Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 15, 1910, Image 5

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    JXalic Counts Examiner ! a wn,orprfHH,ooiiii-r
. .with n Him ilnllar nun-liiian at
frliriHBAY, HKI'TKMBKK 15, IttlO.
Pongee KhlrU t'2 2ft at Bonne's.
A tine shower visited this section
Monday cght.
IJhaa. Kaaton m np from Oavla
Lreik, Monday.
Men'e dualeis. II 76 lit Boone's.
Hchnnl opened Moudey with very
aru attendance
Jerry IIhti y left Mouday for Adel
In n business trip
W. M. MiCmII waa In towu Mou-
tiav iiiiin raelev.
I'olli'M suspenders 'JX rla. at Bonne's
W. Roche r lok returned Monday
roni Klamath r'elle.
I. Moyer wan In town Tuesday
from Ui ZX ranch.
rah araaonable fruit at the Frost
J'.it A ok lurid la dipping sheep at
flower's Bridges rorrsla.
Harry Uoodwiu was a gueat at
Hotel ijakevlew Mouday.
K. W. MuUortiilok of Paisley wan
In town a couple of day tut tint of
ba week.
I Beat wotk aliirt 60c t a at Donne a.
Andy llammersley and M. Whorton
!. I naarliiM fi I'ulliBf null III. r A I ll A if
Lilt limit for a bil.
Ktgmter Often, nf the land ollloa,
to company wltb Krucat Clark, spent
Kundny at Davie Cieek
Mlae Veria Umhech left last week
or S.i 11 r'raurliiru, where sue la to
attend school till Muter.
Netliitea Hliirta that look good 75
ts. at lluiii'u'a .
Jim I lima d, m bricklayer from fit.
iot, Miea nil, hat accepted a pout
io- ith riiMtrac' ir Crate".
Alx Mi'NhIi and tMinlly liBte mured
iiitu the Inuie lnlly purchased by
o I. nun frinii Uhua TouuiiiwHe..,
Kml l.eehiiian, who hss b en work
u lor N. . McCiirdy lo the
li'i If rt M i. day lor La Cm, Wis
W. L ( Ui i, tin auto ataue man.
arrived In town Mouday e'rnmu
rom KN oath Kalle with full load
f pllrSellgei e.
Eiiii hI Idnwii U niiw sporting; tin
"CUv Mureliall" alar having "'
ctl to succeed CIliiH. Totlllllinm-11
u tliiit !' Hull.
A Waterproof 8rhM'I ling; Vrcr
ivltli it oih dollar purHiaaci at
ltl4lMr'n Cash Store. Only one
lo 1'Hcll rilntOIIMT.
HRnberl MnCulley. of Lskevle and
Mle Ullle CauDon, of New I'lne
IJieek e married Wednesday at
kb Inter pl'tce.
irV (iiirr. tt. the local beau brum-
IjiuI, butt Hi-o pted pOHitloo mh bartend
tr at Hie Kliamroik Ualoou. lrf
Lhiiold u.uke uood.
Aiiimiu Ui hlieepniHti In tnwn dor
no the iihhI we k were Con ()"CaiN-
tian Dhu Jouea, Uen Duly, Tim Tay
lor, and Tim Murphy.
FOK KA I.R I'hiiot Plueona and
oun clilckena. Alao one .V0 e'U
Incubator Bet Itrln Hberlock.
iiear Plaulna Mill on iain St. 'It,
1 M.rlfin llarnea left Thnradav
inornlutl for tba oortbern part of tre
rsunfy to do a little eleolioneerlnK
elore tbe primary election.
Mra Uueale Metzker Longfellow,
ho haa Iihoii aulferlnit from tonal-
aitla at ber borne In the north end
lot tnwo It now much better.
Mr. an Mra. Cbas Boydttan, nf
Iriloe Luke, Cat., and Mra. R. N.
Roberta of Cbico. Cal.. arrlfed In
town Tuesday by anto from Alturaa.
MIhb ElHle I'oit left Wednesday
'uiornlna for Klamath Fall a, nnroute
lo Medford, Oregon, where the la to
atteud Kt Mary's Academy during the
coming term.
