Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 13, 1910, Image 5

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    Xnhc Counts BSynmincr
i -
TIltJIHDAY. OCT iHF.It 1.1. I1I0.
'onir shirts, nil silk, J.2Ti at
llunim .
v irraulcd nut to break,
2,'mi at H MUMi'n.
Mhk. I' Ii.w was dr from l'loah the
Ural t'l I tut t-k.
Aim rantae ylovra leather Palm,
iifi ( In hI Itouiia'a.
Y'Minit 1 1 t mul pigeon for mile,
ace li vmu Mhci lock. I 1 't -"
lit-t pi Ire on (lour lit Itunnuza he.
fori liu llig rl-e hcl c. If
lint I'l(reil aa up from Nb
I'lne ( k yesterday.
Mini mil In at rrnri back s'mpeti
dem, fit) fin lit Donna's.
II. It l.otlrk, ill 1'illnlfy, liHM Juat
i llllll'llll II lie ri'MllllMU'l.
IUtijr llnniln, silk and haattkln,
Iran tliHii coat. Ht lluoiie'a.
J. II Wrernr. aw II known rancher,
came in frem I'luhti Tuesday.
Found, a Imiirli nf keys. Owner
ran tn'ni'M tame at tlila oilier.
20 Ilea I I'll r I, !rel llaryforl Hull
for khIm l.iii.(K) each. F. O. Hunting.
Hun. II. I'. Ilrntlalu was down
fniii I'aleley Iml week on n business
Jllenrv l.eeliman l limping around
aa I hn mutt of being kicked ly a
Mr. Kdt.t.
at KuM't nr,
llHrtlti U now residing
having moved In Irot.i
Fresh 'aiiily ill nirlve evciv !''
iIii.vm at I lie I'ost Olllcc Store, I'.limr
('. Aliixiroiii. 'II
II. II. Wilcox la up 'r"" I-'"' I""1'
look liu after IiIh Lai o County busi
ness lultiif ft.
I Al fr trt m. tin- tailor, n'iit ii few
In vm mi til' Valley Fnlla ranch during
tin1 p.iMt wit'k.
Ollln Howard, of Illy, wiia in town
tli in week on Ma way to New I'liu
Creek after apples.
F. L. II. M)r, tho father of Val
lev I 'nil-, pnl I Lakeview h v Iwit dur-
I I tin past wnek.
Men's liaHTy rlttixd iifilnrwi'iir,
best goods on erer hud. at the rice,
U.!Ki, at noone'a.
Horn, Friday. Spt inil n-r. HO. Ml J,
lo Mr. ainl M m. , I ii'iii k' llnnnn, of
I'llll-lcV, ii ln tin ll tT .
Ki'llr.v I'rili'K wax up front IhiviM
I 'reck thUwick with ll I : n I of line
apple liml vegetable!.
County Clerk Inyne has Issued 477
liiinti'r'a llHi'fiii a ami '.V'! tlnhermnu '
licenses thiia fur diarlng I'.Md.
Deer lui ii tern should know Unit It
la unlawful tu mutilate the carcass of
any dunr to disguiss the aex.
I Tti iovernuient litml otllce U liaf
Iiik lectrlo llk'lita IliHtalluil, Mrh
'5 will tie a iIpi'Hh'I iniprnvninnt.
1,1'. A: WIllliiiiiM. will not Im ii
apoiiHlMi' for uny Iimi-th iiiInmIii (roin
Henry I leryfunl rumli. Oct. tl-l.'I
I Mr. Kelly Urllua, of Uavla OerU.
who haa linen very low from an
attack of typhoid, la now improving.
Mr. and Mia. Jhidh Vincent were
up from New fine Creek Tuepilay,
and (liiide tho Kxauiiuer a pleitaHut
With the end of September, open
j KarahliuK closed lu Nevada. The Itmt
I day all resorts were crowded to the
Mr. and Mra. F. Ziiu Haldwlu and
Mi. and Mra. J. A. tlordon name
ovnr from the Falla the 11 rut of the
Th nitv vlnntlnn will Ink a III HUH
vtT -1 i r 1 . - t l. - 1 1 .
iiuvooiupr i. lb i'iuiuiodd fcu 1 1 o -
Iter than the state eleotlou the week
Uuy 11. lngraiu left Monday for
KoaeburK. He expects to retnin
shortly toI.HKevie and enKk;e" In
Mra. J. Hurry and family have
moved Into (heir hoime recently pur
chased on North Muln Street from
li. Harvey.
