OREGON TO m PRODUCE EAST Hill System WHIShowPut- kJe People Wnat Stato . I Holds for Them : Oregon Journal: Horn builders re loofing to cfutrai Oreuon la Cin itsotly incrstotf numbers. They re to advance of ths thousand pre parioR to come 10 a few mouths by mil "Thry will He 8'te to raise, vede Jhlps fruits and trains, " NV (.Jtaliam nfl'm' unto atrial and Im nitration nuei.t nt the Ureal Northern Railway coiee. uv vWuls lu Portland yeter.iar. I'l'y will so iuto this reat country undiscovered poiibili; tie an I make it the renter cf devel npleineiit that beeniue histono. Fresf.lei.t I.. ..is W. Hill o! the CJreat Notthein intea U that tcc.mi devleoi'iiient of Vesl.ib wlt it v Stent l.-i-fHt itiftt on is oulj s'.tid V I It ) , : i h I .1 ii'h op H I. that f n e exrl'il" Or? .'nil, I !ien the enl ize 1. Wii-di-r irda s bire ms Oregnn. t 1h-i.m" " - sqaare, Vaui.it aroa is & 1-7 aguare tuilea ii ' Washington has 4180 mite, ol mUruiid with iHHl.lX'O population, Bceuidii K t the couut of 1908, while Orm.u has but MM miles I railroad au.i oou.nuO of population ooorainR to tbe count of Id otber words. '.Yasuingtou with nly about two third of tha are has nearly twice as many railroads and consequently nearly doable the population that 1 iretcou possesses.-Ka-ember please, that this is a eontrast between Hill a ..i Hsrriuaaa develop tent enterprise. Oregon is as good, mile for mile, as Waobingtoa. Ore goo la as enscerti'le 'f uooH develop aant. H baa mili ly t.eeu a oieetion of transportation, an.i that question will be aosweieil ry the completion of the Oregon Truck. But President Bill does not intend l ' liinit fcis tail road bnildiim n i renoo to tba Ore gon Truuk." Mr. Urnhaoi teceutly aoaipleted a joorney thrri.ni central Oregon. Ills statement r-' evidence ebUlned taroagh perao..' l contact with the country He a atheriog apecimen products to be u-d o . the Bill tiain ot Oregon exhibits. He wlk be able to show from iuerior Oregon splen did specimen? t iirai... frails and vegetables, He nVur-a to stow that' Cffect TSe Produe. v Seen Celereo Haoe Klthe? Mlaule t Ijviinrntii.e. p-r tap told the w-orM thai sitei Inn tlTlni In AM. a the night nt white fare pr.Hlu.ed m.n.eihl.m like fear (And tbe evIJ Niitnt of Aira-a Mr white. Weil, eren after a few un.etfta along with black fie e I nnve felt that feeling tl uiiiiMiifortiiii.MteoH at tbe elRhl of White fai-eo -I'm. lhlm ghowtly. terrthle. neeuosl I.' nine i-tune Into lh.ne fa.-ew Hint I hm! never tmacttieri ixwsll.le lMtre I fell for a moment the Murk tniin'a terror of the white At least I thttik I partly real iced whin It ivhm Voli rememlM-r the HomiiiM lost their first txmii'M with the north through sheer fenr The f:iirer the weirder. th. more aM'tr:il the more terrlhte neanty tliere Is In the north, of Its kind lnt It Is snrely not -omp:irnlili with the wiii.dertui iM-.int.v of insur in ether races To npire l:ite ilie benuti of eolore.1 skins It Is not siniplj enmiuh to tivve! . One must lieiome f:ind!l:.r with the sU-lit ol t ln-ii throiiii iiiontlw t.i.d ' ye ns (So sir-oiis; out preimll' es n -" Anl H' hen you er. . e t: e j are ImiiKiii sl;ii:s of re:.l to:. I ih.iiri; , it;ltti.w t p.l.l with t.tu,. hm- UUe li e C:iril h;i!f lr.i'si :i to! mI: Inir lints I i f sktns. or uiire ;iu.l v. 'How ....! p.':i h ! r.nl iilnl lustrous hrovvns ot I'.-iuilless Sl):ldes, Mini HI. colors of niet.iis loo bronzes ot every tone one he ins to dou hi whether a while skin Is so line. (If you don't believe these colors. Ju.t refer to Broea's pattern lunik where you will find that all Jewel colors ex- : 1st In eyea and all fruit colors and metal colors In sklna I could not be- ' Ueve ray own eyea till I saw Hroca.i i 1 bare seen people who bad grass : green emeralds Instead of eyea and topasea and rubles for eyes. And I hare seen races with blue hair. Cor. Lafcadlo Bearp.ln Atlantic. Ohi i ijlVIuIGN XM QUESTION : InclltKKXiun iu Pats Get or al Law to pply to A ! P.