Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 11, 1910, Image 5

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    Inhc Count? Eynmtncr
Men'e dnstei. II 75 at llonne'.
reh vittitnatiln fralt at the Frost
II. Iun, 'if I'liuh, wi In Lnkatriew
the Hist of I rk
l-l llk tl lll flirt a lit limine a.
I'mI AiikI""'! h'i'I Dick Mahonev
In 'n i n ii i it t-m trip
('. L. )tlritl . I I t hill lllMMI I'l
c(t MmiH-i . 1 1 o n Wurncr
' l.i v lVi.ll i i
lay I roni h I . i
I n ie (-1 i
HIM l Hi , I
ifli Vili'll' ni
-a II mi I . 1 1 u i i i u ninl I ii n ily m
tliri.f Jvihiim I; miii Mil I Xll ll'ln l llt
ill I Ultulil.i
H. ('. (iiiiiI I'll HrilTfii In l.akeilnw Kiinitrk-i
I im
iiIiuimmI M ii
nutlnu l'i Hitf
'H Ml.
II Hl'l I
Flyun'e looa bn beea tborooitbly
reoimieiea annua iu pa . r
nw store (toot baa beeo pa la sad
tbe Inside nicely painted tod paper
td. The foundation bae been Uld for
Kverelta new bom Id Walter's
addition, ami ilia hell uce of the work
will lis rimliml elonit by Cootrectnr
Cc. ry
H. W. Hunt's Fani'iiis llurkintf
Trio orrhitia will Hit a ante id
Itnirier'a nirra Home oo KiMer ev
mil m, Annuel I!) I'n lint foil to Bi
te ml
Mm. Jmii McMiihiim, tjniira Hnell
t ni. Mm-Ih Mi'SIihiih, Am mi Touiiliiu
mri, I'.hIui ticKtiHiiH Niiil.ulkn litrry
IiHvh rt'Mii tied fri'iu M Im dny'a fish
IhU i rip hI M in! (ck.
. I mi in j ,linl(M i'hiiih lii Knmlay frtii
)'fi ('nek hihI returned Monday
afli-mn hi. I'e U I'm ri ft I iik witb '!,,t
Snyilcr Mini WMUer linn Mini tin- am
liHtliiu tlm Hum of llK'lr llv a.
Dun litMl l, CliHiIln McCarty, Joo
and Mii-era. Wjatt and
fKllvrr Inbe Il-r)
Tba machinery foi tba new flonr
mill at Homninr Lake la now baton
put io poaltioo.
Ham Wardwlll and wlfa la't Tuca
day morning for Laka (Mall to at aod
a faw weeks (lining and having a
irood time,
riclioul ritii erintendsnl K. I) Jack-
on e In (Silver Lake
looking after H'inie pi Ivata mallter
a ell aa arhnol bimliirmi,
(JllliHit I) Urn ii. tHltant Ko eM
Kupfi visor spent at nut a wrrk al
till pinna and vlntnltv mi
It could be Improved opoa tba north
of tba XL ranch. Tba llarrloiao
party la antoa araragad 13 mllaa all
8cren Your Ditches
It baa baao rport.l that oo ae
count of tba lack of acrana at aoma
of tbadarua oa bi )i aod 7T rnche
I i Warner Valley, that a great manr
trout haa gona throngh Into tha
neadowa thin aumrnrr aod Kara dia I.
We-liim-liif ' u U aaid tat aoma thnt weighed er
eral pound bava been lout thin war.
A llttlo ara ou the part of every
una will greatly I o cream I ha value of
iha dining lo aoma ot thi aireama
IhiI'i-h i that are ao atiimed In mn.,j way. It
KiiiiiImt mi i,n i( the unto tliiunt
from KliniiHl Ii l ull.
Ili ti Hi't'i i. nl CivIhitIIIk, arilvfil
In Hi- nl) IicmIiij and ail! vlnil ill
frl n l fur ecvirMl ilnya.
