Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 13, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County Exam
Official Paper of
.HVI-.Ull.MMi UAlfcS.
RfHUinr umi.liiid wl l.W ml Hu ll, mudo
eo umn i.nti vr nn.iiin All tainllntt t.
rhnm"l .,- twice a nionin. t'.wt of comeo!
II n clmrinMt torll jlr rhn'. All ! ml
poUloucir All Khorl Irrin U. rstra
Ror1, r, local -liin,!i. UV. er llnei-ai-h In
arr'lmi. Want .V. lln-eavh liiwriloit
Card of thaiiku II i. Kpwluttoin of coiutw
Ipdjp. i mi ami uinvanla.
r-TrBiinlpin A.lviTiming and Job Priut-
tlm. canh In ailiau.e
AU Mil mtimt tp .i.f the firm of each month,
Lakovlow, Orfjton, Thursday, OctoWr 1.'!, HMO
Tbe Ituit crop of the variotis
valleyi lu Lake County W niHturintj
beautifully theee tine days when the
pefeet atrooepherie conditions com
bine with the golden snosfiiae lo
brln out nil the various oolois that
make the products of this teetion of
tbe ftate the finest in poiut of Ue.
color and quality to be foued auy
Some day when these are taken to
tbe various show pltees where fruit
is exhibited in competition with the
woiM, the reople of ibis county will
swell up with' ptii- and av, if thev
are present at the exhibition: "Ye,
sli, 1 am a resident of tLe best
country in ttie world. Lake County,
Oregon, aud we tiavo uiany other
produ.'ti besides fruit that we are
proud of. If you dou't believe it come
and ?e what we hare " Any person
tbat is sceptical can tiud some epeci-
mem of apples in tbe show w indows
of Sealer Hrotieis. that are about
aa Hue a auy poor mortal can nope
to eee in this world. Mammoth Black
twitfs witb a neb coloring and tbeir
keepiua qualities are uuexcelled;
Newton Fippius tbt have earned a
name tor tbe state, sucond to ncue iu
tbe fruit growing line; Jouatbana
that are tbe equal of auy grown aud
they are just tbe riuht size for the
market; Winter liananae witl a
perfect blending of colors that merges
from the rich red luto a bleua ol
red bn i yellow, showing that co- j Hon. 11. L. Ueusou, Kepublioan
where outside of Lake Couuty aud j candidate for Circuit Jud:e, diJ
tbe Goose Lake Valley can their i Lot spend cue solitary cent in secur
equals be produced; Wolf Rivers, jingtbe nomination. Iu fact it was
tbe apple that generally takes tbe j a case of Ihe office seeking tts oiiu,
prize for size not of much account j and tbe nomination was virtualy
as a markel apple where discrimina- j thrust upon blm. Ilia record Is well
tioo is shown by tne buyer but a, known to every voter in Lake
ebow apple and valuable to demon- County, and that be will receive a
Etrate tbat tbe climate cf this section very la'ge vote here is a forgone con-
can do as well with tbe prize beaut
ies that delight the showman; Blue
Fearmain is another apple that com
bines many Hue qualities and which
shows almost as well as tbe Spitzen
bercs, which are also displayed iu
sccb profusion as will delight tbe
Teutomo couneisseur ; then tbe
Greasy Pippin with its mellow flesh
at this time of tbe year he flntet
of tbe lot as a dessert apple, but a
poor keeper, while tbe general run of
tbe various apples
growu here are.
excellent keepers.
t 1 . . I . . . . 1 T Ik...
n'u"8 aljuul "'""'iBctive campaigu, being of the op-
that comes here and is able to JHnd ; nioa th,t u betleatb tbe dignity
tbe man tbat put aay some apples ; of poBition t0 fJo 0
to keep, will be delighted ;With the J T H c,ouJi of the Krost Kady
soundness, flavor and keeping quail-, Kltcbe0 baa ;Kone tj Sao Fraucj8CO
ties of tbe apples groan the summer ; t(J lurcLafie uew fixture8 for bii place
before aud will think tbat it's eorue- b;ieiueae and wteQ the 8ame are
aecret process. But not so, patieat j installed Lakeview can boast of tbe
Booster, tbey are grown i Goose ' flr)pt eitabli8hmeDt in that line
Lake, Cbewaucan, imoier Lake, ; nf th- plHa
and W aruer Valleys beneath tbe glor
ious blue that covers Lake County
300 days out of tbe year. Some
day tbe apple growers of the valley
will be able to bring tbeir fruit to
Lakeview or 'some other point on
the new railroads tbat are headed this
way and upon each of these boxes
before they leave here will be sten
ciled tbe slogan, "Mile High Apples,
tbe finest grown on earth, not a
worm iu a million, "and the beholder
in tbe far away markets of tbe coun
try will tee then and buy tbem
glad be has the price to pay for them,
as tbey delight uo; only tbe eye but
tbe palate as well.
