Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 15, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County K.a m i c
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
Su- ii
IDlum. ni...
ttn i in
. ltl V
i rl
See I
tmr t '
.. .
All ' -
t ERTl5INd RA1I-.5.
i i Una ail $1.00 aa inch ml
. ... . rwr BMiOtta All atamllna a
nice a tnorttb I'oal ol ronil
t all ritrt rbn- iir il
All aburt term art ntr
. ti rnluniu. It. r ! in
v i art h;. a Itn-eaeh ln-rtii.n
1 Hi. Resolution nt erni '
i .i uirtl.
-, - t.l Altrertlslll Slid "nt
' ml tain-.
r paid the Ural of each
n r. In advance,
It mei-ihi, '
hree n.oniba, "
tl 00
II not paid In ailtaurr. tl fO tt-e yvai.
Nolle Iv SunaerllMrri
uiMH-rimrt it. iim riamitit't who rvmon
trnin one Im-aiii) in auutlier or ihnniet
it ir iHtin(t1ii- a.litrvi.. hiiili rvitifinher i
r.i. .(iti. -.Ittre a rant mi their paper ran be a.l
-t'd t. 'I... rih' it,itfitH'
lakeview, Orc-gou, Tliurtulnj, September 11HO
By tienr-e 1. Cornwall, fcdlier of
1 Da
I tbink there It scsn-ely persou
who It? e la Orenou. Waehln.-tou.
Idaho. M n.lsoa or California bo
tat tu be an used to tbe oe-lly tor
sreater viuilence In the matter of
foreat f1r protection ami oreveutio,
P'cIhII lu i be national forest. Tbe
oiperieiifea w are nw passing
tbroiiito lirmu bone Iba l-oo clear
ly. '- lna of life ami prooerty,
both ititHie ni national.
I t e titer at Spokau. Wn'i. oo
Angus'- 4 at tbe aen I annual me t
jDg f l'i- Western Pine Mmiuiae
toree' .-ociatiip, lolro'lurel tbe
follwiuu tesolution, liicb was ad
Opted uii a Vie of eulistiug the
nattm el gorernmeut iu the succeea
fat fiiilill it Had prevention ol foiests
flree in the tia'. iooal foreet bieb
have beeu noiog beavy oaaiaue in
Idaho ami Montana an. I a leeBer
daoiaue iu Wabiogton. Oreuou anil
Calitorn n
Wbtrt-Hf, Tbere exi-la a Krave
m LHif In the titubr iu h rali nnl
forei-t mi BC3UDut uf fir-carr mu
witb it urpHt and irippn'Hble tluiHKe
to life 'n1 i rorerty mi l,
WheienH, I'here Hre RiMtinnnl lu
diffeiHi t pneta iu t0 Lu.tfd Stnit
resnlar .ci nment tmi8 who
oul I li Hiivantuiieoiir-l v mil zed in
Ore rntorl ma and txi ivuicimi eul
bow iherrfrre be it
Rnf i. Tbat It ii tt eenee nt
Ibia uit-ei hit! tbat a cuajinuuicai Mm
be a-iilre-sed to tbe pr-'i'fot uf tfie
.United btatrs aa conmnder id chief
of the array, aabin f at tr iopa
located Iu the differs 'jr. eta'ea be reu
olarly iuairacted in tbe metbodi of
forest fire fighting and patrol, and te
It fuitbn
Resulted Tbat said tro na be plac
ed ouder the dlrectiou of I be Depart
ment of tbe Ititerior or other appiup
rlate ueiiartnieot of tbe guTerunjeut
and aHrUued for patrol duty during
tbe tiioiitri of May, June, July .Auk
oel and September of eai'h tear to the J
end that tbe liuber ri-e iiiicet-a of tbe!
tiuue l .-Males oe oiore carefuly enn
The res. liitioo was beiirilT indorsel
and teieLraina nere B?a lit the aa
social i n la Preeicient Txtt nod lieurv
S. (iratu), ( bief forester ami also by
Preideut l-'leffcllmg of the Wei-tero
Forettrv M'.d Cooefcrra'iou Aenoi-ia-toi".
