COLORADO Hotel 12. LONZVVAY, Proprietor. Best Heals in Town-Try Us ! (Jood, Clean Rooms R A lif PDV- -lireacl, Mot oils and kl m.xL-nv . - Cakes, baked LKl;Vll;Wf daily ()RI;(1()N. Advertising Signs That Advertise Business Signs That Talk We Meet All Competition Lakeview Decorative Co. Goose Lake Valley Irrigated Lands For Rent 10,(HKl ncri'H, will (IIvkIm hihiik lntn miy hI. hirin li'Mircl. All urnlcr Hit Ni-w t'niiil with tlrMt n fi-ri'in'i' wnicr riirltx Tin vrry ri'iim of tln Viill'-v Nclivtril yriirM nifi nil lrvi-1. n'rfcct hIIhIIh land- Will ltiiHi fur tt-rm nf yt-nrr fur irt if rni. .Shiim1 Ihiiihi'm m il t urn will lni IjiiiII for ili'Miiiililc tt'iimilH, Mum' ulvc rclcrcfircM Wr-ii- Hunter Land Co. WHU fnrun, Itliltf. 1 " . r 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 . irv A El T n own 's noar Q'ty Park and High School location. Those beautiful residence lots are within a few b looks of business con tor. Sizo 50x150. Price $250. Terms $10 down, $10 per month. H. W. DRENKEL LAKEVIEW, OREGON I ! o . i I Mere Is Where You Get Your Money's WorthI Whtui you liy Mutton Slew at f!c mt mmiim1. Have you tried Our sugar cured Mams, Bacon? No ln-tiiT imnlc any wIiitc. Lnnl, Iimiiii' klttfl rcinlcri'il. uliiltitil.r ptnv, 6 ll. bnck'tM fl i x I In -in Hi. hum, lHo. Freud frozen OywterM, Jl (Hi per fan. Kroiit fxv mt k" Hon. All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage kept on hand. V will uiv the mnrki't prleu for g kh! bivf and pork-hort, Ciihli on delivery . Collie llliil fret liciiinlnte(l wllhllH. K.p,c,tuny. QQOSIi LAKE VALLEY MGAT CO. J.P, Maylield, (len. Hgr. II I r i I t wJOi iOt Ol XX Ot XX Ol OI XX XX XX XX XX XX LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporarcd. A Complete Record We liu ve niii'le an enl ire t nniHcrlit o( nil II -copIh In Luke County wliu'li In any way, nff.rt U ill I'roperty In t lie 'utility. We Imve u l oinplete Ueuonl of v very M ortirn w mid trasiHfer ever mailu In l.uke Coiiuly. and ever leil uiveti. Errors Found in Titles In triniHcriliinif the records we have found numerous niort Kiiir' M recorded In the I'eed record iiikI indexedr and lii'iny (leeilx are recorded In the Mortjjiw record mid other book. Hundred of nortaK,'H and deed are rot Indexed at all, and HUM illlllciilt to truce up from the recordn. ., We have notations of all these Errors. Other annot find them. We have put MiudredH of dollars limiting up t hew errorH, and we can fully KOrfranut' our work. J. D. VENATpR. Hanager. UAOICMtrvlOtlOtOilOflOflOilOftOflCXCy 9 '''' fvAi"i I xT?7j a. CHICHESTER S PILLS yf TIIK IMAUIIMI IIK.VMt. CO I.itUlrat Anl your llruuuUt lor , III r I t r IIImiiiihmI liruiitl I'lllalu lUtl ftml 4.. .1.) r,r,,,uA l., clr with lH um HiMkmi. Tnke HMMllMI IIKAMt I'll. I K, I.,, V A llrkt,halckt.Alw.v. Krlintl SOLO BY DRUGGISTS tVLRYWHLRE O, Absolutely Puro Tho only baking powtlor BU3:!o from Royal Crapo Cream ol Tartar Noftlunt,No Lime Phosphate Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment Giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate," control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of intox icating liquors within the municipality. 