Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 04, 1910, Image 3

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tame f the Masterful Aehievem.f..
of Americana.
American liitimlf)) I lit ln t ifovHi ri
tJletll under "ill' I. (Ill men i
before IIih iii. Klin- i in- it
Of llllIl'I'lllll'IM I. i i I
fr I totprovosfao flavor ."ph ""
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M. '-.V-ii' .'Kn. Absolute. i v. .-
anuai, . L naef nm iiii iim i. i . uiiastt i - t h
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. .IM II
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Ha Hi:Ud aw, but O iin t Hve
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OH' ' I' . h iiiImhI. I. .If.
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' tel. "I
k. rtnr
.I I waul
Ami tiLlii. Ii ! imill tvurm
n tn r irt si t . If r " . in "
"y-rrv." 1 i I ilio Imidi mi .nt I
rt'.li'l believe there's it v:i ;.-.( rm.lll In
Nut' li'-Z TIiiTp'm II le r flip, ft
Mel li".li-l ci'tifi r. ti. p nn. I :i ."llll.'.'il
inn cut i'.ii in i In- .In unil ici' Inn!"!'
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13cm .eals ui f own - Yry Us!
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I I . Mil l, ' ' !'.. !!- .
lit I II" Hop lit on i l,l , I'l ,,T.
, I' i hum. iii I., n niii.l l'
III-. I !;,!. Ill till- -IIII Dll H HtPPl
-lull I il.. III.
Good, v lean 'n-
RAI L:nV. - Bread hnt
uniuii . Cak
s, baked
oils and
Advertising Signs
That Advertise
Business Signs
That Talk
We Meet All Competition
Lakeview Decorative Co.
Watplika Ntw Zealand Intact
Faadt on 8pidert.
N'ptt -alotid IxmitU of a fly that
fpptl on uplrtpra.
By Im lilui-k and wawpllUt' and.
like I hp whki. Ilv In a iiphI of fliiy
bnllt In a rrevlrp. prpforably In thi up
ficr folda of hpnvy window rurtalna.
Tbla la one of thr crpat annoyani-cii of
the fitly houtwkppppr In Now Zcalnnd
Try aa nhp will. It la oltnottt ttnpiHHililp
for hpr to kiop tlw-ae fllca from apitlnc
up their hotnt-a at the top of her rur
talna. Thpne nenta of clay are nindp up of n
aerlea of aeparnte ppIN. naunlly from
five lo eight In nunitn-r When tlie nenl
la built the fly (: after apldera.
It tin h no trouble In comnicrlnK the
aplntiera of allk.v weha. They wnrvurnb
more enally than do the American flies
which are ho unfortunate aa to get tan
rIp1 In n Fplder'a wpavlnc
is run
J-l.ll I 1 il
ii. i.i ii-
I,.-T i
I ,l i ( f. 'i-r u !in II'-
llllt ll!l In; (i! 'I -: .Iti
l,ri-:il; r.-i -I I f i ii vt i: j
V. II o-li:ll! I,:UI- hl-i t' "Ml. I II'
i lii.tilil ciiii.c In I li. i c':i t,e a f
,rinil " j "ii i h.'i i."
The l,ot..p .1." -Iili'.l I.i lnl,p the rl: k.
.Miolll I n'. lo' k III tli Hion.lliU Hip
e:i mlilcr returned nnd (.roniil ly kIkkiU
the bl'-liop l..v the n nn.
"fi"t "lit 'f here or I'll put yen fiiit!"
he almtlted.
The lillip. ttie penllest of men. rnla-i-d
hlmwlf on fine elliotv ao that It
bronchi the tniiHclca of bin arm Into
full relief.
"My friend." he lieKan quietly, "be
fore you put me out will you have the
klndtiea to fee of my arm?
The gambler put his hand on the
blKhop'a arm.
"Stranger." he then aald respectfully,
"you can May." Youth's Companion.
Lineoln't Quattion Aftar tha Commit
titmin Had Tinitsd.
Juwt after the a'cond battle of Bull
Hun the Boston chamlK-r of commerce
decided that Prenldent Lincoln wa
not prosecuting the war wltb cnongh
celerity to conserve I he Interests of
huKlncHK, and ho It appointed a com
mittee to ro to Washington and re
monstrate with him upon bis dilatory
tactics. The committee was beadpd by
a Mr. Pierce.
"We found." he said, "a man who
looked as If he had lost all the friends
he ever bad In the world, who Invited
us to take seats nnd Inquired our bust-
The fly carries the spiders to lt ! ne. A I was the spokesman. I open-
Goose Lake Valley Irrigated
For Rent
Iu.ikhi ,M, r.-. i 1 1 ill viile Hiiine lulu ntiv mini il.-hitT'l. All miller
the N- '.hi ii I ttiih tlrnt pri f.-ri-iice wnti-r rlchin Tl.e vi-ry t 'renin of
the Voll'-t eli-i-til Ji-lirM i'Hi nil level, perfect lllfulhl IhIIiIh. Will
Ipikp ti-rin "f e rp fur pnrt nf criip. Snmc Ihiuhph nnd ImrtiM
will be built fur ilehirenlile tenntitH, Munt clv rttflviict-H. Write
Hunter Land Co.