J. R. MoAleer, of 8au" FruooiHoo,
rupreaentlna the Oliver Typewriter
Co., wan Id Lakeview durlun the
past week.
Monday nltcht a oouiar'a ory was
plainly heard from the hllla ennl of
iTTwu, laatlutc for a period of at leiiwt
half an hour.
MrTaud MrsTornr'WhortouT'left
yeHterday for Btockton, Cal, where
Mra. Whortou will uuderuo a courae
ot treatment.
Anions the aheepiuen in ton dur
lui the paat week were Cuu Curtiu,
tJut Dunne, Dave K.dlor, Coa Taylor,
aod Den Daly.
John Elder, of Palnley, la HiilferliiK
from J the effect of a dialooated
shoulder, caused ty bis borse jump
ing from under blm.
Chaa. V. HartlluK baa sunk another
well on bis bonieateud near Wukou
tire and struck a iiood flow of water
at a depth of 83 feet.
Don't forget that we carry In stook
for sals all kinds of Iron, bolts aod
chains, thimble skelua and iron and ,
steel axles Arzuer Bros. If
j Mr. and Mrs, H. O. Crealnr, Mis,
imh iiatchillir and A inly Umlernml
went nut tn (ha Drew Crak dam
Hiimlar to sh the work.
'I'lii I'nl-lry pi.hllc acliool In in u
vi'rv MotiriMliiui; cundltlii:! uuili-r tin
inniiiiKeiui'iit of I 'rot. 'I'imIiI, who la
iiMy nUtiM by MIhh Hnwcra.
A plan Ii now on foot to drain
Malheur lake,. It niluh: ha added
thai the plan will niael more or lnaa
oppoallmi from rlparlon nwnrra,
I'. K Walami hna rel'irnnd from
I'liiah where he palotn l O. W. Dent's
new ren. Inure. He ays "aoinethlnK
la dninu" at I'limh (ll the time.
Mia Alice Mclirath la now erln
on the day shift at the telaijhotii)
oMIie and Mrs llnnnhn Uella at nlyht.
I hey Kchant(a uhlfta avery two week
Hvrnri Oravrm, Date Knuta, and
Ouy Nyaaner have returned friiiu
Nw I'lua Oree where they were at
work for the loi'iil teleplioun com
pany. Mr. and Mra. J. (I. HoiIhoii, Mr.
ami Mra (,'r-.. 1 McKeudree, W. II.
Shirk. F. I'. t.iht and John Flyrin
Mm Ht'eiidluK tint Klka di)lnn at
Jon Howard waa tn town Tueaday
uitftit on thla way to New I'inn ('rek
tn purcha Mm winter anpily nt
apple and veuetatjle fur hi Drews
Valley atut Inn.
I'lill I.Mich waa a vlaltor In ton
the latlrr purl i f lav1 week. He came
over from I'limh for am plien, helu
ai'coniiuiiiied by Turn Murphy and
Ned O'Connor.
Work i.u H.n now lleryfmd leHidenrJJ
la prciKrWMiii nicely undjr Con
tnii tor t.'iiderwiio I, an I will uu
doubt da ciHiipleted b-furii Hie luird i
aenNon net in. j
W. I!. Ciird haH enuHiied In the
delivery mi. I iniUHfcr bualnea", mid It
I hla aim I to "be on the job" day
mid iiltfht. If you need hi si rrlcc
in. I mi i,IH.
An liiillnii en Ii) fume vciiieoii to ii
i i niplc of h i i cm nt Hciid I he oi In r
diiy mid un ii rc-ult the lliilinn Kil 'S
I.IVM III J.l hill- hc lllll'x CIC UK
U'Hhi'll f Vl ( lu ll
Mr and Mr. John Wiird
lire ii ow
rcNiiliMiln of l.aKevlew, Mr. Ward
Imvliik! return n J with the Jlnusnii
('otiet i net inn Co. to rename wurk
on thu O. V. L. canal.
Min Mill 1 1 Cllibiua bus reaiuni'd
her pr ult Ion a atenoKrupher in L.