K I. Llglit Ntj'1 mm A inn were In
town t-SHtiipiaf fiom their ran p t
De f Cirek ailvr ruppllra,
M. IllNiictiH (.'annoo auddauuti er,
MImm (Jllie of New 1'lna C eek, were
tilting iu tha city Weduaaday.
Paul Drankle wa oo the elrk lint
Friday and KntiiHny and wat tinalla
to attend lo dutiva at tba Auto Liv
ery. II. A. Ilawklna aod wlfa return
ad Sunday from Daap Cnek, wbera
tbay bad beeo camped for a ooopla
of waaka.
Mr. and Mia L. W. CUpp of
Klamatb r'alla vlaltaJ Lakavlaw
friend for aeveral day daring tba
paat week.
Arnoug tha aheep men In town tbla
week wera Coo Curt in, Blaioo Juauto.
Jack Verllug, Mlka Aogland aud
Jack Kelliher
Mra. II. H. Ileryford left Mouday
for lar home at Lodl, Cel., after a
abort vUlt wllb tier daughter, Mra.
Fred Ahlatroui.
Augunta DeForeat, L. M. ftltohey
and Aunu liltetiey, of Fort Rock ar
rived In Lakevla by auto Monday
for 4 abort visit.
Koy Shirk returned Tueaday from
Ashland where he haa ben for the
paet weik. While there ba joioed
the order of Klka.
Kxciivlinu for tlio new High Srhnol
la prourexMug nicely and the atone
fuuiiilut Ion work III tie coiunieiiccd
in a fiw iIhth time.
J MIhh Jfiiiilo .Ainlrmon waa a v aitor
lo LukcUi'W a coin le of Unya the llrxt
of the woek from .Hke, la the north
ern part of the cnuuiy.
Hob Wler , formerly of thia town
but no a resident of Davis Creek
waa lo town vlnitlug frienda for a
faw day during the paat week.
Lore a liuiley returned home Sun
day evening from Portlaad, where be
bad been aa a delegate to tba grand
lodge of tba Woodmen of tba World.
F. H. Payne, or Roaeville ,111., ar
rived la town Tuesday. Mr. Payne
has aa O.V.L. treat near Valley Falls
aod Is here for the purpose of Im
proving It .
Or. II. F. Parsons tba well known
ay a doctor la aalu la Lakavlaw aod
la stepping at the Colorado Hotel.
Any one having defective ayas will do
wall to aea him.
Rufus K. Funk of Likevelw waa id
AUura. n abort time ago and wb'le
there waa married to Mummle Dunn,
of Mloueapolla, Kan. Tbay are mak
ing their boma lu tbla city.
Mart Hopkins, while playing with
aoma pups wbinn ba owns, bad bla
ban t bitten ooe day laat week. The
injury waa not a seilous one, but
Mart will be more careful bare after.
L. H. Thomas aod son, Clyde,
and Clande Hill of Eugene, arrived
Lore Tueaday. They came overland
by team and wagon are looking over
tbelr property tutervata la tins local
ity Mrs. W. (Junther .Mra. Nyswarner,
George UcCoul aud Keltoa (Junther
have leturned from a two week's trip
to Urater Lake and vicinity. The
trip back was made la three days
Last Ratnrday O. T. MoKendrea
bought 7000 lambs of Dave Edler pay
Id'ig t:i 25 per head for tbem. Mr. Mo
Kendree will drive tbem to Klamatb
Falls and from there ablp to the
southern markets.
A dnuce will be givln at Sodera'
Opera House on Friday night, Aa
gust l'.i, by Hunt's Famous Duaking
Trio Uichestra During lo term les
ion Ha re will be aonga, eto, by the
muslcU'ie. Do unt forget the date.
Qpni m 'lirlon fi -J BOH, Jfallf"
left inHf I'liouv for Portland Mr.