AU is cot peace iu the; Democratic nueot which has ;been In circulation
camp, for according to JudgeA.ti. for sometime to the elf'ect that D3
Henuett, of The Dalle, tbeir rjomi-1 W8i tobe one of the principles Ib
uee lor Governor is too closeiy allied Ik boxing match to be held at Flush
with tbe corporations to ploasu many shortly. Jim says tbat he has trou
of the stalwarts, notw itdtanding his 1 of his own.
warfare upon the railroads of the! H-rvey K. O'Hrieu, chief of the
etate. Previous to tl e primary tlec-' divJeioo of grazing in tbe Forest
tiou Mr. Bennett sent out a Figued j Service organization for Oregon.
Circular letter urging riie candidacy ' WV-ihingtoii and Alaska, has tender
ofJelfersou Meyera as against Mr. ! erJ kia resignation. (After a short va
Wott for Governor, therein stating ; ! cation Mr. O'Drien will return to his
J'l rtfHsuu tg t-elieye tha.v 4M r, ; old Louie at Wallowa to engage lo
West is loo close to the. corporations ' tha retail hardware trade,
and thin he is nut iu tympany with j nioo the out of town visitors pres
prourehssive Dumocratiu ideas. He ; etlt at n'e '5"fll Dunce last Friday
weat bcloie the cumujittee in the last' niH Hre M'H8 K'' Illurtuu, MUs
li-gislatLre aud lobbied lu thu lu-i P-ttersou and ii. JMurton, of New
terats of tbe corporations against I Pine Creek ; Mr. and Mrs. liottb-
vry good bill for the regulation of
livestcoK shipments on railroads,
which was being asked for by himself
and other livestock men and for this
ana other reasons I do not believe,
him to be a proper Democratic can
didate for the high office of Govern
or." lo the past few months tbe renew
1 of mining I activity lnUaatem
Oregon has become bo general 'that
Lake County, Oregon
in .1 r. In aitvauer,
tit mortht, "
ftirw n.onthi. "
faVMl not paid 13 advance, H JiOtheVi'ai
Nolle to Suhacrltwra
SnMKTioprt to I hi Kianilm-r who reniovi
, from oiip locallir to annilu'r. or rhati?i
Ihpir pontoittpe IiIiom nhouUl rpmi-mlxT
droo thin otlli'p it card no their paper run b ad
i dnwwed to tlip right eoMomei'.
it is realized that the time is ripe for
the holdm of a miuiutt Congress
or ot the nilnlutf men or
tbe Northwest. The ooufess will
be held on the 20th and of this
ninnih, aud the propoeitiou Is back
ed by the ruiuturi and business
of Suuipter.
Lake County is surely fortunate in
bnvioi; men successful In busiues at
the head of her government While
perhaps some of us may think that
iureitain particulars tne affairs of
the conntv have not ben conducted
just as tbey t-houli have been, yet
it Is almost universally admitted
that the preseut incumbeut. Dr.
Daly, has made a most etticient
County JuVe. And his successor,
Dick J. Wilcox, will be uo less effi
cient, in fact those who knot him
tied are confident that under his
guidance the alfairs of Lake County
w ill be conducted in away that w ill uot
only reflect credit upon bis w II kuown
buisness ability but also iu a man-
ner that will impress uoou tbe new
comer tba fact that La) e County
fully abreast of the times in every
particular, la his work cotenuu
tbe past eitfht years Jude Daly has
certainly laid a j;ood fcudutioo for
tbe tuture. aud Mr. Wilcox is ;iut
tbe proper mau to coutluue to ex
paud the work, now that a uew era or
prusperity is dawning upeu this see-
Uou flf ,he Jtate
Insureriy does not eeeui popular
among Democratic caudidates in
tbe South. Last week Hoke Smith
was teelected Governor of Georgia,
bis iudependent Demorcatic oppon
ent, Joseph M. drown, not receiving
a majority in a single county.
