dnhc Gouutv Ernmincr TIIUW'AY, .MINK .10, HMO. BRIEF MENTION I Dlok Mahonay and Mike Hurry were lo from Him Creek th for part of this weak on a tiualnese trip. Alpaca dfllcn Fire at Alturas A flr ul AltnriiN tliln morning lU-nlrn.vril IIm- All urn m Hotel, lutt iimIiIi from Hcorcliliiu nrnrliy IhiIMIiiu 1 1 I no further iliuitiiKi limn IIIiiiiiIiI ill !, MM!. Fresh suited hmihiI wcl iiliniuids, our own mill , lit Thn Fluid. line iiu'h'h i t-, n I Ml IK New I'ii m kettle rendered lnnlnl tli Lnkevew Menl Murki-l 'I lie Front Knndy Kllcleti In where jciii tlnd f r li I'Hiiily. If All kinds of I !i,it(nruli'lil" siij'l les nt the l.iikeview 1 ' 1 1 it i in ii y Mcll'H lillllt.llKUII I'll- Ji'lZZ .II I wi nr .'ill n him lit y""""' Low ney ' Cliocoliitis n The Frost. Tim Ih-hI i i n I r tint ahiiiiuti run. Mi'(?ornil'k( iiiowpm ami hay rnkea Nt J H. A lit I'll '. N. A llnwklne rereaent Inn eMail Franrleaeo liquor house, la in town. I.mllin Cornet (.'ovi-rii T.'sliir nil aiea w its. nt II M Fleming ami Or. I'atterenn were up from New Flo Cruek Hatur day. Threo tiottlr Walkera Urrte Juice for 1 100 at Uert Laphatn wea oer from V Util ity, lb drat of tha tttkoD a business trip- Two girla wanted; m; work and good wagee. Apply at t.setnlner oftics. K. M. Millar aod J. U Dud on made Warner a botlocaa flelt tbli week. Mi'DM nnd Moya rordo. . ruy pnntu from 2.75 a jeiZ2 pair at Carhon pnt ifiiaranteed 5 years by a "L'.rV Ilond II. 75 per hI. at J. U. Antra's. J. II. Howera, a successful rancher of Jo'ei'h Creek, U a guest at Hotel lakevlew. New 2t! Keoilnuton Klfle. Feede all alzee, shells through nintfazliie. J. 11. Auteii'a. The laeal telephone eyteu will piohaldy he In opi'ratlun within two weeks. Mens ( ixforilx.TiiiiH.t )x HliinO.I'Mti-nt Kid leath ers Irom f I 00 u pair tit Cnrlinn paint guaranteed 5 yeara ly a 'L'. h." Huud 11.75 perUou, at J. 11. Auteu'a. Otto Korheio, one of the well known young ranchers of Warner la In town this week. 112.60 Villus menu HiiltM ilMiiic now lur H.h5 at A. II. Moloner, the well known Hed Iilutr woolman. arrived tbls week on bis osoal pilgrimage. Everyone who comes to Tbe Frost for tha next few days will be pre sented with something. It K D I I 8 O D E one HhiM't hatu nt Mrs. D. II. Ilartzog arrived from Corvallis las' eveunig on a visit to relatives in this vicinity. ! Illii'k route at Torn (Irluiahaw has purchased from ' J I in Harry head of yearling and two ami three year-old wethers. Mine Annie Toniilngaon has re turned iifmr a few days spent leas ently nt Ainlirnan ahearliig plant. I M. Finn, the Warner elnpkmaii 'paid l.iikevlnw a liiinlneMa vlHltlhln wi'i'k, the II rut for nevral months. I j I. Klipnd, one of thn well k ii n n xli cknii'ii of liike rnimty, was down from Hiiinnirr I, like thla wfek The shearing eeaion has ahnnt -Iohi, and durlnit IIm pant e-k a trreitt inHiiy of tha rhi-arrrs have oni nut Hurry Hurt, who airlvrd n-renHj from Kliiiiuith I'mIN. h now artlnw an nllit har ti-mli-r at tin I'alare Kb- lllllll. Workers In Ida hay Held ran lia H.'J'i for eviry dollar of their waiin ei.eiil at lSoone'e Wo have what on lie ml, 1 tin ticket olllie of Hnliler's Opeia llrime haa Diien Kraatly Improved ly hi-liig nleely papered aud Hnihed up Irmide. Wni. I'atree, while engaged In a frleiidlv acuflle, auffered a alltftt fracture ef one of tha honea of bla left furenrm. Messrs. Jim and UUI Harry pioneer sheepmen of Lake county, war in town oo business trips daring tbe part week. J. C. Dodaon baa returned from a trip of Fort Klamath, to wbicb place be wltb aeslataots drove some cattle for Aimer Weed. ! Jerry Harry is baok Id town aaklo after a month's employment at George Bweem'a abearlng plant at Dower's Bridges. I J. F. Hanaen left for Lo Angvleii last week to upend the Fourth at home. He expect