Whoi' s r:?ctvcd wr.rd that bis nlfo.
who l l..eii In !.' Mund for annie
time f t treatment vhs not Improving
aa wi nrt Kilglit lie exported and he
la tLv , c-vil M .Lii tba pbyutuu
Id regard to ber bealth.
(inily Ifil U hiIh.i-iIb)' iiinriiliig for
Mil I Cini-k, wlii'iM Ihi-y Mth to eiieuil
a lew da) limiting ai d llnhlng
Ml- Nellie llervry, alio Iimh been
for the Hfl J -Hr employed iy the
Hotel I.Hkevelw inenHuenieiit la at
Klainath Falla and baa a position In
t he dlolug room ot tha l.ivercnore
hotel .
A PreHliytxrlnn Ledlta Hoclety will
lie organized at tha bntue of Mra.
K.M. Corbett la houth Lakevlew oo
Haturday Aug. !3 at 2 o'clock. All
lad leu intereHed are coidialv loviteil
lu attend.
Walter Paxton, wbo leoeolly put
haded rancb and removed to H jrplse
bas returned to Lakavelw. lie baa
leaded tba Surprise Valley ranch for
a period f two year, aod will re
aid bare..
(Jeo. Roaa formerly of the Exam
iner force, left for Lake Tabne Tuea
day. tie will apend a week there
and then return to Reno to meet
Harry Drankle andtbey will go on to
aobool together at Stanford.
Mra. John Klmmona witb daughter
Luclle and Krnest Hamiltoo left
Friday m or nine via anto for Klamatb
Falls, eoroute for Creaswell, Oregoo,
where tbey are to vlr-lt some relative
Tbey will be absent a moutb or ao.
Mr aod Mr. (J. W. (Jraven, Mm.
J. Harry, Louise Artner, Lola Darr
Jack McAuliffe, llyron Cravea. Jerry
Harry, Jim (iravea and' Dan Drennen
pent Kitturday and Huoday at Drew
Cieek, where they enjoyed aoma fine
lHve Jnnes, the sheep man, sold
H(H) lnnih iiring tbo pHHt week to
II. M. Hryan. i f Ft Jnnes Ciil The
price received fl 25 per bead. The
Isniii Mfe ni if In Cottonwood Valley
ami will Im ililvered to the new owner
at Montuaue, Cel.
An office f i tb' stage linea band
led by P. M. Corey has ueea tilled
up iu the former telephone otlU-e Hd
joining Hall i Key u old. Arrango
meuls have heeu made wh reby tbe
olber iluee will also u-e tbe office.
Joe Fuller la tbe ageut.
Mr. and Mia John Ueokmao and
Tom Powell, wbo have bomeateda la
tbe vl Inily of Valley Falls, ware la
town for few lays during tbe paat
week. ibey took back a large
quanlty of supplies with tbem
Tbla la tbe deer season aod some of
tbe sportsmen bave gone after tbelr
abare of tbe aeason'a aboot. No re
ports have come lo yet regardlog any
remarkable abota oa tbe part of tbe
doughty n I in rod. Oepailent brother,
tbey will aoon begin to oume la.
Mi. and Mrs. H. A. Wblte aod
daughter, Mis Ester, of Koyston,
Klamatb County, arrived la tbla
Oily Mondav. Mr. and Mra. Wblte
bad buslneis at tbe laud office eaob
tiling on timber claim. Tbla la
tbeir flrat visit to Lakevlew and tbey
were very much pleased witb tbe
little eity.
ronnei'lnl with the Knreiit ll-imfl
(in Krhrnier anld t tin Mm) In mm I
Hchr' fl"! ahtep li"t M m liv l'i
new lirm of .Alex Fniftirick Tim
Oonlii and DeiHiN (iTnnnnr Td
price I'HliI were it .V) lor ewe hh'I
tf i.'iif for Inn Ii. The etieep will lie
delivered Intde tie imnci mi the
tlrt of Sep'enilier.
Laaerence .M-yern. who took . D.
