Copy of Primary Election BallotRepublican ! -jef-if-- STUB To be torn off by the Chairman STUB To be torn off bv the First Clerk OFFICIAL PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION DALLOT KOK THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR FORT ROCK PRECINCT, LAKE COUNTY AT THE W1MARY NOMINATING ELECTIOX TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY THE 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1910 Mark a cross X between the number and the name of each candidate voted for Republican Candidates for Nomination for Representative In Congress and for State Offices wtth trgth smsl tKr alwajra 1 TWO HORSE OVERALLS LEVI mam mr STRAUSS ax co. Ysor noteplsiloe as 11 roar lmptr in rendered ratserble br dli- ordered liver. By taking Cbsnbr letoe Btomacb aad liver Teblste too m Improve both. Bold by alt food I dealers. For KeiinvatHtivr iaVtiiiicrt . l-t district, Vote for OX F Fur Attorney General Vote for t.h 1 i 11 IS . C. Haw ley. of Varitii. C'ouaty. 'No Interest to VT A. M. Crawford of Douglas County. "Direct Prl-vi- Inn thV puhllr tn'f reta." mary candidate, considers welfare of the people 13 h .Moike..fJa..oi. Cointy. paramount to private Interests." J. N. Hart ot linker County. "Promote public , L9,JpJv'!.2,!'7j No private iutereat to serve." For (inventor Vnt for (fXF, 14 Allh rt A..rrtlHn. of D uI.ih County. "Party or- ' ifoila itloi. on the H..l,.Taft.Ho,.eveltplttn." :,.., y,,,,,.,,,,, nfTuhlw Instruction. Vote fur . E "15 Jn Bohemian of Uiiiiniu County, '"Republican I Assembly's choice. Slate Affairs ou '- L. R. Alderman of Lane Couuty. "Kepubllcan As- hiiaiupMM prinrife- " weiubly's recoiumeudation. KcUal educational 15 uraui U. l,mkkofcWH.H. Uuutv. "Kepubli. opjH.rtunltU-a lr()n U,ys and girl; can . ho endorsee the Primary La w, and strict ft'imiimv In public wfT'iirw." - 17 E Holer of Marion (unit, "(.tood lawn. Rood iytr State I'rintrr Vote for .YrV ml ministration, good muds, good will to all. Develop Oregon. W Wm. J. Clark of Manou County. ""Republican A s- sembly'e recommendation. Kavor flat salary for State Printer. tiuaranteeiiig economic adui'inls- A Reliabla Itaij catarrh Eli's Cream Bala Cn. Reiwt at Osce It clean , soutbs, hal and protects brans resulting fnxn Catarrh and drives aw.y ia the Heed quickly. lUxHure me r-n or ia-ts aaJ rturlL J ul! site fD rts. at Dragglu or by roatl. Liquid rvm naira ir oe ia atomisers 73 cts. Lly Brothers, 66 Wuto 81ml, New York. 7 I Jf-'or Secretary of St Ate Vote for OXE 18 Jr . . iietiMon of UoiikImm County. "Present lu rnmbetit respectfully Hk. for election to second term on bin rerortt. ' -31 H illw S. Ihini way of MultnouiHh Countv. "Fav ors direct primaries; anks second term; aaved tax payers lance suuia; ec.nomlea cuiitiuued." la o. W innate of Clatsop (4'ni.iy. Oirect Primary Candidate; economiral ndiMln'Mtration; close per Honal attention toffftVinl 1utJe." ''or Commissioner of Labor Statistics ami 1 lnsfector of Factories and Workshops. Vote for OSF PXtrStat TreHKiirer AT Vutf for tfXhVM Kalpli W. Hoyt of Miiltif tnah County, can nlilr'd reivmmeiiHtlon." "Repabli- O. P. Hoff of Multnomah County. "Continued fearle, impartial and economical administra tion of the duties of the office." 31" Tiiomaa H. Kay ol Marion bounty. "lirect Pn mary candidate; an liotieoi adaiinistratloo; fair inxtmf"i to all." XI U. M. Drton of Multnomah County. "ARalun As sembly for strict observance of direct p rim a ij nominating election law." for J us tier- of the Supreme Court i Four year term) Voth for TW(i 2f tieiity J tb-au of Umatnia County. "Administer the law fairly and impartially to the poor and the rich." m Frank J. Miller of LIdd Couuty. "Republican At lem bly's worn mendatlon." 