Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 11, 1910, Image 8

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A Final Clearance of
All Summer Goods
The important feature of this announcement is
the fact thet ths goods offered in winding up
our Season's ends are positively the same
that, have sold all season at much better prices
To make space for our Fall Stock we have care
fully gone over our Entire Stock and have cut
the prices ot our surplus lines without regard to
cost Here is a Chance to Save Money
1 5 per cent to 30 per cent
Reduction On All
Summer Wash Goods and Silks
50 cents Lo $2.00 Reductions on Oxfords and
Low Shoes and Men's High Cut Lace Boots
About One Thousand Yards, 15 cent and 12 1-2
cent values of Heavy Outing Flannels at 1 0 cents
Every purchase at Bieber's is a Guaranteed
Purchase. If for any reason you are dissatisfied
Bring Buck the Goods and Get Your Money Back
J. L. LYONS, D. L j..
irw. Or ex on
fci-rae -a;.-..-.--.;.- - .. .-
1 Snntjias Enginerins
;..'-ri 'rota r-i
Xi i r N . I
W 1 ZfjZi ri". . y. i.
j Hardware and Implements
Peter Set ct tier Wagons
MolirK Implements
Just arrivedA car-load of the
Famous Toledo Ranges
Guaranteed for ten years
Rubberoid Roofing
Guaranteed ten years
Our Paint Stock is now complete
Economy Fruit Jars They sea! themselves
no rubbers are needed
2 Our Builders Supplies arc complete. Fancy Locks
and Hinges. We carry the finest display
of Fishing Tackle crer displayed in the city
We have the Largest Glass Supply in the County j
a-tt o-s ci it tr.z tihrtiu c
; 3-. J a lZj t ii eJt aa.-: oi tt ecit it cccm
1 1 frii: t r:.-r-. it-,: irit t;n-3
ur tso j.: i c...r.7 ;ict;i t
to groi; cf !: Si,. rr.i't pr
dsed 03 tea ccatiztct it tactK tatt
b bat tfi?.J rtiiw art fair
MXfU ci tt eaa t icoa hart la
tsot liaa. App.-, pa. paa-3 apri
eot, aai in tfcair ooajca rraatartu
ratcberr.M, ieaaborria. rtorru
"i geco-tor-joa bao booa co tt
eorfcat acd art a cod eescib for aay
oco. Ito fl-r, lit aod quality of
tho Loot bo aaaa appotl to
kla ?rom asoay ataodpoieta.
Bo om ota baro aftor hart too at
maay ytara ta Kloaatb Coaaty ad
tmiat (irly eoatrMat itb eedi
tuA4 or t&cft, bo bJiT4 ttat ttU
m a ecootry tcra tfcr m nab
U4ok bet ttry li;tl of aay tbla
U. It fc.i tB aa abl4) ior
priM m4 b tbt if tt vaay vU-
iUor Uat so to tb Klausatb Coo o try
! Ntr ttniMMil af aim of taf
! if-iwxiiT tn!-rrt tut f'?rf .
a'it h iit ion t tM
'ii-iy ia.tHP tnwm tint in tnCn
tuK ar 1iIim itrtr xnt i
l triar O i t.lia tQitc a a
lrt.i i 11 t.'u af prt rnj
im uxnuo privet as a giritafxr
uiriri bi'ini fur tn ut ni t-y
Ui I'C'H t Irti S.lti 5U Uhl I I
nt-.'i- :f in ik tt ho t;u.! !
