Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 13, 1910, Image 1

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    it H $!
l) to
NO. 41
mm i
ii .
1 1.
1 1 1.
I if uti ii" rti lir ' National
(' It II I will I i I CI M In 1HI tlf I-
in 1 1 1- iii iinu'ii I 'i sldltlnn In
"i l ', hiiI every (iff Ht
' i ii i i I tin id bind Lake
1 1 1 1 y i 'i I I'M ilrv ' ill I'll II.
Bljj Outfit nt Work
O. V L. Cnnal
On 1 Great Band Dance
Tint dm i n imv.. iiv the lihiul hoys
l'ii.i i- 1 1 . 1 n fv-iiii'i mm one of IIih
III Hi J"'H.( S I 'll l' t'lnt hi
I '.'! i'Ihi. iii Lit'r! lor lot' m
I i-iij'i.t-ii by all Tin1
I iniii nn nil i.ut co.iid he desired,
'hihI tl f liuw mi- in Pe com ratulnt. ri
To l:inih Work On Alain Cnnnl ..... ..,...
i i
in'i-ti1. iii ri hh other si-ieei ions;
t I lie ii r w t riiiimt of ninny nl
iiiiiimi precou I'm baud will give
j another 'lin In the near future, hii'I
rimy Niritnrf" fir rsulnr 'Unci dor-
I tin i ic llr winter h-ninii.
hiiil ! "
an J I hen On to tlx
.South I lr finch
$300,000 IN 01 YEAR
O. V. L. Co. Expends Vast Sum
Building Irrigation Works
qtisln, If out s'lrpnioie-. - -o
n Utah. As the prio - iml .
15 cents per pou hI, mini ..
farmers trill realize largely from ti.
ranches this year. Laud here that
as considered almost wr.rt l8 ;
few rear ago. ! been a-eel to
alfafa and oow that land Is ahnot tbe
munt valonble to be bad This shows )
bat time and experience will dc. j Pruits and Vegetables are
naws preaici mar lu a few years'
maoy new In ntries will be starts J
sod made profltaMe.
lie Necessary for Hume Now Bein; Built
It m;in looked good lo net.
tdg tnnin, SHUOIt, H'llll vm
amp ou'llt rf t Iih Hiiiifnn ( 'mi"! run
Viin (.'mil (in n jr trial through lui
Friday afternoon on their Any lo rn
Htiiiis work ro the (). V. L. canal.
After no absence of Bb'iut lb'"
months, dm lag whHh thus 1- oiiIi-h
(if railroad grade ha been built for
the N. C. O. extension Into (ioone
Lake valley, the work of completing
the oenal for tbe O. V. U. Co., will
ti twiuaii'il. Ho far a 'h cualo ma-
It era oooonrofd tiroliatiy two
incbtbs will tbe work oiimpMacI,
tbat la ail from the bnlMHu c.f tha
tlumes, altbouiib that iart of tbn
work la ()ri)KriHin tiry ailMfH(Hor
The Itrat work to be uodrtnkt-n j
will t) Ida eoiuplrtloii of a f nitu.ll
mix on 'hB (in in I'Mtial. hu'I tl.fii fiH
lnr.' will trmmfrri'il o tbr Sculli
ir.. 1-niinl -ml thn wurli niiiiiil Ml '
ii'. ly .vitni'l"! l in All of tlm Ii hiii
xtnk ml !'c :::hi rnnU lll it ol.t
ll'H" I i .UjpUtf.l lliln (llli.
Now Irrigation Project
Kinri'H'h ll.'rl'l: A if tin j-rt
tor fhi- irriU'iMnii of I m wo'll i.l't V
intnl" I- t i-liiK' il mi ol ' '- ti I'
lilt'U, u'l'l t(.i' iroi.'H('l ir- Till ll
Ulll V It U'''IPI. llif lit Kill l ti
fur'Jily tr to th" liirni'Ti in Ii i ;
.'fll ?!$, Hut ii .'I '.Ii in' r.- i.Hi-tMir
1 1 hue liin n T i Mini H ilrl'i '
i! KctirM urn I ciou i'iiiii I rin I.' I. ! :
.Xfri'tivtinri n In 'Vri. I mil ly wu!-r
I . iH 4 1 item, nnrl It I t -1 1 -. I
Passed Fino Examination
ll-rt Snvlfr, tif Thoroton'a l)rti(t
Kiorn, m iih m foil t4v rreiHtt-r-K'l
HHninttttit iitiuriuurl.t', hvlnn n o
(ccmIuIIt imhm'1 before tbe Htate
Hnaril of i.xa'ii tura at I'ortlno'l ra
rrntly. IIIh itao(Jlog unueunlly
blith, bnlriK V'J per oeot lo pharoiMoy,
wblcb ludiuatra I but lbt ouuit una
In vtrf rarefnl and paloataklos io
bla work, aomethiac that U specially
ooficMiary io tbe vOfspouoilInK of
preicrip ions. Tbe siamloatloo an
lirppMre l tiy tha tilate Uoari is xttf
ttiuruuKb, and MioMger lhrutoo U
vnrjf in odd rlatett over tb I. Ib
ntariwiuM of bin n iHintaot.