A Waterproof Hi'liool I'reo
with a one dollar purHiaHO, at
itli'lior'H ClaHli Htore. Only one
to eiu'li ciiNtoiner.
Knb Miller, onr foimei poetniBnter
it at present employed lo tbe First
National Hank. There Is no doutt
Eut what Epb will make good In bis
utw poiltloo.
Miss Edith Blorton. of New Pine
Crvek wat visitor to town for a
few data last week. Bhe was accom
panied by her brotbtr aad both re
turned borxe Sunday.
Walter Uent boogbt an Oakland 40
af tbe Auto Ltery last week and baa
Eaen learning to drive it. Mr. Dent
Eaj a good car and It will sa?t tilm
lots ot time on tba ranch.
Obarles Tonnlngien, former city
marsball left Mouday morning with
LTs family for Ontario, where tbey
etpeot to locate. Mr. Tonniageen ia
undeolded as to Jnst what be will
porsua. . .
Roy Rehart and 11 Baraom bave
leaned tba Mammoth Stables ot Cbas.
Arthur and will continue to take care
ef tbe tuuios at tbey come and gs
as Mr. Arthur has been dolus the paat
few jaara
A Waterproof School BC Pre
with u oi.o dollar purciiuao ut
Bleber'a Cash Store. Only one
lo each customer.
with n mm dollar purcliaan at
Itlrhrr'a Vh Htorr. Only oim
to I'ltch ctiMtoinrr.
The "Hunk" social glvnn by the
Ladles Aid Solety whi higftlf surreaa
In), 177.11 balm tba net procea la.
Thore ware a lars number prent,
and the arenlng waa tboronirhly en
Jn?ed by all
Mr re(iit. Or. Widow will apeak
In the Mrthrllet I'lmrch next eil t'Mth.
Hu J. rt In the morning "ChrlM
aeeklnB id'nla'Hti l-iti everr ' an'a
life" Huhjn-t I i the eTeiil itf "Whu!
la fUp-Meni-e''
I lia anhoola open I here on Mniidy
of IMa arek alth m ij Uikm alt ud
aura. Th lllrf'i a lin- m f .
hfre poplin, Mrrt Miniber will
ro ablr be Inrreaaed annmwhat
when winter ae'a If.
The y unn (rent child of Mr. and MrH.
Frm Llntlll. while IhtIhv Mh a
l-n mower at Ihele hirm on Main
Htrt, renvbt one nf nla flnveia and
badW enf It, It waa fonnd iMicrHnrr
to amputate the fin bit at the tlrat
K.aner Rice, hou of I'icf. Rice or
ha Lakuvie Hand, had one of bla
diigeia badly lai'tfrated while pliyiou
wltn n whmi.Iuk war blue at Datla
Creek lie waa broiint lo town for
u.edn-al Id and It waa fuuud tecea
aarv to aiuputata the linger at the
Booud joint. He la ' ported as do
lun uiovly.
A Hat Mulrsy for (hh Plate Frlntbr
decreed by fie vutere of tbe Hlatt
In r.iti, by a oie of to I and de
featud by ill in H. lluuUay on the
(lour ot the Stale Lruifdnture hmmIoii
ut IU)7 and aualu lu J'.M !. Why ton
Hone a uraft wheu a xitvlug. can be
in if WilliHin .1. (,'lmk Ih tlm pupil
lti r repul licaii. f 1 t xiluiy cxiidldHle
plHdtffd to Hun wreiil l I ii r in. liTtf
Death of J. T. Metzker
J ii on h T. Metr.aer din. I ,t Iiim Inline
in North l.nk.vie ln' Tlintalay,
Hept, H, 1 1 1 1 . mhi Ui yntH i iiiiuiIih
and '. iIh). lie IihI linen t'pollued t i
Inn buJ lor Hv-ral eeHa -with lieart
trnulile. hlct d ul"ped luto rlrnpal
cal cuiiditiin, whirn no doubt wbm tit.
dlict cauae of hla death.
