Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 22, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County Examines
Official Paper of
Kcgultr itfttiding d $1.00 n inch. lnl
tomgio irac. p r month. All Mantling .
-hntcrt fri e t iff month, t out of co.mpot
ti in churgtil lnrll r xtr cbURp. All M'"'
position eiira. All Miort mm U. ltr
Render, loom co!nnin. UV. per lineech In
ertlon. nt . .V. llnench tuwrtion
'rd of thiik II. 00. KetoluUont ol condo
Jcnoe, 11.60 nd upward.
fl-Trnnnlent AdrortUInf nd Job Frint
ting, cub lit tliif.
AU bill must be paid the firtt of each mouth.
Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday, September 112, 101O
Secretary ot trie Ny Meyer bus
notified tbe Or a on congreMional
delegation tbat tbey have tbe filling
of tiro vacauciea t tbe Annapolis,
Mrl.. naTal academy, one being a a
rancy and tbe otber by graduation
Tbe appointments are to be made
by the congressmen.
Hold bullion aggregating f57,000 ID
alue, a patt of a f 170.000 sbipmeot
from tbe Washington AUska bank at
Fairbanks to tbe Dexter llortoo
National Bank of Seattle, was stolen
while in transit and lead bars substi
tuted in tbe treasure box. I he rob
bery is reported to bava occured be
fore tbe consignment of gold was plac
ed aboard the tbe steamer Hum bolt,
on whlcb it was to be brought to
Judge Bean, of the U. S. Circuit
Court, baa decided, that A. L. Smith
and Minnesota associates should lose
title to 37 timber claims in Linn and
Laos counties, worth from 000,000 to
$700, 00 J This is the first decision in
tbe big timber land casus which bas
been pending for two years. Eight
claims involved in the last stages of
the litigation were held to be protest
ed by tbe statute of limitations, and
title of Smith and associates to them
is affirmed.
Be it remembered that a regular
term of the county court of Lake
County, state of Oregon, begun
and held at tbe court bouse, in Lake
view. Oregon, on Wednesday tbe 7th
lay of September. 1010.
Present: Hon. B. Paly. Judge: C.A.
Rehart. County Commissioner; Al
bert Dent, Sheriff. When tbe follow
ing proceedings were had, to wit:
In tbe matter of claims against Lake
County, Oregon, the following claias
were examined, approved and war
rants ordered drawn on the county
treasurer, as by law provided, to be
paid out of the general fund of Lake
County. Oregon, as follows, to wit:
. Daly fur two months sal
ary f lie.6
' D. P. Malloy lor two month
salary , C0.66
I". W. Payne 'or two months
salary 3.S0.00
R. B. Jackson for two months
ealary 118.66
A. . Foster for two months
salary , 166.66
F.O. Ablstrom for two months
salary 66.66
Albert Dent for two months
salary ;. 416.66
D T. odell for two months
salary 120 CO
In the matter of the viewer's report
f the proposed road district No. 10 of
Lake County, Oregon, the same was
duly examined and read for the first
time In open court on Sept. 7, 1910.
The sheriff's books were on this date
examined and found t be correct.
Court then adjourned to meet
Thursday, Sept. 8, 1910.
Thursday, Sep. 8, 1910.
Court convened pursuant to ad
Journrnent of Sept. 7, 1910. the same
officers present when the following i
proceedings were h d, to wit: I
Ib the matter of claims against
Lake County, Oregon, the following
were examined, alio wed aud warrants
oruoren urawn ,n the county treas-;
urer, as provirj.M law, in payment
.9 a t . ... i
v. lucaiue, w ie paid out or the gen-
eral fund, as follows, to wit:
Cal. A Ore. Light, Heat and
Power Co., lights
Hotel Lakeview, board of pris
oners F. V. Payne, clerical
ance 331.25
I W. Payne, stamps, express-
aee, etc 24.50
A. J. Foster, clerical assistance 100.00
I. F. Burgess, services on
teachers examination 20.00
Chas. Oliver, services on teach
ers examination 20.00
Glass & Prudhomme, office
supplies 212.00
H. S. Crocker A Co., cilice sup.
plies , 22.50
Tbe Irwin Hodson Co., office
supplies 10270
O. T. McKendrie, witness fees
state vs. Ilarrell
C. I). Arthur, witness fees
state va. Jlarrell
K. Talls-Liikevlew fctage Co.,
I-'. 10
L. L. Lliivlllc, v.lmtbs before
fruudjury 4.10
Lake County, Oregon
Vn Tear, lu advance,
lii mopth.
