Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 18, 1910, Image 1

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"'""-. v
i 1
NO. 3.3
Ilk. 1 V 1 I -. fn r A r a. II.
" II " I ! .11 I.I. -, I I I , , - " ' ' ' 1 '.
ShorifT Dent Arrived Last
Night FrOm Klamath'!'
Fall With Kuhl
Bernard E. Kubl was placed lo tbe
coioty JhiI m Kl ath Full Saturday
awaiting th arrival uf ollb'ers from
Iake comity to take bio to Leksvew,
wher lie will be triad ou the charge
of stealing horses from oear Bllver
Al T. DeMose and Bernard K. Kuhl
bad hnmentead In the hllver Laka
country aod lat weak DeMose Baked
Kubl to balp bim to round 'up a band
of horses aud oiulea and drive them
in tlm direction of Klampth Falls.
Kuhl 'ild ao, and tlm result was tbHt
lie li now farlt.K thti penitenMnry for
borne hti'HlltiK w.hila l!a companion
lie in h grave in the bill near
The, llrnt (if litat week a numlifr of
borne were mled from tha vicinity
of Hlver Lake mid aunplciou waa
directed to DeMos? and when Mr.
Hrer, a rancher in that part uf tbe
oountiy, 'discovered that tha stock
was ruliln h at jince notified bia
, neighbor and four of them Laimedl
ately atarted in pursule of toe tbievea.
Two Indian gu idea ware secti red on
tha reservation and tbey " tracked
tbe men to Colsbao's ranch twelve
miles oortbweat of Uairy. Here they
found tbe alolan horses In a pasturte,'
tmt tbe tuea were not to be eeeo.
Tbey made tbelr camp some diataoee
from where the horaea were and tbe
pursuers did not notice them. Tbia
was early la tbe morning - ..""..'
DeMoes got up and went to look
Hfter the horses and when Mr. Brewer
new bim spj'rosohlntf be shot bim
through the heart.
Kuhl tied into the hilla
Word was telephoned t the Klam
nth Kails authorities and Ci toner
Whitloek Dqnity Kherifl Shalloi'k,
iMitrlct Attorney Knykeudall uud
Court importer. Klchardaon went td
t tie scene of the tiatedy in ho Huto
mobile, and after au tuquest a cntlln
was prepared snd tbe body waa bur
ted In tbe timber near Colahnn's
Kuhl waa acquainted with Deputy
yherilf fchallock, aud wbeu be saw
the otlJcer be aurreudered. lie waa
Hfrnid he would tie hIioi If tie ap-
proiicbed aoy one he did not kuuw
Very Conservative State
ment By. Mlnln&r Man
Of Experience
Tbe 'Windy UojJow Mioing Ols
' triot 16 tbe Coyote Hills Is beginning
to show some of the work tbat has
teen done toward developing tbe
prospnets there. Ueorge T. Gline re
cently ot Klamath County who re
feigned aa County Surveyor of tbat
County to, look into the development
of the above district is In town this
week from tbe Coyote U ills and bis
views regarding the outlook there are
wortbj of note, eHpeclally as Mr. Cline
la one of ihe i oat conservative men
regarding Milues in the west. Ills
natural ouutiouBuesa aud the conser
vative Htutoiutnila that he baa made
rarry gonsideiahle weight especially
h tbey are burked witb a thorough
knowledge of the. mining profeaaluu'
us Jar 48'uuy person can feel tbat he
is thoroughly luforioed ou the poa
nihility of auytblug that' coucerns the
prospective workings beneath tbe sur
face as yet not beeu explored or test
ed. "There are three good first
class prospects ; said Mr. Cllue; lu
tbe Windy Hollow District; tbe Dutte
filth O. A. Kelly as superintendent
and stayed In Mm wnnila mil II lie ron-
CiglllM) Mr. ht llllnl k
lie wan Uk u lo Klamath Kail au I
imc-I iu juil, Kuhl la nuly about.