Mr. Metzaer waa burn in Wentern
Oreunu, and came tn tbla rouitry
about ii yeais ago where be haa tdnca
Thedeceaaad leavan benlde a widow
to mourn bin luaa, fonr children;
Mra. IJiiale Lonufelln,. Clarence,
Bertha, aol John Jiatr.ker, all of
thlw city.
Funeral aervicea were held Friday
afternoon at i o'clock, Rev. II.
Smith officiating. The tuner 1 waa
conducted uniHr tnn aiiHo.cea
I. (). ). F. Lo Uo of which he
of tbe
bH a
As Like As Two Apples
It is true Ihtt the KiWr an I CjI.
Rooauvelt bnve many trHlts In com
mon. Both are vain; both have
plnuty of egiitium ; each haa touching
ambition, and each his read about
Napoleob'a star until tbey are certain
that when certain order of miud
cornea to the earth tbe titers are In
accord with tbenr, and tbat tney have
tbat order nf mind neither lot a mo
ment douots. When tbe Kaiser, tbe
other day. permitted bis toogue to
run away wltb bim, and In a pnblio
speech declared that when ba receiv
ed bis erown, it waa a devioe iilft, be
tad the same assurance that our Col
onel has when be announces bis pol
icies. Tbat the throne, hedged
about with, limitations, came to tbe
Kaiser lu regular succesainn dues not
matter to him ; that all bis an called
policies bave beeu In tbe thoughts of
a hundred ataiean.en and in tbe
bearta of millions of bin countrymen,
doHH not matter to the colonel.
But that tbe Kaiaer lias a pro
found affection for fatherland, end
that Roosevelt's love of country
caueea blni to held honor fortune and
life itself at bis country's oall no one
doubts. Tha only trouble is each
wants tn run things his way, Tbe
Kslser would if ba could abolish tba
Reiobstag tba colonel rally cannot
sea any use of tba Senate Representa
tives or even tbe Supreme Coart so
long as ha la aioon 1 to dlraot things.
Tbe Kaiser lues to mount a borne
and pot an army division through
its maneovrea tha cooloosl loss to
mount a horse and j Dip fsoses or
chase coyotes. Tbey are a most plo
tnresqne pair.
If tbey bad beau born horses in
at aed of meo tbey neither of them
would hava gotten over tbelr ooltish
capers even when both were spavined
and had splints on both fora legs.
And tba world is not balf dnna
bearing from cither of them. Wait
nntll tba Kalcer gets bis fleet of
righting ships ready and Fianoit
Joseph passes away ; wait until 1912
cornea around and tba Republican
party, detracted with Internal loteo
tiuuu, needs a atandaid battier; and
souiethJuK will be doing. Will not
tbe Kaiser hava to taka a band lo
erder to secure tba peaoa of KcropeT
Will not U coital agolOi salnst
bis will, "b forcad" to rush to tha
( Mil vrr Lake ldcr)
We understand that qnltt a larae
eoreaue will be on t h la fall In te
Chrla mas Lake and Fort Rock sec
tions choul will open hr on Moudav,
el. 0 the directors having nuaif
ed l'iif Albert Leveree l. of Haa lie
a- i rd clpal.
U. W. Martin who has laen gathei
I n w an exhibit fiom Noil Hero Lake
for the lli people will puck It and
en I it to Portland the llr.t Pf next
4n Immenae amount of bulMine
N now gnlnu nn In the Fort Ruck and
(! a' 'naa Lake eecllona, new houaa
riniiiig the plains evet) where. It
kehi a both our m mills going lo sup
ply the demand for lumber.
Hiiiiie n ay be m llnnd to laogh at
ii wlen e say In tinia the r.tit put
from tbe vallay rt Hilver Lake will
be tan million of biuhels of grain
yearly Laiwb at us If you want to
n w but you ln are ..nie ten yeara
hence will ihnn aay our prediction
were I run.
