Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 11, 1910, Image 3

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No Other Roofing
Has Stood This Test
The buildings of the Lehr Agricultural Company, Fremont, Ohio, were among the
first buildings anywhere, to be roofed with a ready roofing. They were roofed with
Kuheroid the first ready roofing ever invented. That was seventeen years ago.
This is the longest test ever given a ready-to-lay roofing. There is no theory, no
uncertainty, in such a test as this. And today, this roof, put on in 1892, looks good
for many years more.
Don't expect any ordinary roofmjj to stand
such a tost u tlii.
Many roofing look like Ku1croil. Don't
let that fact deceive you.
No other maker can use Kuheroid quin and
it is the use of this flexihlc gum which makes
Kuheroid waterproof sun proof cold proof
weather proof resisting acids, gases, ami
It is the exclusive tie of Kuheroid gum that
makes Kuheroid roofing 50 good a fire re
sistant that if you drop live coals on the roof
it will not take fire.
A One-Piece Roofing
Kuheroid roofing is sold exclusively 1y us.
In each roll is Kuherinc cement for joining
the seams and laps.
A roof of Kuheroid is practically one piece,
flexihle. durahle, attractive.
It also comes in attract
ive colors Ked, (ireen,
Urown suitable for the
finest homes.
These color roofings arc
made under the makers' ex
clusively owned II. S. and
foreign patents. The colors
do not wear oft or fade.
(uimuu u u. ntm umra
fl kit In nrk for thl. reilrr1 trlrmr)
which tantnmprtl rrv fmir fcrt on Umndmt
Utr of all (rnuiri KulirniMl. Thl la your pro
trrlion altut mihatitutn which many rtraU-ra
tiratmlr aril u Knlvro il. K iil-nlil la aoM
r i lii.lvrlc hr na. tt r ill I'll i"l nutrr annul
iluU.(uul ku you Mint fur Uj. froe buvk.
because they are part of the roofing.
You can lay a Kuheroid roof yourself.
Everything you need comes with the roll.
Or, if you have it laid, the cost of laying is
the lowest of any roofing of any kind.
Don't decide on any roofing for any pur
pose until you have read our free book.
Get Tim Free Book
This book tells all that we know about
various roofings all that we have learned in
twenty years of experiment about tin, tar,
iron, shingle, and other roofings.
It gives you a good idea of the advantages
and the disadvantages of each. It tells the
first cost, the upkeep cost how long each
kind of roof will last what repairs will prob
ably be needed.
The book is fair, frank.
and impartial. It is a gold
mire of roofing information,
riccausc it tells about Kuh
eroid roofing, too, we do
not charge for it wc send
it free.
To get this free hook,
address u., or call if you
J. B. Auten, Lakeview, Oregon
I-adlrl Amk mr Una(lM ( .
I'llla la MrS ! CM a.lllc
-. aaalM IU lilua Klitaa.
T.t. mm mtmm. H...r.. V
iniru. A. fH. ll Tm
111 A MO-HI. IIHANU 1-ll.lJt, fc S
Children Cry
If your advertiiM'iiient aKars In
The Kxaminer, tt will brlnjf results.
Goose Lake Valley Irrigated
For Rent
10,(X0 ncrpM, will dlf id( HHinn Into nny slio farm desired. All under
Ui New Cnnul with llrttt preference water rights. The very Cream of
this Valley. Neleetad years hk all level, perfect alfullii land. Will
lenmi for term cif yean for part of t-rop. Some hnum-s and ImrtiH
will Unbuilt for deHirealile tenant, MtiHt kIvo references. Write
Hunter Land Co.
Wells iirtfo, Pldtf.
Real Estate Agent
Beautiful residence lots for sale In
Best Residence Section
Terms, SIO down. S10 per month
Here is Where You Get Your Money's Worthl
When you by Mutton 8tew at 6c per pound.
Have you tried Our sugar cured Hams, Bacon?
No better made any where.
I,anl, home klttel rendered, absolutely pure, & lb. buckets 11.00
In 40 lb. rans, 18c. Fresh froxeu OyuUiru, 1.00 per cau. Krout 50c
per Ration.
All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage
kept on hand.
We will pay the market price for good beef and pork-hogs,
Cosh on delivery.
Come and get acquainted with us.