' i t m ri .jf tla . L b'u
.! .- rifi.(.J via fo utii'f oai'
onj it.l.:ii iy ik tr-m i..
a;,, ih'1 U i,rn ami "iim-f. "M
i '.un tfiii.o at bictriti4 . :
4 ! I 14 .;l;tty a.t.u a.t.i
IJ 4,1,1,1 4 HI .i M J til. I 4
!jt Hi I' .-!' 1.4 i WdU llil
I. : i ii i ( ti J.n (.14 2ii m t i
r . i(fijmi; tin p:pi. tin; a-K
mi oi:t4 o poc;oiit'.y fr to an-
i tia ornif 5fi;:t 9.i i
i mo toii.7. Tao i(;'oraino'it t
touiiia tawooooUo at iiii u iu
.irioi ar aCUai9ta to dnatt t
. -t Eiocs La. Hont Ooim Looo io
ana urn! aaoat rJO.auJ mpo of ol
, lututi ouiio tJj oooo 4'00
: trt dm iilU for km, Tte Looo ko '
i ry ooouo ooU oba bo aooUf
; irmiaatj ey boMtotf o toooooi fro
; tco Ui-oor oit to o iooottu oits
t Ptt Eioor &or aa tAo ooo ml oont '
' toooer Soo oooto mm term Loo rrmmtm
: p iCTltoO Of tOO OOOilovor kortO t t J
; haoo Bod eaiiitl bo roniot ot MtU
' tooo o Uoo aootoioioo; oooo forty
i toooaoa-i acroo. J aot Uoo o poooii
I aod ia orcino S4irio4 fir y Mrwoif
tao.ioo tVt tiio oUl aiooa o oboto
j lot to ISO eoio tot oaiioy If to
; Brc;oot fat ovor pot toroib oo tbo
looil r a ul bo a cr'.o frooi
i tooty to arty dnilmrt par ;r a,iJ
aoo li riiirMoto oro Ooro aooao of
tt on! ta a as.;: lu a 14 Bar lo pri:o
t:i t$c O10 aun.lrrf tScnaoo't
'ra i 1 1 it prn-a -)iot4 till
n t el far 'aiotlo
iita.i :.j iau of tao to tirtt-
til ta- Ur- po9 i-ti,a
is a;;-.rt- J Sjra 5-a
; n.tjy . i:ro uct4 lo UU Uo l
a-il.i 41 t-i t-10 c'pt tAot or
Lao-t booT7 ota tao rwrnt taox
: ooctt tr it aaaooo nni ocaor vooio
' i boouio tAo otrjtiao tloe bvaoo f-
, pUratioi for if. Tao pv4Jtoa cf
j too ralloy mill bo lainaia l axooy
1 Uosoo ooor oboX it io o orooaot oJ
! !ooy aero at toot Uoo) witi hi to
j iocroooo tao voiaoo of too aJrioto
, looo taot or 000 hovi by too 4i9or-
aot tottJorm. Saon day bo toZotoro 1
tfeo too poocU of Utoa tout of Uo!
toto oill rioo 00 aa.1 aval a otamoo-i f
timt tbo rartavnof too projoet bo oat
I ibroaa fat tri immi t to oooor .
biaoi of aa arfisoot for t U a4 fa .
j aovaiaoC Vooo it rtooi 'to olibXul
I oooi&or bo boiivoo toot tbo ojowtoo ho
j boo to rat boro bavo ta tbo Boat ploo-
aat tlot bo bo oor aooo. ft boto
' had foa rro day a aad tbo aibto '
i CTao aitfito aro aiaaya cool aJ j
j ravtlil. Ttm acaaar boo too a tbo j
J irytot iiao tbo iry aaooaet of !m" ei
't aai jt tear a U good o crop of aiasy
j of too st aioo aa i stooooo toot bo boo j
; Moaaal obilo tboro lo a gooaraJ ro-
; pert of a tSort erp of tMoa prtiaU
j tsoy dojioaatroto t&at if la 10 vallmj
1 eoa ioo op tao yar oitb a lock of
: raio It Bott bo o prtty good plaeo
! oboo it 2ta all tbat it aoodo aai
' abac too rei-iaU oil aot boto to
1fc-i apoa tia aatciai riofl!