2.1 him- A. M-Krlile nf C4ckioai County. ?A m lii.tce McCamaut ol Multnomah County. iuih ii-nn Awmlily' rveummndatlon." he- For Commissioner of the I'.ailruad Cotnmiu- sioo of Oregon, Vote for OXE V . i . . ... . .'oi mioun snouij ts lost itnso a cdiij sboss symptom of ornuo. I hatrbtrl.loa Couah Ksmsdsy Bl?n a sooo as tbs child tomsa hoars or etra after tb croup; cough ap- psata. "ill preveot the attack. Sold cy all good dealers Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA For State Engineer Vote for OXE tio John H. Lewis of Marlon Count.. "My record as Oregon's first Mste Engineer and necessity for consistent administration." lror Justice of the Supreme Court (Six year term ) Vote for TWi uin. li. liurnett of Marion t ouuty. AMmbly's recommendatoo." Itepunlicaa Ion S umber One For Division Superintendent of Hfer Iivls- Vote for OXE M Frnk A Moore of ColDmhlw County. SM , James T. Chinnock of Multnomah Countv. ' Uual- locations for t he otMce bawel upon enerlen se " 37 Fml K. (iettlns of oos County. "Uepublican As- semblr r-omrnendatioti." Republican Candidates for Nomination for District and County Offices Jr&r'Judgy of Circuit Court, Thirteenth Judicial District, For County Clerk of Lake County K. i amain ana Lane counties. v ote for ONb,- Vote for OXE H-nrv Ij. Beniwin of Klamath County. IF YOUVE NEVER WORN youvet -)Lto teem tne bodily a cormort gives n utc neural wouicr fl 1 Mr i ff V'T 1. mo Hand vic CUASAKTXCO viATcapsroor 3Q2 at u oogo 5TOOU CATMOC nu An adr ia tbe Esamtaer will bring results. Try It and be convinced. "Can bs depended upoa" Is ao3ei presaioa we like to bear, and wbeo i it is DMd la conoectlon with Cbam oerlaioa Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Kemedey ia means that it aster fails to ours diarrbooa. dvsaatarr' or bowel complaints. It ia Dleasanito take aad equally raluabe for'cbildrso sua aauiu. ooia cy all good' deal era. For County Treasurer of Lake County Vote for OXE Jor Keprementative, Twenty-Unit iiepnentative ViatrictSTT' frinlr flrunt Iflumath unrt I m L f'r.iimtt I'ote for TWo yt H. P. Plknap of Crook Ounty. W W. Lair ThompHon of Ixke County. F. O. Ahhjtrora For County Surveyor of Lake County Vote for OXE yor County Judge of Lake County Vote for OX J 'For Coroner of Lake County 41 Dick J. Wilcox. " Better Koadnatid lirides, Economy in all i.onnrv r-Kpenoltiireii.'" Vote for OXE .For County Cvuimii-sloner of 'Lake County. Vote fur OXE lia rues J'or Sheriff of Lake County il VS W Vote f,,r OXE' Marlon S "V O iitiniiug V arner B. ISuider :lf F. E. Auderson V. K. Mi:( 'ormai.-k Republican Candidates for Nominationfor Precinct Officers J'or JuUqh of the Feace Vote for OXE For Constable Vote for OXE TO confidence felt by tanners aad I l caroeoers ia rem a Seeds to-di would have beca Imposiible to fed in 1 ac seeds two score of years o. we nave made ifjr science of seed -sfg-sj I B7HWIOC- always do ' eiartty what you eipect ol Ihrm. fur tale everywhere, rcurs III srrm annua rree oo raouest O. BS. ruT S CO, I4re4l. MM. ! ltf)nbltcn CandiiaU-8 for Election fvr County Cuntral Committeeman from Lake Fn-ciact. Vote for OXE Gladdening a Humorist. ' Y1m fiMoclaJ burden which Mark Wtlu Carried some years ago weighed mi Ills tnJnd bpsrtly. In tbofce WO mcntu of dexpoudncy there was oue taeUul friend who could make the bu iuoijii forget hU troubles, 'i'bls ws Dau Heard, the artist who lllu.strat-d (MMi.e of Ta-am's bks. 