Lowest Prices of the Year at m9 - ' During the Next Twelve Days '- t After that time pur Entire New Fall Stock will be on exhibition. TO-DAY. to-morrow and the ifew following days will be ONEY - SAVERS FOR YOU Prices That Occur But Once a Year M Big Reductions on all Boys Suits Good Serviceable School Suits AN AUTOMOBILE CLUB ',' (Coiu-lueVI from ngt 1 If paid for It lilt eloquent words eere received with marked approval by tboM present. The club luteiids to sea thai all r a.l are repaired thin fall and tio.xt spring and they Inteud tart a campaign ot eduOMtlon among the oltlieui of the couuty look Inn toward th elimination of niauy of I the grades mid for the reestablish ! tneut of uew roads where the graces are butter aid the ull linage cost of maluteuauce will te less alter the Initial ooxt lit flulshvd. It the res Ueuts of Lake couuty will oo-opreale! with tbe'culb a ehort tluie hence will Hud thl the beet ouuuly lu the elate lor Rood roads. The next meet lug will tie Friday ulght of tbit week wheu the committee eousltlUH of A. W, Ortoo, Claude Seager, aud W. F. 1'aloe, ou Hy Laws aud Constitu tion will report ami tbe committees for dltferaot roads elected. 1 5 per cent to 30 per cent Reduction On All Summer Wash Goods and Silks 50 cents to $2.00 Reductions on Oxfords and Low Shoes and Men's High Cut Lace Boot , AboutOrie ThoiisahdfYards, 15 cent and 12 1-2 " bent values of Heavy Outing Flannels at 1 0 cents ALL REMNANTS BELOW COST J. L. LYONS, D. D 5., Dentist Office in Watson's Block, Lake view, Oregon Eight Year's experience In Mlt-hlgan. (jr.IUite ot l i)iirsiiy of Miiiotjari A. MDSIIEX. .Surv'jlii and lliifjliifi-riiiy City Tnuineer Suite o. 1 Watson I!look Tito Koiul.x Initio North Knri -bouie of the settlers lu the 0iilt-j aiaa Leke Valley hate oomplalued that the roada between that portion of the couuty and Lakevlew were; to po r nhape. The County Court tee seut the leeldeu s of the valley a set or petitlous wblco wtieu signed l tueau the roads tliey desire eud where they desire tbeiu. Dr. Ualy with tbe enterprise characteristic of biui, has told tbe road supervisors for the .Norlhru Valley that the County la willing to do eerylbluw lo Its powr to brlug tbe roada lb that section up to the highest stand ard, lie has gone fuitber a 03 told tbe citlzeus of Silver Lake.Cerlstmas Lake a d other valleys tbnt tbe mat ter ot the location fit tbe roads shall he left to tbetu entirely. TbU nieaus tbat tbe peopte of tbe valley mention ed i'ho now rent aetiured that It thrre is auy neglect lu this matter it will be their fault entirely. Judge Daly lea frleud of goal ron's and will I more tnau io bis part If the resident' that aut the rouds will luru out aud eigu their petitlous. The road be tween Luke anil SniiiHor Ihke over tbe old titurie road will be repaired if defdred aud it there are enough titfuere to tlia petitiou the road a I on tbe township Hue between Haoges 18 and fj tlieuce lo a eoutherlr ill rtctioo to tbe bead of tbe oaoyou tbence southward will also be built. This road will make a considerable difference lu the time between tbe Northro part of the coooty and LaWeview aud also 'make It poaslbU for automobiles to travel tbe same route which cannot be dona at pre sent. Out thing tbat tbe County court bas to combat against Is tbe apathy of a large number of people tbat should take tbeir coa's ctf and place tbeir abonlder to tbe wheel and do their share to make tbe roads of tbe cnouty tbe best la tbe state. Tbe.Couuty Court canuot du all the work if tbe seutimeut of the people Is Hualost improvesients. I'.Hfli citlzo of the county is directly concerned lu wood roads and muaus much to the county that ic is reticent. le t ti h t any oue will sfaud in the way of progress The email amount of money t tut t will be epaut per capita can Le naved iu the lepneued up-keep tf the wsgoue and ol her vehicles that being worn through a lack of proper road beds. I., like view J. B. AUTEN Hardware and Implements I ! I ! e i i 5 Our Huilders Sui)plies arc complete. Fancy Locks J and Hinges. We carry the finest disi)lay of Fishing Tackle ever displayed in the city I We have the Largest Glass Supply in the County OUR MOTTO IS LIVE AND LET LIVE We Aim To Satisfy Peter Schuttler Wagons Moline Implements' Just arrived--A car-load of the Famous Toledo Ranges Guaranteed for ten years Rubberoid Roofing Guaranteed ten years Our Paint Stock is now complete ) Fconomy Fruit Jars They seal themselves no rubbers are needed I I I e i s I s ! I I Are Holding IIiiiH't-ii(I Atuoug tbe teachers tbat came t Lakevie laet week to ta':e part lu the examioatinua were Misses Anca and L. M. Hitc'iey and AuKueta I)ft'oresi of Fort li ek That Lake county aud i eepecialiy the Christmas Lako Valle? 