Ti yHraihl, Nh l the otllcara believe
that, altiiiugli li- knew that tho home
were at' lin lie did not intent to
bare In tha pro lit of tha raid, but
onirily lMpid UeMons drive the
jiiiuhiIh a'ttHy,
A ( oinl-ul MUUiliO
A ni'WKiiapr-r t'orrt'Kpiinili'iil limned
Itindttl It. Ilowird rnV l.nk.'vlrw a
write up lu Kuudiiy' Orvinm Junrnnl
hut cii'I'liMic.l our lii'iirtn y plucln a
cut of Klunmtli I'ilU ami tin-nncli iit
coili-cllitii of frniim liiiildluuH that
how tdol u lliiit town hm ri-pretwiit-liitf
Vtt-r -KiftM-t of LftkcvlfW. If
Mr. llowaill t-vi-r t'oiiifH till" way
hkiIii wh will finlfiivor to ahow
him m inn tli U'Ucr at not and will
laly give him a rfiil photoirrnph
of Iakevii-w and t he majority of l lit 1
liUlhllngN brick uud ronrrt' t. I
I.lttle inlatNkew like tlila nre not new.
tint the U-imt.'of Water NtrN-t muat
not In' turiiiiAi'd wlili the departed
Klory of KlaaDAtli'e froutier daye.
We art In hcIumh iy ounu-lvet when
It cornea to liellfjf on the map.
rrciiM-Koclhor Nuptlala
Mr, II. L. KreAa aod Mlaa Crace M.
Koelber of I'lueb ware married In
Lakeview, Monday. August 15, 1 U 1 J,
Ksv. (I. ). WeolXill performing tb-
ceremony. Ttie marriage ' of the
oouple took plane at tbe home of
Kichard Kmgaleyju" Main Street.
Large Conceure of Cltl
xent Will Extend Him
a Hearty Welcome '
U. 8. CongrcHninan- W. p. Ifiwley
nrrivecl ' from" Klamuth Fujla hint
evening and Is abakiiie) hunds once
morw witb hU rnnstituente of thla
portlun of the Flmt Diatrict. He will
reiiinhi until Friday morrdug and will
make a pulillu uddrena at the Court
IIouim) tonljjt whero In hoe8 tu
nut't all tillvim irnMi'tlve of party.
1'iiniU ( olli'i ti ll for i'hiircli
Jt)u Mooduy of this week a meet lug
of the Cut holloa of the dty aa held
at the V, K. Uurry resldnune ou
Water Street, and ways aud meaus
suggested of raising oue half of tbe
necessary amount for building tbe
uew Catholic church. After the meet
log a whirlwind mouey raining cam
paign waa atarted aud before night
2M77..1() had been collected. This
amount was Increased tu j'.TOO, by
Tuesday uigbt, aud the tf mount Is
growing all the time. Tbe cause is a
worthy one aud should tut it with tne
approvul of nil.
Mrx. Jonuti Morin and MInh iVrttli'
llini r lift .vi-Htt nltiy fur S;m FnincU
ro wln'io they will remain thM
uie juoido wltb L. U. liorkwltu as
superlntends'it and Tbe Klug under
Loftuss and Dlume Good ore has
recnutly been struck in tbe Dutte
wbiob has about oT0 feet of tuunel
aud about fifty feet of shaft. Tbe
ore was struck at a depth of 2T0 feet
in a winze Bunk from tbe tunnel.
There is a 100 foot shaft on tbe
Jumbo and tbey are, running cross
outs, (lood ore bas been eucoaDtereil
in the shaft but It dipped out and
cross outs are being raur to -catch it
at a greater deph. Ihe King has
about '70 feet of cross oui tunnel.
All the properties are ooder good
mangement and are first class, pros
pecta. There are several other claim's
In tbe camp that show excellent sur
face Indications but no development
work bas been done on them. Thsre
are some good springs in tbe gulches
tbat supply water to tbe camp and
believe tbat within few a buudred feet
will be found plenty of water for mill
ing purposes The camp looks good
uuuuh to keep me for some time .