r'reeideut duerted tbe secre
tary tu lend tbe aaeitanoe of troop
whenever available in comba'tlna
lire, Tbe troops have done effective
aervice. With training and prepara
tatioo tbeir efficiency would be in
Tbe eorernment should make it a
policy to maiutaio a corps of sol
dier iu the states of Oregon. Washing
ton. Iual'o. Montana aod California
In the national forests daring tbe
month of May. June, Jul7. August
and SectemUr to co operate with
tbe forect service io patrol and tire
fight in if duties.
A sjtteu alia campaign of tire pro
tection t-hould be inaugurated aod
carried out by tbe troops. Uy plac
ing beutri--a on tbe proiuootories over
lookiug the timbered area supDlied
with telephone rummuoicatioo, an
inforniat no of an incipient tire could
be quickly transmitted. Tiie troops
Could uihterially ussiet the fureet
service In catting tire trials and mak
ing ao esaible every port'on of tbe fnaeats and also uaiDtuiDiDg
a thorough and efficient patrol sja
tem. Tbe greatest valoe of patrol is
neoeasary along travelled routes,
railroads, eto. There are at present
about 25,000 soldiers at tbe differ t
anyptefs If half of the men were
signed annoall for forest doty It
woold practloally mean tbe end of
duaatcroua fire in tbe uatiooal for 1
ata. Lightening la one of tbe most
acrioos die meoanoas to be combat-
lna-i. I m f-iret Hre
fir -a ti lt'iaed aeiriug seaai.u tiehevvd
rio dowD and extinguish the wing
j The front of tbe tire, attacked from
I tbe sites, Is forced gradually and
oonatantly Into a narrower patu.
Usually it ran 1 dlieotrd toward
some cleared spare, road, pood,
stream, sw- nip, or tire line, when It
! will be checked enough to a 1 tint ofa
direct front attack Son'ellme tj
tbls plan the front may be rapidly
narrowed tv o king from the aidra
until It I at Inat entlrelv etinulh
ed. The plan rf giving direction n
the tire has of rn teen mere sf nil y
carritd out f n the lighting row I
Is tu email fur a direct attack.
When tire In enol headwav ' t It
la tfiip'elll lo toitheni hjr : re-f
attack, mi matter how liumeio aint
elllrtcnt t e t'l IT i uti'pl r the
Ilm aiittiuier rqlp11,.t fr tlghling bck tiling
e t,li.ieil an ring seaaiu lliev.l b,,,,,,,,, ,h, i, means of atoiii.lng
tJ ha uee i the worst, certaljiy in ..h. . i. ,i.olli,i however, be used
only when it 1 aheoiitely nerersary.
' One of the commonest mistakes la
tiie L.He S' itea, known fiir a loag
tine .Nor ii it wine In assume tbat
tu -in ger ia orer when the tierce
coo tjngral inua ilch have called
forth In the Vinititaio Stales the
e 9 oris if three Feleial (eprtnents
have Lean rnoq if red. Tbe fereata
will not be Sift until the fall rains
and nn8 hate ui'Ci more mde a
wet iilxiikel of t'e liry'oreet floor.
That :e t IhI I aea it the yea' wiil
ru lip to niaiiv .iiIIImhis of duller
is roiiri er I Certain
Ho ani'h loi-s-s tnav ha prevented
Is a matter of general coureru. To
the Nail.ual Kinrt timber
rtiiict tie aldel great aiuounta 00
State and private bo'iilng-, bealde
tbe iwmeise damage done to town,
far ix., and other propttty. Railroad
have autfered from the Interruption
nf IratHc as well as from direct Irenes.
huiletiu hy Forester Heury S.