Well t.'arKo, IUiIk. Poriland,t)rt.
Ikhiip nnd Imprisons each one In n cell.
; Here the fly lays n single efjr. and
when the jrrub hatches out It eatH tin
H'.er that has been provided for It.
When lis f.'d 1h nil cone the tnnlher
fly rih-s out and catches n not her spi
der, and she keeps this up until the
yoiitie; fly Is old enough to catch spl
ders for Itself. New York i'tlcram.
Real Estate Agent
Beautiful residence lots for sale in
Best Residence Section
Terms, $10 down, $10 per month
Emfrson'i Courtesy.
When Mrs Mnry A. I.lvertnore wmo
a little flrl Klie was nmuiior nt the
1 1 ii tn - ii - k siii'Mil In I'.ost.iii. nnd it was
her duty to nnswer tlie iluor One
rainy day the bell rune, nnd she found
at the door a tall, thin inati. with n
drlppinc umbrella, win. Inquired for
the principal She was just at the
hi.lileulsh nnd disrespis-tful ne. but
there was Homcthluz about Ibis visitor
wblcb so Impressed her t tint she lit!
hi in In ns politely us If he had been it
prince, placed a chair for him by thp
fire, relieved him of bis wet coat and
umbrella and after she bad started to
leave the room came back to draw a
fire screen between htm and tbe blaze
for fear be would And It too hot. She
afterward expressed to her teacher
some surprise at the unwonted civili
ties she bad felt Impelled to show the
stranper. He answered: "Ah. that was
Ralph Waldo Emerson, and that Is tbe
effect he baa upon everybody. He Is
so courteous himself thnt It calls out
the latent courtesy la all others."
ed our ense. nnd as I proceeded the
president's face relaxed. By and by he
smiled nnd betrayed actual Interest,
nnd by the time I concluded he was al
most In n prin. After I had fln-
Irii'-d he Inquired If that was nil I bad
i to say. nnd on my saying that I
! thotiuiii It was he nsked If some of the
j other centl.-iiicn wouldn't like to say
. sometliin. They replied that they
j thought I had fully covered the
: ground. And then." continued Mr.
'. l'lt-ri-e. "what do you suppose this so
icinn man did? Well, be Just moved his
chair over to mine, smoothed his trou
' sets over It's knee, then reached over
; and smoothed mine down. too. and
j then, with a queer look, which nope of
i us will ever forget, he said. 'Mr.
I Pierce, did you ever notice what a
difference there is In leirs?
. "What did we do? We crabbed our
bats nnd took the first train for Boa
ton, nnd we never dared to report!"
Ladies' Home Journal.
Bandages and Red Tape.
During the South African war Hud
yard Kipling discovered at Cnpe Town
a hospital without bandages and In
desperate need of them. 1 his. too. was
Tha Carbuncle.
Carbuncles, to wblcb tbe ancients at
tributed fantastic properties, were Id
reality rubles. Tbey served. It was
said, to give light to large serpents or
dragons wbose sight bad been en
feebled by age. Tbey bore tbem con
stantly between their teetb and laid
tbem down only for eating and drink
ing. It was even claimed that tbe car
buncle emitted light in darkness and
that tbe thickest clothing could not
stop Its rays. Without all the exas
peration of such legends It was be
lieved for a long time that rubles con
tained luminous rays. Tbe truth Is
thnt tbey have double refraction and
tn a city where bandages were for sale ! 8'"' out rw ra9 wllu ""equaled
Here Where You Get Your Money's Worth!
Wliuu y.iti by Milt ton Stew nt. lie per pound.
Have you tried Our cured Mams, Bacon?
No Is'tter tniiile any wbero.
Ltinl, home klitel rendered, tili-nlutcly pure, A lb. buckets' $1.00
In 40 lb. i'ii iih, lNo. Frt'Hli frozen Oysters, i 1.00 iiercnu. KroutAOu
'T kuIIoii.
All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage
kept on hand.
We will pay thu market price fur rout bouf ami pork-hogs,
Cnbh on delivery.
Come and K't acquainted with tin.
J. F, Maylield, Gen. flgr.
in inn ny nliops. He told an acquaint
ance that be wns going to meet that
want, uud the enllemiin at once of
fered to pay for all the bandages that
i Mr Kipling would buy and take to the
Hospital. .A cart was quicKiy loiiueii.
and then the author was Informed that
under nrtny rules the hospital nut (uni
ties could not receive supplies from a
private Individual.
"Well." said be. "I will dump the
packages on the pavement before the
door nnd then tell them to come out
and clear up the litter. Perhaps they
ran ret them Into the building In thnt
way without tearing any red tape."
He drove off wltb the bandages, and
the supplies were somehow smuggled
luto the hospital
brilliancy. Traversed in a rncuum by
i an electric current, they are llluiulnnt
: ed with a red fire of extreme iuten
1 slty. The greatest heat does not
change their form or their color.
