NEWELL SLATED TO BECAST OUT Wew Regime In Reclama tion It Planned by Taft and Balllngw THE ENCAMPMENT DISSAPOINTMENT Socialists Failed to Float "Old Glory' at Klamath Fails Meet UEVERL.KY, Macs., July 6. Reor ganization of the reclamation aers-ice aa diaonaaed today at a tbr hour twofereoce be'weeu Pretldent Taft nd Secrelary ballinger. Although too official information could be ob tained, t i reported that the future flana for reclamation do not Include the reteotluu of Kredeilck K. Newell director of the sers-ics Ualllnaer vould oot dUcu-'S tbta phase in any ay. It is known, howeTer. that the i a Tery attractive appearance both dur The Socialist eooampmeol at Klam ath Fall was much of a dtappolnt menL accord I nit to the Chronicle, which aayi: The big tent city erect ed br the Socialists to house the Ore goo California Socialiat encampiueut near the Southern t'aciflo depot la a tbit tar of the paid. Today work started on tearing down the tenia and dlemanteliug the new city, whloh sprang up in day and which pr-aeuted BALLINGER SAYS HEISNOOUIHER Secretary of the Interior Does Not Expect to Re sign Now or Ever secretary has long reatded rewell a inimical to bin plans for the recla mation service. Newell has openly opposed DHliinuer and BalllnRer In turn has vublicllv stated that be did ot repaid Neell as ihe man for tne 1 J'lsce occupied by nim. Juat wheu and how Neell is Rolns Viut could not lie ascertained. Seere lry Ballincer 1-ft lor WashiuRton to- ttisht. He will lemaio idt a ie dam und then ttirt on a long trip went, durltm whi h he will fisit homber of ludiau reserves and publio My look over aome reclame' ion pro jects now nuder way. Hi trip. In cluding biief rent at uIh home lo Seattle, will occupy from eix weeka tf two moutua. When the secretary lighted from tbe train this morning ka was met by tbe uanal crop of real tastlon rumors. "1 am not a quitter.' be Bald, "and toaver have teen. 1 did not bring a tetlgoation with me and will not Vave one..' Tbe recent withdrawal! rf water power sites phosphate and petroleum lands by tbe preeidoot covering 87.000.000 acres in various hia'es and two tenltoriea were dis-j vqssed wi h the president by Secre tary tiallinger "Dealing with theee lands, ' said the secretary, "we will cootinne con Hirvatiou in etery essential detail. At tbe aatue lime tbe president pro poses tbat opportunity foi develop tnent shall be given ' Ballinger ld. The lauds will first be classi fied and once tbia in done tbe task will be undertaken of getting legisla tion through congress for tbe disposi tion of tbegj lands on a fair basis. ing tbe day and ultilit a at uight the colored lights showed up very hand somely. According to manv citlzetia of the town only oue thing really ninrrcd the effect of this big k' herltig and that was the aosence of an Americnu Ann from tbe mast of the big ten'. I'hia aiisei ce of tbe emblem of li berty is accounted for by those in cbarce of arrangements who claim tbat tbey could not attach a flg to tbe top of tbe masts and though tbey wanted the Hag there and would have put one there tbis kept them from doing so. It appears, bow ever, tbat bad tbey cared to show their appreciation of allegiance to his emblem of Unole Sam, a pole could have been erected especially for tbis. Tbe citizens of tbis city who don ated towa'd .toe getting or tbe en campment here feel somewhat disap- polotel at the failure of those who solicited these funds who got tbe 'do nation on tbe representation tbat nc leu tban 5000 people would be here from tbe onUlde. Instead of 5000 promised D. E. Burrell, oue of those in the lead of tbe local movement. stated this morning tbBt a conserva tive estimate of tbe visitors would put it at something like 800 or lOOU. On top of bis was represented tuat these people would spend large amounts of money here and tbe fact remains tbat vary little wss spent by any of them. The Socialists ran tbeir own res tanrant on tbe grounds, bad tbetr own vaudeville show and other at tracting, suob as stan Is of every kind where lunches, fiuita. soda pop and soft drinks, cigars and other stuff NLVr.RLY, Masa., July 5.