(Jraves du'iuses forest Ore an I the
proper nietbid of preventli'g and
fight ing I hem. aafnotes: -
"In s"tiie s of the
formal Ores have si ays been of
anoh coinmon ocenra ce thf there
ia a loi 'ilHr mitiou tlmt they cannot
Me prerented TLe risk from fire can
neyr entiielv be eliminated, fcr iu
he fore-t there is hUhvs intli able
material which Is verv easilv ignited.
They ninv, boeei be rrevented,
and on ler efficieut organization
tteir damage tint be kept down to
vary small amount The problem is
liae tbit in cities, where fires can
never r-e entiriey elitnoatel but
where tbe risk of loss to troperty
mar be reduced almost to insignifi
cance." Tf-e importance of systematical
i lovlsion tor the early discovery of
fires aod for getting properly equip
ped force of fire tighter quickly to
the scene of an outbreak la insisted
opon by Fore -lei Graves. "A care
ful supervision nr patrol during tbe
dry season,' he says, "Is one of tbe
nnst important measures in organiz
ed forebt protection. One of the
' fucdameuta1 principles io fire protec
tion is to detect and attract the fires
: io their incipiancv." After poi tlog
out the valre f 1 okoots, telpboDes
or all rouimu ticbtion and various
methods of pntril, tbe Fortater tells
bow to fight Ores, us f'llnwa:
The principles of fighting torest
fires aie esseotillv th same as those
recognized io fighting tires in 0 ties.
Tbe following are of first importance.
1 1 1 vuck airivai at tbs nre; ri) an
aleqtiate force; (3) proper equip
meot;(l) a tbnrongh organization
of the figb ing crew, (5)aod still in
attacking and fighting fire. Quick
access to fires I a accomplished
through tbe work of sapervitioo and
patrol in discorvering tires befoie
tbey have gained numb headway, and
by a well devel ped svstem of com
munication through toe forest by
roads and trails
"A small fire can be put out by
one man, bnt in exteuaive forest
several biars may pass beforj tbe
fire caa be reached. It is iujoortsDt
to secure an a1qnate foice of men
and to get tbam to tbe fire quickly
in a well organized team of patrol
tbe guard aho discovers a tire com-
muuicales qoickly to utber goarJs
and ta headquaiters by telephone,
ignal, or other means and ludicates
tbe number of mn be needs
"The ettlcieory of tbe fire fighting
crew depends very largely oo their
skill and experience, and pattlsolar
ly oo the skill and experience of the
man directing tbe work. It la not
onl) a question o' knoalege of bow
to assign each man wbsr- bia work
will be moat effctlve bnt tbere most
be jodgemsot exercsed Io determin
ing tbe general method of attack.
Tbe character of tbe fire, the cbarao
fighting flies is to over estimate
the rapidity of the Ate aod the
difficulty "f putting It out forest
fire Is always a frightening spectacl
particularly if it sw-eping in tie
olrection of ou 'a o p oprrtv.
Men often beoomu excited and start
back fires wheu it is entirely auneces-
sary. Hick U.-iox necsearily itirolvea
deliberately bur lug over peoprertv.
When this belongs to another eruu
and ones owu forest seem iu dangwr.
there is a great temptation to rri
burned .. it
"If IT Is found that bck flrlrg I
necessary, a favorable point la select
ed directly iu front of the tire, fiom
which to set tbe nea firn. This must
be h point where it is safe to start
a baok tire, suttb as a road, fire line
stream or aw nip The lente aie
iguited at I'Ot'its fite feet to a rod
apait for a distance not greater tha i
the estimated ai'th rf the bead uf
country ' ft,, Bre hre en all fire gradually
meet and f nn a coutluu 'as 1'tie. eat-
ing agalnel tie wud A patt if
tbe ere is stationeil b.ti'hs I h rnad I
or other break from w ich th- bacU I
tire is started a id put out at nnre I
the small fi re which nisv result Irnin
the spark IiIowl i ver from too ba.-k
"The meeting of the two fires stop
at occe the head of the main tire. II
is usually possible then to attack the
wing with ordluary methods of
fighting It is ncesry to attack tbe
wing at once particularly if tbere
a a atrong wind for otherwise each
wing of the original tire will eooo
form an independent fire wilb a
well developed head . It Is neceat-ary
also tbat onmcer of men be station
ed where the original fire and Ibe
back fire meet in rrder to extinguish
smoldering drfs iu tops, logs, and
other derbit
"A 'ire is never out," the bu'letin
concludes, "until the last spark is
extinguished Oftn a log or euag ill
smolder unnoticed ater tbe flames
have apparently been i-unquered, only
to break nut a fresh witb a rixing
i .i . . . - ... ..