Additional Briefs
!Klamatu F&IU oa pto(&i9ioDHl buaj.
ness. Altbocgh a candidate for Cir-
; cuit Judge, he is ; not making auy
I Game Warden Utley came in the
first of the' week fiom tbe Summer
Lake country where it i.s reported
tbat a number of ftmaie detr or does
have been killed. It is understood
tbat tbe Game Warden ia hot un tbe
trail of tbe violators of tbe law.
C. Fitch has installed a fcasolioe
engine for pumping water at bis
dairy, and says it works to perfec
tion. The cost of operation is very
little and in a short time will pump
enough water to supply a herd of 0
cn wo. Tbe engine; was purchased
from T. K. iiernard.
Jim iliggins, tbe lengthy bartender
at Lane's, wishes to deny tbe rtate-
kiss, of Valley Falls; and Miss
Harris of Silver Lake. All report
havinff bad a very pleasant time.
Mathisen D lpont, known by tbe
name of Madison, was found a few
days since in his cabin about four
miles from Cedarville in an uncouo
scious oonditino,. caused by a stroke
of paralysis. He wan taken to Dr.
Coates" Sanitarium, but all tbat
could be dona proved unavailing and
be died Mouday'of last week.
l!"0. by Aaawlated
rm- tl-vva
Jed Smith was u fiiruier'a son I wen
ty yeiir old. tic was uneducnted. u ti
ro lit li and awkward, but he hud ro
ma me In his Html lie fell In love
with the new schKolnin'ain at once, and
us tic was the blKKi'Kt of the latya and
could lick any one of them he fell that
he liiid the best c Inline. He was
ug to nitirry Miss Seymour or know
the reason why. When he began to
betray slns of Ills love his father
took him out to the burn and turned
I m j,,, ,() 1T.
"Now. Jtsl Smith, don't you go and
liinke no ding dang fool of yourself I"
It was plain, m-iisllilo talk, hut J1
wouldn't take It thai w:ty. He was a
i Hr render, tint he ti.-nl iiigesttMi m
ninny love novels that he wnsn'i going
to lot go without a try for li. lie h:id
drawn flic Mi'tiiMiluin'iiiii on tils haml
sled, he hud sUntod with her. they hud
slid down hill together, he had brought
her the biggest apples of any one. hut
there was really nothing In these
thincs to her romance, and lie
realized that romance must come be
fore love After ihliiUinu over It for
ten long nights and losing hours of
sleep ho got his plan. The srhool
ma'am must bo ntxliii tod nud he must
rescue bor At tirst the trouble hiimii
ed to be to llnd the nlxluetor, but .led
Smith li.-id a waytwlth him. Ilavim;
got the next biggest laiy In the district
out to ihe barn with htm. he unfolded
his plan and added:
"Jim. you've got to lienr the school
ma'am away, and I've got to rescue
her You've got to turn your cunt
wrong sido out and wear a mask and
speak in a hoarse voice. In rescuing
her I've got i.) give you a mighty go..d
licking, lull as I am going to give you
.'0 cents you mustn't mind that"
.1 i in demurred. He didn't want lo
abduct a school ma'a m. and he didn't
want to l licked. He came lo il lit
time. liovteer. fifty cents lu cash
was not to ho succeed at. and he would
be licked if he refused to enter Into
the plot. It took some little time to
perfect the details, but at last every
thing v::s ready. Jed's old father saw
fresh "signs." and he took him to ta-l;
"Jed." ho said, "if you are going to
make a fool of yourself In any wa.
then look out for tne!"
In winter, i-spccia lly on n cloudy day.