jaria tbo Kiir tct ca tara lia
nattr co iUi tby tt rta1y aa.i
tiri i: ci: l.ktan. Ttr ati t
a iziri. i:''a of eocuticaj ia
tto ta.iay tiacx t- ia cf tb fruit
prudt trt oct aai tot at-
i r-: iit;i'J cf tbo ohla
, Ai s:a c' tt t plo:tl
c! :a ccc.vr.t Uai iato frcit
trcu aa) h tea r ca irruatioo j
prc;t;"j aai aili oatar tcco trct4 to
lc: taara aui atr k a acoritr of I
itcuMrt to s riar. Tbi aiaaa
I tart 01U to maay tboaool of oerto
folio too laod cf toooo pioeoara lo
tbia noaot aa-J toot oboo too t
titor to too vallay eeaoo horo io
tbo aoat too yoosa bo aili aoo 'bo
flooof fruit e oca try toot ia to bo
fooad asyobo ro ai a oitb too tLgt
aot elaoo oo.otatio oad foraa prod
ecu. Uo notieoo ttat ooootdoroblo
capital eooli bo oood la doroloploa:
cat of tbo aoodo of tbo ooaotry.
Tboro lo rocos for atao ltb Urgo
or omoli ataoaoto io toriooo llooo.
Tbo ma a that cocea to aoo tbo oood
of tbo pUeo for bio portirotai liao
L tbo oca tbat will eooto oitb tbo
rsooay to go obood aai dotalepo
t. ;
Here is where you
probably meet
the biggest surprise
; 1 v t' vet cxH'rictic
:ir.v of ' i;r ;u!cr-
Ladies Beautiful Tailoud Suits:
.. : t i. 'iu
For your FIRE INSURANCE. 8eo
thai your policies are right, that they
really give you protection. This Is the
season of fires. We are practical in
surance underwriters and know the
business from years of oxporionco.
Are agents for four of the strongest
companies in America.
Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Eto.
Thornton's Drug Store
, -
a?.- L t- r-T ,vi
4 ' 1
. . Mi.m rr.
July Clean-up Sale
co all too obot tboro 1 ia tbl tailor
to aar actticg or mm cf to bo Uo foool- Oxoo Loko VaJ
taUya of tto eoaoty tsoy oeald ot lya Lako Coaaty, Orjtoa lo a good
boaitoto to sat ooo cf Ibo load tbat rUe for hia ail bo faaia tbat shoo
at recork-! mcra rooclo tao it aai Bad tbo roan
ftkoa tbat prttail or 'adraataaoo ttat it p-aaao aod tbo
cndr teo bciao- f.. dbodf aetazco to l-o fooaJ boro
aia soma cf tha ? or m ill to o la-ao ainutar cf coo-
till t9 bo f t!a rnTl tara In fhil ti haa
ry acftral; ts j ,t0 ,,. r,maia.
ia Bio to ta aaecroil
atly raooaatlo
tat can bo tko
tod rt aa tbrt
tt laiii io tbo eoioty
enrol to bo it iafcrmad
rtiiatlo a oho rcaka tbia btaaeb
of tbo iaad toiotaa o ul atady
ou-i oho ara ia a paitloo to kco.
Ha that fcayoal to O V. L
crift ar a ci-Thar f taa!lr
pfjcU ttat c.Ai t pet ttrozh
if ! i-M 13X1 f( !t arT tfat ai
".oaily Boat ic'.o 'J .ya Lako it b -'
- Z ' ' 7 -r, ""'-I t"
oe- Thro tr- t r- : tb; ectth
ami cf Uo t alio tbat U1 foiaiab
r'rom tbo rc:rt ef ttt ma that
bar ooo-i io Ibo Bill aai tboao tbat
ara haitis; it to rsarict tboro it gn
to to a tbortao of fval tbo eon
ai i:tr no't-ia a rrat Jal tn"r
ac-l ia tr,c I ia baforo tbo raiaa
i ra iapatat?a tzo e-r
t fII Tbo prie it bih oaoagb
at prtoaat.
All our Ladles' waists, dress skirts,
dresses and sacques we are closing
out for 20 per cent less than regular
price. All good sizes and new goods
Don't wait until all
good sizes are gone
Tailor suits at 33 1-3 per cent off
while they last
Now is your chance to save money
LaUovlQw KorczuiiliQ Co.