Three tnonlbt. "
$ .' CO
If not paid la adtauee, f 1 SO (he tci.
Notice to Subscriber
nperioem to I n Riaminer wno reraor
O Irom one lornltty to another, or ohauiri
drop thin ortloe a rard an their paper can be ad
dreaaed to the right poatofne.
Bona Snelling. court reporting
ex Am. of Louis VeytnUle 20.35
Albert Dent, stamps and board
of prisoners 70.70
Ely Restaurant Co . board ot
prisoners 12.7S
S. C. Burris, repairs of furni
ture lO.JO
Wislow Bailey, Justice fees,
(Vevsadde and Knhl).. . 13.20
Mike Sullivan, witness foes,
state vs. Veysadde 1.60
Pete Ksvalller, witness fes, j
state vs. Veyeadtle 1.60
B. Daly, witness fees, state vs.
Vevsodde l.fO
W. A. Massingiil, Jurer of In
quest of John Biyry v 1.00
Henry Funk, Juror ot imnieft
of John Barry 1.00
C. . L. Heebe, Juror of Inquest
of John Barry 1.00
J. B. Auten, Juror of lmiuest
of John Barry 1.00
A. L. bloau, juror of inquest
of John Barry 1.00
J. K. MoCoul, jaror of inquest
of John Barry 1.00
John McAuliffo, witness in-
queat of John Barry..'.... 1.50
Mike Sullivan, witness inquest
of John Barry 1 50
Dave McAuliffe, witness in- '
quest of John Barry 1.50
Dr. B. Daly, autopsy on re
mains of John Barry 5 00
Dr. T. V. Hall, autopsy on re
mains of John Barry 5 00
Dave Donely. witness at in
quest of John Harry 1.50
John inquest
of John Barry 1.50
Reginald Gutton, witness at in-
juest of John Barry l.YiO
John W. Peacock, witness at
inquest of John Barry 1.50
W. B. Snider, witness at in
quest of John Barry 1.50
William Wal'.ace, coroner fees
inqnest ol John Barry 5.00
Bena r-nelling, taking testi
mony, translating notes
for inquest of John Barry 20.60
The following claims were examined,
allowed and ordered paid out of the
road fund, as by law provided, as fol
lows, to wit:
W. A.W ilshire, for lumber Dist.
No. 10 51.73
Woodcock A Leonard, repair
work 2.00
Berney Construction Co., labor
aud material Dlst. No. 10 4.f-0
R. A. Paxton, road vewlng
Dist. No. 10 8.00
M. D. Hopkins, road viewing
Dfst. No. 10 8.00
George Nelson, road work
Dial. No. 10 149.25
T. E. Bernard, supplies' fos
Dist. Wo. 5 40.00
Arzner Bros., repair tools Dist,
No. 10 ; 41.80
la tbe matter of County roads:
1'be attention A each road super
visor of Lake Connty Jis again called
to the order made by the court on
May, 6, 1910, which reads follows
In the matter of County Roads:
Complaints Having ,been made to tbe
Connty Conit tbat several of tbe
t.oad Supervisors of tbe County
have neglected to put tbe public
roads in their respective Road Dis
tricts in good condition, and as a
"suit tbe traveling public are incon
nienced by such neglect, of duty of
8alrl supervisor.
lo order tnat tbee can be no mi a
understanding as to the position of
tbe County Court iu reference to the
construction and n,aintaiuance ot
. - .
good ruads for Lake County, it is
Hereby, ordered that it shall be tbe
duty of eaob Road Supervisor of Lake
County, Oregon, to make a personal
examination of every bridge and cul
vert in bis road district, and to im
mediately repair or rebuild every
bridge or culvert tbat ia required to
be repaired or rebuilt ; that it shall be
tbe duty of each Road Supervisor to
pot tbe public roads, especially tbe
principal traveled roads, in good
condition for publio travel: tbat U
sball be tbe duty of each Road Super
visor to consult with tbe County
Conrt from time to'tlme la reference
to tbe work to be done in bis district
la order tbat court may keep in touch
at tbe the work being done and also
tbe amount of money that la being
expended in eaob road district of the
Tbe county tbereioie earnestly re
quests tbat eaob P.oad Supervisor
shall enumerate with the Court in an
eff ort to construct and maintain good
publio rouds for tbe convenience of
the people of Lake County.
It is further ordered that the
Conuty Clerk shall furnish a copy
of this order to each road supervisor
of tbe Count."