It begins to get dark soon after I
o'clock in tin- afternoon. The school
ma'am had often to stay after school
had heen dismissed to look over the
work for the net la. She had onlv
half a mil" in go when read.v. ome
times two i r ll.lie niils -i.-imm! and
V;i!!i't! iI'iOl' ai.:i lier s. .met
she a- .ilo;. I ,: aided tin on
splrati-fs I: . .i - ".'iiing .Inn ialtcNs
who ia ! 'I a ' a', iii 1 1 is- part
His f . t
boll-e. a ,. '
hae a ho-.,
Smit II v a. lo
)t:c afl.
and the j.iot
bad rein. in. e,
II i he ' llool-
h a:i li and
re ol V ' II I I lies. I'd .linl
i,c aii iug up I he road,
o-i ' 1 1 1 .,:ua I u as given.
a a afoot The teacher
I until almost 5. She
was just donning cloak and hat when
a masked villain appeared la-fore her
ntid announced in an awful voice:
'Come with mel If you scream or
struggle it means death!"
Miss Seymour was properly shocked.
She had never seen a masked villain
before. No umn. holding a peach
stone lu his mouth to make his voice
terrible, had ever thus addressed her.
She thought she recoguized the figure,
and there was a something about the
terrible voice that sounded familiar,
but she grew faint, her knees weak
ened, and she was about to alt down
when tbe villain seized her with a
grip of Bteel and bore her out to his
sleigh. Hhe screamed aud struggled,
but she bad to go. Jed Smith had
said that it would tie all tbe better for
tbe plot if she screamed and strug
gled. More credit would be due htm
for rescuing her.
What neither of the plotters bad
counted on was that some one might
come driving along the highway at tbe
critical moment. Some one did come.
He was a man without romance iu his
soul. He was driving a fast horse to
a cutter, and when the masked man
swung the schoolma'am Into his sleigh
and started off at a gallop the at ran-
ger followed on and cracked bis whip ;
and shouted to let Uie girl know that I
help was ut hand. She beard blm. and
so did Jim and his horse. In fact, the i
horse ran away, and Just as he reached !
the p;int where the rescuer mood !
waiting he uhled into' a drift and '
things were upset. Jed Jumped for- !
ward, but he laid scarcely roared out !
"Die, villain!" wheu be was knocked I
silly by the struner Then the strug
gling Jim caught It. The schoolma'am
was pulled out of the robes aud blan
kets and stood one side, and then her
rescuer went In to have some fun wltb
abductor and rescuer.
He stood them on their heads In the
drifts; he Jammed thern about; he wal
loped them up aud down, and when
they shouted for mercy he walloped
the harder. Then, wheu tired out. he I
lifted the girl into his cutter and drove
her home. It did not breuk up tbe
school; it simply broke up tbe romance
of the thing When Frrmer Fmltb
bad got through using the gad ou tbe
battered Jed he threw it aside and
"You was after romance, and I'll
give you nuff of it. There'! 200 bush
els of corn to be husked and shelled,
and it's going to be yonr work from
now on to uext Fourth ot July. Rett
coiog a gal! Why, darn yon. yoa don't
know nuff to rescue an old cabbage
I H.iumi dl 1
Absolutely uro
Tito only hakln , powtfor
matia front Royal Grapo
Cream of Tartar
NoAIum.No Lime Phosphate
WIm-ii you Miitit an I'.x press
man you want I'ronipt Scrvlco
ItV iur alai to be "Oti The .lob"
11 V and night. A plume lliesxage
w ill In in,; us ipr.ckl.v.
'onr lut Are Onrw
Your irooils will he Iwindled cure
fullv. Kiinllr give ii" n irbi' nn I U
conv trv.l. ' I'lKINi; No. li.Hl
Lakevicw Express Co.
Not Coal Laud
Department of the Interior I' S.
Land Ollle.i at Lakeview, llregou,
Del, (i. IHlll.
Notice is hereby given that George
D K inner, till' inley. Ore., who, on
Nov. 1', l'.'OT, uiadn Desert Land I n
try No Till Serial Nu. n;0:t, lor S1..
N K 1 , , NKi NKh Seetion il, Xtt "t
Nv'4l Seel ic n !'J, T'ounship i! S,
llange 1? i'., Willamette Methlian. las
tile.) notice of intent Ion to make
Final I'roof to extahlinh claim to ttie
land above dion'riheil hetore liuister
and Keceiver I.'. S. Laud Ottlce at
Lakevtew, tlregon, on the 17th day of
Nov iiiher, r.'ll).
I'laiuiant iiaines as uitucsse.4:
(it-orge HauWins, of La!evle.v, t're.
ilium McCnriiinck, of I'a isley .( )r e.