'Tu Beard, there i.i no tonic that can ecjual the rompuny of a cheerful on ii," iaid the humorist as he entered the ariLst's Mudio. "Ah, but I have .su-h a pl"aK0iit sub tA o work ujiou that 1 am not lu need of either ujuo or tonic for my OTttwrfiiliii-H." retnited the artist. "iteg pardon; it is 1 that need the tooic, and that U why 1 am here," bald Twain forlornly. Then selow me tv prescribe a do of yir oan medicine." And Mark Was hmdi-d a copy of his book whlcu Heard bail been atudylng. "I ilmiik you," replied the bumnriMt. 'lt ni( me s yeur lo r-t thul Htie jii I 'if my Mjtem. und I do not ira4j'i:. to finblbe il Hi.'iilu." A di iisKiuii of tlii- bioik was fol lsl by it binrt.v dit:ni-r. mid Twals Mi bia in-iid. ha vini: received tbe The Heart ef Youth. s um J. m . ml aw - - m . . Blll-Jletch me a-takln' yer aht fer a 'ppy dye aginel Done nuffink but srumble, you 'aven't, ever since I put th. auowball daba yer back-Ucetcb, If a tiiiia look sharp and attentively be stall see fortune, for, though she la meatd, sbo 's nut lorislbls.-Bacoa. rian-...ppa. Two old eltl.-rs nut suioklug In their cabin faraway in the backwoods. No woman's hand bud ever denecratcd that Kanr'tum. it ml jrrlim- ri-liied su preme aiid triuiuphiini. The con ver nation veered a round frma tnte poli tics to ciMiklng. "Yn-as." khI1 the elder f the two. with a druwl. "I did ret ne o' them there cixjkboidi tvunsi, but 1 could never do nothlrr with it." "How was that?" inquired the other "What was tht- liiich?" "WaaJ," was the uuswer. "every one o' them rLH-eit beguu In the same way with the tame word. 12 very oua o 'em started off with take a clean dish,' and 1 never got no farther." And be slowly replaced bis old black clay pipe in bis mouth and fell to ruminating sadly on tho narrow out look on the world of human beings as displayed by authors of cookery books. Aetordlrig to the Bagtaecrroir Kte ord, a concrete tank at the San Anto nio gas works has been ia aurvlce for Wires years, holding heavy Txas oil, without showing aay leakage what vr, although there ia a general belief At ofi destroys tbe eohegloa of con- Frj inj iireitaratlous simply devel op dry '"Aurrh ; they dry up the secretioas, bl'-h rtlli(frc to Mi rueui)rHns ami deoom poie, iiisiug a fur more w.noaa trout. le than th- ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drvjuu' iuhidantH, fames, smokes and nufft and uh that which clouasea, soothes and heuN. Ely's Crania Balia will master catarrh or cold in the head easily . aod pl-nQtly. All drirf).dU sell the CO cent si .a. Ely brother, 00 Wurrea Htreet, Hew York. ' The Bulla in um-d without psla, does not irritate or caune;. It spreads itself vor an irritated and annry surface, roliev. ln imnieilinteiy the puliilul Innammaiioii. , Ely's Creum Bnlm contains no cocaine, jnercury nor other LaroiXul drus. $1,000 REWARD Tbs Or.eria. 'Ja (forsla and Nevsl Live Stock I'roteo ton Awooiailun, o which tkiv under als-usdlsa member will s'.tt IUUJ00 reKsrj loierMonce u-tat ui to tne r re.t aud coarictlon ol party or r IWssUaltos horses. ctUl.or mules t- l'JDl0g toaoy oflU oeuoars. Is additloa to the abovs, tbe nnderslaned oSstson tbe asms condUl jD 15(0.00 for all hor as branded borist-tlioe tier on tiota or cither law. Brand recorded in eigbt counties. Rau(e Barany, Lake sud Cfvo oouatles. Horses veaid wbtiu aold. None but urown haf.H. uilif . anil onl In t... abebvs W. eY. Baows. rile. Orwuu, Children Cry FOR FLIJCHER'S CASTORIA "PRODUCTIVE SOIL, TIIArS ALL" Government Homesteads ana Relinquishments H"j the llomrsitrad KHlalUt W, Roche Fkk, L&keview, Oregon lJiMMa. Lake Vaiiey, Warner Valley Chewaucan Valley CbrUttnas lake alley Wngontlir Country Lake County Oregon Where tbe new Hallroada am Coralng laradU Valley, Long Valley, Nevada, Big Valley, Calflorala A Few Letters to Many People Adrertlsinif Government