F. Coun'a lnw ottlce, aud will tn
Hacninieiit o shortly expectiui; to
aecnrn a Mmllur position.
Khiin.'iih l'.illrt hi ill ill-MitlMn-cl
wllh tin- trulii m lii'ilolc, and now
iviin'h i he t rnlns i mi ho tluit It will
rifi'f' el t ;i t a L'O-liuiir layocr nt. Wii-d
for piiMHciii;iTM from the north.
I. D. Venator, deputy prosecuting
attorney, went up to i'nlsley Friday
on nlllclal luhines, preautnubly in
connection with the "blind pin"
raid which occurred there recently.
Mr. a'ld Mrs. .1. 1 Hanson came op
from Attorns Friday and registered
at Hotel Lakeview. Mr. Hanson haa
about completed bis raitmuj work aud
will attain make Lakeview hid' head
quurtcr. The Altar Society of the Catholic
Church net at the home of Miss
Laura Knelling where they were very
pleasantly entertained. KefruBh
meuts were served, and an enjoyable
time had by all.
The rck'lMlru'lu a books fur the
November election will close Satur
day. The fact that tbey do outs no
toe, however, tor under khe present
law It is easy euoiiKh to vote whether
you register or nut.
Father O'Mulley, of the Catholio
Church, reports that the amount
collected for the new church has now
leached the sum of $.1100 with $1000
promised, but atlll uunolleted. Let
the good work no on.
Kev. (J. J. Weutzell. of Oedarvllle.
Cal , who Is lu chiire nf the local
optlnu wink iu Lake Cuuuty leturu
ed home Tuesday, expectiuu to come
over HKKin lu about 10 days, when
thi work will tie pushed vitforuusly.
Mra. A linn M. Seilon, the women's
outfitter, haa returned from quite an
extended t rip to Sun Fraud son,
where Hhe purchased a lure slock ot
goods in her line, ua well aa KettiiiK
pointers on the latest iu Full mifliti
ery. Aesistiuit District IForenter Mao
Kcnzle and Supervisor liruwu wiil
leave tomorrow for Silver Lake,
where a stockmen's meeting is sche
duled for Monday. Next Thursday
a similar meeting will be held at
J. H. Allien has iuhtallnd a very
ciiiniKit(i ciihh reijistui iu bia hard
ware store. It Ih capable of all kinds
of taucy stuuts, and tells at itlauoa
the amount of ciihIi aud cradit busi
ness, aa well lis nmoiiuta received on
account, etc.
J. F. Maylleld, runnaucr ot the
(loose Lake Valley Meat Market,
Is aiire aoiui Homo in the way of Im
proving the looka of hla place of bust
uess. He haa not ouly (flveu it a
new coat of paint throughout, but
haa covered tho floor with liuoleum
and otherwise improved, the Interior
so tbat it looks as neat a pin. J.
L. Clark did tho puintiug
l'kl'l Art vertlwiiieiitl
Thla i iiliimn U eoiiilui i.n ih Anil Hal
N m'i" of l.he riiiuiiv, mi'l tin. tp, - .
i u.p'l la .' in' i r. unit r !! n Iiiiii rl.
iimler coiiir n i w in K . 'I t. Woiifil
The Clly I'ruaacutor recently sill.
"It la tn.e that three fourth "f De
crime of ' Ihciiko Is due to Oie
l'real'lent 'ooaevelt: "Ilia llipuT
tratlln tends fo produce rrlmluall i
In the populiitlnu at larKa and law
lireskluu ainoiiK th aa .mn men."
Ktale Senator Mattluuly, the hluh
llceiiae chamiiloii of Indiana, Ha, a;
" Fully !lu per cent of all crime may
Juatly be traded to the uae of Intox
icating llipior."
liovernur liurke. of North Dak-da:
"We have had prnhlhlt.on so lonu in
auiiie coiiuliea there are ln jaila
There la not iiiucn crime In th
Hun. W. II. Tail: "L.-ee dili k
alone abii. lately. He who drinks l
l i 1 1 1 in r h I I y il ih iumI if ) Iiik bluiHell
for a Ivmii'M. tVr. mull y I refuae lo
take Much a rl-k 1 do nut drink.