A'ent and K. K. Heii'lerH'in lo KIhio
malh I'll I U in Ms anln. In-tend ot
going by Crencent a Iih tiren t'.e
prni'tice, ha went by I he way of DeMr
Flat which I a eavlug on the dlnttinci
tome forty nr fifty mile Thl I
the first attempt for art auto to go
by tht route, but Mr. Merer is entls
fled it can be eHslly dune, hut to
guard against any accideuts took
along tool ao that rock, atumra nr
other nhtacl" thai might Impede hi
progress could he removed To Mr.
Meyira mucb ciadit la due a tbi
trip of bie. If auccenaful. will be the
opening of a new and shorter route
to Klsma'h Falla fro n tbls place.
I aifaloat the lw
low a certain siza
to Caleb trout be
and It is not al
waya llvs l up to bv some anglers.
W illiam J. NhcrliM-k, a Liiki" County
iiloniM-r, died at liN Ii !! nt Pnlxliy
M'liidii.v evening. Mi twin suffered
jrnni paril tin fur diiinc time and It
t laMt CHtim-i hU dentil. Il wiia
lu nil in Ireliuid 4'! ve'ira iin anil
en mct'i Luke County at tin a;i' f
J'l. mid bus U-eii a lOccenHful ali.-ei-mun.
Many freigtit teams loaded witb
wool are begloniug to pais tbroagb
town enroute for tbe railroad at Al-
Dr. Prices Toasted Corn and Wheatflakes
15 cents
Dr. Prices ALQRAIN Breakfast Food,
the new and most reliclous flavor
20 cents
Carnation Wheat and Oats
45 cents
Carnation Granulated Wheat
25 cents
We also have a line of El Dorado Shirts
at $1.15 and $1.90
The Economy Store
Don't turret that wer-n i i.
tor Sale ail klii'l l in.n In I nn
cbxln. tbimtde skeins and Irnu mo
ateel axlea Arzner Bm-
Children Cry
Tbe efforts of tbe great Northern
Railroad to exploit middla west by
mena of exbiblt oars operated tbrougb
tbe east and middle west will be ex
tended tbla year to include Oiegoo
as well as Washington, aod a new car
is now being equipped at Portland to
display tbe products of tbe former
state. Washington bad an exbiblt
car oa tbe riad last year, ttarting
at tbe close of tbe Alaaka-Yukon-
Pacflo E position and it proved a
success la luring new settlers to
tbe Nortb West, that the Immigra
tion department of the railroad de
cided to use two care tbls season.
11. H. '.Vtight of y& Fifth 8t., Port
land, la assembling tbe Oregoo ex
biblt, and when tbe car ia supplied
witb exbibita from every county
In Orepon It' will be oo Display to
Portland for a few days and tben
started no Ita tour to tbe country.
A lecturer will accompany tbe car
and leotiuers will be illuulialed witb
'tcreuptli "tan viewi will r eiyon t
places visited. Tbe Washington car
Is already w Its second trip tbrojgb
tbe middle west. In anotler year
the Grenl Northern will n Inily
branch cut aud inlude other western
alula iu ila exbiblt car campaign to
bring Id settlers.
Plush Doings
Messrs Luce and Uharlstranlt
made yearly proof on their desert
claims last week.
W. E. RchnUter and A. Mjrri
eacb booght a gasoline engine to
pump water for irrigation.
W. I.alr Tbompaoo, F. M. Miller
and C. Tonningeen were over from
Lakevlew laat week.
Mary Uraocb atarted a boarling
bouse In the buililug formerly oc
cupied by Houston Dent.
8ld Lose bas gone to l'i Mile creek
to complete tbe cbooe line to Ft. Uid
well. Mr. Vonog, a cattle buyer from
Sacramento, has been trying to bay
out tie In this valley. From tba num
ber of cattle ouyera that bave been
here the cattle market must be good.
Harry (Jtley is iu tbe vslley look
ing after the game and tlh.
Water Is becoming very scarce iu
the hllla. Honey Creek does not
run below to.u.