New Forest Supervisor
. I) Brown ha lii aiip Intwl
Mijp'rvlcfr of tbe Frtnoiit Forvet to
n wi Ony M Invrain Mr. Brown
J bun li-n deputy a -prvia ir amlar Mr.
Ifstimnted Cost of Dam Now Under Construction '"r"'n WverHi yvnr f.a.t, an-i i
, riiTi't re liinroiuhlv utoiilar with
$150,000. While 2,500,000 Peet of Lumber na ill j tin- work Ht hHH tn-i-ti connctd
with tin- Foreatr.r wrvtcp for ivcr
live ypur. mid the ItcpHrirofiit Ih
tlu rff irw la i ilUr Hh hi work.
. .Mr. 15'own ii thoro iirMy conTer
nt with VVentprri condition, hnvinif
'n rlw"l within h national Niri-Mt
m the K arnath cotintr--, and th-r
f Te fully rt-aiizen the conditions con
front Itu wttli-rs and Htoukmen an well
an the (tovernmeut'rt Midd of the qm-x-tion.
It it expected that Mr. Brown'
administration will be a nearly aat
lefiwtory to all parties a it is possi
ble for any one to make it.
Mr. Brown's sncceor tut deputy
mpervlnor will not be ippointed Junt
at present.
Kew pioil rfullze the mak'nitO'ls cut 1 mu te Into tie rink whlca
df tlio work no bnltiK done in thin
vnlle? by the Orpuod Valley Laud
OumjiHoy. In order to aho jnat
what Is brlutt dous a party. tuuHitit
Iuk of Jndge Henry L. Hanson, W.
1. Mhlrk. presldeot of tbe board of
ennie tiitaucen reached to a deptti of
12 ttvt and la no place is lens than
four. Tha cot is tbeo tilled In
with concrete, and on top of it is
built a eoiid wall of oonctete and
Diaeoury eo us 30 feet la wtdtb st its
Orown t Perfection
Gathered by H. B. Millard, of the
Irrigation Company, to Show
What Country Produces
W. 1 i i r Thompson May
Secure Position
l.ike County tauj (jouti Show
!' I ir It p ii ! the Heap
at lxnil.iture
TrsJe, K. W I'ayoa fouot7 oleik, bate, nod tn a belgbt of 20 feet. Ibis
Jaaiea tieryford, Jobn Ftyoo. W. B. wall ii reinforced la front by loose
Hnyder and a repranaotatif) of tba ' rot k ao4 sand and In t be rear by a
Examiner, were drleo over tbe work ' band-built rock wall as well as loose
Sunday afternoon. Aalae from tbe ' rock till, the bans of wblob is about
flume work plastically the whole 30 i 125 fet. Althoaft It was Sunday
mllen if oadhI frou the Urewa reek j largs gang if men was at work oo
dam to Thornss oresk is completed, j tbe dam, and tbe work is beiu
Tbe tlHunon Construction Co., bus ! pnnbed as rapidly as possible in order
a few buudrad yards of canal to com j to at old any possible dsoier from
plete. ami scttta! ntber small ee.-jhlgb water. 8. C. Campbell , who is
tion nre still u of) niched, but all ; superintending tbe work for tbe O.
