mounts mmmtt VOL. XXXI LAKKVIKW, LAKH (Ol ,N'J Y, OHKOON, AUGUST 11, 1910. NO. 32 SAD ACCIDENT ON OUTING TRIP BON OF WM.R. BERNARD LOSES LIFE STRAY BULLET DOES WORK While Shooting; Saffehens For Sport a Young: Life Is Taken Awav A very accident, resulting In th dewth of Koas. tbe fourteen year ulJ eon of Wm. Bernard of the Waal id oourrwJ last Balur my oo tbe Coffee Pot la Little Cbewaucan val ley where party oooelatlng of Ww. fiercer I and family aod J. N. Wat son and family were camping. II seems tbat boy bad been using a 22 cat i bra tide belonging to Mra. Wat too for toe purpose of ebootlog eage bane; aflar tiring a o umber of abota ba cam to camp and asked hla fathai for the uaa of hi shotgun to get sows of the blroa aud being granted per ii)llnu ba wait seen to leave aud after wen! tin was heard llrlnu thn gun ; lu the mean lima Mesers Bernard aud Watson prepared to go alter auno ol the fowls and Mr. Hernard look the ritlefnrthe purpose of lonlinu Itwbcu it waa aool eotly dlaobargad. Not dreaming of aaylblog wrong Ibe two fc'eutlewen proceeded to get aoma of I ha blrda remarking a number of tloiaa tbat It wee strange tbat tbay did not aee anything of Hose aod finally begun search for bin; wben tbay oame serosa tba body of (ba boy bar ba had fallae with a ballat la tbe beck of bit bead. From tba poal tloa of tba body it U believed tbat toe bo was stooping ever lo pick op bird tbat ba bad shot when tba bulla! from tba rifle that had bee eccldesUiy discharged ' etnsek bios, lla waa taken "to tba Rufe Phillip , place In Avery eeoyoo aod Dr. Ams- Jo, of Palaley Kfflmooiil, Fata had marked tbe oy aod) deetlaed blot for another Ufa ao tbat tba bnllat which bad aonat ooa ebaaoo In tan nilllloo to reach bim, severed tba Ufa cord io an loitaot. U lived about tbrao hoora but n oooooaiooa. Jha luoaral esrvloee were held In tba Method tut Church, Rev. II. Smith preached tba sermon and Intarmsbt was made In tba Lakevlew cetuetsiy. Tba evnipatby of tba entire com munity la wltb tba bereaved family wbiob besides, tba parents, cooalata of two daughter. MRS. li. ANDERSON DIES SUDDENLY TAKES WRONG TONIC FOR NERVOUSNESS Her Death Was a Great Shock to Her Many Old Time Friends Klamath Herald, Aug., 5 A tele, gram waa taoelv.a tiers taut evening from Bitwoo, Cel. oooouoolog tba destb of Mrs. C. Ross Anderson i daughter of Mr. M. MeMillso of tbU olty. Tba awwe of bar death, which ocoaied about li o'clock yrHterday afteinoon, came aa o great nhoek to bar mother noil aiHtera, as well as her boat of frleodu Here. Mrs. Audorsoo waa n reuldeut of this olty for sev eral years aod by ber cheerful dis poHltion aod wlooing pemonalitlas bad gathered around ber a wide olr rle ot friends. Uut a few weeks ago xho nnoompanled Mr. Andeisoo to Hirtson, where be waut to awiume tbe managemeut of tbe BIbhIoo Tuveru. Tbe duceaued wsh io bnr 3Cth year. She wan married to Mr. Auderson kbout Hlxteeu years o and to tbeiu uh boro one ben. Hugh, who In now ubout hIx ycaiH of age. bhe In sur vived ty ber "buHtiand, boo, mother nud three BiHt.'rn, MIhs Marie McMU lun, of thiH city and Mis. Abrahams nod Mra Willianimin of Cbioo. Tbe funeral services will bo hold lu Sia Mm tomorrow uiorului,', lutoruieut being iu the BIhnou cemutary. lu rcelpt of tbe telegram announo luii liiv at Lav uVufcLlot'i Mi". MoMiltau, neoompaoUd by Mrs. ii ntiiM i n and Hugh Aiidrra'in, wh ti.iit ariived here I. ut thn evriiluu be Iniw Murled (or hiHMini in an aulonm tlx 1 1 . y will remain thera until liter I ln ImihTiiI