It Is the lii'entlnn of the Odd
Felln's of t'il d ic aoou as the
hall is finishes, w b h will be ie
t eeu t e firar au mi l lie of .ov n
ber to et a rlale to de licate the ame
unler the liiiprumve cerrnionlea
of that order. They 111 inn. e the nay
ot ilsdiolion a saia dy, and In the
evening there will he an entertain
ment ot nome kind, after which those
who Indulue in (Inuring will tiave an
o pnrtiiolty of d jln b) Inviiationa
Indue time to '. t treeent will tie
sent not to nil the anrrinindlntf lodye
and tirotherhood ia well n eveiyone
el-e tn le preaent and make tha dnr
one lung to tie remembered in thin
(urt of Laka Ci iintv. As anon aa
IIiihI arrHnuemeulK are mado eo thev
lll know j ii et what the ilnys hii I
-vnii:u (irouram lll be, n will
pnl.lmh It. In lha iiiuunl iiiih IhI one
and nil get ready to coule and the
()d I I'Vilowa will ahuiv y,u bow to en
jov ynrselcs.
. ,
hst oovtred soma territory aioee he
left Illinois and aars so far Lae
County bas them all skioned.
Tba Valley Falls Mara. Co. team
mala tbelr regular telcea. mootb
trip to I'elalny last Monday and Toes
dsy wltb orders for tbat point.
W. B. ilrlael, of flush Is over lo
these parts lo. klmr for cattle.
New Pine Creek Items
Mrs. Kora K irkimtrlru tie ii nUr
school laanher nf the slate line
suh'inl will .! 4 Urand Ball on t)i t.
4 1910. a bssket social will ba held
before tha daooe. The proceeds will
ba osed to pay for swings and other
Improvements on tba school ground.
Mist Llbny CsnnoTj closed the
Oregon Restaurant last week.
Tba lies Bbow Co.. Is billed to
play fonr nlehts, at Wendt's Opera
House commencing Sept. 21st.
Henry Wendt bongbt oot ten.
SUckel's one balf Interest In the
opera boue last week.
Dont forget the Finnic Dinner at
th- Lake on Hpt. 28ih and be sore
yoa dont fufitet to bring a sbovel of
an ax tn help finish tha road betwaeo
New fine Creek an I Uoose Lake.
Mr. Wso It It ming several In
provements In mtklm several new
bunches a 1 enlarging tba staga
eight feet. Te honw cai seat about
280 people.
Mr Alfied Hulthpfiha Lakevl-w
moving nictnre show left fot Fort
land lie th re. he will try ont tha
latest ii !" plrtnre uiaoblnet for
Mr. W id w'iu -viil np,o a moving
piCtor nhnf anno.
Plush Doings
Nolai'd Currv haa bought tbe Over
ton property in -North Blusu He
has moved the ham aud Is ruikiuii
other luiprofeuieut.
Waller Dent come home Monday
In hia new auto. It Is a beauty an
OakUnd 40 b. p. ,
Tom Solllvan sent a team to Adel
for a load of ice Monday.
Billy BeneBela, the Indefatigable,
Is driving stane lo Bid ell.
Sohoi 1 began Monday wi'b tbe
laigiiat euroll neiit tliu dittrio'. bas
ever bad. lo anal all tables and
chair are UHed
Mra J. A. Mor'is bas been quite
lick for a lew days.
Jaie8 McKee of the Hunt side will
more to town next fek to Lave
tbe advantages of our ichoul.
Mias htickel hai gone to Kauln
Pomt to aiteud school. Veruey, hr
brother Is attending here.
Adel bas been most fortunate in
seeming tbe services of Miss Nellie
Baty, or Bidwell, to teach tbeii
school; sba It one of Modoo't most
popular and successful teachers. She
is an excellent muio teaobtr and
will instruct several. Bobool will
bein tn about four weeks.
The Warner Valley irrigation Co.
has suspended work for tbe present.
Fmotor, pur baiber, bas gone
to Lakeview.
J. A. Morris has built a birn.
Jack (Jreen will soon begin the er
ection uf a large addition to tbe
livery stables, or rather the comple
tion of the oriutual plaus. tie but
ordered a gasoline eugine to pump
John Kelly, of the 7T is at tbe
Jones croBniOt looking after tbe
Frank Rogers bas been busy tbe
past week getting lo Ma wood,
fruit, vegetables, ti.