Mr, Cllue bat Hue assay outUt there
and came over to meet. bis wife as
she can e lu ou the stage from Klam
ath, ills faith In the possible out
come of tbe work now being doue
places tbe camp before the peope as
a probability and It Is hoped that bis
conservatism uud tbat of the men
that erejut work will le productive
of tbe greatest results as the develop
ment of a real mlniug camp meaus
much to every citizen here ,
Well Known Resident of Lakeview
Shot In Saloon Row
: ,
Ending of a Drinking Hftut That Started In
fln,t r?..ii...ui I
uuu i i;iiuw.-iii;
At the
llomloldjj grim, atern, unrelent
ing, has stalked Into tha luldet ot
tbla peaceful community aud taken
John P. Uarry, " famliarly calls')
"Jack'' by those teat have known
bim for many years, to another life.
Saturday morning just as tbe bauds
on the clock bad paaaed tbe bour of
mtdnlgbt a row atarted lo tbe saloon
of Mike tiart which ended in tbe
death of one man and tbe impriaon
meut of lyi other charted witb taking
his life. It seenia tbit the men bad
haul ahakiug dice alpng wltb some
others tbat were In tbe saloon at tbe
liru'i alien a ipuirrel arone about Mho
was lo par for the name. One word
brought- ou auothei when Louis
Veysiadn, camp tender in the employ
of Duu i. Malloy, left the place Hay
luu, It Is claimed, that be waa goio
after a gun ond would return. He
crossed tbe street diagonally to Post H
King Kentucky Snloop wbere be se
cured the revolver aod reorossing to
Hart's to enter tbe door "when tbe
witnesses seem copTuBad as jo wbat
happened but some vlalm tuU be en
tered ba dopr wltb drawn weapon
lo bis, band aodjthJit be fired, two
shots - one which took, effect Just
above tbe right nipple an slightly to
tbe left nfbging In a downward man
ner to tne medial line of t&eabdomeq.
Tb4 shot waS almost luslautly fatal .
as Uarry died within a few moments
wlthpot saylog a word. Home say
tbat tbe dead man fired the Brat shot
and a bullet tbat came from the In
side of the enloon shattered tbe platu
glass In tbe door while there is evi
dence that at leHBt four shots were tir
ed altogether, though wiueeHes seem
to dUNiiree on thi point After the
shooting Veyssade went to Night Mat-
shall John Peacook who was hurrying Eaca'lig wb. i brought out the teeti
towanl tbe scone of the shootiug aod mony tbat some oue from tbe iuside
gave bimeelf ip to custody, wbere supposedly the deceased had bred tbe
ufou the Marshall turned bim over to . Oral shot and then Veyssade had tired
Deputy Sherlli Warmer Snyder for j two shots In rapid succession, cue of
safekeeping The body of the dead which took effact in the celling. The
man was wbere be had fallen and died
in tbe arma of Iave Denneby when
Coroner Wm. Wallace arrived end
took charge of U)e body followiun
an examination by T. V. Hall who
bad been nastily sumnuued and
whose sklU'was poweiless. Mr. Wat
lace had the remaius removed to the
home of bia father, Wm. Harry; until
alter the inquest, iu order not' tu
bnug loo sudder a shock to I he sor-
rowing relatives.