1 offers much tot settlers in evidenced fjy the fact that these yount,' I. idles jtave all taken tioiDe.-ttii.id and are livUili ou tlii-iii aad oljoyiu the" law : iu every 6eite of the .word. They . tacb school riurluu the school vear i CO 1 aud ko from their home iu the morn J . t . ... . ....! ; iutt reiuruiug ui iuj clone ot ttieir sohool day .Sometiui.-t this Is quite I a tadk for one tbat is fatigued after ! tbe trials and labor of the day but It j shows tbe self reliant class of teachers i rial me county now nas and tbe mor al and physical couraae tbat prompts them in holding down claims. It shows what tbey think ot tbe country where tbey bave eleoted .to live. Tbare is no doubt tbat the class of beople tbat are tailing tbe vacant land of tbe country are above the av erage In intelllgece and that tbey bave tbe courage of tbeir convictions. VVben young ladies bave the courage to go on land and get away with some o f tbe best in tbe state it seems as, though there should be no hesitancy! on tbe part of tbe able bodied meg tbat bave never used their rights. Tbey are inteasley loyal to tbeir valley and believe that it la going to excel tbeir highest hopes. Well done young ladies; Lake County is proud of you. May your shadows never grow less and Jeaob fday make those homesteads worthy of the intelligence and foietboogbt tbat you bave ex pended upon them. - The most plesant spot in tbe city Is the oourt bouse . grounds. This is attested by tbe number of people t be Been on tbe shady .wains and set tees Sunday afternoons We have a One court bouse and grounds and It is something to be rroud of . HuM'Kt Ingratitude A rasa of baHe ingratitude of the loweat type U that of tbe man ISteir under arrent for thrift. Tbe man was arreHtt-d on the fourth of July charg ed w ith s.-lling liquor to an Indian ami after plnadinu drunkeness ai an j extenuating circu mutaiice the fellow j was pent jiii cud t i thirty days in jail. i Attfr nerving out the H-tut'-nce he whm , niveu employment around town and I wheu Dan Godtiil the janitor of the court house went ou a short trip to I ize unit) alter iisd ana oiner game ine man Starr wa given charge of the work around the building. Things were missed arouud tbe different offices in the building at different times and when Uodeil returned he found tbat fifty dollars thnt he bad in bis room was guue . Upon Invest igation It wae found that. Starr bad played tbe leading part in a "Jooze carnival" and tbat from time to' time duriugt the few .days tbat Pan was gone would go to tbe oourt bouse and returd with money wblcb be would proceed to soeod wltb a lavish band after wblcb be would retire to sleep oft tbe effects of the debauch tp re turn later to tb cauie with more money. Starr is a stranger to these parts and be should get the full ax tent of tbe law for tbe 'lowdown trick tbat he played on one that . tried to give him V pbow to earn a few bonest dollars. ' Here is where you probably moot Mm$l the bluest surprise Cfl in fittv of our mlvcr. v .'ii re-. Ladies Beautiful Tailored Suits $ .7 imi$lO values now $L '." ntul '( values, now 20 L'5 and 'Jt values, now ALL MILLINERY AT JUST 1-2 OFF MRS. NEILON WOMAN'S OUTFITTER LOOK OUT For your FIRE INSURANCE. See that your policies are right, that they really give you protection. This Is the season of fires. Wo are practical In surance underwriters and know the business from .years of experience. Are agents for four of the strongest companies in America. SEACER. BROS. Real Estate, ' Fire Insurance, Etc. LAKE VIEW, OREGON DANDY FRESH CANDY at, Thornton's Drug Store July Clean-up Sale Richard Willis, senior member of tbe WHIIh Furniture. Company of Klamath Fads arrived iu Lakevlew last Thursday aud close the deal with tbe Uoivln Furniture Company of ibis place and took possession Sat urday. Tbe deal includes tbe entire stock of furniture and the undertak ing parlors and this will be conduct ed as a branch of Klamath Falls store and all goods will be bought through tbe Klamath County bouse. Tbe Got vio stock, was moved Into the Bnydor building. All oUr Ladies' waists, dress skirts, dresses and sacques we are closing' out for 20 per cent less than regular price.' All good sizes and new goods Don't wait until all good sizes are gone Tailor suits at 33 1-3 per cent off while they last Now Is your chance to save money Lakeview Mercantile Co.