I Hairy Higgs bas bought tbe Willis
Scauioiernu rancb. consideration
Mra. MIPer ia visiting tier aaugbter
Mra. F. P. Lane.
(). W. Wise baa moved to bla borne
oo tbe eaat aide of tbe lake, lila
son B. Is running the res tan rant.
Mra .Cleland and girla bave letorn
ed from liurnt Greek where tbey bave
been wnpleg during tbe bot weatber.
Mr. Oixoo and Joe Morrow apeot
Sunday in town..
Mike Hart, of Lakevlew, waa traoe
acting business lo Plush laat week.
Clay Ram bo, foreman at tba M C
ranoh, was bare to blre men last Sat
urday. Tom Anderson baa leased tbu W. K.
Harry place known at tbe Bar ranch
and la putting up tbe bay.
J. B. Stloe, wbo sold bis abesp
last spring ia bere on business, lie
la living at North Yakima, Wash.
D. U. Cleland made a trip to Blue
Joint Monday and bought bay of
Warreo Laird for Frank Kodger'a
tbsep during tbe com log winter
Frank Koggeta is one of tbe success
ful abaep men and la always prepar
ed for a bard wloter thinking that ia
tbe beat security.
A Mr. Metzker arrived lo town
Monday to open op tbe hotel wblob
baa been cloeed for a few weeks.
The Home of Good Values
Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gent's furnishings
are complete in every respect We especially call
your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt
waists, and our famous Ideal hirts for Men,
Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats
Bailey & Massing. II.
Time F-ues
and with it YOUR opportunity for making an investment in
Fruit Land Property,
proven not a supposition nor a gam bie
Send for our booklet, containing maps, eto,
showing location, railroad surveys and
rights of way, reservoir, main ditches, eto.
Valley Falls Items
Proposals for bids to carry tbe
mail from Valley Falla to Lakevlew
and return Tuesdays aod Fridays are
Tbe S. P. party headed hy Judge
Lovett passed tbrougb bere Sunday.
Haying oo tbe 70 ranoh ia about
For exterminating rabbits the agrl
culture Department favors tbe rab
bit drive. Tbe ssttlers in this valley
should get together tbla fall and ex
terminate tbla past
J. U. Ilotcbklss and 0 .W.rt . Jen
nings were Lakevlew visitors tbe past
week Tbe Ilotcbklss buys bave flo
Isbed baying oa their lluoso Lake
rune1) aud are now flnUhlnp at Valley
i' ulid.
Tbu continued delay of tbe O.V.L.
Co. In tt is viuiuiiy is making many
knocker which formerly were en
liiiiiutlo boomers.
Tbe liurua-Lakevlew road via tbls
place ia now ia fine shape although
The Davis Creek Orchard Tracts, one of the surest,
safest investments of the West. Kemtmher no crop
failures due to too much or too little rain, no malaria,
no anything that makes farming a fight, but every
thing to make gard-ning a pleasure and a pront.
Altitude 4790 feet, air dry, crisp, health-giving and
invigorating; scenery magnificent; life as nearly ideal
as one can ask for this side of Kingdom Come. And
you own YOUR OWN WATER SYSTEM. All the
lands of the reservoir, the dam, ditches, and all im
provements, are deeded direct to buvers of thi trnr -s.
Binds Itself to Reach Goose Lake Val
ley During the Present Summer
O. V. L. Co. Held Key to Situation and Insisted
Road Should Build Immediately, Which
Requirement Was Agreed to
Note the above news item from the Lake County Examiner under date of June
9, 1910. For full particulars, price, fac-similie letters from neighboring farmers
as to what they produce on 10 20 acres ioim'nf our la ml, -nf t'Tr.
now. ask, it may be the means o starting you right, geui.- t amnion mr
H yourself and family when times are '..aid and the salary check don't show tip
regular. Ie 'independent, piwducc 3 ui own livc!ihuod,on a fruit or truck farm
Davis CreeK Orchard Co. C P.
r, S?.!