'Ihe oornuors jury impaneled cou-1
sisted of C.L Keeoe, J. H. Aulen, W. 1
"Good Roads" the '.Battle
Every .Owner Placing Mis Shoulder to theMCar;
To Further This Progressive Movement
The owuerabip of autos In
view baa assumed suob proportions
tbat many are forming then selves in
to the club .mentioned below. Tbe
bss; feature of tbe organisation is
the contemplated plan of improving
the roads pf the county by plaolog
them in tbe best oondltloo ot any in
tbe state considering tbe area, to be
gone over. In keeping with tbe
most advanced ideas of eaatern clubs
who are aooomplishtng much in this
respect: oommittes will be formed to
look after every road in eaob section
of the County. Oue committee will
have charge of the road to Pine Creek
auother to Paisley, oue to Klamath
County Hoe and every portion of tbe
roads la tbe county wall be iniillarly
taken care of. It is tbe intention
of tbe signers to get better roads and
tbey will confer a bleHslog on every
uiau aud woman in tbe county
by so doing' . It is eveu believed
that many who do net own a machine
unu iiiua UUUCIIiy
M. MatHiogill, li. Funk. A. L Sloan
and J. li. McCool and tbey met in
tbe court house Saturday afternoon
at 1.30. Miss U. Soelllog too notes
of the testimnoey end Attorneys
f'arrell aod Batcbelder examined
tbe witnesses. J. McAullffe. Mike
Sullivan,' Dave McAullffe. Dr. JJ.
Oalj, Dr. T V. tlall, Dave Duoeby
Jobn Flvnn, Jobn Peacook and War
oer bnyier testified and in tbe whole
tbe witueaea held very closely in
their testimony tboogb tbat of tbe
two pbyslciaoa and tbe two offlceti
of tbe law ere
and a
few miuuets
The jury retired
I later returned a verdict that
deceatsed had come to bia death from
a gunshot wound Infliced by Louis
Veyssade. "
Tbe funeral of tbe deceased was
held from the residence on Main St.
bonday at 0:3J o'clock amd was
largely attended. Father O'Malley
of the Catholic Church performed tbe
last aad rites over tbe dead.
"Jack" Bsrrv was bora in New
market, County Cork, Ireland and was
il jeers of aqe. He bad been assocl
ated wltb bis father for tome years In
tbe sheep business ad recenty, had
been tar-keeper at lbe...aiwoq where
be met bis death. He mm tbe bead
'ofe, family consisting of a
wife and
three children, two boye and a girl
all of whom are near y grown and
'have tbe heartfelt sympathy of tbe
entire community,
At the preliminary trial of Louis
Veysjade held bafnre Squire bayley
yesterday afternoon, Lsfe Coon ap
peared as attorney lor the defeur'ent
Mike Sullivau testified resrdiu),' tbe
ereuts previous to the shots being
'lire J and was followed wt Peter
bulled bred from tbe Inside went
through the door of tbe saloou aod
.upwards through the canvas awing in
' frout of the saloon." DrUeruard
i IJalv then testified as to the death or
the deceaeed and wbere the bullet
j had struck as well as to the piobable
I duration of lite after being shot,
! Ou nrntiou cf Attorney Farrell
. acting for tho state iu the absence
(,f AtisiHtuut-Attoi uey Veustcr the
Ddendent was remanded to the cue
to i.v of Ihe sherltf tu appear before
tbe cruad iuiy.
Cry With Practically
will se the advisabllty of co-opera
ting wltb tbe Club and 'if such Is
done there will be no doubt ot the
success of the movement.
The signers below are a partial' liat
of those joining end others will no
doubt as rapidly aa tbe opportunity is
We tbe undersigned, believing that
the sutomoblle has come to fttay,
tbat by organizing we may be able
to accomplish more in, the way of
better roads , better faoilitiea and
cheaper gasolln, hereby agree to at
tend a meeting at auob time aud
place as tbe first five signers hereto
may agree upon tbe purpose of organ
Izlng au up to date Lake County
Automobile club, of Lakeview, Ore
gon, under whatever rules and reg
ulations a majcrlty of tbe members
of such meeting may agree upon.
A. W. Orton
Dr. T. V. Hall
L. It. Bcagor
Ceo. Ilankins
Dr. h'. II. Smith
J, S. Lane
It. Knelling
li. Sl.lrk
.1. MoCnlleii
K. I'Hltie
C. AhUtroiu
L. Clapp "
K. Hernard
P. Mom
B. Chandler
J. I). Vena lor A .
P. M. Miller W
Kelix Ureen K.
