1 PLUSH STAGE LINE V. E. Tavlor, Prop. Office at ti. Reynolds' Store. P t.e leavee I-akeview Mondays, Wed rtrmWv ami Fridays at 8 a. m., arrive at 1 'ihIi at tt . in. leaves Pumli Tue ilayi rtiiirUv ami Saturdays, at a. n. irrivfN at lakeview at W p. in IV -"-infer fare f I one wav or 7 f roui! I 'rip Kreiglit fl.50 mt ewt. WESTFRN STAGE Klamath Falls-lake view O Stae Comoani orritM Mrreawtlle f'a'a mar, l.akevlew Amrrlraa Hotel. KlanaXh falla fAUKM Kaaai Trla Uae t'ajr la aiw TAKE A DIP LAktiVIEW Let us print your PROGRAMS. MENUS, SHIPPING TAGS, LABELS ind all other kinc9 of Commercial or Law Printing Gi)9 u-t ont ordtr ' and you bvitt gt-) U4 another A YIELD OF 67 BUSHELS OF WHEAT PER ACRE at tbe Nebrawku station at North Platte, Nebraska, Is causing every body tbrtt bears of It to TURN AROUND and ask HOW? A 50 bvnlu'l jldld is not unuHuai, aud their Is no reason in the world why you cannot leiirn HOW. l'ractidally all these bumper crops have boen HroduceiJ with only a few Inches of lain during the growing season, ho yoft will uever "fear a drouth". when you know HOW. IJ. H. (loverjiineut. Department ol Commerce and Labor Bulletin, Dec. II, 1901) kji,t8 : "Caiupttell's epoch making efforts In behalf of dry farming In connection with the Introduction of Durum wheat, prom ises to turn the semi arid regions, covering millions of square miles, Into ono of thtt most srosperoua sections in the world." , Mr. Gumpbell operates a line of Demonstration Farms from Texas to Cunadu null pu biddies his methods and results in the Scientific Fanner. Watfch 1U10 1 No matter w;iere you farm In Virginia, Minnesota, Toxaa, Wash ington or Aldijria, with irrigation or without, you cannot afford to live without knowing JiOW. The vital principles are clearly ex plained and followed in CAMPBELL'S HCIENTIFIO EARMER (the onlv publication on tillage). A monthly, 11.00 a year. Clubbed with our iaxir at tue single price of our paper, even on renewals. usmssssmm The Biggest Retail Business in This County Could Be Created By Advertising Exclusively in The Lake County Examiner No Business of any moment could bo built up I this County WITHOUT THE PATRONAGE OF THE READERS OF THE LAKE COUNTY EXAM INER. ANY BUSINESS which persistently seeks and secures, the patronage of THE READERS OF THIS NEWSPAPER can be made BID ENOUGH TO SAT ISFY ANY BUSINESS AMBITION any morcan- IF thero Is any wisdom In CONCENTRATION, then thero Is wisdom In a one-newspaper cam paign of publicity. Such a campaign Is AIMED AT SOMETHING DEFINITE It has direction, ob jective. There are no wasted expenditures no experiments, no advertising to prove your "friend liness" to some cause, or faction, or Interest. The patronage of this newspaper's readers can "make" any store any enterprise In this county. THE LACK OF IT CAN QUICKLY UN MAKE ANY STORE OR ENTERPRISE IN THE COUNTY. And, more and more, this newspaper's read ers are coming Into the self-interest habit and practice of buying things that are advertised in this newspaper. For they are realizing more of them every day that the firms that advertise in this newspaper are rendering them a REAL SER VICE. And they APPRECIATE It. LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE 8taga leavea Lakeview daily, ei- cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrive at Alturee at 8 p. m. leaves Alturaa (or lakeview a A o'clock a. in. or on the arrive of the etaiie from Likely. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter It'avinn Alturas. Freight Mattrs - Given Strict - Attention first - Class Accomodations Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A. W. BRIAN. Proprietor. leaves Lakeview at 6 a. ui eery day but Sunday. Returning, leaven Taieley at 6 :30 a va very day but Frelht $l..ri0 rjor cwt. Pat.nf.r. par $4 Uwnd trip 7 OI'l-'ICH B. Reroold. B'ore, tteria IN PROSPERITY 1 333 THE LASH OF A FRIEND Would have been about as welcome ! to A. Cooper of Oswego N. Y.. as a merciless lung-raoklng o.ugb the defied all remdiei foi yeara. "It waa moat troublesome at night, " ha wrtea. "notbilog helped me unill 1 used Or King's New Discovery wblcb itured uit completey 1 'never cough at night now" - Millions know its matchless merit for htnbbcro colds, obeinate oougbs, tore lung, lagnppe, asthma, llemorbages, croup, whoop ing cough, or bay fever. It relieves quickly and nev-r fails to satisfy A trail couvinoes ',50o 1.00 trial bot tle free. It's positively guaranteed by A. L. Thornton. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Interior. United States. Land Office, Lakeview, Ore gon. AugURilst. 1J 10 Notice la hereby given that tbe California St. Oregon Land Company , by W. II. Shirk, Us attorney in fact, baa Hied In this o9lce it applica tion Serial No. 02573, to select tbe KJ NEi and tba E -iWl of Beo. 23, T 37 H.. R, 17 E., W. Af. In leia of the hj NWJ, and the NJ SWJ 8eo 6. Tp. Si S., H. 3 E.. W.M., in the Casoade Raoge Forest Reserve, under the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat., 30 ) Any and all persona claiming adversely tbe lands above described, or desir ing to object becaue of the mineial character if the land, or for any other leuaoo, to tbe dl'posal to said ap plicant, abould tile their affidavit of protest In this office on or before tbe itb day of September, 1910. Tbe foregoing notice will be pub Imbed in tbe Lake County Examiner, a weekly newspaper printed in Lake view, Oreuon. for a period of not leas than thirty days prior to the date last herein mentioned. 31 -Ct ARHTUR W. ORTON, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lake. : In tba matter of the estate pf Wll lam .!. D. hberlock, Deceased. The undersigned having been "Joy the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Couuty of Lake, duly uppoiuted executor of tho "last will and testament and estate of Wlllla'm J. D. Sherlock, deceased. Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims agalust,ibe estate of said deceased, to prvijeut thein duly verified with proper vouchers as requited by law, within six. months after the first publication of this notice, to said AdmlnlstraUir at the law office of L. F. Conn, in the Town of Lakeview, Lake County, Oregou. i Dated August 18th. 1910. I JOHN' ii. BLAIR Fxecutor of 'the estate of Wilis m J. I). Sherlock, deceased. WHY NOT. Spend four vacation at "Tbe Jetfersou," Baa Fraoolsaof A city botel situated In a' beautiful park but five minutes from Market St. Special rates for tba summer. Blue Prints of any township in Burns Laud District showing all laud entries, .names, da tea,' ate. To cography. Your order tilled ' on day if receiving. Prioe II. J. C TURNEY, Burns. Oregon Ctf Classified A Want Ad in Tho Lake County Examiner Repented ft few time, if neees-nry, will find a rs .n,er for llmt proper v of yoursi They lire ihi- i .iely by lnteii'lln.i ttm. r. mi I tlx-cont l noin nominal 5 rent the in . rh insertion, Sjxrl il t.,Mir-H-ii rite. WANTED A trii i,l ii Capa ble of pur ni iik tl a i. i ii han dle II lull CUi- lewin i 1 .1 -toi k Mlg returns fur miiii i t nenta. To capable man nffir .timet I e Inducements. A nam- r ui m refe raooits The flfiellioK ill mpsoy f I 3M Busb Htre.t. Bati Fraur.uco, Cel WANIKD-Olrl to work lo hotel Apply to Light and Harrow, Lake t law, Oregon. Foil KENT 4 room houae. J. L. Wheeler, Hoi 51. WANTED Work for man and wife. Address F. 11. CaMow, Lakeview. WANTKD: Man and wife to drive ad eook. Good plaoe for bntb,. Wsgee 45. Addiesa Valley rails Mere. Co., Valley Falla.Ore. I can oa, two or tbree, flnt class deputies, to represent tbe Modem iirotberbood, of Ameiica, beet of plana anu term a. I will uive gilt ede contracts, write me for, nlana and terms, Jobo J. Uoar, State Maoa Her, 3111, W, 