told there remain probably ene V. L. Co., tbe construction work
than a q-iarter of a mile ofcauxl to blng been let to the K. S. Uernev
c.mplte. ; Co , 'is of the opinion that the dao-
Ai in it.' ;' i.u.' mirk t'onnideratile f r mor k will be pm-sed wiltiin l"i
of tie 1. 1 1 j n a is I" lei'rt, and in ;')'. St'i.rn drills, tramways, tiu nip
! r" h Cimjoij the hunter is uu tbej'is. de-ricks, wheelbarrows q I the
Jost to shorn the peopU of Port
UuJ, as well an the Hill pt.uple aid
others interested, wbat ca i be raised
la Warner Valley, J. B. Millard
seoursd a froit aa seijeta'le display
from that section that would sorely
"astonish tbe nntires." Tbe fruit
iacluded severs I varieties of apples
and pesrs, wbi's among the yege
tatles were onions, potatoes, carrots
aud the like, and all grown to perfeo
tioo. Owing to the lre size and
beautiful appsaranoa of the applss
tbey will no doubt attract the most
attention, hat tbe vegetables ware
The run of Klamath Indian. stl ilio floa A p0Qni w
money iodlcatea that Uncle bau. has
made aootber dlvisio" of spoils re
civsd for tbe Bly laads
was something for size, while the
onions, potatoes, etc., were not only
of eood size bat also smooths and
o'cs looking.
The npples included a nuo.ber of
sarieties, among whiob were i!0-oance
Pippins, Newton Pippinn, Maiden
Keaaty, Warner ' Wley Beauties,
Wolf Rivers, etc. The W'iuter Kart-
Rev. M. T. Wire Enters;1-' FeBrs were VBrr li,r-'e' anl
... ia-a whole tbe e.tnitit is one that
h.. ii lon-e of uuu U oo uKaKed the Pene Is indeed a bnsy ooe. i ui'OHins rasiuraic , will be bard to beat. The eibibit
I l..iil.Ot:c ti e niatt.miitli th:n.e. It u Ihirii-K the pant year tbe V. L. ' , ; was Beoured from C. w. Ileut, C. B.
Vi tr.-t wide nod ovei ii teet in depth 'Co.. bai exneoded on the work au ! Hat. , ,fntinn T M Pal kel of tile y C r 1 ":n- aa 1 r- A
., the .l,ur. ho. I it u thoroughly I am.'unl in excess of IIOO.OOO. ?ianj"aS Putat'on ,0 tamtam On,Crilmp the tjr,t two furoi-bing the
arTiin'i tor a cnnsiderable d istsnce ' like are In constant operation, and'
1'iirtlaiid, Or ,
i! i u 1 fowl ion mffkii liciiie
i vPli i rn,-. il Hud iniilt to iai-t. The
l 1 1 ii Iii.-. a r m tit only heuvy but
'doohli d up. nn I the (1 utile itself is
VA iih the f"' s'rutted of two thickm-hfes of
! I'lHi Per tt ruiiU'.niif
i.ii'l i.'..' Ii-k ii-I.i I tire t.i t'H net wholl) ' upin, line upn fir the
(i'i..litrHljp of toe ion or houitl and
the eipense will uot esceed 10 per j vtt,AUiHact of th Hrute are ueverthe-
Mor. Tne lutsntlnn I in hs' the
wotk fa snougb along ttnn vhhi ai
tlie water can be supplied to some
of the land next spring.
Candidates (lo linsv On
Campaign Expenses
O. I'.uiiliiin Leads With 74..(,
Next Highe.ot lleiiij: l?. I:.
ets developing. For toe oiotit part
the uouiiuras lu vitrluud oouutlee ts
Kurd their Uitbl lor eleotloo to bsve
occurred previous to the primaries au J
there doss not mwoi uoy decided
irnniiect of a i'bniii;e in the iirifriil
P'Kl-ltl Vd I'oil.l lexioil nun the till
1 1 I lire coil 1. 1 1 N 'i vein er i.
.' 1 ii 1 1 ii oil; :i li t'isiiiily bus ilevei"t'.i"l
c not I. till en the two prtUCIile
pluoi'H. 1 ) i) ,1. Miihirkey in being j
; talked rt in munv qunrters tor tbe '
i'li'lir in the Si niite. 1 lie l!i!t:e .1
Ii. II S. Hit) j h .i iii-" Im'I'Ii iiit-tit h'li- ;
ed, hi lias II. nt of .. .1. Sin-Hit. of'
Wu.-i'u, tlia liixl two ineot limed timv
I beiug nii'tnhern of the nel.nte. Mr. !
Mnliiikej is yet to lie ilnlei. i;nt
j Hint Is reaardei! t y his irieodn hh a I
for each wnrktng'day, and that they'
have received vnlne receive i is ap- !
parent to any one who goes ever t be j
work. .And the work is ftiit beiug i
pnjtKCiiteu diligently, with no siau 1
i t let up.