J. P, Mayfleld, den. Hgr.
O Incorporared. Q
A Complete Record
We hare made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake
County which In any way, affect Ileal Property In the county.
We have a completo llecord of every Mortgage and transfer
ever mode la Lake County, aud ever Deed given.
Errors Found In Titles
In transcribing the records we havo found numerous mort
gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; sad many
deeds are recorded la the Mortgage record and other books.
Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, aud
moat dlulcult to trace up from tlio records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Others .annot And them. We have put hundreds of dollars
hnntlnjj p tK n crrora, an "r ran fully yni.! '.: . . ,;ui wuik.
J. D. VENATOR, Hanager.
Maror Rrlemeyer of Detroit likes to
talk tierrnsu to Ills friends.
Major General Fred C. Alnsworth.
adjutant general of the army, gets up
at 4 o'clock and takes long walks.
Fred OuutUn, the new president
of the CliWngo 8tock Exchange, Is one
of the yotuiKetit preHlilents the organ
ization ever Imd. lie is only thirty'
seven years old.
Dr. Joe Fljrueroa Alcorta, who suc
ceeded ' to the presidency of the Ar
gentlne Itepuhllc - on the death of
President Manuel Qulutana In 1900,
la a lawyer. He still has three years
of Prenldent QulnUna's unexpired
term to nerve.
The bouKe of lords contains a golfer
who may be fairly regarded as its
most distinguished as well as Its most
assiduous devotee of the game. This
la Lord Weinyss, who, though ho Is
nearly ulnety-one, still plays three or
four days a week.
Senator Hernando de Soto Money Is
a lawyer and not wealthy. He served
in the Confederate army and has suf
fered for years from an Injury re
ceived while on duty. lie was named
after the discoverer of the Mississippi
fiver. He was born In the state of
Mississippi, and his home is In Missis
sippi City.
Jacob 8chtff of New York, the finan
cier, has given $50,000 for the estab
lishment of a training school fur Jew
ish teachers. Mr. Schlff Is a native
of Frank fort -on-t he-Main, noted for
Its production of famous financiers.
He came to America In 1805 at the age
of eighteen and has lived In New York
ever since.
Captain Daniel D. Wlllard of South
rortlaiid. Me., who will be seventy
six years old in March, Is the oldest
shipmaster In active service on the
Atlantic coast He Is six feet two
Inches tall and bears a strong resem
blance to Abraham Lincoln. lie has
been sailing the schooner Nellie Saw
yer for twentj-two rears. 1
Saftr and Stronger but Mors Cosily
Than Othor Whstls.
We nstnrslly think nf paper ss
something lurking In strength and of
s pnp4r article h tclng fragile, so are
somewhat slnrmwl when an encyclo
pedic friend reniMrks thai th whwls
of the ear on which we are allpplng
along at ihf rata of a mile a mlitiiti
sre mmle of ;i -r This oportunlty
to Im alarmed oeenrs. however. 011
only the lesi ot railways, an H(er
rnr wheels, ihouuh safer and longer
lived IIimii sin iiilitTH. sre ilo inor
exix'tislve t he prim lni sdvaiilngH
of wheels niinlf rfoin this iiiironilHlli
iniiterliil Is round 111 the fact that they
are not Injun-d l) the violent vibra
tions 10 he h enr whwis are ul
ected The uipei iixifl In the rnaniif ncoire
tit these u net-is is known as caleu
di-rel rye mr (x.Hrd. or thick taper.
It Is sent to iIik car wheel shops In
circular sheets mensurlng twenty-two
to forty hi' lies m diameter, and over
eii' h of thesi- sheets Is spread an even
coating of flour pnste A dozen sheets
are pi need one on the other and (he
lot suhjwied to hydraulic pressure of
flO tons or more. After two hours'
pressure these shee's. which have now
become s solid block, sre kept for s
week In s drying room at a tempera
ture of 120 degrees, after which a
number of blocks are pasted together.
ptess-d and dried for a secoud week
A third combination of layera la then
made, after which there la an eutire
jiontb of drying The dual block con
tains 120 to 100 sheets of the original
pnper and Is four and one-half to five
Inches to thickness. All resemblance
to paper has been lost, the block in
weight, density aud solidity appro xl
mating the finest grained, heaviest
To complete the wheel there are re
quired a steel tire, a east Iron hub.
wrought iron plates to protect the pa
lter on either aide and two circles of
bolts, one set passing through ihe
flange of the tire, the other through
the flange of the bub and both seta
through the pajter The paper bhs-ka
are turned ou a lathe, which aiso
reams out the center hole for the bub.