which will be bel l ii Simm hi hi II o'clock loinoiiow imllll u l,M-r Tin- i'Mifl of the anddrn It if Mia. ('. Hcmh 4iiriroii, . i ii'ii iii'cnr-il at her burnt la Hleson, ( mIiI.. In 1-iliUr mieriiiKiu, waa a ilii-e. of Irani, taken by in I nuke for nert imile. Tba even's lending tii to Mn, Andersons death were, told y I). S I sinter, whn accompanied Mia MrMllllao and Mra. Abraham In HUaou. Mr. Pa ntar aald : "Hnorlly Ufora Mra. Audaiaona leath aha bad glta ordera to tba por- ir aipplnyad at tba bolal woicb b refuned to carry out to aoooooo ing bla refoaal to do aa ba was told ha tbuaad Mra. A"droo In a tuoat dia itranaful toaooar. II la tba coaraa of hla tlrada wbwn Mr. Ander oo oama in. II waoortad Mra. Ander ou, wno waa In a highly narvora lata, to br room, nod laarlng bar toara ratornad to tba oflloa, wbara ho dlaobargad tba porter. Ra turoiog Intmadiataly to tba room to land anob aaalntano to hla wlfa that might ba naocaaaary. ba waa abookad to find hr lylog onoooaioaa on tba flior. Madloal aid waa aummooad but bafora tba doctor raaobad tba botal Mra. Auderaon wai daad. lnveatlgatlou ravaald tbe fact lat In n niadioloa caaa Mra. Ander- aon bad kept bottla of narva touio which bail been tiirnUbao bar bv Dr. Uurka of blon HUnd ing along aide of It waa a hot t la of lynol llotb bt Itlea were exactly the tame ehape and niza. the odIt diixer beluii In tbe Ubela. It l thought that Mra, Anderson, being aa aha waa in a highly oervuua eondt lion, did not ootloo tba differ oca to ta labwl, and took tb lyaol under tba impreeaiog. thai U waa aerie toolo. "Tbewa facta wr broogbt not at tba Inqoeet, nod reaultad In tba Jury retoroiog tba vardlet that death waa doe to a doee of Iraol, takeo by nle Una." HON. V. C. HAVLEf WILL VISIT LAKE WILL BE HERE FOR TWO DAY8 NEXT WEEK The Citizens of Lakevlew arid Vicinity Should Turn Out Enmass Coogresamao W. O. Hawlsy, wbo has an iilv represented this district io tbe House of Representatives dor Ing tbe past four years, will pay Lakevlew a visit to look after the needs of this section of Oregon. Mr Haw lev has always beeo lo clone touch with tbo people of this, portion of his district aod will fel perfectly at home anions them. It Is unneces- srkf to say that bis caruful watchful nens otr rla conatiluenty In this district la highly appreciated by the voteta of Lake. It is expected tbat there will oe a large gathering of cit ueua of the couuty Irrespective ot paily wheu Mr. liuwley arrives ou Weduesday. August 17. Mis Ulegram to tbe fcxamluer follows: ba.em, Ura. Aog. 9. 1910. F. P. Crouamlllir, Lakevlew, Or, Will reach Lakevlew on noooal tour of loveatlgatloo of needs ol First Dis- trlot Wedeosday, August 17 nod leave Friday morolog following. W. C. llawley. Touchers Kxamlnutlon Tbo teacbsrs of Lake Couoty ore baiog examined at tbe Publio School buildlug this week with ao attend auoe of about fifty. County (superin tendent R. 0. Jackson la la charge. A omlsderable o um ber of tbe teaoo era have tilled tbe politioos for which tbey have applied for again aud many of them are holding down houiateada lu tbe newer distrlota of tbe county. Borne of tbo teachers have come one buodred SLd tweuty Ova miles by team oi saddle borse and tbey deserve to get a good sohool so have a oloe allowance on their papers If tbey should tnrough auy mishap fail abort of tbe required percentage Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are tba Imoortaut days of tbe examine- t'ou this veuk L. (J. Klppev was lu Lakevlew sev- eral days