Account Of His Paternal
iu exiNVHttog fcr the Hume " vnit
iHiioiiiil u( hi'rtvj' roi'K(irk was en
countered, and lu one place it was
neceiMaiy to drire a tunnel through
eolid rock for a distance of neatly
W feet. All tbe; way up prews
creek ranyoa one is impressed with
the magnitude of tbe work, .but it
is not until Mje dam is reached tbat
ni-e fully realises the vast work tbat
is being done. The entiniated cost
of the dun i i 15,L(ii), aud from the teady upou the ground aud
.,ppi.r.Mit iiiiiui'.it of work that will 'mice in the yard.
( e ri ii. i"l t i I 'ill ! it it louks ns! are the facts as they appear
if the ci r-l a v u 1 1 exceed the eHti ied to the rJxiim luer representative,
iiihIc. lu the tirwt place a trench ' mid apply only to tie project iu
i eiink iIoaii to solid rock, Theu a Cnoe Lake Valley.
And incideutly it ciiht be men
; tinned tbst P. M. Corer. of the Con.
i solidated Stage Co.. furnished ftee
rtie Methudis Church, of ttu ' rsosportation fcr tre evhibit to
la fact the ooiunanv is! olace bavr received tbsir nev nastor. .' n,,aiatD ra"8' tn u'' Gf his route.
doing more work here in liooie Lake. Hev. M. T. Wire, who. bar been aesitfu
valley than it would seem tbey are ; e l to this charge by tbe conference
ujotally otiliaated to do, ioitsnicb as
no elfort is being made by practical
ly all of tbe cootraof holders to
place tbeir lands In a state of cultiv
ation. It will require 2,riOU,000 feet of
lumber with which to build the
flu me, a large part of which is al-
the Pal-
The -eveial candidates for olticial niere formiility.
tiotiors Ht the recetiL etectioa have I
Has It Down Fino
Willev i-'iiilH, Ore., Cct. ti, KMC.
I.i tt or Kailrual uews or Lake Co.
i'nm I n er.
Pu r bir; On the ,12th of this
mouth the t) regon Kbort Line, tbe
t'Hrent of the Orrffnn IHktern R i;
lames Abb.itt i. tbe choice , t many j ,hroilRh Oregon, holds a formal meet-
o, lHe muuiic tnan coun.y uoKei tor , n R in RtlIt ijSk, City to increase
MflHfit.wtr (if thA hllllHS It itt Hftlli 1lA I ... .
MttldNVits eettlo forth the nuiouut .,, . , , . . , lieir prsssut capital etock of fJ7.
will have t tin uholn dslngutlou lis-
of their expenses and lor wtiHt incur- , .. . , . ... I f00.(00 to 100, 000, 000 no there is
, liiud hltu. there are at least thrse , . i
red. I . 'I. Hunt tig, who sought the! . ... , . not to ninny circ es.
. ' i other Hnnirnuts. however. SS. Lnlr '
l.epuhlli iio uotiiliiHtion for wliet iM, ., . . . , . . . i lhu iiioney is for
, . .. ,. . ... ' ! IhotiipHoii, i f Luke jolut represeutM- '
builds the lint with an expetibe of , , , . , ., . , . i and will probably be
7t.:iO, while W K. MoOunnaek
riiHki H alii lavit t hut he incurred no
expellee whatever lu einleav iriug
Valley Falls Items
( aud ducxs are slow stunt
coiutug iu this Fall.
Held with the County Clerk Kayos
to liindlhe n' : tjiiiiiition tor ('onntv
!oiiiiHHinnei'. Mr. Hiintiug includes
hotel i- iinn f, etnge lure, lodging,
gsHoline, nil, tr. tiling cur t.i Silver
Lake, tinil p.tying A. V. liriiuson
$10 fin l nut' 1 1 ii h ciiuipiiigii work.
.''.. Atidei'S'in 's expenses amount
ol to 'M, while W. II. Snider psid
out, U.:;.'i. Dick Wilcox's cinipiiiii
'.oct him -I'Jol, , li. Siliiolur n
en led il'i '.., I'" W. Pitvun fli.i.ri I
mill M. S. I.iiriu s -'iii.
Asl'lo liiini Mr, llnnling Hi.) pritic i
pie expetiMS tviis advertielug in the
newspaper, that is irdtie from hotel
o.vpen.ins and Htsge late. Mr. I'uii
ting uu- the only ctnnl idnte I lint used
rut niilomol.IlM .luting tin. campaign,! Chautauqua Circle
and that tact is pel hnpri lespoiiHl lilo Htnotint of excess over the1 'i'lu- dircle vvil ,w.t
next l;.rg..M . at t lie Inline of M I'm, Harry HiiiUy
i Monday evening;, Oct, 17. Subject:
"Kconninlc cliaiigi's id Ilio later ttuir
First Gun Fired ; ts.-nih ami (llU'entli ci-iituheH," clup.