to return about the middle of July. MIsm Culm Ainlik. who hns Wen Bttendinx Ki tiool at Corvullia durliiK the paat year line reiurneil borne for the Hummer viu'iitloii. Nels Jepenn, tbe local wrestler had an operation performed on bla Jo one Ihlk week by Doctor Everett wblcb was entirely suoceaful. Dan Jonea, who reintly returned to Lakevlew after a abort visit In Ireland, has purchased about 1800 sheep from Jack Flynn. The regular eervlcea of the Woman's Cull. I fur Sunday afternoon will be postponed on account of the Tempe ranee Kalley oo that (late. Mrs. Will FnH'burc. who haa Ixn-n vlaltliiK her parent, Mr. and Mr. Win. Pchmldl, duriiiu the paat ncvaral week left Tuesday for her home at IU-no. Among tbe sneep men In town dor Ing tba past week were Fbil Lynch. Frank Rosere, Mlka Flonlocan, Nad Lynoh, Con Taylor, and Tonamle Flynn. Work on the local telephone system Is fast nearlng completion, aod the line Is expected to be lo Brat clsaa working order by two weeks at tbe latest. Roy Oooper, former catcher of tbe baseball team, passed through town Friday morning with the outfit which Tim MoCarty baa just received free ticket to tba Jeffries-Johnson prize fight, he having drawn tha win ning nn mlier from the card ia (Jus Hehlagel's saloon. W. II., C L. Rhlrk and C. fcJ Hherlock will leave tomorrow by auto on a hoalarse trip to Northern Call forula, and pnjalhly may extend their trio as far as K -no. J I in Hlggma. atar pitcher of tn) baseball nine, has a ver sore foot aa ttie result of nn aiitorunblla arc I den of the return trip from llm A turns tjMHflthll giiines. MIhs Myrtle Iliihn was In town ua tiirdav frnin (leorga Hweem 'm shear lug plant at liower's . 1 1 1 I h, where slid has been running tha hoard ing hoiiKe for the new. Jon Hrward wbh In from PrewsVal ley tills week, aud repoita tlin hsylnu season at hand Tha crop Is fair1? good but not lip to the tisral I Igli slaiwlnrd of that sei'tlon Al liotii-tts, of tiiiloi liw fume, li-lt yenliriay for a leiiiiay 'a visit to City Park Needed The proposition of aeoonog groond suitable for city park purposes la now being aonaidered. Tha question Is tlroelv one, and sbonld certainly be favorably considered by the city. II. W. Drenkel has offered a block of land lo the Mierlock addition, and It is possible there are other altns that could be had. lie this a It may, one thing la certain, and that la that oo further time should eltpse before ae- I curlog yronude for park purposes In 'some part of the city. The block offered by Mr. Drenknl la X,',x1 f, feat, containing about three acres This will bo exclusive of the streets surrounding t tie block, which Mr. Drenkel proposes to grade and gravel. and the prico, II GO, la considered reasonable. The property Is located two blocks R"ijth of the High School si'e aod ut present is occupied by the In rue bum belonging to C. E. Sherlock. V. L. Knelling la taking much in terest in thn matter, and haa already interested the larilea to the txtent weaves an I N. C. O. v -n w.ir.- i u la'to to start work on the math yesterday, and reports big Hallroad. prices being paid for vheep. Ma Mellie (Jibblns la acting as ,.., subetltute clerk In tbe t-oreBiry 11... Kl.....k . I..w..t .iu ti i i . , . i i oHlce having taken tbe place of Miss la a ey waa iu town for a few days j 01111 " "' ' l-...... . i,n loll fne Vnrtlunrl a few I .... , ., i. 1 1 . . . I. . tjBirii nuy . ' " -w - w 1IIDT. tIDDI U U It UUBtUHD Utely A Hliniiioiia, taxlik-ruilets. Valley Fulls, Oregon. We make rugs u speciality. (itve ua u cull. lkn Jlliu k iiiio Tan Men' II one 2 pairs U." eta. at W. 11. Towoseud, representing the BoutherLi'aoiflii paid Lakevlewa bnel uessvlait during the past week . For Iresh Candy don't oveilook The Frost. We make It most every duy. Eatea who weeks