328 X Yes ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS Oratr Ormgon Horn ftul Ammoo'n eta Blmotrlo Bldg. fORTLAMO m ORtQON mm Vrc vn;it btiildrrsto us about roofing. W'c watit to dc-momtratc why it is to your : lvanf;M'c to roof your building with I'.J.iitiioid Ueofm'; fiinl c w '. do this to your complete satisfaction. We will yon bcynnd any question that Malthoid is tlie very highest t) of rooling perfection and made so well that it will la;,t as lung jis the building it covers. We will showyou that Malthoid is a letter roofing than shingles is more .satisfactory than iron is cheaper than tin in fact, wc can prove that there is no olier roofing known to the building trades that is as good r.s durah'': r.s long las'ing a.; water proof as fire resisting and as cheap S3 Ma!t!io:.l Roofing. It has got every other brand of ready roofing marking time while it is pro;;i'" : mg there is more of it sold Coast than all other ' OC ' i I ' x-l : on t le Li- brain's combined and it r-eaks well for the intelligence of builders that this is so. The takcrs of Malthoid Roofing know It'a free Vr-d lo I H. A fv w book ftd 4C:hocrful IIomt'8." il(tt rt fune of flu. it batt' ' (I bui't .lowi of ". nt. A t' rxrtf b;;ir bj ld-r w l pMe. Vnt Irr. have been at thev not their hii .ine: s for t!u ; i; for iwentv- k ve:1: on!. ma!;c tiiis r-.'ofing to kl-11 but they make it to last ai.u to please the people who buy it. They would rather have the good will cf the builder than his money and they get both by the way they nuke Malthoid Roofing. If you have roof troubles of any kind or of anv description no matter what kind of a roof you have on your bjilding, see us at once and we will kelp yoa oiat of your diidcu'.ty. EHe ty T.c fcrnc ? Co. LaKtVieW Melt. Co. S:ifr..,,,Hf..r.r LaReview, Oregon try ' U j It I K. ... . i " tern Piling l.e.)JIOt, 3 pkk ckntT AVcSplaWpPrprnniunlfrAi similaiiii il Footellfrtjufci linrt fJiL- Siotnafis ac JiJAekaf Pi-omolcs Dicsrionlveffiil ness atvl RratXontalns neifiw 0pium.Mrphinc norMiacraL! OTNAnCOTIC. JtmpeofOUDtSWnmOlESi Jtnitrln4 hmlajmu llenr. Apctfecf Rsraedy forConsflt noit , bour Momacji.uiamuw Worrasi'onvulsionsjcvTrisn rtess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signanntof NEW YORK. HnfUi-W II H EI Iray Li For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have. Always Bought Bears tho Signature of AW h.iAranLptd undertime Food Ezct Copy of Wrapper. 111 Use For Over Thirty Years; 1 TM OCWTAWM eOMMNT, fll VOMII OUT. ORCHARDfU (mm BY F.ETRIGG REGISTER. ROCKFORD.IA. C0RRC5PONDENCE SOLICITED whs oui-retT ?3 a" TJoi bTthTkLT for lis exhibit fruit TUis IiiKCince not Dly poiuts to the ImnieoKe educational val ue of these national fruit exhibits la providing a stimulus for better efforts, but shows what Is even more Impor tant that after all in Mid and done It Is more the man and bis juethod than It is climate aud soil that are the chief determining factors Id the attainment of auccesB in the fruit busi ness. This nian'a achievement should be a soune of encouragement to fruit ! growers in nil sections. ITliU mutter miiat not be reiniiuod wllh- i out vpeclul permission, i j THE MAN AND THE METHOD. Anions many Interest ins and Instruc tive features of the late uational hor ticultural congress at Council Ulufl's. la.. erhaps nouo has received greater commendation aud publicity than the apple exhibit of a Mr. Mincer of Ham burg, lu.. a little town located in Fre mout. the southwest county of the state. It seems that Mr. Mincer has for several years past had charge of a twenty acre orchard, which for some time previous bad been badly neglect ed. Ou taking charge he begau spray ing aud gave the orchard In other re spects the best cure he could.