-irts o.' State In the Realms ef Flattery. "Ilia uajeaty see in a Inclined to be Here ererytblng be heaa,', said on courtier. Not exactly.' answered the other. lie merely Insists on not bearing anything he doe not wish to believe." - Washington Rtar. nu til ot I ' lit t 'lll'kt ell o VII 1 I. If I TRICK ANIMALS. will my magic act. How much charge me to break oneT "Sixty dollars,1 said L 'Well, how do you figure that out? she asked "Why. tfs very simple.' I said. 'It's 11 an hour, and It will take me Junt sixty hours.' "Yes. air; I can train a goose that Is. to follow me around and do some tha produntlon ou.i long oi.f.j bw and so on . But ia for a peafowl and a guinea hen they can't be trained In a hundred years. Sometimes the Trainer Has to Do Hi Work Quickly. "You wouldu't bcliere bow fast yott have to work to train an animal." said tbe man who has broken everything from elephants to geese the other day. "Why. I can tell Just bow many hours' miniua such a le.jue-t it is going to take to break to anyimj8giou finds timt tbe measure is kind of animal you mlcht mention. (without merit, it idh report sdverae--A woman came to me the other day ; , ao(, ,here th(, ,111teiuellt en Jg, ek. and said: "I want a tralneu goose fori . . .mgk tn you i - 7' (lie GSlJrUct) Ul BOUUIIUIri b.'Q bum wia- sion and for its report, if I he onm- )i.- . will u . eie. i i" ' I IV. I IM All III": mil r ' f : of t,,. M n. 'i iri I . : r lll 1.1 the 1,1 I ' ii I! i ,t. count v , o I 'I . 'le l i . 1 lift i.iu i - i is 1. 1 ii. ttn V tre ii I peorle ol 1 '.e iuftiriue l . ii I nhnuld tie -i.le a uty div fin lit lot. Creation of inr -ifW district Is it' lded tor la the ir nosed Ih. fi.'j municipality to country. When ih neople ot a cnnov want u lii:e rliawn, 30 per ceut ot tbone affected must siu. a petitiii'i to tbe goveioor to t bat effect It chall tbeo b t' e duty of the goferuor to nane the eommioeioo of the three dinlntereslej persona, who will be charged with passing oo tbe q.ietttioo, examioiug all the olaiais nile, property enudi tions, number of population ami otber tbiotta that would guide deter If this com The C't ef Living. A wMakere.1 old party named Prye Italacil howl Ymu tila tillU wure so hye. To n l.iilbcr hti wnl. To hli precti Rlvlnir Viint: "It ctiata more to live than to rtyef 8Mikan BiHikminaii-IUtlaw. Wirtrr In the Dirrrt. .' -ii f.cn A !'i.'-.i (..' , "I li.ive tlte siiov proii!' ;ly Mhovelcd i i'ii' sMcwiilk !: froi t of my vit- : ' I'! ." e I ..listed. iih the im el fell over himself . .vrite the n.ime first. -New Yolk Net by r'l'k'pr.ir. TN-re im. n i I !),. fi.mi ttulte Win. w. t on it lei nl.lo t .1 1 tr. V. h. n I I- tile.l to think down All Co lifer In ti e town The oil is til. .1. "Kl In. Itnu - l'lill.i.l.Miil.lu l.e.l ;er. It t'!- l.e I. 11 Why Is I '.!s f hi't :i :.ir A C -d Coy's Ciit. :: i s,, UWrn to :T . lit l:i ' h:tir''" the .'llti r l'.o s on to 1 1 1 1 1 . . ; i 1 1 hen he whips I hem I hoy M.irtcd II. U iV !ili: "PRODUQIVE SOIL. TIIATC ALL" Government Homesteads ano Relinquishments , l Ity the Iloinoatend Hptclallat W, Roche FIck, Lakevlew, Oregon (loumi Inke Valley, Wnrner Vnlley Cliewnuoiin Valley tlirlatmiia Lake alley Wk n tiro ( 'nun try Lake County Oregon Where the new Itmlrnailn nrt ('inning: I'aradl.ie Valley, Long Valley, Nevada, lllg Valley, California I mil the I loliieMleinl Si..i;ilisl, Iicchuhh I hiiw ii neei f. ir l t'etlii l1e liiiin to nalher I nforiiiu 1 1, hi r. u n 1 1 n I ho liiinli iniillulilo In liiillieHteii.l entrv a... I H.'lttetin nt. Mv I. lonvleile iii.erliliH In lliln .me ilii-tnii t lifiinch of I lie 1 . 