(iiivernor W. II. 1' i f MiMnnrl:
I I tin decrenned aiile am! conaiifiip
jllnti of iiilut Ii-hiiIk haa had a teinl
itncy tn reilucii crime and criminal
expeiiNr. an a to allect a aaviuu lnr
the Ka!e. The Mmday loalu nt
the aalooiM ha reduced crime J per
(ivernor Hoke Smitn, Oeorulii:
"It la Hbaont'ly liiipiihHlhlii to have
eriiiHiien t decent oei uineu'. vthere
the HHloun ilomlriHlei uniii i 1 1 h I
allalra The el u inat inn
hmIuiiii "ill help municipal
ev.ry where."
of Hi
William McKinley: "I'y leuiilliuu
tM t nt t!) ( we aaree lo uhnre with the
, Mlonn ki-apera the re.pualtilluy and
: ef jlH ,,f buaiueya. Kvi-ry man
jwhn vote fur the lifeline Lecomcb
i of nccehfity n i nrly t ) the liipioi
j trutllo mid till It consequences. "
j (invernnr It. H. tilenii. North Car
Olina: "As for me, I am heiut and
, toul n u h i n h t the mlo i'is. After
I thirty years experience lis a roee
jcutiiu olll 'it iu th) courts I am Urm
I ly of the oni ii ion that 00 per r.eiit of
j crime l direety the result of strong
Idriokand 'JJ per cent Is iudiiertly
caused by It."
Gov. T. M. Carimbll. Texa:
About Till of the totally dry counties,
and many precincts iu others, have
become ao since Mo:', one hundred
aud forty-aeveu counties absolutely
dry. The elfejt has been to (treat I y
decrease the consumption of inlox
icauts, mid has (,'reatly decreased tbe
amount of crime."
Willium JeuuliiKs liryan : "las
sure you that this loving cup will
never have anything In it that will
Intoxicate, and if you will visit me
iu my home will llll it with a bev
erage that will not ulve you a head
ache In the morning and which 1 like
tn drink as well as any of you can
enjoy drinking liquor good flesh
Hon. Charles 11. Urosvenor, Ohio:
"A man engaged in selling strong
drink is a worse citizen than a tblef
because be robs a man not ouly of
bis money, but reputation, health,
morals, character and friernls, and,
like a thief'for the reason that' be
gives nothing of value in return for
what be gets, lotinltly worse than
a murderous tbug, because be not
oulydestroye the body, but damns
tbe soul, and scars aod blights the
progeny of bla .victims for unborn
generations. "
Governor K. V, Hocji, Kansas :
"Not aslngle good thing can be said
of the saloon it. is every where and
always an enemy to uood society aud
good government. It la the devil's
beat recruiting camp. It imposes
more burden of taxation upon tbe
people than uuy other agency in ex
istence. No human interest is sacred
tu it. It is everywhere aud always
an ananhist. The devil never Inven
ted a bigger lie thau ttiat reveuue
from illegitimate sources la neces
sary to the lluaucial success of any
town or citv. A poorbouse is a joke
iu 'Kaubits. "
A. F. Knotts, a former Mayor cf
Hammond, luiliaua: ."Tbe police
records uf our city shows that more
than W per cent ot all the olieuses
committed are the results of lutein
perance, and that the police force
maintained at an expeuse of $lf,000
a year, U almost wholly aud exclu
sively employed in wutcbiug and
caring tor men, women and children
allected by driuk. "
U. S. Senator Albeit J. lieveridge.
ludiauu f""l"uevcr touched"adrop
In all my life, tor any reason, and
never .-.hall. I'.arly ij life 1 conclud
ed that 1 could not afford to touch
a driqi of tho product ot either dis
tiller or brewer. 1 never have re
gretted tbat step, 1 oau tell you.
Later 1 begau to comprehend more
fully the enonomio and political
phases of the tratllc, aud tba result
la that I now view It aa tba most
Important Issue before tbe American
people todsy."
(l"ernor lln ley, of Inimn: "For
'thiesjearsl ' e w ll i epae .n tin
I ndlns pro, e-iiin uf . i, - i iir
Idanilhters an I ie.
broken heart a i le. into ll'e ax
ec"tlve cliiiinlia tn i l-a I fur clem
'eiicv for love i I'liea who have trana
liireased the la and whoan llhwttt
the state '.a taken aaif I have
I read liondred- f crl mluul rsenrda In
lllV hotel. Ill i r lifiriiM ! Ilia a i .