-"l bars never been a quitter and have not brought my resignation with me," said Secretary of the Interior Uallin ger todar when asked If he lutemled to relinquish tb luterlor portfolio. "Moreover, I do not espent to re sigu" coutlnus t the secretary. "I cams to itl-icurs with the rresiJent a plan to reorganize the laud olllcs aud Ihe reclamation service. New legittla ESTABLISH RUN TO CRATER LAKE L. W. Clapp Will Handle Southern Pacific Pas senger Service tion recently enacted Involves certain I chine. Klamath Chronicle: L. Y. Clapp, who li running one of the automo bile Hoes between here and Lake vie , leaves In tbe morning for Han rrancisco wnere ne will get a new machine to be put on the stage run between her- and Crater take. In the meantime his automobile service will he discontinued on the Lakevlew run until about the middle of net week when he returns with an extra ma- work bv the reclamation service. 1 thluk that the Iiiriino otllce theimteut ottloe aud aome other bureaus are in spleudt l shape." Hallinwr had li)Hchnn with l'renl deut Taft aid conferred nithhlni t '2 o'clock this afternoon. It is uuilei stood that the cuiifeieuce will decide the fate of Mirectoi Newell of the re clauiHticu service. 2 lia'llnger has already stttted before tbe Investigating committee hi belief that Newell was not the man for the reclamatiou service. The secretary claims tbat tbe service is demoralized as result of uurest caused by reports tbat obaogea are immlueut. Should Deoend On Eyes . . i i u .,.,411- ' w 'old and instead of the visitors Pedestrians aia elowly bat steadily i ... k,i Kof,. lh spending their money with tbe res- - - - i. . j iuiinv secpera, uuieia nuu eiuii keepers of tbe town tbey were all fed and furnished other things on tbe grounds to keep them from spending their money with tbe local business men who contributed to the encamp ment and contribute to tne support of the town in general. Tbe encamp ment was a big success from tbe standpoint of tbe Sooialist move here. O . E. Burrell says tbe mem bership of tbe Klamath Falls local has been increased largely and will be factor in tbe coming election. lie states tbat a complete ticket will be put up in tbis country for tbe coming campaign and while be acknowledges that tbere will be little chance of electing tbs ticket it will show the strength of tbe party and will give tbe movement strength for fatnre battles. Who will be tbe nominees of tbe sooialist ticket or who are tbe prospective nominee is net given out. )eaniog the lesson tbat tp of tbe enrb tbey must "stop, leoi and listen," in aocordanoe with the old fundamentr-1 doctrine of law -governing the responsibility of indi- Xduul wbeu approacbiog a potectial source of danger such as a railroad crossing. It should not be uecesssary foe tbe motroist to sound a born to 1jt anyoody koow of bis presence in tne oelgLborbood. Of coarse, oc casionally conditions develop when ft'ich a warning is required, suon as when a car suddenly come out from behind a screen of other vehicles, and wnioh it is overtaking, or at some neogested crossings. Yet with evrey body tooting at once, tbe value of the warning ot each born is dimin ashed. Unless some check is pot upon tbe volume oi character of tbe sound produced by the auto horns, pande--fomum will invent some new form cf sbocLer, screecber, bowler or ",tber arrester of attention, and at the (--rtaaat rate of progress our streets ill be a Lealam of hideous sounds with iH-'dtstriuud more couf'ised and in greater danger than ever , unless they rely strictly upon tbeir eyes and t'sce no latin iu their eats tor pro-.r-.tiou. Vaubington Star. Cardriverto Governor uobn li. McUraw. who died iu Sear Thursday was driving a bortcar a Han Francisco wh-n he first came to the Fa'-.itic coast about thirty years He afernards became Governor ot Washington and one of tbe most ;.f oriiiueut men in tbe political and fc'ininess life of tbe evergreen Btute. Not all of the horcecfar drivers or other men enaed in earning live ' i Aood in sunilur occupations (it the. ''Hfcgent time, will Lecome governor, :j'jt all over tbis dnrnd land tbere are hundreds aud thousands of Lard work i:Jt young men wbo are doing no Let fe.r today than tbe lute Johu H. IVic ijtraw was doing when he tlrut came (: tbo Pacific Coast, but, who, like Mutiraw, will lalei' receive tbir rs 'rd of fame aud fortune. It in ceed 'vts to add, however that tbey will hiveuotluie to wate in Lewailiug their bard part and complaining that r.bere is