Homesteads pays -If I ran produce) the gHxis. That's the secret ol all advert lln. A man cannot afford to make a sinitle ttilstateinent or even siaguerate. When 1 t-laltn to place you ou S-JO acres of good sarricultursl land I cannot afford to allow you to select land In (loos Lake where the water ia ten feet deep. oil lt)Ut under the homestead laws personally luiei't the land; must actually iro on It and faitiiUailzo vourwlf with evrrv to acre tract. I can show you tbe laml but von must ito the rholtiu:. Is therv any reason for you belnn decelvetl when you do U "lecllng? My four years eiTlence In soil oImt vatlon ruinpfls tnstoahow you the beat land obtainable under the Government Land Acta. Its level valley land or aomsl lines slightly rolhii-;th soil Is of great depth water la obtalucd at depths that raiiRo from Id to Mi feel. It may vary that much on the same section of land and tbe ijuallty of the water on every hotueatead that I have located where a well lias lieen completed ! exceptionally pure. The climate of the val lev a is such that they have lxetl used as a winter range for sheep, rattle and horse which feed on th. native wild ktiuon s rsrliislvely. Tbe snow acldom preveutinic grnxinu; and the clear cold air and bright sunahlua Krive a tone to the atuuwiphrr which la much healthier than In a citrus fruit belt The weather never gets extremely cold as we know It lu tbe MIsnlHslpid Vslley Stales atove Southern Missouri points, neither tbx-s the summer da equal the heat of thottatea mentioned. There never has been n suutnke lu these valleys. Mlh soil, water and climate combimntr. what la the resMon these lauds are open to entrr and that no one has taken them tailor now? Ilecauso of sever al reaaons: first the valleys lu question were remote from any rail road transportation. It seenied too far for the average man to trsvel iM'.vond railroads and he could not see how be could profitably till the wil without transport at n for Ins product. That's the reu son why I have bad to pay 2, centa s-r pound for barley at Iike. view aud 4 rents per pound at CbrintmiM Ijtke. Poiple feared they could ma sell the product so the supply has lvn Insufficient to meet tbe demands of our rupldly Increasing tratllc bj wsg-on or staire. dO.OOO.UtO Is tsdng stMit by Oregon Kallroads and soon ons or mora lines will traverse this valley. Prices will then come down but TOU cau ship your surplus crops to tbe outside markets K.cond No one until I enU-red the Held aver t ned to tell you all alraut the many opportunities in this wet Ion of Oregon. I beKan four years ago and I am at II yet. I could seo then many things that have come to pass since. For Instance: In taelre townships in t'ertsttua Lake valley at that time there was but one single home stead. Today I could poSsibly l.nate twrnly flee iople on 160 at-re i hi! tin or half that numls-r on 2M are claims in the Lownshlpt Over BOO entries hsve beeo made in this valley alon lnc 1 brougbs It to the attention trf settlers. Their must tie some attraction in a place so far from a railroad, don't you think bo? II is the last beat fertile place open lo the homesteader with the prote-t of railroads In tl near future. In these twelve townships today an five post offices, a couple ol church coagregallona that hold meetings In tho school bouses, six or mors schools and other buildings, Ave mercau tile establishments and a conple of small hott ls ami feed barns to gether with hundred ol mile of wire fences slid hundred of places where little or much improvements have Is en made. The valley Is dotted over with cabins rar-gln" from that of the most lowly to the most subseantiul