this weeR from niamiin Falls. He was here for the pnrnnao I of looking over the country wltb I possible vltw of looall-ig. LOVETT SEES LAKEVIEW Hend Officials of tlie Harri man Lines Spend Several VIEWING SURVEY OF Left Monday For the North and Will Examine the Unes Up the Deschutes Canyon and From Crescent to the West Tbat Lekerlew la deitloed to ba tba railroad mp within o abort oo time la propbetlad by ooa of tbe boat potted mao lo tba atata regarding new ra I road wonatrootioo. Tba Im portance cf tba vlilt of KoOeit H. Lovelt of tba llarlnauLloea General , Manager J. P. O'Urlac of tba O. R. A N., Uaoeral Cooncil W. V. Cotton and Location Gogioaer U. W. buck of tbe llarriman Liuea, caonot be ovtr eatlmated io view ot tbe fact tbat It la but a abort time ago tbat Mr )' Itrico, Mr. Duck and aoother party cf llarrioian uieo paid iib a visit. Railroad oooatrucliou today is dnua io a dllfereot maoner fn-ni tne old nietbud of former dn, aud the moat Important differeuce li that wben a railroad is built now the Traffic men are taken orer tbe propsnwl road J after It has beeo aurveyed sod tne recommendations bate considerable weight with tbe Board of Oireotos up on whom. Is tbe say, as to whether there is eoffloleot business in sight lu warrant tbe outlay of the millions nf dollara tbat ia oeoasaary before tbe wheels are toraln aod dividends re toro to tbe stock boloers. Tbe men that get boainee for the railroad are the ooee the,! bar e- shoulder tbe reapontlbllity aa I theirs is the task of mala estimates regarding' "the iai medlars fosare of tbe proH;sed Hue. That tieoerai Manager O'orloa and Mr. Bock have endowed tbe comple tion of tbe Oregon Eastern gone with out aaylng for tbey aie too bosy to be speodiog tbelrtime golog over the Hoe tbe few weeks tbat bava elapsed unless there la something in tbe wind. Judge Lovett aud party cama Into town lart Baturday veiy qoletly and few people knew tbat tbey were here. Tbelr trip bad been aloog tbe survey of tbe Oregon Eastern from Vale to Christmas Lake Valley and some of tbe best ooantry lo Oregon. Beautiful valleys tbat have lain durmant with tbe native grasses and tbe ssge brush for a ooveriog have been sbown the visitors. Tbey examined tbe soil aod bad some of tbe irrigation prujeots explained to them. Tbeli duty was to see tbiogas as they were and whether tey believe I that tbe ilarrimau Interests would be conserved by aiMiun tbis fertile do main to their elieady large territory. That they lava decided uuou such a project eeens beyond a doubt iu view ot this ae uud importaut trip imined lately follnwiug the adveut of Free GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR CAPITALISTS The writer has bsei In Oooss' Lake Valley for three months and perbapa It Is of Interest to many people ort side tbe slate to know what be baa found during tbat time and whether be believes tbat there are opportunities for people here lo tbis portion of tbe oonotry. In tbe first place be found Laica visw a prstty town of about fifteen hundred population. Its homes are comfortable, olesoly painted as a rule, with nicely kept gardens and well shaded lawns. Tbere ia an air of nozyness among roe nomes tost ap Tbe stores are peals to the stranger well stocked and some carry as maoy goods as the atores In some cities tbat ho ba seen ; tbe merchants are proper ous showlog that Lakevlew supplies a large territory of wbiob It is tbe natural trading point. He finds tbat there are many ne- buildings telog ereo'.ed aod tbat during