iu'i. aiiit ma nre rignteis has left I
For fount) .luilgt',
Dick J. Wilcox
of lMkl'V'CW.
At tin- en mot mil Iclt Htli-n of niiin
-nuts -itilili'ft iim irnin nil pnriM oi
the t'oi'iitv, I linve tltuillv cini'ltldc.l
ill larullie' H 1-Minlilnl fur t III' iHillll
mil. hi (ui l he ullli-i'iif t'iiiilif .Itiituc
i f I. like t'liilttl i,l irviiuu, mi I In It,
plllllll lltl tll'nl't, elilij -i-f tu till' will
i if I In' l(i'tilillcM n vuii r- n llii'I'rl
liwirv It. 111111.111 Inc i'l-illiiii tu la' ln-l-l
llll S- lll'lllliT J I. Itllll.
If I urn iiiiiiiliiiiiiil Mini i-li'i-ti'il nt
tin-gi-in T 'l i'i--i i Inn In Nnvi'iiiiM-r, I
nIkiII ml v .in 10 tin i'i iIihI I III I Ihk '"l
iiutlnt mIhIhc of N'ltit' i-iuido iiiul
lieiitN In il w ct limn if hi t'niml v
i I Ike. n 1 1. 1 elm II i-ih..ii v. .r u h ill ii- it
Jlll IIHtl l'.lllllll.l' ll-l'Mllifl. t Mtlll
Mppurt 'iinincnt ' tuxi'H.
1 inn In fnvnr uf (in I'Ci.tii'itili'iil
hihI lin-liK-HK-IIki' ml in In Ihi ru 1 1 ui i f
nil I'utntt.v iiff ii Iim timl Im lli-vt In
fuiiiiin.v Iu till t'uiiiity i-xin-t'illttin-e.
IH.k.l Wiliux.
The Wall t'lgnrls n t rem li f
tu la ImiiihI nt Ihc I'n-t (Mil. 'i' l.lti.i'r
C Abl-lr-.m. 34
no tick to cig:i)iroKs
In " Cnniiiy t! nut f the Siata
n Oregon, for the tnunlv i.f Lake,
in I tie natter ol the estate of Jamea
T. Metrker, deceased
T' e nndeiolgiia I i.aving been bv the
O' nnlv ('mill nf l-e t4'ale ut llr-gini.
nr " t'unnlv of Lske, mm 'in ed
J mi' ex.cnfi'r ill's lut sill mil
teals nent and estate uf .Nim-a I',
'"trker, deceaaed. Nillie Is iiiri'y
vlie'i t 'i I lie. ere i il nrs e f, and all re
.f l'a Ing i lsiins ngslnet ttiei'i-lale
if sill deceased, .. .iesetil llieni
ilnli rerlfl"il wilt) the ir per vom ll
er ea n.iilr-l Mv law, within alv
ii. , ia HMer the Iti wt piiliticl Mm f
this n "lira, tot'ie iindeiaigni'd, el
lh U otlic of I.. F (1 rn n, ui Ma
in Ml nf Lakeview, Lake t'limitv,
O.egi n
Dated Seplemli r lMh, lull).
(II i ll. 4. Melxker. M. I. ('reaeler.
I- xecu'ira of lh a-alt a of Jmnea T
M iker, tleceased. .'17-fil I
J. L. LYONS. I). I). 3.
Or nlUt
Office In Watson'a Itlotk, Lake
view, Oregon
Klshi Veer's etnerit-nee in MlrMaan.