buugalow type of home. There are few large barns as yet as stock needs very little shelter and money Is being spent on other Improvements. Tbe man that knew this valley four years ago and hiia not seeu It since will rub bis ryes whenheoooies hack in a couple of ye its from now at the latest aod rides there on a comfortable train, but be won't be the maa that will make money out of getting free Und before It Is a!l gone. lie may be able then to buy a good Iftt for about fpiOOO at tbe lowest possible price of $23 per acre but I believe that be will py at least double that pric. Now let ua reason together; you and I. Do you believe that you can make money faster than you can by securing a place of this land now and holding it even for per sere? In the same township where I located my last party of settlers a loO acre c'aira patented aold last spring for f 10 per a-re. It's worth I5..V) more now tswidc the Improvements which are worth about VJ0. How about this Und being worth more when the railroad cornea? Well every day that you let pass without coming here and seeing this land for your self lessens your chances. Your opportunity baaed upon a certainty is now. You must act In order to icahte'your ambitions. IS tody this-questlon but act while you. are douijr so. Its tht man that U capable of thinking that we need In this new undeveloped country. You can't make a thoroughbred trotter out of a Missouri mule, neither can I hand a 3 JO as re homestead to a man antes be will act. I cannot sand-bag yoo and compel yru to pay meforty cnta In Chi nese money for a bright dcw fju gold piece with Uncle Ham's stamp on It. but I can show you tbe beat piece of land uow open to entry in this section of Oregon. Are you a charter member of tee "Show Me" club? Then come and I will give you the tasword. Do it now Make me prove every statement. If you belong to th "Hhow Me" clubyou are entlthw! to Join "The Live Wire league" ol rich blooded men and women who are coming Into Lake Countv. BUY YOUK TICKET TODAY. Writs for certltlcate of tiiemUership. Its free. American Restaurantarkery Gee Yongand Tom Hotai, Proprietors. Lakcview, Oregon Fresh Uread, Cake and 1'ies on sale cverv dav Fancy Cake and all kind of Pastrv made to ordrr. The only first class short oider - J ves VWwVcj4 n Day and Night oomrnrmmr oaasaet Mammoth Stables BARNUM si RKHAPtT PmoemisivMm The Largest Livery and Feed Stable In Southern Oregon or Northern California. Horses Hoarded by the Day'. Week or Month. Special Attention Clveu to Truuslent Stock I'ltlt i:, $1.00 PKH MIAN LAKEVIEW - OHEQON Chamberlains Collo. Choi arn snrl Olarrboea fiemedy is today the best known mediates la use for the rnr and our cf bowel oonintalnta. It cures gripplog, rtatrrhoea, dysentary, and should be taken at the Ural un natural looaneas of tba bowells. It U equally valuable for cblldern and adult. It alwara cures. Hold bv all good dealers. Don't waste rrtoi monav hnvlno plasters wbeo you can get a bottle of Chamberlalu's Lluiment for twenty tire cents. A piece of flsuoel dsai peaed wltb this liniment is Biinnrinr to any plagiei for lama back, paloa in tne aide and cbost. and mnnh uheaper. bold by all good dealers. When Merit Wins'" When the medicine you take cures your diHease, tones up your system and makes 'you feel better, itrongsr and more vigorous tbuu before. That Is what Foley's Kiduey Fills do for you.;in all cases of backache, bead ache, nervousness, loss of "appetite, sleep essnes and general weakness that It caused br aoydisorder .of tbe kidueys or bladder. ' A. L. Thornton. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SUBSCR1BE FOR THE EXAMiNElCj hi- thai he aeeileel.