ago. Flok Flynn was In town last Fri day ou a business trip. Ilia leg, which whu brokeu by the fall of a horse lust winter id now almost en tirely well. The regulur July term of County Court will convene next Monday. The term pi oiu lues to be a busy one, for i,.m la a lame amount of business to be transacted stock from some work plant took The Economy Store Will Open Friday July 1 If you need a Fourth of July suit, come in and see our new stock of clothing $20.00 suit for $15.75 Cheaper Suits at a Pro portionate Reduction We Can Save You Money on Groceries and Dry Goods Phil. S. Cummins & Co. Reynold '9 Old Stand Lake view - - Oregon .-ia" Frmicicrii, wder- he I. Imself es to the latest falitl:s in nen's clothing Kuiithstone liros. nave installed in tha Lakevinw (iara e B'l electric storage, plant for charging battarles. They have also pot In a number o' lorkers fur use or patrons. Harry C. (J off, rancher at Valley Falls, waa In town on Thursday and Friday of laat week oo a buaineaa trip. He alao rlrova In a bunch of cattle from the "70 ranch." Dan Uodsll, Jaultor at the Conrt House, la to be eongiatnlated on the One appearance which tbe lawo about tha boildlng preaenls. Dan certain ly understand bis business. Miss Lora Hmall, wbo baa been em ployed as clerk by Attorney J. D. Venator for some time, left Friday morning for ber borne at Silver Lake where she is to remain indefinitely. County Clerk Frank Payna Is now caught up with the work of his office to such an extot that be was obllsed to leave two of bis temporary clerks go last Tuesday. Frank Is a bustler James Metzker suffered an attack of heart failure last week, and on tbe advice of bis pbyslciao be left a few days since for California, where It is expected be will noon regain bia health. J. (J. Darker returned yesterday from a visit to Ashland and Klamath Hot SprluKi, where he bad been tak ing treatment for rheumatism. He haa elmoet fully recovered his usual good health. W. J. Poudfoot, government inspeotor this week came In Flush where he haa been for time pan', superintending tbe in connection wltb the dipping at that place. air. and Mr. J. W. Tucker their departure Friday morning, leav Ing by aito for Klamath Fall. From there they will go to Portland for a few weeks aud then go to San BVIgo, their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bowman bave gone to their old home at Mlnneapo lis, aud do not expect to return to Lakevlew until tall. Mrs. Bowman's friends will be pleased to learn tbat she ia gradually improving in health. A shooting scrape took place at Al turas tbe first of tbe week, Dave Can non put'lug five shots from a 22 cali bre pistol into one of the bangers on about town. Although every bullet hit the man tie is not Beriously injured. In connection with the exerslneB, sports, etc. to be held on July 4th Mar. Jonas Norlu has organized a large chorus of singers to render patriotic eougs on that day. Every one who can sing is invited to parti cipate. The N-C-O will eeU tickets at all etatious to Reno aud teturn for one fare for tbe round trip oo account of tbe Jeffries Johnson tight. Tickets will be on sale July 1 and 2, good for return trip up to and inoluding July 7 1910. C. W. Stratton cam down from Summer Lake this week cn his way to Portland. Mr. Stratton spent the winter with L. P. Klippel having met hlin in Alaska daring tbe big rush of 1898. X. Arzner la baok from Portland where he attended tbe Masonlo (J rand Lodge. He visited numerous plaoes In tbe western part of tbe state and also spent a few days at Dunsmolr, where he was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Wedell. The Alturas Plaindeoler Is Inform- that the Southern Pacific surveyors up Pitt river have established a den- nate Junction with the Klamath Alturas