1 1 1 I IniHlneMs. i'lto elMinient kjivh you arc eiillll.' l I. unl. My IiiisIiickh. Is in nIhivv ,vhu tins ilct iiIIh ol M.'ifely hccnrini; It Inr ymi. I i ll if h. rvices nu. I I e iru n'l I i;ol. I .1111 i. i . e mv wilceos is Imilt ti. n 1 1 1 v il'l'llv l.i I III! tl Vi Ml . I n M'i . i . i MVelf III mi .leu,. II iluoti-. 1. 1 NOW Is the li.'-l lime to l i t I i lill), IL'il .f IMI nercM I if I. in. I ami v i I III . .ii l: Ii I lie e IX reilKimllile fee ur my 111 III V . In i .oil Ii no ii 1 1 lie y.Mir I'ltet est s liel e. ,-i rln il.'i- I ml i if :i .M .e re 1 1 . III.- 1 1 mo will in- vii- . Tf! Ill I rMllse ' , w ho c i I CDinlltl c nity div i. i. n Mil -Hi I H .. . i. '.('..i r, Co. I. ! ii .1 w It h .in vv lien Mill tl IM Milliliter ie l 1 1 1 ll Ml ' I hll'l In i ii M. liiiii i... I I'll II I ii t O" tllillliiieil nu In ia r. I llie trul'iM.ir earners C'Iiii ime of W ater Htnl.il niHc iift.ii can mo Hiiililcu at'a.'ka of liuirhtwa anil It in Im-hi to lie prvptir en Sold ti v all k.mxI dealers. n hell v in I'll ll i;o I lit ( tor la i .1 I Ii i n N . I U Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A STRUCK A KICIl MINK S. W. Hen.l. of t'nal City, Ala.. nuv lieNtrnck a -rfe-i miiienf liealih lit "lr KIukV New l ife I'IIIm f-.r they cured t i i in of Uver and Kidney Tr.ii. Ii'e nfter V yearn nf Htifferinic. They are the bent pllla on earth for Con--tliniti.in Malnrl.i, II eadai-lie Iy peii'la. lletiility. 2o eta at A. L. TliiirntHn'H, beaa wealth oringiug oai mnr uoou i n mni of trauaoorlatloa. I The exhibit iou train will begin its journey across tbe continent eaid Mr. Urabam, duriu tbe ealy aa- tamo. Tbe car -if Oregon exhibits will be taken to all the eastern eoauty seats and wherever tbe people come together, in order that all may learn what Oregon bolJs for them. The car will contain betweeo 400 aad 600 big jars (oil of Oregon fruits and fish and grain In accordance with tbe plana of President L. W. UM tbere are to be compartments representing tha rarioua sections. The area west of tbe Cascades, tbe Willamette valley, will be repre sented impartially with tbe great en tral area wbicb Mr. Hill Is making joat now tbe scenes of bis pet devel opment plans. For a New Publication A a appropriation of $176,000 tbe etatq is eontrested n an initiative petition HJeu by W. S. LJ'Keij, of Oregoo city, foi tbe tuaiotaiuauce of a state publication entitled 'Tbe Ore gon Official Gazette. The purpose of this publication is to afford reli able luformaioii to the voters of Ore i;oh iu relation to the liuioega trans acted tbrotih the ditfereut state otll oes a 1 institutions. la event the petition la looked np on with favor by the voters of tnis state at the ceneral election, it will be inauoibent npon tbe governor to at point three men of ability to in atieet the action of tbe government ctfioil once every two naoatbo hbA report tbe result of tbeir Investiga tion tn tbe Gazette. The three are to lie selected from tbe state Grange, tbe Federation of Labor and dittei ent commercial clubs, respectively. It will be the duty of these three cor respondents to visit each Mate institu tion and gather data of business trans actions of tbe conditions. Out of the tri,i00 appropriation, gl.r),0U0 is to he drawn f t the purpose of employ ius e.xpert accountants to investigate tbe ntute:s Looks and report what ti uu.