65tb Ave, Spokane, Waeb. 4t rilK MALK- FOR BALE -Lot 30, block H2, add. to Lakeview. and 10 acre tract No. 23. aac 20, twp. 40 8. K. 19, O. V. U forl)0;all paid. Grant Harris, Laboma, Ok la. 829 FOR BLAE-Firat clasa milk cows. reaaonabU price. Enqnlre at Lake view aUaaalor Office) tf. FOR HALE CHEAP: One heavy back. Apply at thia office, tf FOB BALE Vew two-room house and Jot In O V. L. Addition. Furolabed and neatly bol't Mast be sold at once. Two llandred Uollers. lngotre bouse next to Plaumg Mill. , Jt. FOR KALE CHEAP: Ono Lester Piano. F.nqnlre at this office. ii'J It FOR SALE A00 tons of hitfh land hay. Inquiru of C. W. Withers, ' riuinmer Lake, Oregon. BACRIFJCE:-If taken within 2 weeks, will sell my teaidenoa for 11800.. Cbaa.E . Rioe. FOR HALE 10 acres with a 5 acre water right, O.V.L.. Tract 10, Sec. 7, T. 41. R. 19, and Lot 11, lilk. C7. for 1160. $170. paid. Address Alfred Kuykendall, (Jen. Del. Loa Angelea, Calif. FOR SALE Lot 4. Block 8a add! tion to Lakeview ; 10 acres, being tract No. 56. in aeotloa 19. Town abip39. Range 30, Lake County, Oregon. Lot 9, Block 180' addition to Lakeview; 20 acrea, being tract 26. section 35. Township 6 if, Range 32, Harney County, Oregoo. r John B. Twlol'o North Platte, Neb. FOR SALE. 10 acres, witb 5 acre water rgbt, O-V-L. Tract lO, heo. 7. Twp. 41. R. 19. and Lot 11, lilk. 67. Mast sell at ouoe. Price 1170. 1180 paid. Addtnaa A. KUYKENDALL, (Jan. DeL, Los Angeles. CaL FOR SALE. Ten acres, all paid, for 1150. 84 of N) of of SrJJ of See, 33,Twp30, SR 36E. W. M. Address 13. E. Uunaolui Clear water Minn. R. R. No 2. FOR RALE Good aeoond band sin gle buggy and harness la tirst-clsss condition; prioe, $35. Apply to Arthur W. Orton. U. S. Lana Office. FOR SALE. Lot Na. 40, Block No. 65 and 10-acra tract No 40, Sec 31, T. 40. a 19E. Lot 30 In Block 35, and 10 acre Iraot, No 25, Seo. tf, Twp. 398., IUnga IP R. Lot No. 26, Block 33, and 10-acre tract No. 44, Sec. 25, Twp 38S.t Range 19 E. Lot No 16. Block 80. and 10-aore tract No Si, Seo. 25 Twp. 38S.. Range 19K Addrew all otitis to Real. Estate Exchange, Coffeyville, Kansas. - 6 30-t-19 FOR TRADE A foouhlll ranch of .acres, -150 under cultivation, Hogtlght fence and cross fenced. An abundance of large white . and live oak trees. Six room house, lunre barn and several '01it-tnimi Inge. ' Floe, well with . 2 horse ''power pumping plant. ood live spring aud creek with mountain trout tbe year around. Property neur Fresno, California. Wautsto trade for forty acre alfalfa ranch in Oregon. Value 5,500. . AIy2(Mt . . . SEAGER BROS. REAL. KMT AT K MAKE BEST OFFER on ten sores, in tract 6, section .12, township 3M, rsngs 19. Five acres irrigated paid op in full. U. G. Croaa. Waupun Wla.. 7-27-8-21" TUUtrHQUKH. LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR RE ward lasiied by the Telephone Company for destroying Its prop. . rty. , , , 16tf S.I4COaISl ANUCIUABJ. OST v KINO HAVE THE BEST gracVor Liqours and Cigars to be found In Oregou. tf f. IL. CUTLER WHISKY AT THE Hot.'1 Vnfcevlewbar. Thebeatand purest wbliky mado. U Want Ads MidT rll til Li i I in Lnkeview, or l- eeu i.-t-t-M- and Pine Creek, Toriuine I I'xrietie. iii 'MiiimI in.--, tt i Rhi . NioufH Hui'Mbia re if'i ii rciuiiicl to Mrs. Hter I' el, Lmpvi-w, On- m. If Lo-f A ? i rred-nr ler book, 1'iiiitaiiiii v -hr.rt uifitiiora'i'fa notes. FlMer plea e reti-rn to Examiner Odlce. LOdT Gold necklace, witb booch of grapes pendant. Flower IU pleaeo leave earn at Examiner office LOST Gold Watch, hnnting cae, wltb leatbei fob attached. AUo kef ring with several keye attached. Reward if returned to L M. Land Ottlce, city. MTKAV NTli r I STRAYED. One Bay Mare, One i Dark Bay liorae haltera on witbont I rope. Suitable reward paid for any i information or returning same to Urews (Jreek (Jan on lelepbone any in formation tol.akeview Mercantile Co. PETE