While most of the load supervisors
have earnestly oo-opera ted with the
County Court In rebuilding bridges
culverts and making substantial Im
provements of the publio highway
In their respective districts, yet there
are a few superervisor who have not
made Improvements tbat ehnuld have
been made on tbe county roads; eaoh
supervisor is Iherefoi agaiu urged
lo put tbe liridgvs, culverts, and
roads in bis Fistrlct In goo I condi-
Itiou so that the people i.f Lake
County may bave the conveuieuee o(
'good publio highways.
in the matter of tbe report of R. A.
Paxton and M. D. Hopkins as Road
Viewers and S. A. Musben as lep-
utv County Surveyor of Lake Conntyr
Oregon which report was duly prepar
ed and Hledwitb the County Clerk of
Lake County, Oregon, on August
H 10 iO, in reference to opening and
laying out a County Road in Road
District No, IS ot Lake County,
Oregon, and tbe said report havlug
been duly exalned, and it appeariag
therefrom that the opening aud lay
lug out of said road ia a publio ne
cessity. It is hereby ordered that
the report of the said Viewers, R.
A. Paxlon and M. D. llopkins,and S.
A. Musben as depnty County Sur
veyor for Lake Uounty, Oreon, in
reference to the opening and laying
out of county road In Road Dintrict
No. 10. of Lake Cocnty Oregon, be,
and tbe same Is bereby approved. It
is further ordered that Ueorge Nelson,
Road Supeivisor of Road District
No. 10, of Lake County, Oregou, be
and he herebv la directed to uro- !
ceed at ooce to open said County
Road for use a publio blgbaay.
Court now adjuurned to meet Wed
nesday, Sept. Hth, l'MO at U o'clock
A. M.
Court conveued pursuant to ad
journmect of Sept. 8, 1910, came
officers being preseot. The entire
timejof tbe Court on this date whs
spent in examination of tbe books
'it the County officers.
Court adjourned to. meet Sept. 15,
1910, at 9 o'clock a.m.
lbuisday, Sept. 15, 1910.
Court convena'd pursuait to ad
journment of yesterday with the
same officers present, ben tbe fol
lowing proceedings were bad, to wit:
Tbe examination of tbe clerk's
books Talso tbe Treasurer's books
was finished and the said. books found
to be correct.
The report of F. W. Payne, County
Clerk, showing that from July lltb,
laiu, to sept, l i. 1310, both dates In
elusive be bad paid scalp bounty on
one hondred coyotes and seventeen
bobcats amounting to 1184 was ex
amined, found correct and the scalp
and front feet of tbe said animals
destroyed as by law provided.
Tbe following claims against Lake
County, Oregon. were examined allow
ed and warrants ordered drawn on
tbe Connty Treasurer as by law pro
vided to be paid out of tbe Road
fund of tbe county as follows, to wit;
Bank of Lakeview, cash ad
vanced for road work ... 812.15
8. B. Chandler, work on roads
district 4 298.53
To be paid out of general fune.
Bank of Lakeview, cash ad
vanced for supplies and
wood for court house.... 00.61
W. B. Barnes, board and trans
portation of prisoner 12.10
Hall & Renolds Drug Co , of
fice supplies 6.15
C. A. Hehart, four days attend
ance and milage for at
tendance at county court.... 18.20
In tbe matter of tbe petition of
John Hays end others for the open
log end laying out of a County Road
In Road dlstriota 1 and 13 and 14
in Lake Uounty, Oregon. Tbe aaid
petition having been duly prepared,
aigned and filed with tbe County
Clerk in cootormitv with law and it
appearing to tbe Court tbat tbe open
log and laving out of tbe proposed
road is necessary for the convenience
of tbe people residing in said road
aistrict, n is bereby ordered that
liarrold Fraim, Deputy County Stir
veyor for Lake County, Oregot, and
Dan Orof ot Summer Lake and
William Dobkin, of.Palslev, be and
tbey are bereby appointed to view
ana suney and report to tbla court
as provided by law tbe proposed
county road; and tbey are farther
directed to meet at Silver Lake,
uregoo, on Sept. 20tb, 1910. at 10
'in the County Court of the State
nf Oregon, for the County of Lake.
in tbe matter of the estate nf .1
T. Metzker. deceased.
Tbe undersigned having been by tbe
County Court of tbe State ot Oregon.
for the Connty of Lake, appointed
joint executory of tbe last will and
testament and estate of Jamas T.
fotzker. deceased. Notice ia' rrh
given to tbe creditors of, and all per
sons having claims against tbe estate
of aaid deoeaaed, to present them
duly verified with the proper vouch
ers as required by law, within six
months after tbe first Dnblmtinn nf
tbls notice, to tbe undersigned, at
the law ojnoe of L. F. O oou, lo.tbe
town of Lakeview. Lnk r. in n r o
Dated September 15tb, 1910.
oauys a. metzker, H. O. Creasler.