survey. Tbe Junction Is in the vicinity of the Craig place this Id of Lookout. Haying la now In progress through out tbe country. Ia any section the crop Is being harvested much earlier than usual, owing to tbe early epring and where Irrigation Is not practical, also to a laok of rain, which has oaused tbe hay to mature early. "V. One fall pound Shil will piist i that they have agreed to undertake the planting of trees aod care of the proposed park if tbe city or some philanthropic cltizeoa will secure tbe grounds and teace them. All realize the neceeaity of a city Dark for asidn from tha Conrt Honsa square there la no place for holding f a plcnio or outdoor publlo gathering I In tbe vicinity of Lakevlew. CHINAWARh- Pretty Decorated piece of china wan at Our candy la nsver stale because we maonfaotore almost every day at Tbe Froat Kindy Kitchen. Boys suits at prices at bargain Inn Grill KAY 5A KA nOTO. Proprietor Open day and night. All kinds of short orders Give me a call. Nicely furnished rooms, single or ensuite THE ANCELUS Main St., west of Court House. Lakevievv, Ore. mree pairs canvas Gloves for 25 eta at Iff! rip 5 JUNE is pre-eminently the wash-goods monh For this reason vc have made it a point to have our stock at its best so that selections may be matlc easily; we have the Correct Maieri h and Colors A few nice Tailored Suits tlutt we are selling at a good reduction to make room for new goods Our Stock is more complete than ever in all lines We Are Confident We Can Please You WATCH THIS SPACE It is a Money Saver for You LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE COMPANY Valley Falls Mercantile Company Run an up to date mercantile store and sell for Lakeview prices The Valley Falls House Is now in operation and here to meet competition.. New,, clean, iron beds Good Meals 35 cents Just half way from Lakeview to XL ranch and half way from Lakeview to Paisley. Give us a trial Good Barn, Hay and Water r The Home of Good Values Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gentfs furnishings are complete in every respect We especially call your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt waists, and our famous Ideal hirts for Men. Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats i rzxoi U o Bailey & Mas sin gill. ioe IE no: BUY- Davis Greek Orchard Tracts IRRIGATED o In the first place the Davis Creek District of the Golden Goose Lake Val ley has long been noted for its soil and climatic conditions, both of which are favorable to the perfect culture of truck, berries and fruit, and here is the proof of the pudding: Davis Creek can show the Largest and most successful orchards of the whole of Goose Lake ValleyThis is a fact 2nd. Together with the lands that we are offering for sale, the entire water system is included; this is a most important feature, this includes some 210 to 3C0 acres of land used as reservoir, dam, all ditches, headgates, etc all goes to the buyers of the tracts in proportion to their holdings. No future ex orbitant maintenance charges to some corporation, company or individual. 3rd; All these lands easily handled, in fact a great part already under cultivation, four of the tracts have houses on them now that go with the land t Write at once for booklet giving complete information, plat of the tract, etc This booklet is beautifully printed, gives excellent photos and facts to those who are Interested. 10 acres 8750 and you own the water easy terms S50 down and $25 per month no taxes, no interest 10 per cent discount for cash. DO xnr NOW-AOT DAVIS CREEK ORCHARDS COMPANY INCORPORATED CAPITAL STOOK 90O.00O Jieserrolr and Lands Located at Davis Creek, Modoc Couuty, Cul. General VtSce at Lunation , Uteguu 1 IDaor lines Best Baking Pow der for do eta. at HOE 3E IOE 30E 3 OESJ