William A. Currier, of I'aiBley, Ore
Ldward ( . I.atuli. of 1'ali-le), Ore.
Ai;rm:n w. gkton, imier.
I N( if Ice is bel eli.V gi ell t li.i I the llli
l ilt-rslglicl adtllilllKf I'll 1 1 ir nf flic cm
tale of F. I!, t'liiuisc, ilooenseil. has
j tiled bis filial ii'-ciiiiht of ad mi nt ra
it ii ui of sa 1 1 1 lt ito with the County
I e-U uf like County. Oregon; (hat
i the County ourt of Maid County and
Stale Ii.ik fi . il the Imli day of" Nuv
J ember, l'.il'i, as t lie t line rmI t lie Conn
j iv Court I'.ooin in the County Court
House ill Lakeview, Oregon, as the
place for Ilea ling; object ions to nald
liual account and set tlcna-nt thereof.
All perHolls intereMleil or having; nto
ject h uiH t o J said final ai-coutit are
hereby liotiliied to present the huflie
at the time anil place above mention
ed. Dated tliis'Sth day of October. i'.IK).
1 A. L. COON'NF, A.liiiitiist rator
of the estate of F. 1 1 Coon so,
It is in time of is 1 1 1 1 1 ii-ii mishap or
accident that Cliaiiiberlin'H Liniment
can lie relied upon to take the place
of t be fa in i ly doctor, who rmt al
ways be found at the moment. In
canon of spraiiiH, cuts, wounds and
bruises Cliamlierlln'H Liniment taken
out the HoariicxH and driven away
the pain- Sold by all good dealers.
Mo one Iihh ever made a salve, oint
ment or balm to compare with Ituck
len'a Arnica Salve. It'Htheono per
fect healer of Cuts, CoriiH, liurns,
Uruisea.S ores, f-caldH, Hoila, Ulcers,
Fczeuia. i"salt Jtheum. For wore even
Cold Mores. Oliiiimcil Hiindn or
Spralnn, It'n mprenie. Infallible for
1'ilcH. Only I'Oc at A. L. Thornton's.
Shoes, Fubl.ers, German Sox ut li.
& M.
The Home of Good Values
(Woman's lnot nTpleliitf problem olved by a vinlt l.ioiir Mllllm rv
Stoto. The Nimiiiliiit CrvatmiiN w II aitiaxe you lleaiitlful I'm lb tit
Hats of eveiv lic'-oiiilii do-lgii anJ at rices so low that It will ut
plxe yon. 1 it vailctv we are nIiowIiik Ik by fur Hut grealesi ever an
He t n bled. A visit tooiir -torti will convince von. Note I he pi Icei.;
Ludli-' Fine Drt'HM Kslrt In blue, Mack, brnwii nnd (an, from
H ' fiami
Liuliei.' I'lne Silk WhIkI-, fiom () to
LmiIich' Hue I'lulcrMklrtK in Silk. Kateen and Oiiihsm, Irom 7fa- lo f 7 00
Ladies' Flira in KelM nr Slnjile SioIiim, friuii f fl I.'t lo. ... flHlili
Ladies' hoimI Durabls S westers, kV tj ll.Tiil
Ladies' and 1'lnldii-n'n Hose, fro i I.'k. to r,u
Ludles' Hair GooiIh In I'ufN. Hrnliln ami SwIIi Iick, from ,',a to f ; fm
Di;siii.M M A I.I, w j; ,KK
is A V1MT
Mall Orders Promptly Attended To
MAIN STREET, wesL of Court, House
Can Mount all kinds ol Animals' Heads, MmIs, lite.
Let ns make yon a li'-antilnl Cyotc, Cat
laar Ivtio. We also tan all
kinds of skins.
UTLEY 4 SIMMONS, Taxidermists
I mil olfcrino; for .ale nt
price rnnniii from lo $N
per ncre, tlie follow inj; land
in Crook and Lake Counties,
See. Twp.S Kn.i:
All IU 'Jo I'.
All Pi 'JO pi
All .V. . . JU If.
All l-i Jn IT
All jo i:
All ic jo -j
South Half . p; . . Jl F,
All .... Jl in
All in Jl is
AH :!; ... ji
All n; ... ji u
All m .... ji i:i
All b'. Jl ju
Went half ::; Jl J-)
Went half I'i JJ ... I",
Went half hi J'J I'i
West bn If ::ii. JJ ji;
aii n; jj it
North half ::; JJ 17
West half hi JJ 1-.
aii jj is.
