Coiupauy aud bat returned Lake County Exam i w Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon ADVmTI.MNG RATfcS. I SCB5CRIPTION RATES. a fr-i nrt Re.ul.r .tamttnc d. II.PO tin Inch. inl : . Tl , for jlnmn ffucr, pr month. All miiainir t. i rhrwmniiihL ... .i, . , , ... , ..,,, i b.n.o.l twice month, i t of con.M- I nrw nioiimi. ba p nje sawing wood. Ion ciirg'1 lor nil xtr chTiit.'. All iHtal WU not paid 13 .lvtice. f i.SO the TOt. Million extra All short terra al. eltra . Ke'1i tv lex hi column. 1(V. per lino each In sltlon Vtn mta. Au. a lln-i-oh lawn ton I Notice la Subiwrlbeni . .rd oi Ih.nk. $100. Resolution, ol oon.lo- . nowrl(1.ri t ,ht. Kiaroliief who remove nce, II NO ami iiarrta. , from om- tm'iilitr t another, or chan, fTy Trim stent Artvertlalng and Job rrlut-, iheir pontoitioe aildn'M .lioul.1 remember in DK.rHKh In alliance, i , Imp lht olhi- rnrtl no llmir ))-r rn bt ail- All blim muni bo paid the flmtof each month. dri'd tn Ihe right poniome.. Mock bottie. Bob Wler represented Davis Creek at the big fight lu Reno. Mr. aud Mrs. Amlek were down froai Pine Creek I Mi week (or a loml u f merchandise. II. U. Berry hs none lo Pin Creek medical treatment, lit In jaro.l Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday. July 14, 1910. By n overwhelming mnj.irity linv ernor Jnred Young Sunder was de clared t Ih cle ice of uoth houses of fe Louisa us Assembly for t lit scat i un united State s-nato led vneetit by tbe recent death of Senator McFucry. .Poetmseler General Hitchcock has epresd the rdnii n that no metal savings bark could be estatlished be fore JautiBry 1, 1P11. He made this teteruent dm Ins a conversation with Postmaster Campbell, of Chicago wbo requeste I that une of the first banks be placed in operation there. Marshall, who will plead tilt- cause of John W. Kitii. Rrvnn's last vice president! il running matt1, and tl:ej man win aspires to Revcridge's j toga. ! That the census allow the Southern inn Missouri niul have made a gain of l'.UO will stiltes. IlK'l'ld- Ok ithoni i, to of SI per cent since 11HW, Is the estimate of the Bout hern Coliiiiierciil Congress. The congress estimates the popula tion to be 3J.41.,2.7. The gln of other states In the union during Theodore Rennes la able to be about after several tuontha of aevere itinera. Mloa Nellie Bntey Pemocratio can didate for county auireliitendent nf 1 arhool vra cauvnssdtm l)iTia Creek thia week. Mlxa Cathorl"e K. lilnater, on the Oeniueratio ticket for school aiiperln lendiMit, was elei'tlnueer'n in Pavls CreeK thU week. I'auUou itros. ivell knonn renl hh tate men of Suit Lake City, thU rti ek closed a ileal with Kolmid l.'t the puretiHso of hla 1J0 acre riinih and j fruit farm. The price paid whs forty dtdbirt per acre. M. I'. Yillln:ns alao dispoHed of b is ranch to the annie ' pnrty but we did not Uarti tlie I I'or ShiTilf tlijure?. New Dank for Cedarvllle A Vt ItVa Whll lit Hiiriii Imii nuium ' " a" ........ ... - - - Valley laat week we learned that there wriH Boon be another bank Matted lu Cedarvllle. We undei aland that It la ti be a National Hank, with a "atltitf bank in connection. Tiie uatolual bank will have a capltallatinn of f rl,IKM, and thn Savings ImiiH will have a ca Italuat lion of fi'i.UK) malt Inn a total of ;r.lHHi. Manv ot the local men ot Nitrpriee Valley have taken stock In the inat Hut ion, an I we understand that all arranumiif lit are about ready f'r the bank to open. POLITICAL CARDS Tor Slu'i llf, F. O. Buntlnjr t if I. .