,tle office and ".a railway trains and
In K per cen' nf V t raaea the auae
can be traced to the exceaalve uae of
In t ox leal Ii u Iiij iui "
Hon Clininp Chirk. MlxHouri: It's
only two yciiia Minci I liiMted n drop
of liquor. h.V did I .top? I!ei iiu-e.
I knew liml if I did not h'ioii I could
not. Tin enl on N lii phici' for n
otiniC mnn who Im HiiihiiPiiiH to lue
n i-leiin. aucccefiil . ft- If (,,. u
loexci'll In i rune, roll tin- un ntnl
and ph.Vxinil, cini'iirt with
ihuir, black leu-. iroettut-M nod
f hll'Vi", be a dl-nrnce to Mm (mnlly
'mid a elciiih i.. hm own iu-MIIm.
wi y, I'd ndvl i hi
aaloona. In fuel. In-
io fii-qui nt
in ii liiirn mul
In llll tllMt ill liny liquor Hllhe-tl
fact, he Clin inke bin i-hhI irntiluiiie
conrac wit limit tinvmu; th" ir-ii, !--.
Resolutions of Condolence
Whareaa, Our beoed Nei(,'hh(,r
Annette (Cheney waa called from nor
tn dat on the 17th day of .September,
MIO, we your committee o ra du
tions bf to Hijtitnlt the fell I in? re
nliitlons: Whereas, Our ihbf r crw which ball beeo at w ork on the
aud friend Is beyond all earthly svstem has left for Paisley to re
tronble, worry and care, she has pair the Moss Hoe between that
n ached her t.svenly hn-ne let us
humbly now to Clod's decree. He It
Kesnlved, That we extend to the
I bereaved family our most slucere
sympathy, and be It further,
Kesrl-ed, Thiitlhefe re-tli'loo te
extended upon the tieojrds of out
circle and a copy be i.t to each
one of our city papers to t pub
lished. Committee
Llllie K. Harris,
Nellie Mo insn,
Ida Uuibarh.
The Civil Service Commission will
bold an examintaton for Assistant
Forest Kanier on October 21 and 'J",
11)10. The U. S. Department of Acri-
cnture estimates that 400 eligible
will be needed during tbe field seaeou
of 1911. Assistant Forest Hangers are
paid entrance salary ot 1 1,1 JO per
annual. Tb examination will be
held at Forest headquarters in Lake
view. Your cough annoya yon. Keen on ;
hacking and tearing the delicate :
ineiulirauCH of your throat if you
want to annoyed. Hut if you want,
want to le cured take Chatnlierlin'a '
Cough llemedy. Sold by all good
dealcra. ,
J. L. LYONS, D. D. 5.
Office In Watson's Block. Lake
view, Oregon
Eight Year's experience In Michigan.
Cirdute of I nivrralty ol Ulcbican.
1 sf
Mi W
M.,:il ,rr w
fMllver Luke Uler)
learn that one day last week (J.
W Johnson of Fort Kick trapped
a bin timber wolf.
Jaa, Hayes and wife have moved no
from the ranch and fill apeod the
winter In bllver Lak e.
Our school Is prnirresalng nicely,
sllhoiiKh t'e attendance la nut ao
'''Ke as It will be In another month.
Work on the f)nd F.lloaa temple
la belnu roahed a I on a In few days
the roof will le on and the work of
fliilahln the Inalde will be beuon.
F. K. Anderson, Lake cr nty'a
next connly conimlaalonrr, and
Henry Morenatrn. are on tbetr
mad to lry for seel aralo. Tbeai
two nentlenien Intecd to aow between
two and three hundred acres.
Stockholders' Meeting:
The Annual inetlu of the Stock
holders of Lane County Telephone
an1 lelenraph Company will he hell
at the MbmhoIc Hall n the town cf
Haialey, L ke Co., t)reon oo Mon-
day (Jctoher 24, MIO, at the honr
r f IO ocloi ! A. M f .ir the porpoae
of rlectina a board of directors to
aerve for the ena'iing year, and for
tie trantaetlon of eocb other bus!
ncaa a may come before the meeting.
Ctias. Umbacb, Secretary.
The new trlephona line between
Lakeview aud New Fine Creek
la now In perfect order, an J the
t"wn and Lakeview.
g A. MUSllKN.