J. K. AoNti w
Dick Wilcox T.
A. !. Thornton H.
S. ). Crenalcr 8.
Mm. D. II. Col. b
At tbe meeting held To end ay even
log neatly all those that bad singed
tbe call to aesamble were on band.
Dr. R. If. Smith as elected prema
nent chairman Hni Arthur W. Or ton
whb made permanent secretary. Tb
' "'""i o I
ana accepted. The elogan "Better
I Roads" waa made the abject of the
orKO,"tlo-The fll movement de-
elded on was to place sign boards t,n
ev?ry highway iu tbe county which
will guide tbe aotbmobillet and tbo
horseman a!ik save much time and
trouble to all travelers. Dr. Bern
ard Daly was Invited to address tbe
meeting aod told tbe members tbat
be and tbe conoty coort wer m favor
of better' roads everywhere io tbi
county and tbat the coort would co
operate in every way possible to
boild and maintain these roads. He
further told tbe members tbat wheo
a piece of road needed repairing ani
tbey notiUjd tbe road supervisor and
be did not immediately attend to the
necessary work tbat tbey were em-power-d
to employ men to do tbe
work and be wonld see tbat tbe conn-
(Continued on pae 8)
a goola!valv
ley homestead
E.R. Patch's Ranch Delow
Town Assumes An Or- '
' " "chard like Aspect
Among the many plesant enme
steade io'Goose" Lake"" VaHey""fiTthe
one owned by Ed. Patch. This place
is a!ou tbe foothills about seven
miles below town. Mr. Patch bas
set oot quite a large orchard comoria-
jiug peaches, pears. aDDies. Blums.
grapes aud other fruits aod n three
year old plum tree on the place is so
beavily loaded witb green fruit that
tbe owner will probably bare to remove
a portion ot the fruit to prevent the
tree from being oveiloaded. Oue
courloeity that is remarked upou
every one that sees it is an apple tree
in a pile of voloanio rocks and doing
as well as any of the other trees.
Potatoea from a short strip of ground
between two rows of trees tbis year
have paid tbe owuer over 56' so far
and tfcere are quite a number of
sacks ready for market. These tiees
have grown without irrigati.b beiog
able to secure sufficient moi tuie
fiom subhrigaiiou as there is little
doubt that all the land along tbe side
of the bills is more or lees eubirrmat
ed. Mr. Patch baa also a Hue field
of about Htteen acres of alfalfa ou the
top of a beuon probably several hun
dred feet above the level of tbe val-.
ley and this too Is producing a due
vield without irrigation. Theie is
no doubt tbat a graet deal of the land
along tbe bills on tbe East side of
the valley is the best fruit land io the
state. B:me of it looks a little grav
ely but wbeo it is plowed aod tbe
a . . i
tree are under way they seem to
thrive, beyond the belief of the man
that saw it before it waa tilled,
When tbe orcbardi tbat have been
planted in tbe valley get mto tearing
and the railroads come the fame of
the Goose Lake apple peach and pear
will be known wherever the man de
sires 'the floeet" fruit' and bas the
money to pay for it With the eijt-r-prise
cbaroteristio of bim, Mr Patch
bas piped tbe water from tbe sorlqg
ta bis bouse and connected it with a
bot water tank and now they enjoy
hot aod cold water at all times when
needed. Another lal or saving de
vice thtt should be very popular with
the ladies is a washing mroblne tbat
is conueoted to the pipe from 'tbe
spring and after tbe clothes , are
placed in it, Mrs. Patch can just take
things easy as tbe foroe ot tbe water
does the work with out any tiouble
or annoyance on ber part. Tbis la a
sample of some ot the homesteads
tbat are oomiug to tbe front la tbe
valley. ,
Tbe camping patty coelsting of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Seager, Fannie Ton
nlgsen, Alice MoUratb, Bob Wierand
Will Anderson I as returned to town
after a weeks vacation trip.