-I ki view l!iutwi'f fn!l- it ti noil lues himself mn n 1 C'llldiihitc T Ilie li i l 1 1 i 1 1 M 1 1 . i ll (or Sherlli ulij"it to the voice if i tn" pen pleat Kepuhllcan I 'rnnn rv eleci Ion fir 7 aiV THE PARISIAN MILLINERY Will close out tlit balance of their hand made lints nt prices that .voti never heard of in Lake county. If you want a lint now is the time to buy. Also ladies' waists and summer underwear. Cost cuts no figure Wo must make room for our new fall otitis that our buyer will heojn to ship in from the Ivast. (iiveus a chance to show you how to save money. Our hair ootls can't be duplicated for the price. Main Street West of Court House W. V I'aine la pnyinu Full ft lillaltll'KH vImII. K IiiiiihI h I the same teriod la eatimated by Tbe New Lnd Office recently crea- the congresR to hiive lat'o 1S8 ted for Malheur and Harney counties i per cent. The five atatea of the was opened at Vale July 1 with 11. South which have made the S Uuile and Bruce L. Hester as tno greatest tinin in population Hcconl- officials For tbe present room Id tbe Uuited state National Bank buildioa in beioa used, but as soon as tbe tea brick of T. T. Neleon Is completed the office will be moved tbi re. loi? to the estimate, are Okla homa, Texas, Mlioiirl, Georgia and Alabama. Oklahoma gained 1 .150.000. The figure are baaed on provisional emlmatea ot the census bureau. In vivid constrast with tbe assur ance of pi'veroors and majors in otber paits ot tbe country that tbey will use tbeir Influence against tbe exhibition of the Jeffries-Johnson We of Lake county deeply deplore tbe crime of lsaao N. Hanellin blot tins out tbe lives of two promising young men, not only for tbe llvas that were needlesssly taken but also flgbt pictures, Mayor Gaynor of New fot tbe Bti8ajB tDat attaches to any Yoik City notiBd 8eortary William Sbaw of the Cbriatian Endeavor so ciety tbat be could see no reason for getting excited over tbe pictures. Tbe mayor ridicules tbe idea tbat race riots might result in New York. Baker's Bay traps, near Astoria, have cautint fifteen salmon this yer bearing the marks of the Chinook hatchery of sis years ago, thus expiring the theory that salmon return regularly in four years after being hatched and let out tt go to sea. Five female that had already spawned wie also caught, and were in fairly good condition, thus giving the lie to the theory that female sahuou die immediately after spawn-in-. The result nas heen that tbe press baa bs inuueudo officially latelerl CcioDel Kooaevelt at the can behind tbe gun tbe insurgent movement. So dieat-trous has tbia situation been to Ri ctevelt's planned period of neutrality tbat be today asked tbe correapondeots to make clear tbat the preseot drift of things was not to bis making aud to explain tbat, now tbat he bad become sufficiently settled to be able to recieve and entertain bis trieads, be was sending out invita tions and tbat tbeae were going to in surgents and regulars alike. Startling reports on the condition on Jnly 1 of spring wheat are made by tbe crop reporting board of the de partment of agriculture. The aveiage condition of eprirg wheat in North Dakota South Dakota, Minnesofi and WiscDasin, the four states which coutaiu more than SS jer ceut of the total spring ivheat area in the L'uited F-'tHtm, Cl.h .i co:nj ared wittj 'J2 -j a year biro, aud a ten year av erase of -7." The overaije condition of Bt-'ini! wheat throuyhotit t he L' til ed S.taU-s at tbe begin&imr of the ffiLt couth was Ol "tl a year ago it wuh 02.7, and the ten years av eruKt as h". 1. Colonel Uooeevelt baa beeouie jut a trine auuoyed at the maimer in which he is being puatied into the in flurgeut pool. While there is no doubt that he thinks "tbe water's doe." the rush of insurgents and progres ses to Sagamore Hill and tbe graph ic descriptions sent out by all corres pondents of the smiles they wear as they depart has tended to carry tbe Colonel ilong toward a show down much faster than be desires. On tbe otber ban 1, tbe regulars, noting tbe apparent drift ot tbe wind, have held aloof, and about the onlv wheel borsea of tbe organization who have visited Oyster Cay have ben those who bave come by invitation. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, It is an nounced, will make a Hpeech making tour In behalf of Senator Beveridge. Democratic political leaders in Indiana Lave been a waiting with considerable apprehension t ho announcement that Roosevelt was to Invade Indiana and for some weeks past bave been figur ing ou plans to counteract the elfectof IiIk i lining, hhould be decide to assist Beveridge. As a result it is ractically devlded tWat tbe Roosevelt tour will be folio wed iu. mediately by a speech mak ing round ol the ttate by Governor community wberein eucb crimes are prepetrateb. And to add to our sor row as a community, as well as tbe parents and relatives of tbe victims, was tbe attempt rf the preea of Port land to lea tbe tublio tbat tbe per petrator of tbe deed wa. in danger of being lynched. It was frequently stated in dispatches alleged to be sent from Lakeview tbat threats of lynch law were freely made here, and vivid descriptions of tbe murderer crying from an outraged populace were dep'cted iu true yellow journal tryl. We all kuow tbat no such threats were made, aud tbat every one was illing tbat tbe law shuuld al!owed to take its course. The F.x aminar has positive kuowledge that no dispatches were sent from Lake view that in any way uveu intimated tbat lynching was likely to fnllow as a result of the terrible crime, and therefore the attempt of the Last Sunday Ooose I.ko's golden shore was th aee'ie nf a rollicking picnic. The crowd was composed chieflv of Davia Cr-ek's youngwr set although a few sedate married folk lent tbelr presence. Luoob was 3pread beneath tbe sprending cottou woods where shade aud grass were found to tbe best advantage. Tbe site chosen for the picnio was Ideal. Tbe view opened directly up on tbe Lake and in tbe back ground lay green fields stretching away to the hills on the east. Those wbo bad bathing suits fell to tbe advantages offered by the lake and aandy beacb and lodolgad In a few hours batbing. Tbe guy wbo tbia time yelled "Come on tbe waters floe!" certainly had tbe rlgbt buncb. CONTEST NOTICE Department of tbe Iuterlot United States Land Office. Lakeview, Oregon July 11. 1910. A sufficient contest affidavit having beec filed in this odice by Armed J Causey, contestant, against Homes tead eutrv Sellal No. UlIPW, made Oct. 27, KW. for .NWJSKJ sect Uu .11, Township :$;., Range JOK., Willamette Meridian, by La Roy Bradley, Con testee, in which it is alleged that eai'l Bradley has never established residence on tbe laud, that be bas been absent trom tbe land for moo than ti mohtua last past, that he never cultivHted the laud, said par ties are hereby notified lo appear, re- . pond, the otfer evidence touching saiii allegatimi at 10 o'clock a. mi. ou Sept. 0th. U'10, before the regttr j aud Receiver at the United States Lr.nd Office to Lakeview, Oregon. The said cnntestatjtjhaviug in pro rn affidavit, tiled Jutie :M, U'lU, st ' forth facts which show that Bfler due diligence ( ersiiual sen ice of tliia uo tice can not be made, it Is heretiy or- . A. B. Schroder Of Slher Lake Renpect fully auiinliueeH hlitiNelf iih a candidate fur the n-iiiilua ( h n tor sheriff, subject to I he Voice of the H'ople at Hie IVmiaTittlc l'llmary election. For County Surveyor S. A. Mushen of Iikevlcw ResMt't fully announces himself as a caudidate for the humiliation of coun ty surveyor, subject to tbe decision of the people at the Republican pri mary election. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALIC Lot 4. Block 80. addl tion to Lakeview ; 10 acres, being tract No. M. iu sectloa ID Town tbip 39. Range 'JU, Lake County, Oregon. Lot 0, Block 10. ad.litbn to Lakeview; 20 acres, being tract 211. section X). Tuwnsbip fM. Range i 32, Harney County, Oregon. I John S. TwinlMi North 1'latte, Neh. ! LOST In Lakeview on 4th of July I an Orange Topaz stiek-pln largo size ; Under please leave at this office and receive a suiatble reward lwk. LOST A red covered order book, containing short memoranda notes. Finder pleae return to Kxamluer Office. FOR SALK Good second hand sin gle buggy and harness in tlrst-clasa condition; price, :i.V. Applv to Arthur W. Orion. U. S. Lain Office. I'lne. I.liii'ii front, Dress Shirts, 1 1. .'!.) at lioOIICM. if I'eil V. Ingrain, who has heen etif ferlt'g from an attack ot tji holi', is at otiud agnin. Men's Silk front i ,lf shirt S.1 cent Silk Strls- N gllee SMrt. HO cents. Work alrrts. 45 to .Ml cents. Mx ks M,' to 2.5 cents, at lloonc. tf t'at Mutphy of Plush, was granted a license to sell liquor for a period of 12 moo'hi. Men's H Inch heinsl ltchi'd white Iwiiiiikfi'f liM, cents each, it t I lot Illt'S, tf From May 10 tn July 17 botintlen wrte paid on 77 coyotes and 21 bob cat. Mounting to fir7,fsi. Canvas Oloves 8'i, Men's Collars 12. M-n's Dusters 2 .00 a t Itooues. tf The aum of 1120 was transferred to the library fund for use ot tbe publlo schools of tbe country. Ladles huts golurf fast at loss than cost nl Uoouea. FOR. SALE FURNITURE 1; A select and hijjh gratle stock of ! Furniture, Carpets, Art Squares, ; Kus, Linoleums, Wall Taper, ; Iron Beds. Mattresses, Haven- j jiorts, Mirrors, (ilass, Tieture i j Frames. IUe, continually arriving Colvin's Furniture Store press to bave the public believe that eucb was tbe case is all tbe more de spisable. i d ere I and directel that such notice i tie triven bv ilue an I nroner Dublica- ' 'mil fliiin .1rt..- ,lF I .. I, j ... IIIU IHIIUllU.Al i linn. i.ecor'i annre-s vi euiryinuu -Colorado Springn.Cnlo IMHUi: W. OiiTON, Relgster. FRI.I) F. U H ON LM 1 LL F U, Re ceiver. 28 Ot Davis Creek Items The celebration in Uavia Creek last week was a real live one. lu tbe afternoon for the usual sports, in- ' eluding bronco riding, were in order. At noon all enjoyed a picnic dinner on tbe shady banks of Davis Creek. :Two ball games were played; one Sunday and one on tbe Fourth. Tbe first one was an easy victory fjr Davis Creek, but on tbe Fourth Lake City carried off the honors, and like- wi3the biy purse. In the evening; eighty tickets were purchased for tbej grand ball in the Watklos Hall. Several contractors ar tmre iook-j ing over the Davis Creek Orchard : project with view to taking ac.n-j tiact for the excavation work en tie, darn and main canal. It is expected that the I'Ui'.irt wi.'l 1 let iu a feA d.iys. Thi-i pr'.je;!t, whsti complft- j i-.l uiil te a revelation to the se.tMers! hereahoot.j. Many uie blready Le-! co"iinu interested and no a few have! signified their intention of purchas ing la.i i in thW tract. Several pros pective buyers are here from the east but as yet no transfers have been re ported. Haying here la well under way. On ; account of the prolonged drouth the i bay crop, as weil as the grain harvest, will be unusually light this year. Mr and Mrs. J. O. Bays, of Oak Dale. Cal., stopped at Davis Creek a few days tbls week to look over tbe Davis Creek Orchard land. Tbey are so well pleased with this section, tbat tbey will dispose of tbeir Inter ests at Oak Dale and become res idents of Davis Creek. Before re turning tbey will visit Lakeview and the Paisley coontry. Mrs. R. II. Longwell sultered a sev ere nervous shock last week, but is now much batter. Miss Mattie Twinage, wbo left three years ago has returned rfor a short visit with friends aud relatives. Mrs. Grace Watknis and daughters. Ruby aud Essie, have gone to Pauley on a visit to re atives Johnnie Cummings of Altruas, spent several days this week visiting bis sister Mrs. Sidney Henderson. Dole Dorr is last week closed. sue ccaafal engagement with the Empire NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Not coal land Department of the luterioi. U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, Jnly 9. 