-iiiiea from Diootho to mouths. The rumaiuder of the appropriation will be expended for printing tbe Ga zette and pay in: the three appointed corresponileutH. To make make op this uppropriiation Mr. U'Ken sok eests that SI be taken annually from tbe state's general fund for, every voter. Now, yoo. tak. a troupe of trained dogs. That doesn't take half as long to do as people - suppose. No. sir; a man with an animal show bas got. to work fast Why. maybe tbe boss comes around on a Monday morn ins and says: 'llere bere'e a bunch jof sLx dogs Now make an act out of.lt for next Monday's show.' "There are sii preen dogs to make Into a troupe in a week. Can't be done, you say? Sure, it can: One dog one trick one day. That's the principle, and you can do it too. Eacb dog will learn a trick eacb day all right. One will learn a back somer sault, one a front somersault, one to walk on his bind legs, one on bis front legs, one to roll over, and so on. Then by the end of tbe week you've got a nice little act, and all tbe people are acclaiming about your years of pa tience and that sort of stuff. Patience is a good thing, of course, but tbe secret is Juat 'know how;' that's alb" New York Post lu buying a couh medicine don't lie afruld to get ('liutuberlairi'ht'uuK'h Iteiaedy, Tbere Is no danger from It, and relief in eure to follow. KspM tally recommended for coughs;, col.la snd wbooding cougb. hold by all good, dealers. ' mielon favors tbe project tbe question shall then go to tbe people of tbe district or couoty stfeoted, and be decided by them and nave no place before tba eleotors of tbe state at large. Grief Kllla Grandmother Salem Statesman Grief at tbe death of ber little grandson, Wilbnr Mc Coort, brought on an attack ot heart failure that proved fatal to Mrs. W. P. Boothby last evening at 9:15 o'- o'clock. Tbe child, who was tbe onl7 son rf United State District Attorney .i.ibn McCoort died in Denver on Tuesday, having been taken ill of spji"i1aicaingitis while on the train n 1 's parents were returning from a vi ' f:-m the East. Tbe remains arrl I in She city yesterday at one o'clr -. and were to have been burled fr0r , ,. "''inthby borne this afternon but -i iti.:t - ihe death of the grand-oaoU'-r a u Me funeral will be held on liua-la? -ft irno . i nt 0'3'J o'clock in tha Presbyterian churrb. I'nder the authority of that section of tbe Constitution which allows Contress to reuulate commerce "among tbe several states," many laws bave been pasted of a nature little dreamed of by tne founders of the government. Not even tbe "general welfare" clause bas been stretobed to eover more contingencies ct onr complex and fsst-movlug civ ilization ; and tba wt adorn of tba foonders was manifested by tbe In sertion in tba Constitution of clauses which woold adapt themselves to tbls stietobing process. Telling Eggs. The problem of teliiui; egss is not an easy one by auy means Very few of u.i know bow to do It properly. On the other hand, there are those who think they Khould not be told at all. J but that U old fashioned nonsense, in- k pi red entirely by false modesty It! is safe to say that egs should he told at as early an aae as possible consist ent Willi their temperament. If ul lowed to p.i too Ions there Is grave danger that the ess will become bad. and when au egi; becomes bad it is hopeless. The world Is full of bad eggs which might have been saved If they had cott's. been told in time. Lippln- Wasted Effort. At a Ere recently a brave fireman came gasping and panting from the burning building with bis beard and eyebrows singed in the flames. Un der one arm he curried a small but heavy lot, which he deposited In a place of safely with the ulr of a man who bad si.ved a box of government bonds from destruction. On opening tbe bos it was found to contain kI.x bottles of ii new patent fire extinguish er. Argonaut. Improvements for Ktatc Fair Tbe Salem (Oregon) Statesman, of June 17, says: "Of tbe maov Improvements that will be added to tbe Oregon