tbe past year the growth has increased wonderfully and the greater portion of tbaso buildings are ot the uluas of reslJuiiOes that ooel from 11500 to f'KXX) each, lie Uuds taut the educational taailiUes ura being k u to ti.e inCreaelr.g population ' BUi ivui i.i..;. . . ' ...... I building is unuer way aua mat ins Hours Here EAST AND WEST LINE Ideot Loula W. Hill of tba "Hill to Itarntta". l'ba battle between tbeae s-lanta la I ha railroad warld doea not j eeam to be at no end thoogb there aeema to t a a change lo tba method of attack with tbe goanere manning Iba Important futtifloatlooa along tbe Or- log lino In a moie exteodad formation. Tba last trip of tba Commanding General of the llarriman forces aeema to preaae tbat victory la lo to giaep d no matter who may full in tbe con flict. Aoother feature of the trip la the fart reoorted that tbe Division pnint at Huntington ia lo be remor ed to Ontario preparatory to makinu It a divinloo poiot ot tba Oregf n Kxatern ond al.o assist lo baildiog the line up tbe Malbeor Cauyoo. buglueer Carl Stradley wbo baa Uk- eu charg ot tbe work of making tbe surveys across toe state sua wuu wu oompwoiel the LoveU party, baa per- formed tbe work tbat deeervea men tion In tbe two or wioie years that be baa bad charge of tbe large crew of men that have no the lines across the state. Tbe maximum grade lo a line tbat ooters about 350 miles Is but eight-tooths of one per cent whioa ia the beet grade of its dis taooe oo a railroad ootskde of tbe Pralre States to he found any where thv the United Status where ao maoy ' bills and oanyona have to be coneld ered la tbe gigantic undertaking Tbat ileneral Manager O'Brien baa ao dorsad tbe proposed, oonatrootioo goee wltoot aaylng as be is a native of tbe state of Or goo aod probably be beet qualified official to koow the needs ot tbe state aod its latent poss ibilities. Mr. O'Brien is loyal to Ore gon aud bis efforts bsve been toward jbowlu tbe people of tbe llarriman lines tbat there is a need for a rail road and beyond tbe need is tbe cotsred . prospect of it developing such a ter Eastern I rllory tbat tbere is no doubt tbat It will pay almost from tbe start. Tbe party left here for the north and will loo over the line beiog built along tbe Deschutes Canyon. Tbe ' plans ot forming a junction at Cres cent witn toe Hue from tbe Deschutes ; from Natron to Crescent; from Klam atb to Creeceut and from Ontario to Crescent seams to be maturing very raiddily as ooly ono ot tbeae propos ed Hues is not actually under con struciou at tbe ureeent moment. Lake Couuty is going, to be on the railroad map soon byood a question ot a doubt. school board Is looking ahead .'and baa secured two square blocks for tbe cite In a very pretty location but a few blocks from the business cen ter of tbe (owo. One tbiog that im presses him Is the fact that emoog tbe studies that will be taught in tbe sohool as a part of tbe regular high SJhool course is tbe aoleooe of agrioulture wbiob will give many young folks an opportunity to progress along tbe line tbat will mean so muob In tbe develop ment ot this section of tbe county. Iu looking over a portion of tbe vally D baa aeQ many thous ands oi acres or exceptionally prod uctive land that is being need for grazing alone aod tbis land comes under tbe Urge project 'ot tbe Ore gon Valley Land Company wbo will have water ou tbe ten acre tracts tbat tbey sold last year lo time for the spring crops. Some of tbe finest farm lands In tbe state aie included in tbis