Two coats of pnlnt sre applied to keep
out moisture. The various parts sre
next assembled, and the paper car
wheel Is complete.
Aa may be readily understood. paer
which baa received the treatment de
scribed may be used for almost any
purpose for which metal or wood is
used If not too much exposed to damp
ness, and to all practical purposes it
Is fireproof. Harper's.
A Part Reply.
A story told of Sir John Flsber snd
Lord Cbarlea Beresford when both
were stationed In the Mediterranean
will bear repeating. A competition
bad been held at Malta for a prize
annually presented by Sir John. It la
kuowu as.the Malta cup, and. having
ao far always been won by a crew
belonging to the admiral's flagship. It
was fully expected by Sir John tbat
this record would be maintained. On
this particular occasion, however, a
crew of the Ramlllles. commanded by
Lord Charles Beresford. carried It off
Instead. A day or two later the fleet
was procuring maneuvers, and Ad
miral Fisher, whose reputation as s
stem disciplinarian Is well known,
was dlssatlsfled with the performance
of the IU mill lea. Us signaled accord
ingly to Its commander the message.
"Explain your reason for being late
In executing maneuver." Without a
moment's delay the answer came. "Ws
are towing the Malta cup.? Dundee
A Cruel Joks.
Oswald, a witty and original Pari
sian, bad a mania for practical jok
ing. He was very amusing to his
friends, but when his talents were ex
erted to avenge some wrong there
was more bitterness than fun In his
wit One evening when a man who
bad not treated him politely gave a re
ception be revenged himself cruelly.
The man was slightly deformed. All
the hunchbacks of Farls, 600 In num
ber, presented themselves at bla re
ception. They had received notices
from Oswald that if they should go to
this address on this evening they
wonld learn of a legacy which had
been left them.
r, E. LONZ WAY, Proprietor.
Best Heals in Town-Tiy Us !
Good, Clean Rooms
RAKFPV -Bread, Hot kolls and
LniLrII. -Cakes, baked daily.
Advertising Signs
That Advertise
Business Signs
That Talk
W Meet All GompziXlon
Lakeview Decorative Co.
AVcjehiWe Prcparalion&rAi
(ing !! SKimate andBowcb i
Promotes Ditoftonflwrfi
ncss and RestXontalns ndrhtr
Opium .Morphine nnrMiaeraL
A perfect Remedy for Consflf
tion . Sour Stomach..Dlarrtaa
Worms jCorrvulswns Jwma
rtess and Loss of Sleep.
FacS'iinac Sijnaltrt of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
cirrwa MMMirv. mmw voa rrv.
Summerj excursion round-trip' tickets
at greatly reducedprices to Eastern
May 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 2G, 27
June 2, 3, 4, 24, 25, 26, 30
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27
Aug. 1, 2, 3, 4
Sept. 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13. 14
Southern Pacific
. District Passenger Agent's Office
Room 207, Odd Fellow Bldg.,
The Real Home Paper,
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Sunday's in Colors
Wm. Wallace, pealer at Lakeview, Ore,
Order Now
Dysentery Is a daogero fc disease
but can be cured. Cham vrlaln's
Colid, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keiuedy
l'ua been suocor.fully j -.Ium
epidemics ot dysentery. It hat. n rer
been known to (alii It is eqnahy I
usble for children and adults, a.
when reduced with water and sweet
ened tt Is plesssnt to take. fc?old by
u. ' ?ood dealers.
Allan's Funl.Lua m VWWlu . U.K....
itnti,? ' eomiort iworry
oltbs tr. Allen's )oo(-Ksm ki.kv UgkCli
sew iboes feel mi,. It U ert7eur lu
fit it luS.jr. Bold bj HI brnK(iu d7bZm
Stores. By mall lor tAo la iiuii. Itva'XmZ
cent ht ub;lta's. Trial pMkui kLK. Ak
arsMAUsss. 01suts4.U f