Lxecntora of the eeatte of James T
Metzker, deceased. 37-61
o'lock A. M. of aid day or opon
tbelr fa'lure to meet on said day
thru within live days thereafter and
tbeu to qualify and Immediately
thetesfter to view, survey and teport
upon tbe said proposed road in man
nrr required by law.
B. Daly, Judge.
For ('(Mint) Judge,
Dick J. Wilcox
of Lakeview.
At the earnest solicitation of num
erous Republicans from all parts ot
the County, I have finally concluded
to Ui'onu a candidate for the nomi
nation for the otllceof County . I tnlire
of Lake County, Oregon, on the. Re
publican ticket. MiibJ.-ct to the will
of the Republican voters at the Pri
mary nominating election to ts held
on Septfinlier 24. 1910.
If I am nominated and elected at
the general election In November, 1
shall advocate the coiiatructlng and
maintaining of tietter roads ami
bridges lu all sect Ions of the County
alike, and shall endeavor to secure a
JiiMt and equitable assessment and
apportionment of taxes. I
I inn In favor of an economical
and bimlness-llke administration of ;
all County affairs and U-lleve In:
economy In all Count v expenditures, i
Dick J. Wilcox, j
For Sheriff, J
M. S. Barnes '
of Lakeview,
Respectfully announces himself as a
candidate for the nomination for
Sheriff subject to the voice f the
people at the Republican prliuarv
electlon, SeptemlsT 24, 1910.
For Sheriff,
F. O. Bunting
Of Lakeview
Respectfully announces himself an a
candidate for the nomination for
Sberlti subject to the voice of the peo
ple at Republican Primary election.
For Sh.Tlff
A. B. Schroder
Of SlUer Lake
ResjM'ctftilly announces himself as a
candidate for the nomination for
sheriff, subject to the voice of the
M-ople at the Democratic Primary
For Sheriff,
W. B. Snider
of Lakeview,
Announces his candidacy for theJ
Republican nomination for Sheriff,
subject to the will of the M?ple as
expressed at the Primary Klectlou.
tr C'lrk
F. W. Payne
Present Inctimlsmt.
Resfectfully announces himself a
candidate for the nomination, on
the DeniH.Tatlc ticket, for the office
of County Clerk, subject to the decis
ion of the M'ople as expressed at the
Primary Klectlou to lie held Sep
tember 2 1 th, 1910.
For County Treasurer,
F. O. Ahlstrom,
Present Incumttent
Announces himself as a candidate
for the Republican nomination of
County Treasurer subject to the de
cision of the people as expressed at
the Republican Primary Election.
For County Surveyor
8. A. Mushen
of Lakeview
Respectfully announces himself as a
candidate for the nomination of coun
ty surveyor, subject to the decision
of the people at the Republican pri
mary election.
For County Commissioner.
Wm. H. Hayes
ef 611 yer Lake. .
I wish to inform the people of Lake
County that I am a candidate for
County Commissioner, subject to tbe
action of the Democratic voters at
the corning Primary election, Septem
ber 24. 1910.
The Home of Good Values
Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gent's furnishings
are complete in every respect We especially call
your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt
waists, and our famous Ideal shirts for Men.
Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats
If It's New, We llnvc It
V v
We li;ive given away .100 of these pencil boxes,
and have about the same number left whice we
will ive to any Lake County child attending
Public School who has not .'dread v received one.
v. ...
Sign tho abovo, cut out and bring
or mall sama to
A new and up-to-date stock of Men's
Hats, made exclusive! v for Phil. S.
Cummins & Co.
to S.'t.oO.
Also a nice line
of Syrups. -9-
The Economy Store
Lakeview Meat Market
HAYES ct QROB, Pro PR' s
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc, Etc
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Free Delivery
Bailey & EVlassingill
. ...... Ji.'!" '""wmmtm
H K.V7' (if tiifnr iitirsi: -
For Style, Quality iitul
Low Prices in
Ladies' Hats (Sb
Prices from 83.00
Call a;id see them.
of the latest makes
Oive them a trial.