project tbat means much to ev ry resident of the valley wben I pieced under cultivation. The Iganieu products that be has seen in I fie market tbut have com from pur I tiooa of tbe valley are as good io quality Us euy i';r.r riow uuy ...ivi (Coutlnutd ou l'He 8) l iill-l to K-u h Hiiiiiinit The M,.m Mount Mi-Kloley pe'lition. nnierthe ausplecen ti I'nrtlnri'l ()reuc Inn nod New York llerald hxaded ry C K. Hunk ol Che- I hi, wlil. h sailed from Hinttle on the ree line cnt'er Tahame April '21, and! whirh followed Pr Cooks' route tip ' the tiuHtiMuM aod Chnltna rivers, fall-' ed to reach the summit of Mm.ut .Mn Klnelr and is now ou bis war back tol Beward. The climbers ascended lha Peak alleged by Dr. Cook lo he the summit, but it Is ten milea from the topiu mt pmut of tie nioiintaln. I lie Ruaa party were unable to aee tba flaa which Tbomaa Lloyd party alleg ed lo have planted o the summit last April, aod are dlloclinel to be live ho story told by tba Fairbanks expedition Tbe party beaded by Prof. Hercbel Parker of New l'mk aod Belaore B own of Tacoma la still endeavoring to aaaoend the moootaio. IbU news was brought to Beware), Alaska by W. MrDontall reaideot f tba Chan be M Inning company. who met tba Kosk party o few days , ago at Soeltna station. Trip to Crater Lake And. Hammersley rnd Ned Sher lock letnrned Batorday from an aoto trip to Crater Lake.. . They report Hoe time and . aoVtuoble. Andy's Wbiteaireak was tbe ooly small cat able to make tbe climb to Crater Lake rim. Tbe roads re good al though finite dusty on acconot of tbe jtonriai Ira'el thU year After spod- ina some time at trie Lake they went down on Rouee Hirer and Union Creek, viewiug Castle Creek Can yon w hich Is much the nine as that of Anna Creek. Tbe drive home f on For' Klamath, a dl-toce of 120 miles was made in one day over poor roada. Left For California Mrs. P. U. Miller and sons Vinton and Hobart left Mon'ay morning for Bao Rafael, were tbe two boys will atteod Mt. Tamalpla Military Acade my. Vinton grad a'ea tbla year and it te Hebarts first year. fmuri r mm i mr UniLLJUL LftliE HAS PASSED AWAY PIONEER SON OF INDIAN FIGHTER IS NO MORE Widow and Five Children SurviveTwo Sons In Lake County Joseph Samuel Lane, one ot the oldest and most respected pioneers of Oregon, die! at Myrtle Creek Bat day morning. He was 83 years old. "Uncle Joe" as he was familiarly known, waa the son of the late Gen eral Joseph Lane, an Indian war vet eran, who also participated in tbe Mexican war, after which be was made Territorial Governor of Oregon in 1816. Joseph S. Lane was b.rn in Vande berg, Ind.. October 11 13J7, aud moved to Oregon la 1S31, nriiving iu Portland and continuing bis journey to Oregon City where bis father lived He was engaged In business at Oak Groe, Or., for a time, and removed to Douglas County, where he engaged in stock raising, and also in railroad log out of Koseburg. He bad lived many rears In Myrtle Creek. lie was a member of tbe company of volunteers wbo aerved ander bis father General Lane in tbe Indian Wars of 1H55-56. Ue is survived by a widow, one daugehter Mrs. Ida L. Rosa, ot Port land, and four Kus J. F. Lane and J, S. Lane, ot Lakevelw, and Thomai A Lane and Lafayette Lane, of Port land. His brother and slaters are 8imon Lane, of Lakevelw ; Colonel John Lane, Spokane and Mrs. L. F. Moxlsr and Mrs Mary ti. Shelby, of Portland. Ex-Mayor Harry Lane, of Porltand and Eugene Shelby, superintendent of Wells-Fargo & Co. at San Franoisoo, are nephews. Sunday School JMm'Ic