State Fair this eummer, the erection of a model dairy barn Is one of tbe most noteworthy as it is considered that the iuformutioti as to constrtintiou and maintenance of a model barn Is of inestimable value to the many that visit tbe fair to gain knowledge in the most Hpproved methods used. "The barn io all probability will be placed on the northeast of the stock barns and will be constructed iu j strict accordance with the plans j adopted by tbe most successful dairy j men of the country. Light, ventila I tion, drainaite and facilities for the proper handling of cows will be con sidered io the building and during be fair a competent man will be lu charge to explain every detail to the visiters " STAUUEK3 8KEPT1C8 That a clean, nice, fragrant com pound like ilucklln'H Arnica Salve will instantly relieve a bad burn, cut scald, wound or pile, statrffers skeu ti . Hut ifreat cures prove itk a won derful healer of the worst sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, eczema, skin rruptions, as also chapped hands, sprains and corns. Try it. 2 eta at A. I,. 1 horu- ton's. I Tbe confidence felt br farmers and 1 , firdtnrn In Fern's Seeds to-dan would nave beta Impossible to leel In 1 i any seeds two score el year MO. We nave made a. science ol seed l growing. always do exactly what you txrrct ot Hum. Pors.ile everywhere. rlBBV'S lIO SLED I ttnciL Free on request D. M. FERRY , COD4rol, Mloh. The Last Word. "You .should bear In mind," naid the publisher, "that four-fifths of the peo ple who read novels are women." "That's why 1 call my new story The Last Word.' " replied the novelist. "Every womuu will want it." Phila delphia Itecord. Impoverished. Newlyved-Wlnt. for a tiV. Why, it's simply ridiculous, my dearl Mrs. Newlywcd That's what f thought, Harold; but you said it waa 11 we could afford. Lipplncotf a. LIFE ON PANAMA CANAL has had onu friulitful drawback malaria trouble that ha brought suffering and death to thousands. The K'Tiuu cause chills, fever anil ngne, liili.jiiHiiess, juuinlice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. Jhit Electric Hitters never lii.il to destroy I hem and euro miilnria troubles. "Three botths completely cured me oi a verv severe attack of miliaria," writes Win. A. 1 "ret wed, of Lacama, N". C, "and I've had good health ever since." ("are t-toniach, Liver and Kldnry Troiibles, and prevent T pboid. .'0 c. Ouaranteed by A Thornton. When the digestion is ail right, the action oftholiowelH regular, I her. is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacklnir you may I: now that you need a duse of Chamber lain's Ktoniflch and Liver Titbit ts. They strengthen the dltfOHtive organs, improve tho apiatlto and regulate the bowels, fold by all good, d.tf.rR. Ir.y!rrr r';:i rations -..imply .1 v. 1. oo i. ly e.ii.'in a : i. my ui y n, tun sc'-ret i.n.h. W'hn ii u.Ihi-i'u tn laa mi rnr.in'! mid dee. mi ifr,e, e.iu,mi. ii far inoro seri'iiw triiiil.lu th in the ordinary form of cut.irrh. Aveid all drying inh.-dant", fums, smokis and snuffs and um licit whi. Ii eli inseM, houthci and heal.i. JJy's ('re:.iu lin!:ii will muster catarrh or cold ia tlm head e.u.ly and pleuHantly. All dmei's " " the Ml cent size. Kiy lirothers, fjii Wurrou Struct, Nuw York. The Kidm is ni"d without pain, (Iikh not irritate or cau.-iu sn. :ezhi'. It Kireu.ls it elf Over un irrihited and iin-ry sitrfaeo, n liev iui( iiriiiiediately tho painful inllaiiimnlion. Ely's t're un Ji.ilm coniuins no cocuiuo, mercury nor oth.