Mr I nsie nf I im. rlit nl Mli'hlsaii
T.vrii- Mi inlcreo" i ffi r tlm iiliiivt
r-wiiril fur tic ri I urn 1 lis inii'iiut
liisik Tliiirsili,i , Antr. 5. mi Main
tli'i'l It w II" li li'lii'k luxik all. nit
fit 7 lilt -lies Illnl rni.lnllii-il t he I tti la
liln in c.iiilite nl I lie III lu.
Itelurii tu llnii-l l.a.cvli tv mid
rei'i'lve rew nrd Nn i I Ii itu nakewl.
For Sheriff,
M. S. Barnes
of l.krvlew.
l.l'ct(iiiv at umea himself na i
i-Hiull'irt'i' Hit- iiiiiiuiiatmii lor
Sheriff eul'lect tu tli v.iln. nf ihl
pi'iiple Ht the Iti piililli-an irlmarv
l ici t Ion, 8. iti-mU-r 23, 1 W 10.
For Sheriff,
F. O. Buntlnfif
(If Ijiki-vii-w
Kt"iiect fully 1111111111111114 liliitfu'lf na ii
(-midiilate fi.r tin' tiorultiiit ii hi fur
Nlieriti anlijii t to the v.. Ice i.f lh is'u
j pin nt lifpiilillcnii I'ritu.'try fli'i tliui.
For Slurlff
A. B. Schroder
Of Silver i .tike
l;i"." TtfllllV IIIIIIOIIIIl't'H llllllHI'lf lM It
t'u iii I ii III 1 1 fur tin' ii'.inlinit Ion for
Nlnriff. etilij.-ct lu tin- vnii-i' nf tin
(e opic Ht Hie Ii' iniM r .tu- I'liuiary
i-l.vt Inn.
For Slu rlff,
W. B. Snider
i if l.u ki-vie vv,
Atinntim-i'M hi- chiiiIIiIhc.v fur the
K"pulilii-Hii iiuirliiHtlnii for sheriff,
MtiliJ.i-t tu the will i f the people iim
exprv-m'il at the Primary
For Clerk
F. W. Payne
1'rvneiit IncuiutM-ut.
UcMiectfully annuuiicea blmnrlf a
CHMiitlitte fur the iinniliuitlon, on
the OemiKTHtlc ticket, fur tlieolllce
nf County Clerk, Hiilijit t to t lie iIih-Ih-Ion
of the wo pie aa exprvMMed at the
Primary Kli-ctlnn to be helil Sep
teinla r LMtb, llu.
-i -
l:m ' :! A
Grand Fall
For County Treaaurer,
F. O. Ahlstrom,
I'rt-Ment liicuiiileiit
Annoiincen liltu-i-lf rm a CHtitlldate
fur the Itepiililu-iin iinmlnai Ion of
I'niinty Tn-HMiirer Hiil.J.-cf tu the ile
lielnti nf the people lie exprcHMetl at
Every Day and Evening
Watch windows
Friday Evening
Main Sfrrrt, WetL Court Hou.t
1 tlw. 1...... 1.1 I.... .. tll 11. ....1
tbe ground it is alaVa h,.i ,n ,all. , "r i'""" " ''"
at least one man to patrol tbe, edges cf
the turned area until Jt id certain
that the fie is entirely nut. This
may not be for several days."
ted. Tbere are iotbalatateeot Mont-i!" , ! ' t , coa",0 01
ao.. Maho. Washington, Oregoo and I to tm,Pbr9 tbe arength end dir
California 1800 forest aervfoe men . "V" "f ",nd' pWi T W"h
Tbesear. a mere handful covering-' w"'cu an " runo moa tDtB'
. otner points have to be taken ioto
' consideration "
After describing bow surface fires
may be pot oat by beating by throw
ing seed or earth and by other me
a mere baodfal coverins
tbe territcy, end this force must be
eogaientsd If results are to be
achieved Tbe forest set vice has per
formed its functions admirably,
with th limitaH imnnnl nt m.m..
aod meo at its disposal, but Its efforts tbj" '"D ,so,, 00 :
bould he aappiemeoted by tbe reg I ...