on looyer a cnauce for a poor :r.iii. Portland Oregoniun. Liestock vs Wheat Attention is called by Tbe Oregon- ian to the growth of tbe livestock in dustry in the Pacific Northwest. On one day A laet week it says ten car loads of wheat were received a tPort- land 4C carloads of livestock. It is maiLtiaoed that the etojk grower will become a more important factor in the pro-perity of tbe state than tbe wbeatgowers within tbe coming ten years. Then there will be more wheat grown than at present but tbe live stock induntrv will have expanded to a remarkable dergee by rtiat time, due to Portland having tbe greatest btockyards and flacking plant on tbe Pacific Coast. This means mucb to the city's future, it is believed. Flys Bring1 Death Swat tbe fly says an eiohaoge for be is a frequenter of otfslj the fly lays bei eggs la tb Imaoure .pile or the otber objectlonal 01' b. All the germs all tbe Imaginable, abominable minrobea fasten themselves ou tbe spongy feet of tbe fly He brings them into tbe house and wipes them off bis fset. Tbe fly you see walking over the food you are about to eat is covered with filth and germs. If there is any dirt around join house or about your premises, or house of your neighbors, be has just come from it. It is bis home. Watch him as be stands on tbs lump ot aogar Industriously wiping biefent. tie is wiping off tbe disease germs; robbing tbem on tbe sugar tbat you are going to eat, leaving tbe poison for you to swollow. "He wips bis feet on tbe food tbat you eat , on tbe fauea and on the lips ol your sleeping children. Tbis does more to spread typhoid fever aud obo'era infantum and obi iAtoetinal diseases tban any other cause." Bum mer time is fly time and this is tbe period cf tbe year when be should be guarded agalust. Hare is a summary of tbe plan of attack: Clean up your premises insile and out and then as mucb as you nan see that otberes do tbe ssme. Strike at tbe root of tbe evil.. Tbe house fly breeds in horse manure kitchen offal. and tbe like. Disposs of these ma terials In suob a way tbat tbe house fly cannot propoxate. Screen all win dows and doors and insist tbat your grocer, butcher, baker and every one fiom whom you buy foodstofls does tbe same. There is more health In a well cleaned house tban in any doctor. 'a visit. Tbe flv brings death or, at leat in capacitating tbe needless disease into yaur home. His eradication Is simple, if labor ious. . The main ingredient is clenallness. Air. Clnpp Is the man who will Imve the .-otitrsct with the Southern Pud tl. In IinihIIh the through paHsetiger service from San Francisco to Crater Lake Tlckita can then be purchns-id eliheratSHn FtRiicinco or l'ortltnd hint wsy points for the trip directly through ny way ot this great natural wonder V rum San Frsncisco a tick et thr'iiiili will mean thrt after the arrival hers on the trsin passengers can remain n-er night and the fal lowing n orning will It-sve In an auto for the rim of Crater lake where tney willuouuecl with another line from ton ointir sloe. Toia set vice Is now Iu operation regularly but wheu I lie through service is Inaugurated tbe trip will be mads here to ibe lioi of tbe orater la about five hours. Tbere tbe posren gers cau jump Into another auto wniob will be in waitiuv and make tbe trio on to Med ford to cooneet itb tbe through train. Mr. Clapp says be will make tbe round trip each day bilngiug buck in tbe afternoon aoy passengers troui tbe lake who come iu from the otber side tbe re turn trip to be made in about four hours. t is said that tbe roads between here and Ciater lake are in excellent couditluu except for a few places where tbere are some rocks and rough pieces. With tbe establishment of thii service a large amouut if pas senger tratllo Is expected to come via Klamath Falls both from Ban Fran cisoo aod Portland. ss "PRODUCTIVE SOIL, THAT'S ALL Government Homesteads ana Relinquishments Z"y the llmiicMtend HHitllHt. W. Roche Flck, Lakevlew, Oregon Oooao like Valley, Warner Valley ChewniK'iin Valley ClirlMtnwm Luke alley Wnjroiiilro Country Lnkc County Oregon Where tlio new Jtnilroaila are ('oiiilng- I'aradUe Valley, Long Valley, Nevada, lilg Valley, California GOLDIE VALLEY If vou want Hl, ;i:'o or so Hero il bind where water can 1st found at di'itn of 7 in L' ti. fertile (int lie Vallo) leet, wood fur feliclni ter or Miiininer taiiiro clone liv, u mirvrv ..f t lie ( lomi Cotti-rn, I li "thirrlinuu K ind," How lilhldill tow n-1 the end of the vsllev an. I'.'