All V, JJ l:
West .V SIA, .Hi j:! Ill
NWj j:.
All M j:i Ill
All j:: l:
All Hi Jl in
All :n; ji in
Ail in ji .... jo
All ji jo
All M J; is
All :i; jn is
All id jn i:
All :;i; ji; in
All :!0 J; ji)
All transfer will he made
through the Washington
Trust and Savings Hank,
Seattle, Wash.
304-5 Liberty Bldg.
Not Colli I.hii.I
Depiirt'iieut ot (hit D terlor, I'. S.
Land OMIctt ut I.ukevien, l)reon,
Oct. ii, i:iii.
Nolle. In hereby yium tint John
0. Mull. nsHltfiiett of Antonio KniM-rn
of Laki vIha, Oii'i'im, ulif, on ,()V
V". I'.Mi. initde l)eh,.rt. Litnl l-'ufry
No. i. to. Serlul No. ot.lii, foi'NJl
Section Ji, iowiiahln :I7S. Kn'iu,, J.1I-'
W illuniiltii Mcr I I Inn. loot file I notloi.
of Intention In iiinke 11-nl pi(nr to
fHtHlilmh - In I in to the liind iihiiv
dtitcrl I before LeuUti-r hih! lo-ivlv-
er. I". M. I.iiu.l Otlii-n i,t Liikevlew,
Orek'on. nu the 1H t, dny of Niueia
ber. HMO.
( 'litliinirit n nun s hh . it ihtsch
Dtivid I '. ('Inliiud. nf Mimh. Om.
Willi, on Griel, ol i'liihh. Ore.
lllliiin ( iunther. of I .it V fy ie , Ore.
Unx le CIHhiiiI . of l nLft ie r. Ore'
AKl'l'HU . OltloN, itetfinter
NOT IFF I'OK I rill.K.'A 1 ION
Not (m I I, mid
Department of Om Interior , U.S.
-' Olllce nt LuketiH. Oregon
t Ictul er. ii. HMO
Notice h liereliy Kiveu thutltuAlw
t'li-liiinl. iiKhittumi iii Krunic berry uf
1, Hk 'vii w, ( trefoil, ivl n Sow Jo.
l.'iHi, tniide Deiiert bin I i i tr? No. till.'
Serlul No. nMU'i ior N i-1 u',, S1..
HW'. Secllou F'. v. s,.,.V..ii li'.'
lowimhip :iss. L'huk'i' Jl WIlMiuettw
Mirildinn, Iimh lllml notion of Inten
tion In iimke Final i'roof, to eHtwb
iih cln l iii to the above tie m-ribed
liind. I.etore Feeinter Hud Kec.elviT
U.S I .nil I Otlll'n I, t I li...
I (ton, on thi sth dny ot November.
I'liiiniHiit nam tH us witnei,,,
David U. CleUnil. of FIiimIi, Ore.
Vi 1 1 itnu GmhI, ol l'limh, Ore.
Will in m Gunther, of Lukeview Ore.
Juhll O. Hull, of LNkevinw, Oremui.
AltlHl l; W. OltlON, Iteuleter.'
A (it)OD 1'OSI HON
Cum lie IihI by nm hi' I tons- yonnu
tneii hihI Indii-H iu the lluld of "Wlrtt
lens" or ICHllroHd leleKrnphy. Hlnco
the H hour law beeutue ellectiv. aud
Hiniti the WlreltiHH (KiiiipanieH tire h
tutlihhniK htntloim tiiroiiKh out thn
country there I a fireut etm-tdKe of
teleirttpherM. FohIUoiim puv beuln
nerx from 70 to IlK) per month, w Itn
Kood ilmnce cf Hdvauceoient. The
NmioiiHl Telerph Inntitute of Fort
IhikI. Ore., opemteH nil otllical in o
rttihiten la AmerlCH, under the Hup
rvilou of K. K. and Wlrelwi oHlciab
and plHcen all KradiiHteM into portions
li will pay you to write them forfull
NeKliKee, ShirtH tln.t
etn. at lioone'e .
look Kood 75