O Incorporated.
A Complete Record
We liavo made an entire transcript of nil Hecorda In Lake
County which In any way, affect Ileal Property lo the county.
We have a complete ltecord of every Mortgage and trausfor
ever made In Lake County, and ever LKied given.
Errors Pound in Titles
To transcribing the record we have found numerous mort
Rages recorded In the Deed record and Indexed; and many
deeds are recorded lo the Mortgage record and other books.
Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and
most dliliuult to truce up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Others tannot find them. We have put hundreds of dollars
bunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, flanager.
Just the Same.
"Wbnt Is your name?" asked the
Judgi of the prisoner
"Casey, yer honor," answered the
"Tour full name?" asked tbe Judge.
"Just tbe same, yer honor," answer
d tbe prisoner, "full or sober." La
lies' Dome Journal
The Outcome.
Jack Where la the pretty girl you
were making love to a year ago?
Tom Oh. she's married long ago.
JUted you. ehr
"No; worse than that Bhs married
Old Days on the Stage.
1 have known u uress cont handed
from one to another lu the wings sev
eral times duriug a performance. It
was a current idea that white cotton
stocklugs assumed the appeuruuee of
silk from the frout by uiaklug a heavy
line of white chalk on the shiu boue.
A white tie wns easily made from a
strip of uote paper, nnd even a shirt
frout could be mnuaged from highly
glazed uote paper. White cotton glove
were de rlgueur lu place of I he more
exi'iisive kid ones. A comedian, hav
ing no black stockings, ouce blacked
bis legs. After tbe show be hm .sI tue
stage iniiuager. "Do we p:a.v this
piece iigaln?" "Yes; uext week."
"Oh. then 1 ueed not wash my legs.1"
From "ICumbllngs of an Out Mum
mer," by Itussell Craufurd.
The Crisis. I
"Now, Tommy, you must go and
wash youraelf."
"Ma, If you keep on at this waahln'
business you'll queer me whole vaca-
Hon." Century Magasloe.
Might Have Been Worn.
"Poor b'ye!" exclaimed O'Uaru coo
lollug with Cnssidy, who bad been tn
Jurejl by a blast "'Tla touu luck
lo bar yer bund bio wed off"
"Ocb! Knith. it might nve bio
worse." replied Cassidy "S.-ppoee
Oi'd bad me week's waces lu it at the
His Specialty.
That cleiit of yours sei-oct to be a
hard worker
Feeiiibu ' '
"Yea. I'.:
'toMOU Tv
Men's Uvea are as thoroughly blend
id wltb each other as tbe air they
Ct OiiTjr?''
Ksailil'ier i"W. ebb'
tbe ii! : :';T,-i ootwee1
i is
I spell uiuereni.- London
L.ii. a A. t
'. Zs
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tlu
riv" 3 y rrl tL-stronl'iLns nv't-r i
0piiiu.Miir;i:u;.c norUr.l
Nor N.utc otic.
E5r aoJikS'J'XlzmtJl
JtoxbtHt fofr
Vmiajtm ttmr.
Aserfecl Rcmedv for Corefta
Hon. Sour Sto maduDtarrtaa
iuss atiiLoss or Sleep.
FacSinJf Stgnarart of ,
r Zov'Z I SnMn UUI P W I
"Tr-i - i --jftniiiBraiittiB!tMg::y lUIIrilBJ.
m - m. m
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
For Over
Thirty Years
nn sMsyramn orr, new voei rrr.
Summer excursion round-trip tickets
at greatly reduced Jprices to Eastern
point f
May 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 26, 27
June 2, 3, 4, 24, 25, 26, 30
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 25, 26, 27
Aug. 1, 2, 3, 4
Sept. 1, 2, 3, 11, 12,13. 14
Southern Pacific
District Passenger Agent's Office
Room 207, Odd Fellow Bldg.,
'.mnwvrk SSMB.W , 1
The Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
Chronicle. YOUNG:
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Sunday's in Colors
Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore.
Order Now
Dysentery is a danireroun dlseaae
but can lie eure.l. Cham hTlal n's
Colid, Cholera and Dlarrhoeti Ketuedy
has been successfully nsetl In nine
epidemics of dysentery. It has never
been known to fall. It Is equally val
uable for children and adults, and
when reduced with water and sweet
tiled ii la pWouul to iuko. cvid by
all good dealers.
AU.n't PMl-Vaae a in. Kollcvv. paa
mMmarttiw-, nerau l sat and Ingrowing utila
six) Inalantl lake, the ailug out ol oorua au4
Hioloi.k It'. Iho graiat twulurl diacorerf
olttieage AIIvdI fout-kk. nakaa light ar
new aboua I-. l i-wy. It la a eertaia aura har
ewealinr "tl)u, awolleu. I)r4 act lug fact
Tryktotlar. tuld lif ali broKwUie aarf eitoa
Worr. e' mall U t tft in .!.. p. r,U' .n.
ao MbMluiia. Tnai paaaaa e KUUL
Aflea s. 0 U Cf, 7. X- et