.IHH) ai'l'ea open t) you now. Then K''t ti'isv. I lull'l W lite akiiij li iu a iltixeli 1 1 Hon I li him I ml come nod see li r onrHidf. I en nnnt sffi r to ndvcMlise III order to Ret iil.v inline III print I liiil-l lie allied irodiice the ur U lo in ike it 'iv. If im will I'niin1 mil tin will ine to I ! oldie you w Ml lie til do to urt real unld from t In- uI'iimm tnuti from wheat, oiiM. li.irlev ntnl other vriiiti-; fr 'Ml all the vi-uelalili-H rootn and dantH of III lenii'i'ii li- Kone: from er v vtii hi y of f i u i triH known lo iroHier inthli liili-i tnl (roil In It, Not by llllltilii but 1.V einiplv i tiling; I lie Moil in lln g:oid old funlili mod way when practical ex iM-rleiii'i', Home grey mailer n 1 d a lit t le liealt hy work rai iiccomipIIhIi wotitlers. lean guarantee every Htatement nuido In toy ad vert Islng; am suglgeMt that It's your duty to .Voiirm-U and tlume deieiiilent upoi you to ;et land now before It l all k " l'iine, tide and govern ment land wait for no one," First lo come got flrat choice am every man Is asm rod ol a sijtmre deal by the man who siH-rialixeit li one thing; -(lie'criiinent landn. Oregon Valley Contract Holders No matter where your land Is or what quality of soil, etc., it msy lie, Ijwlll In exchange for your paid up contract deeded to me, locate you on 1(50, 320 or 40 acres ol tillable Koverntuent land, pro vldinir you have a lioinestead rlitht to any of tln-e mIumI tnr.U. This offer Ix for a short time only ami subject to withdrawal at my option. Wheu the Hlomach failtj to xrform IU luiictiourt, the bowels tecume de ranged, the liver and the kidneys run iViHted causing numerous diseanee. J'hc Htornnch and liver munt be r6 iLored to a healthy ronditiou Hud OLauitierlain'H Btoruach and Liver Tablets can bo depended upon do tolt. lAfc.y to take and imxit Kfwtrvf. .aold by all good dealers. Back to the Farm Tbat high pi ices for food products are driving many people back to tbe farm is the belief of those who have given the matter attention. It is con tended that uot for years baa ilie movement l.esn so noticeable a now. All parts of the Paciflo Northwest are being benefitted, it is said, by this desertion of the cities and return to the soil. Confidence is expressed that this will balance production aud consumption and bring prices of farm products down to lower levels. Teetliinj children have more or h-HB diarrhoea, which tun be control ed by giving Chamberllu'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Jteinedy. All that Is Decennary is to give the pre scribed (ioeo alter each operation of the bowels more than natural and then a done of castor oil to cleauMe tbe system. It 1m aafo and sure. Bold by all good dealers. To Check Land SALi&M, Or., July 5 George G. Brown, clerk of tbe State Land Hoard, aud Peter Applegate. State Land Agent, will leave tomorrow for a trip to the United States Land O Ul cus ht The Oslles, La (Irsnde, Hums and Lakevlew. The purpose of tbeir trip is to check up on the various land grants made from (be Federal Government to the state aside from tbe grants of sections 1G and 3iJ were acquired by tbe state by the act of admission, February 11, 1859, and re quire no checking. Checking will be done, however, ot the special grauts which Include in demnity lands, agricultural college lands, university and swamp lands. Tbis is tbe first time such checking has ever been done by tbe State Land OUlce and tbe task will be a stupen duous oue, keeping the officials away from Salem until August 1. The checking will have no reference to the grantees of the state, but will ba done merely between tbe Govern ment, as granter, and the state, us grantee, of tbe lands KoreneHs of the rntisi les, w hether In duced by violent exercise or injury is quickly relieved by the free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment. J'hls liniment Ih equally valuable for muscular ItheumatlHin, and alwaya affords quick relief. Sold by all good dealers. Hawley a Candidate Congressman Willis (I .Hawley, who bas just returned to Seism fronr Washington after making a splendid recuod for bis constituents in tbe lower bouse, stated