. bu uvruw iui jt m impoSBIIlie SO
I meet it direotly. One method ooder
i fen oil olrfluubtauees is-
alar at my.
ncifriNG foi:i:st rutins
to direct tbe
'course of th fire. Tn tt..k "
nut . I ..l. rif. r . - -
vuiniaia ui lue ivcjjarku.aji oi tna(ja
Ari Dimrii are or ice dpiuiwU me
io tbe sides near the front, aep
T0 0 LATE T0. c LA!!!!L
FOR SALE 1 have a few young full
blooded, barred Plymoat Rock
Cockerels, aa good if out the beBt in
Lake Co. Aoy ooe desiring snob
orop me a card, will bring them to
Lakeview September 21. If not sat
Isfled when you see tbem dj not
takwtbem. tl 25eacb. Ink
For County Surveyor
S. A. Mushen
of Lakeview
Renpectfully announces himself aa a
candidate for the nomination of coun
ty eurveyor, auliject to the decialon
of the people at the Republican pri
mary election.
Neckties, Side Combs and
Barrettes I
We havo a nice lino of thoso
on exhibition in our window
at the extremely low price of
The Economy Store
For County CommlMKloner.
Wm. H. Hayes
ef Silver Lake.
I wlah U inform the people of Lake
County that I am a candidate for
Florence Carey, Lakeview Oregon. County Commlwioner, i ni.jact to the
Cheap flour at Bnnanxa. Quality
guaranteed or money refunded. tf i
action or the U.-nioiTHtlc voters at
the coming Primary election, Septem
ber 24. 1910.
re pre-
160 acre Wood Iand,
Hentlnpr ,IKK) enrda 3.(0
fiOO acre Partly Improved Farm 7.60(
1C0 acreaChuice lev-l and un
der canal 3 200
320 acres Agrlcrlturv aud Stock
i-na 3,600
80C 10-acre Tracts witb water
(each)..- 300
2 10-acre Fruit Tracta with
water (each) ,
160 acre Homeev-ad Relinquish
meo 1 a,ww aorne wood
,000 acre 8tock Farm, plenty
of water (per Acre)
Bueioees Lot am Water Htreet
(perrront loot)
10 acrw Farm wHh Imorove.
mente, three tnilee out..,
Residence Lota Io beet district
teaco) , ofy,
10 acre Farm' witk email lm.
provetneote 550
300 acre Improved Farm near
iine uree 7.000
500 Choice Bosoeetaads In Cat-
low valley (location fees). 100
l.aOO acre Stock Farm, nicely
leaprored ...... v.. 28.000
4-room Brand new Quaxalow,
furatebed , ' 1 350
7-roim Hons and big lot. com
pieieiy lurniabed . 3.000
530 m Timber and Uiatlua;
a-u ijjer acrej.M -. .. frf
640 acre Good Oraslne; Land
iporacrej jM
Doo't forget tbat we carry in stock
for sale all kinds of iron, bol's aod
cbiliie, thimble skeins and Iron ano
teel axle Arzner Droa. tf
Lakeview Meat Market
HA YES A GROB, Propr's
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc, Etc
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Free I Ml very ,
31 BE
i'.'.ulJ tl b i.i- aiiicutf
uiutltg th? forwuri
prtioo Scatfeera Oregon Realii Co.
is a. an4 ntkiipal . .' 1
inaoy jeara fpr" the Mverity of taei0" 0-0 aio wioga. aod otbersj , L4iritw Oaaoon
The Home of Good Values
Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gent's furnishings
are complete in every respect. We especially call
your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt
waists, and our famous Idea, shirts for Men.
Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats
RfillAvr p.