Tbe M. E. Sunday Sohool will bold a plonlo at tbe "Bob McKee ranch" six miles south ot town to-morrow, Friday. Ao invitation is exteuded to all those Interested ra children and plu nil's. The only lequir uiouta are a well filed basket and your owo con veyance If you have ono, if not meet at tbe M. K. Church Friday morniig at oiiW, where teams will be provided. SPEED LIMIT IS BEING ENFORCED POLICE HAVE MADE SEV ERAL ARRESTS MUST OBEY THE LAWS Two Drivers From Klam ath Falls Were First to Be Taken to Court Prank Hayes driver of an aoto obila tbat rone between Ktamata Falls and tbla plao was errU1 for breaking the aoeed Halt nod oo blowing bla born aa be s boo Id ot tow street eoroers. He was glveo a bear log before Recorder Bolder aod plead goilty and waa Hoed to. Another driver from Ibe Falls wae also bi ought into tbe poltoe eoort aod deposited $5 in tbe city treasury. Several of Lakeview'e aoto drl'era were also arrested among wb:m were Dr Bmitb, C C. Ablstrom, tbe new I postmaster, J. B. Anten, one of tbo .cooncil wbo introduced tbe ordinance agaiont fsst driving, Leslie Besger aod Roy Chandler, tbe Pauley Mall car rier. , Tbe parties all paid tbelr floeo witbrnt a murmor and take It aa quite i Joke, bot henceforth tbey asy tbat tbey will not D io sujb a borry and will hire a few of the email boys around town to ride wito then so aa to keep tbe borne in working order. J. Scott Taylor Seks Office Klamatb Chronicle. . Boott Tay lor, editor of tbe Express, .printed at Klamath Falls, will mare tbeo Uk ly oooe more go before tbe voters off tbo state seeking tbe . demooratle) nomination for tbo efflee of state printer Mr Telor four years ago. made the race ,but weal down t sv feat. Bo la ot tbe opinion that tbo demorcrate will aoooed to electing comrlete1 ticket - tble year, and ae tome Of bis f i leoda 'tare importuned him to come out for ofBoe onoe mora be has at last deol led to go before tbe voters for the Domination On Tbelr Vacation Mr. and Mia F. P. Cronem liter left last Saturday for a montba vacation in Klamath County. While away tbey will visit Elaath Falls, Crater Lake, and tbe buoleberry patch. It is expected tbat Mr. Cronem iller will go to Ashland before his return and join tbe Order ot Elks. HARVEY W. SCOTT DIES INDALTIPtlORE SUDDEN ENDING OF A NOTED CAREER Deceased Had Been Editor of Orefironian for Many Years Past Harvey W.Snott, eJltor-io-chlef ot the Oragooian is dead. Ue died Sunday afternoon short time be fore 6 o'olooa nt John tlopkina hos pital, Baltimore, Md. of heart failure 32 boots after having undergone aa operation for tbe removal of tbo pro state gland which operation at first gave every indioatlon nf being most soooessfuL Mrs. Scott, his wife and La alio M. Soott, his son, were at hie bedside wben be died. Tbey Matted with Mr. Scott's body for Portland Monday evening and will reach the olty Fri day night or Saturday morning. It is tbe present inteullou to "bave tbo funeral Sunday at tbe Soottiab Bites Cathedral after private ser vines at the bouse, tbouge definite arrangements have not been made. It is probable, bowevee tbat tbe Maaonio orders and various puVilio aod business organiza tions will fake part in the service. To tbe greater number of tbe peo ple of Oregon the death of Mr. Scott will come as a great supilae, few bar log known of Lis serious sicknere. To thuae who have been closely associat ed wltb hi a; -to bis pbysiciaus, bia relative and bis bualoess assoeistes Uonf Vci, the tuu was uot eatirsly uaexpocteJ.