1 1 . . t the l( hule ainuiml lad already' "il t he hIim .:ii;t berths. Hiid'.'' -iild 1. (
been drawn, nnd the , j p-H . ,r Mild " 'V'T; that's liat I dune.' --aid I'.ml - J
".Ve" " 'I'.ut, I'.ud ' I e;,. lainu il In i ..ii !.-!' i
' Very 'ji.iii." -aid M," 'nr: "then I nation, 'y i-t-i-a't a -,,i many of th,..
b.'l! ref.l e In .i mi ioiil:.'t,r "' i bcrlhs net iii.ii- I l y iailicV , '
Ti e direei..r saw iii.. ii V..I-- da'ier ' " 'Sure. id Itml. I
ous.'y mar .ail lam line .id ivl in I a 'il - i '''Hill. Whul did Volt do when yr,u
ly ih-- u'-tor the aiiii.iini a-1 ed i foiliid a lad v : ho had rd It ed';' ' (t
f a'. I.., I -a',!, ',-t: a-u .1,,-r, - p. ihi-i h-I " 'Vi'liec I b'l-led the curtain open , C
I a cow-1 in.! looked iii and a woman jutupi'd
j up and screamed I took off my hat and
-aid Ihei Kays, "Thai's nil rlhl. lady, yon ain't
il pock
Ti.'i;n N'd. 'J -fives Alftira- at
Arrives ;itl!eiio, Xwatia, at
fit-tin No. 1 leaves Kcno, Ncvad
!:.". i A. M.
i:lO I. M.
'.:() A. M.
t i ives at Alttiras at 10:10 P. M.
S. i'. Lo's Trains leave Kino as lo'Iows:
. leaves KVno for San I'raiK'iscf) at '
. '! Ieaes Reno tor San I'raneisc-t) at
. 1 leaves Reno for the Kast at - -
Sit k 1
leaves Keito lor the l;ast fit - - '
7.."0 p. m.
LMo a. m.
1):LT p. in.
'J:f)0 p. in.
A large Heating Stove,
suitable for logging or
railroad camp. For sale
A T A Ii A R fi A I N
Apply at this Office
Tv.- . New 'CRKSCEXT'
Ladies' Bicycles for sale
-V T A Ii A R G A I N
! i t a i.. ri of e I ' i". a.t. ,
at'ul.v mi" at I bar "
"V' t al all. II'IT Ilil'ei I, r
lo t"!-. Klnllii'K the a v it
ei "luy liauio is liul on the hill for to
pi :h' ae.i way."
His I n tei pel ;i t ion.
foh.iiel .1 I'. i:.,i io,,, In, died In
Alabama In 8'I". W.i.i fa'cu-i years
iyn in the middle wosl as an
writer of jfreflt jiower and ver-iatillt.v.
The queer I hint; tibout hb'i wnd tlial
Ids normal penmanship looked almost
inke coperi)hite-a heHiiUful tlowlmj
M-rlpt. .Hut let him tfet exejted or
Mi Tied, and It doubled'sl the
i-Ti iled clji' keri traek's ai ( 'loopatr'i'a
ed!e. One nliflif a tramp printer
drifted Into n western ..Ih.-e u luT" the
co'oi .-I wai In charre and ai p!ie- fur
ll io!. T'ie I'.'ri.uaan pill him to v'ol'!t,
end In; pet-'.i si ;Uoinf all rh-lo join
the in.'iii I'm looking for!
Lake view Meat Market
HAVES &. GROD, Propr s
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Moats
Quality Unexcelled
! ice licNverv
Winter enpu at 11. .M.
Stuck to His Work.
Harry I'aiu. the humorisl, at a jath
rrintr f arte ls one evot.lritf was called
III. oil fol ll -lit.e.-li I
"(lenlll'meii," be said, "bi.'lllif plesen'
Bt a jrat helium hi which urt l no law
l.r rejireseTited, I feel It Incumbent
upon jne to say u few words eoneern
Irijf the nitb'ect of ialnllntf Speaking
personally, my only elTorU In I hat dl-rt-rtlon
were on an oeetiHion when I
ennrueled our biilh. My frUut itl tuj
)u-, 'My dear Winn', Ifs n i?oi)d jroni !
Kolnn In for fiaintlii'' iinlesi yuu'ri1
j.pIitired to Mil-1: i i jnur w urU .
'Wo'l," concliiibd Mr fain, aedd thi
In ''i'i r . f hi,; uii'Jl -.'R'o, "1 did itti.-h
to it."
l'i'(irlet orn
I.KU IS A- Vtil'Mi
Open Every Evening
and Sunday Afternoons
Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons for Ladies
IVr Hour, U.'c; Two Hours, K)c; Ivntire livening, ,r0c
I Kheep Huned cuut-i ut U.A M,