1910. Notice is hereby given that WiUiam K. Woods, of Lakeview, Oregon, who on Mav 2t, l'JOO, made Homestead entry No 3113, serial. No. 01200. for SVV!4' SV4', Sectiou 13; E'.jNW',,, NWJNWJ. Section 21. Township 40., Ranne J8K., Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice ot intention to make final pro if, to establish claim to the land above described , before Register and Receiver. U. S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the 10th day of Augtibt, 1'JIO. Claimant names as witnesses: John Tannyhill. ot Lakeview, Ore gon L. A. Camper, ot Lakeview llregr.n, Robert Nelson, rf Lakeview, Oregon, Jnsiah Farrow, of LaKev lew, 1'iegTii Charley Nelson, of Lakeview Or-gon. ARTHUR W. ORTON. R.-gister NOriCIO FOR PUBLICATION'. Not coal land. Department of the Interior, V. K. Laud Office at Lnki-view, Oregon, Julv !, I'JlU. Nor ice is herehy given that lOtta Clark Mauzey, of Pltiih, Oregon, who, on Nov. 2'i llXAj, made Desert land entry No. 012. serial. No. PS In, for lO'.j NWJi, 'A'.NIOi, Sertinn 17, Township ! Range 20K, Willamette Meridian, I has filed notice of iuteut.iou tu make Final Proot, to establish claim to the laud above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the 18th day of Aogubt 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: R. A. Phelps, of Plush, Ore. L. O. fOnquist. of Plush, Oie. F. F. Bond, of Pluah, Ore. L. P. Mauzev, of Plush, Ore. ARTHUR W. ORTON Register. room resitlence, parti-! furnished; luiilt in liook-ease I Onlv three blocks from the court house and new hih school site. Lot 75x150 feet. Price, in cluding new $2050 Also 2G0 acres of titnoer land located 12 miles west of Lakeview. Fine wood yard or saw mill proposition offered at $9 per acre. See Chas. Ii Mice, owner. Lakeview Meat Market HAYES A GROB. Propr'S Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc. Try our Sausages and Cured Meats Quality Unexcelled Free Delivery wwtuw. xmumji .llllCTmn ggf WfrrM,VWIHv NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Not coal land. Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, July 9. 1910. Notice is hereby given tbat Edward E. Bond., of Plush, Oregon, wbo, ou May 11, 19U8, made Desert land entry No. 749. serial No. 0H13, for SKJ NW, Section 15. Township iJ6B., Range 20 10., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, . before Regis ter and Receiver, tbia offioe, at Lake view, Oregon, on tbe lUb day of Aogiist. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: L. P. Mauzy, of Plusb, Oregon L. O. Enqulst, of Plush. Oregon R. A. Phelps, of Plush Oregon, Ktta Mau ley., of Plnsb, Oregon. ARTUUK W. ORION, Register. Willow Ranch Orchard Homes Have No Competitors Because they excel all others. Tho best opportunities for buying of Irrigated Orch ard and Garden Land is in the WILLOW RANCH ORCHARD HOMES TRACTS, Mo doc County, California. The Coram of tho Goose Lake Valley No expert who has investigated this wonderful land of sunshine has yet dared to place a limit upon its horticultural possibilities. Nature Here Gives the Maximum Return For the Minimum of Labor Ten acres of Perfect Orchard Land - - $050 Fifty dollars downFifteen dollars per month No interest. - - - No taxes until deeded Give Us a Chance to Show You. Write for Booklet and Plat Good Llvo Agent 8 Wanted TRI' STATE LAND COMPANY, LAKEVIEW, OREGON h