The first gnu of '.he local option tor V. Topics: Minn Nernon, 27
caiupHiugti for Lake county was tired Miss tiitg.HN, i-:t(; Mrs, HifU-r, !!1
at New TioH Crear' Hiiu.lay cveuiiig .'iJ; Mrs. Jinlln.v, ;!-.!l. "F.conointc
wbeu Lev. (i. .1, Wetitzell addreehtid ; cli'tligi'H of tin' later liftei'litll n in six
the people of that dace on the ()iiim-i lisuitli ct'iituricH," clinpti'l' Topics:
tion. It is expected that th work Misn 11. Horn, ;ii'-.'!7; Miss S, Horn,
will be under full sway in about a :S 51-III; Mrs. I lill. 4 1-1-'; Mi-s.luliu
week, and that some haul work will sou, 1.1 II -l.'i; Miss Kice, 4l-17.
other aspirants, however. W
j lluchauuu, of D iuglue, and Henry
McK inney, nf It iker.
.Mr. .titintt. alone of ttie ciiiot iitnleu'on wiii iivip some, as IC
Lair i
au emergency
I.U4..I .....
..... i " . . , . . , vu.i-
i ,.
siruction. ir. tvntor, I move we
have an emergency right here in
Lake Co.
their Uho s as well as in their pies
ures tms already enlisted the interest
of many in the community. His
Came Wardeu L'tley made a trip j sermons on bis Mist Sabbath on the
to Paisley Saturday. ! "Sower" au I the "Armour of Uoa"
I ... I I . -I 4 1 ii
The rains and showers tbe rase I "
few weeks have started tbe grass.
late assembled. Mr. Wire comes to
Lakeview from Tbe Dalles where be
baa previously been tbe minister in
charge end where be made an ex
cellent record, the cburob there uoan
tniously wishing bis return. Mr.
mire sramer nas ceeo tnesuperio-i
tendeut of one of tbe large distriots in i
the Oregon District and was former- j
ly Presiding Elder of tbe district!
iu wnich Lakview is situated, and '
if heredity has auytbing to do witiij
it we may expect large things of his1
son. h't. Wire is a young man ;
full of energy and euthusiastu. aod Hatch Will- Be
having a lsrge sympathy for men
Inasmuch an tbe chara on the same
would have amounted to so ne 815 or
$20, Mr. Millard feels giestly indebt
ed to him for bis kindneaa. Mr.
Cor7 is certainly eotitled to credit
for doiog his share, and perhaps
more, towards rjoostiog Lake
Pulled off Oct. 28
Hank Anderson and Tommy Win
ton to Contest for the
The boxing match to be pulled off
, a "mixer" aand enters heartily intolt Plush oo Oct. 28 will be one of the
everything either of eporl or work best exhibitions ever giveu outside ot
that, intents men. We bid hi iu wei- I 'be large towns.
come and hope his stay with us will, The contestants are Haak Audersoa
reoeived and tbey gave promise that
the P"lPit of tbe cburcb shall net be
lacking in ability. He is decidedly i
Two more lots were bought tbe
past week by O. V. It. engineers.
II. A. Utley is breaking new
ground on bis homestead east of here.
Numerous movers headed for Cal
ifornia are .following the geese and ! t, e Bu uplitt aud blessing to all. j ud Tommy Wintou. Tftey are
ducks. j xDe Methodist Cburcb Is to be j heavy weights, and a'l w It i havs .-esu
Two new Wugontire settlers stop- congratulate i on their good fortune hem practice say they ie good,
pod over Tuesday ou their way to 1 u having Mr. Wire as tbeir pastor. F.ach of them have g uie tip aaiust
for spciiketH'iij , wuii tm in el uu an
an' i'tii-si'in bly platfom. Mra-i H.
Mnlatkey and Selling ale llkeuise
avowed Sttiteiiietil iN'o. 1 men. lint It
iNglvtn as the ktetietal impression
that Stiitunt'iit No I will no' lie an i
issue mi far as the selection nt heads
ot the two houses ate concerned.