-r biirmfiil dni-s. $1,000 REWARD Ttie OreifuD. (!t Ifornlu mi 1 Nuvail Live HtiM k I'rono Inn Aimclsi Ion, o wlih Ii ttitf un.iur lKiie.1 In ii inciiilier will kIvu tMOUlKi reWHiil foi evlduu.ie l..i.f.ii.u O. ll. u f 4, . rrnl Hint t'Oiivietluii el miy .ii er uir tlei. Hf t'ttl l nu tmrHcH, (title or mulct Im lont iiiK lu ituy uHls int'iiiiHiri. fn ailditlnn to the atovi, ill" n i.dt rHlutief) oilers on the trnne ceiicllllnu .V o.oo Inr all linr es brsii1.l liorii'i iiIiom bar on l oth or l lllier law. Jlrand revordud In ultihl Rounllef Kuiikb Harney. Lake and Croua coiintlea. Horaea yenuid wb.:u sold. None but,'rowu horai't sold, and onlyln laru oubebea W. W, Uhown. Kilo Oregon. .' ' ': Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ; ASTORIA I i H oil f i ' 'I I. U'l II II 1 1 V !..-ei I 11 'i HI ll cell.lllty. 'i.'t H.illle lllelels an I c. Hue ali nitf. Wire me In meet im h-hI my Ihi-Iui'hs Ih In nee see I hn I i in uel lull. I. N.illliili elv .lues it lint'.' W ell, I he .inly Irn buck In the vvlmle pi up. islt inn is yinir-elf. Will y.ni sinml in your own Hh.td.iw and let t Ins opp.iri milt v ..ihs you? if not, make make up your mind to Join the is-ople (hut are .1 loping llili cecllon of t he Inland Umpire Lake Coiinty, Oienmi. Veterans of th-Civil and Npauitdi Wars liH-attnl at half regular rates. Oregon Vnlley Contract Holders No matter where your land Is or what quality of soil, etc., it may Is-, I will In exchange for your paid up contract deeded to me, I.K'ate you on IliO, 321) or tsO lures of tillable government land, pro viding you have a homestead right to any of them slaed tracts. This offer Is for a short time only and stihjict to withdrawal at my option. CLOSING-OUT SALE OF ' Full-Blood Merino Flocks t Having decided to close out our entiro hold ings of FINE SHEEP, we have tho following to offer for sale without reservation: 400 Registered Merino Ewea with Lambs Of the A nnd IH'Ihsm-h. CO I tin i Full-blood Rambouillot Ewes With 1-aiutm. Ktricily true to te and of beautiful covering 7500 Full-blood Rambouillot Ewes with Lambs Strictly tlrt--lan and good enough for nny stud flotk. 1500 Select Full-blood Delaine Ewes With Lambs. Heavy Hheuiers, Heavy Hone aud very Lsrfjo 81s. I50O Full-blood Delaine Ewes with Lambs Uood enoiitfh to k Into any stud flock. 1200 Full-blood Spanish Merino Ewes With Lanilm. These ose Mroug tj K ot the ll Class, very Heavy Miearers and druao covering. These are exceptionally large fur their tys. The following five flocks are all young sheep: 500 One- and Two-year-old Ewes, Not Bred Of the above eluMses. 3700 High-class Merino Ewes with Lambs 2700 1-and 2-year-old High-Class Merino Ewes Not bred. "j. 2700 Yearllnsr Range Rams 400 Registered Rams of the Above Classes All ewes with lamtm have Iss n bred to Registered Kama lu their resHctive classes. The male increase will Ik raised iu Ituiii Lambs, exci pt thoao from tbo 3700 bead of high rlana Merino Kvrea, For Prices and Particulars, Address, The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company HAY CREEK, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON IV IFYOUVE Vip.J n NEVER WORN i i n i. . .'. . ..,.a it , M V mi ' , iA .wi.uui Io learn the bodily comfort it a:ve tn thewetleot weal ber MASE rOR Haho WlCF AND CUARANTf tO ATAIICO00 iTOBtJ CAtALOO HUE Vtrfi ".'.'r.. .. f i "rit)' fitrt.r.ftK art! limy lil i cyi pleasu ' TWO IORSE OVERALLS LVI STEAUSS D. CO. A til Oriron DflCTnn HOM-3nJ niiivi ivuu i.a7LUUlUUL linkerv Gcc long and Tom Ilotni, Proprietors. Laleviev, Oregon Fresh I'read, Cake and Pies on sale every day ! Fancy Cake and all kind of pastry made to order. The only iirst class snort older puicc in the town. Open Day .and Night tK9 FimuT-CLMaa turnouts Mammoth Stables O. D. ARTHUR. Pmormimiv 1 he 'iinr Livery ai.d Feeil .Stable In Southern Oregon or Northern California, Dorset Honrded by tho Day, Wk or Mi.. .t!.. Siietlal Attention (liven to TrauslenL Stock LAKEVIEW - . . . OREGON