BILLER. STRAYED or utoleu.htoot Aug. 15., 1903, one gray mare, branded wltb E. 00 left stifle, wire ecar on froot leg, weight 1400, abonl 10 years kid. Light bay, white face saddle I borae, same brand, wire scar on left front brel, abnnt 12 years old, weight l,0u0 pounds Liberal reward. ANDREW MORRIS, Adel. STRAYED From Camels Prairie, one team of horses, one Iron gray bud the other Is white. Both are branded 14; weight about 2700 lbs Will give reward for their return. Pat Duane. Lakeview. TkMPtHM KOTICK TRESPASS NOTICE-We hereby warn all parlies form entering our premises in Sec. 8 Township 39 SR. 20E, for purpose of bunting or tjehing or otherwise. J. O. BULL 38 tf. GEO. JA.MMERTHAL MISCKI.LAN KOUS o0 REWARD. A REWARD of rifty dollars is here by offered for information that will lead to tbe arres' and ' conviction of any person wbo baa stolen wires or other property, from our Company; and tbe Bar reward is hereby offered for informal i'in that will lead to tbe arrest and nviction of anyoue des troying tre property of tbe Company. Cbaa. Umbacb, Secretary Lake Co. Tel. & TeL Co. Ittf. WANTED Men capable of earning 50,00 per week selling trees for largest anl beat known nursery in tbe West.-- Choice territory Guaranteed stock for particulars, address, OREGON NURSERV COMPANY ORENCO, OREGON 7-12 FARM RENT FREE to, reliable man deep rich soil half section or lees adjoining Lakeview term of yeara. J. L. W heller. Jr, Box 51. HOUSE FOR RENT: A good 6 room bouse with hot and cold water. Furnished. Inquire of G. L. Holbrook. CANAL CONTRACT TO LET En largement and repairing large irriga tion canal 1 to 2 milea in length at Paisley Ore Must be completed by tbe 1st of Msy or sooner, alao wanted man to do ranch work and wife to oouk for small toroe of men. Rea sonable wages. Consult with L. F. Conn, Lakeiew and call on Geo. Connr Paisley Oregon HHKRP BKASU Jamps Barry Brndi with Swallow Fork la risht ear (or ewM:reTer (or wtvaers. Soma ewea Square Crop and Sill Id rtfbl ear. Tar Brand ill. Range, Crant Laa Addrent LakeTiaw.OreioD $1,00000 Reward The Oregon, California & Nevada Livestock Protective Association will give 1 1000 Reward for the con viction of any party or parties steal ing horses, cattle or mules belonging to any of the following members of this Association: Cox & Clark, Chewacan Land & Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle Co., Lake County Land & Livestock Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Win. W; Brown. Geo. M. Jones, Geo. Han kins, 8. B. Chandler, O. A. Rehart, X. Fine W.A. Currier, Frank A. Bauera, J.C. Hotchklss, Calder wood Bros., T. J. Brattaln & Sons, T. A. Crump, Cressler & Bonner, W, T. Cressler Maud I. l!ambo. Omenta W-P- HMTronn. Pres. ': W.P.Hbrtfoku F. M. Grjcbn 8. B. Chan A MAN OF 10RN NERVE "Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never fonnd where Stomob Liiver, tviaaeya aoa ooweus are out of order. If you these qualities and tba suocess tbey bring, nee Dr. Klng.s Nsw Life Pills, tbe matebl-sa regulators for keen brain and strong body. , 25o at A. L. Thornton's. CASTOR I A . Tor Xuikuts and CMldrea. The Klod You Hav8 Always Bought Bears th T flJgusture ci i v. "He PUMMONfl In th- Circuit Conrt of the Htats wr.-n.iii u,r ine (;Minty ol Lake. . m. nailer, rialntlff, ) va. I Wm. Humea. IMtndant 1 To th above named Defendant, In the Name of the State of On-jron: 1 ou are hereby required to apiwur hii.I anawer thn Complaint filed HKiiiiiHt you in the nbove entitled Court ami cmine, now 011 tile with the Clerk of eaid Court, on or before six eek from the flute of tl. n..r ...,.n lation of thU SiitnniofiH, 10 wit: on or Infore the l.'