The stand wan taken by iiieui hei s of j
the local that assembly mi mill- 1
'asncmlilv lines will not lie drawn nt '
.all, lint, tor public good, the repuh- ;
I It'll ti legisl.tots will pull togethel :
ami forget all about laclioual ditler
ences that have in the pi I 1
maty i.amp sign.
i will only take jt Hi. 000, 0.10 to build all
ithe lines tley located in Ceutral
and .Soot Mei'ti Uragou. Spend the
Wngoutire with lumber. j
Thfc addition to the Valley Falls
House is aiiout completed. Tbe past .
Work to Procbed
Accoriiug to the Iste a i vices lierj
the opinion that work on the
east and west railroad from
I'. M. 'Meyer went over to Lake- "end to the eastern purt of the state
view Thursday where he will speud j will begin iu a stiot't time, says the
ti few days ou a referee caso in the ! ""urns Times. That H there will
Kngincei'ing line for the O. V. L. ue 1,0 halt in the work after the com
Cu. ' I letlnn of the Oregon truui; up tbe
rcr tor r,,,ls it there a.e any lelt bv ' "k U,ty '"4VB B,8 onsl'l" well jit is
.I.e. ion. It has been u hard task tu "n,, lmt b 1,0,1 i 11,11
convince in" that we would ever get
or needed a railroad because, as some
have said. "I have been waiting
tin it .y-elee'i ears ami haven't seen
no railroad vet. "
Soiueliiuv the si.e of those figures
leaves a deep itnprcssiou on ray uiiud Wednesday on their way to Warusr
and 1 am eering arouud to the oppo- after sheep. They report the mail
Mrs way ot thinking. For those few eervics over their way very poor,
who threaten to leave wheu the road cut with a decided improvement
come-, let. tne suggest residence lu 1 contemplated.
I. aud A. liiaiiiili stopped ovsr
! Deschutes. Alien. ly contractors have
Sycati or uu Tucker Hill, (iunrantes
Miay will not be bothered with them
therafter. .
Mr, Lditor, I write to get your op
iuiou as to whether 1 am looking up
the wrong tree or not.
Does tbat 725.000,000 impress you
as it has me. Please answer by Sol's
Vonrs Truly,
C. W. JO. J.
Sheritf Dent, Future Sheriff Suy
der aud Creed 'McKeudree stopped a
short time ou their way from Alkali
to Lakeview where tbey went In bead
olt a jail breaker from Burns. Tbeir
man did nut show up.
For fresh oaudy don't overlook
The Frost, Coufectiouery is our business.
Fine Alfalfa Crop
Surprise Valley Kecord: Tbe crop
of alfalfa seed in Surprise valley bids
fair to he much larger this year tbau
ever bsfor. The out put Is estimat
ed to be this year fifteen oar loads.
Tbe seed is of Due quality, aud
good men lu San Francisco a i I other
Arrangements are heiug made to
accotuo late all w bo wish Ui see it,
Comirtg-The Ethiopians
Attend tl.H entertainment aud
sav yourself remorse ail regret
I'oml singing, clever dancing, and
jokes that will give you the lsub
habit. Watch fjr the date which
been over a portion of the ground I will be published iu the F.xamiuer
and it is thought that work will no' next week. You csuuot attord tu
be delayed. One H r a of contractors ! miss this eutertaiuuient giveu by
uow ou the Deschutes It is thought local tsleut for the purpose of raisiug
jnave already submitted bids on a I utouev to apply In a fund ulready,
I portion ..f the essj and west line I started toward erectiug a Uuild
i .... ... .... .
anoi i is possiote more uuib navs neeu , Hall. This ball is to be used also
asked. While there is 113, authority for gytuuusiuu, rest rooms for tuns
for this Htatetnen coming from anyU0uiiug in Irom tbe couutry, for
official of the Hill people, it is gen- j le-jtures, banquets or any worthy
erally disoussed that plans have gouecuse. F.verybody join iu with tha
tbllS far. '(Juil.i and niuUa thin tha urimtol.
success Lakev ie has yet known.
Dr. a'd Mrs. K. II. Smith left
Friday afterjwon ou a visit lo Port
land. Ou bis return the d ictor will
participate iu the Flks tiudicHou
i exercises at Asblaud, wuiob eour
Friday aud Saturday.
Mr. end Mrs. Sam Musheti have
returned fiotn Keno, where they were
married lust week. Both are reo iv
iug'beariy congratulations from tbeir
numerous friends here, and the
F.xamiuer exteuds it's basl wWbes
for tbeir future bappluess.
1 i