C1iude .SenKe'r V.
A. II. Hammernlev W.
The Company Has Plenty
of Capital to Push the
. Work to Completion
Uoose Lake Valley is to have
other large Irrigation project
water tte lands lying West of
lake and oortb of tbe Oregon state
line. Early this week a gang of men
left Lakeview t3 commence work on
tbe W'beeler Irrigation Keservoir at
tbe moutb of Dry Creek Canyon and
It is expected tbat they will perform
sufficient work be'ote tbe year Is oat
to laipopnd enough water to iirlgate
several thousand acres next year and
tbe project will ultimately water at
least tejo thousand acres of land tbat
does not come nnder the Oregon
Valley Land Company's ditch.
. Tbe Dry Cieek canyon is a natural
reservoir : site- witb perpendicular
walls, that arise to a coneiderablo
height and tbe opening Is about 125
feet wide witb a gradual fall ao tbat
a large bo'dv of water ran easily be a
stored. The Basallio cliffs will give
Ibis' .,, olid natoial abutments
and tnaTv4,ifce coat ,of tbe construc
tion ve'ri .reasonable. " Tbe ansa that
oow a-the "wont have atarted
rqpk walubted crib tbat canjbe in
creased: fir"-size is there is a daman!
ft watet", S. 9. .Bennett, the Unit
ed 8tatefGovernment Engineer, who
mude a-report in 1905 on the water
sbeit'df'ry Creek aald tbat therw
'were between forty and eiity 'suar
m Ilea whose, waters were tributary to
tbia stream and an excellent natural
4am attetla at band wblcb can be,
built to jrbeigbt of eighty feet, witb
very little Vrade on the floor ot tbe res
ervoir. Tbis makes the work of tbo
Wiieeler Company a comparltively
easy one to handle and tbey expect
to go ahead witball "speed "toward the
construction of tbe works. Tha men.
that are farming on tbeir homesteads
in tbis section of tbe valley are get
tiug fair crops of alfalfa g'Sin and hay
wibtout irrigation but it is safe to
say tbat Riis project will double tbe
value of the iani and make tbat por
tion tbeequal of tbe Ktat side of
Goose LaVe Valley. This is another
step towsrd reducing the size of
Goose. Lais which will within the
next few years be considerably lessen
ed in area when tbe waters oftbe new
irrigation projects wltb bold tbe nat
ural run of of tbe streams tbat are be
iog harnessed to supply water to the
lands that are included in the several
PupilsjWill Be In Compe
tent -rHands the Com
dcnooi rear
",t The tethers examination tbat waa
held In Lakeview lata week was, sao
bessfully ,:terminatied on Friday. It
wis one of . the most dlffloult examiaa
tiooa tbattbe teachers of this section
(it the1 'stats have bad to encouter
aod thbrielthat passed unite In saylog
that' sotu'eioi tbe questloas that vera
put before them were about ns '1 valu
able to teaching tbe young tdea "bow
to shoot" as to try to make a cow
learn the kuack of sucuescfully at
tempting an aeroplane asoonsiou or
to try to get a sheep to fight a coy
ote. Only three ot tbe applicants
failed to (lass the ordeal. Those tbat
were successful are a' follows: Fii&t
Grade CetlHoates) James F. llurgesa
Bessie, "adua Burgess, Uarry O.
Todd,. Mpa E. Kitohey, Lu Mae
Ritohey, Augusta DeFoieat, Haztd J.
Horn and Barah Jane Horn. : fiecood
Giaoa Cert'flcates; MurUl Squire
Koehl, Jobn E. Hanao, Louise 'Boa
worth and J. Allen Richards. Thud
Grade Certificates. Jennie Ander
son, Alice Blinkard, Maud Eugene
Bowers aod Ida Moore.
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