.tli day of rVptember, lUlll. I til) Toil Mre notifliwl lh..t if ... (nil so to appear and inrwrr the Com plaint, aa herein required for want thereof the Plaintiff will take Judg ment aalnNt you for the aura of and tbe further enm of fHVi .57 and the further sum of $511 94 and the furtlier mi in of $:il.79 and the lurther aum of $12.70. and tbe further eum of $:17.75, and the farther sum of $24.48, loKeeber with the coats and dMiurneinents of tbla action. Thla summons Is served upon yon by publication thereof by order of tbe Honorable B. Paly. County Judgw of lake (kunty, Oregon, made on the) 1st day of Aogust. I3l0, directing pob licatlon thereof once a week for elx convecutlve and successive weeks in tbe Lake County Examiner, publish ed and printed at Lakeview. Iake County, Oregon, beginning wl'h the Miie of Paid newspaper, published nnd printed on the 4th day of August 1910, and ending with the issue dated 15th day of September, 1910. said Lake County Examiner being a news pair of general circulation, publish ed and printed weekly at Iakeview, L.nKe uouni.v, uregon J. H. LANE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of fl rt nnblirntir.n Ann- A 1QIA Date of last publication Sept. 15, 191o! NOIICE. Notice la hMh tr1a thi th uodetairfned, has been appointed ad ministrator of tbe estate of Edgar Howell, Deceased, and all parties baviog claimns against aaid estate are tmrAhv rnn(rfl Is. nMnt ..lil claims to tba undersigned, at E. F. neoejs nsrness en op at liakeview, Oregon, witb In aix months from data of first publication of tbis notice. Date of first publication .being tbe 28tb., dBy of July, 1310. Dated at Lakevin. (traann thla 6th day of July 1910. L. F Cheney. Administrator of tbe Estate' of Edjar Howell, Deceased. DOV'T BREAK DOWN Severe strains on the vital orgsos, like strains on - machinery, cause breakdowea. You ean't overttx tbo stomach, liver, kidneys, bo wells or nerves without ter ions dancer to yourself. If your week or run-down, or under atrain of any kind,, take Klectrio Bitters." Use them and en joy health and strength. Batisfaetioa positively goarrentead. 60c. at A. L, Tborotoo'a. NOXltE-FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land. Department of the Interior, 17. 8. Lands Office at Lakeview. Oregon. Angut 20, 1910. Notion is hereby civea that William ! Keppel Barry, of Pluab, Lake County urgon. wno, on August 'M, 1910, made Homestead entry. No. 02352. for NWJSEtf. NSWJ. 8WJSWJ Section 26, Township 37S.rKange 22E., Will. Meridian, baa filed notice of Inten tion to mate Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, before Register and Reoelver, tbis office, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the - 3d day oL October, 1910. Claimant names as wltneoaes: " Dennis Donovan, of Plnah, Oregon. Michael Barry of Plush, Oregon. Thomas Lynob, of Plosb, Oregon. Michael Lane, of Plush oregoo. ARTHUR W.ORTON; Kefclstei. Notice of First Meeting of the Stockholders . , Notice Is hereby given, that tho Brst meeting -jf the Stock holders of LAKEVIEW WOOL SIORAGEOO.. a corporation created under tbe lawa of tbe State of Oregon, will be held attbe room of tbe Lakeview Board of Trade, in tbe , Town of Lakeview, Lake C unty. Oregon, on the 12tb day of September. 1910, at tb boor of 7 :30 o'clock lu tbe afternoon of said day, for the purpose of electing directors of said oorporaion, and transsction of auob other business as may legally come before such meet ing. , . : 1 4 C. . Sherlock, ' David T. J one. George O. Fitzgerald, incorporators. IT SAVED HIS LEU. I "AU tboogbt I'd loss ajHrfeg," writas J. A. Uweosen, of Watetowa. Wis. Ten years of eczema, tfcet IS doctors cool not euro, bad at last laid me up Then Buckleo'a Arnaoa Save ourtd it, sound and well. In fallible for. Skiu Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils. Fever Sores, Soslds, Cuts sod Piles. 25o at A. L. Thornton's. Nicely furnished rooms, single or ensoite THE ANGEL US Main St., west of Court Hoxise. Lakeview, Ore. Kalsaa tba doug4i ana conioliwa with txtj.. r-t alljpureBUwaT 'I