- Last year lie attended the horticultural show at Council Willi's and exhibited a few apples, but they were not up to the standard of the western fruit. However, be kept bis eyes ien. took notes and pumped the westeru ranch men oa to Just bow they produced their flue fruit He found that It was by giving intensive, paiusiaUlug care to a few acres which made Improved methods possible. He acted ou this suggestion and devoted most of bis attention last season to seven acres. When be up pea red nt the fruit show last November he bad an exhibit which was considered by boih visitors uud Judges to be one of the very finest lu the ball. He bad gained size and col or, while in the packing of bis ex hibit he hnd been usfl-lcil bj 1 jm,,. lady who bad bud experience lu Idaho packing bouses. The uet rch.jit cf bis efforts was that tie was awarded a uutuber of the most valtmhie prizes and trophies which were i n up. On tbs business side be uot only received a klf b pries for tbs choice apples left its hit B&ok. st o,k was selected but FAMILY AND MARKET ORCHARDS For the apple orchard which is to produce fruit for family use only b does very well to set several varieties which will answer the several pur poses for which the fruit is used ano will cover as long a season cf con sumption as possible. But if the up pies are to be grown for the market ii is by uil means best ta restrict the varieties set to one cr two kinds which are known to be proline and hardy and will fetch a good price at the season when one must market them. A buyer would always prefer to handle a carload of fruit of uulform quality and one yariety than a on glotuerate, raised up assortment, even if the several varieties ripened .at the same time, which Is rarely the case. We are well owure of the fact that if left to himself many a nurseryman will load his patrons up w ith just as many varieties good, bad aud indiffer ent as he will take, but bo ignores the conditions which make the largest success possible when he does so. Cows' Milk For Foals. Cows' milk Is often used with-advantage In feeding foals, nays Orange Judd Farmer. Fouls suffering from dlstem per cannot always take solkl food sat isfactorily and may be nurtured on cows' inirti. The foal may be taught to drink by pouring H upon the grain feed. Tho yomig thing eats the mois tened feed, and by tipping the pari It soon learns to drluk the separated milk. 10,000 ACRES Subdivided into 10, 20, 40 and 80 aire tracts of the Best Orchard, Grain and Alfalfa Lands in SURPRISE VALLEY watered by Mountain Streams and Artesian Wells Siiiio k" Or Orchards. Dairy, Hee Culture, C ii.Ke.' lia.iches Diversified Farming or BEST BUYS IN THE NORTHWEST Thirty vears without a crop failure Good Climate. Good Soil. Good Water also Several Good Stock, Grain and Alfalfa Farms for sale Several jood unimproved qu;nters m Cliewaucan alley 20 acre tracts in Goose Lake valley near Goose Lake. For particulars write C. O. MISENER, Lakeview, Oregon ihc iv.eai Home raper. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen'i root-Ene, powdar. RallevM pall ful.numrtlUK, nervou Uel and Ingrowing d1U nd luilaiitly lakea Itu itloioutol corua and I'lmliii.k It k tn. lrateat coiulur: ilwovt'rj ot the am Allcni I oot Kaso ntkea tlgkl 01 d.'W ahori tral aany. II la a aortaia ear lot woallnir plnn. wnllea. tlrvd aeiloa laat Trylllodaf Huld bj ail Drumitatt and Iho Huiroi. By mall tor V In lUmpa. lsn' m ct-i' anr urwl'-i. Trial package KRSI A4 1rr. ll(:. J, o V '" Nd' Read the Want Ads. o ihe San Francisco Chronicle. M. H. de YOUNC. Sane, Conservative and Well Edited. Daily Sunday Weekly Sunday's in Colors Witt. Wallace, Dealer at Lakevisw, Ore. Order Now CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. Mm COREY, General Manager LAKEVIEW - OREGON Operate 5tafea, carrying United SUtea Malta, Expreas anJ Passtogera on the following route; ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LALEVIEW AtrortOBILES OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH THE STAGES PARES: Klamath Falls Route Altaias Route -rWi Route One Way $10.00 5.00 4.00 Round trip $18.00 9.00 7.00 0UFICB8; Lakeview Weak Kkaaaatk PaNa' S Divan hKlel American Motel Hotel Royal