Oliver arrived Suuday and begau
his third year as teacher.
Valley Falls Items
Tba twice a week mail service to
this nttlce waa a Inaugurated last
Tuesday under contract to II. L.
Tbrea dltferant parties of, home
steaders passed through here Wed
needs from tha Wagontlre Country,
These peopla eipresbed then solves
at most highly rleased wltb this
oountiy there and Intimated tbat
tbey were going to make tbelr filings
as toon as they could get to tba land
Postmaster Mayer returned from a
two waeka tojoorn In Uoose Lake Val
An automobile, running about Cu
miles an bout faBsect (througb here
the other night, boqud tor Paisley.
O. 0. Kith, recently in tbe employ
of tbe 'Valley Falls Mere. Co. left
tuesday for Xebraka points.
C. F. P-irne of BicUvllle, . 1)1, rt
cent visitor to this place, waa beard
from In Missoula Mont. Mr. Payne
Have You Protected Your Family?
Why should a man value hid horso or barn, moro than
Hla Wife and Children?
The Union Central Life Insuranee Company of Cincinnati
came into existence at a time, 43 years ago, when life insur
ance presented many unsolved problems, and when, as com
pared with the prrsent time, the territory in which it began
to operate was undeveloped. It successfully solved each
tnoblem as it presented itself and had more than kept pace
with the gigantic strides of the great Middle West. t all
the companies writing ordinary life insurance exclusively the
Union Central as to amount of insurance, assests and pre
mium income is ranked by only seven companies, all of them
older than the Union Central by from 8 to over 4-0 years.
It now Ii. H $28-t,90G 828 insurance in force, assets aggrega
ting $74.j23,9GG and an annual premium income of $10,
202 90k Its total income last year was $14,554,375. It
paid its policy-holders $5,91.056 and after meeting all ex
penses saved $G. 201. 71 3 out of its income for the year.
The company in its investment department may be said
to stand without a peer. It is the one company which in
the panic of 1907 did not have to mark ofT anything lrom
the value of its securities. Eighty per cent, of its assets is
invsted in mortgage loans well secured on prope ty worth
nearly four times the amount of the loans, and nearly 18
percent, in loans on policies.
J. C. Blgelow, Resident Agent, Lakeview, Oregon
We do not decry any Standard Fire Insurance Co., but
call attention to the Company just entering Lakeview, that
ranks with the very best, if it is not the best of all Fire In
surance Companies-
"The Union Assurance Society
Limited of London"
Older than this County is old Founded in the year 1714.
It is a matter of congratulation to have this Company es
tablish an agency in pur community.
J. C. Bigeow, Resident Agent, Lakeview, Oregon
Tho North American Accident insurance Company
Covers every accident, and any disease or sickness, and pays 850 each week
of total disability, besides surgeon's and physician's bills
' Perfect Protection Against Loss of Income
Walters Addition
Walters Addition has been one of the most gratifying pieces
of property we have ever handled, it seems to have met the
popular demand of new comers, old residents, and even specu
lative out-of-town investors. Every day or so we are called up
on for prices, terms, etc., as relating to the various priced lots.
A number of persons have realized that it is cheaper to build
than rent. Our Buiding and Loan Company has helped those
that otherwise would now be paying rents. Outside of the
gradual slope of the land which insures first class sanitation,
the streets are wide and well graded. The principal factor in
many selections is the immediate proximity of this additisn to
the heart of the business district THREE SHORT BLOCKS from
center of town. This is of vital importance to both builder and
investor, close to work, close to schools, and in a few short
years parts of this addition will be business property.
Ask us for prices on the lot that suits your fancy $100 to
$250t0 per cent cash, easy terms monthly.
Seager Bros.
Real Estate Insurance
Wrfto us today for beautifully illustrated booklet of Qcoeo Lake
Valley. Excellent photos and graphic descriptions. IO .
...L4 f - Ja- rS T m 1 fnAfllfAO -4M 19 4llA itttJ