yesterday tbat tbe would be a csndldate for re-election, although he Is not certain as yt to tbe time of filing bis declaration. The congressman had no farther statement to make yesterday. He was busy at bis office In tbe federal building praticaily all day and has en terel heartily into the work of de termining just what his constituents desire and what will be tbe most beneficial foi his district at tbe present time. CLOSING-OUT SALE OF Full-Blood Merino Flock Having: decided to close out our ontlre hold ings of FINE SHEEP, we have the following: to offer for sale without reservation: WORK 24 HOURS A DAV. Tbe busiest little things ever made are Dr King's New Life Pills Every pill Is a sugar-ooated globule of bealtb, tbat obaogea weakoess into strength, langour Into enery, brain fag Into mental power; curing (Jooati patlon. Headache, Chilis, Uyspepslo, Malaria. Vino at A. u. Jborotons. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, bantsta sick bsadacbe. prevent de epoodency and invigorate tbe whole sytsem. Sold by All Good Druggists. Iryiii' preparal ions imtdy devel. op dry oiitnrrli ; tiiuy dry uji the Heeretions, wliii li ikIImth to tli iii-mlritu) una ileroin pone, culling u far inoro mtioiis trouidu th in th; ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drying inh d.ints, funics, sinokeH and Himff-t mid use t liat. wlii'h rl''Htis4'S, soothes and ht'itlt. Klv's Cream Jtuliu will uiuHter cutarrh or cold jri tlio head easily and pleasantly. All drii'i-tH h II the Til) cent size. l,ly JJrothiTH. 5i arren htrcot. N;w York. The ltulm is iiHi-d without pain, does not irritate or causii It spread itself over an irritated and Hilary Kiirlaee, reliov. IliK' nniiietiiateiy tlie piunliil iiitliiiiiinntion.'s ( ream Jiulin contains uo cocaiuo. mercury nor other harmful drus. I The conlidcnce felt by farmers and i gardcni-rs in Ferry's Seeds to-day 1 would have been impossible to feel in any seeds two score ol years ago. We have made science ol seed growing always do exactly what you expect ol them. For sale everywhere. FEkltV'B mo tniO I &NNIIAL Free on request D. M. FERMV ft CO Detroit, Mloh. ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Blue Prints Made I will make Blue prints of any township of land In the Lakevlew Land District, and do abstract work. Cull or wrlto W. li. SNIDER Lakevlew Oregon 400 Registered Merino Ewea with Lambs Of the A H nd II t'lnsres. 1500 Select Full' blood Rambouilet Ewes With IimttN. Ntrietly true to te hikI of beautiful cover 1500 Full-blood Rambouilet Ewes with Lami Strictly llrst-class and good enough for itny stud flotk. 1500 Select Full -blood Delaine Ewes ' With Lambs. Heuvy Shetuers. Heavy Hons ud verv La Hire. 1500 Full-blood Delaine Ewes with Lam&a Uood enotipli to go into any stud flock. 1200 Full-blood Spanish Merino Ewes With Laiiibs. Them ass strong- type of the H Clnss, v Heavy Miciircrs hihI ileum covering. Thine are eicvptiont lirge for tbeir tyK. The following: five flocks are all young sheep: 500 One- and Two-year-old Ewes, Not Bred Of the llhovc l IsnxfH. 3700 High-class Merino Ewes with Lambs 2700 1- and 2-year-old High-Class Merino Ew Not bred. 2700 Yearling Range Rams 400 Registered Rams of the Above Classes All ewes with lamlm have Ui'ii bred to lCeglsterwl Rams their respective classes. The male Increase will U mixed Kam Lambs, except thoHo from the 3700 head of hlgh-ch Merino ICwuh. For Prices and Particulars, Address, The Baldwin Sheep & Land Compan HAY CREEK, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON THE FANDANGO LUMBER CO. One Piece, or a Wagon Load. Prompt Services. Telephone at Reynold's Store. P. O. Willow Ranch, Calif. Finish Lumber, Pickets, Kustie, Lath, Seal inj, Shingles, Flooring, Apple boxes. Window frame stock, Door Frame stock. 1 Slabs ami cord wood. American Restaurantafkerj dec ionand lorn Ilotai, Proprietors. Lakeview, Oregon Fresh Dread, Cftke and Pies on sale every dav FancyrCake and all kind of Pastry made to nr, 1 lie only first class short oider place Open Day and Niht in ler the town rmT-CLAm turnout tOMPirtur Mammoth z Stables O. O. ARTHUR. PiopniiivA Tim LnrjreHt Livery and Fifd Htnble In Rout hern Orecon or Northern Callfornlii, HortwH 'Hoarded by the Day Week or Month. Wpeclal Attt'iitlou (liven to Tratwlcnt Htock r LAKEVIEW OREGON j