Survojinfjr anil I'nfflnoorlnj;
City Knurlini-r
Suite No. 1 Lakeview
W atcon Hlock Orecon
TV, OU 1
I rrapecffully present my name to
the vot-raVif Lake County us an In
dependent Anti-Saloon candidate for
the office i if Sheriff of Lake County.
If elected T will do my duty as sheriff
without favor. I will do all iu my
power to suppress the illegal pale of
intoxicating liquor. Should Lake
County la? t oted dry I wid ue my
Ix'Ht endeavor to see that It Ii dry in
fact as well n in nntne.
FOR oALE Standard Bred driving
team safe for woman. Inquire
Hall & Reynolds drug store.
Cheap flour at Honanza. Quality
guaranteed or money refunded. tf
Notice for Contractors
l have 1) miles cf canal for irriga
tiou I will hereby contract to be
completed this falL Write or call
on me at Paisley, Ore. For Informa
tion call on L. F Conn at Lakeview.
1 Geo. Conn.
1 1 rr - s s r
All the Litest weaves ami mA. They are
going-fast, so don't wait. Ask to see
them. Nice variety in Misses'
Coats. All good values.
Lear Cloth Coats tor Children, sizes 3 to 0 vis.
Silk Kimonas in the newest designs o'Massa
line Silks, Flannelette Wrapers, Dressing
Sacques anil Kimonas, Outing
Flannel Gowns lor Ladies
and Children.
Oregon Valley Land Com
pany Contract Holders
We miike n epocinlty of hvuilnfc land
boimht from the O. V. L. Co. and
arln la-tter poaitlon to do ao than
nny oth-r firm In tin atate na w
linvea roiiiplctn lnU-T card ayatem
Iflvliut the name and addrtm of ever
owner of the AUm tracts of land
bouicht. If you want ua to lease
jour I nd to the b't poaalbln advao
tiiii and take full chnrnt of It wrlta
at once to Southern Oregon liealty
IW n,cr-a Wood Land,
Hctitlnir 4,000 conN trooa
.VK) acre I'artly Improved Farm 7,500
191 a-re Choice fevl ' and un
der cariHl 3.201)
30 acrea Agrlcrlnire aud Stock
'. 3,005
50C 10-m re TracU with water
feiwhj 300
2 J.i-iicre Fruit Tracts with
water (each) C00
Kfl acre HomiMt- ad Itellnqillsh
men , .'l.texi rordu wood WX)
5,'H)0 ucre FtiH-k Farm, plenty
of waier fier acre) 9
HuaineH Iyot on Water Street
(per front foot) 30
10 a'-r- Farm with Improve
ment, three ml lea out 600
Kexnlciice Lots In Lent district
(each) 200
10 acre Farm with small im
provement 550
2C0 acre Improved Farm near
Fine Creek 7,000
500 Choice Homesteads In Cat
low Valley (location feea) 100
1tOO acre Stock Farm, nicely
improved 26,000
Nice, new I'uusralow, 4 rooms),
Hath and Farttry, partly
Furnished 1,400
7-ro -ni Hone and big lot, com
pletely furnished..... 3,000
32" acres Tlmlier and Grazing
Land (per acre) 9
60 acrea Good Grazing Land
(per acre) 2 50
Southern Oregon Really Co.
Lakeview, Oreoox
Notice of Meeting: of
Board of Equalization
Notice is hereby given that on Mon
day the 17th day of October, 1910
from 8 o'clock, a. m., to 5 o'clock p.
m., of eaid day, tbe County Coard
of Equalization will be in session at
tbe County Clerk's otllce at Lake
view, Oreuon, for tbe purpose of rJub
llcly examining tbe assessment roll
for the year 1010 and to correct all
errors in valuation, description of
qualities of laois, lota or other prop
erties ; tbat the sitting of said board
will be continued from day to day
thereafter until tbe examination
aod correction of Bald assessment
shall be completed: provided tbe
examination is completed within tbe
month in which tbe board is required
to meet. All persons interested are
requested to be present at tbe sitting
of said Board of Equilization, and
show causa if there be any, why tbeir
assessment for tbe said year should
not be charged or corrected as tbe
said lioard may seem jst and proper.
Assessor of Lake County. Oregon.
Moth 9
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